Further Mechanics

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Physics on the move Further Mechanics All masses possess a quantity called momentum.

called momentum. Mathematically it is defined as the product of mass and velocity. is the momentum in kgms-1 is the mass in kg is the velocity in ms-1 We often use Ns for the units of momentum. Momentum is a vector quantity. In any collision in which no external forces act, the total momentum remains constant. This is referred to as the principle of conservation of momentum. If two bodies, A and B, collide with no forces other than collision forces, the momentum is constant. (momentum of A)1 + (momentum of B)1 = (momentum of A)2 + (momentum of B)2 Due to momentum being a vector quantity, direction must be taken into account. For bodies moving in the same straight line, it may be positive or negative depending upon their direction of motion. Conservation of momentum is directly responsible for Newtons third law of motion. Newtons third law states that If object A exerts a force on object B then object B exerts an equal and opposite force on object A If we think of a force as a means to change momentum, then a force changing momentum in one direction must be countered by an equal and opposite force to ensure that overall momentum is conserved. Similarities between the forces acting are that they are both the same type (gravitational etc) and that they both have the same magnitude. Differences between the two forces are that they act on different bodies, and act in opposite directions. In AS mechanics Newtons second law was written as This formula only holds true when mass is constant. A better version of Newtons second law is the rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the resultant force applied to the body, and is in the same direction as the force. This can be written as Where is the time for which the force acts. is known as the impulse and is equal to a change in momentum.

You can investigate the rate of change of momentum using the equipment in the image below.

Record the movement of the trolley over time as a force makes it moves from rest. This way you can find its velocity each second. Therefore you can calculate the momentum each second and plot this on the y-axis of a graph. On the x-axis plot time. Using the idea that the gradient of the line will be the force. Also given that the mass is constant therefore holds true, the force is the accelerating force. The graph will be a straight line through the origin due to the directly proportional relationship. Conservation of linear momentum The principle allows us to predict the motion of objects after a collision. It tells us that if we calculate the momentum of each object before a collision, the sum total of these momenta will be the same as the sum total afterwards. Dependent on the condition that no external forces act. An external force would provide an additional acceleration so the motion of the objects would not be dependent on the collision alone. If a stationary object explodes then the total momentum of all the shrapnel parts is zero. (Remember to take into account the direction of the shrapnel parts) The object had zero momentum before the explosion; the principle therefore tells us that after the explosion the sum total of momentum must be the same.

Conservation of linear momentum in two dimensions: So far we have only considered collisions where both objects are moving along the straight line. When the objects are moving along different lines, we can resolve the velocity vectors into perpendicular directions and carry out the momenta sums for the component directions. Question: A rocket is moving through empty space at 8ms-1. A meteoroid travelling at 15ms-1 comes from behind at an angle of 45 degrees to the line of movement of the rocket, crashes to the rocket and becomes embedded in it. The rocket has mass of 350kg and the meteoroids mass is 20kg. Calculate the velocity of the rocket and embedded meteoroid after the collision.


Solution: Before (figures are rounded) Parallel to rocket: Vmeteoroid = 15cos(45) = 10.6ms-1 Pmeteoroid = 20 10.6 = 210 kgms-1 Procket = 350 8 = 2800 kgms-1 Pparallel = 2800 + 210 = 3010 kgms-1 Perpendicular to rocket motion: Vmeteoroid = 15sin(45) = 10.6ms-1 Pmeteoroid = 20 10.6 = 210 kgms-1 Procket = 350 0 = 0 Pperpendicular = 0 + 210 = 210 kgms-1 After Ptotal = Vafter = = = 8.2 ms-1 Angle of momentum (direction of velocity):

3020 kgms-1

You can investigate the transfer of momentum by recording the movement of one trolley crashing into another. You can find the momenta of each one before and after the collision. Summing the total momenta before and after the collision will allow you to verify the principle of conservation of linear momentum. In measurement however, we often find that momentum is not conserved. Newtons Third Law: Conservation of momentum is directly responsible for Newtons third law of motion. Remember, this law told us that for every force, there is an equal and opposite force. If we think of a force as a means to change momentum, then a force changing momentum in one direction must be countered by an equal and opposite force to ensure that overall momentum is conserved. For example: If the gravitational pull of the earth causes an apple to fall from a tree, the apple gains momentum towards the earth. To conserve momentum, the earth must gain an equal and

opposite momentum. This is causes by an equal and opposite gravitation force on the earth from the apple. The immense mass of the earth means that its acceleration is imperceptible to us. Energy in Collisions: We have seen that linear momentum is always conserved in any collisions between objects, but what about the kinetic energy?

