HDX101 Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter User Guide: © 2006-2007 by NETGEAR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. February 2007
HDX101 Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter User Guide: © 2006-2007 by NETGEAR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. February 2007
HDX101 Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter User Guide: © 2006-2007 by NETGEAR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. February 2007
NETGEAR, Inc. 4500 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA
NETGEAR is a trademark of Netgear, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.
Statement of Conditions
In the interest of improving internal design, operational function, and/or reliability, NETGEAR reserves the right to make changes to the products described in this document without notice. NETGEAR does not assume any liability that may occur due to the use or application of the product(s) or circuit layout(s) described herein.
To Add a New Device from a Locally Connected Computer ..................................2-22 To Add a New Device from a Remotely Connected Computer ..............................2-22 How to Prioritize Traffic on the Powerline Network .......................................................2-23 How to Prioritize Traffic by General Application Type ............................................2-23 Advanced QoS Options ..........................................................................................2-25 Other QoS Options .................................................................................................2-26 Chapter 3 Troubleshooting NETGEAR Product Registration, Support, and Documentation .....................................3-1 Basic Functioning ...........................................................................................................3-1 Power Light Not On ..................................................................................................3-2 Powerline Link Light Not On .....................................................................................3-2 Ethernet Light is Off .................................................................................................3-2 Problems after Changing Network ID .............................................................................3-2 Appendix A Technical Specifications
This guide describes how to install, configure and troubleshoot the HDX101 Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter.The information is this manual is intended for readers with intermediate computer and Internet skills.
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Danger: This is a safety warning. Failure to take heed of this notice may result in personal injury or death. Scope. This manual is written for the Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter according to these specifications:
Product Version Manual Publication Date HDX101 Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter February 2007
Note: Product updates are available on the NETGEAR, Inc. Web site at http://kbserver.netgear.com/products/HDX101.asp.
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Revision History
Version Description Number 1.0 1.1 1.2 Original document. Product update: New configuration utility Product update: New configuration utility New sections added for product upgrades and resetting devices to factory default settings.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of the NETGEAR HDX101 Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter. The Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter lets you completely network your home by simply plugging into your existing electrical wiring, so your network connection is as close as the nearest power outlet. Now your high-speed cable/DSL connection can be available in every room. And you can also extend an existing Ethernet network to PCs in other rooms without any additional wiring. This chapter describes the features of the NETGEAR HDX101 Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter.
Key Features
Note: This manual provides information on the complete features as of the date of publication. Earlier versions of this product may not have all the features presented in this manual. Go to http://kbserver.netgear.com where you will find product firmware updates for your HDX101. The Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter provides the following features: Data encryption for the Powerline network. Easy installation and management utility Powerline network ID Front panel LEDs for easy monitoring of status and activity.
Package Contents
The product package should contain the following items: An HDX101 Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter. HDX101 Resource CD, including: This guide. HDX101 configuration utility HDX101 Installation Guide. Registration, Warranty Card, and Support Information Card. If any of the parts are incorrect, missing, or damaged, contact your NETGEAR dealer. Keep the carton, including the original packing materials, in case you need to return the Powerline HD Ethernet adapter for repair.
Figure 1-1
You can use the status lights to verify connections. Viewed from top to bottom, the table below describes the lights on the front panel.
Table 1-1. Status Light Descriptions
Label Power Activity On Green Solid Off On Blue Solid Off Ethernet On Green Solid Blink Off Description Power is supplied to the HDX101. Power is not supplied to the HDX101. The device has detected another Powerline device on the Powerline network. No other Powerline devices detected on the Powerline network. The Ethernet port is linked but there is no activity. Data is being transmitted or received over the Ethernet port. There is no active Ethernet connection.
Powerline Link
This chapter describes how to set up the HDX101 Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter on your local area network (LAN) and connect to the Internet.
Ethernet Network
Figure 2-1
Figure 2-2
1. First, connect a Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter to a LAN port on the router so that the Powerline network can gain access to the internet.
