Direct To Host PDF
Direct To Host PDF
DDC-100 Direct-to-Host Programming Guide 2002 Copyright Limitorque Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Disclaimer
No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without written permission from Limitorque. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. This document is the proprietary information of Limitorque Corporation furnished for customer use ONLY. No other uses are authorized without written permission from Limitorque Corporation. Limitorque Corporation reserves the right to make changes, without notice, to this document and the products it describes. Limitorque Corporation shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions made herein; nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the furnishing, performance, or use of this document. The choice of system components is the responsibility of the buyer and how they are used cannot be the liability of Limitorque Corporation. However, Limitorques sales team and application engineers are always available to assist you in making your decision. This manual contains information that is correct to the best of Limitorques knowledge. It is intended to be a guide and should not be considered as a sole source of technical instruction, replacing good technical judgment, since all possible situations cannot be anticipated. If there is any doubt as to exact installation, conguration, and/or use, call Limitorque Corporation at (434) 528-4400. The latest revisions to this document are available online at
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1-1
2.1 Advantages of Direct-to-Host Control 2.2 Deliverables for Successful Direct-to-Host Implementations
3 Field Unit Monitoring & Control
2-1 2-2
3.1 Use of Coils & Registers for Monitoring & Control 3.2 Modbus 3.2.1 Modbus Function Code 01 (Read Coil Status) 3.2.2 Modbus Function Code 02 (Read Input Status) 3.2.3 Modbus Function Code 03 (Read Holding Register) 3.2.4 Modbus Function Code 04 (Read Input Register) 3.2.5 Modbus Function Code 05 (Force Single Coil) 3.2.6 Modbus Function Code 06 (Preset Single Register) 3.2.7 Modbus Function Code 08 (Diagnostics) 3.2.8 Modbus Function Code 15 (Force Multiple Coils) 3.2.9 Modbus Function Code 16 (Preset Multiple Registers)
4 The DDC-100 Network
3-1 3-2 3-4 3-4 3-7 3-14 3-15 3-16 3-20 3-21 3-22
4.1 Field Unit Network Communication Channels 4.1.1 Field Unit Network Bypass Relays 4.1.2 Field Unit Repeater Circuits 4.2 Network Topologies 4.2.1 Redundant Loop 4.2.2 Single-Ended Loop 4.2.3 Single-Line Multi-Drop 4.3 Network Polling 4.3.1 Network Communication Errors 4.3.2 Network Communication Examples 4.4 Network Control 4.4.1 Ladder Logic Routines 4.4.2 Software Control Modules (C++ or Visual Basic Program) 4.4.3 Personal Computer with a Graphical User-Interface
5 Interfacing Hardware for the DDC-100 Network
4-3 4-3 4-3 4-4 4-4 4-6 4-8 4-10 4-12 4-13 4-16 4-16 4-16 4-16
5.1 RS-232 to RS-485 Converters 5.1.1 RS-232/RS-485 Control Line Steered Converter (P/N 61-825-0966-4) 5.1.2 RS-232/RS-484 Converter with RS-485 Self-Steering (P/N 61-825-1032-4) 5.2 RS-485 Connection Direct to the DDC-100 Field Unit
6 Programming Recommendations
6-1 6-2
Figure 4.1 DDC-100 Redundant Loop Network Figure 4.2 DDC-100 Single-Ended Loop Network Figure 4.3 DDC-100 Single-Line Multi-Drop Network Figure 5.1 RS-232/RS-485 Converter Dimensions & Rack Mount Kit Figure 5.2 RS-232/RS-485 Cable Diagram Figure 5.3 Front & Back Panels of Steered Converter Figure 5.4 Front & Back Panels of Self-Steering Converter 4-5 4-7 4-9 5-2 5-3 5-3 5-5
Table 3.1 Field Unit Communication Parameters 3-1 Table 3.2 Modbus Function Codes Supported 3-3 Table 3.3 DDC-100 Coil Assignments 3-4 Table 3.4 Status Bit Denitions 3-5 3-6 Table 3.5 Field Unit Register Denitions 3-8 3-13 Table 3.6 DDC-100 Coil Assignments 3-15 Table 3.7 Modbus 06 Command & Field Unit Holding Register 40001 3-17 Table 3.8 Diagnostic Codes Supported by the DDC-100 Field Unit 3-19 Table 4.1 Average Field Unit Response Time 4-11 Table 4.2 Average Network Scan Time 4-11 Table 5.1 RS-232/RS-485 Converter Specications 5-1 Table 5.2 Steered Converter Assembly (P/N 22300-759) 5-2 Table 5.3 Self-Steering Converter Assembly (P/N 22300-760) 5-2 Table 5.4 RS-232/RS-485 Converter (P/N 61-825-0966-4) DIP Switch Functions 5-4 Table 5.5 RS-232/RS-485 Converter (P/N 61-825-0966-4) RS-232 Connector 5-4 Table 5.6 RS-232/RS-485 Converter (P/N 61-825-0966-4) RS-485 Connector 5-4 Table 5.7 RS-232/RS-485 Converter (P/N 61-825-0966-4) Jumpers 5-5 Table 5.8 RS-232/RS-485 Converter (P/N 61-825-1032-4) RS-232 Connector 5-5 Table 5.9 RS-232/RS-485 Converter (P/N 61-825-1032-4) RS-485 Connector 5-6 Table 5.10 RS-232/RS-485 Converter (P/N 61-825-1032-4) Jumpers 5-6 Table 6.1 Sample Tag Table for Direct-to-Host applications 6-3
1.1 Premise
This Programming Guide was written for the user who is connecting Limitorques DDC-100 Network-compatible valve actuators directly to a control system Host computer. These guidelines provide the information that is necessary to control and monitor the valve actuators through a serial data communications network. Your safety and satisfaction are very important to Limitorque. Please follow all instructions carefully and pay special attention to safety.
The following methods will be used to emphasize text throughout this manual: a WARNING: Refers to personal safety. This alerts the reader to potential danger or harm. Failure to follow the advice in warning notices could result in personal injury or death. CAUTION: Directs attention to general precautions, which, if not followed, could result in personal injury and/or equipment damage. NOTE: Highlights information critical to the understanding or use of these products. Bold text highlights other important information that is critical to system components. CAPITALIZED text stresses attention to the details of the procedure. Underlined text emphasizes crucial words in sentences that could be misunderstood if the word is not recognized. The purpose of these emphasized blocks of text is to alert the reader to possible hazards associated with the equipment and the precautions that can be taken to reduce the risk of personal injury and damage to the equipment. Read and become familiar with the material in these guidelines before attempting installation, operation, or maintenance of the equipment. Failure to observe precautions could result in serious bodily injury, damage to the equipment, or operational difculty.
