Java Metode Gauss Jordan
Java Metode Gauss Jordan
Java Metode Gauss Jordan
000000001; //global declaration of tolerance for pivot size class vector{ private: int size; double *vec; // my vector is going to be a pointer to an array. int range(int); //this is used by the indexing operator. It mak es the class more robust, by making it impossible to return a value outside the array of the objet in question. same thing in the matrix class. public: vector(int); //vector constructor for empty vector of given len gth vector(const double, int); //vector constructor for initialised vector vector(const vector&); ~vector(); //destructor double A(int i, int j); friend class matrix; inline double& vector::operator[](int i){ return vec[range(i)];} // declare an indexing operator inline int vector::getsize(){ return size;} vector& operator=(const vector &v); void swap(int i, int j); void vprint(vector& vc); // this is my home-made vector output f unction. void permute(vector &v, vector &p); vector index(int n); }; class matrix{ private: int numrows; int numcols; vector **mat; //i.e. my matrices are pointers to vectors (so po inters to arrays of pointers to arrays. int range(int); public: matrix(int, int); //matrix constructor for empty matrix of given size matrix(const matrix&); //~matrix(); // destructor inline vector& matrix::operator [](int i){return *mat[range(i)]; } inline int matrix::getrows(){ return numrows;} inline int matrix::getcols(){ return numcols;} matrix& operator=(const matrix &m); double A(int i, int j); //used to initailise the vectors in part s a) and iv)
void A_Init(matrix &ma); void mprint(matrix& ma); void triangulate(matrix &a, vector &b, vector &x); void swap(int i, int j); void pivot(matrix &a, vector &b, vector &x, int h); int pivotSign(matrix &m, vector &p, int i); void backSubs(matrix &a, vector &b, vector &x); matrix inverse(matrix &m); void gaussJordan(matrix &a, matrix &b); void inv(matrix &ma, matrix &inv); };
int main(){ //part a) int N; //user selects the value of N (i.e. size of square matrix A. cout << "\n\nPart a)\n\nEnter the dimension you require for the NxN matr ix [A]. N= "; cin >> N; matrix Amatrix(N,N); //create the empty vector [A] Amatrix.A_Init(Amatrix); cout << "\n\nMatrix [A] has been initialised as follows:\n\n"; Amatrix.mprint(Amatrix); //this function prints the matrix to t he monitor vector Bvector(1, N); //create the vector B, using the second constructo r to initialise to all ones. //for (int v=0; v<Bvector.getsize(); ++v){ Bvector[v] = 1;} ; //initialise B vector as vector of ones. cout << "\n\nThe vector B is initialised as follows: \n\n"; Bvector.vprint (Bvector); //custom vector print function vector X(N); //the purpose of this vector is to keep a track of which x_ n value is which after row swapping has taken place. It will be initialised to {1,2,3,4,etc...} for(int i=0; i<N; ++i) X[i] = i + 1; cout << "\n\nThe vector of variables X is initialised as follows : \n\n"; X.vprint(X); cout << "\n(Where the number indicates the subscript of the x va riable within the X vector.)\n\n"; cout << "\n\nPress enter to perform Gaussian elimination on this system of linear equations.\n\n"; cin.get(); cin.get(); cout << "After diagonalisation, Matrix [A] is transformed as fo llows:\n\n"; Amatrix.triangulate(Amatrix, Bvector, X); Amatrix.backSubs(Amatrix, Bvector, X); //Part i) //cout << "\n\nPart i)\n\nNow we set N = 3. The matrix [A] is now defin ed and initialised as:\n\n"; cout << "Enter value of N for size of matrix, matrix will be initialise d for you, a[i][j] = (i*j )/ (i+j-1): \n"; cin >> N; //N = 3; matrix E(N,N); E.A_Init(E);
E.mprint(E); matrix Einv(N,N); //here we create an empty matrix that will be come the inverse. cout << "\n\nTo calculate to Inverse of matrix [A], press enter...\n"; cin.get(); E.inv(E, Einv);