Figure 2-3
Do not connect the HDX101 Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter to a power strip, extension cord, or surge protector as this may prevent them from working properly or degrade the network performance. a. Plug the blue Ethernet cable that came in the box into a LAN port on your router or switch in your network. b. Plug the other end of blue Ethernet cable that came in the box into the HDX101. Power: The power light should turn solid green. If it does not, see Chapter 3, Troubleshooting. Ethernet: The Ethernet light should be blinking to indicate activity. If not, make sure the Ethernet cable on the HDX101 you connected in the previous step is securely attached to the HDX101 and the router, that the router is connected to the modem, and the router and modem are powered on.
c. Make sure that the internet port of your router is connected to your modem, and your computer is connected to a LAN port on the router.
Figure 2-4
1. Insert the HDX101 Resource CD into one of the CD-ROM drives on the computer that is connected to your router1. The CD should start automatically and display the following screen:
Figure 2-5
If the CD does not start automatically: Go to My Computer on the Windows Start menu, and double-click the drive that represents the location of the HDX101 Resource CD or Select the CD-ROM drive and click on the Autorun.exe executable file.
2. Click the topmost button, labelled Install Software. A Welcome screen should appear.
Figure 2-6
1. All devices on a Powerline network can be managed from one computer. If you add another HDX101 device to an existing Powerline network, you can install the Powerline configuration utility on the computer connected locally to the new HDX101 device, or open the utility on the computer originally used to set up the Powerline network ID. You can use any computer to manage the network, but this procedure assumes that you are working from the computer that is connected to your router.
3. Click Next to display a window that allows you to choose the installation location.
Figure 2-7
4. Either click Browse to change the location where files will be saved on your hard drive, or click Install to accept the default location. 5. If you choose to change the destination location for the files, the following popup window will be displayed:
Figure 2-8
a. Select a folder or click Make New Folder to create a new folder, and then click OK. b. When the active window returns to the main InstallShield dialog shown in Figure 2-7, click the Install button to continue the installation.
6. If your computer does not include a current version of WinPcap, the InstallShield Wizard will display a dialog box to indicate that it must install WinPcap.
Figure 2-9
Click OK to install WinPCap and follow the on-screen instructions until the following window is displayed.
Figure 2-10
Click the Finish button to continue the installation of the HDX101 Configuration Utility.
7. After WinPcap is installed, the InstallShield Wizard will indicate the HDX101 Configuration Utility has been installed.
Figure 2-11
To launch the program, make sure the Run NETGEAR HDX101 Configuration Utility button is checked. Click the Finish button to close the InstallShield Wizard.
4 5
Figure 2-12
The screen is divided into 5 major areas: 1. Powerline Scan Statusreflects the auto-scan status, indicating whether the utility is currently scanning for Powerline devices, or the number of Powerline devices detected, after the scan has completed. 2. Network IDindicates the network ID of the local Powerline device. All devices shown in the device table (3) share the same network ID. 3. Device Tableshows basic information about the Powerline devices. The table has 6 columns: Device Name, MAC Address, Location, Quality, Tx (Mbps), Rx (Mbps). The Device Name column contains two items: a checkbox and a device name. A checkmark means that the device is selected so that its network ID can be changed. The device name is initially set by the utility. The MAC Address column indicates the physical address of the Powerline device. The Location column indicates whether the device is local or remote. The local device is the one connected, via an Ethernet cable, to the PC running this utility.
Installing the Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter v1.2, February 2007
The Quality column indicates the type of traffic that can be handled smoothly: HD Video, DVD Video, or Data. HD Video means that the device can handle high-definition video traffic smoothly. This status will be shown if the transmit and receive link speed is greater than 80 Mbps. DVD Video quality implies that the transmit and receive link speed is greater than 50 Mbps. Data quality means that the device cannot handle video data smoothly. This status will be shown if the transmit or receive link speed is less than 50 Mbps.
The Rx (Mbps) column shows the maximum receive link speed of the device. The Tx (Mbps) column shows the maximum transmit link speed of the device.
4. Control Buttonsconsisting of 4 buttons. These buttons allow you to change a device name, reset a device to its factory defaults, manually apply a firmware upgrade, or force the utility to scan the network for Powerline devices. For details about setting your devices back to their factory defaults, see Resetting to Factory Defaults on page 2-14. For details about manually applying a firmware upgrade, see Manually Applying a Firmware Upgrade on page 2-13. 5. Powerline Mode Option group. The options in this group configures how the network will coexist with HomePlug devices. For more details on this option, see Allowing Your Powerline Network to Coexist with a HomePlug Network on page 2-17.
