(Michael 1981) Concrete Encased in Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic

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Title no. 78-38

Concrete Encased in Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic
by Michael N. Fardis and Homayoun Khalili
Fiberglass-reinforced plastics (FRP) have very high tensile strength
but relatively low modulus and poor stability in compression. 1t is
proposed co construct FRP plain concrete composite members, in
which an FRP casing is used as a form that stays permanently with
the member, confining the concrete and acting as tensile reinforce-
ment. Such a combination can result in significant savings in ma-
terial and construction costs. Circular FRP-encased concrete cylin-
ders tested in concentric compression exhibit very high strength and
ductility. Rectangular FRP-encased concrete beams were constructed
also with varying amounts of unidirectional FRP reinforcement
added at the bottom. Such beams have very good strength and duc-
tility, and their deflections are almost completely reversible, even
after loading co their peak capacity, provided that enough FRP re-
inforcement has been added at the bottom to prevent brittle failure
by fracture of the FRP in tension.
Keywords: beams (supports); columns (supports); composite construction
(concrete and plastic); compression tests; confined concrete; cylinders; ductil-
ity; flexural strength; glass fibers; plastic forms; strength; tensile strength.
In composite construction, two or more different
materials are combined within the same structural ele-
ment. If the combination is such that the most desir-
able characteristics of these materials are fully utilized,
then a reduction in total cost of the structure can be
achieved. Fiberglass-reinforced plastics (FRP) have
high tensile strength (50 to tOO ksi or 350 to 700 MPa),
but relatively low modulus of elasticity (3 x to to 6 x
to psi or tO x to to 20 x to kPa). Due to this high
strength, structural elements consisting of FRP alone
can have thin-wall cross sections. However, because of
the low modulus such elements suffer from problems
of local buckling and large deformations. By combin-
ing FRP with concrete one can build structural ele-
ments which have high strength in tension and
compression as well as satisfactory overall stiffness and
The ideal form of an FRP concrete composite mem-
ber is one in which the concrete is encased in the FRP.
Such a combination offers mechanical advantages since
confinement improves the strength and the ductility of
concrete. It also offers construction advantages, be-
cause the FRP casing can serve as form for the con-
crete. Watertightness and concrete durability are im-
proved also. As the types of glass fibers and plastic
required for such an application are rather inexpensive,
structural members of a given capacity can be built
using FRP-encased concrete at a total material cost
which is less than that of conventional reinforced or
prestressed concrete. Construction costs can be signif-
icantly reduced as well, not only due to elimination of
reusable forms, but also because members made of
FRP-encased concrete lend themselves to highly auto-
mated prefabrication. In short, a significantly smaller
total cost of a structure may be achieved by using FRP-
encased concrete.
This paper presents preliminary findings regarding
the mechanical behavior of FRP-encased concrete in
compression and flexure.
The scope of this investigation was limited to con-
centrically loaded short circular columns. Therefore,
reported results are not directly applicable to actual
columns, but can form the basis for further research.
Circular FRP-encased concrete columns are very
similar in form to circular steel columns filled with
concrete. Extensive research has been done in the past
on steel-encased concrete columns as well as on the
beneficial effect of ties on the compressive strength and
ductility of rectangular columns. Experimental work'-'
has demonstrated that in concrete-filled circular steel
columns very little interaction exists between concrete
and steel. There are two reasons for this behavior.
First, prior to minimum volume (i.e., for uniaxial
stress less than approximately 0.9[/) concrete has a
smaller Poisson's ratio than steel, and separates from
the latter when both materials are under the same axial
strain. Secondly, shrinkage of concrete causes a gap at
the interface between the two materials, even prior to
any loading. As a result, such columns fail by longi-
Received Dec. 8, 1980, and reviewed under Institute publication policies.
Copyright 1981, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including
the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright pro-
prietors. Pertinent discussion will be published in the September-October 1982
ACI JouRNAL if received by June I, 1982. 002-8061/81/060440-07 $2.50.
