Three Phase Reactor Model For Hydrotreating in Pilot Trickle-Bed Reactor PDF
Three Phase Reactor Model For Hydrotreating in Pilot Trickle-Bed Reactor PDF
Three Phase Reactor Model For Hydrotreating in Pilot Trickle-Bed Reactor PDF
A three-phase reactor model for describing the hydrotreating reactions in a trickle-bed reactor was developed. It includes correlations for determining mass-transfer coeficients, solubility data, and properties of the compounds under process conditions. The model, based on the two-film theory, was tested with regard to the hydrodesulfurization of vacuum gas oil in a new high-pressure pilot plant operated under isothennal conditions. The sulfur content of the product oil was found to depend strongly on the gas/oil flow ratio within the reactor. This is due to the inhibiting effect of hydrogen sulfide on the chemical reaction rates described by Langmuir - Hinshelwood kinetics. The poor conversion which, in contrast to industrial plants, is often observed in pilot plant reactors can be explained by incomplete catalyst wetting produced by low liquid velocities. The simulation shows a good agreement with the experiments carried out in a wide range of temperature, pressure, space velocity and gas/oil ratio.
Since it is important to minimize air pollution caused by firing mineral oil products, the deep desulfurization of oil fractions is a central matter of concern to every refinery. To maximize the yield of high-quality products containing a low sulfur content, we must know how the process conditions affect hydrodesulfurization. For the interpretation of kinetic data and the development of new catalysts experiments have to be carried out in a pilot plant trickle-bed reactor. Since the length of an industrial hydrodesulfurization reactor is normally 10-20 times higher than a pilot-scale reactor, it is not possible to operate both reactors at the same weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) and the same superficial mass flow velocity simultaneously. In most cases the experiments are carried out at industrial space velocity, causing the mass flow in the pilot-scale reactor to be 10-20 times lower. This is accompanied by the lower conversion in the small reactor that has often been observed. Taking the pseudohomogeneous plug-flow model as a basis for their argumentation, Henry and Gilbert (1973) suggested that this effect is due to a lower liquid holdup in the pilot plant reactor. Mears (1974) based the lower conversion on an incomplete catalyst wetting that is due to the relatively low liquid flow. A reliable scale-up of pilot plant data to an inCorrespondence concerning this article should be addressed to U. Hoffmann. Current address of Hans Korsten: Haldor Topsae A/s, Nymdllevej 5 5 , DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark.
dustrial trickle-bed reactor using a modified pseudohomogeneous plug-flow model suffers from the problem that the holdup model and the catalyst wetting model are of the same structure concerning the influence of space velocity and length of the reactor. Thus it is difficult to distinguish which phenomenon causes the lower conversion in small reactors (Paraskos et al., 1975). The investigation of the hydrodesulfurization of model compounds especially shows a large inhibiting effect of hydrogen sulfide on conversion (Gates et al., 1979; Vrinat, 1983; Parijs and Froment, 1986; Parijs et al., 1986). By using complex hydrocarbon mixtures, Gates et al. (19791, Stephan et al. (1985), and Papayannakos and Marangozis (1984) came to an analogous result. Since the concentration of hydrogen sulfide increases with the reactor length, the pseudohomogeneous plug-flow model cannot yield satisfying results, because a change of the gas-phase concentrations and the mass transfer between the phases are neglected. For a reliable estimation and scale-up of pilot plant data, a three-phase reactor model is necessary. We present a new simulation method for hydrodesulfurization of vacuum gas oil in trickle-bed reactors. The mass balances are described by a reactor model that is based on the two-film theory (Hofmann, 1977). The procedure includes correlations to estimate mass-transfer coefficients, gas solubilities, and the properties of oils and gases under process
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I l l 0
Figure 1. Simplified experimental apparatus. conditions. The rate of chemical reaction is described by a Langmuir-Hinshelwood formulation. For the experimental verification and parameter estimation, we have constructed a new high-pressure pilot plant (Korsten and Hoffmann, 1995). The residence-time distributions of the gas and of the liquid phase in the trickle-bed reactor show that axial dispersion in both phases can be neglected. It is obvious that the low conversion in pilot plant reactors is due to an incomplete catalyst wetting and can be correlated with the contacting effectiveness recommended by Satterfield (1975). The model presented in this article is in good agreement with the experimental results where the most important parameters have been changed within a wide range.
