Bibliografie Liturgica

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Department of Theology Fall Semester, 2007

University of Notre Dame Tuesdays: 1:15 - 3:45


Maxwell E. Johnson Office: Malloy 432 Office Hours: TBA or by Appointment (631-4118) Course Description: This course will examine the origins, evolution, variant structures, and theologies of the Anaphora (Prosphora, Canon, or Eucharistic Prayer), the central prayer of the central act of liturgical worship within the Christian community. The primary focus of this course is the study of the classic anaphoral sources of Christian antiquity, although some current official liturgical texts may also be examined critically. Class Format: This seminar, primarily, is a close reading of classical eucharistic prayer texts in original languages and/or translations aided by the insights of modern liturgical scholarship. It will proceed in a graduate seminar fashion in which each participant will make individual (assigned/chosen) contributions toward a common goal. What this means, concretely, is that the members of the group will depend upon each other as mutual teachers who are responsible individually for specific (assigned/chosen) topics although it is expected that all will have read the materials in question before each class session so that the discussion will be an informed one. Goals and Objectives: This course intends to assist doctoral students in Liturgical Studies and others in acquiring: 1. A thorough knowledge of the origins, evolution, and theology of the Eucharistic Prayer according to its various expressions within the diverse Ecclesial Rites of the Church in the patristic period; 2. An ability to evaluate critically the current Eucharistic Prayers prayed within the diverse Rites of the Church today from the perspective gained by #1 above; and 3. Greater facility in doing liturgical research at the doctoral level. Course Requirements: The above goals and objectives will be met by: -1-

1. Attendance at and participation in all class sessions; 2. Keeping up with the Assigned Required Reading; 3. A Series of Short (4-5 page) Seminar-Style Reports and Summaries of particular key essays (course packet) and other texts (either purchased or on library reserve) dealing with the development and theology of specific eucharistic prayer texts. These reports are to be delivered orally and are to be photo-copied for distribution to the rest of the class at the time of the oral presentation. (NOTE: summaries/reports are not only to be descriptive but also evaluative of contents and it is assumed that the TEXT(S) of the prayers as included in Prex Eucharistica and/or other collections are of major importance). Also, because Mazza's Origins is our major secondary text book, it is assumed that these short papers will be in critical dialogue with his study; 4. A Research paper of journal article length and quality describing the evolution, structure, and theology of a select Eucharistic Prayer and evaluating its structure and theology (and, if appropriate, its English translation) or a particular problem in the evolution of the anaphora (e.g., sanctus, institution narrative, theology of eucharistic sacrifice, etc.). Other topics may be chosen in consultation with the instructor. This paper will be presented to the class during the last few weeks of the course as indicated below. REQUIRED TEXTS AND READING WITH ABBREVIATIONS (Abbreviations plus page numbers are used to indicate required reading under topics assigned to specific days in the Schedule of Classes) Origins = E. Mazza, The Origins of the Eucharistic Prayer PE = A. Hnggi and I. Pahl (eds.), Prex Eucharistica: Textus e variis liturgiis antiquioribus selecti , 2nd edition, Spicilegium Fribrugense 12 (Fribourg: ditions Universitaires Fribourg Suisse, 1968). PEER = R.C.D.Jasper and G.J Cuming (eds.), Prayers of the Eucharist: Early and Reformed, 3rd Edition (The Liturgical Press, Pueblo: Collegeville 1987. EO = P. Bradshaw, Eucharistic Origins (London/New York: Oxford, 2004). ADDITIONAL TEXTS AND READING WITH ABBREVIATIONS (On Library Reserve) TECHNIQUES = J. Fenwick, Fourth Century Anaphoral Construction Techniques, Grove Liturgical Study 45 (Grove Books, Ltd.: Bramcote/Nottingham 1986). OBLATION = J. Fenwick, 'The Missing Oblation': The Contents of the Early Antiochene Anaphora , Alcuin/GROW Liturgical Study 11 (Grove Books, Ltd.: Bramcote/ Nottingham 1989). A. Bouley, From Freedom to Formula. The Evolution of the Eucharistic Prayer from


Oral Improvisation to Written Texts . (Washington D.C. 1981). K. Stevenson, Eucharist and Offering (The Liturgical Press, Pueblo: Collegeville 1986) E. Mazza, The Eucharistic Prayers of the Roman Rite (The Liturgical Press, Pueblo: Collegeville 1986). NOTE: All readings from articles are on Electronic Reserve and may be accessed as follows: The course can also be accessed by going to the University Libraries website at <> and clicking on the Electronic Reserves link located under Library Services. THEO 83408 01 - Liturgical Studies Topics: Anaphora Instructor: Johnson, Maxwell Semester: Fall 2007 < 1 SUGGESTED RESEARCH PAPER TOPICS A. Classic Anaphorae and Topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cyril of Jerusalem and the Anaphora of St. James The "Basilian" Anaphorae The Roman Canon missae The Strasbourg Papyrus The Institution Narrative and Its Interpolation into the Anaphora The Theology of Eucharistic Sacrifice and Early Anaphoral Texts The Anaphora of St. Mark and the Egyptian Eucharistic Liturgy

B. Modern Anaphorae 1. 2. 3. 4. Eucharistic Prayer I (II, III, or IV) of the Missal of Paul VI The "Swiss Canon" Eucharistic Prayers for Reconciliation I and II Eucharistic Prayers for Masses for Children




T, Aug 28:

A. Introduction to the Course, Selection of Report and Research Topics B. The Eucharistic Liturgy: Historical and Theological Overview I The Eucharistic Liturgy: Historical and Theological Overview II

T, Sept 4:

II. UNIT ONE: The Eucharistic Prayer(s) In The Pre-Nicene Church(es)

Suggested Background Reading: A. Bouley, From Freedom to Formula , pp xiii - 87; ORIGINS, pp. 1-176 ; and K. Stevenson, Eucharist and Offering , pp. 1-37.

T, Sept 11: Jewish Prayers and the Origins of the Eucharistic Prayer
Assigned Reading: PE, 5-67; PEER, pp. 3-24, 39-54, 101-102 1. For Report and/or Summary: ______________________ T. Talley, "From Berakah to Eucharistia : A Reopening Question," Worship 50, 2 (March 1976): 115-137; idem., "Sources and Structures of the Eucharistic Prayer," in idem., Worship: Reforming Tradition (The Pastoral Press: Washington D.C. 1990), pp. 11-34. 2. For Report and/or Summary: _______________________ E. Kilmartin, "Sacrificium Laudis : Content and Function of Early Eucharistic Prayers,"Theological Studies 35 (1974): 268-287; and B. Spinks, "Beware the Liturgical Horses! An English Interjection on Anaphoral Evolution," Worship 59 (1985): 211-219. 3. For Report and/or Summary: _______________________ G. Cuming, "Four Very Early Anaphoras," Worship 58 (1984): 168-172; idem ., "The Early Eucharistic Liturgies in Recent Research," in B. Spinks (ed.) The Sacrifice of Praise (Rome 1981): 63-69; and idem ., "The Shape of the Anaphora," Studia Patristica 20 (1989): 333-345.

T, Sept 18: Pre-Nicene Eucharistic Prayers I

Assigned Reading: PE, 68-81, 375-380, 405-420; PEER, 25-38 (Justin Martyr and the (socalled) Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus); Origins of the Eucharistic Dialogue 1. For Report and/or Summary (Addai and Mari): _______________________ B. Spinks, "The Quest for the 'Original Form' of the Anaphora of the Apostles Addai and Mari," and "The Original Form of the Anaphora of the Apostles: A Suggestion in the Light of Maronite Sharar ," in idem ., Worship: Prayers From the East (The Pastoral Press: Washington D.C. 1993), pp. 1-36. 2. For Report and/or Summary (Justin):_________________ G. Cuming, "DI' EUCHES LOGOU (Justin Apology 1.66.2)," Journal of Theological Studies 31 (1980): 80-82; A. Gelston, "DI' EUCHES LOGOU," Journal of Theological Studies 33 (1982):


172-175; and M. Jourjon, "Justin," in W. Rordorff, et. al., (eds.), The Eucharist of the Early Christians (Pueblo: Collegeville 1978), pp. 71-85.