ACI JOURNAL I November-December 1981
ACI member Michael N. Fardis is assistant professor of civil engineering at
the Massachuset/s Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. He received his
diploma in civil engineering from the National University of Athens, Greece,
in 1971, MS (1977) and PhD (1979) in civil engineering from M.I. T., and an
MS in nuclear engineering in 1978. His research interests include mechanical
behavior of concrete and numerical modeling of concrete slructures.
ACJ member Homayoun Khalili is a student in the materials science and en
gineering department at the Massachusetts institute of Technology, Cam-
bridge, Mass. His research interest is in the area of polymer composites and
their application in civil engineering structures.
tudinal yielding of the steel, for yield stress less than
50 ksi (350 MPa) or by concrete crushing, if yield stress
is higher than 60 ksi (400 MPa). Therefore, the effect
of composite action is limited to prevention of local
steel buckling and to some increase in concrete ductil-
The beneficial effect of confinement on the com-
pressive strength of concrete is realized when the steel
is oriented in the circumferential direction. In rectan-
gular columns with rectangular ties, concrete confine-
ment results in a slight increase in strength and a large
improvement in ductility,'" whereas spiral reinforce-
ment" or, even better, spiral prestressing of a circular
column,'" cause a very significant improvement in both
strength and ductility.
Kurt" suggested using commercially available plastic
pipes (PVC or ABS) filled with concrete. Experimental
results in this last reference indicate that plastic pipes
are more effective in confining the concrete than steel
pipes. For a slenderness ratio less than 20, failure of
such columns was by 45 deg shear, both in the plastic
pipe and in the concrete core. Such a failure mode re-
sulted from the combination of vertical compression
and horizontal (circumferential) tension in the pipe.
Because plastic materials are neither very strong nor
very stiff, the increase in concrete strength due to con-
finement was small (of the order of 2000 psi or I4,000
The authors have constructed circular concrete cyl-
inders encapsulated in a casing of plastic reinforced by
continuous glass fibers in two orthogonal directions
(vertical and horizontal). In a reinforced plastic, the
reinforcing fibers are the main strength element,
whereas the primary function of the plastic resin is to
join the fibers together and to distribute the load
among them. In FRP-encased compression members,
the role of circumferential fibers is to confine the con-
crete, whereas that of axial fibers is to take any tension
caused by bending and to improve buckling resistance
by increasing the flexural rigidity of the cross section.
From the point of view of economy, it is advantageous
to have a higher density of fibers in the circumferential
direction ("unbalanced" fiberglass). The two direc-
tions of fiberglass are essentially independent as far as
strength is concerned; in other words, the strength of
the circumferential fibers is unaffected by the presence
of compression in the axial direction. In addition,
compression in the axial fibers introduces little exten-
sion in the circumferential direction. The implication
is that when the concrete core and its casing have the
ACI JOURNAL I November-December 1981
same axial stram, the mtertace between them will be
under compression from the very beginning of loading,
if no initial shrinkage gap exists, or shortly thereafter,
in the presence of such a gap. When the composite
member is put under concentric compression, the cir-
cumferential stiffness of the FRP casing inhibits lateral
strains and microcracking in the concrete core. Failure
is by fracture of the FRP in the circumferential direc-
tion. Upon fracture of the casing, the concrete core
crushes and sheds its compressive load.
Compression tests have been performed on several
3 x 6 in. and 4 x 8 in. concrete cylinders, encased in
four different types of FRP. The cement: sand: gravel
proportion in the concrete mix was I :2:3 and the wa-
ter-cement ratio was 0.55. Type 3 portland cement was
used, the maximum size of the aggregate was % in.,
and O.I percent by weight water-reducing agent was
added. For better curing and for convenience in sample
preparation, specimens were cast in removable molds
and wrapped with FRP after curing. Following casting,
the cylinders were covered by wet burlaps. After 24 hr
the molds were removed and the cylinders were cured
under water at 70 F for 7 days. The cylinders were left
then to air dry in the laboratory and were wrapped in
FRP I or 2 days before testing at an age of 28 days.