all the experiments reported here a single charge of the presulfided catalysts was used. The inert exit section was packed with S i c particles of nearly the same size as the catalyst and the particles in the other reactor sections. At the center line of the reactor there is a thermowell containing ten thermocouples used to control the axial temperature profile within the reactor. The reactor temperature was maintained at the desired level by five electric heaters, which provided an isothermal temperature along the active reactor section. The greatest deviation from the desired value was about 1C. A water-cooling system (7) is located near the reactor exit to cool down the products to about 50C. The high-pressure separator (8) is installed to ensure that a liquid-free gas phase can be separated from the system. A back-pressure regulator is located at the gas exit line to ensure a constant reactor pressure. A part of the effluent gas stream can be recycled with a diaphragm compressor (9) via the high-pressure vessel (10) and a second mass-flow controller to adjust the required flow rate. After passing two valves the liquid draining from the high-pressure separator reaches the low-pressure separator (11) where the dissolved gases are separated from the desulfurized oil. The sulfur content of the feed and of the products was estimated by inductively coupled plasma (ICP). An expanded simulated distillation equipped with a capillary column was used to characterize the boiling-point distribution of the oil. These data were used for estimating liquid properties using standard procedures as published by Ahmed (1989) or in the APZ Handbook (1984). Furthermore, the boiling-point distribution is a simple measure for characterizing the amount of hydrocracking taking place during hydroprocessing (Stangeland, 1974). The content of aromatic C-atoms was determined by 13C-NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance), the Brown-Ladner method (Kagler, 1987) using 'H-NMR data in combination with the ultimate analysis of carbon and hydrogen, and by the n-d-M method. Gas-phase samples of the reactor's exit gas stream were analyzed by gas chromatography. A 6 ft (1.8 m) X 2 mm Teflon column packed with Porapak QS was used for the separation of hydrogen sulfide. The gas chromatograph was equipped with a thermal-conductivity detector (TCD) using helium as carrier gas. A second gas chromatograph equipped with a TCD using nitrogen as carrier gas was used for the determination of the hydrogen content in the reactor effluent. The separation was carried out with a 3.1-m x 6-mm column packed with MS 13 X, 80/100 mesh. After presulfiding, the catalyst passed a state of high activity. The experiments reported here were started after the catalyst activity had reached a constant value, checked periodically by using standard conditions ( p = 10 MPa, T = 370"C, WHSV= 0.90 h-', cp = 1,100 N1 H,/kg feed). After steady state had been reached, tested by means of the product oil density and the gas-phase composition, samples were taken and analyzed. The specifications of the feed used in the experiments are in Table 1.
The components transported between the liquid phase and the surface of the catalyst are consumed or produced by chemical reaction:
where p b is the bulk density of the catalyst pellets in the bed, 7 represents the catalyst effectiveness factor, re is the intrinsic rate of reaction per unit mass of the catalyst, and l is the ratio of the catalyst bed diluted by inert particles: Figure 5. Concentration profiles in a trickle-bed reactor (cf. Hofmann, 1977). partial pressures of H, or H,S; k"u, describes the mass transfer between the gas and the liquid phase; and the liquid-phase concentrations of H, and H,S in equilibrium with the bulk partial pressure are represented by the term py/Hi. It is assumed that the mass-transfer resistance in the gas film can be neglected. For the gaseous compounds in the liquid phase the liquid-solid mass transfer, k f . a,, must be taken into consideration: Hydrogen:
dck G u L * - - k : - u , - [ !?- - c i ) dz H2
(17) where V ' is the volume of active catalyst and is the volume of inert particles. Since the concentration of hydrocarbons does not change significantly by hydrodesulfurization, Eqs. 12 and 16 will not be taken into further consideration. The five first-order differential equations, Eqs. 7-11, can be solved numerically by a Runge-Kutta method using the following boundary conditions at z = 0:
p Y ( z = 0) = 0
(21) (22)
UL'- dcf
- k i * o , . ( P4" - cf
H ,
= 0) = 0.