T, Sept 25: Pre-Nicene Eucharistic Prayers II

1. For Report and/or Summary (ApTrad): ________________ "The Eucharist," in G. Cuming (ed.), Essays on Hippolytus , Grove Liturgical Study 15 (Grove Books Ltd.: Bramcote/Nottingham 1978), pp. 39-51; E.C. Ratcliff, "The Sanctus and the Pattern of the Early Anaphora," Journal of Ecclesiastical History 1 (1950): 29-36, 125-134. See also: P. Bradshaw, "Introduction: The Evolution of Early Anaphoras," in idem. (ed.), Essays on Early Eastern Eucharistic Prayers (Collegeville: 1997): 1-18; and Idem, "Redating the Apostolic Tradition: Some Preliminary Steps," in J. Baldovin and N. Mitchell (eds.), Rule of Prayer, Rule of Faith: Essays in Honor of Aidan Kavanagh, OSB (Collegeville 1996): 3-17.

2. For Report and/or Summary (Dialogue): _____________________ R. Taft, "The Dialogue before the Anaphora in the Byzantine Eucharistic Liturgy. I: The Opening Greeting," Orientalia Christiana Periodica 52 (1986): 299-324; "II: The Sursum Corda," Orientalia Christiana Periodica 54 (1988): 47-77; "III: 'Let us give thanks to the Lord It is fitting and right," Orientalia Christiana Periodica 55 (1989): 63-74.



T, Oct 2: Eucharistic Prayers in the Nicene and Post-Nicene Period


2. Eucharistic Prayers in the Nicene and Post-Nicene Period I

A. Jerusalem and Egypt Assigned Reading: PE, pp. 101-141; PEER, 52-99; Origins, pp. 177-239; Fenwick, TECHNIQUES. 1. Special Reading for Report and/or Summary (Egypt): _________________ G. Cuming, "The Anaphora of St. Mark: A Study in Development," Le Muson 95 (1982): 115129; M. Johnson, "A Fresh Look at the Prayers of Sarapion of Thmuis," Studia Liturgica 22, 2 (1992): 163-183; Fenwick, TECHNIQUES. B. Jerusalem Assigned Reading: PE, pp. 204-210; PEER, 100-142; Fenwick, OBLATION. -5-

1. For Report and/or Summary (Jerusalem): _____________ E.J. Cutrone, "Cyril's Mystagogical Catecheses and the Evolution of the Jerusalem Anaphora," Orientalia Christiana Periodica 44 (1978): 52-64; Fenwick, TECHNIQUES.

T, Oct 9: Eucharistic Prayers in the Nicene and Post-Nicene Period II

Reading: Origins, pp. 287-331; PE, pp. 82-100, 210-275; PEER as above A. Antioch 1. Special Reading for Report and/or Summary (Antioch): ________________ Fenwick, OBLATION (Focus on Apostolic Constitutions , Bk. VIII and Twelve Apostles )

B. Constantinople 1. Special Reading for Report and/or Summary (Constantinople): _________ Fenwick, OBLATION (Focus on St John Chrysostom ); R. Taft, "The Authenticity of the Chrysostom Anaphora Revisited. Determining the Authorship of Liturgical Texts by Computer," Orientalia Christiana Periodica 56 (1990): 5-51.

T, Oct 16: Eucharistic Prayers in the Nicene and Post-Nicene Period III
Reading: Origins, pp. 240-286; PE, pp. 421-447; PEER, pp. 155-173 A. Rome - Non-Roman and Roman Witnesses to the Canon Missae Assigned Reading: PE, pp. PEER, pp. 143-146; 155-173 1. For Report and/or Summary (Non-Roman):____________ K. Stevenson, Eucharist and Offering , pp. 74-90; A Bouley, From Freedom to Formula, pp. 200-215. (Focus primarily on Ambrose and non-Roman witnesses)

2. For Report and/or Summary (Rome): _________________ K. Stevenson, Eucharist and Offering , pp. 74-90; A Bouley, From Freedom to Formula, pp. 200-215. (Focus on Roman witnesses) B. The Problem of the Sanctus and Epiclesis 1. For Report and/or Summary: B. Spinks, "The Jewish Liturgical Sources for the Sanctus," The Heythrop Journal 21 (1980): 168-179. __________________________ -6-

T, Oct 23: Mid-Semester Break

T, Oct 30: The Problem of the Sanctus and Epiclesis (cont.)
1. R. Taft, "The Interpolation of the Sanctus into the Anaphora: When and Where? A Review of the Dossier," Part I, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 57 (1991): 281-308; Part II, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 58 (1992): 83-121. _____________ 2. For Report and/or Summary: _________________ R. Taft, "From Logos to Spirit: On the Early History of the Epiclesis," in Gratias agamus. Studien zum eucharistischen Hoghgebet. Fr Balthasar Fischer . Freiburg-Basel-Wien 489-502; M. Johnson, "The Archaic Nature of the Sanctus, Institution Narrative, and Epiclesis of the Logos in the Anaphora Ascribed to Sarapion of Thmuis," in R. Taft (ed.), The Christian East: Its Institutions & Its Thought , OCA 251 (Rome 1996): 671-702.

T, NOV 6: The Problem of the Sanctus

and Epiclesis (cont.)

1. For Report and/or Summary: ________________ G. Winkler, "Weitere Beobachtungen zur frhen Epiklese (den Doxologien und dem Sanctus), ber die Bedeutung der Apokryphen fr die Erforschung der Entwicklung der Riten," Oriens Christianus 80 (1996), 177-200. 2. SUMMARY DISCUSSION OF THE NICENE AND POST- NICENE PERIOD Origins, pp. 332-338; T. Talley, "Eucharistic Prayers, Past, Present and Future," in D. Holeton (ed.), Revising the Eucharist: Groundwork for the Anglican Communion (= Alcuin/GROW Liturgical Study 27) Grove Books Ltd.: Bramcote/ Nottingham 1994.


T, Nov 13: No Class T, Nov 20: Eucharistic Prayers in the Non-Roman Medieval West
Assigned Reading: PEER, pp. 147-154; Recommended: Stevenson, Eucharist and Offering , pp. 90-101. 1. Special Reading for Report and/or Summary (Gallican): __________


A. Bouley, From Freedom to Formula , pp. 181-196. 2. Special Reading for Report and/or Summary (Mozarabic): ________ A Bouley, From Freedom to Formula , pp. 169-181. V. UNIT FOUR: STUDENT RESEARCH PAPERS

T, Nov 27: T, DEC 4:

Student Presentations of Research _________________; ___________________. Student Presentations of Research _________________; ______________. Student Presentations of Research _________________; _____________.

T, DEC 11:

T, DEC 11: Final Discussion/Summary: Where Do We Go From Here?

