Eli During, Durations and Simultaneities:Temporal Perspectives and Relativistic Time Inwhitehead and Bergson
Eli During, Durations and Simultaneities:Temporal Perspectives and Relativistic Time Inwhitehead and Bergson
Eli During, Durations and Simultaneities:Temporal Perspectives and Relativistic Time Inwhitehead and Bergson
Ross L. Stein
On Molecules and Their Chemical Transformation..........................................................................179 Joseph E. Earley, Sr. Ontologically Significant Aggregation: Process Structural Realism ...............................................183
Computer Science Granville C. Henry and Robert J.Valenza ..................................................................................205 Quantum Mechanics .......................................................................................................................205
Michael Epperson Quantum Theory and Process Metaphysics.......................................................................................205 Shan Gao Quantum Mechanics and Panpsychism..............................................................................................223
Relativity Physics............................................................................................................................235
Ronny Desmet and Timothy E. Eastman Physics and Relativity .........................................................................................................................235 Elie During Relativistic Time in Whitehead and Bergson ...................................................................................259
Durations and Simultaneities: Temporal Perspectives and Relativistic Time in Whitehead and Bergson
Elie Duringi
In Duration and Simultaneity (1922), a critical examination of the philosophical implications of Einsteins relativity theory, Bergson describes CN as an admirable book, one of the most profound ever written on the philosophy of nature.1 When it comes to interpreting relativity theory, Bergsons own philosophical agenda bears striking resemblance to Whiteheads. Yet, in many respects their thought seems to unfold in opposite directions on the crucial issue of simultaneity. In the three books where he explicitly deals with the philosophical implications of relativity theory (namely, PNK, CN and R), Whitehead aims to reconstruct the basic concepts of the physical world in order to bridge the gap between abstract mathematical constructs and the realm of lived experience. Although Bergson shares a similar concern for what is simply given in sense awareness, he is more inclined to draw demarcation lines than to explain why scientific theories give us such an effective grip on the real. Accordingly, his views on simultaneity stand in sharp contrast with Whiteheads evolving characterization of the fact of temporal togetherness, from the early works on relativity theory to the doctrine of co-presence expounded in PR. Whiteheads guiding intuition is that giving becoming its proper place within a philosophy of nature requires a reformulation of classical temporal issues in spatio-temporal termsa task which requires in turn the construction of a positive philosophical theory of space-time and the spatial embedding of temporal perspectives, as opposed to a mere metaphysical rephrasing of the mathematical structure of physical theories. His first step in this direction consists in assuming that time is primarily a stratification of nature, in other words, that time cannot be a self-subsistent entity, but only a character of process. Related to this claim is the idea, emphasized from 1915 onwards, that time (regardless of its ontological status as substantival or relational) is abstracted from a deeper unity of a spatio-temporal kind: there can be no time apart from space, and no space apart from time (CN 142). Absolute time is a metaphysical monstrosity (PNK 8); time (just like space) is an abstraction from the passage of events (CN 34; see R 21, 29). Hence, what is actually given for sense-awareness must be something more fundamental: a slab of nature whose extensive properties may well translate into space and time, but which is in itself neither spatial nor temporal. The concept of simultaneity is organically linked with this primitive experience of the passage of nature. The second step (which Bergson never explicitly takes) consists in acknowledging the existence of infinitely many serial time orders describing the total creative advance of nature: The various time-series each measure some aspect of the creative advance, and the whole
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bundle of them express all the properties of this advance (CN 178). The problem of simultaneity arises between this second step and the first, in conjunction with the relativization of simultaneity relations effected by Einsteins theory of relativity. If no meaning can be given to the idea of absolute simultaneity (a now valid for all places and perspectives), in what sense can distinctif not disjointtime-series be gathered in a bundle? How does the primitive experience of the whole of nature relate to this variety of temporal perspectives? Whereas Bergson dismisses the simultaneity of distant events as an artificial construct in order to achieve a local resolution of the problem in strictly temporal terms, Whiteheads aim is to root the multi-threaded time-systems in a natural concept of simultaneity which does not reduce to the local simultaneity of coincident events or co-present flows. On this basis alone can the relativity of simultaneity appear as something more than a mere artifact of our methods of time measurement, while still allowing the philosopher to recover the texture of the universe, if not a global view of it. I maintain the old-fashioned belief in the fundamental character of simultaneity. But I adapt it to the novel outlook by the qualification that that meaning of simultaneity may be different in different individual experiences (R 67). The following is an overview of the philosophical issues that converge on the concept of simultaneity in Whiteheads early period (up to SMW). It starts with a rough outline of some debates in contemporary metaphysics over the status of the now, and then proceeds to a comparative examination of various aspects of the simultaneity concept in Bergsons and Whiteheads writings on relativity. The concluding section focuses on some implications of the understanding of simultaneity for the resolution of the famous twins paradox.
