Water Movement During Apoptosis A Role For Aquaporins in The Apoptotic Volume Decrease (AVD)

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WATER MOVEMENT DURING APOPTOSIS A role for aquaporins in the apoptotic volume decrease (AVD)
Elizabeth Jablonski, Ashley Webb and Francis M. Hughes, Jr.*

Recently, the field of volume regulation has turned its attention in a new direction to the study of volume changes during cell death. It is well known that cells can die by one of two mechanisms: necrosis or apoptosis. These processes can be differentiated by many characteristics including a change in cell volume. During necrosis, the plasma membrane is compromised, water enters and the cells experience an increase in volume termed the Necrotic Volume Increase (NVI). In contrast, one of the first morphological changes seen during apoptosis is the Apoptotic Volume Decrease (AVD) (for review of AVD/NVI, see 1 .). This morphological change is highly conserved across almost all models of cell death. Recent studies concerning AVD have focused on the movement of ions during this process (for reviews, see2-5). Early in apoptosis, K+ is extruded from the cell, creating an osmotic gradient that is favorable for water efflux. The subsequent loss of water is responsible for the decrease in cell size. K+ efflux and apoptosis were originally linked in studies which showed that a K+ ionophore could induce DNA fragmentation and apoptosis.6, 7 Other studies confirmed these findings and showed that blockage of K+ channels inhibited the AVD in eosinophils8 and HL-60 cells.9 Subsequent research has shown that inhibiting K+ loss using a high K+ medium could block downstream biochemical events including caspase and nuclease activation, ultimately leading to inhibition of cell death.1013 Many labs have focused on the role of K+ channels in the AVD, most likely because this is the major ion inside the cell. However, recent studies have also begun to examine the roles of Cl- channels14, 15 and Na+ channels in this process.16-18 Clearly, there are numerous studies which focus on the ionic changes during the AVD; however, little attention has been given to the role of water movement during this process.
___________________________________ * E.M. Jablonski, A.N. Webb and F.M. Hughes, Jr., University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223. 179



The primary barrier to water movement is the plasma membrane, and water can cross this barrier in two ways. The first is by simple diffusion through the predominantly hydrophobic interior of the bilayer, a process generally regarded as slow and unable to be regulated. In contrast, water can also move through channels termed aquaporins (AQPs). Water movement through these proteins is comparatively fast and has been shown to be regulated in many cell types including the kidney and lung.19, 20 Currently, there are 11 known AQP family members denoted AQPs 0-10. Structurally, all members of the AQP family contain six transmembrane segments and two "hemi-channels" that fold together into an hourglass conformation to mediate water movement (For review of AQP structure, see21). While each AQP monomer appears to be fully capable of functioning as an individual unit to transport water, these proteins typically are found as a homotetrameric complex in the plasma membrane. With the exception of AQPs 3 and 7, most AQPs possess a cysteine residue on the extracellular side of the membrane between the fifth transmembrane segment and the second hemi-channel. This cysteine residue binds HgCl2 which sterically blocks the flow of water through the channel. Thus, HgCl2 acts as an effective and general inhibitor of most AQPs.22-24 Since the discovery of AQPs in 1988 and the characterization of AQP-1 in 1992,25 these water channels have been found to be regulated in a plethora of tissues by a multitude of mechanisms ranging from simple transcriptional regulation to posttranslational modification (For review, see19). For example, extensive research has investigated the expression of AQPs in the kidney and the regulation of AQP-2 by vasopressin in this tissue. In this model, vasopressin activates PKA which phosphorylates AQP-2 found in vesicles underneath the apical membrane of renal collecting duct cells. In response to this phosphorylation, AQP-2 is inserted into the apical plasma membrane via membrane fusion (For review of AQP-2 in the kidney, see20). Intuitively during apoptosis, one would predict that as K+ leaves the cell the water would continue to follow in balance with the amount of extruded K+. This balanced efflux would consequently retain an intracellular K+ concentration ([K+]i) of ~ 140 mM in the cell. However, studies have shown that in the shrunken apoptotic cell, the [K+]i can be as low as 35 mM10, 26 which is significantly decreased from that of the non-apoptotic cell. It has also been shown that this reduction in the [K+]i is required for the activation of various downstream apoptotic enzymes such as effector caspases and endonucleases.10-13 Previous data from our lab have explored the importance of the water movement during the AVD to apoptosis and suggested that the water loss occurs through AQPs.27 In support of this, we have shown that AQP inhibition suppresses the appearance of apoptotic characteristics while overexpression of AQPs enhances the rate of cell death. Together, these data suggest a novel role for AQPs in mediating water movement during the AVD and provide evidence that the plasma membrane water permeability, dictated by the expression level of AQPs, may be a rate-limiting step in this process. In the present study, we investigate the activity of these water channels following the AVD. As stated above and illustrated in Figure 1, one might predict that K+ loss was equally balanced by water loss resulting in no net change in the [K+]i. However, there is a dramatic and well characterized decrease in intracellular K+ levels in the shrunken cells. Thus, we hypothesize that following the AVD, AQPs are inactivated. This inactivation, coupled with the continued efflux of ions, would then reduce the ionic strength of the cytoplasm



