Subtle Bodies, Supercortical Structures and Brain Lateralization
Subtle Bodies, Supercortical Structures and Brain Lateralization
Subtle Bodies, Supercortical Structures and Brain Lateralization
Author: Jay Alfred Missing Brains Across the world, there are hundreds of cases of people with hydrocephalus. This is a condition where large cavities form in the brain. The cavities are sometimes so large that they can account for 95% of the brain's mass. Contrary to established medical thinking, there are hundreds of cases where people have either been born with an underdeveloped brain, or have had large areas of their brain damaged in an accident, but are still able to function normally. Some scientists believe that the remaining cortex takes over the functions once provided by the removed cortex. However, this explanation becomes questionable especially in cases where hardly any brain is left in the cranium. There is justified cynicism on the question of the brain's spare capacity to take over the functions provided by the parts of the brain that have been removed or damaged. "To talk of redundancy in the brain is an intellectual cop-out to try to get round something you don't understand," says Patrick Wall, professor of anatomy at University College, London. Norman Geschwind, a neurologist at Boston's Beth Israel Hospital agrees: "Certainly the brain has a remarkable capacity for re-assigning functions following trauma, but you can usually pick up some kind of deficit with the right tests, even after apparently full recovery." Some neuroscientists say that, perhaps, we have underestimated the work of the deep sub-cortical structures in the brain. "For hundreds of years neurologists have assumed that all that is dear to them is performed by the cortex, but it may well be that the deep structures in the brain carry out many of the functions assumed to be the sole province of the cortex," says Wall. Nevertheless, scientists have studied the sub-cortical structures intensively. There is no hard evidence that these sub-cortical structures in a normal brain can actually perform the cognitive functions currently attributed to the cortex. Instead of sub-structures we have to turn our attention to super-structures. Invisible Supercortical Structures and Meta-Neurology One explanation is that the physical-biomolecular brain is supported by an invisible superstructure, composed of dark matter, which develops during life. Although there is much indirect evidence of the existence of dark matter (it is mentioned in every current textbook on physics and is estimated to contribute up to 96% to 99% of the mass-energy of the universe) current scientific instruments are unable to detect it directly. It has been noted that children who have undergone brain removal at an early age develop more or less normally. Adults who have their brains removed have a harder time coping.
It was also found that the instances in which brain loss do not interfere with normal life are cases where the condition develops slowly. Gross surgical lesions in rat brains are known to inflict severe functional disruption, but if the same damage is done bit by bit over a long period of time, the dysfunction can be minimal. Just as rat brains appear to cope with a stepwise reduction of available hardware, so too do human brains in some cases of hydrocephalus. This time delay allows invisible superstructures of higher energy matter to form and link to the remaining visible structures. The study of these invisible structures and their interactions with the physical-biomolecular brain are the subject of a field that the author has called 'meta-neurology' and has been more extensively dealt with in the author's book Brains and Realities. Brain Lateralization and Subtle Bodies Metaphysicist Barbara Brennan (a former NASA scientist and now a "subtle energy healer") observes that the higher energy subtle bodies alternate between structured and structureless bodies. The structured (or crystalline) body is associated with a "mental" body; and the structureless (liquid or fluidic) body an "emotional" body. The nature of these bodies has been discussed in detail in the author's book Our Invisible Bodies. Metaphysicist Charles Leadbeater points out that every part of our (biomolecular) brain is mapped onto these higher energy bodies. If that is so, then it logically follows that there must be a correlation between the alternate mental and emotional bodies described by Brennan (and in general, the metaphysical literature); and the left and right brains, respectively. The evolution of brain lateralization in life-forms on Earth (including human beings) allowed these life-forms to access the processing capabilities of higher energy body-brains in parallel (higher energy) universes. Alternate higher energy bodies undertake cognitive processes corresponding to the left and right brains. This means that when neural activity is shifted from the left to the right brain, or vice-versa, different subtle bodies are activated. The fact that different brain activities are localized in the left and right hemispheres of the brain in a consistent manner has already been discussed elsewhere - including the author's book Brains and Realties. Studies of split brain patients show that the localization may be so pronounced that the two hemispheres are seen to represent almost two different persons living in a single body! The two minds (or persons) can even have different opinions about people and things. We also now realize (with some astonishment) that the structure of our brain has a profound effect on our post-mortem states. Effect on Post-Mortem States Brennan identifies four "physical bodies" - the physical-biomolecular, with which we are familiar; and three other "physical-etheric" bodies. The first is a "template body". The second and third are the emotional and mental bodies; which correlate with the right and left brains, respectively. According to the metaphysical literature; during the death process (of the physical bodies), the mental body dissolves and contracts into the "physical-etheric nucleus" around the heart region. It then travels through a meridian