this very word, the time simultaneous with its utterance. But since this word can be used any time by anyone, there is really no privileged position attached to the present. Every instant on the timeline equally counts as now, just as every point of space is virtually here, for this is, indeed, a matter of perspective. There is no sense in distinguishing a particular temporal location as the present: every time is now relative to itself, every event in the history of the universe is present in its own right at the temporal location where it happens, and is eternally so. Hence, according to a notorious argument crafted by McTaggart, the A-series is bound to fall back unto the B-series as soon as it is relativized to a given perspective, as it should be. In short, now relative to time t eventually reduces to the tenseless relation simultaneous with t, and the various uses of that relation in conjunction with indexicals is all the B-theorist ever claimed there was to the passage of time. Quite independently from any reference to physics, the B-series view of time has often lent support to a dubious metaphysics of the block universe. In conjunction with the standard interpretation of relativity theory (involving as it does the relativity of simultaneity and the denial of absolute time), it has been instrumental in conveying the sense that it is no longer possible to define real becoming as an infinity of layers of the now coming into existence successively, to quote a famous line by Gdel.2 Yet, such a picture of becoming is foreign to Whiteheads conception of the passage of nature, as much as it is to Bergsons concept of duration. Both agree that the so-called Newtonian view of absolute time, equably flowing from one instant to the next, cannot possibly be revived. There is more to the process conception of becoming than the inexorable advance of the knife-edge of the present, separating the ever-growing past from the open future. Accordingly, criticisms directed at the Augustinian description of the elusive now (whether one pictures it as an instantaneous present or a specious present) fall off the mark: they do not really address the problem of becoming, but merely a version of A-time, and a rather abstract one despite its phenomenological credentials. Besides, regardless of the place she is willing to concede to the flow of time in a general theory of nature, no serious B-theorist has ever wanted to deny the actual experience of the passage of time. We shall therefore take it for granted as a baseline for all further discussion.
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For one thing, time may not be the problem at all. Whitehead himself carefully refrains from conflating the issue of becoming with that of time. This is perhaps one of his major points of disagreement with Bergson: The process of nature can also be termed the passage of nature. I definitely refrain at this stage from using the word time, since the measurable time of science and of civilized life generally merely exhibits some aspects of the more fundamental fact of the passage of nature. I believe that in this doctrine I am in full accord with Bergson, though he uses here time for the fundamental fact which I call the passage of nature (CN 54). The dispute is not merely verbal, for Bergson and Whitehead are really carving the experience of time along different lines. As we shall see, Whiteheads reluctance to equate the passage of nature with time simpliciter is directly related to his decision to promote simultaneity as a key concept of his philosophy of nature. This brings us to the second reason for not addressing the question of the flow of time headon. The McTaggartian line of reasoning presented in the preceding section seems to presuppose all along that we agree on the meaning of the words simultaneous with. But this is far from obvious, especially if one refuses to grant independent reality to the successive times implied by our talk about temporal relations. If time is nothing substantial beyond the nexus of relations between events, if it is merely an aspect or dimension of the unfolding of nature, though a fundamental one, then we had better clarify what we mean by simultaneity, and how it relates to the primitive experience of things happening or unfolding together. The paradoxes surrounding the metaphysical quibbles over the nature of time do not have any direct bearing on these questions. They generally take the concept of simultaneity for granted. Even Einsteins definition of simultaneity, as Whitehead remarks, leaves unexplained why [t]he same definition of simultaneity holds throughout the whole space of a consentient set in the Newtonian group (PNK, 54). The idea of a spread of simultaneous events extending throughout the whole