to levels conducive to the activation of apoptotic enzymes. Accordingly, we have examined the water permeability characteristics of apoptotic cells to determine if these water channels are inhibited following the AVD.

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the hypothesis that AQPs are inactivated following the AVD. At the induction of apoptosis, intracellular K+ is extruded from the cell with the concomitant exit of water through AQPs. Following the AVD, water loss is inhibited while K+ efflux continues, bringing about the decrease in [K+]i needed to facilitate activation of apoptotic enzymes.



2.1 Animals All experimental protocols were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and were performed in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals published by the Public Health Service. Immature 21-day old Sprague-Dawley female rats were utilized for all experiments. The animals were raised in-house and allowed food and water ad libitum. The rats were sacrificed by CO2 asphyxiation, and the thymus was removed and cleaned. Thymocytes were isolated from the thymus with a pestle and screen, centrifuged at 750 x g for 5 min. Viable cells were counted by trypan blue exclusion and cells were resuspended at 107 cells/ml of serumfree McCoys 5a media (Fischer Scientific, Pittsburg, PA). 2.2. Cell Culture and Treatment Thymocytes were harvested as stated above. For freshly isolated cells, samples were pre-incubated in the presence or absence of 50 PM HgCl2, 50 mM E- mercaptoethanol (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) or both, at room temperature while rocking for 20 minutes. Cells were washed twice and then resuspended at 106 cells/ml of an isotonic



buffer, Isoflow (Becman Coulter, Miami, FL). For induction of apoptosis, cells were resuspended at 107 cells/ml in serum-free McCoys 5a medium and cultured in 500 Pl in 5 ml polystyrene round bottom tubes. Two tubes were prepared for each time point (0 h, 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, and 24 h) using either 2 PM thapsigargin (Sigma Chemical Company, St. Louis, MO) or 20 ng/ml fas ligand (fasL; Alexis Biochemicals, San Diego, Ca). The cells were then incubated in 95% air, 5% CO2 at 37q C for the indicated time. For the experiments with latex beads, Coulter CC Size Standard L10: nominal 10 Pm3 latex beads (Beckman Coulter, Miami, Fl) were brought to room temperature and then vortexed vigorously. 0.5 ml (106 beads) of the size standard solution was pre-incubated 50 PM HgCl2 for 20 min at room temperature. The beads were washed twice and then resuspended in 14.5 ml of Isoflow. 2.3 Cell Swelling Assay To explore the plasma membrane permeabilities of both normal and apoptotic cells, 100 Pl (106 cells) from each time point was added to a 30 ml cuvette containing 14.9 ml Isoflow. An initial measurement of cell volume was taken by the Z2 coulter counter (Beckman Coulter, Miami, Fl). 1.5 ml of deionized water was added to the cuvette and the cells were gently rocked by hand for 30 s. A final measurement of cell volume was taken by the coulter counter, and the mean cell volume for the thymocyte population at 0 and 30 s was determined through Accucomp software provided by the manufacturer. The change in mean cell volume was then used to calculate Pf by the following equation: Pf = [V0d(V/V0) / dt] / A0Vw(osmout osmin) (1)