Assuming the organic sulfur compound has the same molecular weight as the whole sample, its concentration can be estimated by using the weight fraction w,,as determined by ICP:
PI c1" = -'W1.
where uL is the superficial velocity of the liquid, and cf are the liquid-phase concentrations of H, and H,S at the catalyst surface. Since the organic sulfur compounds and the liquid hydrocarbons are assumed to be nonvolatile, the mass-balance equations are
dcf Organic sulfur: uL-dz
The density p1 of the oil at process conditions can be determined by the Standing-Katz correlation, as presented in Ahmed (1989). In deviating from the SI system we give the equation with the original units:
(11) (12)
dcl uL*dz
- 0.01 .[0.299
+ 263
where p is the pressure in psia. Since the density drops with rising temperature, a temperature correction with the temperature T in O R is given:
A p , = 0.0133 + 152.44 po + A p p ) - 2 ' 4 s ]-[T -5201
where the term k f - a , represents the mass transfer, and pL is the density of the liquid as determined by Eqs. 24-26. The coefficients a1 and a2 are a function of the particle diameter. For the pellets used in this article, d , = 1.72 mm, we get a2= 0.4 and a1= 7 (cmY The dependence of dynamic liquid viscosity pI, on temperature may be described by the Vogel equation, as published by Reid et al. (1987). The disadvantage of using this correlation is that it cannot be applied to a hydrocarbon mixture of unknown composition until three parameters have been determined experimentally. Using the density of the oil as a parameter, Glaso's correlation, as published in Ahmed (1989), shows good agreement with the measured values. In terms of API gravity this equation gives the viscosity in mPa-s:
p = 3.141 *lO'O.(T-
I .[ T - 5201'.
The mass-balance equations are based on the assumption that the gas-liquid equilibrium can be described by Henry's law. The Henry coefficient Hican be obtained from solubility coefficients hi:
a = 10.313 -[log,,(T -460)l-
where uN is the molar gas volume at standard conditions and pL represents the density of the liquid under process conditions. Taking data from the literature, we derived the following correlations for the solubility of hydrogen and hydrogen sulfide in hydrocarbon mixtures: Hydrogen:
T 1 A2=a,,+al*T+a2--+aa,*T2+a4.~
Pzo P20
with temperature T in OR. We can take into account the small dependence of liquid viscosity on pressure within the range of interest by using the procedure published in the APZ Handbook (1984). It is necessary to know the molecular diffusivity DL of solute i in the liquid in order to use Eq. 30 to determine the gas-liquid mass-transfer coefficients. Assuming infinite dilution, the diffusivity can be estimated by a Tyn-Calus correlation, as published by Reid et al. (1987):
a3 = 1.94593*
a, = 0.835783
where T is the temperature in K and pL represents the viscosity of the solvent in mPa.s. By using Eq. 33 we obtain the diffusivity in cmys. The molar volume of solute, vi,or liquid solvent, uL, at its normal boiling temperature can be estimated as published in Perry and Green (1984):
a, = - 0.42947 X
a2 = 3.07539 X lop3
where T is the temperature in "C, pz0 represents the density at 20C in g/cm3, and the hydrogen solubility is given in (N1 H,)/[(kg oil)-(MPa)]. We found the solubility of hydrogen sulfide in mineral-oil fractions to be
= exp(3.3670-0.008470.T).
The measurement unit of the molar volume is cm3/mol. The critical specific volume u, of the gaseous compounds H, and H2S is tabulated in Reid et al. (19871, whereas for the liquid components this characteristic can be obtained by using the Riazi-Daubert correlation (Ahmed, 1989):
where u," is the critical specific volume in ft"/lb, TMeABP represents the mean average boiling point in O R and d1s,6is the specific grwity at 15.6"C. The transformation of u," to u, can be carried out by multiplication with the molecular weight
Because of the complex composition of hydrocarbon mixtures, some assumptions are necessary before using Eq. 33. We consider the organic sulfur compound to have the same density, average boiling point, and molecular weight as the
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whole liquid sample. In this case the molar volume of the medium sulfur compound is equal to that of the liquid solvent, u , = uL. The diffusivity decreases because the viscosity rises with increasing pressure. The liquid-solid mass transfer in the low interaction regime can be estimated by the van Krevelen-Krekels equation (Froment and Bischoff, 1990):
parison of the mass-transfer data. Since the liquid superficial mass-flow velocity in a pilot plant reactor with a diluted catalyst bed is about 70 times smaller than in an industrial plant, the gas-liquid and liquid-solid mass transfer is much better in the latter one. In pilot plants the left and the right sides of Satterfield's criterion (Eq. 38) are of the same order of magnitude. Consequently, the assumption that mass transfer in pilot plant reactors could be neglected is very doubtful.
