Air Cooled Condenser ACC PDF

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The document outlines specifications for air-cooled condensers and associated piping systems.

The main components of an air-cooled condenser include fin tube bundles, fans, ductwork, instrumentation, and a condensate collection system.

Schedule 80 piping is specified for sizes 2 inches and smaller, with socket weld joints. Butt weld or flange construction is allowed for sizes 2.5 inches and larger depending on the material.


Air-Cooled Condenser (if applicable) Each air-cooled condenser (ACC) shall be the A-frame type of a proven design, wi th windwalls to minimize wind effects. The ACC shall also be supplied with a dea erator and condensate collection tank, all required spargers and baffle plates f or bypass operation, and makeup water deaeration (via the deaerator). The air-cooled condenser shall be sized to meet the performance guarantee and sh all be sized and designed to Provide continuous operation at full steam load under all ambient conditions; Provide continuous operation with full steam turbine bypass under base load oper ating conditions without duct firing; Maintain condenser pressure within allowable operating limits with full steam tu rbine bypass under base load operating conditions with full duct firing, assumin g duct-firing is discontinued at initiation of bypass operation. The condenser package shall include the following items: Steam duct from turbine exhaust flange to condenser, including expansion joints, guides, manholes, anchors, and hangers Support structure for steam duct Steam duct drain pot(s) and drain pot pump(s) Steam distribution ducting Fin tube bundles Electric-actuated sectionalizing valves Condensate collection headers Air moving system including fans, gearboxes, couplings, motors, pressure switche s, vibration switches, fan rings, and guards Steel support structure, fan deck, and frames, including associated siding mater ial Instrumentation sensors, local indicators, transmitters, and control actuating d evices Complete system logic drawings including narrative form for incorporation into p lant DCS Noise attenuation features/devices Condensate tank with support saddles, level indicator, and transmitter Steam jet air ejection system plus steam jet hogger Surface coatings, including structural steel and fan deck plate-work to be galva nized; stair treads, grating, handrails, and walkway surfaces to be galvanized; steam ducting, steam headers, and piping to be outside primer-coated; and partit ion walls, wind walls, and siding with finish coating Over pressurization rupture disc Vacuum breaker system complete with one motor-operated vacuum breaker, discharge piping, debris cover, and all other required components to complete the system. Welded ductwork connecting the steam turbine exhaust with the ACC, including wel ded expansion joints (except the steam turbine exhaust may be a dog-bone type), drain pots (with redundant pumps), supports, and all appurtenances. Expansion jo int at the steam turbine interface may be non-metallic. Automatic steam duct hea der isolation valves will be provided if required for freeze protection. Steel tubes with steel fins (aluminum fins of a proven design may be used) Wind walls with architectural siding to match turbine building Automatic louvers if required for freeze protection Two-speed fans Instrumentation and controls for automatic operation via the DCS during normal o peration, bypass steam operation, and shutdown, as well as remote manual operati on with minimal operator actions during plant startup. Instrumentation for monitoring potential freezing conditions via the DCS in the ACC, including automatic controls to prevent freezing from occurring Deaerator designed to achieve turbine dissolved oxygen criteria during startup a nd normal operation. Guaranteed dissolved oxygen shall be no greater than 7 ppb. Condensate collection tank sized for 5 minutes of water storage between the norm al liquid level (half full) and minimum level The ACC and associated auxiliaries designed to produce condensate without subcoo

ling (per heat balances) Semiautomatic tube cleaning system (high pressure water wash type) Readily accessible and easily replaceable rupture disk All piping, valves, instrumentation, and appurtenances for a complete and operab le system. Steam duct sectionalizing valves, if used, are reinforced to prevent distortion of the valve body due to duct forces. The ACC will be sized for steam turbine exhaust conditions associated with plant operation under the ISO Guarantee and Summer Average Conditions specified in Ap pendix G. Piping. Piping materials, fabrication, and erection shall be in accordance with ANSI B31 .1 Power Piping except as noted otherwise herein. All in-service piping with desig n temperatures 750F or above shall be seamless. Electric Fusion Welded Pipe (EFW) may be used, as long as all requirements of ANSI B31.1 are met. The identifications and paint colors of all pipe-work shall be approved by the P urchaser. Extra strong or schedule 80 shall be used for all piping 2 inches and smaller, e xcept for stainless steel construction where schedule 40S may be used. Socket we ld construction shall be used for all piping 2 inches and smaller. Threaded conn ections at equipment shall be provided with unions. Minimum corrosion allowances for all piping systems shall be per ANSI B31.1 requ irements and standard industry practices for facilities with a 30-year design li fe. Natural gas systems shall use butt weld construction for all sizes 2.5 inche s and larger. Water and water based systems using steel pipe may be either butt weld or flange construction for sizes 2.5 inches and larger. All critical above-ground pressure piping, including, as a minimum, the cycle ma keup water supply line and all underground pressure piping, shall be hydrostatic ally tested at pressures required by ANSI B31.1. Any shower/eyewash located outside shall be freeze-protected with electric heati ng tracing with suitable controls to prevent overheating of water. A weld QA/QC program shall be implemented during construction and shall include various non-destructive tests including radiograph and dye penetrant. Copies of the QA/QC program and test results shall be available to Purchaser and be includ ed in the turnover packages Piping systems shall be designed with high-point vents and low-point drains. Dra ins with accessible restricting orifices or steam traps with startup and blowdow n drains and strainers/crud traps will be installed in low points of steam lines where condensate can collect during normal operation. Steam piping systems will be sloped in the direction of steam flow, where feasib le, with a minimum slope of 1/8 inch per foot. Condensate collection in piping s ystems will be avoided by installing accessible automatic drain devices and manu al devices as appropriate. Steam drain lines will be sloped at 1/4 inch per foot . With Purchaser approval, Seller may alter this general design requirement if i t becomes impractical to maintain strict adherence; however, the piping will sti ll be designed to drain properly. The minimum slope shall be maintained throughout the operating temperature range , where possible. Where multiple steam turbine stop valves are provided, they sh all be connected to the steam header through a branch connection that is raised above the nominal run of the header. The branch shall slope back to the header. Desuperheating stations shall be provided with generously sized drain pots at ap propriate locations downstream of the station. Provisions shall be made to minim ize the possibility of leaking spray water flow to an upstream position. Steam lines fitted with restricting devices, such as orifices in the process run s, shall be provided with adequate drainage upstream of the device to prevent wa ter from collecting in lines. Means shall be provided to fill and clean loop seals. Flanged spool pieces shall be provided for critical equipment disconnects. Hose and process tubing connections to portable components and systems shall be compa tible with the respective equipment suppliers standard connections for each servi ce. Piping and piping supports shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with t

he requirements of the applicable standards and codes for the maximum anticipate d service conditions. Piping 2-1/2 inches in diameter and larger and normally operating above 400 F (cr itical pipe) shall be analyzed for flexibility and piping stresses. Stresses in piping systems shall not exceed the allowable stresses established by the applic able piping code. The piping systems shall be designed so that forces imposed on equipment do not exceed the forces allowed by the equipment manufacturers. Piping to and from outdoor tanks shall allow for tank settlement. In general, piping shall be supported from steel members attached to the floor o r roof above or from steel brackets fixed to the building steel. The cutting of floor beams, roof beams, or reinforcing steel in concrete is not permitted. Pipi ng loads transmitted to equipment shall not overstress connection points (i.e., pump suction/discharge nozzles). All high energy piping shall be top supported w ith spring hangers.

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