These guidelines were written to help you successfully connect Limitorque valve actuators directly to a control system Host computer. You do not have to be an expert in electronics or digital controls to utilize this manual. However, this manual assumes that you have a working understanding of valve actuators and a fundamental understanding of control system programming. The following manuals should be available before attempting to connect the valve actuators to the control system: 1) Accutronix Installation & Operation for MX-DDC Field Unit Manual Bulletin 130-43510 2) DDC-100 UEC Field Unit (Modbus) Installation & Operation Manual Bulletin 440-20014 3) DDC-100 UEC Field Unit Wiring & Startup Guidelines Bulletin 437-13001 4) DDC-100 UEC Field Unit Installation & Commissioning Manual Bulletin 440-20016 5) Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide PI-MODBUS-300 Rev. G available from Modicon 6) Valve actuator installation manual for the specic model(s) to be installed. An understanding of valve actuators and digital control systems is benecial to all system users. Limitorque assistance and training is available to help you operate your system at top efciency. It is recommended that you read this entire manual before attempting to install the valve actuators in your control system.
The Modbus function codes that are supported in the DDC-100 Network are a subset of the complete Modbus function codes and are listed below: 01 - Read Coil Status Reads the ON/OFF status of discrete outputs (coils) in the eld units. 02 - Read Input Status Reads the ON/OFF status of discrete inputs in the eld units. 03 - Read Holding Registers Reads the binary contents of holding registers in the eld units. 04 - Read Input Registers Reads the binary contents of the input registers in the eld units. 05 - Force Single Coil Forces a single coil to either the ON or OFF state. 06 - Preset Single Register Presets a value into a single-holding register. 08 - Diagnostics Provides communication tests and checks for internal error conditions in the eld units. 15 - Force Multiple Coils Forces multiple coils to either the ON or OFF state. 16 - Preset Multiple Registers Presets a value into multiple holding registers. NOTE: All data in Modbus messages are referenced to zero. The rst occurrence of a data item is addressed as item number zero. This includes Coils, Inputs, and Registers. For example, coils 1-8 would be addressed as 0-7, inputs 1-16 would be addressed as 0-15, and registers 1-16 would be addressed as 0-15.
The Modbus protocol was developed by A.E.G. Modicon for communicating to various networked devices. The relationship between these devices and a central controller is called a master-slave relationship in which the master (Host device) initiates all communications. The slave devices (eld units in the actuators) respond to the queries from the master. Modbus only permits one master to communicate at any given time (simultaneous communication is prohibited) for assuring process control integrity. The controlling device (master) must conform to the Modbus protocol as dened in the Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide PI-MODBUS-300 Rev. G and support Modbus function codes 01 through 06, 08, 15 and 16. These function codes are a subset of the complete protocol and are dened in Table 3.2.
The choice of which query to use in a particular situation can signicantly affect the efciency of the network. As an example, consider the situation where the Host requires the status of the coils, the status of the digital inputs, the status of the faults, and the status of the timers and analog channels. This information can be obtained by using the 01 - Read Coil Status query, the 02 - Read Input Status query, and 04 - Read Input Register query. To obtain this information, the Host would have to send three separate queries, and the eld unit would have to respond to each query separately. A more efcient way to accomplish this same request for information would be through the use of the 03 - Read Holding Register query. The Host would issue the 03 query (specifying the registers to read), and the eld unit would respond with one response that would contain all of the requested information. The latter approach would generate considerably less network trafc than the former approach, improving network capacity and response times. In the strict sense, all transmissions from the Modbus master are called commands. In this manual, a request for information, however, may be referred to as a query. Usually the term query will only be used in conjunction with function codes (01), (02), (03), (04), and (08), which typically request data. Commands are used in conjunction with function codes (05), (06), (15), (16), which typically initiate eld unit action. Examples The coil known as coil 1 in the eld unit is addressed as coil 0000 in the data address eld of a Modbus message. Digital input 129 decimal is addressed as digital input 0080 hex (128 decimal). Holding register 40001 is addressed as register 0000 in the data address eld of the message. The function code eld already species holding register operation. Therefore the reference 4XXXX is implicit. Holding register 40009 is addressed as register 0008 hex (8 decimal).
4 03 AS-2 5 04 AS-3 6 05 AS-4 7 06 AR-1 (Opt) 8 07 AR-2 (Opt) 9 08 AR-3 (Opt) Note 1: Relay #2 is physical Relay K2. Note 2: Relay #1 is physical Relay K1.
Example Poll eld unit number 3 for 8 coils starting at coil 1. Query: 0301000000083C2E Response: 03010118503A Message Breakdown
Query Response 03 Slave (Field Unit) Address 03 Slave (Field Unit) Address 01 Function 01 Function 00 Starting Address Hi 01 Byte Count 1 00 Starting Address Lo 18 Data (Coils 8 - 1) 00 No. of Points Hi 503A Error Check (CRC) 08 No. of Points Lo 3C2E Error Check (CRC) Note 1: 18h equals 00011000 or coils 4 and 5 are ON.
I/O Module Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Channel A fault Channel B fault Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used
Not Used
151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used Not Used
I/O Module Not Used Not Used Relay 3 Relay 4 Relay 5 Relay 6 Relay 2 (K2) Relay 1 (K1) Field unit software vs. ID Field unit software vs. ID Field unit software vs. ID User Input 8 User Input 9 User Input 10 User Input 11 User Input 12 User Input 13 User Input 14 User Input 15 User Input 0 User Input 1 User Input 2 User Input 3 User Input 4 User Input 5 User Input 6 User Input 7 Analog Input 1 lost Analog Input 2 lost Analog Input 3 lost Analog Input 4 lost Network Channels A/B timed out Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved User Input 18 User Input 19 User Input 16 User Input 17
Example Poll eld unit number 22 for 16 inputs starting at input 129 with the actuator opening. Query: 1602008000107B09 Response: 1602020108CDED Message Breakdown
Query Response 16 Slave (Field Unit) Address 16 Slave (Field Unit) Address 02 Function 02 Function 00 Starting Address Hi 02 Byte Count 80 Starting Address Lo 011 Data (Inputs 10136 - 10129) 00 No. of Points Hi 082 Data (Inputs 10144 - 10137) 10 No. of Points Lo CDED Error Check (CRC) 7B09 Error Check (CRC) Note 1: 01h equals 0000 0001 (actuator open input bit is ON). Note 2: 08h equals 0000 1000 (actuator Channel B Fail bit is ON).