universe is granted from the start. The physicist does not need to interpret it: his only task, as far as simultaneity is concerned, is to unfold the relativistic consequences of certain measuring procedures, in accordance with well-grounded assumptions regarding fundamental facts of motion (such as the behavior of light in empty space). In this respect, one may say that the relativization of simultaneity leaves (the concept of) simultaneity itself untouched. A confirmation of this can be found in the fact that special relativity still enables us to attach a set of simultaneity relations and hence a global meaning of space (permanent as well as instantaneous) to any arbitrarily chosen inertial frame. This is not the case, of course, in general relativity, but relinquishing global simultaneity can hardly count as an elucidation of the natural concept of simultaneity. But the trivialization of simultaneity is even more apparent in the usual metaphysical treatment of the problem of becoming. To put it bluntly, the now (in both A and B-series) is such a poor concept that it does not help us even to begin to understand what it means for things to happen together at once. Yet this is the fundamental fact of naturenot the time series itself which may well not be unique, certainly not its serial character which is, in any case, derivative from the properties of durations (CN 55). If change is something more than the successive happening of contradictory states of affairs, if it implies a genuine self-transformation of nature
as a whole, it is not fair to jump from the idea that the flow of time is a metaphor (Bergson himself would readily concede that point) to the conclusion that change through time is an illusion. Metaphysicians have often shown much impatience on these matters: they have not paid enough attention to the nature of simultaneity, where the problem of time takes its roots. Is simultaneity a relation or a system of relations holding between events or components of a single specious present? Is it a more primitive experience of togetherness? How should we go about describing such an experience and the way the more abstract relations find their way into it? Whitehead and Bergson both addressed these questions in connexion with the philosophical implications of the Einstein-Minkowski picture of the universe. In order to appreciate each of their contributions more fully, it is interesting to consider where they part ways, starting with their respective take on relativity theory as a whole.
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the theory), he never relinquished the idea that time could somehow be preserved from its articulation (rather than fusion) with space and continue to play a role in physics in the pure, unaltered form it takes in the experience of lived duration.
emphasize the fact that the very use of the word time (as in all nature at a time) would be prejudicial at this stage: space and time as serial orders are in fact jointly derived from the spatio-temporal reality of durations.6 The whole point of Whiteheads doctrine of simultaneity is to show that relations exemplified in such statements as Paul was taking a nap when the phone rang, or A star was born (in Andromeda) while Paul was taking a nap (the examples are mine), although they rely on a certain number of conventions concerning the possibilities of coordination of distant happenings in terms of spatial and temporal systems of coordinates, are nevertheless in nature even before we decide what belongs to time and what belongs to space.7 Hence, the simultaneity relation holding between two distant events (defined by Einstein and Minkowski as discrete, infinitesimal happenings) is related to the problem of clock synchronization, but Whitehead does not believe it to be a primarily temporal matter, involving as it does the existence of reference frames where the observer can be considered at rest.8 Besides, the Einsteinian definition of simultaneity is only one possibility among a wider array of simultaneity concepts. So is the instantaneous configuration of the whole universe considered from a particular perspective or reference frame: the relativistic hyperplanes of simultaneity slicing up a four-dimensional world have of course no exact counterpart in the context of spatiotemporal experience, and this explains why Whitehead describes durations as slabs with a certain temporal thickness, involving a definite lapse of time, as opposed to moments which refer to instantaneous spreads of the apparent world (all nature at an instant, CN 57). A moment is deduced by the method of extensive abstraction as a limit which is a logical ideal of the exact precision inherent in nature (R 7). The relations of interconnection within such moments define instantaneous