cout << "Press enter to continue..."; //part iv) cin.get(); cout << "\n\nPart iv)\n\nFor the special case where N = 10 , the NxN mat rix C is initialised to: [c] =\n\n"; matrix C(10, 10); C.A_Init(C); //initialise the 10x10 matrix. C.mprint(C); matrix Cinv(10, 10); //create a new matrix object (empty). Thi s will become inverse of Cmatrix. cout << "\n\nTo calculate to Inverse of matrix [c], press enter...\n"; cin.get(); C.inv(C, Cinv); // cout << "Press enter to continue..."; cin.get(); //part ii) cout << "\n\nPart ii)\n\n";
return 0; } vector::vector(int n){ size = n; vec = new double [size]; if (!vec) cout << "ERROR\tMemory allocation failed in: vector::vector(int) .\n\n"; //this makes the program more robust. for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) vec[i] = 0; } vector::vector(const double d, int n){ size = n; vec = new double [size]; if (!vec) cout << "ERROR\tMemory allocation failed in: vector::vector(doub le*, int)."; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) vec[i] = d; } vector::~vector() {delete vec;} int vector::range(int i) {if(i <0|| i>= size) return -1; else return i;} double vector::A(int i, int j){ return (i * j)/(i + j - 1.0); } void vector::vprint(vector& vc){ cout << "\n\n";
for (int s=0; s < vc.getsize(); ++s) {cout << "[" << vc[s] << "]\n";}; } void vector::swap(int i, int j){ double temp = vec[range(i)]; vec[i] = vec[range(j)]; vec[j] = temp; } vector& vector::operator=(const vector &v){ if (size != v.size) {cout << "ERROR: Size mismatch."; return *this;} for(int i = 0; i <size; ++i) vec[i] = v.vec[i]; return *this; } void permute(vector &v, vector &p){ int n = v.getsize(); vector u(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) u[i] = v[int(p[i])]; v = u; } matrix::matrix(int nrows, int ncols){ //constructor for NxM matrix numrows = nrows; numcols = ncols; mat = new vector* [numrows]; if (!mat) cout << "ERROR:\tRow allocation failed in matrix::matrix(int, int).\n"; for (int i = 0; i < numrows; ++i) { mat[i] = new vector(numcols); if (!mat[i]) cout << "ERROR:\tColumn allocation failed in matrix ::matrix(int, int).\n"; }; } int matrix::range(int i) {if (i < 0 || i >= numrows) return -1; else return i;} double matrix::A(int i, int j){ return (i * j)/(i + j - 1.0); } void matrix::mprint(matrix& ma){ for (int r =0; r<ma.getrows (); ++r) {cout << "["; for (int c=0; c < ma.getcols(); ++c) {cout << ma[r][c] << "\t";} cout << "]\n";} }
void matrix::triangulate(matrix &a, vector &b, vector &x){ //this is the centrep iece of my class, it does gauss elimination, and prepares the matrix for backsub stitution by getting ones on the diagonals. it also deals with vector B and the vector X of x_i variables. Devised by me entirely. for(int j = 0; j < a.getcols()-1; ++j) { for(int p = j + 1; p < a.getrows(); ++p) { a.pivot(a, b, x, j);
double l = (-1.0*a[p][j])/(a[j][j]); b[p] += l*b[j]; // this deals with the b vector for(int i=j; i< a.getcols(); i++) { a[p][i] += l * a[j][i]; } } } for(int k = 0; k < a.getrows(); ++k) // here we get ones on the diagonal . I am assuming that there will be no zeros on the diagonal, which is reasonabl e since this can not happen in this question. { double y = a[k][k]; for(int m = 0; m < a.getcols(); ++m) { a[k][m] = (a[k][m])/y; b[k] = (b[k])/y; if(k>m) { a[k][m] = fabs(a[k][m]); //this is purely cosmetic, it gets rid of minus signs on the lower diagonal entries, wh ich are of course now zero. If you wish to check this, just comment this line o ut, the program still works in exactly the same way. if((a[k][m])!=0 && (a[k][m])< 0. 