Read and Prepare to Discuss:


THEO 83408, 01 TOPICS IN LITURGICAL STUDY: THE ANAPHORA SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE ANAPHORA (See also the helpful bibliographical information listed for each eucharistic prayer in PE and PEER) I. GENERAL COLLECTIONS OF TEXTS:


F.E. Brightman, Liturgies Eastern and Western. Vol. 1: Eastern Liturgies . Oxford 1896. (prints Greek texts where available; other languages in English translation). A. Hnggi, I. Pahl (eds.), Prex Eucharistica. textus e variis liturgiis antiquioribus selecti . Editio secunda. (= Spicilegium Friburgense 12) Fribourg 1968. (prints Greek and Latin texts where available; other languages in Latin translation) R.C.D. Jasper, G.J. Cuming (eds.), Prayers of the Eucharist. Early and Reformed. Third Edition. Collegeville 1987. Missale Romanum. Ex decreto sacrosancti oecumenici concilii vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Pauli pp. VI promulgatum. Typical Edition. Vatican City 1969. Pp. 392-471. E. Renaudot, Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio . 2 volumes. Frankfurt 1847. (Non-Byzantine Eastern Rites in Latin translation) STUDIES: E. Atchley, On the Epiclesis of the Eucharistic Liturgy and in the Consecration of the Font (= Alcuin Club Collections) Oxford 1935. J.P. Audet, "Literary Forms and Contents of a Normal Eucharistia in the First Century," Texte und Untersuchungen 18 (1959): 643-662. J. Betz, Eucharistie in der Schrift und Patristik (= Handbuch der Dogmengeschichte IV , fasc. 4a) Basel-Vienna 1979. B. Botte, Le Canon de la Messe romaine . Louvain 1935. A. Bouley, From Freedom to Formula. The Evolution of the Eucharistic Prayer from Oral Improvisation to Written Texts . (Washington D.C. 1981). L. Bouyer, Eucharist. Theology and Spirituality of the Eucharistic Prayer. Notre Dame 1968. P. Bradshaw (ed.), Essays on Early Eastern Eucharistic Prayers. Collegeville: Pueblo 1997. P. Bradshaw, The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship . New York/London 1992. See especially pp. 131-160. Y. Brillioth, Eucharistic Faith and Practice, Evangelical and Catholic . London 1965.


P. Brunner, Worship in the Name of Jesus Concordia: St. Louis 1968. G. Cuming, "DI' EUCHES LOGOU (Justin Apology 1.66.2)," Journal of Theological Studies 31 (1980): 80-82. G. Cuming, "Four Very Early Anaphoras," Worship 58 (1984): 168-172. G. Cuming, He Gave Thanks: An Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer (= Grove Liturgical Study 28) Grove Books Ltd.: Bramcote/Nottingham 1981. G. Cuming, "The Anaphora of St. Mark: A Study in Development," Le Muson 95 (1982): 115-129. G. Cuming, "The Early Eucharistic Liturgies in Recent Research," in B. Spinks (ed.) The Sacrifice of Praise (Rome 1981): 63-69. G. Cuming, The Liturgy of St Mark (= Orientalia Christiana Analecta 234) Rome 1990. G. Cuming, "Pseudonymity and Authenticity, with Special Reference to the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom," Studia Patristica 15 (1984): 532-538. G. Cuming, "The Shape of the Anaphora," Studia Patristica 20 (1989): 333-345. G. Cuming, "Thmuis Revisited: Another Look at the Prayers of Sarapion of Thmuis," Theological Studies 41 (1980): 568-575. E.J. Cutrone, "Cyril's Mystagogical Catecheses and the Evolution of the Jerusalem Anaphora," Orientalia Christiana Periodica 44 (1978). E.J. Cutrone, "The Liturgical Setting of the Institution Narrative in the Early Syrian Tradition," in J. N. Alexander (ed.), Time and Community. In Honor of Thomas Julian Talley . The Pastoral Press: Washington D.C. 1990. Pp. 105-114. G. Dix, "Primitive Consecration Prayers," Theology XXXVII (1938): 261-283. G. Dix, The Shape of the Liturgy . London 1945. J. Fenwick, Fourth Century Anaphoral Construction Techniques, (= Grove Liturgical Study 45) Grove Books, Ltd.: Bramcote/Nottingham 1986. J. Fenwick, The Anaphoras of St Basil and St James: An Investigation Into Their Common Origin (= Orientalia Christiana Analecta 240) Rome 1992. J. Fenwick, 'The Missing Oblation': The Contents of the Early Antiochene Anaphora (= Alcuin/GROW Liturgical Study 11) Grove Books, Ltd.: Bramcote/ Nottingham 1989. W.H. Frere, The Anaphora or Great Eucharistic Prayer . London 1938. A. Gelston, "DI' EUCHES LOGOU," Journal of Theological Studies 33 (1982). C. Giraudo, Eucaristia per la Chiesa. Prospettive teologiche sull' eucharistia a partire dalla "lex orandi" (= Aloisiana 22) Rome 1989. C. Giraudo, La struttura letteraria della preghiera eucaristica. Saggio sulla genesi letteraria di una forma (= Analecta Biblica 92) Rome 1981. J. Jungmann, The Early Liturgy To the Time of Gregory the Great. Notre Dame 1959. J. Jungmann, The Mass of the Roman Rite . Two Volumes. New York 1951, 1955. Reprinted, Westminster 1986. A. Kavanagh, "Thoughts on the New Eucharistic Prayers," Worship 43, 1 (1969): 2-12. A. Kavanagh, "Thoughts on the Roman Anaphora," Worship 39, 9 (1965): 515-529; 40, 1 (1966): 2-16. M. Johnson, "A Fresh Look at the Prayers of Sarapion of Thmuis," Studia Liturgica 22, 2

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(1992): 163-183. E. Kilmartin, "Sacrificium Laudis : Content and Function of Early Eucharistic Prayers," Theological Studies 35 (1974): 268-287. G. Lathrop, "The Prayers of Jesus and the Great Prayer of the Church," Lutheran Quarterly XXVI, 2 (1974): 158-173. L. Ligier, "The Origins of the Eucharistic Prayer," Studia Liturgica 9 (1973): 161-185. E. Mazza, The Eucharistic Prayers of the Roman Rite (The Liturgical Press, Pueblo: Collegeville 1986). E. Mazza, The Origins of the Eucharistic Prayer (Collegeville: Pueblo, 1996). J.H. McKenna, Eucharist and Holy Spirit (= Alcuin Club Collections 57) Great Wakering 1975. R. K. Seasoltz (ed.), Living Bread, Saving Cup: Readings on the Eucharist . The Liturgical Press: Collegeville 1987. F. Senn (ed.), New Eucharistic Prayers: An Ecumenical Study of their Development and Structure (Paulist Press: New York 1987). F. Senn, "Toward a Different Anaphoral Structure," Worship 58 (1984): 346-358. B. Spinks, "A Complete Anaphora? A Note on Strasbourg Gr. 254," The Heythrop Journal 25 (1984): 51-59. B. Spinks, "Berakah, Anaphoral Theory and Luther," Lutheran Quarterly III, 3 (1989): 267-280. B. Spinks, "Beware the Liturgical Horses! An English Interjection on Anaphoral Evolution," Worship 59 (1985): 211-219. B. Spinks, "The Jewish Liturgical Sources for the Sanctus," The Heythrop Journal 21 (1980): 168-179. B. Spinks, "The Original Form of the Anaphora of the Apostles: A Suggestion in the Light of Maronite Sharar ," in idem ., Worship: Prayers From the East . The Pastoral Press: Washington D.C. 1993, pp. 21-36. B. Spinks, The Sanctus in the Eucharistic Prayer . Cambridge 1991. B. Spinks, "The Quest for the 'Original Form' of the Anaphora of the Apostles Addai and Mari," in idem ., Worship: Prayers From the East (The Pastoral Press: Washington D.C. 1993), pp. 1-20. K. Stevenson, Eucharist and Offering . The Liturgical Press, Pueblo: Collegeville 1986. R. Taft, A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom , vol. IV: The Diptychs (= Orientalia Christiana Analecta 238) Rome 1991. R. Taft, "From Logos to Spirit: On the Early History of the Epiclesis," in Gratias agamus. Studien zum eucharistischen Hoghgebet. Fr Balthasar Fischer . Freiburg-Basel-Wien 489-502. R. Taft, "The Dialogue before the Anaphora in the Byzantine Eucharistic Liturgy. I: The Opening Greeting," Orientalia Christiana Periodica 52 (1986): 299-324; "II: The Sursum Corda," Orientalia Christiana Periodica 54 (1988): 47-77; "III: 'Let us give thanks to the Lord - It is fitting and right," Orientalia Christiana Periodica 55 (1989): 63-74. R. Taft, "The Fruits of Communion in the Anaphora of St. John Chrysostom," in Psallendum. Miscellanea di Studi in onore del Prof. Jordi Pinell is Pons O.S. B. (Studia Anselmiana 105 = Analecta Liturgica 15) Rome 1992, pp. 275-302.