Digital Outputs
Value of 16 Digital Outputs Bit 0 Close contactor (interlocked) Bit 1 Open contactor (interlocked) Bit 2 AS-1 Bit 3 AS-2 Bit 4 AS-3 Bit 5 AS-4 Bit 6 AR-1 (Opt) Bit 7 AR-2 (Opt) Bit 8 AR-3 (Opt) Bit 9 Network Relay Bits 10-15 Not Used
Digital Inputs 2
User Faults
Current State
17 18 19
Field Unit Holding Register Field Unit Holding Register Field Unit Holding Register
Example Poll eld unit number 125 for 3 registers starting at register 8 with the actuator stopped between the limits and in local mode. Query: 7D0300070003BFF6 Response: 7D0306003D084400003E07 Message Breakdown
Response 7D Slave (Field Unit) Address 03 Function 06 Byte Count 00 Data Hi (Register 40008) 3D1 Data Lo (Register 40008) 08 Data Hi (Register 40009) 442 Data Lo (Register 40009) 00 Data Hi (Register 40010) 00 Data Lo (Register 40010) 3E07 Error Check (CRC) Note 1: 003Dh equals 61 Decimal (actuator Analog Input 1 in percent format). Note 2: 0844h equals 2116 Decimal or 0000 1000 0100 0100 Binary (actuator stopped between limits, local mode, and Channel B Fail bit is ON). Slave (Field Unit) Address Function Starting Address Hi Starting Address Lo No. of Points Hi No. of Points Lo Error Check (CRC) Query 7D 03 00 07 00 03 BFF6
Message Breakdown
Response 46 Slave (Field Unit) Address 04 Function 08 Byte Count FF Data Hi (Register 40005) FF1 Data Lo (Register 40005) FF Data Hi (Register 40006) FF2 Data Lo (Register 40006) 00 Data Hi (Register 40007) 2B3 Data Lo (Register 40007) 00 Data Hi (Register 40008) 1E4 Data Lo (Register 40008) DBA8 Error Check (CRC) Note 1: FFFFh equals 65535 Decimal (actuator Analog Input 4 value). Note 2: FFFFh equals 65535 Decimal (actuator Analog Input 3 value). Note 3: 002Bh equals 43 Decimal (actuator Analog Input 2 value). Note 4: 001Eh equals 30 Decimal (actuator Analog Input 1 in percent format). Slave (Field Unit) Address Function Starting Address Hi Starting Address Lo No. of Points Hi No. of Points Lo Error Check (CRC) Query 46 04 00 04 00 04 BF7F
4 03 AS-2 5 04 AS-3 6 05 AS-4 7 06 AR-1 (Opt) 8 07 AR-2 (Opt) 9 08 AR-3 (Opt) Note 1: Relay #2 is physical Relay K2. Note 2: Relay #1 is physical Relay K1.
The normal response to the (05) command is an echo of the command. Example of force coil command Force coil 1 of eld unit 49 ON. This will CLOSE the valve controlled by eld unit 49. Query: 31050000FF0089CA Response: 31050000FF0089CA Message Breakdown
Query Response 31 Slave (Field Unit) Address 03 Slave (Field Unit) Address 05 Function 05 Function 00 Coil Address Hi 00 Coil Address Hi 001 Coil Address Lo 00 Coil Address Lo FF Force Data Hi FF Force Data Hi 002 Force Data Lo 00 Force Data Lo 89CA Error Check (CRC) 89CA Error Check (CRC) Note 1: 0000h equals Coil Address 00000001 (eld unit coil 1). 0001h equals Coil Address 00000010 (eld unit coil 2). Note 2: FF00h requests the coil to be ON. (0000h requests the coil to be OFF)
Table 3.7 Modbus 06 Command & Field Unit Holding Register 40001
Host Commands to Field Unit Value DDC-100 Register 1 (dec.) MX-DDC UEC-3-DDC Clamshell Null Command 0 Yes Yes Yes Open 256 Yes Yes Yes Stop 512 Yes Yes Yes Close 768 Yes Yes Yes Start Network ESD 1280 Yes Yes Yes Stop Network ESD 1536 Yes Yes Yes Engage Relay #1 2304 Yes (AS-1) Do Not Use Do Not Use Engage Relay #2 2560 Yes (AS-2) Do Not Use Do Not Use Engage Relay #3 2816 Yes (AS-3) Yes Yes Engage Relay #4 3072 Yes (AS-4) Do Not Use Yes Engage Relay #5 3328 Yes (AR-1) Do Not Use Yes Engage Relay #6 3584 Yes (AR-2) Yes Yes Engage Relay #7 3840 Yes (AR-3) Do Not Use Do Not Use Disengage Relay #1 4352 Yes (AS-1) Do Not Use Do Not Use Disengage Relay #2 4608 Yes (AS-2) Do Not Use Do Not Use Disengage Relay #3 4864 Yes (AS-3) Yes Yes Disengage Relay #4 5120 Yes (AS-4) Do Not Use Yes Disengage Relay #5 5376 Yes (AR-1) Do Not Use Yes Disengage Relay #6 5632 Yes (AR-2) Yes Yes Disengage Relay #7 5888 Yes (AR-3) Do Not Use Do Not Use Move-To (enable) 6656 Yes Yes Yes Note 1: Engage and disengage Relay #1 control physical Relay K2. Note 2: Engage and disengage Relay #2 control physical Relay K1.
I/O Module Yes Do Not Use Do Not Use Do Not Use Do Not Use Do Not Use Yes, K21 Yes, K12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Do Not Use Yes, K21 Yes, K12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Do Not Use Do Not Use
Do Not UseThis command is not intended for use in this conguration. Other registers may also be preset to control or change other functions but care must always be taken to properly change these values. An improper value written to a register can cause undesirable actions from the DDC-100 Field Unit. NOTE: Null CommandThe eld unit takes no action when this command is received. This command is typically used by a Host to reset the Host output register when required. Example of Field Unit Command Write the command to open an actuator (actuator open) to eld unit number 179. This corresponds to writing the value 256 into eld unit register 40001. Query: B306000001009388 Response: B306000001009388
Message Breakdown
Query Response B3 Slave (Field Unit) Address B3 Slave (Field Unit) Address 06 Function 06 Function 00 Register Address Hi 00 Register Address Hi 1 00 Register Address Lo 00 Register Address Lo 01 Force Data Hi 01 Preset Data Hi 002 Force Data Lo 00 Preset Data Lo 9388 Error Check (CRC) 9388 Error Check (CRC) Note 1: 0000h equals Register Address 40001 (eld unit register 1, command register). Note 2: 0100h requests the register to be preset with 256 Decimal (engage open contactor).