Because of the high viscosity of the polyester resin, no
impregnation of the concrete took place.
Four types of fiberglass were used: (1) a IO oz/
sq yd fiberglass cloth with the same density of fibers
in both directions; (2) a 24 oz/sq yd unbalanced woven
roving; (3) a 13 oz/sq yd unbalanced woven roving;
and (4) a I5 oz/sq yd unbalanced woven roving. Before
wrapping around the cylinders the fiberglass was wet-
ted in the resin at a resin:fiberglass ratio of approxi-
mately 50:50. This latter ratio can be reduced to nearly
20:80 (implying a more economical FRP, since strength
is provided only by the fiberglass). In practice this can
be achieved by filament winding of continuous ten-
sioned strands of fiberglass (wetted previously in a cat-
alyzed-resin bath) around the concrete core (or around
a removable cylindrical mandrel, if the FRP casing is
used as a form).
The plastic matrix consisted of pre-accelerated poly-
ester resin with one part in three styrene monomer as
a viscosity-reducing agent. One percent by volume
methylethylketone peroxide was used as a catalyst, 1
percent by volume methacrylosilane was added as a
coupling agent, and 2.5 percent by volume hexachloro
I ,3 butadiene was used as a crosslinking agent.
Tensile properties of the four types of FRP are
shown in Table 1. The large values of standard devia-
tion indicate considerable scatter of the individual test
results. For unbalanced woven rovings only the strong
direction properties are listed. Strengths and moduli in
the weak direction are smaller by an order of magni-
tude. Additional FRP specimens were tested following
heat treatment, but no significant effect on strength
could be detected.
Strength results from tests on 3 x 6 in. and 4 x 8 in.
FRP-encased cylinders are plotted in Fig. 1 as a func-
Table 1 - Mechanical properties of FRP
Tensile strength, modulus,
lb/in. width/ply lb/in. width/ply
Thickness Standard Standard
Fiberglass type of ply, in. Mean deviation Mean deviation
10 oz/sq yd fiberglass cloth (type I) 0.015 410 II - -
10 oz/sq yd fiberglass cloth (type II) 0.015 236 16 25,500 4100
24 oz/sq yd unbalanced woven roving 0.030 880 150 - -
13 oz/sq yd unbalanced woven roving 0.015 1220 190 64,400 3220
15 oz/sq yd unbalanced woven roving 0.022 1300 105 - -
24 oz/sq yd balanced woven roving 0.020 925 112 61,700 11,800
13 oz/sq yd unidirectional 0.021 1480 128 68,300 4080
I in. 2.54 em.
I lb/in. width = 175 N/m.
I oz/sq yd = 0.0339 kg/m2.
Load-strain modulus is defined as the product of the Young's modulus of 1he FRP and
the ply thickness.
CT = + 4.1 5!i.!.

"' 13 oz./sq. yd. Unbalanced woven rovmg (4x8)
e;:tf' '<1 13 oz./sq. yd. Unbalanced woven roving

t:. 15 oz./sq. yd. Unbalanced woven roving
D 24oz./sq.yd. Unbalanced woven roving
IOoz./sq.yd. Fiberglass cloth (Type I)
Conversion foetor: 1 ksi = 6.89 MPo
2 3 4
Confining stress at FRP fracture, fult, ksi
Fig. 1 - Compressive strength of FRP-encased con-
crete cylinders, as a function of confining stress at fail-
ure of the FRP. 3 x 6-in. cylinders were f,
= 5000 psi,
expect as noted; 4 x 8-in. cylinders were (
= 4500 psi.
(Equations apply to 5000 psi)
tion of the expected confining stress at failure jj =
P.,/R where F.
