Stability Improvement of High-Pressure-Ratio Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressor by Asymmetric Flow Control-Part I Non-Axisymmetrical Flow in Centrifugal Compressor

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Mingyang Yang Xinqian Zheng

e-mail: [email protected]

Yangjun Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Stability Improvement of High-Pressure-Ratio Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressor by Asymmetric Flow ControlPart I: Non-Axisymmetrical Flow in Centrifugal Compressor
This is Part I of a two-part paper documenting the development of a novel asymmetric ow control method to improve the stability of a high-pressure-ratio turbocharger centrifugal compressor. Part I focuses on the nonaxisymmetrical ow in a centrifugal compressor induced by the nonaxisymmetrical geometry of the volute while Part II describes the development of an asymmetric ow control method to avoid the stall on the basis of the characteristic of nonaxisymmetrical ow. To understand the asymmetries, experimental measurements and corresponding numerical simulation were carried out. The static pressure was measured by probes at different circumferential and stream-wise positions to gain insights about the asymmetries. The experimental results show that there is an evident nonaxisymmetrical ow pattern throughout the compressor due to the asymmetric geometry of the overhung volute. The static pressure eld in the diffuser is distorted at approximately 90 deg in the rotational direction of the volute tongue throughout the diffuser. The magnitude of this distortion slightly varies with the rotational speed. The magnitude of the static pressure distortion in the impeller is a function of the rotational speed. There is a signicant phase shift between the static pressure distributions at the leading edge of the splitter blades and the impeller outlet. The numerical steady state simulation neglects the aforementioned unsteady effects found in the experiments and cannot predict the phase shift, however, a detailed asymmetric ow eld structure is obviously obtained. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4006636]

Takahiro Bamba Hideaki Tamaki

Turbo Machinery and Engine Technology Department, IHI Corporation, Yokohama, 235-8501, Japan

Joern Huenteler
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen 52056, Germany

Zhigang Li
Beijing Special Vehicle Institute, Beijing 100072, China


The history of turbocharging is almost as old as that of the internal combustion engine. A turbocharger consists of a compressor and a turbine. The compressor is driven by the turbine extracting energy from exhaust gases. Compared to a naturally aspirated engine, the benets of a turbocharged engine are increased power, lower fuel consumption, and reduced emissions [1,2]. High-pressure-ratio turbocharging technology is the developing trend of turbocharged internal combustion engines due to the following reasons: 1) signicant downsizing to mitigate CO2 emission and reduce fuel consumption [3], 2) satisfying rigid future emission regulations, i.e., NOx treatment by engine control means high rates of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) [3,4], and 3) the facilitation of high altitude operation [5]. However, a high pressure ratio causes the ow in the compressor to be transonic. Hence, the stable ow range is narrowed, since the stall incidence decreases with an increased relative Mach number at the inlet of the impeller [6]. Therefore, map width enhancement is a major issue for state-of-the-art high-pressure-ratio compressor design and development. A turbocharger centrifugal compressor comprises an impeller, a diffuser, and a volute. While the former two are periodically symmetric in the circumferential direction, the volute is asymmetric due to its gas-collection function. It is usually designed as a
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY. Manuscript received April 26, 2010; nal manuscript received December 26, 2011; published online November 1, 2012. Assoc. Editor: Michael Casey.

spiral-collection overhung housing that collects the air from the diffuser and passes it to the pipe system. It has been recognized that the improvement of centrifugal compressor performance requires a good understanding of the ow mechanisms inside the volute [79]; especially the interaction among the volute-diffuserimpeller [10,11]. The volute is mostly designed in a way to shape a uniform circumferential static pressure distribution both in the volute and the diffuser. However, the volute acts as a diffuser at lower than the design ow rate and acts as a nozzle at higher than the design ow rate, respectively. A number of authors have researched this subject. It has already been conrmed that the asymmetrical conguration has a signicant impact on the ow eld in the diffuser and in the impeller [12,13]. This circumferential asymmetry has been recognized and intensive experimental investigations of the ow within the volute and the propagation of the distortion into upstream components were carried out for subsonic compressor units [14,15]. The work of Sorokes et al. conrmed that the pressure nonuniformity extended upstream of the impeller, implying that the impeller was subjected to varying inlet and exit conditions. The computational uid dynamics (CFD) results further implied that the inlet ow distortion caused a large leading edge pressure differential along with a large negative incidence, which may induce a ow separation and thus a very disturbed ow eld in the impeller [14]. A three-dimensional unsteady analysis of the ow in the impeller with circumferential distortion of the outlet static pressure was investigated using a numerical method by Fatsis et al. [16]. The perturbation was thus propagated upstream from the impeller outlet and inuenced the incidence at the blade leading edges and other ow parameters. Gu et al. [10,11] found that the MARCH 2013, Vol. 135 / 021006-1