Example of Move-To Command Move an actuator at address 179 to 42% of open by rst writing the value of 42 to the eld unit 40002 register. After receiving a response from the eld unit, write the value of 6656 to the eld unit 40001 register. The actuator will then move to a position of 42% of open. First Command Query: B3060001002A4207 Response: B3060001002A4207 First Command Message Breakdown
Query Response B3 Slave (Field Unit) Address B3 Slave (Field Unit) Address 06 Function 06 Function 00 Register Address Hi 00 Register Address Hi 011 Register Address Lo 01 Register Address Lo 00 Force Data Hi 00 Preset Data Hi 2A2 Force Data Lo 2A Preset Data Lo 4207 Error Check (CRC) 4207 Error Check (CRC) Note 1: 0001h equals Register Address 40002 (eld unit register 2, argument register). Note 2: 002Ah equals 42.
Second Command Query: B30600001A009978 Response: B30600001A009978 Second Command Message Breakdown
Query Response B3 Slave (Field Unit) Address B3 Slave (Field Unit) Address 06 Function 06 Function 00 Register Address Hi 00 Register Address Hi 001 Register Address Lo 00 Register Address Lo 1A Force Data Hi 1A Preset Data Hi 002 Force Data Lo 00 Preset Data Lo 9978 Error Check (CRC) 9978 Error Check (CRC) Note 1: 0000h equals Register Address 40001 (eld unit register 1, command register). Note 2: 1A00h equals 6656.
Example of Single Register Write Move-To Command This command allows a Host to issue the move-to command with a single write utilizing the Modbus function code 06. Register 1 will be used to complete this command. Rules for Utilizing this Command Field unit scaling must be congured for 0-100. To use the hexadecimal method of determining a single write move-to command, 0x4B is always placed into the Hi byte of Register 1. The desired position value is always placed into the Lo byte of Register 1. To move the actuator to a position of 50%, place the value 0x4B in the high byte and the value 0x32 (50 decimal) into the low byte. Example Hex format:
To use the decimal method of determining a single write move-to command, add the desired position value to 19200. Example Desired position = 50% 19200 + 50 = 19250 Example of Single Write Move-to Command Move an actuator at address 1 to 50% of open by writing the value of 19250 (0x4B32) to the eld unit 40001 register. The actuator will then move to a position of 50% of open. Example Query: Response:
010600004B323EEF 010600004B323EEF
Message Breakdown
Query 01 06 00 00 4B 32 3EEF Slave Address Function Starting Address Hi Starting Address Lo Preset Data Hi Preset Data Lo Error Check (LRC or CRC) Response 01 Slave Address 06 Function 00 Starting Address Hi 00 Starting Address Lo 4B Preset Data Hi 32 Preset Data Lo 3EEF Error Check (LRC or CRC)
Example of Move-to Command Move an actuator at address 1 to 50% of open by presetting registers 40001 with the value 6656 and register 40002 with the value 50 in a single write command. The actuator will receive this message and move to a position of 50% open. Query: 011000000002041A0000327562 Response: 01100000000241C8 Message Breakdown
Query Response 01 Slave Address 01 Slave Address 10 Function 10 Function 00 Starting Address Hi 00 Starting Address Hi 00 Starting Address Lo 00 Starting Address Lo 00 No. of Registers Hi 00 No. of Registers Hi 02 No. of Registers Lo 02 No. of Registers Lo 04 Byte Count 41C8 Error Check (LRC or CRC) 1A Preset Data Hi 00 Preset Data Lo 00 Preset Data Hi 32 Preset Data Lo 7562 Error Check (LRC or CRC) Note: The single register write move-to command may also be used with the function code 16. This function code may also utilize the single register write-to command.
Belden 3105A Specications Total cable length between repeaters or nodes with repeaters: up to 19.2 kbps: 4500' (1.37 km) For loop mode, this is the total length between operating eld units. If a eld unit loses power, relays internal to the eld unit connect the A1 Channel to the A2 Channel, which effectively doubles the length of the cable (assuming a single eld unit fails). If you need to assure operation within specications in the event of power failure to eld units, then this consideration must be added. Example: To assure operation within specication when any two consecutive eld units lose power, then the maximum length on cable up to 19.2 kbps: 4500' (1.37 km) per every four eld units. Key Specs Resistance/1000 ft = 22 AWG (7x30) 14.7 ohms each conductor (29.4 ohms for the pair) Capacitance/ft = 11.0 pF (conductor-to-conductor) Capacitance/ft = 20.0 pF (conductor-to-shield) Belden 9841 Specications Total cable length between repeaters or nodes with repeaters: up to 19.2 kbps: 3500' (1 km) For loop mode, this is the total length between operating eld units. If a eld unit loses power, relays internal to the eld unit connect the A1 Channel to the A2 Channel, which effectively doubles the length of the cable (assuming a single eld unit fails). If you need to assure operation within specications in the event of power failure to eld units, then this consideration must be added. Example: To assure operation within specication when any two consecutive eld units lose power, then the maximum length on cable up to 19.2 kbps: 3500 (1 km) per every four eld units. Key Specs Resistance/1000 ft = 24 AWG (7x32) 24 ohms each conductor (48 ohms for the pair) Capacitance/ft = 12.8 pF (conductor-to-conductor) Capacitance/ft = 23 pF (conductor-to-shield)
Network Topologies
Three network topologies are commonly used and supported by Limitorque redundant loop, single-ended loop (or half loop), and single-line multi-drop. The recommended cable types for all three topologies are Belden 3074F, Belden 3105A, or Belden 9841. Other individually shielded, twisted-pair cables with electrical properties within 5% of Belden 3074F, Belden 3105A, or Belden 9841 may be used but have not been performance-tested with the DDC-100 Network.
Redundant Loop
The redundant loop topology requires two serial communication ports on the Host device. Because each eld unit can be accessed by two ports, redundant access paths are supported. The connections from the serial ports to the eld units and between eld units are made with shielded, twisted-pair cable in a loop conguration. This topology tolerates a single-line break or short while maintaining communications to all eld units. Figure 4.1 shows the redundant loop network topology. With redundant loop topology, serial data is transmitted from Host port 1 through an RS-232 to RS-485 converter to port A1 of the rst eld unit. The eld unit passes the data that comes in port A1 out through port A2 to the next eld unit A1 port. Each subsequent eld unit receives data through its A1 port then passes the data out through its A2 port to the next eld unit. The looped communication continues in this manner until the last eld unit port A2 relays the serial data to port 2 on the Host. The Host is not required to act on the data received at the second port. Note that, because of the bi-directional nature of the serial ports, the direction of data ow can be reversed. Communications can be initiated by port 2 of the Host to port A2 of the rst eld unit. This data is then transmitted out port A1 to port A2 of the next eld unit. The data then continues in this direction until it reaches port 1 of the Host. In either direction, the signal is regenerated in each eld unit to permit longer-distance communications with reduced noise sensitivity and improved reliability.
