ESL Writing Rubric

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Writing Rubric for: Title of Paper: Date:!

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LveryLhlng makes sense. lL's really clear. My
reader wlll learn a loL. 1hls ls [usL whaL l
wanLed Lo say. Cood, [ulcy deLalls.

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My reader wlll geL Lhe general ldea.
?ou mlghL have some quesLlons. lL
1LLLS, buL doesn'L SPCW. l need Lo
add some deLalls. l'm worklng on lL!

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l'm afrald my reader won'L geL Lhls. lL's
hard Lo geL sLarLed. l'm noL sure whaL my
Loplc ls, or maybe my Loplc ls Loo blg. 1he
plcLure ls noL very clear. l need more Llme
Lo Lhlnk.

l know where l'm golng. My openlng wlll
hook you! 1he endlng really works! lollow
me! l see [usL how all Lhe parLs flL LogeLher.

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Some pleces of my paper flL beLLer
Lhan oLhers. My paper ls 8L11? easy
Lo follow. My beglnnlng ls okay.
Maybe l need Lo move some Lhlngs
around. 1he endlng doesn'L grab me

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Pow do l begln? 1hls ls confuslng! WhaL
should l Lell flrsL? WhaL comes nexL? Pelp!
Whlch pleces go LogeLher? l don'L know
where l'm headed. Pow do l end Lhls?

lL's ML!! 1hls ls whaL l Lhlnk. l'm speaklng
rlghL Lo Lhe reader. Pear me 8CA8! lL mlghL
make you laugh or cry. l love Lhls Loplc. l wanL
my reader Lo feel whaL l feel.

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l hear a 9-//9$ of me ln Lhe wrlLlng.
1hls Loplc ls Ck. 5*+$/-+$% l'm
speaklng Lo Lhe reader. l'm hldlng my
feellngs and ldeas a llLLle, buL l'm
sLarLlng Lo have fun.

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l'm noL speaklng Lo Lhe reader yeL. l don'L
hear myself ln Lhls paper. 1hls Loplc ls
borlng. SnC8L! l wlsh l dldn'L have Lo do

My words palnL a plcLure. My words make
Lhe message CLLA8. l love Lhe way my words
sound and feel. l Lhlnk Lhls ls Lhe 8LS1 way Lo
say lL.

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l need more lMAClnA1lCn here.
1hese are Lhe flrsL words l LhoughL
of. Some of Lhe words and phrases
are greaL, buL some aren'L. 1here ls
probably a 8L11L8 way Lo say lL.

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Some words are really vague. 1hese words
are nC1 my favorlLes. 1he words l've used
don'L palnL a plcLure ln your mlnd. Some of
my words don'L make sense Lo me when l
read Lhem over.

My paper ls LAS? Lo read ouL loud. Some
senLences are LCnC and S18L1CP? - some
are SPC81 and SnA?. l love Lhe sound of
Lhls paper - lL's goL rhyLhm! My senLences
begln ln several dlfferenL ways.

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A loL of my senLences begln Lhe same
way. l wlsh my paper sounded a llLLle
smooLher ln places. My senLences
are all abouL Lhe same lengLh. lL's
8L11? easy Lo read ouL loud lf you
Lake your Llme.

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Pelp! Some of Lhese senLences don'L make
sense. My paper ls PA8u Lo read ouL loud,
even for me! SomeLlmes, l can'L Lell where
Lo begln a new senLence. LveryLhlng ls
sLrung LogeLher ln one endless senLence, or
Lhere are loLs of choppy llLLle senLences.

?ou have Lo look hard Lo flnd mlsLakes ln my
paper. l used caplLals Lo B#789(%#9)#9=#%(and
Lo lndlcaLe 9$2#%. My work had been edlLed
and proofread, lL's ready Lo share ouLslde Lhe
classroom. l checked my spelllng. l used
perlods, exclamaLlon polnLs, and quesLlon
marks ln Lhe rlghL spoLs

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l'm noL sure l spelled all Lhe words
rlghL. My paper has some mlsLakes,
buL you can sLlll read lL. l mlghL have
lefL ouL some puncLuaLlon. l have
more edlLlng Lo do - lL's noL ready Lo
publlsh yeL.

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1here are loLs of mlsLakes. l have noL edlLed
my work. lL's hard Lo undersLand whaL l'm
saylng because of spelllng or puncLuaLlon
errors. Some Lhlngs need correcLlng before
l share Lhls.

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