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performance parameters of the single impeller passage differed because of the asymmetric ow at the outlet of the impeller. There was almost no phase shift between the distortion in the diffuser and impeller according to their results, and it was considered that the unsteady effects of the volute-impeller interaction can be neglected when the Strouhal number is small enough. Little detailed measurement was carried out in the impeller to investigate the asymmetric ow. Furthermore, to the authors knowledge, very little research work has been focused on the impact of the volute on the ow eld in a high-pressure-ratio turbocharger centrifugal compressor. The purpose of this two-part paper is rst to understand the asymmetry of ow eld due to the asymmetric geometry of the volute and, subsequently, to develop a novel asymmetric ow control method to widen the stable ow range of a turbocharger centrifugal compressor with a high-pressure-ratio, the narrowing ow range of which is of utmost importance for its application. In Part I, the nonaxisymmetrical ow characteristics in the high-pressure-ratio turbocharger centrifugal compressor are investigated by using experimental and numerical means, the results of which are the basis for the work presented in Part II.

Fig. 1 Measurement positions in the investigated compressor: (a) measurement in the impeller, (b) measurement in the diffuser, and (c) measurement in the volute

Experiment Facilities

The measurements were performed on a turbocharger testing facility. Key geometries and operational characteristics of the investigated centrifugal compressor are listed in Table 1. The conguration of the volute was overhung with an elliptic crosssection. In order to investigate the static pressure distribution in the compressor, 41 measurement points were positioned in both the meridional and streamwise directions. Figures 1(a)1(c) shows the locations of the probes in the compressor. In the streamwise direction, probes were located in the shroud in the vicinity of the leading edge of the main blades and splitter blades, respectively, as shown in Fig. 1(a). Two other streamwise positions were located at the inlet and outlet of the vaneless diffuser, as shown in Fig. 1(b). For each streamwise position in the impeller and diffuser, eight static pressure probes were mounted in an equidistant circumferential distribution. Nine pressure probes were mounted in the wall of the volute, as shown in Fig. 1(c). The circumferential angle of the position of the volute tongue is around 47 deg. The distribution of static pressure in the circumferential direction throughout the compressor was obtained by the arranged probes with an error of less than 60.2%.

Numerical Methods

In order to investigate the detailed ow eld in the compressor, a numerical simulation was employed. The CFD solver EURANUS (NUMECA) is employed to solve the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations in a conservative formulation based on a 3-D steady compressible nite volume scheme. A central scheme was used for the spatial discretization and the four-stage RungeKutta scheme was used for the temporal discretization. The Spalart-Allmaras (S-A) 1-equation model was applied for turbulence closure [17]. The model features numerical accuracy for the calculation of the viscous boundary layer turbulent ow, separated

Table 1

Centrifugal compressor geometry 65,000 rpm 1.3 kg/s 38 deg 110 mm 150 mm 9/9 main/splitter blades 228 mm 26.23 mm

Design rotational speed, N Design mass ow rate Exit blade angle (meridional) Impeller inlet tip diameter, D1 Impeller outlet diameter, D2 Blade number Diffuser exit diameter, D5 A/R (volute)