(which would appear to it to be a tunnel) in the template body and exits out of the head. This can sometimes be seen as an orb of light. (In fact, the genuine orbs that are seen during ghostly encounters evidence the bright physical-etheric nucleus which has become disassociated from the physical-biomolecular body.) It will subsequently be absorbed by the next higher energy body (effectively reincarnating into a new body). The physicalbiomolecular body and the template body (which is closely integrated with it) will then start to disintegrate. So what happens to the emotional body (which is mapped onto our right brain)? If it does not dissolve, it will "loiter" in familiar places and subsequently be attracted to places where other similar bodies (with similar resonant frequencies) congregate. Since the higher energy emotional body is a magma (or magnetic plasma) body; and because magnetic plasma with similar physical properties naturally come together, all these nonindividualized emotional bodies would gradually be attracted to each other and slowly coalesce and, in time, evolve into demonic or divine archetypes that appear in our collective unconscious. (The collective unconscious is simply the rest of the multiverse that we are generally not conscious of.) Hence, during the death process, there is a "division of consciousness" as evidenced by the separation of the emotional body (which correlates to right brain awareness) and the mental body (which correlates to left brain consciousness). This has been reported by Peter Novak in his book, The Division of Consciousness, and is consistent with the metaphysical and religious literature. Novak describes the emotional body as the "soul"; and the mental body as the "spirit". Emanuel Swedenborg (the seventeenth century mystic) claims that following the post-mortem "life-review", a person's conscious mind (correlated to the left brain) separates from the "unconscious" mind (correlated to the right brain), and thereafter the unconscious soul enters into heaven or hell. Novak says the conscious spirit then reincarnates into a new body. Dr Fredric Schiffer says that one of the most important findings of split-brain research is that each hemisphere of the brain has a mind of its own. He hypothesizes that in many people, one mind may be less mature and more disturbed by past trauma than the other. Similarly, when the mental and emotional bodies of the physical-etheric ensemble go their separate ways, they may behave very differently from each other. The "unconscious" emotional body, separated during the death process and correlated to our right brain, will exhibit characteristics which will be similar to a left-brain damaged patient or the person in the right brain of a split-brain patient (and conversely for the "conscious" mental body). The study of these split-brain patients would therefore throw much light on the behavior of our post-mortem minds which are separated - including dysfunctional spirits and ghosts. Psychological counseling would therefore be as relevant to dysfunctional ghosts as they are to embodied persons who are dysfunctional. Completing the Picture Novak's theory of a division of consciousness summarizes religious and metaphysical literature over several centuries. It has brought into prominence the post-mortem division.
However, it appears to be incomplete against the background of wider metaphysical theories. It appears to address only the split of bodies at the lowest rung of the energy ladder. The higher energy groups of bodies which succeed the physical bodies also alternate with mental and emotional bodies. As each ensemble of bodies (with their emotional and mental components) "dies", the mental and emotional bodies go their separate ways. The splitting between the "soul" and the "spirit" (as described in Novak's book The Division of Consciousness) may be seen as the lowest horizontal division. It is not a split between all the mental and emotional bodies in the whole spectrum of higher energy bodies. Each ensemble of higher energy bodies also vertically divides during the death process. For example, the physical bodies first vertically divide from the higher energy bodies during the death process of the physical bodies. Then they horizontally divide in respect of the physical-etheric emotional and mental bodies. The higher energy spectrum of bodies are not affected by the splits at the bottom - they continue to exist as components of an integrated individual. Novak observed curiously (in contradiction to his theory) that "apparitions and visitations of the recently dead, often reported by family members shortly after the death, suggest that such souls are not suffering from any after death division at all. These visitors from the next world seem to have all their wits about them; with functional minds, logic, memories, and senses of identity still intact. These souls have apparently not experienced the division predicted by the BSD [Binary Soul Division]." He then asks, "The question is, have they permanently avoided it [i.e. the division], or has it not just caught up with them yet?" The answer, based on a broader theory, is "both". The split did occur. However, further splits will occur as the higher energy spectrum of bodies "unzips" further and each higher energy duplet (i.e. a pair of mental and emotional bodies) separates and goes its own way. Contents and other structures, or even whole bodies, that cannot be integrated with the spectrum of higher energy bodies which are seeking to go to a higher plane or sphere are expelled as "soul fragments". They may be considered left-over products - which have other uses in the wider scheme of things (just as the biochemicals in a decomposing physical body which is buried are absorbed by plants which in turn provide nutrition to animals which eat them). The unconscious fragments that were left behind are now not supported by higher intelligence. They are known variously as "shades" or "shells" in the metaphysical literature and have been written about extensively by Leadbeater. They eventually coalesce into larger bodies as a result of the natural dynamics of magnetic plasma, as already discussed above.