, = expected tensile strength of FRP
casing (obtained by multiplying the average strength in
Table 1 by the number of layers), and R = radius of
the cylinder. The average unconfined compression
strength over four tests was 5000 psi for the 3 x 6-in.
cylinders and 4500 psi for the 4 x 8-in. cylinders. Fail-
ure occurs when the lateral strain of concrete under the
combined action of axial load and confining pressure
reaches the failure strain of the FRP in the circumfer-
ential direction. The agreement of the strength of 3 x
6-in. cylinders in Fig. 1 with the failure envelopes of
concrete under the action of axial stress a and lateral
pressure p, as suggested by Richart et al. tl
a= (' + 4.1 p
and by Newman and Newman"
p) 0.861
a= f/ 1 + 3.7 fc'
_ ..... ---4 FRP layers
..----------- 3 FRP layers
... /
. / --
i-0 FRP layer
... ;
Conversion factor 1 ksi =6.89 MPa
0.004 0.02 0.024
Axial strain
Fig. 2 - Axial stress-axial strain plots of FRP-encased
4 x 8 in. concrete cylinders. FRP type= 13 ox/sq yd
unbalanced woven roving
Fig. 3- FRP-encased concrete cylinders after fracture
implies that fracture of the FRP and concrete crushing
occur essentially simultaneously. In other words, it
takes lateral strains equal to those at crushing to break
the FRP. The agreement with the failure envelope is
expected to hold only under the present testing con-
ditions, i.e., monotonic loading at 20 to 50 psi/sec (100
to 300 kPa/sec). Long-term sustained stresses or cyclic
loading produce higher lateral strains of the concrete
and may cause fracture of the FRP at lower axial
Encasing by FRP not only increases concrete
strength, but enhances ductility as well. This is clear
from typical stress-axial strain plots for 4 x 8-in. cyl-
inders shown in Fig. 2. Pictures of FRP-encased con-
crete cylinders after failure are shown in Fig. 3.
Flexural members are typically prismatic with a rect-
angular or T cross section. FRP-encased concrete
members of that form can be constructed by pouring
concrete in a FRP box beam of the appropriate cross
section. In such an application the mechanical role of
the FRP is the following: (1) It carries the tensile force
at the tension face (bottom) of the beam; (2) it pro-
vides partial confinement of concrete at the compres-
sion zone, enhancing strength and ductility;

and (3)
it carries part of the shear force in the beam through
the two sides. Layers of unidirectional fiberglass can
be added to the bottom face as tension reinforcement
ACI JOURNAL I November-December 1981
Ribs for mechanical
Fig. 4 - Rectangular FRP-encased concrete beams
r-rl2 layers of IOoz./sq yd.
I fiberglass cloth (Type II)
6 in.
24 oz./sq. yd balanced
woven roving (2 layers)
13 oz./sq.yd
Fig. 5 - Cross section of tested FRP-encased concrete
(Fig. 4). The concrete core provides compressive
strength and rigidity and prevents local buckling of the
FRP casing. Adhesion between the concrete and the
FRP is not essential, provided that the FRP box beam
is closed at the two ends and that the unidirectional
layers at the bottom have adequate end anchorage
[Fig. 4(b)]. If for any reason adhesion between the
concrete core and the FRP casing is necessary, me-
chanical interlocking can be introduced by artificial
roughening of the internal surface of the FRP box
beam [e.g., by means of attached ribs, as in Fig. 4(b)].
Five FRP-encased concrete beams were constructed
using zero, five, or ten layers of unidirectional fiber-
glass as reinforcement at the bottom. The concrete mix
used was the one described previously, except that the
water-cement ratio varied from 0.50 to 0.65 to control
concrete strength. The composition of the plastic ma-
trix was the same as in the compression cylinders. The
FRP box beams had the cross section shown in Fig.
5, and were constructed by first hand-laying two
plies of wetted bidirectional fiberglass (24 oz/sq yd
balanced woven roving) against the internal surface of
a wood mold and then adding the layers of unidirec-
tional (if any) at the bottom. After air drying for 24
hr, the three-sided FRP box beam was free-standing
and could be removed from the mold. Concrete was
placed in the box beam afterwards. The top of the
beam was covered with wet burlaps for 7 days. Before
testing in two-point bending at an age of 28 days, the
top and the two sides of the beam were covered with
two layers of wetted 10 oz/sq yd fiberglass cloth.