Figure 2-13
If the firmware in the local device is up-to-date, but the firmware on one or more remote devices is old, the software will display the following message box:
Figure 2-14
Note: You can only perform an upgrade with the local device. If the firmware is out-ofdate on remote devices only, start the following procedure from step 4. To upgrade the firmware: 1. Click the OK button. The upgrade process will start automatically, and the following progress screen will be displayed:
Figure 2-15
Figure 2-16
3. Click the Diagnostics tab, and check the last column, Firmware Version, in the Device History table.
Figure 2-17
4. If a remote HDX101 Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter does not have the same firmware version as the one installed on the local device, connect your PC to that adapter and repeat the upgrade process. If necessary, click the Firmware Upgrade button in the main window and accept the default firmware file to start the upgrade process.
1. Go to the HDX101 support page at http://kbserver.netgear.com/products/hdx101.asp. If you see a recent firmware image to download, follow the download instructions on the support site, and take note of where you save the downloaded file on your PC. If the file you downloaded is a .zip file, extract the encapsulated firmware file and note its name and location on your PC. 2. With the Main tab selected in the HDX101 Configuration Utility, click the Firmware Upgrade button. The following window will be displayed:
Figure 2-18
3. Click the browse button, circled in the diagram above, and navigate to the location on your PC where you saved the firmware file. The file should have an extension of .ftp, .img, or .nvm. 4. With the downloaded firmware file selected, click the Upgrade button. 5. One by one, connect your PC to the other HDX101 Powerline HD Ethernet Adapters in your network and repeat steps 2-4 above.
To reset all the devices in your network to the factory defaults, proceed as follows: 1. For each remote device in your network, click the device name to highlight it. Note: Because only one device in a system can be reset at a time, the checkboxes are not used to select devices for this type of operation.
Select remote devices first Select device by highlighting the device name, not by setting a checkmark
Figure 2-19
a. Click the Factory Reset button. The software will display a message similar to the following:
Figure 2-20
b. Click the OK button to reset the device. The software will display a message to indicate whether or not the operation succeeded.
Figure 2-21
c. Click the OK button to dismiss the message box and continue. 2. Once all remote devices have been reset, repeat step 1 for the local device. After the device is reset and the software finishes scanning, check that the device table lists all devices in the network again.
Default settings
Figure 2-22
Figure 2-23
4. Click every empty checkbox in the Device Name column so that a check mark is displayed for every device. 5. Change the Powerline Mode Option as follows:
a. Click the radio button labelled My power line network has not only HDX101, but also HomePlug devices such as XE102, WGX102 or XE104 adapters installed. b. Click the Apply button. Note: HomePlug devices cannot communicate with HDX101 devices on a Powerline network directly. However, devices on a Powerline network can communicate with devices on a HomePlug network if both networks are connected to a router, router/ modem, or gateway device. The following diagram shows a typical mixed Powerline and HomePlug configuration.
Internet Access
ADSL/Cable Port Router-Modem LAN Ports SC101 Ethernet Network Powerline Network HDX101 HDX101 Computer XE104 HomePlug Network Computer XE104 Printer
Figure 2-24
Figure 2-25
4. Click every empty checkbox in the Device Name column so that a check mark is displayed for every device. 5. Set the Network ID as follows:
Figure 2-26
d. Type a network ID in the Network ID text box. e. Click the Set Selected Devices button. The utility should display a pop-up window indicating that the operation was successful.
Select the Main tab again and click the Scan button. Check that the utility detects all the Powerline HD Ethernet Adapters in your Powerline network and that your Network ID is displayed above the device table as circled below.
Figure 2-27
5. Click the Set All Devices button. 6. Select the Main tab and click the Scan button. Wait for the new Powerline HD Ethernet adapter to be listed. The new device can be identified from its MAC address and no check mark will be displayed in the Device Name column for that device.. 7. Click on the checkbox for the new device to display a check mark. 8. If desired, change the device name, by clicking the Rename button and typing a descriptive name. 9. Select the Security tab. 10. Re-enter your private network ID in the Network ID text box. 11. Click the Set All Devices button. The utility should display a pop-up window indicating that the operation was successful. 12. Select the Main tab and click the Scan button. Check that all devices are detected with you private network ID.