V0 is the initial volume of the cell, V is the final volume of the cell, A0 is the initial area of the cell (calculated from the initial volume), Vw is the partial molar volume of water (18 cm3/ mol), and (osmout osmin) represents the osmotic gradient (with osmin = 280 mOsM).28. 2.4 Propidium Iodide (PI) analysis In order to analyze DNA content, 100 Pl (106 cells) were removed from each culture and placed in a separate 5 ml polystyrene round bottom tube. The cells were fixed by dripping ice-cold 70% ethanol while vortexing the cells vigorously. All fixed cells were stored at 4q C up to 24 h so that all time points could be analyzed simultaneously. The cells were washed twice in ice cold PBS and then resuspended in PBS containing 20 g/ml propidium iodide (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) and 1 mg/ml DNAse-free, RNAse-A (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO). Cell cycle analysis was performed by flow cytometry on a Becton Dickenson FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer (San Jose, CA). 2.5 Statistical Analysis Statistics for all experiments in this manuscript were performed using Sigma Stat software. For the Pf of thymocytes stimulated by thapsigargin or FasL, a two-way



ANOVA was performed. For the increases in percent of apoptosis over 24 hours with both apoptotic inducers, a one-way ANOVA was used. Statistical significance is indicated by P < 0.05.

Normal Hypotonic

Figure 2. Primary data obtained from the Z2 coulter counter during the cell swelling assay. Curves are the cell size distribution of a freshly isolated population of thymocytes before (normal) and 30 seconds after (hypotonic) hypotonic media is added.



3.1 Characterization of the Coulter Counter Assay for Thymocytes We have focused our attention on the rat thymocyte as our model system for a variety of reasons. First, these cells are immature immune cells, of which 98% undergo the process of apoptosis in the thymus. Thus, these cells are primed to die. Furthermore, it is relatively easy to obtain large numbers of a pure population of thymocytes very quickly. Finally, this cell type has been regarded as the gold standard of apoptotic research because they possess most of the intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways studied in different models. In order to evaluate the role of AQPs and the plasma membrane water permeability of thymocytes during the apoptotic process, it was necessary to begin by evaluating the water permeability characteristics of normal thymocytes and the contribution of AQPs to this parameter. The mean size of the cells before and after exposure to a hypotonic medium was measured using the Z2 Coulter Counter Assay. Primary data obtained directly from the Coulter Counter can be seen in Figure 2. Freshly isolated thymocytes clearly swell 30 seconds after exposure to a hypotonic medium. From this data, a mean cell volume is obtained and these results were used to calculate the permeability coefficient (Pf) as described above. As seen in Figure 3, the mean Pf of this population was 37.262.58 m/sec. We optimized this cell swelling assay and found that the largest change in cell volume occurred between 0 and 30 seconds of exposure. Furthermore, cells have a similar Pf, regardless of the osmotic strength used in the assay (data not shown). This further validates our assay because the Pf calculation is designed to be independent of osmotic stress. In all subsequent experiments, a time point of 30



seconds and a hypotonic environment of 250 mOsM were used. In order to assess the contribution of AQPs to the permeability of the cells, cells were pre-treated with HgCl2, a general inhibitor of AQPs. HgCl2 treatment significantly reduced the Pf value to 5.851.45 m/sec. Hg2+ binds to a free sulfhydral group; therefore, the effects should be freely reversible with reducing agents such as -mercaptoethanol (-ME). Indeed, cells treated with both HgCl2 and -ME displayed a Pf value not significantly different from freshly isolated cells. Likewise, treatment with -ME alone did not affect the Pf value, suggesting that the presence of -ME did not have any non-specific effects on the water permeability other than to break the mercury-cysteine sulfide bond.