RS-232 RS-232 PORT 1 PORT 2 Network Port A Network Port B
MOV 16
41 29 D-M D-M* D-S D-S* N/C
- Motor-Operated Valve - Data A1 - Data A1* - Data A2 - Data A2* - Data A1 (UEC-3-DDC) - Data A1*(UEC-3-DDC) - Data A2 (UEC-3-DDC) - Data A2* (UEC-3-DDC) - Shield - No Connection
RS-232 to RS-485 converter with surge suppression RS-232 RS-485 Data 1 Data* 2 Ground 3 N/C
MOV-1 See Note 5 TB3 A1* 15 A1 16 29 41 Earth Ground (See Note 4) A2* A2 N/C A1 A1* D-M D-M*
See Note 5
RS-232 to RS-485 converter with surge suppression RS-232 RS-485 Data 1 Data* 2 Ground 3 N/C A2 A2* TB4 D-S D-S*
MOV-249 MOV-250 TB3 D-M D-M* A1 A1* N/C Earth Ground (See Note 4) TB5 See Note 5 N/C A1* 15 A1 16 29 41 A2* A2 TB5 A2 A2* MOV-248 TB4 D-S D-S* TB3 D-M D-M* A1 A1*
See Note 5
See Note 5
1) Belden 3074F, 3105A, or 9841 shielded cable is recommended. 2) Correct polarity for field unit and network controller connection is necessary for proper operation. 3) Connections shown are typical. The number of MOVs shown may not indicate true system size. 4) Earth ground: ground rod 5) Earth ground: ground rod or lug in actuator if actuator is grounded.
Diagnostic Note:
Polarity and level of the networks data connection can be checked by measuring voltage between data and data* terminals. This voltage should be greater than +200mVDC with network controller network ports disconnected.
Single-Ended Loop
The single-ended loop topology is the loop topology described above except that only one end of the loop is connected to the Host as shown in Figure 4.2. The single-ended loop is wired by cabling from the Host port to the rst eld unit port A1. Port A2 of this eld unit is then connected to port A1 of the next eld unit. This continues until the last eld unit is connected. (If a stub cable is run from port A2 of the last eld unit to a planned eld unit location, or the last eld unit is disconnected, the end of the cable must be terminated with a 120-ohm resistor to prevent unacceptable signal reections.) The connection of the single-ended loop is identical to the redundant loop except that in the single-ended loop the connection from the last eld unit to port 2 of the Host is omitted. The single-ended loop topology utilizes the eld unit repeater circuitry that maximizes the number of eld units and distance inherent with the loop topology. The single-ended loop is inherently less reliable than the redundant loop topology because the Host can only reach the eld units from one direction. It is, however, more reliable than the single-line multi-drop because a break or a short will only prevent communication with the eld units beyond the break or short.
RS-232 PORT 1 Network Port A
- Motor-Operated Valve - Data A1 - Data A1* - Data A2 - Data A2* - Data A1 (UEC-3-DDC) - Data A1*(UEC-3-DDC) - Data A2 (UEC-3-DDC) - Data A2* (UEC-3-DDC) - Shield - No Connection
RS-232 to RS-485 converter with surge suppression RS-232 RS-485 Data 1 Data* 2 Ground 3 N/C
MOV-1 See Note 5 TB3 A1* 15 A1 16 29 41 Earth Ground (See Note 4) A2* A2 N/C A1 A1* D-M D-M*
See Note 5
MOV-249 MOV-250 TB4 D-S D-S* TB3 D-M D-M* A1 A1* N/C TB5 See Note 5 N/C A1* 15 A1 16 29 41 A2* A2 TB5 A2 A2* MOV-248 TB4 D-S D-S* TB3 D-M D-M* A1 A1*
See Note 5
See Note 5
1) Belden 3074F, 3105A, or 9841 shielded cable is recommended. 2) Correct polarity for field unit and network controller connection is necessary for proper operation. 3) Connections shown are typical. The number of MOVs shown may not indicate true system size. 4) Earth ground: ground rod 5) Earth ground: ground rod or lug in actuator if actuator is grounded.
Diagnostic Note:
Polarity and level of the networks data connection can be checked by measuring voltage between data and data* terminals. This voltage should be greater than +200mVDC with network controller network ports disconnected.
Single-Line Multi-drop
The single-line multi-drop topology is shown in Figure 4.3. Single-line multi-drop is wired by cabling from the Host and connecting to the rst eld unit port A1. The cable to the next eld unit is attached to the same terminals on the rst eld unit and then run to port A1 on the second eld unit. This continues until the last eld unit is connected. A single-line multi-drop topology can simplify installation (especially when preexisting wiring is used), but it does not offer the extra reliability of a looped communication path. A line break prevents communication with eld units beyond the break, and a line short will cause a loss of communication with all eld units. The maximum number of eld units that can be accommodated by the singleline multi-drop network is 28 units and the maximum distance between the Host and the last eld unit is 1800 feet (550 m) without the use of repeaters. Note that all Limitorque eld units can be wired to act as repeaters by using ports A1 and A2. Limitorque recommends use of the single-ended loop topology in lieu of singleline, multi-drop for the MX-DDC. NOTE: The single-line multi-drop topology requires the removal of termination resistors and bias voltage jumpers from all but the last eld unit. See the appropriate eld unit manual or contact Limitorque for assistance.
RS-232 PORT 1 Network Port A
- Motor-Operated Valve - Data A1 (UEC-3-DDC) - Data A1*(UEC-3-DDC) - Data A2 (UEC-3-DDC) - Data A2* (UEC-3-DDC) - Shield - No Connection
RS-232 to RS-485 converter with surge suppression RS-232 RS-485 Data 1 Data* 2 Ground 3 N/C A1 A1* TB3 D-M
MOV-3 TB4 A1
D-M* A1*
D-M* A1*
D-M* A1*
MOV-28 TB4 D-S D-S* TB3 D-M D-M* A1 A1* N/C TB5 A1 A1* TB3 D-M
D-M* A1*
1) Belden 3074F, 3105A, or 9841 shielded cable is recommended. 2) Correct polarity for field unit and network controller connection is necessary for proper operation. 3) Connections shown are typical. The number of MOVs shown may not indicate true system size. 4) Earth ground: ground rod 5) Earth ground: ground rod or lug in actuator if actuator is grounded.