d ,
Since hydrodesulfurization reactions at the usual process conditions are irreversible (Girgis and Gates, 1991;Vrinat, 19831,reverse reactions need not be considered. Assuming the sulfur content of the oil and the concentration of hydrogen to have a positive effect, and hydrogen sulfide to adsorb at the active catalyst sites, the following kinetic equation of the Langmuir-Hinshelwood type is used:
where d , is the equivalent particle diameter and E is the void fraction of the catalyst bed. Using their new criterion, Satterfield et al. (1969)show that with regard to the hydrodesulfurization of middle distillates in industrial plants, mass-transfer phenomena can be neglected. If the inequality is true, mass transfer cannot be neglected:
where the rate of reaction per unit mass of the catalyst is correlated with the concentrations cf at the outer catalyst surface; m, and m z represent the reaction order concerning the sulfur compound and hydrogen, respectively; kappis the apparent rate constant, as discussed below; and the adsorption-equilibrium constant of hydrogen sulfide at the catalyst surface is represented by K , . It has often been observed that the rate of chemical reaction decreases with increasing particle size. Especially in the hydrotreating of high-boiling mineral-oil fractions, a great intrapellet mass-transfer resistance must be expected. In the literature effectiveness factors in the range of 71 = 0.0057-1 are mentioned (Li et al., 1995; Scamangas and Marangozis, 1982;Weiss et al., 1987). In the calculations described below we assumed that the catalyst effectiveness factor is constant down through the reactor. Since the experiments reported in this article are carried out using a single catalyst charge, the value of the catalyst effectiveness factor is included in the chemical reaction rate constant. The validity of assuming a constant effectiveness factor in the field of hydroprocessing is confirmed by the good agreement with the experimental results. This simplification makes it much easier to solve the system of equations than it would be if the concentration profile inside the catalyst were included, as recently noted by Froment et al. (1994).
where d, = particle diameter, cm cf = concentration in the liquid phase, mol/cm3 r= reaction rate, mol/[(cm3 catalyst).^] kf = mass-transfer coefficient, cm/s By using the criterion for hydrodesulfurization of vacuum gas oil (VGO) in an industrial trickle-bed reactor, as characterized in Table 1, we come to the same conclusion as Satterfield et al. (1969)that mass transfer does not play an important role. Table 2 shows typical process conditions of our pilot plant and of an industrial hydrotreater, as well as a com-
Industrial Plant
370 0.85
3.25 X 10W5 1 . 3 3 10-4 ~ 1 . 1 010-4 ~ 3.86X lo-' 3.51 X lo-' 0.231 0.590 0.520 2.53 X 3.24 X lo-' 2.38 X
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4 . 0 ~ . , , , , . . , , 1 , , . , 1 , . . , 1 . , . , 1 , . , , , , , , ,
1 2 0 0 , , , , , 1 , , , , 1 , , , , , , , , , 1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
1100 3.5
. a
E, 1000 900 -
2 2.5
> J
; 800 :
700 600 500 -
- a=6651,H2r
E 6
c 2.0
,k * 2
* 0.5
3 3
400 -
3 300 -
200 -
p = 2305
A comparison of experimental data, obtained by adjusting space velocities in the range of WHSV= 0.85-4.58 h-', with the reactor simulation shows that the apparent rate constant kappincreases with WHSV. This effect can be correlated with the wetting efficiency, defined as the ratio of the apparent rate constant kappand the intrinsic rate constant kin: f,
kaPP = -5 1 . kin
The trickling-flow regime is subdivided into a complete and a partial wetting region, depending on the liquid flow rate (Ng, 1986; Ng and Chu, 1987). Because of the small superficial mass-flow velocities in pilot trickle-bed reactors, the wetting efficiency is in the range f , = 0.12-0.6 (Satterfield, 1975; Gates et al., 1979). The wetting efficiency of industrial reac, , , = 0.7-1.0. tors can be expected to be f There are a number of correlations in the literature that predict the wetting efficiency of packing materials. Since the wetting efficiency is a function of the initial liquid distribution, the geometry of the packing and of the catalyst, and the