No Treatment

50 M HgCl2

Figure 3. Evaluation of the Pf of freshly isolated thymocytes. Thymocytes were evaluated in the absence or presence of a pre-incubation with 50 M HgCl2, 50 mM - mercaptoethanol, or both. In the right graph, the swelling characteristics and effect of HgCl2 was evaluated for 10 um3 latex beads.

The Z2 coulter counter analyzes electrical impulses created by the displacement of a conducting fluid and relates change in voltage to cell volume. Since HgCl2 is a charged molecule, it is possible that it could interfere with data collected by the equipment by altering the electrical pulse measured. To show there was no effect of HgCl2 on the electronics involved, the Pf values of 10 m3 nominal latex beads (coulter counter size L10) were examined in the presence or absence of HgCl2. The water permeability of these beads and their swelling capacity was confirmed by this assay and the beads displayed a Pf of 18.97 0.92 m/sec which is significantly higher than thymocytes treated with HgCl2. Importantly, pre-treatment with HgCl2 did not significantly affect the swelling of these beads, suggesting that the effects of HgCl2 in these experiments were limited to inhibition of AQP function only and not to changes in the electronics of the system. 3.2 Mean Pf of Normal and Apoptotic Thymocytes As described above, the first morphological change of a dying cell is a marked decrease in cell size known as the AVD. We have shown that AQPs are a major contributor to water transport across the thymocyte cell membrane. Moreover, we have hypothesized that their inactivation following the AVD leads to a decrease in water permeability of the



apoptotic cell. Coupled with a continued loss of K+, AQP inactivation would result in a decrease in the [K+]i to levels conducive to activation of key downstream apoptotic enzymes. Thus, one could predict that a population of dying cells would have a significant decrease in the mean Pf value compared to a freshly isolated population. To explore water permeability of thymocytes after the induction of apoptosis, cells were treated with either thapsigargin or FasL. Thapsigarin induces the intrinsic apoptotic pathway by causing a sustained increase in intracellular Ca2+ levels in the cytoplasm, while FasL activates the extrinsic death receptor mediated by Fas. We used two inducers of the apoptotic pathway, both intrinsic and extrinsic, to determine if results from our cell swelling assay were a general characteristic or were specific to a given pathway.

2 4 Time (hour)


Figure 4. The mean Pf of thymocytes decreases as apoptosis increases. Cells were induced to undergo apoptosis by treatment with 2 M thapsigargin for 0, 2, 4, 8 or 24 hours and Pf values were then measured using the coulter counter assay. As apoptosis increases in the population, mean water permeability decreases and the permeability above simple diffusion can be inhibited by HgCl2.

For all time points, thapsigargin-induced apoptosis within the cell population was measured using flow cytometry and propidium iodide staining to detect cells with hypodiploid amounts of DNA, a characteristic of cells undergoing apoptosis. As seen in Figure 4A, there was a significant time-dependent increase in apoptosis beginning at 2 hours after induction of apoptosis by thapsigargin compared to the untreated population of cells. No significant difference was seen between 8 and 24 hours of treatment, indicating the induction of cell death was maximal after 8 hours. The plasma membrane water permeability over a 24 hour period following the induction of apoptosis by thapsigargin was analyzed and the contribution of AQPs to this permeability was assessed by pre-incubation with 50 M HgCl2. During incubation with thapsigarin, water permeability of the thymocytes gradually decreases over 24 hours. As seen in Figure 4B, freshly isolated cells (T = 0) retained a Pf of 40.39 4.79 m/sec. Two hours after apoptosis was induced, the mean Pf of the population decreased, although, it did not prove to be significantly different from the Pf of T = 0 cells. However, from 4 to 24 hours after apoptosis, there was a significant time-dependent decrease in the water permeability of the population.