Elastic collisions: In a collision between one snooker ball and another , the first ball stops dead and the second then moves away from the collision. As both snooker balls have the same mass, the law of conservation of momentum tells us that the velocity of the second ball must be identical to the initial velocity of the first. This means that the kinetic energy of this system before and after the collision must be the same. A collision in which kinetic energy is conserved Is called an elastic collision. In life, these are rare. Newtons cradle is an example that is nearly perfectly elastic. A collision caused by non-contact forces, such as alpha particles being scattered by a nucleus, is perfectly elastic.

Inelastic collisions: In a crash between two dodgems at the fair, the total momentum after the collision must be identical to the total momentum before the collision. However, if we calculate the total kinetic energy before and after the collision, we invariably find that the total momentum is reduced by the collision. Some of the kinetic energy is converted into other forms such as heat and sound. In a collision in which kinetic energy isnt conserved, the collision is said to be inelastic.

Particle Collisions: We know that the formula for calculating kinetic energy is , and that for

momentum is By combining these equations we can an equation that gives kinetic energy in terms of the momentum and mass. Derivation:

( )

This is a particularly useful formula when dealing with the kinetic energy of subatomic particles travelling at non-relativistic speeds.

Particles Collisions: In experiments to determine the nature of fundamental particles, physicists will detect the movements of many unknown particles. The Large Hadron Collider experiment at CERN can produce 600 million particle interactions in its detector every second. By colliding the particles produced in the experiment with known particles in the detector, and applying the principle of conservation of momentum, the masses of these particles can be calculated. This information can then be used to help towards their identification.

Definitions: Momentum Vector Newtons second law of motion Impulse Explosion Newtons third law of motion Elastic collision Inelastic collision Product of mass and velocity, it is a vector quantity. A product that has both magnitude and direction, examples include velocity, displacement and momentum. The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force on the object in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. The product of force and time for which it acts. When a system with zero total momentum spontaneously flies apart. From conservation of momentum, the total momentum after the explosion will be zero. If body A exerts a force on body B, then body B exerts a force of the same size on body A, but in the opposite direction. A collision in which there is no net loss of kinetic energy / kinetic energy is conserved. A collision in which kinetic energy is not conserved.

Circular Motion: Going Round in Circles: When we are measuring rotation, we often use an alternative to degrees, called radians. This is defined by the nature of the circle itself. Imagine an object moving around the circumference of a circle. The angle through which the object moves, measured in radians, is defined as the distance it has travelled along the circumference divided by its distance from the centre of the circle (radius). For a circle of radius one metre, the distance an object travels around the circumference would be the same as the angle swept out in radians. Angle (in radians) =

Thus for movement around a complete circle, for which the circumference is equal to the angle swept out would be:

Angular displacement is the vector measurement of the angle through which something has turned. The standard convention is that anticlockwise rotation is a positive number and clockwise rotation is a negative number.

Angular Velocity: An object moving in a circle sweeps out a certain angle in a certain time, depending upon how fast it is moving. The rate at which the angular displacement changes is called the angular velocity, .

If an object completes a full circle in a time period, T - then:

The frequency of rotation is reciprocal of the time period:

Therefore: Rather than thinking about angular movement, lets consider the actual velocity through space of the object (sometimes called the instantaneous velocity) We know that Therefore and . , and combining the equations:

Why circular motion: When a hammer thrower whirls an athletics hammer around in a circle, the hammer has an angular velocity. But when the thrower lets the hammer go, it will fly off along a straight line in the direction in which it was moving at the instant of release. This direction is always along the edge of the circle at the point at which it was released. As the hammer is whirled at a constant speed, the magnitude of the velocity is always the same. However, the direction of the velocity is constantly changing. This means that the vector of velocity is constantly changing, and a change in velocity is acceleration. Newtons first law tells us that acceleration will only happen if there is a resultant force. The hammer is constantly being pulled towards the centre of the circle. In this example, the force providing this pull is the tension in the string.

For any object moving in a circle, there must be a force to cause this acceleration towards the centre of the circle this is called centripetal force. The centripetal force will be an ordinary force that we have met before, like gravity keeping a satellite in orbit, or tension in an athletics hammer wire. If a force causes something to move in a circle, we identify it as the centripetal force for that circling object. The resulting centripetal force will be larger if: 1. The rotating object has more mass 2. The object rotates faster 3. The object is closer to the centre of the circle.