ows of small or medium scale, and free shear turbulent ow, except for jet ows [18]. The global residual as 105 is taken as the convergence criterion for operating points away from surge. The numerical failure point at the small mass ow rate is taken as the surge point. All passages of the impeller, the vaneless diffuser, and the volute were modeled in the simulation. The computational domain in the region upstream of the impeller was extended, as shown in Fig. 2(a). The cell number for a single passage is around 650,000, which is large enough to guarantee the predicted result to be independent from the cell number, according the grid number independence investigation. There are 17 cells in the spanwise direction for the blade tip clearance model. Buttery mesh is used for the tip model to obtain good mesh quality. The size of the rst cell near wall in the impeller and the volute is set as 0.001 mm and 0.01 mm, respectively, which guarantees the y is small enough for the S-A turbulence model. The whole domain consisted of approximately 6,500,000 nodes. The grid exhibits acceptable qualities, as dened by measures of the orthogonality, expansion ratio, and the aspect ratio. To mesh the overhung volute, a buttery mesh was applied in order to augment the orthogonality of boundary layer cells. In Fig. 2(a), the mesh of the passage projected on the rotating solid walls is shown with the important entities marked. In Fig. 2(b), a cross-section of the volute exit mesh is displayed in order to point out the buttery mesh approach. Figure 2(c) shows the volute mesh and passage numbering. The total temperature and total pressure, together with the velocity direction, were imposed as the inlet boundary conditions; static pressure was set as the outlet boundary condition. No-slip and impermeability conditions were imposed on the solid walls. The interface between the impeller and volute was modeled as a frozen rotor, since angular variations of the ow quantities exceed a negligible level and are the objective of this research work. Thus, the rotating system was calculated in relative coordinates, yet the ow quantities are locally transferred without varying the relative position of the impeller and the volute. To quantify the effect of the relative position on the simulation results, three different positions of the impeller were modeled and analyzed. The periodicity of the impeller passage is 40 deg; thus, the rotor was moved from angle u to u 13.3 deg and u 26.67 deg, respectively. The performance results of the three different conditions at design speed are shown in Fig. 3(a). The total to total pressure ratio and total to total efciency are hardly inuenced by the positions. Figures 3(b) and 3(c) show the static pressure distribution in the circumferential direction at the diffuser outlet and the impeller outlet for three positions. Little difference is noticed among the distributions at the three positions. It is implied that the distortion of the distribution comes from the volute instead of the impeller, which will be analyzed in the following text. It is further Transactions of the ASME

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implied that neglecting the inuence of the relative position of the impeller and the volute is reasonable for the ow detail investigation. The position shown in Fig. 2(c) is chosen for the investigation in the paper.

Results and Analysis

4.1 Experimental Results

4.1.1 Testing Points and Compressor Performance. The static pressure distribution at different ow rates and speeds was measured on the testing facilities. Four speed lines, i.e., 45,000 rpm (69.2% N), 55,000 rpm (84.6% N), 65,000 rpm (100% N), and 68,000 rpm (105% N) will be discussed. The speeds and mass ow rate are dimensionless by the design rotational speed N and the design ow rate, respectively. Three operating points on each line were chosen for analysis, which represent the highest efciency condition, the highest ow rate condition (near choke), and the lowest mass condition (near surge). The points are shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 2 Created mesh in detail: (a) passage mesh projected on solid walls, (b) buttery meshing approach in volute crosssection, and (c) volute mesh and passage numbering

Fig. 3 Inuence of the relative position of the impeller and volute on performance:(a) compressor performance,(b) pressure coefcient at the diffuser outlet, and(c) pressure coefcient at the impeller outlet

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Fig. 4 Measured compressor performance

Fig. 6 surge

Pressure coefcient distribution in the diffuser near

4.1.2 The Pressure Distribution in the Volute. The pressure coefcient distribution in the volute at design rotational speed is shown in Fig. 5. The coefcient PC is dened as follows PC P 2 qin U2 (1)

The parameter is a dimensionless static pressure in which the effect of rotation is included. The detailed measuring points can be seen in Fig. 1(c). It can be seen from the gure that the circumferential static pressure coefcient variations are quite different for the three operating conditions. Usually, a volute is designed as a tube in which the velocity of the air remains nearly constant at the design point or the point of highest efciency. Therefore, the static pressure distribution at the highest efciency point is relatively atter than other operating conditions, as shown in Fig. 5. However, as the compressor approaches the surge condition, the ow is decelerated in the volute and it acts as a diffuser because of the reduced ow rate. As a result, the static pressure in the volute increases from the tongue to the compressor outlet. On the contrary, when the compressor approaches the choke point, the static pressure in the volute decreases due to the function of the volute as a nozzle. Hillewaert et al. [12] and Hagelstein et al. [19] reported similar results in the volute (diffuser exit). 4.1.3 The Pressure Distribution in the Diffuser. The pressure coefcient distribution in the diffuser is shown in Figs. 6 and 7 at two rotational speeds (69.2% N and 100% N). At both operating conditions, near surge and near choke, similar trends are present in the diffuser for both rotational speeds. Near surge, there is a remarkable region of pressure coefcient distortion with a minimum