three-dimensional spaces (R 69): they provide the basis for the idea of parallelism which, together with the admission of multiple time-systems, naturally leads to the geometrical ordering of space-time (affine structure). Another virtue of Whiteheads method of extensive abstraction (besides its capacity to deduce limit-concepts from the facts of observation) consists in elucidating the fact that, in spite of their abstract character, such spatio-temporal concepts as parallel or intersecting moments nevertheless hinge on reality in a very effective way. It has sometimes been held that Whiteheads primary goal in framing the concept of duration was to complement the operationist and yet rather abstract Einsteinian definition of simultaneity with an intuitive definition involving a more primitive experience of co-presence.9 Yet, if Whitehead readily concedes that simultaneity is immediate for sense-awareness (CN 56), his chief concern is to exfoliate the mixed experience of duration (the only true immediate data) in order to come up with a working concept of simultaneity that may bridge the gap between the symbolical constructs of physics and the fabric of spatio-temporal experience. It is not enough to claim, along Bergsonian lines, the precedence of lived simultaneity over its more abstract definitions. If simultaneity is indeed inseparable from the experience of nature as given in sense-awareness, we shall see that its role, in this respect, is that of a limiting factor within the very experience of nature. This factor, one may add, can be located at different levels of experience. Its concept therefore appears rather flexible: it comes in various degrees of concreteness and determination, stretching from the obscure feeling of the interconnectedness of
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spatial relations beyond those experienced in the immediate vicinity of the perceiver, to more elaborate constructs involving the idea of the whole of nature extending through space. Bergson, on the other hand, refers simultaneity to the essentially local experience of the contiguity and continuity of durations, while insisting on the artificial character of the scientific construction of the simultaneity of distant, disconnected events. As a consequence, he ends up with two neatly separated concepts of simultaneity. This deserves closer inspection before we turn again to Whitehead.
reality. This is perhaps the crucial issue on which his philosophy and Whiteheads ultimately diverge.11 (2) The second point to be noted is that simultaneity is conceived as being primarily a matter of simultaneous flows, rather than simultaneous, coincident events in Einsteins sense. The idea of flow is given a purely intensive characterization. Two flows are called contemporaneous when they are equally one or two for my consciousness, the latter perceiving them together as a single flowing if it sees fit to engage in an undivided act of attention.12 This primacy of flows is reflected in Bergsons emphasis on the primarily temporal meaning of simultaneity.
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does not even arise. But in so far as it is extended over space, it is conventional, a mere artifact of our measuring procedures, and its dislocation according to the relativistic formulae cannot possibly affect our understanding of real time, even if it is well confirmed by experimental data. This is only one side of the issue, however. For the unreasonable effectiveness of conventions, the fact that they give us such a strong grip on reality, would itself be a mystery if the simultaneity between distant instantaneous events, for all its artificial, conventional character, did not somehow draw upon the continuity of flowing durations. There is no other explanation for our persistent identification of distant times as times, rather than anything else.
that consequently time is never given in full, as an object that could be surveyed along each of its dimensions. And yet it is quite different from Bergsons idea of surrounding space organizing itself from various degrees of temporal depth. In actual experience there is no time without spatial depth. Time and space are derivative from a more fundamental extensive continuum of events that is neither temporal nor spatial, in such a way that when space and time jointly emerge from the spatio-temporal continuum, it is natural to see time extending immediately over space. Quite consistently, Whitehead favors the term duration rather than moment or even time. Thus understood, duration has a definitely non-Bergsonian ring. It points to the original perspectival nature of time itself. The two concepts should be kept distinct. Unsurprisingly, they allow for quite different accounts of simultaneity.