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R. Taft, "The Interpolation of the Sanctus into the Anaphora: When and Where? A Review of the Dossier," Part I, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 57 (1991): 281-308; Part II, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 58 (1992): 83-121. R. Taft, Was the Eucharistic Anaphora Recited Secretly or Aloud? The Ancient Tradition and What Became of It? In R. Ervine (ed.), Worship Traditions in Armenia and the Neighboring Christian East, Avant Series 3 (Crestwood: St. Vladimirs Seminary Press and St. Nersess Armenian Seminary, 2006): 15-57. T. Talley, "Eucharistic Prayers, Past, Present and Future," in D. Holeton (ed.), Revising the Eucharist: Groundwork for the Anglican Communion (= Alcuin/GROW Liturgical Study 27) Grove Books Ltd.: Bramcote/Nottingham 1994. T. Talley, "From Berakah to Eucharistia : A Reopening Question," Worship 50, 2 (March 1976): 115-137. T. Talley, "Sources and Structures of the Eucharistic Prayer," in idem., Worship: Reforming Tradition (The Pastoral Press: Washington D.C. 1990), pp. 11-34. C. Vagaggini, The Canon of the Mass and Liturgical Reform . Staten Island 1967. F. Van de Paverd, Zur Geschichte der Messliturgie in Antiocheia und Konstantinopel gegen Ende des vierten Jahrhunderts. Analyse der Quellen bei Johhanes Chrysostomos . (= Orientalia Christiana Analecta 187) Rome 1970. G. Winkler, Das Sanctus; ber den Urprung und die Anfnge des Sanctus und sein Fortwirken, Orientalia Christiana Analecta 267 (Rome 2002). G. Winkler, "Die Interzessionen der Chrysostomosanaphora in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung," Orientalia Christiana Periodica 36 (1970): 301-336; 37 (1971): 333-383. G. Winkler, Ein Beispiel liturgievergleichender Untersuchung: Philologische und strukturelle Anmerkungen zur Erforschung der Anamnese in den westlichen und stlichen Riten, Theologische Quartalschrift 177 (1997): 293-305. G. Winkler, Further Observations in Connection with the Early Form of the Epiklesis, in Le Sacrement de linitiation. Origines et Prospective (Patrimoine Syriaque. Actes du Colloque 3, Antelias 1996): 66-80. G. Winkler, "Nochmals zu den Anfngen der Epiklese und des Sanctus im Eucharistischen Hochgebet," Theologisches Quartalschrift 174, 3 (1994): 214-231. G. Winkler, On the Formation of the Armenian Anaphoras: a Prelimary Overview, in R. Ervine (ed.), Worship Traditions in Armenia and the Neighboring Christian East, Avant Series 3 (Crestwood: St. Vladimirs Seminary Press and St. Nersess Armenian Seminary, 2006): 59-86. G. Winkler, Weitere Beobachtungen zur Frhen Epiklese (den Doxologien und dem Sanctus). ber die Bedeutung der Apokryphen fr die Erforschung der Entwicklung der Riten, Oriens Christianus 80 (1996): 177-200. G. Winkler, Zur Erforschung orientalischer Anaphoren in liturgievergleichender Sicht I: Anmerkungen zur Oratio post Sanctus und Anamnese bis Epiklese, OCP 63 (1997): 363-420. G. Winkler, Zur Erforschung orientalischer Anaphoren in liturgievergleichender Sicht II: Das Formelgut der Oratio post Sanctus und Anamnese sowie Interzessionem und die

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Taufbekenntnisse, in Comparative Liturgy Fifty Years after Anton Baumstark (+1948), Orientali Christiana Analecta (Rome) in press. G. Winkler, Zur Erforschung orientalischer Anaphoren in liturgievergleichender Sicht III: Der Hinweis auf die Gaben bzw. das Opfer bei der Epiklese, in A. Gerhards, K. Richter (eds.), Das Opfer. Biblischer Anspruch und liturgische Feier (Questiones Disputatae 185, Freiburg/Basel/Wien) in press. G. Winkler, Zur Erforschung orientalischer Anaphoren in liturgievergleichender Sicht IV: ber die Bedeutung von Jes 6,3 in den stlichen Liturgien und das Troparion zum Einzug mit den Gaben, Oriens Christianus 85 (2001).

II. EARLY EUCHARISTIC PRAYER TEXTS AND RELATED LITURGICAL DOCUMENTS DIDACHE Editions a) Greek: J-P. Audet, La Didach: Instructions des aptres. Paris 1958. P. Bryennios, DIDACHE TON DODEKA APOSTOLON. Constantinople 1883. S. Giet, L'nigme de la Didach. Paris 1970. K. Niederwimmer, The Didache. Hermeneia Series. Minneapolis 1998. W. Rordorf and A Tuiler, La doctrine des douze aptres. SC 248, Paris 1978. [Bibliography 129-135] W. Rordorf, "Une nouvelle dition de la Didach (problmes exgetiques historiques et thologiques)," Studia Patristica 15 (1984) 26-30. G. Schllgen, Didache = Zwlf-Apostel-Lehre. Fontes Christiani I, Freiburg/Basel/Vienna/ Barcelona/Rome/New York 1991. A. Tuilier, "Une nouvelle dition de la Didach (problmes de mthode et de critique textuelle)," Studia Patristica 15 (1984) 31-36. b) Coptic: G. Horner, "A New Papyrus Fragment of the Didache in Coptic," Journal of Theological Studies 25 (1924) 225-231 [with English translation]. L-T. Lefort, Les Pres Apostoliques en copte (CSCO 135, Louvain 1952) 32-34 [French translation in CSCO 136, 25-28]. C. Schmidt, "Das koptische Didache-Fragment des British Museum," ZNW 24 (1925) 81-99 [with German translation]. Translation:

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R.A. Kraft, The Apostolic Fathers 3: The Didache and Barnabas. New York 1965. Kurt Niederwimmer, The Didache, Hermeneia A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1998). Bibliographies of secondary literature B. Altaner, Patrologie (9th edn, Freiburg 1978), 82 and 557. Rordorf and Tuiler, 129-135. Other Studies a)general: J.M. Court, "The Didache and St Matthew's Gospel," SJT 34 (1981): 109-120. S. Gero, "The So-called Ointment Prayer in the Coptic Version of the Didache: A Re-evaluation," HTR 70 (1977): 67-84. J. Kloppenborg, "Didache 16:6-8 and Special Matthean Tradition," ZNW 70 (1979) 54-67. G. Peradze, "Die 'Lehre der zwolf Apostel' in der georgischen Uberlieferung," ZNW 31 (1932): 111-116. J.A. Robinson, "The Problem of the Didache," JTS 13 (1911): 339-356. W. Rordorf, "Le problme de la transmission textuelle de Didach 1, 3b-2,1," in F. Paschke (ed.), Uberlieferungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen (TU 125, Berlin 1981): 499-513. A. Stuiber, "Die drei SEMEIA von Didache XVI," JAC 24 (1981): 42-44. J.H. Walker, "An Argument from the Chinese for the Antiochene Origin of the Didache," SP 8 (1966): 44-50. __________, "A Pre-Marcan Dating for the Didache: Further Thoughts of a Liturgist," Studia Biblica 1978 III (Sheffield 1980): 403-411. __________, "Reflections on a New Edition of the Didache," VC 35 (1981): 35-42. b) "Eucharist": chs 9 and 10 P. Bradshaw, "Introduction: The Evolution of Early Anaphoras," in idem. (ed.), Essays on Early Eastern Eucharistic Prayers (Collegeville 1997): 1-18. L. Cerfaux, "La multiplication des pains dans la liturgie de la Didach," SBO 2 (1959): 943-958 = Recueil Lucien Cerfaux 3 (Gembloux 1962): 209-233. R.H. Connolly, "Agape and Eucharist in the Didache," Downside Review 55 (1937): 477-489. J. Massingberd Ford, "A Note on Didache ix and x: Reception of the Sacrament Reserved in the Home," SL 5 (1966): 55-6. K. Gamber, "Die 'Eucharistia' der Didache," EL 101 (1987): 3-32. E. Mazza, "Didache ix-x: elementi per una interpretazione eucaristica," EL 92 (1978): 393-419. _______, "L'eucaristia di 1 Corinzi 10, 16-17 in rapporto a Didache 9-10," EL 100 (1986): 193223. J.W. Riggs, "From Gracious Table to Sacramental Elements: The Tradition-History of Didache 9