Time (hours)

Figure 5. The mean Pf of thymocytes decreases as apoptosis increases. Cells were induced to undergo apoptosis by treatment with 20 ng/ml FasL for 0, 2, 4, 8 or 24 hours and Pf values were then measured using the coulter counter assay. As apoptosis increases in the population, mean water permeability decreases and the permeability above simple diffusion can be inhibited by HgCl2.

In order to assess the contribution of AQPs to this permeability, cells were pretreated with 50 M of HgCl2. HgCl2 suppressed the Pf at each time point to essentially equivalent levels, i.e., levels equal to simple diffusion across the lipid bilayer. However, at higher time points of 8 and 24 hours where apoptosis was maximum, Pf values were so suppressed HgCl2 no longer had an effect. Thus, water movement across the thymocyte membrane after 8 hours of thapsigargin treatment is strictly through simple diffusion. These results were repeated in cells stimulated to undergo apoptosis by FasL which acts through the extrinsic, i.e., receptor-mediated pathway. As seen in Figure 5, apoptosis in the population is increased in a time-dependent manner from 2 to 24 hours. As seen with thapsigargin-treated cells, the mean water permeability (Pf) of the cell population is inversely correlated with the appearance of apoptosis. This water permeability is decreased to equivalent levels at all time points with the AQP inhibitor HgCl2. This data confirms our previous data with thapsigargin (Figure 4) and suggests the decrease in water permeability in apoptotic cells following the AVD is not a signal-specific phenomenon but occurs in both intrinsically and extrinsically-stimulated pathways. The time-dependent decrease in mean Pf of the population seen in Figures 4 and 5 can be interpreted in two ways. One possibility is this decrease represents an equivalent decrease of water permeability in all cells. For example, a 50% decrease in permeability could indicate that all cells have lost 50% of their permeability, i.e., 50% of their AQP function. However, previous studies have shown that as a population undergoes apoptosis, only normal and shrunken cells are detected with few cells in between.10, 11 Moreover, apoptotic enzyme activity is restricted to the shrunken cells.10, 11 Thus, increases in apoptotic parameters appear to represent increases in the percentage of cells that have died and undergone AVD, while the remaining cells are still alive. Therefore, a more likely explanation of the suppression of mean water permeability is its all or none phenomenon. Specifically, a 50% reduction in mean Pf actually represents 50% of the thymocyte population with water permeability equal to that of simple diffusion, while 50% retain normal Pf. This should be detectable in the primary data from the Coulter Counter Assay as a subpopulation of cells, i.e., shrunken cells resistant to hypotonic swelling. As



seen in Figure 6, after induction of apoptosis by thapsigargin for 4 hours, two peaks of cell size are apparent. The larger peak, which is equivalent to the cell size seen in a freshly isolated population, shows a shift in mean cell size after exposure to a hypotonic insult. In contrast, the smaller peak, representing the shrunken population of cells, showed essentially no change in size compared to the initial size measurement. This indicates that the shrunken cells possess a significantly suppressed water permeability. We have, therefore, concluded that the decrease in mean Pf of the population following induction of apoptosis is due to the decreased water permeability of the shrunken population.



Figure 6. Cell size distribution, before (normal) and after (hypotonic) exposure to a hypotonic buffer, of a population of thymocytes induced to undergo apoptosis by treatment with 2 M thapsigargin for 4 hr. Normalsized cells exhibit swelling 30 sec after a hypotonic insult while shrunken cells retain the same size.



Ongoing experiments in our lab are exploring the importance and regulation of AQPs during the apoptotic process, specifically the role of these water channels prior to and after the AVD. Previous studies in our lab have shown that AQPs are the primary route of water movement across a cells membrane as the cell undergoes the AVD and that the plasma membrane water permeability of a cell can control the rate of induced apoptosis.27 Furthermore, in the present study, we have shown that these water channels are inhibited following the AVD, which we propose is necessary for the decrease in the intracellular K+ concentration to levels conducive for the activation of apoptotic enzymes.


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