3.1.2. Cogredience
The meaning of Whiteheadian temporal perspectives is encapsulated in the concept of cogredience, which refers, through the basic idea of (relative) rest, to the preservation of unbroken quality of standpoint within the duration (CN 110; PNK 70 ff). Thus, temporal experience implies a spatio-temporal standpoint, which determines in turn a three-dimensional spatial background in the form of a particular sense of the distribution of here and there, in accordance with a particular experience of rest.15 Now, here is an interesting difference between our two philosophers. The local character of sense-awareness is of course conceded from the start: perception is always here, and a duration can only be posited as present for senseawareness on condition that it affords one unbroken meaning of here in its relation to the percipient event (CN 110). However, the integration of durations in a prolonged present is not separable from the assumption that it makes sense to ask what is now immediately happening in regions beyond the cognisance of our sense (SMW 124). According to one of its meanings, nature includes the whole spatio-temporal system of perceived or unperceived facts which are connected with some local space-time region. Nature, one may say, is basically what extends beyond here. Thus, simultaneity is endowed from the outset with a trans-local meaning, it is immediately extended to the whole of nature, whereas Bergson, firmly rooting the experience of co-present flows in the synthetic operations of a determined consciousness, has no other choice but to deduce the extensive character of universal time (the time of nature as such) through the rather contrived operation of patching together neighboring durations with no clear spatial extent. One may perhaps venture to say that there is no pure experience of time from a Whiteheadian perspective. At least, such an experience is of no use for a philosophy of nature. Accordingly, there is no purely temporal sense of simultaneity. The extensive or spatial dimensions attached to a given time-system do not need to be explained, but merely articulated to those of alternative time-systems.
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refusal of the bifurcation of nature prevents time and space from collapsing into the subjective or psychological confines of some private experience: Our experiences of the apparent world are nature itself (R 62). Thus, standpoints participate in the interrelatedness of events. They are themselves significant of the matrix of spatio-temporal relations. They do not merely extend beyond isolated cases subjected to the direct examination of individual perception (R 64), but immediately spread over the whole of nature.
electrodynamics of moving bodies: there, using light signals, he devises a procedure for synchronizing clocks at rest or in relative motion. This procedure necessarily presupposes the kind of filtering of experience which takes place when certain aspects of events are emphasized at the expense of others. Just as the bare idea of place implies that certain entities are known only as spatially related to some other discerned entity, the bare idea of time or period of time implies that certain entities are known only as temporally related to some other discerned entity such as an object in my immediate surrounding, or the organic activity of my own body. But this convenient two-stepped procedure by which temporal concepts are first extracted in order to be related to spatial concepts is not the only way to go. As a matter of fact, it is not difficult to see that it presupposes from the start a local meaning of simultaneity that needs to be spelled out. Einstein was very much aware of this, but he did not need to investigate further the philosophical significance of the immediate experience of simultaneity at a place. Whitehead, on the contrary, believes one should start there in order to exhibit the deeper unity of experience. Even before time and space have been separated from each other as two dimensions of the relatedness of experience, there is a sense in which we discern the character of a place through a period of time (CN 52). This is what Whitehead means by an event (in CN at least), as distinct from Einstein-Minkowskis instantaneous point-events. This is where simultaneity takes its roots, for in addition to the local awareness of actually discerned entities or events, there are, as we have just seen, all the events which share the immediacy of the immediately present discerned events (CN 52). In other words, there is a universe extending beyond ourselves, which is somehow immediately presented to the sense, even though not every part of it is distinctly perceived. This feature of experience provides a proto-concept of simultaneity: The simultaneity of the whole of nature comprising the discerned events is the special relation of that background of nature to the percipient event, which is itself part of the whole. Such a complete whole of nature is called a duration (PNK 68). Such a relation does not involve any coincidence or correspondence between time periods or time series, for these are not yet defined and differentiated at this point. It does not even imply relations between determinate events. What is given is merely all nature present for discernment (CN 52), the one event which is the totality of present nature (CN 53), provided that one refrains from equating the totality of present nature with nature at an instant. This primitive experience of the present already gives us a feeling of the texture of time (CN 53), as opposed to its structure or metrical properties. It is on this ground that simultaneity is introduced. Several points need to be stressed in this regard. First, simultaneity is introduced as a concept rather than a direct component of senseawareness: The unity of this general present fact is expressed by the concept of simultaneity (CN 53). In other words, simultaneity describes a general property of the passage of nature, rather than a distinct relation between events.18 This general property concerns the fact that, for all its variety, the passage of nature is, so to speak, of one piece. Second, simultaneity plays the role of a limiting factor within duration. It defines duration by limiting the whole of nature to its simultaneous occurrence for sense-awareness. Hence, duration can be redescribed as a certain whole of nature which is limited only by the property