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and 10," Second Century 4 (1984): 83-101. _________, "The Sacred Food of Didache 9-10 and Second-century Ecclesiologies," in C. Jefford (ed.), The Didache in Context: Essays on its Text, History, and Transmission. Leiden/New York/Cologne: E.J. Brill, 1995. Pp. 256-283. W. Rordorf, "Les prires eucharistiques de la Didach," in Eucharisties d'Orient et d' Occident I (LO 46, Paris 1970): 65-82; revised and expanded version in L'eucharistie des premiers chrtiens (Paris: Beauchesne 1976) = The Eucharist of the Early Christians (New York: Pueblo 1978): 1-23. JUSTIN MARTYR Editions C. Munier, Saint Justin Apologie pour les chrtiens: dition et traduction. Paradosis 39, Fribourg 1995. Studies P. Bradshaw, "Introduction: The Evolution of Early Anaphoras," in idem. (ed.), Essays on Early Eastern Eucharistic Prayers (Collegeville: 1997): 1-18. A.H. Couratin, "Justin Martyr and Confirmation - a Note," Theology 55 (1952) 458-460. G. Cuming, "DI' EUCHES LOGOU (Justin Apology 1.66.2)," JTS 31 (1980): 80-82. A. Gelston, "DI' EUCHES LOGOU," JTS 33 (1982): 172ff. T.G. Jalland, "Justin Martyr and the President of the Eucharist," SP 5 (1962): 83-85. M. Jourjon, "Justin," in The Eucharist of the Early Christians (New York 1978): 71-85. E.C. Ratcliff, "Justin Martyr and Confirmation," Theology 51 (1948) 133-139 = A.H. Couratin and D. Tripp (eds.), E.C. Ratcliff: Liturgical Studies (London 1976) 110-117. __________, "The Eucharistic Institution Narrative of Justin Martyr's First Apology," JEH 22 (1971): 97-102 = A.H. Couratin and D. Tripp (eds.), E.C. Ratcliff: Liturgical Studies (London 1976): 41-48. APOSTOLIC TRADITION Editions and translations B. Botte, La Tradition Apostolique de saint Hippolyte. LQF 39, Mnster 1963; 5th edn 1989, with Addenda by A Gerhards [Latin text; composite Oriental text in Latin; French translation]. G.J. Cuming, Hippolytus: A Text for Students. Grove Liturgical Study 8, Nottingham 1976 [English translation]. W. Geerlings, Traditio Apostolica = Apostolische berlieferung. Fontes Christiani 1, Freiburg/Basel/Vienna/Barcelona/Rome/New York 1991. E. Hauler, 101-121 [Latin text]. G. Horner, [Arabic and Ethiopic texts; English translation]. J. and A Perier, Les 127 Canons des aptres. PO 8/4, Paris 1912 [Arabic text]. G. Dix, The Apostolic Tradition of St. Hippolytus. London 1937; 2nd edn 1968 with

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preface and corrections by Henry Chadwick [Latin and Greek texts; English translation]. H. Duensing, Der aethiopische Text der Kirchenordnung des Hippolyt. AGWG.PH 3/32, Gttingen 1946 [with German translation]. W. Till and J. Leipoldt, Der koptische Text der Kirchenordnung Hippolyts. TU 58/5, Berlin 1954 [with German translation]. J.M. Hanssens, La Liturgie d'Hippolyte II, Rome 1970 [Latin translation of all relevant texts]. E. Tidner, 115-150 [Latin text]. Bibliographies of secondary literature Altaner, 82-84, 557-8. Bradshaw, "Kirchenordnungen," 668. J. Magne, Tradition apostolique sur les charismes et Diataxeis des saints Aptres (Paris 1975): 193-225. J. Quasten, Patrology II (Utrecht 1953): 180-194. Other Studies a) general: A. Brent, Hippolytus and the Roman Church in the Third Century: Communities in Tension before the Emergence of a Monarch-Bishop (Leiden 1995). P. Bradshaw, "Redating the Apostolic Tradition: Some Preliminary Steps," in J. Baldovin and N. Mitchell (eds.), Rule of Prayer, Rule of Faith: Essays in Honor of Aidan Kavanagh, OSB (Collegeville 1996): 3-17. W. Kinzig, C. Markschies, and M. Vinzent, Tauffragen und Bekenntnis: Studien zur sogenannten 'Traditio Apostolica' zu den 'Interrogationes de fide' und zum 'Rmischen Glaubensbekenntnis (Berlin/New York 1999). J. Magne, "Un extrait de la 'Tradition apostolique sus les charismes' d'Hippolyte sous les gloses du Constituteur, et les 'Diataxeis des saints Aptres," in F. Paschke (ed.), Uberlieferungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen (TU 125, Berlin 1981): 399-402. A.-G. Martimort, "Nouvel Examen de la 'Tradition apostolique' d'Hippolytes," BLE 88 (1987): 525. M. Metzger, "Nouvelles perspectives pour la prtendue Tradition Apostolique," Ecclesia Orans 5 (1988): 241-259. _________, "Enquetes autor de la pretendue Tradition Apostolique," Ecclesia Orans 9 (1992): 7-36. b) eucharist: P. Bradshaw, "Introduction: The Evolution of Early Anaphoras," in idem. (ed.), Essays on Early Eastern Eucharistic Prayers (Collegeville: 1997): 1-18. E. Mazza, "Omelie pasquali e Birkat ha-mazon: Font dell' Anafora di Ippolito?" EL 97 (1983): 409-481. THE ANAPHORA OF THE APOSTLES ADDAI AND MARI

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Edition A. Gelston, The Eucharistic Prayer of Addai and Mari. Oxford 1992. Translation B. Spinks (ed.) Addai and Mari -- The Anaphora of the Apostles: A Text for Students. Grove Liturgical Study 24, Nottingham 1980. Bibliography of secondary literature Spinks (as above), 32-33 Other Studies E.J. Cutrone, "The Liturgical Setting of the Institution Narrative in the Early Syrian Tradition," in J. N. Alexander (ed.), Time and Community. In Honor of Thomas Julian Talley . The Pastoral Press: Washington D.C. 1990. Pp. 105-114. W.F. Macomber, "The Ancient Form of the Anaphora of the Apostles," in East of Byzantium: Syria and Armenia in the Formative Period (Dumbarton Oaks Symposium, Washington, DC 1982): 73-88. J. Magne, "L'anaphore nestorienne dite d'Adde et Mari et l'anaphore maronite dite de Pierre III. tude comparative," OCP 53 (1987): 107-158. W. Marston, "A Solution to the Enigma of 'Addai and Mari,'" EL 103 (1989): 79-91. W. Ray, "The Chiastic Structure of the Anaphora of Addai and Mari," SL 23 (1993): 187-193. B. Spinks, "Addai and Mari and the Institution Narrative: the Tantalizing Evidence of Gabriel Qatraya," EL 98 (1984): 60-67. ________, "The Original Form of the Anaphora of the Apostles: A Suggestion in the Light of Maronite Sharar," in idem., Worship: Prayers From the East . The Pastoral Press: Washington D.C. 1993, pp. 21-36. ________, "The Quest for the 'Original Form' of the Anaphora of the Apostles Addai and Mari," in idem ., Worship: Prayers From the East (The Pastoral Press: Washington D.C. 1993), pp. 1-20. S. Wilson, "The Anaphora of the Apostles Addai and Mari," in P. Bradshaw (ed.), Essays on Early Eastern Eucharistic Prayers (Collegeville 1997): 19-38. STRASBOURG PAPYRUS 254 Edition M. Andrieu and P. Collomp, "Fragments sur Papyrus de L'anaphore de Saint Marc," RevSR 8 (1928): 489-515 Studies