Diagnostic Note:
Polarity and level of the networks data connection can be checked by measuring voltage between data and data* terminals. This voltage should be greater than +200mVDC with network controller network ports disconnected.
Network Polling
Network polling is a Host-generated systematic request for information from each eld unit on the serial communication network. This systematic process updates the Host Data Table (Poll Table) with each complete network scan. By utilizing this sequential update sequence, the Host can operate more efciently because the Data Table always contains up-to-date information. In systems in which there is no up-to-date Data Table, the Host must check the status of a eld unit every time it needs to actuate a valve. This check is required to determine if the actuator is capable of movement prior to the issuance of the command to move. The continuous poll process should be enabled at all times to allow peak network performance. Safeguards are built into the Limitorque eld units that operate in the event of a disruption in the polling process. The eld unit network watchdog timer will start a eld unit reset process if the eld unit does not recognize that it has been polled in a specied time interval (default 60 seconds). This eld unit reset process is designed to clear any errors in the eld unit that may prevent successful communication to a Host device. Causes of inability to communicate (fail to respond within the watchdog timer interval) can range from faulty network wiring, receipt of garbled or poorly constructed messages, simultaneous multiple Host queries, Host queries faster than eld unit responses, or Host shutdown. In a normally functioning actuator network, the eld unit reset process will not be activated. The UEC-3-DDC factory default setting (changeable through eld unit Register 112) for the network watchdog timer is 60 seconds. If the eld unit is not polled within this time interval, the eld unit will reset its UART in an attempt to re-establish communication with the Host. This process of waiting for a poll and UART resets will occur a total of three times. After three cycles, the eld unit microprocessor CPU will be reset. The eld unit will then remain inactive and wait for network communication without further resetting. If a valid query is received, the network watch timer is restarted. The MX-DDC does not perform a complete eld unit reset. After 60 seconds without communication, the MX-DDC Field Unit will set the appropriate bit and indicate a communication loss on Channel A1 (Channel A) or A2 (Channel B) or both. NOTE: Each eld unit reset (UART or CPU) may take 10 to 15 seconds to perform, during which Host communications, queries, and commands are not accepted.
Four other important points concerning network polling 1) The information that is requested from each eld unit can be the same for every eld unit, or each eld unit may be requested to return a unique set of information. 2) When sending commands to the eld units, the Host should always wait until a command is acknowledged before sending another command. This will prevent communication collisions on the network. 3) The network can have only one Master device at a time. Simultaneous Masters are not permitted. 4) Host time-out should be greater than 200 ms. The network scan time for a Modbus Network depends on the number of registers requested from each device and the number of devices attached to the network. Tables 4.1 and 4.2 provide guidelines for calculating average eld unit poll times and average network scan times. The Modbus function code 03 was used to obtain this information. Tables 4.1 and 4.2 do not include Host delay between each poll. Host delays between each poll are variable for each Host. The Host turn-time from receipt of poll to issuance of next poll should be greater than 20 ms and less than 50 ms. Table 4.1 Average Field Unit Response Time
Number of MX-DDC Query Send/ UEC-3-DDC Query Send/ Registers Receive Time (ms) Receive Time (ms) 1 40 71 5 50 109 10 62 162 Note 1: Network Protocol - Modbus RTU Communication Settings - 9600 baud, parity - none, data bits = 8, stop bits = 1 Network Cable - Belden 3074F, 3105A, and 9841
Example An MX-DDC Network with 20 eld units with 5 registers per eld unit being polled will have an average total network scan time of .98 seconds. Host message turn-time per eld unit must be added to this number. (Typical open/close or close/open operating times for motor-operated valves is 30 to 90 seconds.)
Another permutation of this method is to congure the Host memory so Register X contains the Channel A fault status for the rst 16 eld units and Register X+1 contains the Channel B fault statuses for the rst 16 eld units and so on. It should be remembered that a Host with only one serial communications port will not have the ability to handle redundant loop network communications. Therefore, communication status will be limited to only one channel. NOTE: In the Direct-to-Host architecture, Channel A and B faults need to be set by the Host. Setting these faults will allow the system integrator to establish eld unit time-out, retry, and eld unit communication status.
Example There are ve eld units on a network (redundant loop topology) and eld unit number 3 has been turned off. The Host is currently polling eld units through Host port 1 (Channel A). Field unit numbers 1 and 2 respond to the Host port 1 poll. Field unit number 3 does not respond to the port 1 poll causing the Host to set eld unit 3 Channel A Fault bit to 1. The Host now changes to port 2 (Channel B) and polls eld unit number 3. Field unit number 3 does not respond to the port 2 poll, causing the Host to set the eld unit 3 Channel B Fault bit to 1. Next, the Host changes back to port 1 and attempts to poll eld unit number 4. This communication attempt is successful and the Host now polls eld unit number 5 through Host port 1. Field unit number 5 responds, completing the port 1 poll. Next, the Host repeats the process through Host port 2 (Channel B). Field units 1 and 2 respond, eld unit 3 does not respond, and the Host sets the eld unit 3 Channel B Fault bit to 1. The Host changes to port 1 (Channel A) and attempts to communicate with eld unit 3. Field unit 3 does not respond. The Host sets the eld unit 3 Channel A Fault bit to 1, switches back to port 2, and resumes polling the remainder of the congured eld units. Once eld units 4 and 5 have been successfully polled via port 2, the Host then switches to port 1 and repeats the polling process. The intermediate alternating port process described above continues until eld unit 3 is powered on and the communication fault clears. (See Example 2 on this page.) Commands for eld unit control should interrupt the polling process and be issued through the current poll port. Once the eld unit has acknowledged the command, the Host resumes the polling process. In the event of a communication fault between the current poll port and a commanded eld unit, the Host should issue the command through the other communication port. Redundant Loop Network Truth Table Summarizing the results of Examples 1 through 4: Recorded in Host eld unit Status Register Bits 10 and 11
Field unit # 1 2 3 4 5 Example 1 Ch. A Ch. B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Example 2 Ch. A Ch. B 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Example 3 Ch. A Ch. B 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 Example 4 Ch. A Ch. B 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Example 1: No faults The Host is successfully communicating with each eld unit and sets the bits for Channel A and B Fault to 0. A value of 0 in Channel A and B Fault indicates successful communication. Example 2: A eld unit is off-line The Host is successfully communicating with eld units 1, 2, 4, and 5 via both ports. Field unit number 3 is without power that causes the eld unit 3 network board bypass relays to de-energize. This de-energization of the bypass relays shorts the signal through the network board and isolates eld unit 3 from the DDC-100 Network.
