Residual Stress Engineering in Manufacture of Aerospace Structural Parts

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Residual Stress Engineering in Manufacture of Aerospace Structural Parts

Wei-Ming Sim1

Airbus Operations Ltd., New Filton House, Golf Course Lane, Filton, Bristol BS99 7AR, United Kingdom, [email protected]

Abstract Residual Stress Engineering (RSE) is becoming an increasingly important aspect in the design and manufacture of large monolithic aero-structures, more so under the environmental and aircraft weight challenges. Residual stresses not only affect structural performance during its service life cycle, but they also affect the part quality during manufacture and assembly. The inherent residual stresses are induced into the materials from various upstream manufacturing processes, such as quenching, stretching, compression, forming, machining, etc. This paper aims to disseminate the research highlights, case studies, and lesson learnt from a recently concluded European Commission (EC) funded project COMPACT: A concurrent approach to manufacturing induced part distortion in aerospace components (2005 2009). Subsequently, the paper will detail the exploitation in an aerospace design and manufacturing environment and also provide an insight into future building blocks for residual stress and part distortion in aerospace manufacturing. Keywords Residual stress, distortion, aerospace, modelling, lessons learnt.

Industry drivers

The environmental challenges and rising crude oil price have demanded for the design and manufacture of more fuel-efficient aircrafts. These can be achieved by using new materials, i.e. new advanced lightweight alloys and/or composites materials, new aircraft concept, fuel-efficient engine and optimised manufacturing and assembly technologies. Recent new aircraft programmes, like the Airbus A380, A320 Sharklet and/or New Engine Option (NEO), A350 XWB, Boeing B787 aspire to deliver an optimum fuel efficient aircraft to the airline companies. Airbus A380, the flagship aircraft programme for the 21st century, uses new aluminium alloys and composite materials, and full aircraft length double-decker to carry more passengers per flight to reduce fuel consumption per passenger per mile travelled. The A350 XWB and B787 utilise at least 50% advanced lightweight composite materials and advanced wing aerodynamics to deliver flight efficiency. The upgraded A320 Sharklet and/or NEO utilise high wingtip to reduce turbulence at wingtip and new fuel-efficient engine to reduce fuel burn. The demand for fuel-efficient and lightweight aircraft has fuelled the use of high strength and damage tolerance alloys to enable the design of thinner web and wall features in structural components, i.e. wing spar, wingbox rib, stringer, wing and fuselage skin panel, fuselage frames, etc. These requirements create two problems: (i) the alloys would have higher inherent residual stress; and (ii) the thin-web and thin-wall component has less stiffness to resist the bending moment caused by residual stress. The challenges faced are to understand the relationship of residual stress and part distortion as well as to derive a methodology and deliver a solution to the structural design, stress and manufacturing engineers.

Residual stress and part distortion in manufacture of aerospace components

Residual stresses (RS) are inherent internal stresses locked into the materials in the absence of external forces or thermal gradients [Withers, Bhadeshia, 2000]. The residual stress states are dependent on the metallurgical and mechanical history in the part manufacturing process lifecycle. Most common processes used for the manufacture of high strength aluminium components are quenching, rolling, forging, machining, bending, shot peening, etc. Residual stresses can be categorised into either compressive or tensile residual stresses. As a rule of thumb, a mechanical dominant process will yield more compressive stresses, whilst a thermal dominant process will result in tensile residual stresses. The two most commonly used materials in the aerospace industry are rolled plate and forgings. Both rolled plate and forgings have contrasting residual stress profiles. The residual stresses in rolled plate typically follow an M profile with compressive residual stresses in the plate surface and tensile residual stresses in the plate centre [Ficquet, Truman, Kingston, Smith, 2006]. On the other hand, the residual stress in forging typically has a profile, highly tensile residual stress in the core and compressive at the surface [Robinson, Hossain, Truman, Paradowska, Hughes, Wimpory, Fox, 2010]. Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the profiles for rolled plate and forging respectively.

Figure 1: RS profile for AA2024 rolled plate.

