10 Must Watch Futuristic

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10 Must-Watch Futuristic IT Trends

The recent development with new and revolutionary technologies has led the world of enterprise IT to undergo resurgence. The faster cell phone technology, cloud computing, social media-networking technology, big data, BYOD, and SaaS are few technologies bringing this change. These evolutions are largely happening despite the controls that the IT normally places on the use of technologies. Analyst David Cappuccio stated that IT was forced to support tablets, and end users forced them to support IM and wireless networks a few years ago. And more such technologies are on the horizon," he added. The following list is taken from Cappuccios report, enclosed with 10 futuristic gamechanging forces in IT.

#1 Disruption: Organizations need to increase the development of IT service skills and attributes with appropriate investments in every sector. Business-user satisfaction can be a moving target, but enabling higher levels of productivity at the IT service desk level demonstrates that the IT organization cares about the business, and that it's committed to ensuring that users meet their goals and objectives. These users expect the same level of IT performance and support as they experience with consumer-based applications and services. Although most the focus still revolves around traditional training, procedures, security access, knowledge management and scripts, its pretty clear that the next gen skills will pave the payment for the expectations of the business more efficiently.

#2 Software Defined Networks: Software Defined Networks (SDN) abstracts the system so that it can transform the network topology from box/port at a time configuration to flow at a time, linked to application. Companies use SDN to get an overall topology of the networks within the system, both internal and external. A SDN controller mainly comprises of switches, firewalls and ADCs. These components provide the abstracted view to provisioning and managing the network connections and services that the applications and the operator require. One best example is OpenFlow protocol. This protocol helps operators create their own APIs, control and management schemes, so that the application requirements of the operator are met. Apart from these, some SDN protocols are primarily designed upon an application level logic, rather than from the traditional network paradigm of protocol, device and link-based thinking.

#3 Bigger Data and Storage: The next big trend across IT is data and storage. For the past couple of years, data

accumulation has made a significant impact on IT. From an IT perspective, one of the main issues is not awareness of the issue, but prioritization of the issues. Leading-edge firms have realized the problem and are beginning to focus on storage utilization and management as a means to reduce floor space usage and energy usage, improve compliance and improve controls on growth within the data center. It seems that IT admins have finally realized the fact that for the next five years, the most of the growth can be expected from unstructured data, which is the most difficult to manage.

#4 Hybrid Clouds: A hybrid cloud is offered in one of two ways: a vendor has a private cloud and forms a partnership with a public cloud provider and vice versa. At present, vendors increasingly use cloud computing as a marketing label for many old technologies and offerings, devaluing the term and trend. This is a big mistake, and enterprises have to realize it fast. Cloud computing has all the hype to drive revolutionary changes within enterprise platform. The only missing piece is someone who can handle, design and manage this technology.

#5 Client Servers:

In the last quarter century, operating systems were mainly resident on the desktop, except for some large and complex applications such as ERP were located on servers that could be remote from clients. But as for now the scenario has completely changed. Every application is compatible with every single operating system across the tech world. Even users have the authority of choosing the right architecture and the time frame for implementation.

#6 The Internet of Things: We know that the internet has simply changed the landscape of technology. But now looking into the future, there are several concepts that truly can be augmented as a true IT trend of the future. Technologies that comprises identifying, sensing and communicating are on the rise. Key visions include embedded sensors (primarily for detecting and communicating changes), image recognition (to identify objects, place and other related things) and NFC payment (making payments with just a simple wave using mobiles).

#7 Appliance madness:

Organizations are generally attracted to appliances when they offer hands-off solutions to application and functional requirements, but organizations are also repelled by appliances when they require additional investments for management functions. Despite of the continuous failure of appliances in the enterprise market, its pretty sure that the appliance market wont go down in any near future. Vendors keep on introducing appliances to the market because the appliance model represents a unique opportunity for a vendor to have more control of the solution stack and obtain greater margin in the sale.

#8 Complexity: The sources of complexity within IT are easy to spot. The number of initialization parameters for input into starting an Oracle database and the number of pages of manuals to use a Cisco switch are just some among many. But what augments the complexity is the fact that IT organizations actually use only roughly 20 percent of the features and functions in a system. The only solution to this problem is better awareness and appropriate funds that can boost the business and economy.

#9 IT Demand: With the increased awareness of the environmental impact data centers can have, there has been a flurry of activity around the need for data center efficiency metric. Methods like power usage effectiveness (PUE) and data center infrastructure efficiency (DCiE) is a constant and hot topic for discussion. Even though these factors provide better performance and compatibility, what they do not provide is the much needed efficiency and improvement. Operators must try to make out the difference between power supplied and power consumed, so that they can fulfill the appropriate IT demand.

#10 Evolution toward the Virtual data center: With better infrastructure comes better possibilities and in the case of IT- its the best solution. The tech world is undergoing a big revolution as more and more advanced infrastructure is available. This has finally led authenticated a long liven dream- that is a virtualized data center. X86 virtualization is effectively the most important technology innovation behind the modernization of the data center, as it can improve in computation, networking and storage- from physical hardwired to logical and decoupled applications.

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