Example 3: A break or short in the redundant loop The Host is successfully communicating with eld units 1, 2, and 3 via port 1, and eld units 4 and 5 via port 2. When a eld unit doesnt communicate within a predetermined time-out period, the Host sets the corresponding Channel Fault bit to a value of 1. This example indicates a wiring problem between eld units 3 and 4. This problem is typically a cable breakage, short, or improperly terminated wire. Example 4: Loss of 1 of 2 Host Ports The Host is attempting to communicate with the eld units via both ports but is unable to reach any eld units via port 2. This typically indicates a broken cable connection at port 2 or at the rst eld unit from port 2, broken or shorted cable between the Host and the rst eld unit from port 2, improperly terminated wires, or loss of power to the RS-232/485 converter if attached to the Host port 2. Non-Looped Network Truth Table via Port 1 (Channel A) Polling Only Summarizing the results of Examples 5 through 7: Recorded in Host eld unit Status Register bit 10. Bit 11 Channel B is always 0 as set by the Host
Example 5 Field unit # Ch. A Ch. B 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 Example 6 Ch. A Ch. B 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Example 7 Ch. A Ch. B 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
Example 5: No faults The Host is successfully communicating with each eld unit and sets the bit equating to Channel A Fault to 0. A value of 0 in the Channel A Fault bit indicates successful communication. Example 6: A eld unit is off-line The Host is successfully communicating with eld units 1, 3, 4, and 5. Field unit 2 does not respond, causing the Host to set eld unit 2 Channel A Fault to 1. In this example, eld unit 2 is without power, causing the eld unit 2 network board bypass relays to de-energize. This de-energization of the bypass relays shorts the signal through the network board and isolates the eld unit from the DDC-100 Network. Example 7: A break or short in the network The Host is successfully communicating with eld units 1 and 2 but is not able to communicate with eld units 3, 4, and 5, causing the Host to set eld unit 3, 4, and 5 Channel A Fault to 1. This typically indicates a broken or shorted cable between eld unit 2 and 3, a broken cable connection at eld units 2 or 3, improperly terminated wires at eld unit 2 or 3, or loss of power to eld units 3, 4, and 5.
Network Control
Ladder Logic Routines
The PLC running a ladder logic program is capable of being an integral part of any valve actuator network. All commands for network polling and valve positioning may be generated by the PLC and sent through a Modbus Master communications port to the valve actuator network. This port is typically located on a PLC component or installed on a PLC-compatible third party Modbus interface module. These modules may contain either one or multiple Modbus ports. Examples of this type of interface include, but are not limited to A-B PLC-5, A-B SLC-500, Square D PLC, Modicon 984, Modicon Quantum, Compact or Micro PLC, Siemens S5 115U, or Simatic TI-545/555.
The ordering information for the two converter types is given in Tables 5.2 and 5.3.
Converter assemblies 22300-759 and 22300-760 include two DB25M to DB9F modem cables. These cables are appropriate for most Host connections. To determine if these cables are compatible with your Host RS-232 communication port(s), contact your System Integrator. The System Integrator will review wiring requirements for the Host RS-232 port(s) with the converter-assembly cables. Should the cables not be compatible with the Host RS-232 port, the cables may be altered, a modifying connector installed, or new cables may be purchased at a local cable supplier. Individual converter part numbers 61-825-0966-4 and 61-825-1032-4 do not include a serial cable for connection to a Host. It is the responsibility of the System Integrator to obtain the correct serial cable based on the Host RS-232 port connector and Limitorque converter RS-232 port connector. Figure 5.1 RS-232/RS-485 Converter Dimensions & Rack Mount Kit
End View B
C Front View 1.12 V F 18.95 (For standard 19" rack) Rack Mounting Kits End View 1.72
a WARNING: Disconnect the converter from the power source and from the Host and network before removing the cover. Potentially lethal voltages are present inside the enclosure when it is connected to the power source.
a WARNING: Disconnect the converter from the power source and from the Host and network before removing the cover. Potentially lethal voltages are present inside the enclosure when it is connected to the power source.
Programming Recommendations
Programming Recommendations
Programming the Host to control a DDC-100 Network of Limitorque Field Units will require information about the design of the network. Limitorque recommends gathering this information before starting the program. After the program has been completed, the network should be fully tested before commissioning. The following recommendations are provided as the result of a number of successful installations: 1) Obtain a wiring diagram of the digital inputs and digital outputs to the controlled devices before programming the controller. 2) Develop a tag table for the installation. This table should include the tag name, network address, desired status indication, and command format (bit or register write). 3) If possible, test the program prior to site installation. This will provide a program verication time for debugging. 4) Attach a protocol analyzer to the DDC-100 Network and monitor the timing, message structure, and message issuance to verify the Host code. This will assist in the diagnosis of proper command issuing and sequencing of the Host control algorithm.
Programming Recommendations
9) In MOV mode, eld unit register 12 bit 11 is default inverted, by default, to a value of 1 on false and 0 on true. The remaining bits in the high-byte are set, by default, to a value of 0 on false and 1 on true.
Programming Recommendations
10) A network Stop command will stop the actuator if the selector switch is in Remote or Local mode. The actuator local Stop pushbutton will stop the actuator if the selector switch is in Remote or Local mode. Table 6.1 Sample Tag Table for Direct-to-Host applications
Tag Name 80-HS-4141A 80-HS-4141B 80-POS-4141 80-STAT-4141 80-HS-4142A 80-HS-4142B 80-POS-4142 80-STAT-4142 80-GO-5253A 80-GO-5253B 80-POS-5253 80-STAT-5253 Modbus Slave Address 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 Modbus Register 40001 40001 40008 40009 40001 40001 40008 40009 40001 40002 40008 40009 Modbus Command Data 256 (Dec) 768 (Dec) n/a n/a 256 (Dec) 768 (Dec) n/a n/a 6656 (Dec) 0-100 (Dec) n/a n/a
Description Open actuator Close actuator Position feedback Status register Open actuator Close actuator Position feedback Status register Initiate move-to move-to value Position feedback Status register
Comments Command to open the valve Command to close the valve Valve position in % of Open 16 bits of status Command to open the valve Command to close the valve Valve position in % of Open 16 bits of status Initiate move-to % of Open value Valve position in % of Open 16 bits of status
Hardware for system development Fourth-Party Hardware/Software Actuator Site Preparation Operational System Documentation
S.I. S.I.