Figure 2: RS profile in AA7449 forging.

Part distortion is form deviation of the final part shape from the original intend after being released from fixture. This is different from dimensional accuracy or over/under-machined surface due to programming and machining errors. The part is machined to required tolerance, however, the inherent redistributed residual stress from upstream processes results in bending moment around the neutral axis that causes the part to elastically bend under no external forces [Sim, 2010]. When the part is stress relieved, the part will revert to the original shape. In general, part distortion can be classified into in-plane or out-of-plane distortion.


COMPACT, a 6th European Framework Programme project


A project entitled A COncurrent approach to Manufacturing induced PArt distortion in aerospace ComponenTs (COMPACT) was launched to advance the understanding of residual stress and part distortion in the manufacture of monolithic aluminium alloys components. COMPACT was a four-year (2005 2009) European Commission (EC) 6th Framework Programme (FP6) (AST4-CT-2005-516078) project with a budget of 5.4 M. There are 12 academics, industrial and SMEs from 6 European countries collaborating to deliver a

fundamental understanding on residual stress and provide solutions to reduce and eliminate part distortion in aluminium alloys for the aerospace industry. COMPACT was structured into eight strategic themes based on processes and methodologies. They are: (i) material processing; (ii) residual stress characterisation; (iii) machining; (iv) stretchbending; (v) distortion correction shot peening, laser peening and age forming; (vi) design; (vii) part distortion modelling; and (viii) knowledge-based engineering. Figure 3 shows the COMPACT framework and the project partners responsible for different themes.

Figure 3: COMPACT framework



COMPACT has advanced the state-of-the-art in the field of residual stress and part distortion that have benefited the design and manufacture of metallic aircraft structural components. This section will provide key highlights of COMPACT as well as key references whenever available for further reading. The project highlights include the following: An extensive work was carried out on characterisation of both through thickness and subsurface residual stress in AA7449 using different measurement techniques, i.e. layer removal method (LRM), deep hole drilling (DHD), neutron diffraction (ND), synchrotron diffraction (SD), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and incremental central hole drilling (ICHD). A database containing residual stress profiles for rolled plate, forgings, machined surface, shot peened surface, laser peened surface and stretch formed surface was created. An additional work was undertaken to understand the redistribution of residual stress in rolled plate and forging due to material removal [Robinson, Tanner, Truman, Wimpory, 2010]. The research has generated a comprehensive and in-depth knowledge base on the influence of different manufacturing processes on residual stress induction into AA7449. The major characterisation work carried out include influence of materials processing, i.e. quenching, rolling, stretching and cold compression parameters on residual stress [Robinson, Hossain, Truman, Oliver, Hughes, Fox, 2008, and Sim, 2010], influence of machining parameters on residual stress [Denkena, de Leon-Garcia, 2008], influence of stretch bending

parameters on residual stress [Ascione, Caputo, DAmore, Grassia, Lamanna, 2008] and influence of shot peening, laser peening and age forming on residual stress [Mylonas, Heckenberger, Lampeas, 2010]. Two residual stress mapping and measurement technique were developed in the project. A novel hybrid method was developed using distortion data and numerical finite element modelling (FEM) to map the residual stress field in a plate. A number of slots were sequentially machined into the materials, distortion data was collected at each machining stage and the residual stress map was iteratively calculated using FEM. In addition, a residual stress measurement using ultrasonic technique was also developed. This is a nondestructive technique using the travel time of the ultrasonic wave to determine the residual stress in the material. A number of part designs have been studied to understand the influence of design on residual stress distribution and part distortion. The design study consistently showed that symmetrical part, i.e. cross section, in rolled plate is best for resisting part distortion [Sim, 2009]. A part distortion analysis methodology was developed considering both the inherent residual stress in rolled materials and sub-surface machining or shot peening induced residual stress to predict part distortion. This is an improvement and extension to Pechiney work [Heyms, Commet, Dubost, Lassince, Lequeu, Raynaud, 1997]. During this time, a commercial distortion analysis tool, Distortion Modeller, from Third Wave Systems, was also launched [Marusich, Usui, Terauds, Becker, 2008]. The tool uses similar modelling methodology and has a user-friendly interface that uses a full scale part model and material residual stress to predict distortion and distortion mode shape for different part locations / offsets. The tool incorporates an automated meshing functionality and iterative offsets to compute a number of cases simultaneously. A fuzzy neural network was developed for predicting sub-surface machining and shot peening induced residual stress [Zhang, Mahfouf, Boumaiza, Yates, Pinna, Greene, de Leon, 2009]. The technique utilised experimental data to develop the model to predict sub-surface residual stress. The technique has proven to be reliable and has a good correlation to experimental data. Development of a Knowledge-based Engineering (KBE) system for management of residual stress and part distortion [Bancroft, Greene, Tyler, 2010].