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of being a simultaneity (CN 53), while simultaneity appears as the factor that limits a duration to a spread of simultaneous occurrences. In other words, duration is a concrete slab of nature limited by simultaneity which is an essential factor disclosed in sense-awareness (CN 53).19 We have already mentioned the appearance of circularity involved in such statements, and the reason why this circularity need not bother us. Third, the simultaneity relation acts as a fundamental connexion binding all events within a single duration which serves as the background of perception. It is an internal relation holding between the perceiver and its duration (see above the quote from PNK 68; SMW 124), rather than an external relation obtaining among any determinate pair or class of events within that duration. In this respect, the simultaneity relation can be viewed as constitutive of the experience of duration.20
its uniformity on time, enabling alternative time-series to express the advance of nature through the metrical relations obtained from different perspectives. Where the geometrical analogy falls short, however, is that Whitehead does not merely focus on the foliation of space-time in each single time-system, as opposed to the fibration of space as a whole: it is the bundle formed by the totality of time-series which actually expresses the measurable properties of the advance of nature. The concept of simultaneity is what makes such a bundle possible in the first place by laying bare the spatio-temporal unity constitutive of all durations. Nature is a process. As in the case of everything directly exhibited in sense-awareness, there can be no explanation of this characteristic of nature. All that can be done is to use language which may speculatively demonstrate it, and also to express the relation of this factor in nature to other factors (CN 54). Accordingly, the language of simultaneity and duration is a speculative demonstration of one of the essential characters of nature as process. It expresses the two-fold character of natures extension (CN 185)connectedness and passage, extending over and extending beyond. It exhibits the fact that nature holds itself together while moving on, that as an open totality it welcomes both immanence and transcendence, retaining within itself the passage of nature while simultaneously extending beyond itself through that passage. Space and time hardly convey this two-fold movement originating in the experience of duration. Yet, they both result from this more fundamental duality within unity which is so clearly captured by Whiteheads concept of simultaneity.
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means to bark their shins at the same instant (PNK 53). Thus, there seems no justification for singling out light-rays (instead of, say, sound waves) for the definition of simultaneity. Two criticisms are in fact involved in this remark and others of a similar kind. First, there is the feeling that Einstein is oscillating between two somewhat unrelated concepts of simultaneity: a natural, intuitive one, and a physical one based on an operational procedure. The physical concept is of course dependent on the intuitive one, for the definition using light signals presupposes the meaning of simultaneity at a point: ultimately all physical measurement depends upon coincidence in time and place (PNK 51). This point is also acknowledged by Bergson. Second, the invariant velocity of light signals appears rather contingent as it stands: it should itself be derived from more fundamental structural properties of the spatio-temporal framework of relations in nature. On this account, Whitehead was proved right by later axiomatizations of relativity physics. It is now common knowledge that the important fact is not the particular behavior of light rays but the existence of a structural constant of space-time whose dimension is that of a finite velocity. This fact, in turn, accounts for the local division of space-time into distinct regions according to the possibilities of causal connexions between distant events (conical order). Whiteheads point, however, is a philosophical one. He has nothing against the operational criteria devised for clock synchronization, he simply refuses to derive the meaning of simultaneity itself from the procedures involved in the measurement of space and time. And as far as the relativity of simultaneity is concerned his point is rather simple: ascribing a particular meaning of simultaneity to each temporal perspectives according to the procedure recommended by Einstein may well imply a dislocation of simultaneity relations holding between distant events, but it in no way affects the concept of simultaneity itself, for any identification of simultaneous events ultimately relies on it in so far as these events are considered as parts of the same duration. In short, there may be different ways of assessing simultaneity relations between events, but there is only one road to simultaneity after all.
space-time relations described in the mode of causal efficacy. But the shift from simultaneity to contemporaneity can hardly be underestimated. It amounts to a genuine paradigm shift in Whiteheads philosophy of time.