E 5000 a
I m
1200 -
: -
600 -
400 200
1 w o
Superficial gas flow rate uGI cmls
o ~ " ' " '5 ' ~ ' l 10 " " " ' ' " 15" ~ ' l 20 " ' '
Pressure p I MPa
E 0.5 -
0 0.1
, , , . I
I , , , , I
, .,,
mass flow throughout the reactor, the predicted values are scattered over a wide range, as shown in Figure 10. Figure 10 is based on an article by Gianetto and Specchia (1992). Using an empirical correlation, as recommended by Satterfield (1975), the measured values of the apparent rate constant as a function of the superficial mass-flow velocity G, in kg/(m2.s) can be described very well, as shown in Figure 10: (41) with the intrinsic rate constant kin = 0.67 (cm3/(g * s)) and the constants A = 0.21 and B = 1.40. It should be noted that the conversion in trickle-bed reactors depends strongly on the wetting efficiency. The deviation of the measured sulfur concentrations from the reactor simulation curve, as shown in Figure 11, is due to the reasonable correspondence of the experimental data, which are expressed by Eqs. 40 and 41 and illustrated in Figure 10. A small overestimate of the wetting efficiency by the theoretical curve in Figure 10 allows the reactor model to calculate a sulfur conversion that is too high (Figure 11). The strong influence of the wetting efficiency on the conversion is due to small catalyst effectiveness factors, as ob-
served in hydroprocessing heavy fractions. In the case of partial wetting we have to distinguish between an incompletecontact reactor scale and .an incomplete-contact particle scale (Mills and Dudukovic, 1979). The former describes a situation where parts of the catalyst bed are completely dry, so that the total reactor efficiency is proportional to the wetting efficiency. If the catalyst particles are touched by the liquid without wetting the whole surface, we call it incomplete-contact particle scale. Because of capillary forces, we assume the pellet to be completely liquid-filled if it comes in contact with the liquid. In pilot plant reactors we consider the incomplete-contact particle scale. In the case of large Thiele modulus, that is, very fast reaction, the total catalyst effectiveness is strongly affected by the external wetting efficiency. This is because the liquid reactant cannot get into the catalyst rapidly enough if the wetting efficiency is small. The reaction takes place only in a thin shell near the wetted catalyst surface. Considering a slow reaction, where the intraparticle mass transfer can be neglected, that is, small Thiele modulus, the problem of liquid-reactant depletion is much less, and therefore the total catalyst effectiveness is relatively unaffected by external wetting efficiency (Mills and Dudukovic, 1979; Harold and Ng, 1987).
Effect of pressure
Since the order of the hydrogen concentration reaction at the surface of the catalyst is rn2 = 0.45, the conversion of the organic sulfur compounds increases with pressure. Figure 7 shows that the effect of pressure decreases with increasing pressure. This influence can be neglected above 12 MPa. Since the viscosity of the oil increases with pressure, diffusivity and mass-transfer coefficients decrease. Therefore at high pressure a diminution of the conversion may be observed. The produced quantity of hydrogen sulfide generally goes up as the conversion of the organic sulfur compounds increases. As we can see in Figure 7, the concentration of H,S in the gas phase goes down, because the solubility of gases in liquids increases with rising partial pressure. A deviation exists between the measured H2S concentration in the gas phase and the values that are predicted by our model, represented by the curve in Figure 7. The calculation of the gas-liquid equilibria by Henry's law may be the source of this difference. Recall that Henry coefficients generally are not independent of pressure and that the proper application of Henry's law is restricted to small concentrations of the solute.
- 7000
. 3
* .
I 1
- 6000
p=lO MPa
p=1100 IN H , I kg lccd VGO
stant can be estimated using Eq. 41. Based on this value, Figure 9 shows that, within a wide range of gas/oil ratios, the simulation agrees reasonably well with the experimental results.