Case studies

Two case studies will be presented here to demonstrate the trade-off of material and machining induced residual stress on part distortion. 3.3.1 Slender flat plate case study The slender flat plate case study was designed to understand the influence of machining induced residual stress on part distortion using different proven analytical and numerical modelling techniques as well as experimental data. Slender plates with varying thicknesses were each machined to size of 47.5 mm x 400 mm and the results are shown in Figure 4. The first two sets of finite element and analytical modelling techniques only model the influence of materials residual stress on part distortion, whereas the third set of results include a randomly selected subsurface machining induced compressive residual stresses. Figure 4 showed that a good agreement in distortion trend and magnitude for analytical models, numerical models and experimental results for slender flat part with thickness between 4 mm and 7 mm. It is interesting to note that at lower thickness of 2 mm and 3 mm, the trend diverges when compared to experimental data. However, the analytical model that include both the material and machining residual stress shows a more convergent trend to experimental data. Therefore, the case study has demonstrated that:

For thicker part, machining induced residual stress has less influence on distortion as compared to material residual stress. For thinner part, machining induced residual stress becomes more dominant to part distortion as compared to material residual stress.

Figure 4: Influence of material and machining residual stresses on part distortion

3.3.2 Monolithic demonstrator case study A representative monolithic demonstrator case study was designed to show the influence of part location / offset, cutter path strategy and tooth loading on part distortion. The demonstrator, as shown in Figure 5, has two horizontal and vertical stiffeners and a size of 320 mm x 320 mm x 20 mm and was machined from rolled plate with a predetermined residual stress profile. Figure 6 shows the experimental results of the influence of offset, cutter path strategy, and machining conditions on distortion mode shape and magnitude. Cutter path strategy #1 or spiral inside-out is where material removal starts at the pocket centre and spiral radially out to the pocket edge. Cutter path strategy #2 or spiral outside-in is where material removal starts at the edge of the pocket and spiral radially into the pocket centre. The results also show three cases of distortion mode shapes, i.e. convex (), concave () and sigmoid () depending on cutter path strategy and cutting conditions. The maximum and minimum distortion is the deviation from the neutral plane of the demonstrator. The case study showed that: Finite element modelling could predict the distortion mode shape and magnitude for case 1 to 4 for two different offsets and machining strategies. The suggested two different machining / cutter path strategies do not show any influence on part distortion for a given offset (compared case 1 & 2, and 3 & 4). The result is consistent for both offsets. Therefore, offset is dominant for determining part distortion. When the demonstrator was machined with a more aggressive machining condition (see case 5 & 6), in this case a feed per tooth, fz of 0.35 mm, the distortion mode shape could not be predicted by finite element modelling and the magnitude of distortion is far higher than the previous 4 cases. Feed per tooth was increased because previous study has identified that fz is a key parameter that influences the magnitude and penetration depth of machining induced residual stress [Denkena, Boehnke, de Leon-Garcia, 2008]. In these 2 cases, cutting conditions is dominant in determining part distortion.

This suggested that there is a Predictable Distortion Zone (PDZ) of machining envelope in which the distortion mode and magnitude can be easily predicted using finite element modelling. Beyond this zone when the machining conditions are more aggressive, it is difficult to predict the distortion mode shape.