000001) (a[k][m])=0; }; // likewise, this is cosmetic, it just gets rid or tiny values which remain on the lower diagonal due to rounding errors, we're talking 10exp-16 small. You can get rid of it if you like. } } } void matrix::swap(int i, int j){ vector *temp = mat[range(i)]; mat[i] = mat[range(j)]; mat[j] = temp; } void matrix::pivot(matrix &a, vector &b, vector &x, int h){ int n = a.getrows(); int g = h; double t = 0; for (int k = h; k<n; ++k) {double elm = fabs(a[k][h]); //finds the largest value in the c olumn, the "pivot". if(elm > t) {t = elm; g=k;} } if (g > h) { a.swap(h,g); b.swap(h,g); x.swap(h,g); //this is to swap the entries of the X vec tor, so that we can keep track of the solution properly. This may not be useful in this example because x2 to xN are all zero, but in general it would be usefu l. } } void matrix::backSubs(matrix &a, vector &b, vector &x){ cout << "The solution to the system of linear equations [A]*X = B, is as follows:\n\n"; cout << "After Gaussian Elimination with Full Pivoting, the matrix [A] = \n\n"; a.mprint(a);
cout << "\n\n, the vector B = \n"; b.vprint(b); cout << "\n\n, and the variable vector X = \n"; x.vprint(x); cout << "(Where the number indicates the subscript of the x variable.)\n\nTherefore:\n\n"; for (int i = 0; i < a.getcols(); ++i) { cout << "x_" << x[i] << " = " << (b[i])/a[i][i] << endl; }; cout << "\n(The order in which the x_i variables appear reflects their r espective final order in the X vector.)\n\n"; } void matrix::A_Init(matrix &ma){ for (int r =0; r< ma.getrows(); ++r) //this loop initialises the matrix [A] ("Amatrix".) using the memeber function A. { for (int c=0; c < ma.getcols(); ++c) ma[r][c] = ma.A(r+1,c+1); }; }
void matrix::gaussJordan(matrix &a, matrix &b){ matrix GJ(a.getrows(), (a.getcols()*2)); for(int r = 0; r<a.getrows(); ++r) { for(int c = 0; c<a.getcols(); ++c) { GJ[r][c] = a[r][c]; } GJ[r][r + a.getcols()] = 1; } vector u(GJ.getrows()); //dummy vector for pivot cout << "\nThe Augmented formed by placing an NxN identity matri x to the right of our matrix is:\n"; GJ.mprint(GJ); cout << "\n\n"; for(int j = 0; j < GJ.getcols()-1; ++j) //triangulate leftside of composite matr ix. this gets zero in every row column, below diagonal. { for(int r = j + 1; r < GJ.getrows(); ++r) //this for each individual col umn. { GJ.pivot(GJ, u, u, j); double l = (-1.0*GJ[r][j])/(GJ[j][j]); for(int c=j; c< GJ.getcols(); c++) //this to multiply e ach element in the row. { GJ[r][c] += l * GJ[j][c]; } } } //GJ.mprint(GJ); for(int r = 0; r < GJ.getrows(); ++r) // here we get ones on the leading diagonal. I am assuming that there will be no zeros on the diagonal, which is reasonable since this can not happen in this question. { double y = GJ[r][r]; for(int c = 0; c < GJ.getcols(); ++c)
{ GJ[r][c] = (GJ[r][c])/y; } } for (int k= ((GJ.getcols())/2-1); k > 0; --k) //the outer column loop, t his puts zeros in successive upper diag of left side of augmented matrix GJ { for(int r = GJ.getrows()-2 + k -((GJ.getcols())/2-1); r > -1; -r) {double y = (GJ[r][k]); for(int c = 0; c < GJ.getcols(); ++c) { //cout << "k r c GJ[r][k] " << k << "\t"<< r < < "\t"<< c<< "\t" << GJ[r][k] << "\n\n\n"; GJ[r][c] = (GJ[r][c])-y*(GJ[k][c]); //GJ.mprint(GJ); //cout << "\n\n"; } } } for(int r = 0; r < GJ.getrows (); r++) //this is a clean-up routine, pu rely aesthetic, after the algorithmhas run, to remove near zero values form the matrix. this makes it more legible. small values arise as rounding errors. { for(int c = 0; c < GJ.getcols(); c++) { if(GJ[r][c]<0.000001) GJ[r][c] = 0; } } cout << "After Gauss-Jordan elimination, the Reduced Row-Echelon Form of the augmented matrix is:\n\n"; GJ.mprint(GJ); for(int r = 0; r < a.getrows(); r++) //here we write the inverse to the second argument matrix. { for(int c = 0; c < a.getcols(); c++) { b[r][c] = GJ[r][c + a.getcols()]; } } } void matrix::inv(matrix &ma, matrix &inv){ if (ma.getcols() != inv.getcols() || ma.getrows() != inv.getrows()) //th is 'if' prevents size mismatch. This makes the program more robust. cout << "***ERROR***: Size mismatch. Please supply an inverse w ith same dimensions as matrix to be inverted."; gaussJordan(ma, inv); cout << "Press Enter to proceed..."; cin.get(); cout << "\n\nTherefore the inverse of the supplied matrix is: \n\n"; inv.mprint(inv); cout << endl; }