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W.H. Bates, "Thanksgiving and Intercession in the Liturgy of St. Mark," in B. Spinks (ed.), The Sacrifice of Praise (BEL Subsidia 19, Rome 1981): 109-119. R.-G. Coquin, "L'anaphore alexandrine de Saint Marc," in Eucharisties d'Orient et d'Occident 2 (LO 47, Paris 1970): 51-82; rev ed in Muson 82 (1969): 307-356. G.J. Cuming, "The Anaphora of St. Mark: A Study in Development," Muson 95 (1982): 115-129; repr. in P. Bradshaw (ed.), Essays on Early Eastern Eucharistic Prayers (Collegeville 1997): 57-72. __________, The Liturgy of St. Mark (OCA 234, Rome 1990). Jrgen Hammerstaedt, Griechische Anaphorenfragmente aus gypten und Nubien, Papyrologica Coloniensia XXVIII (Opladen/Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1999). E. Mazza, "Una anafora incompleta? Il Papiro Strasbourg Gr. 254," EL 99 (1985): 425-436. W. Ray, "The Strasbourg Papyrus," in P. Bradshaw (ed.), Essays on Early Eastern Eucharistic Prayers (Collegeville 1997): 39-56. B. Spinks, "A Complete Anaphora? A Note on Strasbourg Gr. 254," Heythrop Journal 25 (1984): 51-55. H.A.J. Wegman, "Une anaphore incomplete?" in R. van den Broek and M.J. Vermaseren (eds.), Studies in Gnosticism and Hellenistic Religions (Leiden 1981): 435-450.

THE DEIR BALYZEH PAPYRUS Edition C.H. Roberts and B. Capelle, An Early Euchologium. The Der-Balizeh Papyrus Enlarged and Re-edited. Louvain 1949. Studies K. Gamber, "Das Eucharistiegebet im Papyrus von Der-Balizeh und die SamstagabendAgapen in Agypten," OstkSt 7 (1958): 48-65. _________, "Der liturgische Papyrus von Deir el Bala'izah in Oberagypten (6./7.Jh)," Muson 82 (1969): 61-83. Jrgen Hammerstaedt, Griechische Anaphorenfragmente aus gypten und Nubien, Papyrologica Coloniensia XXVIII (Opladen/Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1999). J. van Haelst, "Une nouvelle reconstitution du papyrus liturgique de Der-Balizeh," EThL 45 (1969): 444-455. APOCRYPHAL ACTS OF THE APOSTLES Editions R.A. Lipsius, Acta apostolorum apocrypha. 2 vols. in 3. Braunschweig 1883-1887; reprinted Darmstadt 1959.

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W. Wright, Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles. 2 vols. London 1871. Studies G. Winkler, Further Observations in Connection with the Early Form of the Epiklesis, in Le Sacrement de linitiation. Origines et Prospective (Patrimoine Syriaque. Actes du Colloque 3, Antelias 1996): 66-80. G. Winkler, "Nochmals zu den Anfngen der Epiklese und des Sanctus im Eucharistischen Hochgebet," Theologisches Quartalschrift 174, 3 (1994): 214231. G. Winkler, "Weitere Beobachtungen zur frhen Epiklese (den Doxologien und dem Sanctus), ber die Bedeutung der Apokryphen fr die Erforschung der Entwicklung der Riten," Oriens Christianus 80 (1996), 177-200.

APOSTOLIC CONSTITUTIONS Editions F.X. Funk, Didascalia et Constitutiones Apostolorum. Paderborn 1905 = 1979. M. Metzger, Les Constitutions Apostoliques. SC 320, 329, 336. Paris 1985-87 [with French translation]. Translations J. Donaldson, ANF 7, 387-505. W. J. Grisbrooke, The Liturgical Portions of the Apostolic Constitutions: A Text for Students. Alcuin/GROW Liturgical Study 13-14, Bramcote/Nottingham 1990. Bibliography of secondary literature Altaner, 256. Other Studies W.H. Bates, "The Composition of the Anaphora of Apostolic Constitutions VIII," SP 13 (1975): 343-355 D.A. Fiensy, "Redaction History and the Apostolic Constitutions," JQR 72 (1982): 293-302. __________, Prayers Alleged to be Jewish: An Examination of the Constitutiones Apostolorum. Brown Judaic Studies 65, Chico, CA, 1985. R. Graves, "The Anaphora of the Eighth Book of the Apostolic Constitutions," in P. Bradshaw (ed.), Essays on Early Eucharistic Prayers (Collegeville 1997): 173-194. D. Hagedorn, Der Hiobkommentar des Arianers Julian (Berlin 1973) XXXVII-LVII.

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E. Mazza, "La 'Gratiarum actio mystica' del libro VII delle 'Constituzioni Apostolische.' Una tappa nella storie della anafora eucaristica," EL 93 (1979): 123-137. M. Metzger, "Les deux prires eucharistiques des Constitutions apostoliques," RevSR 45 (1971): 52-77. _________, "The Didascalia and the Constitutiones Apostolorum," in The Eucharist of the Early Christians (New York 1978): 194-219. _________, "La theologie des Constitutions Apostoliques par Clement," RevSR 57 (1983): 2949, 112-122, 169-194, 273-294. W.E. Pitt, "The Anamnesis and Institution Narrative in the Liturgy of Apostolic Constitutions Book VIII," JEH 9 (1958): 1-7. A. Verheul, "Les prires eucharistiques dans les 'Constitutiones Apostolorum," QLP 61 (1980): 129-143. G. Wagner, "Zur Herfunkt der apostolischen Konstitutionem," in Mlanges liturgiques offerts au R.P. Dom Bernard Botte OSB (Louvain 1972): 525-537. PRAYERS OF SARAPION OF THMUIS Editions and Translations F.E. Brightman, "The Sacramentary of Serapion of Thmuis," Journal of Theological Studies 1 (1900) 88-113, 247-277. A. Dimitrijewsky, Ein Euchologium aus dem 4. Jahrhundert, verfasst von Sarapion, Bischoff von Thmuis. Kiev 1894. F.X. Funk, Didascalia et Constitutiones Apostolorum, II. Paderborn 1905 = 1979, 158-195. M.E. Johnson, The Prayers of Sarapion of Thmuis: A Literary, Liturgical, and Theological Analysis (Orientalia Christian Analecta 249, Rome 1995). R. Lennard-Barrett, The Sacramentary of Sarapion of Thmuis. A Text for Students. Alcuin/GROW Liturgical Study 25, Bramcote/Nottingham 1993. G. Wobbermin, Altchristliche liturgische Stcke aus der Kirche Aegyptens nebst einem dogmatischen Brief des Bischoffs Serapion von Thmuis. TU 18.3b, Leipzig/ Berlin 1898. J. Wordsworth, Bishop Sarapion's Prayer-Book. London 1909; 2nd edn 1923 = Hamden CT 1964. Studies B. Botte, "L'Euchologe de Srapion, est-il authentique?" OC 48 (1964): 50-56. B. Capelle, "L'Anaphore de Srapion. Essai d'exegese," Muson 59 (1946): 425-443 = idem, Travaux Liturgiques 2 (1962): 344-358. C.J. Cuming, "Thmuis Revisited: Another Look at the Prayers of Bishop Sarapion," TS 41 (1980): 568-575. P. Drews, "ber Wobbermins 'Altchristliche liturgische Stcke aus der Kirche Aegyptens,'" ZKG 20 (1900): 291-328, 415-441. M.-D. Dufrasne, "Serapion de Thmuis," Dictionnaire de Spiritualit 14 (Paris 1988): 643-652.

