In What Conditions Did Fidel Castro Rise To Power

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In what conditions did Fidel Castro rise to power?

Social and Economic Monoculture economy although Cuba produced tobacco, coffee, and rice, the production of sugar that provided the most important income for the economy they practiced growing this single crop Cuba was to give preferential access to American products US investment was put into Cubas utility industries

Standards of Living Cubans enjoyed a better standard of living Many social and economic problems that affected them Precarious conditions for workers Wages were low, housing was limited, and access to health and education not available to all Sugar workers were seasonal Ownership of land and sugar mills largely concentrated in the hands of the upper class and foreign companies

The rule of Fulgencio Batista Style of rule the armed forces of under the command of Batista controlled the nation by the appointment of puppet Presidents 1944-1952 democracy corruption continued to dominate every branch of the government while Cuba faced inflation and unemployment suspended the constitution to rule as a dictator as economic problems worsened, social and political unrest developed moved from making concessions to using repression to maintain control of the country decline in sugar prices on the international sugar market. As the price of sugar dropped, Cuba found it more expensive to purchase the goods it did not produce at home. This situation is known as the deterioration of the terms of trade. However, because of its international obligations with the USA, Cuba could nto successfully develop an industry to substitute its imports cost of imports led to shortages and inflation rise in the price of oil affected transportation and the operation of the sugar mills, increasing unemployment to an alarming 17 percent during the late 1950s

opposition to Batista intensified rural workers, poorly housed, and undereducated did not support the Batista regime student unions demanded freedom and democracy higher social classes that were losing their purchasing power and whose businesses were being affected by the atmosphere of economic uncertainty, were another source of opposition to Batista opposition was not organized and did not have a leader

Development of opposition parties Partido Autentico socialist and nationalist elements defended rights of workers to be presented by trade unions nationalism was expressed in its motto Cuba for the Cubans

Partido Ortodoxo split of the Authentic party Eduardo Chibas Integrity against money Played an important role in the denunciation of the corruption in Cuban politics Aims were to end state corruption and to nationalize US-owned companies Leader was considered to be a solid presidential candidate, but he committed suicide in 1951 Fidel Castro was a member until he formed his own organization

Partido Socialista Popular communist party suffered persecution and was banned from participating in elections several times 1953 banned by Batista

*higher social classes losing purchasing power *businesses were affected by economic uncertainty 1953 Moncada 165 youths in an attack on the Moncada army barracks in Santiago de Cuba in order to obtain weapons failure

Batistas police then began to slaughter any suspects, so the Castro brothers gave themselves up History Will Absolve Me speech; put forward all the details of five revolutionary laws that he wanted to implement on Cuba. The five laws included a reinstatement of the 1940 Cuban constitution, a reformation of land rights, and three other laws. He concluded the speach with his most famous line, Condemn me. It does not matter. History will absolve me. Castro believed that revolution was the only way to the Cuban Peoples Party to gain power. Because he was such a commendable speaker, he was able to gain a strong liking from the younger members of the party. If Castro did not have the dedication and determinism that he had during his rise to power, he may have never succeeded

1956 Granma a yacht was built for the purpose of overthrowing the regime of Batista failure, Batistas army killed most of the Granma participants poor planning; the yacht arrived two days later because it was heavily loaded, unlike in the practice runs his journey in the mountains was important because of pubilicity; NY Times romanticizes them and leads to many students joining them

Sierra Meastra Castro arranged an armed rebellion Intended to coincide with Castros expected arrival in Cuba, but the revolt had been crushed before his group landed Many of the ammunition and supplies lost Batista responded to the guerilla campaign by forcibly clearing peasants from the lower slopes of the mountains those remaining in the area could be killed as revolutionaries. Batista also used bombers and paramilitary death squads known as Los Tigres. The size of Castros rebel army increased and the area of military operations expanded The sympathy and respect Castros party showed for the poor peasants gave them valuable support amongst the local population

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