at approximately 90 deg downstream of the tongue at the diffuser outlet and inlet (as shown in Fig. 6), which is coincident with the results reported in Ref. [19]. It was considered to be caused by the perturbation at the volute tongue. The pressure coefcient distortion is quite different for the condition near choke, as shown in Fig. 7, where the pressure coefcient reaches the maximum value at around 90 deg, while it falls to the minimum value around 315 deg. The uctuation in both situations is caused by the pressure perturbation across the tongue region. A nondimensional parameter Ds was used to evaluate the magnitude of the distortion under different conditions Ds PCmax PC PC (2)

where PCmax is the maximum value of the pressure coefcient and PC is the circumferential area-averaged pressure coefcient for each operating point. Figure 8 shows the magnitude of the pressure coefcient distortion in the diffuser near surge. It can be seen that the magnitude of the distortion at the diffuser inlet and outlet changes slightly with the rotational speeds near surge. For all rotational speeds, the magnitude of the distortion at the diffuser inlet is much larger than at the diffuser outlet. For the design rotational speed, Ds is 0.171 at the diffuser inlet, which is almost 2.4 times the magnitude of the distortion at the diffuser outlet. The experimental results showed that the absolute magnitude of the pressure coefcient distortion for the two locations is similar. However, the static pressure at the outlet is larger than at the inlet due to the diffusion. As a result, the parameter Ds is smaller for the outlet, as shown in the gure.

Fig. 5

Static pressure distribution in the volute at 100% N

Fig. 7 choke

Pressure coefcient distribution in the diffuser near

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Fig. 8 Magnitude of the pressure coefcient distortion in the diffuser near surge

Fig. 10 Pressure coefcient distribution at the leading edge of the main blades near surge

4.1.4 The Pressure Distribution in the Impeller. The static pressure distribution was further measured at the shroud near the leading edge of the main and splitter blades. Figure 9 shows the pressure coefcient near surge at the leading edge of the splitter blades for four rotational speeds. The coefcient signicantly varies in the circumferential direction at all rotational speeds viewed, yet with quite different patterns of disturbance. For the lower rotational speeds, i.e., 69.2% N and 84.6% N, there are two peaks in the circumference. The pressure coefcient has a minimum around 90 deg and 270 deg. For higher speeds, the magnitude of the distortion increases. At 100% N and 105% N, the distortion has a main wave length of 360 deg and remarkable amplitude. The pressure coefcient reaches a minimum value at about 220 deg for the former and 207 deg for latter. The magnitude of the uctuation sharply increased as the rotational speed increases. It shall be noted that the patterns of the distortion are signicantly different from those measured in the diffuser for the same speed and operation condition, as shown in Fig. 6, where there are no great differences in the pattern between low and high rotational speeds, although it is considered that the distortion in the impeller is due to the distortion at the inlet of the diffuser. Figure 10 shows the pressure coefcient distribution near surge at the leading edge of the main blades near surge. The fact that the uctuation of the pressure is much slighter than that near the leading edge of the splitter blades implies that the distortion is signicantly suppressed by the upstream ow. However, the distortion still exists at the inlet of the main blades. This indicates that the distortion due to the asymmetrical geometry of the overhung volute can be propagated upstream from the diffuser outlet to the

impeller inlet. The incidence, along with other ow parameters at the impeller inlet, is correspondingly variant in the circumferential direction, which will be shown in the latter part of the paper. Therefore, the impeller is subjected to varying inlet ow conditions although the upstream ow is uniform. Besides, when comparing the results shown in Figs. 9 and 10, the static pressure coefcient at the leading edges of the splitter blades is higher than that at the leading edges of the main blades, which indicates that the ow is diffused in the inducer near surge. Figures 11 and 12 show the pressure coefcient near choke at the leading edge of the splitter and main blades, respectively. The coefcient at the leading edge of the splitter blades for the four rotational speeds peaks between 180 deg and 225 deg. Similar to the near surge condition, the uctuations of static pressure at the leading edge of the main blades are much less than that near the leading edge of the splitter blades. The distribution pattern at the splitter leading edge is notably different from the pattern near surge. Comparing the results shown in Figs. 11 and 12, the static pressure at the leading edge of the splitter blades is lower than that at the leading edge of the main blades, which indicates that the ow is accelerated in the inducer near choke. 4.1.5 The Distortion Phase Shift in the Impeller. Figure 13 shows the magnitude of the static pressure distortion at the leading edge of the splitter blades near surge. The magnitude of the distortion sharply increases as the rotational speed increases from 92.3% N N to 105% N. It should be noted that the magnitude in the diffuser does not tremendously increase. Different ow phenomenon exists in the impeller from the diffuser.