Figure 5: Monolithic demonstrator for case study.

Figure 6: Influence of offset and machining strategy on part distortion.

Industrial key learning

COMPACT has achieved many promising results and these have advanced the state-of-the-art in the field of residual stress and part distortion, in particular for AA7449 alloys. The project has confirmed previous beliefs from manufacturing experience and opened up many opportunities for Airbus and her supply chain to exploit the project deliverables. The key learning that could benefit the aerospace manufacturing industry include the following: The redistribution of residual stress in both rolled plate and forging after material removal are considerably different. The redistribution of the residual stress is dependent on the magnitude of the residual stress. In rolled plate, there is a slight redistribution due to material removal. However, the redistribution is not significant to cause a deviation of the distortion results. Therefore, the measured through thickness residual stress using from layer removal method (LRM) or deep hole drilling (DHD) can be directly used as inputs for modelling of distortion in rolled plate. However, due to the high magnitude of residual stress in forging in the order of > 200 MPa, material removal has resulted in significant redistribution of residual stress. Therefore, it is important to model the residual stress distribution after each successive material removal step. The inherent material and machining induced residual stress could affect part distortion. This is dependent on part thickness, and distribution and magnitude of residual stress. The case study showed that the inherent material residual stress is dominant to part distortion. Therefore, changing the part location in the plate will affect the part distortion. However, when the thickness reduces significantly, the machining induced residual stress will become dominant to part distortion and machining parameters become an important consideration. The case study clearly showed that high tooth loading will induce high magnitude compressive residual stress at the subsurface zone. This trade-off needs to be carefully considered. Both LRM and DHD residual stress measurement technique provide comparable through thickness residual stress profiles. In addition, both ICHD and XRD measurement

techniques also provide similar sub-surface residual stress profiles. Therefore, it is practical, time and cost efficient to use LRM and ICHD to characterise through thickness and sub-surface residual stress in an industrial environment. Machining induced sub-surface compressive residual stress into the machined surface. Key influencing parameters are feed per tooth and corner radius. The control of feed per tooth is critical to ensure that excessive compressive residual stress do not cause uncontrolled part distortion especially in thin section. The part distortion modelling tool is validated and matured for industrial exploitation. Therefore, the modelling tool can be deployed at earlier part design stage to predict and avoid part distortion. Different distortion resistance design/features can be analysed quickly to minimise distortion risk at the downstream process. If working within a safe machining envelope, it is sufficient to model the influence of inherent material residual stress and part location to distortion. This should address most distortion cases in the industrial environment. The novel hybrid methodology can be used as a Reverse Engineering (RE) tool to current manufacturing problem. Current distortion data and FE tool can be used to predict the inherent residual stress in the materials for manufacturing engineers. Statistical and knowledge-based approach, i.e. fuzzy logic, neural network, genetic algorithm, can be used to predict sub-surface residual stress from machining or shot peening. The methodology only require limited amount of experiments to populate the database for model building.

Industrial exploitation

The research has been beneficial and since the completion of COMPACT, a number of opportunities have arisen where these results were exploited. The exploitation includes both aluminium parts, i.e. wing skin panels, skin-stringer fittings, and ribs, and titanium parts, i.e. fuselage frames and skin panels. In addition, a number of initiatives have been taken by the Airbus / EADS team to advance and mature the technology for industrial exploitation. These developments include: Development of a quick, low-cost, in-situ through thickness residual stress measurements on a industrial computer numerical control (CNC) machining centre. Development of a part distortion modelling tool using Calculix, a free and open source finite element analysis application. A user-friendly interface was developed in Python to simulate the influence of part offset on distortion using statistical parameters for a dataset of inherent material residual stresses. Challenge current design principles for design against part distortion. Development of small scale test beds for ICHD and XRD for characterisation of subsurface residual stresses. Application of modelling principles to large aluminium forgings. Characterisation of residual stress in titanium Ti-6Al-4V. Residual stress measurements in carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) [Lu, Huang, Ruan, 2009]. Prediction of residual stress and part distortion in addictive layer manufacturing parts.
Acknowledgement This work has been partly funded by the European Commission through Specific targeted research projects: COMPACT (AST4-CT-2005-516078). COMPACT is collaboration between Airbus in the UK (Project Coordinator), Alcan CRV, Limerick University, University of Bristol, Enabling Process Technologies, Hannover University, EADS Innovation Works Germany, University of Patras, Alenia Aeronautica, Ultra RS, Grenoble