To set the priority of data transfers by the type of protocol: 1. Start the HDX101 Configuration Utility from the PC and wait for the utility to detect the Powerline HD Ethernet adapters connected to the computer. 2. Select the QoS (Quality of Service) tab. Note: Changes to QoS settings will be applied to every detected device shown on the Main tab, independent of the settings of the checkboxes in the Device Name column. 3. In the Configure Advanced QoS Settings section, give priority to multimedia transfers by selecting UDP priority and UDP high priority in the Rule list boxes.
Figure 2-28
Otherwise, to give priority to database or document transfers, select TCP priority and TCP high priority in the Rule list boxes. 4. Click the Apply button to set the traffic prioritization rule into all Powerline HD Ethernet adapter devices.
Note: The SC101 uses UDP port 20001 for multimedia data transfers.
To adjust traffic prioritization for smooth playback for the application in the scenario: 1. Start the HDX101 Configuration Utility from the PC and wait for the utility to detect the Powerline HD Ethernet adapters connected to the computer. 2. Select the QoS (Quality of Service) tab. 3. Set the QoS options in the Advanced QoS Options section. For the scenario above, the SC101 provides the source port for the data transfer, and the media player provides the destination port. For this application, select the following options: Select UDP priority and UDP source port priority in the Rule list boxes. In the Item 1 column, type the SC101 UDP port number, 20001, in the UDP Port text box.
If necessary, change the priority. The highest priority you can assign is 6, and the lowest is 1.
Figure 2-29
4. Click the Apply button to set the traffic prioritization rule into all Powerline HD Ethernet adapter devices.
Chapter 3 Troubleshooting
This chapter gives information about troubleshooting your HDX101 Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter. After each problem description, instructions are provided to help you diagnose and solve the problem.
Basic Functioning
After you turn on power to the HDX101 devices, the following sequence of events should occur: 1. When power is first applied, verify that the Power light is on. 2. After approximately 10 seconds, verify that: a. The power light is solid green. b. The blue Powerline Link LED is lit. c. The Ethernet port on the HDX101 lights or blinks. If any of these conditions does not occur, refer to the appropriate following section.
4. If the utility detected all your Powerlin devices in step 3, examine the status of the checkboxes in the Device Name column. a. Click each empty checkbox until a check mark is displayed for every device. b. Select the Security tab, type the Network ID you want to assign in the Set Network ID text box and click the Set Selected Devices button. c. Select the Main tab, and click the Scan button. Check that the utility detects all your Powerline devices. If all devices are displayed, your network is ready to use. If the utility fails to detect all the devices, proceed with step 5 below. 5. If the utility does not detect all the devices, you will need to connect your computer to each Powerline device and set up the network ID one at a time, as folllows: a. Select the Security tab in the window displayed by the NETGEAR HDX101 Configuration Utility. b. Type the Network ID you want to assign in the Set Network ID text box and click the Set Local Device button. c. Select the Main tab and click the Scan button. Check that the utility detects all the devices that have been individually set to the same network ID.
This appendix provides technical specifications for the HDX101 Powerline HD Ethernet Adapter.
Network Protocol and Standards Compatibility Data and Routing Protocols: Power Power Consumption: Physical Specifications Dimensions: Height: 98 mm Width: 72 mm Depth: 40 mm 0.5 lbs. 0.2 kg 0 to 40 C 6.3W IEEE 802.3 (10BASE-T), IEEE 802.3u (100BASE-Tx)
Weight: Environmental Specifications Operating temperature: Operating humidity: Storage humidity Security Encryption type: Bridge Performance MAC addresses: Bandwidth Powerline Performance Compatibility: Data Transfer Rate: Frequency band: Modulation type:
(32 to 104 F)
10-90% maximum relative humidity, noncondensing 5-95% maximum relative humidity, noncondensing
32 200 Mbps
Not HomePlug v1.0 or HomePlug v1.0 Turbo compatible Up to 200 Mbps with real throughput greater than 80 Mbps 2-32 Mbps OFDM symbol modulation
Technical Specifications