Centripetal Force and Acceleration: The mathematical formula for the centripetal force on an object moving in a circle is -

Using the relationship terms of angular velocity -

, we can derive an alternative equation for centripetal force in

Since Newtons Second Law states that the resultant force is related to the acceleration it causes by the equation , we can find the centripetal acceleration very easily -

Again using velocity as -

, the centripetal acceleration can be expressed in terms of the angular

Verifying the force equation:

You can investigate the centripetal force equation by spinning a rubber bung on a string in a circle. The tension in the string, which is the centripetal force, will be provided by the hanging masses and thus will be known.

Spin the rubber bung around in a circle at a speed that keeps the paperclip marker in a constant position. The paperclip marker allows you to keep a fixed length of string to measure, this will be the radius. You also need to measure the mass of the rubber bung. Your partner can time 10 revolutions in order to give you the angular velocity. Take angular velocity measurements for different forces.

A graph of

plotted against F should give a straight line of best fit. .

The gradient of this line will be

Swings and roundabouts (Case study example) The swing carousel is a fairground ride which is common in theme parks and fairs around the world. As there is little rider protection in the chair, engineering design is paramount in creating a safe ride. The points that would need to be considered by a manufacture of such a safe ride are: 1. The speed of rotation must be low enough to avoid nausea. 2. The internal friction must be low enough for the motor to drive the ride. 3. The seat chains must be strong enough for the maximum possible tension generated. Example of technical data: Whirler model value 64 960 195kN 120m3 <3500N 12.1m 12rpm anticlockwise 5m 7m 10m

Specification parameter: Seats/Chairs Hourly Capacity Total Weight Volume Shaft Bearing Friction Total Height Rotation Speed Seat Chain Length Maximum Chain Angle Top Radius Base Radius Angular Velocity

The physiology behind motion sickness involves three different systems within the body, and their interaction under different conditions is not well understood. Quick head movements by Jet Fighter pilots can induce nausea; similar symptoms can be experienced on fairground rides which involve high centripetal accelerations. As many as 50% of astronauts suffer motion sickness. In the 1960s, NASA undertook experiments on subjects in a slowly rotation room, which produced various results depending on the exact conditions.

The results suggested that a centripetal acceleration of more than 12 ms-2 maintained for more than 10 minutes could induce nausea in many subjects. From the technical specifications, the Whirler swing carousel rotates at 12rpm anticlockwise 12 complete circles every minute.

Thus the centripetal acceleration is:

Which can be expressed in terms of the angular velocity as: The next image shows how the radius, R, is found:

The actual radius of rotation of the rider is shown above as R and is the sum of the top radius and the horizontal distance that the chair swings outward. (Here the radius R is 10.5m) Based on the NASA research, the operators of the Whirler will need to ensure that each ride will last less than 10 minutes in order that they do not upset a considerable proportion of their customers. With an hourly capacity of 960 riders and 64 seats, there must be 15 rides per hour, which means no ride will last more than 4 minutes, significantly less than 10 minutes.

Motor Power For an object moving at a uniform speed, v, against a friction force, F, the driving power, P, is given by: Applying this to the swing carousel with and , we can calculate the instantaneous velocity that is being maintained. However, as various parts of the carousel have different radii, the speed varies from zero up to a maximum at the furthest radius (shown by R). To find the average instantaneous velocity we will need to use the average radius:

And so the instantaneous velocity is given by:

Thus, the driving force needed to overcome a maximum frictional force of 3500N is:

Chain Strength: Common engineering practise is to make the breaking tension in any component 2.5 times the maximum force it is required to withstand. To work out the maximum possible tension in one of these seat chains, the manufactures work on the expectation that a person with a mass greater than 120kg will be unable to fit into the hanging seat and this will therefore be the maximum mass of any rider. When the ride is stationary the four chains supporting any given seat only need to support the riders weight. As the ride spins, the seat swings out an angle. The tension in the chain will then be a vector sum of a vertical component to balance the weight, Tw, and a horizontal component to provide the centripetal force need for continuous circular motion, Tc.

From the radius of revolution: Seat velocity: Maximum rider weight: Centripetal force:

The rides maximum speed of rotation causes a maximum swing angle of

Thus the overall tension is the vector sum of Tw, which balance the weight of the rider, and Tc, which acts to provide the centripetal force:

This force is split across four chains, so each chain can be expected not to suffer a tension exceeding 580N. Using the safety standard of 2.5 times the maximum expected tension, the chains must be constructed such that they are each able to withstand a tension of 1450N.

Definitions: Radian A measure of angle. The angle in radians is defined as the distance travelled in an arc along the circumfrence of a circle divided by the radius of the circle. There are radians in a circle. the angle through which a rotating object has turned.

Angular displacement Centripetal A force that acts towards the centre of a circle. Force

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