Fig. 9 Pressure coefcient distribution at the leading edge of the splitter blades near surge

Fig. 11 Pressure coefcient distribution at the leading edge of the splitter blades near choke

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tion in a high-pressure-ratio compressor impeller is expected to be much more severe and of utmost importance for consideration of the compressor performance and the ow stability. Figure 14 shows the dimensionless pressure coefcient distribution at the diffuser inlet and the leading edge of the splitter blades near surge at a design rotational speed 105% N. In order to highlight the static pressure distribution, the pressure coefcient at different positions is dimensionless by its circumferential averaged values in order to eliminate the difference between the absolute values Dimensionless pressure coefficient PC PC (4)

Fig. 12 Pressure coefcient distribution at the leading edge of the main blades near choke

According to the experimental measurement in the diffuser inlet, a distorted pressure is imposed at the impeller outlet. For a single passage in the impeller, a pulsed pressure is imposed at its outlet when the passage sweeps the distorted boundary. The frequency of the pulse is the rotational frequency. During a rotational cycle, the pulse will propagate inside the passage as a pressure wave. The unsteady interaction of the impeller and the volute could be characterized by the acoustic Strouhal number [11]. The number can be dened as follows St fL C (3)

It can be seen that there is a phase shift of about 110 deg in the distortion from the impeller outlet (diffuser inlet) to the leading edge of the splitter blades. A numerical simulation of a low-pressure-ratio compressor was performed to investigate the interaction between the impeller and volute before [19], and it was found that ow distortion at the outlet and inside of the impeller is present in the passages downstream of the tongue. The blade wrap angle was responsible for a part of the phase shift between the trailing and leading edge, however, it is obviously not large enough to be the single cause of the phenomenon. As discussed before, the St of the compressor is larger than 0.1, which means that the unsteady effects are not ignorable. The pressure perturbation propagates at the local speed of sound in the relative frame. Therefore, when it propagates upstream in the passage, i.e., from outlet to inlet, the relative velocity is C W upstream in the rotating frame and C W when it is reected and travels downstream (W is the relative ow velocity). The average velocity of propagation can be simplied by the speed of sound C. Therefore, the time it takes for the distortion wave to travel from the trailing edge to the splitter leading edge is evaluated as follows t L C (5)

Here, St represents the temporal relation between the rotation of the impeller and the perturbation wave propagation in the impeller. For the compressor investigated in this paper, f is dened as the rotational frequency, L is dened as the average length of the impeller passage in the streamwise direction, and C is dened as the speed of sound evaluated with, for convenience, the inlet temperature. When the periodicity of the perturbation and the wave propagation in the passages are the same, resonance happens. In this case, St is about 0.2 at 49.2% and 0.3 at 100%. Therefore, St will approach the case of resonance, i.e., St 0.5, with increasing rotor speed. This results in an increasing amplitude of the distortion inside the passages as the rotational speed increases, as shown in Fig. 13. A high pressure ratio compressor is likely to have a large St due to its larger size or higher rotational speed. Therefore, compared with the ow in a low pressure ratio compressor, the ow distor-

For the investigated compressor, t is about 0.18 ms. During this short time, the rotation angle of the impeller is about 70 deg at the design rotational speed. The discrepancies between the evaluation and the experimental results can be induced by the evaluation of the propagation velocity and the passage length. It could be seen that the inuence of the rotation of the impeller on the phase shift of the distortion is much larger than the effect of the wrap angle. Therefore, the propagation of the disturbance wave and the meanwhile rotation of the impeller are the two main reasons for the phase shift of the distortion from the outlet upstream into the impeller. 4.2 Flow Simulation. As previously discussed, the Strouhal number of the compressor at design speed is about 0.3. Therefore,

Fig. 13 Magnitude of the pressure coefcient distortion at the leading edge of the splitter blades near surge