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particular, the source of our discomfort with the differential aging of the twins may be traced back to the absolute meaning we attach to the travelers mid-point at which the shift occurs. Where, indeed, does this U-turn take place? What spatial background are we taking for granted when we try to develop (as Bergson did) an intuition of our twins contemporaneous spacetime trajectories? Similar questions would apply to the temporal aspect of the paradox. A little reflection on this particular case (and others related to the dislocation of simultaneity, such as the famous train thought-experiment devised by Einstein) may help shedding light on Whiteheads rather elliptical observation that in different circumstances of motion, space and time mean different things, the moments of one time-system are different from the moments of another timesystem, the permanent points of one time-system are different from those of another time-system, so that the permanent space of one time-system is distinct from the permanent space of another time-system (R 8). And more explicitly still: The paradoxes of relativity arise from the fact that we have not noticed that when we change our time-system we change the meaning of time, the meaning of space and the meaning of points of space (conceived as permanent) (R 56).
Bergson 1999, 43 and 47. Bergsons tribute to Whitehead is an indirect response to CN 54 (see below). 2 Gdel 1990, 262. Gdels worries have been revived in recent years by Hilary Putnam and others in defense of the eternalist view of space-time as an immutable four-dimensional reality. The argument goes somewhat like this: according to the relativity of simultaneity, for any future event E relative to observer A and space-like separated from her there will be a second observer B coincident with A (though in motion relative to A) such that E is present (hence real) for B. More troubling still: events causally connectible with A (lying in the future light-cone or absolute future of A) will be present (hence real) for some observer B who is present (hence real) for some observer C coincident with A (though in motion with respect to A). Thus, events in my absolute future must be considered real in the same sense as present events. 3 For a more systematic overview of the issue becoming in relation to modern physics, see Savitt 2001. 4 Bergson 1999, 44. This idea that the time dimension is not on an equal footing with the three spatial ones is not controversial and is assumed by most presentations of relativity theory. It is essential for understanding the difference between the Einstein-Minkowski four-dimensional framework and the ordinary four-dimensional representations of classical mechanics (dAlembert and Lagrange already referred to time as a fourth dimension). The introduction of a limiting velocity for the propagation of causal influences as a structural feature of spacetime induces a particular orientation and polarity on an otherwise homogeneous topological manifold (this is of course best expressed in the conical order defining the metric of relativistic space-time, which the usual Minkowski diagrams nicely capture). 5 Whitehead coins the expression pan-physics for what he believes is not even metaphysics. 6 See Herstein 2005, 132. 7 Whitehead insists that simultaneity must not be conceived as an irrelevant mental concept imposed upon nature ( CN 53). 8 Einstein himself originally frames the problem as one of defining a common time for distant observers. Whitehead points to the underlying Newtonian assumption of the availability of an inertial frame. 9 See Northrop 1951, 193ff. 10 Bergson 1999, 32 ff. 11 Things are of course more complex because Bergsons original characterization of space as an ideal scheme receives qualifications in each of his subsequent books. Besides the ideal geometrical space (espace) of the Essay (1889), which inherits from the Kantian critique its formal or transcendental character, Matter and Memory (1896) makes room for a concrete, intuitive meaning of extension, as well as for a pragmatic space (tendue) related to the vital needs of the organism. In Creative Evolution (1907), Bergson grants a genuine metaphysical status to space and matter as the inversion of duration, bringing another twist to the discussion. The treatment of simultaneity in Duration and Simultaneity (1922) can therefore be viewed as the climax of an ongoing reflection on the meaning of spatial concepts in the context of a philosophy of duration. 12 Bergson 1999, 35. 13 Bergson 1999, 32. 14 Bergson 1999, 38. 15 [T]he time-system actually observed is that one for which (roughly speaking) our body is at rest ( R 8). Alan White emphasizes the connection between cogredience and this idea of inertial rest frame as a key to the understanding of Whiteheads discussion of relativity theory (White 1983). Inertial frames really exist in nature as kinetic perspectives, they pre-exist actual measurements and account for the homogeneity of spatio-temporal relations ( CN 193; see PNK