1 2 m
2 4000 .
I 1
- low0
4 35oQ .
Effect o f temperature
The following parameters of the reactor model are influenced by temperature: 1. Velocities of the gas and of the liquid flow 2. Diffusivities of the compounds 3. Mass transfer at the gas-liquid and at the liquid-solid interfaces 4. Henry's coefficients of hydrogen and hydrogen sulfide in the oil 5. Viscosities of the compounds 6. Densities of the compounds. The temperature dependence of these parameters can be estimated by the correlations given earlier. But the effect of temperature on the rate constant and on the adsorption equilibrium constant of hydrogen sulfide at the catalyst has to be experimentally estimated. The influence of temperature on the adsorption-equilibrium constant can be be described by the van't Hoff equation: (42) The enthalpy of adsorption of hydrogen sulfide on an alumina-supported CoMo catalyst has been estimated to be AHads = 2,761 J/mol in a temperature range of T = 533-644 K (Frye and Mosby, 1967). If the temperature rises from 370 to 390C, the adsorption equilibrium constant decreases by 1.6%. In comparison with the effect of temperature on the rate constant, the temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant can be neglected. Experiments have been carried out at temperatures between 350 and 390C. Using the Arrhenius equation, k=k,.exp
7 3000 1
s 2500 . .2
p-1090 IN Hl I kg reed WHSV=O.90 h4
- 7000
0 ._
- 5000
2000 .
- 2 6
the activation energy could be estimated to be EA =72.5 kJ/mol, and the frequency factor is k , = 0.545. lo6 (cm3/(g. ~)).(cm3/mol)~.~~. The vacuum gas oil used in these experiments was specified by a higher sulfur content, molecular weight and mean average boiling point than the vacuum gas oil used in the other experiments reported here. Using the parameter estimation methods previously described, the simulation is in good agreement with the experimental data (Figure 12). The stoichiometric coefficient of hydrogen sulfide, which is a characteristic of the oil, is v, = 10.
so that the sulfur conversion becomes much better. This fact cannot be described by a homogeneous plug-flow model, and consequently, a three-phase reactor model is presented here. The model contains mass-transport phenomena at the gas-liquid and at the liquid-solid interface. In the literature a number of correlations for predicting mass-transfer coefficients are presented. These have been developed in nonreacting systems, and mostly at ambient pressure and temperature. For the estimation of mass-transfer coefficients the knowledge of density, viscosity, and molecular diffusivity under process conditions is essential. Since high-boiling petroleum fractions become unstable at temperatures above 35OoC, the estimation of these properties may include some uncertainty. Nevertheless, the mathematicaf simulation shows reasonably good agreement with the experimental results. A scale-up of pilot plant data to an industrial trickle-bed reactor can yield some miscalculation, because the superficial mass-flow velocity in the large-scale reactor is much higher than in pilot plants. Since the contact effectiveness strongly depends on the mass-flow velocity, the wetting efficiency in pilot plant reactors is about f , = 0.15-0.6, whereas a complete catalyst wetting can be expected in industrial plants. Because of its large diameter in a commercial reactor, an incomplete wetting also may occur if the liquid distributor is unsuitable. In hydrotreating heavy feed, very small catalyst effectiveness factors have been observed, which means that the reactions take place only in a small sphere near the outer surface area of the catalyst. In this case, the chemical reaction rate strongly depends on the wetting efficiency. Contact effectiveness factors, estimated by a number of correlations, are scattered over a wide range. Since the wetting efficiency depends on the geometrical data of the reactor system, properties of the feed, process conditions, and reactor start-up, this insufficiency is explainable. Of course, it can be advantageous to dilute the catalyst bed with fine inert particles. At present, however, a quantitative method for determining catalyst wetting efficiencies in diluted beds does not exist.
The work was financially supported by the German government
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and Veba Oel AG. We would like to thank Prof. Dr. D. Severin and Dr. I. Rahimian, Institut fur Erdol- und Erdgasforschung, for performing a number of analytical procedures.
aL =specific gas-liquid interface, cm-
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Manuscript receioed Dec. 27, 1994, and reuision received Aug. 14 1995.
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