Modbus interface modules, Modbus drivers, non-Limitorque converters, or surge suppression S.I. Availability of DDC-100 Field Unit for testing developed application software S.I. Complete actuator or eld unit installation. Provide actual (as installed) site loop diagram to System Integrator Contractor Software only (code) or Hardware and Software (hardware and code) Contractor System Operation and Maintenance Manuals, Operational characteristics of system, Network Addresses to equipment tag names
Engineer Tasks
Deliverable Specication Schedule Sales Support Manuals From End-user End-user Limitorque Limitorque To Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer Comments Site and system requirements Production Schedule. Completion dates Information on Limitorque products Manuals for DDC-100 Operation: 435-23009 Direct-to-Host Programming Guide 130-43510 Accutronix Installation & Operation for MX-DDC Field Unit 440-20014 DDC-100 UEC Field Unit (Modbus) Installation & Operation Manual 440-20016 DDC-100 UEC Field Unit Installation & Commissioning Manual 437-13001 DDC-100 UEC Field Unit Wiring & Startup Guidelines Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide PI-MODBUS-300 Rev. G (available from Modicon) Contractor, Provide operational specications for all equipment and service providers S/I, OEM, Limitorque Contractor Dene which supplier is responsible for each portion of project Contractor Detailed layout and instructions for building site. Information should include actuator tag names, required data points from actuator, eld unit, and eld wiring Contractor Detail site electrical requirements, cable type, layout, and locations. Voltages available for equipment Contractor Detail cable routings from Host to each eld device. This denes how the network cable is to run throughout the facility
435-23009 Revision B April 2002
Project Specication
Engineer Engineer
Contractor Tasks
Deliverable From Specications Engineer Schedule Engineer Project Responsibilities Engineer P&ID Engineer To Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Comments Complete P&IDs for site Time line complete w/milestones Dene which supplier is responsible for each portion of project Detailed layout and instructions for building site. Information should include actuator tag names, required data points from actuator, eld unit, and eld wiring Contractor Detail site electrical requirements, cable type, layout, and locations. Voltages available for equipment Contractor Detail cable routings from Host to each eld device. This denes how the network cable is to run throughout the facility Limitorque Provide material delivery dates for hardware. Schedule Limitorque Controls Service Technician for actuator commissioning (when requested according to purchase order) Contractor Provide Motor-Operated Valves, RS-232/485 converters (if supplied), valves, mounting adapters, etc. Contractor Product Bulletins for Actuators: 435-23009 Direct-to-Host Programming Guide 130-43510 Accutronix Installation & Operation for MX-DDC Field Unit 440-20014 DDC-100 UEC Field Unit (Modbus) Installation & Operation Manual 440-20016 DDC-100 UEC Field Unit Installation & Commissioning Manual 437-13001 DDC-100 UEC Field Unit Wiring & Startup Guidelines Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide PI-MODBUS-300 Rev. G (available from Modicon) Contractor Develop and test programming for DCS system Contractor S.I. S.I. S.I. Documentation of program operational characteristics, equipment used, and Operation & Maintenance Manuals for equipment Provide delivery dates for commissioning control system. Include dates for testing, documentation, and turnover to site personnel Hardware may include: DDC-100 Field Units, RS-232/485 converters
Hardware Manuals
Operational System Documents Schedule Hardware for system development Actuator Site Preparation Site Preparation
Availability of DDC-100 Field Unit for testing developed application software S.I. Complete actuator or eld unit installation. Provide actual (as installed) site-loop diagram to System Integrator Limitorque Install specied equipment, cables for power and network communication. Verify all network and power cables are properly routed, terminated, and documented prior to commissioning of DDC100 Network. The contractor should provide detail on network routing from Host system to each eld unit. Verify all eld units are properly grounded Contractor According to purchase order requirements, when scheduled
Limitorque Tasks
Deliverable Specications Units Schedule Controls Site Preparation From Engineer Contractor Contractor To Comments Limitorque Provide specication on Motor-Operated Valves, other DDC-100 Field (I/O Modules). Provide P&IDs Limitorque Provide material delivery dates for hardware. Schedule Limitorque Service Technician for actuator commissioning Limitorque Install specied equipment, cables for power, and network communication. Verify all network and power cables are properly routed, terminated, and documented prior to commissioning of DDC100 Network. The contractor should provide detail on network routing from Host system to each eld unit. Verify all eld units are properly grounded Limitorque Provide unique eld unit requirements to Controls Service Technician prior to start of eld unit commissioning process. Include: ESD requirements, open/close service or position control (move-to), digital inputs/outputs, analog inputs Limitorque Provide a tag list detailing valve tag name to network address. This will allow the Limitorque Controls Service Technician (when requested according to purchase order) to properly address the actuators to the developed Host software Engineer Information on Limitorque products S.I. Product Bulletins for Actuators: Engineer 435-23009 Direct-to-Host Programming Guide Contractor 130-43510 Accutronix Installation & Operation for MX-DDC Field Unit. 440-20014 DDC-100 UEC Field Unit (Modbus) Installation & Operation Manual 440-20016 DDC-100 UEC Field Unit Installation & Commissioning Manual 437-13001 DDC-100 UEC Field Unit Wiring & Startup Guidelines Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide PI-MODBUS-300 Rev. G (available from Modicon) Contractor Provide Motor-Operated Valves, RS-232/485 converters (if supplied), valves, mounting adapters, etc. Contractor According to purchase order requirements, when scheduled
Operational Requirements
Tag List
Limitorque Limitorque
5114 Woodall Road, P.O. Box 11318 Lynchburg, VA 24506-1318 Phone (434) 528-4400, Fax (434) 845-9736
Limitorque International Abex Road Newbury Berkshire, RG14 5EY England Phone 44-1-635-46999 Fax 44-1-635-36034 Limitorque Nippon Gear Co., Ltd. Tennoz Central Tower 2-2-24, Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-Ku Tokyo 140, Japan Phone 81-3-5460-7516 Fax 81-3-5460-8396 Limitorque India, Ltd. E-45/2, Okhla Industrial Area Phase II New Delhi 110 020, India Phone 91-129-277135 Fax 91-11-683-9329
Limitorque Australia, Ltd. Division of Control Engineering (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. 17 Scoresby Road Bayswater, Victoria 3153, Australia Phone 613-9729-0555 Fax 613-9729-8225 Limitorque Asia, Pte., Ltd. 75 Bukit Timah Road #05-01/02 Boon Siew Building Singapore 229833 Phone 65-332-9100 Fax 65-332-9112
Information in this publication is believed to be accurate. Limitorque reserves the right to modify published information to reect product improvements or changes. Please contact Limitorque if certied data is required. Products sold and licensed by Limitorque are covered by the warranty appearing in its standard terms and conditions of sale. Limitorque is a registered trademark of Limitorque Corporation. The latest revisions to this document are available on-line from Limitorques web site. 435-23009 Revision B Web Revision 4/02 Copyright 2002 Printed in U.S.A.