Institute of Technology and University of Sheffield. The project is jointly funded by the European Union Framework 6 initiative and the project partners. References Ascione, V.; Caputo, F.; DAmore, A.; Grassia, L.; Lamanna, G.: General approach to the simulation of metal forming: a case study on the stretch bending process. Proceedings of the 9th National Conference AIMAT, Naples, Italy, 2008. Bancroft, C.; Greene, R.; Tyler, P.: Multidisciplinary engineering an integrated solution. International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, Vol. 5, No. 4/5, 2010, p. 456-470. Denkena, B., de Leon-Garcia, L.: Machining induced residual stress and distortion of forge aluminium parts. Proceedings of the Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology, Udine, Italy, 2008. Denkena, B.; Boehnke, D,; de Leon-Garcia, L.: Machining induced residual stress in structural aluminium parts. Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering, 2008. Ficquet, X.; Truman C.E.; Kingston, E.; Smith D.J.: Measurement of residual stresses in aluminium alloy aerospace components. Proceedings of 25th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Hamburg, Germany, 2006. Heyms, F.; Commet, B.; Dubost, B.; Lassince, P.; Lequeu, P.; Raynaud, G.M.: Development of New Alloys for Distortion Free Machined Aluminium Aircraft Components. Proceedings of 1st International Non-ferrous Processing and Technology Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, March 1997, 6 p. Lu, J.; Huang, Y.H.; Ruan, H.H. Study of Residual Stress Distribution in Advanced Materials. Proceedings of the SEM Annual Conference, Albuquerque New Mexico USA, 2010, 12 p. Marusich, T.D.; Usui, S.; Terauds, K.; Becker, B.V.: Finite element modelling of part distortion. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Distortion Engineering, Bremen, Germany, 2008, p. 133-141. Mylonas, G.; Heckenberger, U.; Lampeas, G.: Investigation on shot-peening induced residual stress field. International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, Vol. 5, No. 4/5, 2010, p. 471-480. Robinson, J.S.; Hossain, S; Truman, C.E.; Oliver, E.C.; Hughes D.J.; Fox, M.E: Influence of cold compression on the residual stresses in 7449 forging. Advances in X-ray Analysis Vol. 52, 2008. Robinson, J.S.; Hossain, S; Truman, C.E.; Paradowska, A.M.; Hughes D.J.; Wimpory, R.C.; Fox, M.E.: Residual stress in 7449 aluminium alloy forgings. Materials Science and Engineering A, 527, 2010, p. 26032612. Robinson, J.S.; Tanner D.A.; Truman C.E.; Wimpory R.C: Measurement and prediction of the machining induced redistribution of residual stress in the aluminium alloy 7449. Experimental Mechanics, published online in August 2010, DOI: 10.1007/s11340-010-9389-4. Sim, W.M.: Challenges of residual stress and part distortion in the civil airframe industry. International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, Vol. 5, No. 4/5, 2010, p. 446-455. Sim, W.M.: Deliverable 1.1.10 - Publishable Final Activity Report. COMPACT publishable report submitted to the European Commission, 2009, 127 p. Withers, P.J.; Bhadeshia, H.K.D.H.: Residual Stress II: Nature and Origins, Materials Science Technology, 2000. Zhang, Q.; Mahfouf, M.; Boumaiza, S.; Yates, J.; Pinna, C.; Greene, R.; de Leon, L. : Prediction of Machining Induced Residual Stresses in Aluminium Alloys Using a Hierarchical Data-Driven Fuzzy Modelling Approach. Proceedings of Workshop on Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Industry (IFACMMM), 2009.

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