Fig. 14 Static pressure distribution at the diffuser inlet and the leading edge of the splitter blades near surge at 105% N

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the unsteady effect of propagation of the disturbance wave is signicant in the impeller because of its rotation. However, the steady state numerical method can still be used to investigate the circumferential asymmetric ow eld in the compressor which is caused by the volute, although the phase shift between the outlet and passages of the impeller will inevitably not be correctly predicted. The steady state simulation can be considered as a case in which the velocity of the disturbance propagation is so large that the time needed for propagation can be ignored. The numerical simulation has to be validated by experimental results; therefore, the compressor performance is compared in Fig. 15. The mass ow is normalized by the designed ow rate. Figure 15 shows that the averaged total to total pressure ratio (Fig. 15(a)) by the simulation is around 6.7% higher than by the experiment at the designed speed while the predicted efciency (Fig. 15(b)) is 3.2% lower than the experimental results. Several factors may induce the discrepancies between the simulation and experiment, including the turbulence model, a nonaccurate tip model, the surface roughness (i.e., volute inner surface), etc. [20]. Some differences exist in the surge point and choke point by the simulation and the experimental measurement. The discrepancies between the model and real geometries may induce the errors. The ow could be choked near the leading edge of the splitter where the throat is located. The error of the modeled geometries near the splitter leading edge may induce the error of the predicted choke ow rate. Especially, the predicted surge point is taken by the failure of the simulation convergence. In the models established in the paper, the inlet and outlet ducts are not modeled for simplication which, together with the factors mentioned before, may induce the difference on the surge point. In spite of the discrepancies, the predicted results are moderately in accordance with the experimental results. Further ow eld investigations should be reasonably based on the numerical method. Figure 16 shows the comparison of the dimensionless pressure coefcient distribution in the circumferential direction at the outlet and inlet of the diffuser between the simulation and the experiment (dened by Eq. (4)), both near surge condition at 100% N. According to the results shown in Fig. 15, it is inferred that some differences exist between the ow parameters by pre-

Fig. 16 Pressure coefcient distributions comparison in the diffuser near surge at 100% N

diction and experiment. A static pressure distortion can be seen at the approximately 90 deg circumferential angle for both the simulation and the experiment. Although the discrepancies exist between two results, the predicted and measured phase of distortion are in accordance with each other, which further indicates that the numerical simulation used is reasonable to predict the asymmetric characteristics of the ow eld in the diffuser. Figure 17 compares the circumferential distribution of the pressure coefcient by simulation and experiment at the leading edge of the splitter blades near surge at the design rotational speed. In the simulation results, a pressure distortion exists at around 100 deg, which is approximately coincident with the distortion phase at the impeller outlet. A similar phenomenon was reported in Refs. [11,12]. However, it can be seen that there is a large phase shift (about 120 deg) between the simulation and experiment results. It implied that the steady state simulation cannot be used to predict the phase shift of the distortion; St is zero in the steady state simulation. However, the actual St is up to 0.3 at the design rotational speed and unsteady effects cannot be neglected. Although steady state simulation cannot be used to predict the phase shift in the impeller, the shapes of the static pressure distribution by simulation and experiment are similar. The numerical steady simulation neglects the aforementioned unsteady effects found in the experiments, but facilitates a detailed analysis of the asymmetric ow eld in the impeller. Figure 18 shows the ow rate, the inlet relative ow angle, and the outlet static pressure distribution of each passage near surge at

Fig. 15 Comparison of the performance of the experiment and numerical simulation at 100% N: (a) total to total pressure ratio, and (b) total to total efciency

Fig. 17 Pressure coefcient distribution in the circumferential direction near the leading edge of the splitter blades near surge at 100% N

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seen that the pressure distribution in the impeller passage is quite different because of the difference in the structure of the supersonic/transonic zone at the leading edge of the main blades. It is the ow rate and incidence that changes the velocity distribution and therewith, the ow acceleration in each passage. Figure 20 shows the relative Mach number near the tip of the impeller blades near surge at the design rotational speed. The largest part of the suction surface is covered by low momentum ow in passage 6, in which the ow rate is the least among the passages (Fig. 20(b)). On the contrary, the ow in passages 2, 1, and 9 are similar to that at a normal condition near the design condition, as shown in Fig. 20(a). The basic reason for impeller stall is the large incidence, which will cause blade surface ow separation, strong leakage ow, and other kinds of deteriorated ow in the passage. According to the predicted ow angle distribution in the passages (Fig. 18), it can be inferred that stall rst happens in passage 6 in the steady picture. The propagation of the distortion in the passage and the revolution of the impeller might make the steady picture shift around 110 deg in the rotating direction in an unsteady picture, which has been analyzed before. In spite of