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31-32). Simultaneity requires a spatial spread of events in a given inertial frame as defined by a given duration. It arises from the experience of a real togetherness of events, but it is spatial extensiveness (the spatial relation of co-presence) that serves as the basis for simultaneity relations, and it always does so within a given inertial frame. This was already implicit in the quote from PNK given earlier in Section 1.a, with its reference to the whole space of a consentient set in the Newtonian group. Whiteheads disagreement with Einstein over the status of special relativity within a generalized theory of relativity revolves around the issue of inertial frames: Einsteins general relativity theory, prohibiting as it does the use of global simultaneity frames, cannot be reconciled with the given facts of experience as to simultaneity and spatial arrangement ( SMW 122). As for Bergson, as one may have suspected, he is inclined to consider systems of reference as mere artificial constructs. In his view, they fulfill a coordinating function in the computation of spatio-temporal measurements but cannot count as real in the same sense as durations. On this account, he is surprisingly closer to Einstein than Whitehead. 16 George Herbert Mead was very keen on this idea. See his 1927 essay entitled The Objective Reality of Perspective, republished as a supplement to Mead 1991; cf . Mead 1938, 114ff, 215ff. Meads commentaries on Whiteheads philosophy of space-time provide subtle, if somewhat idiosyncratic, insights regarding simultaneity (see Fragments on Whitehead and Fragments on Relativity in Mead 1938, especially 573ff). 17 Explaining in detail how Whitehead manages to derive the uniform Euclidean structure of spatial relations from the multiply intersecting time-series and their respective durations, is beyond the scope of this essay. Central to Whiteheads deduction is the idea that The extended space of one time-system is merely the expression of properties of other time-systems ( R 54). See Mead 1938, 530ff. 18 When it comes to defining a relation on the basis of the concept of simultaneity, Whitehead does not say that events or entities themselves stand in simultaneity relations. He says that they can be simultaneous with [a] duration ( CN 53), namely the whole of nature of which they are parts. 19 The word slab indicates that durations of unlimited spatial extent have finite temporal thickness ( PNK 111; CN 53, 56, 106-107). Only through the method of extensive abstraction do the ideal instantaneous spaces of physical theory find their proper place within the scheme of durations. 20 The constitutive character of simultaneity with respect to duration is acknowledged in SMW , in the context of a new theory of the epochal character of time: Thus an event in realising itself displays a pattern, and this pattern requires a definite duration determined by a definite meaning of simultaneity ( SMW 124). This strongly suggests that without simultaneity durations would indeed be indefinite, and thus ineffective, as far as the realization of patterns in given events are concerned. 21 See Palter 1960, 140-46. This new context for the understanding of co-presence was in fact already apparent in chapter two of The Principle of Relativity. Whereas CN defined co-presence as a dyadic relation holding between two events in one instantaneous space or moment( CN 177), it is defined in R as a relation between a given event and the whole four-dimensional region separating its causal past and its causal future ( R 30). See Capek 1957. 22 See Hammerschmidt 1947, 65-67. On difficulties related to the presentational immediacy of contemporary occasions (the fact, for example, that what is presented to us as now is already past), see Ferr 1986, 110 ff. On the non-transitivity of unisons of becoming, see Hurley 1986, 107-108, and the comments by Miller 1986, 115-17. These difficulties are easily dealt with if one adopts a local interpretation of temporal facts. For that reason, Niels Viggo Hansen considers that the issue of simultaneity is not fully expressed before PR . Only then does Whitehead give a genuinely causal and local account of time, thus making room for relations of co-presence freed from the ideal of global simultaneous presence (Hansen, 2004). 23 A simple diagram suffices to show that there is a sudden shift in simultaneity relations occurring at the point where the traveling twin instantaneously accelerates by virtue of a mere change in direction. I have discussed elsewhere the details of this elegant solution (During 2006).
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