Default Reasoning

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Default Reasoning

• Defaults are statements containing words “nor-

mally, typically, as a rule”.

• A large part of our education seems to con-

sists of learning various defaults, their excep-
tions, and the skill of reasoning with them.

• Defaults do not occur in the language of

mathematics, and therefore were not studied
by classical mathematical logic. They however
play very important role in everyday, common-
sense reasoning, and presented a considerable
challenge to AI researchers.

Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group


Example: Family Problems

Let us go back to the family example. Sup-

pose you are Sam’s teacher and you strongly
believe that to pass the class Sam needs some
extra help. You convey this information to
Sam’s father, John, and expect some actions
on his part. Your reasoning probably goes
along these lines:
John is Sam’s parent.
NORMALLY, parents care about their chil-
Therefore John cares about Sam and will help
him with his study.
The second statement is a typical example of
a default.

Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group


About Caring

To model this reasoning we introduce relation

cares(X, Y ) — X cares for Y .

Your first inclination may be to ignore the

word normally and simply expand program

f ather(john, sam).
mother(mary, sam).

parent(X, Y ) : − f ather(X, Y ).
parent(X, Y ) : − mother(X, Y ).

child(X, Y ) : − parent(Y, X).

by new rule (r1)

cares(X, Y ) : −parent(X, Y ).

The new program derives cares(john, sam).

Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group


About Caring — Non-Monotonicity

Assume now that in addition to the default

1. “normally parents care about their chil-


you learn that

2. “John is an exception to this rule. He does

not care about his children.”

In everyday reasoning this new information does

not cause contradiction. We simply withdraw
our previous conclusion, cares(john, sam), and
replace it by the new one, ¬cares(john, sam).

Reasoning which allows removal of previously

achieved conclusions when new information be-
comes available is called NON-MONOTONIC.

Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group


Representing Defaults in A-Prolog

Classical mathematical logic is monotonic —

once proven, a theorem stays proven for ever.
To formalize non-monotonic reasoning AI re-
searchers had to develop a very different type
of logic.

A default ’Normally elements of class C have

property P ’ is often represented by a rule:

p(X) ← c(X),
not d(X),
not ¬p(X).
d is the default’s name (given by the program
designer). d(X) says that default d is not ap-
plicable to X; not ¬p(X) is read as ’p(X) MAY
be true’.

Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group


Example: Caring Parents

The same technique can be used if X is a list

of variables. For instance, the default “nor-
mally parents care about their children” will
be represented by the rule (d1):

cares(X, Y ) ← parent(X, Y ),
not d1(X, Y ),
not ¬cares(X, Y ).
Let us now compare ’strict’ caring rule (r1)
used in the beginning with the new rule (d1).
Let F be a family knowledge base including
the definition of parents, P1 = F ∪ (r1) and P2 =
F ∪ (d1). You can check that both programs
entail cares(john, sam).

Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group


Uncaring John

Let us see what happens when we learn that

John does not care about his children.

There is no way to incorporate this informa-

tion into P1 — the program will become incon-

We can however add this new knowledge to P2

using the rule:

¬cares(john, X) ← child(X, john).

The new program is consistent and entails

¬cares(john, sam), cares(mary, sam).
Note that the new information about John forced
the program to withdraw one of its previous
conclusions and replace it by the new one.

Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group


Exceptions to Defaults in A-Prolog

Let d be a default “Normally elements of c have

property p”. (d) may have two types of excep-
tions: ’strong’ which refute the default’s con-
clusion, and ’weak’ which render the default

A weak exception e(X) to d is encoded by a so

called CANCELLATION axiom

d(X) ← not ¬e(X).

which says that d is not applicable to X if X

MAY BE a weak exception to d.

If e is a strong exception we need one more

¬p(X) ← e(X)

which will allow us to defeat d’s conclusion.

Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group

Weak Exception - an Example

To illustrate the notion of weak exception let

us emulate a cautious reasoner who does not
want to apply default (d1) to people whose
spouses do not care about their children. Such
a reasoner will prefer not to make any judg-
ment on Mary’s relation to Sam. This can be
achieved by a rule:

d1(P 1, C) ← parent(P 1, C),

parent(P 2, C),
¬cares(P 2, C).
New program answers no to query cares(john, sam)
and maybe to query cares(mary, sam).

Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group


Example: Strong Exception

Uncaring John serves as an example of strong

exception to (d1). According to our general
methodology the fact that he does not care for
his children is translated into A-Prolog by the

¬cares(john, X) ← parent(john, X).

d1(john, X) ← not ¬parent(john, X)).

Notice however that the second rule is useless

and can be safely removed from the program.
(Indeed if John is a parent of X then the first
rule applies and defeats the default. If no in-
formation about parent(john, x) is available the
default is not applicable anyway).

Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group


More about Uncaring Parents

To better understand the need for the cancel-

lation axioms let us consider another strong
exception to the “caring parents” default.

Assume the existence of a mythical country, u,

whose inhabitants do not care for their chil-
dren. This exception to default d1 is repre-
sented by rules

¬cares(P, X) ← parent(P, X),

born in(P, u).
d1(P, X) ← not ¬born in(P, u)).

Now consider an extension of our family database

which contains information about national ori-
gin of most (but not all) recorded people.

Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group


Assume, for instance, that according to our

records Pit and Kathy are the father and mother
of Jim, Kathy was born in Moldova, but the
national origin of Pit is unknown. He could
have been born in u.

It is easy to see that the queries ?cares(kathy, jim)

and ?cares(pit, jim) are correctly answered by
yes and unknown respectively.

If later we learn that Jim is indeed from u then

the second answer will be replaced by the def-
inite no.

Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group


Mixing Exceptions — Cowardly


Let us consider an example which has both,

weak and strong exceptions. We are given

• two classes of objects, student and dept con-

taining names of all students and departments
of the domain.

• a (possibly incomplete) list L

in(john, engl). in(mary, cs). in(bob, cs). in(pat, math).

which relates students to their unique majors.

• the following default with exceptions: Nor-

mally, students are afraid of math. A brave
student Mary and the math majors are not.
Those in CS may or may not be afraid.

Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group


Cowardly Students (continued)

Let us represent the above information in A-


To define negative information for relations student

and dept we can use the CWA. But since L
maybe incomplete we need to find some other
way to deal with negative information about
in. The rule
¬in(S, D1) ← in(S, D2),
D1 6= D2.
does that by exploiting uniqueness of majors.

The resulting program entails ¬in(mary, engl),


Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group


Cowardly Students (continued)

The default is translated by the rule:

af raid(S, math) ← student(S),

not d(S),
not ¬af raid(S, math).
The first exception can be represented as:

d(mary). ¬af raid(mary, math).

To represent weak exception in(S, cs) and strong

one, in(S, math), we write:

d(S) ← student(S),
not ¬in(S, cs).
d(S) ← student(S),
not ¬in(S, math).

¬af raid(S, math) ← student(S),

in(S, math).
Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group

Cowardly Students (continued)

(a) Informally ’tracing’ the rules of the pro-

gram check if the following answers to queries
are correct:

? af raid(john, math) Yes

? af raid(mary, math) No

? af raid(pat, math) No

? af raid(bob, math) Unknown

(b) Use one of A-Prolog inference engines to

answer these queries.

(c) Will dropping the statement d(mary) from

the program change the program’s definition
of relation af raid? What about dropping the
cancellation rule for math students?

Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group


Important special case

The above representation of defaults and ex-

ceptions is rather general. Sometimes it can
be substantially simplified. Here is an exam-

Let c0 be a collection of weak exceptions to

default d ’Elements of c normally have property
p’. If the reasoner has a complete knowledge
of c0 than the cancellation axiom for d is

d(X) ← c0(X).

If c0 is a completely described collection of strong

exceptions no cancellation axiom for c0 is needed.

Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group


Incompleteness in Databases

Consider a database table representing a ten-

tative summer schedule of a CS department.

Professor Course
mike pascal
john c
staff lisp

Here ’staff ’ is a special constant (called Null

value) which stands for an unknown professor.
It expresses the fact that Lisp will be taught by
SOME professor (possibly different from Mike
and John).

To represent this information we introduce a

relation t(P, C) which says that professor P teaches
a course C. We also assume that we are given
complete collections of professors and courses.
Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group

Incompleteness in Databases
The positive information from the table can be
represented by a collection of facts:

t(mike, pascal). t(john, c). t(staf f, lisp).

To represent negative information we use de-

fault d: Normally, P teaches C only if this is
listed in the schedule. Notice that d is not ap-
plicable to Lisp (or any other course taught by
’staff ’). This can be represented as:

¬t(P, C) ← prof (P ), course(C),

not d(P, C),
not t(P, C).
d(P, C) ← t(staf f, C).
Check that the resulting program Π0 program
produces correct answers (N o and U nknown) to
queries ?t(mike, c) and ?t(mike, lisp).
Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group

Incompleteness in Databases
Now consider a different type of incomplete-
ness in database tables.
Professor Course
mike pascal
john c
{mike,john} prolog
staff lisp

Here {mike,john} represents the second type

of nulls – “value unknown but one of the finite
set of values”. To represent this information
we simply expand Π0 by

t(mike, prolog) or t(john, prolog).

Π1’s answers to queries ?t(mike, c), ?t(mike, prolog)

and ?t(mike, prolog) ∧ t(john, prolog) are N o,
U nknown, and N o respectively.
Texas Tech University Knowledge Representation Group

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