Fig. 18 Flow parameters distribution in the impeller passages near surge at 100% N

the design rotational speed. The abscissa is the circumferential degrees and passage number, which can be seen in Fig. 1(c). All three ow parameters vary from passage to passage. The ow rate peaks in the second passage and falls to the minimal value in passage 6. Since the axial velocity component at the impeller inlet varies in the same way as the ow rate, the distribution of the inlet ow angle is similar to that of the ow rate. The variation of the ow rate in the passages can be explained, to some extent, by the pressure distribution at the outlet of the impeller since the passage with a larger adverse pressure gradient exhibits a smaller ow rate. However, the relation between the minimum mass ow and maximum static pressure is not so straightforward between the ow rate characteristic and the outlet static pressure distribution. The ow rate and inlet ow angle falls to the lowest value at passage 6, where the outlet static pressure does not reach its maximum value. Figure 19 shows the static pressure distribution near the tip of the impeller blades near surge at design rotational speed. It can be

Fig. 19 Static pressure distribution near the tip of the impeller blades near surge at 100% N

Fig. 20 Relative Mach number distribution near the tip of the impeller blades near surge at 100% N:(a) passages 8, 9, 1, and 2, and(b) passages 3, 4, 5, and 6

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this shifting, the results from the steady simulation should be reasonable in a qualitative analysis. The unsteady picture could be enlightened by shifting the steady results in the circumferential direction. It can be further implied that the passages with ow distortion will be more likely to stall at a higher pressure ratio than at a lower pressure ratio because of the larger amplitude of distortion. Obviously, a treatment for stability improvement concentrating in this zone will be more efcient.

PC St t T T-T U W q

pressure coefcient Strouhal number time total temperature total to total (pressure ratio or efciency) impeller rotational velocity relative ow velocity gas density

Conclusions and Remarks

1 2 5 in max impeller inlet impeller outlet diffuser outlet inlet maximum

The nonaxisymmetrical ow in a high-pressure-ratio turbocharger centrifugal compressor was studied. The static pressure distribution in the streamwise direction in the compressor was measured and analyzed. Conclusions could be drawn from the experiments as follows: 1. There is an evident nonaxisymmetrical ow pattern throughout the compressor due to the asymmetric geometry of the overhung volute. The static pressure eld in the diffuser is distorted at approximately 90 deg in the rotational direction downstream of the volute tongue throughout the diffuser. The magnitude of this distortion slightly varies with the rotational speeds. 2. The magnitude and shape of the static pressure distortion in the impeller is a function of the rotational speed. The magnitude of the distortion sharply increases as the rotational speed goes up to 105% N. There are two valley values in the static pressure circumferential distribution at lower speeds, while there is only one at higher speeds. The numerical steady state simulation neglects the aforementioned unsteady effects found in the experiments, however, it facilitates a detailed analysis of the asymmetric ow eld in the impeller, allowing the identication of the passages responsible for the inception of inducer stall. It can be concluded as follows: 3. The ow rate among impeller passages is nonuniformly distributed due to the distorted static pressure distribution at the outlet of the impeller. Thus, the circumferential distribution of the inlet ow angle is distorted and the ow pattern in each passage is different. Since the ow pattern among passages varies from one to the other, the discrepancy of the stability of the passages could be induced. A ow control method targeted at stability improvement is more proper to be designed differently for different passages. Based on the detailed study of the nonaxisymmetrical ow eld induced by the volute, Part II of this two-part paper will develop an asymmetric ow control method to widen the stable ow range of the high-pressure-ratio turbocharger centrifugal compressor.

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This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51176087).

A/R C Cp Ds f L N P ratio of volute throat area to its radius speed of sound specic heat at constant pressure magnitude of static pressure distortion impeller rotational frequency characteristic length in the Strouhal number design rotational speed static pressure

Journal of Turbomachinery

MARCH 2013, Vol. 135 / 021006-9

Downloaded 10 Jan 2013 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see

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