Algorithms Computer Science Practice Exam

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Total Pages = 6 Page 1

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Term Test

Question 1.

[10 marks]

Consider the following recursive denition of function f : if n = 0 1 3 if n = 1 f (n) = f (n 1) + 2f (n 2) if n > 2 Using induction, prove that for all values of n: f (n) 3n .

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Term Test

Question 2.

[20 marks]

Find asymptotic tight bounds (i.e. ) for the following recurrences. Assume that in each case, T (n) is some positive constant for suciently small n. You can use the master theorem or iterated substitution, but must show how it applies. If you use iterated substitution, you do not need to prove your closed-form is correct. a) T (n) = 8T ( n 2 ) + 5 n.
2 b) T (n) = 5T ( n 5) + n . c) T (n) = 8T ( n 4 ) + n n.

d) T (n) = T (n 1) + n log n.

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Term Test

Question 3.

n3 10

[10 marks]

Indicate (without proof) whether the following statements are true. + 5n2 (n3 ) lg(n4 n n) ((lg n)4 ) 23n O(6n ) n3 4n2 lg n (n3 )
5n2 lg n

O(n lg n)

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Term Test

Question 4.

[20 marks]

Describe an algorithm that takes an array A and a number x and returns two elements from the array that sum to x, if they exist. The procedure should run in O(n log n) in the worst case.

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Term Test

Notes on Logarithms
Denition of logb n (b, n > 0): blogb n = n logb n as a function in n: increasing, one-to-one logb 1 = 0 logb xp = p logb x logb (xy ) = logb x + logb y xlogb y = y logb x logb x = (logb c)(logc x) ln n = loge n (natural logarithm) (logb n) = (log{whatever
d dx positive} n)

= (log n)

ln x =

1 x

(log n)k o(n ), for any positives k and

Master Theorem
Let a 1 and b > 1 be constants, let f (n) be a function, and let T (n) be dened by the recurrence n T (n) = aT ( ) + f (n). b Then: 1. If f (n) O(nlogb a ), for some > 0 then T (n) (nlogb a ),

2. if f (n) (nlogb a logk n) for some k 0 then T (n) (nlogb a logk+1 n), 3. if f (n) (nlogb a+ ) for some constant > 0, and if af ( n b ) f (n) for some constant < 1 and all suciently large n, then T (n) (f (n)).

Common Summations

i=1 n


n(n + 1) 2

i=0 n

2i = 2n+1 1 3n+1 1 2


3i =

Total Marks = 60 Total Pages = 6 Page 6

End of Examination

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