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K. Fitschen, Serapion von Thmuis: Echte und unechte Schriften sowie die Zeugnisse des Athanasius und Anderer (Berlin/New York 1992). K. Gamber, "Die Serapion-Anaphora ihrem altesten Bestand nach untersucht," OstKSt 16 (1967): 33-42. M. Johnson, "The Archaic Nature of the Sanctus, Institution Narrative, and Epiclesis of the Logos in the Anaphora ascribed to Sarapion of Thmuis," in R. Taft (ed.), The Christian East: Its Institutions and Its Thought (OCA 251, Rome 1996): 671-702; repr. in P. Bradshaw (ed.), Essays on Early Eastern Eucharistic Prayers (Collegeville 1997): 73-108. __________, "The Baptismal Rite and Anaphora in the Prayers of Sarapion of Thmuis: An Assessment of a Recent 'Judicious Reassessment,'" Worship (March 1999). __________, "A Fresh Look at the Prayers of Sarapion of Thmuis," SL 22, 2 (1992): 163-183. E. Mazza, "L'anafora di Serapione: Una ipostesi di interpretazione," EL 95 (1981): 510-528. A.D. Nock, "Liturgical Notes: 1. The Anaphora of Serapion," JTS 30 (1929): 381-390. P. Rodopoulos, "The Sacramentary of Serapion," 28 (1957): 252-275, 420-439, 578591; 29 (1958): 45-54, 208-217. T. Schermann, "Abendmahlsgebete im Euchologium des Serapion," in Aegyptische Abendmahlsliturgien des ersten Jahrtausends (Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums 6. 12, Paderborn 1912 = 1967): 100-114. B. Spinks, "The Integrity of the Anaphora of Sarapion of Thmuis and Liturgical Methodology," JTS 49, 1 (1998), pp. 136-144. ________, "Sarapion of Thmuis and Baptismal Practice in Early Christian Egypt: The Need for a Judicious Reassessment," Worship (May, 1998), pp. 255-70. A. Verheul, "La prire eucharistique dans l'Euchologe de Srapion," QLP 62 (1981): 43-51. CYRIL OF JERUSALEM Editions a) Prebaptismal Catecheses: J.-P. Minge, Patrologia Graeca . b) Mystagogical Catecheses: F.L. Cross. St. Cyril of Jerusalem's Lectures on the Christian Sacraments: The Procatechesis and the Five Mystagogical Catecheses. London 1951. A. Pidagnel, Cyrille de Jerusalem: Catchses mystagogiques. SC 126, Paris 1966. Translations A.A. Stephenson, Works of St Cyril of Jerusalem II. Fathers of the Church 64, Washington DC 1970.

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W. Telfer, Cyril of Jerusalem and Nemesius of Emesa. Library of Christian Classics 4, London 1955. E. Yarnold, The Awe-Inspiring Rites of Initiation, 2nd edn, Collegeville 1994 [Mystagogical Catecheses only] Studies J. Baldovin, Liturgy in Ancient Jerusalem. (Alcuin/GROW Liturgical Study 57, Bramcote/ Nottingham 1989). J. Baldovin, The Urban Character of Christian Worship (Orientalia Christiana Analecta 228, Rome 1987). G.J. Cuming, "Egyptian Elements in the Jerusalem Liturgy," Journal of Theology Studies 25 (1974) 117-124. E.J. Cutrone, "Cyril's Mystagogical Catecheses and the Evolution of the Jerusalem Anaphora," OCP 44 (1978). __________, "The Liturgical Setting of the Institution Narrative in the Early Syrian Tradition," in J. N. Alexander (ed.), Time and Community. In Honor of Thomas Julian Talley . The Pastoral Press: Washington D.C. 1990. Pp. 105-114. E. Mazza, Mystagogy. New York 1989. H.M. Riley, H.M. Christian Initiation: A Comparative Study of the Interpretation of the Baptismal Liturgy in the Mystagogical Writings of Cyril of Jerusalem, John Chrysostom, Theodore of Mopsuestia and Ambrose of Milan (= Studies in Christian Antiquity 17). Washington 1974. B. Spinks, "The Jerusalem Liturgy of the Catecheses Mystagogicae: Syrian or Egyptian?" Studia Patristica 18.2 (1989) 391-396. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM: BAPTISMAL CATECHESES Edition A. Wenger, Jean Chrysostome. Huit catchses baptismales indites. SC 50, Paris 1958; 2nd edn (SC 50bis) 1970. Translations P.W. Harkins, St John Chrysostom: Baptismal Instructions. ACW 31, Westminster/London 1963. E. Yarnold, The Awe-Inspiring Rites of Initiation, 2nd edn, Collegeville 1994 [one homily only]. Studies G. Cuming, "Pseudonymity and Authenticity, with Special Reference to the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom," Studia Patristica 15 (1984): 532-538. T. Harjunpaa, "St John Chrysostom in the Light of His Catechetical and Baptismal Homilies," Lutheran Quarterly 29 (1977) 167-195.

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E. Mazza, Mystagogy. New York 1989. H.M. Riley, H.M. Christian Initiation: A Comparative Study of the Interpretation of the Baptismal Liturgy in the Mystagogical Writings of Cyril of Jerusalem, John Chrysostom, Theodore of Mopsuestia and Ambrose of Milan (= Studies in Christian Antiquity 17). Washington 1974. F. Van de Paverd, Zur Geschichte der Messliturgie in Antiocheia und Konstantinopel gegen Ende des vierten Jahrhunderts. Analyse der Quellen bei Johhanes Chrysostomos . (= OCA 187) Rome 1970. R. Taft, "St. John Chrysostom and the Byzantine Anaphora that Bears His Name," in P. Bradshaw (ed.), Essays on Early Eastern Eucharistic Prayers (Collegeville 1997): 195226. G. Winkler, "Die Interzessionen der Chrysostomosanaphora in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung," OCP 36 (1970): 301-336; 37 (1971): 333-383. THEODORE OF MOPSUESTIA: CATECHETICAL SERMONS Editions A. Mingana, Commentary of Theodore of Mopsuestia on the Nicene Creed. Woodbrooke Studies 5, Cambridge 1932 [with English translation]. A. Mingana, Commentary of Theodore of Mosuestia on the Lord's Prayer and on the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist. Woodbrooke Studies 6, Cambridge 1933 [with English translation]. Translations a) English: E. Yarnold, The Awe-Inspiring Rites of Initiation, 2nd edn, Collegeville 1994 [sermons 13-16 only]. b) French: R. Tonneau and R. Devreesse, Les Homilies Catechetiques de Theodore de Mopsueste. StT 145, Vatican 1949. Studies R. Devreesse, "Les instructions catechetiques de Theodore de Mopsueste," RevSR 13 (1933) 425-436. R. Greer, Theodore of Mopsuestia: Exegete and Theologian. London 1961. J. Lcuyer, "Le sacerdoce chrtien et le sacrifice eucharistique selon Theodore de Mopsueste," RSR 36 (1949); 481-516. E. Mazza, Mystagogy. New York 1989.

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_______, "La struttura dell' anafora nelle Catechesi di Teodoro di Mopsuestia," EL 102 (1988): 147-183. J. Quasten, "The Liturgical Mysticism of Theodore of Mopsuestia," TS 15 (1954) 431-439. F.J. Reine, The Eucharistic Doctrine and the Liturgy of the Mystagogical Catecheses of Theodore of Mopsuestia. Washington, D.C. 1942. H.M. Riley, Christian Initiation: A Comparative Study of the Interpretation of the Baptismal Liturgy in the Mystagogical Writings of Cyril of Jerusalem, John Chrysostom, Theodore of Mopsuestia and Ambrose of Milan (= Studies in Christian Antiquity 17). Washington 1974. AMBROSE OF MILAN: DE SACRAMENTIS; DE MYSTERIIS Editions B. Botte, Des Sacrements; Des Mysteres. SC 25, Paris 1961 [Latin texts; French trans.]. H. Chadwick, Saint Ambrose: On the Sacraments. London 1960. Translation E. Yarnold, The Awe-Inspiring Rites of Initiation, 2nd edn, Collegeville 1994 [De Sacramentis only]. Studies J. Beumer, "Die altesten Zeugnisse fr die rmische Eucharistiefeier bei Ambrosius von Mailand," ZKTH 95 (1973): 311-324. R.H. Connolly, The De Sacramentis: a work of St Ambrose. Oxford 1942. O Faller, "Ambrosius, der Verfasser von De Sacramentis," ZKTh 64 (1940) 1-14, 81-101. K. Gamber, Die Autorschaft von De Sacramentis. Rome 1967. K. Gamber, "Nochmals zur Frage der Autorschaft von De Sacramentis," ZKTh 91 (1969) 587-589. M. Hitchcock, "The Holy Eucharist in Ambrose of Milan," CQR 140 (1945): 127-153. R. Johanny, L'eucharistie dentre de l'histoire du salut chez St Ambroise de Milan. Paris 1968. L. Lavoral, "oblats et corps du Christ sur l'autel d'apres Saint Ambroise," RThAM 24 (1957):205-224. H.M. Riley, Christian Initiation: A Comparative Study of the Interpretation of the Baptismal Liturgy in the Mystagogical Writings of Cyril of Jerusalem, John Chrysostom, Theodore of Mopsuestia and Ambrose of Milan (= Studies in Christian Antiquity 17). Washington 1974. J. Schmitz, "Zum Autor der Schrift 'De Sacramentis,'" ZKTh 91 (1969) 58-69. E. Yarnold, "The Ceremonies of Initiation in the De Sacramentis and the De Mysteriis of St Ambrose," SP 10 (1970) 453-463.

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E. Yarnold, "Did St Ambrose know the Mystagogic Catecheses of St Cyril of Jerusalem?" SP 12 (1975) 184-189. "BASILIAN" ANAPHORAS Editions a) "Egyptian" J. Doresse and E. Lanne, Un tmoin archaque de la liturgie copte de saint Basile. Louvain 1960. [Sahidic text with Latin translation] E. Renaudot, Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio, vol. 1, (Frankfurt/London 1847): 13-18 [Latin translation of Bohairic text]. A. Hnggi and I. Pahl (eds.), Prex Eucharistica (Fribourg 1968): 347-357 [Greek text]. b) Byzantine Prex Eucharistica, 230-243. F.E. Brightman, Liturgies Eastern and Western, vol. 1, (Oxford 1896): 309-344, 400-411, 521-526. Studies B. Bobrinskoy, "Liturgie et ecclsiologie trinitaire de Saint Basile," Verbum Caro 23 (1969): 1-32. H. Engberding, Das eucharistisches Hochgebet der Basileiosliturgie. Textgeschichtliche Untersuchungen und krtische Ausgabe (Mnster 1931). J.R.K. Fenwick, The Anaphoras of St Basil and St James: An Investigation into their Common Origin (OCA 240, Rome 1992). _____________, Fourth-Century Anaphoral Construction Techniques (Grove Liturgical Study 45, Nottingham 1986). _____________, "The Significance of Similarities in the Anaphoral Intercession Sequence in the Coptic Anaphora of St Basil and other Ancient Liturgies," SP 18/2 (1989): 355-362. A. Hossiau, "The Alexandrine Anaphora of St. Basil," in L.C. Sheppard (ed.), The New Liturgy (London 1970): 228-243. T. Johnson, "Recovering gyptisches Heimatgut: An Exercise in Liturgical Methodology," QL (1955): 182-198. L.L. Mitchell, "The Alexandrian Anaphora of St. Basil of Caesarea," ATR 58 (1976): 194- 206. W.E. Pitt, "The Origin of the Anaphora of the Liturgy of St Basil," JEH 12 (1961): 1-13. A. Raes, "L'authenticit de la liturgie byzantine de Saint Basile," Revue des tudes Byzantines 16 (1958): 158-161. ______, "Un nouveau document de la liturgie de S. Basile," OCP 26 (1960): 401-411.

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R. Stuckwisch, "The Basilian Anaphoras," in P. Bradshaw (ed.), Essays on Early Eastern Eucharistic Prayers (Collegeville 1997): 109-130. G. Winkler, Die Basilius-Anaphora, Anaphorae Orientales 2: Anaphorae Armenicae 2 (Rome 2005). ROMAN CANON MISSAE Editions B. Botte, Le Canon de la Messe romaine. Louvain 1935. B. Botte and C. Mohrmann, L'Ordinaire de la messe. Paris 1963. L. Eizenhfer, Canon Missae Romanae, 2 vols., (vol. I: 1954; vol II: 1966). Prex Eucharistica, 424-426 [with bibliography]. Bibliographies G.G. Willis, Essays in Early Roman Liturgy. London 1964 (= Alcuin Club Collections 46). _________, Further Essays in Early Roman Liturgy . London 1968 (= Alcuin Club Collections 50). Other Studies A. Kavanagh, "Thoughts on the Roman Anaphora," Worship 39, 9 (1965): 515-529; 40, 1 (1966): 2-16. R.A. Keifer, "The Unity of the Roman Canon," SL 11 (1976): 39-58. E. Mazza, The Eucharistic Prayers of the Roman Rite . Collegeville 1986. E. Mazza, The Origins of the Eucharistic Prayer . Collegeville1995. C. Vagaggini, The Canon of the Mass and Liturgical Reform . Staten Island 1967.


M. Johnson, "The Archaic Nature of the Sanctus, Institution Narrative, and Epiclesis of the Logos in the Anaphora ascribed to Sarapion of Thmuis," in R. Taft (ed.), The Christian East: Its Institutions and Its Thought (OCA 251, Rome 1996): 671-702; repr. in P. Bradshaw (ed.), Essays on Early Eastern Eucharistic Prayers (Collegeville 1997): 73-108. _________, "The Origins of the Anaphoral use of the Sanctus and Epiclesis Revisited: The Contribution of Gabriele Winkler and its Implications," in H-J. Feulner, E. Velkovska, and R. Taft (eds.), Crossroad of Cultures: Studies in Liturgy and Patristics in Honor of Gabriele Winkler , Orientalia Christiana Analecta 260 (Rome: Pontifical Oriental Institute, 2000), pp. 405-442. G. Winkler, Das Sanctus; ber den Urprung und die Anfnge des Sanctus und sein Fortwirken, - 26 -

Orientalia Christiana Analecta 267 (Rome 2002). ______________ "Further Observations in Connection with the Early Form of the Epiklesis," Le Sacrement de l'Initiation: Origines et Prospectives, Patrimoine Syriaque Actes du colloque III , Antelias - Lebanon 1996, 66-80. ______________ "Nochmals zu den Anfngen der Epiklese und des Sanctus im Eucharistischen Hochgebet," Theologisches Quartalschrift 74, 3 (1994) 214-231. ______________ "Weitere Beobachtungen zur frhen Epiklese (den Doxologien und dem Sanctus). ber die Bedeutung der Apokryphen fr die Erforschung der Entwicklung der Riten," Oriens Christianus 80 (1996): 177-200. Bryan D. Spinks, The Sanctus in the Eucharistic Prayer Cambridge 1991. Robert F. Taft, "The Interpolation of the Sanctus into the Anaphora: When and Where? A Review of the Dossier," Part I, OCP 57 (1991) 281-308; Part II, OCP 58 (1992) 531-552. [OCP = Orientalia Christiana Periodica ]

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