A description of the five beams tested and a sum-
mary of the test results are presented in Table 2. Beam
E, which can be considered as under-reinforced since
it has no unidirectional fiberglass at the bottom, failed
ACl JOURNAL I November-December 1981
Table 2 - Beam test results
FRP-encased concrete
Layers of
unidirectional f(.
Beam fiberglass psi
A 10 7000
B 10 4000
5 5000
D 5 4500
E 0 4000
at maximum
load, in.
M aximum
Conventional reinforced concrete
reinforcement Ties
I #6 bar W3 wire at I in. O.C.
2 #3 bars W3 wire at I in. O.C.
2 #3 bars None
I #3 bar W3 wire at 2 in. O.C.
I psi = 6895 Pa.
I in. = 2.54 em.
I in. kip= 113 Nm.
I lb = 0.454 kg.
deflection Maximum
at maximum moment,
psi load, in. in. kips
4000 0.4 110
4000 0.4 80
4000 0.15 70
4000 0.3 50
of FRP,
of steel,
in a brittle fashion by fracture of the FRP in tension
[Fig. 6(a)]. All other beams were over-reinforced and
experienced a ductile failure mode, which involved
crushing of the concrete at the compression zone.
Bulging of the crushed concrete caused bursting of the
two layers of the fiberglass cloth at the top [Fig. 6(b)].
Removal of the FRP casing after the end of the test
revealed that the concrete inside was severely cracked
in tension and shear and was crushed at the top within
the constant moment region (Fig. 7). However, the
FRP casing was still intact (with the exception of the
damage at the top in the constant moment region) and
elastic, and provided confinement of the concrete. As
a result, unloading after the peak load led to almost
total recovery of the initial shape, and the beam could
even be reloaded to a load almost as high as the peak
load. In other words, over-reinforced FRP-encased
beams have large ductility and retain most of their ca-
pacity after severe overloading.
Typical plots of load versus midspan deflection, con-
crete strain at the top, and fiberglass strain at the bot-
tom (both within the constant moment region of the
beam) are presented in Fig. 8 to 10. Concrete and FRP
strains were measured by 2 in. (50 mm) long electrical
resistance strain gages. These figures clearly show the
capability of over-reinforced beams (Beam B) to return
to their original shape after unloading. Moment-cur-
vature relations for three of the beams are presented
in Fig. 11. Values of ~ d were calculated as the sum of
the measured top and bottom strains. Good prediction
of these plots up to the maximum moment can be ob-
tained by assuming that plane sections of the compos-
ite beam remain plane and by using the FRP properties
in Table 1. Establishment of a reliable prediction pro-
cedure, however, requires additional verification by
test results.
The strength of all five beams tested is greater than
that of typical conventionally reinforced beams of the
same dimensions. Deflections are larger too, because
of the relatively low modulus of the FRP. This can be
(a) Under-reinforced beam, with FRP fracture at the bottom
(b) Over-reinforced beam, with concrete crushing and bursting of the
confining FRP
Fig. 6 - Constant moment region of FRP-encased beams after failure
0 0.10
0 0.01
Beam E
Fig. 7 - Damage of the concrete core in a failed over-
reinforced FRP-encased beam
Fig. 8
Midspan deflection 8/J.
Load-midspan deflection of FRP-encased
444 ACI JOURNAL I November-December 1981
2 3
Concrete strain
Fig. 9 - Load versus concrete strain at the top, in the
constant moment region of FRP-encased beams
seen in Table 2, by comparison with the results of tests
on four conventional beams of the same dimensions
as the FRP-encased ones, ranging from over-reinforced
to overly under-reinforced. The same table shows the
total amount of reinforcing steel or FRP in each beam.
Since the cost of FRP used is approximately $1 per lb,
FRP-encased concrete beams are superior to reinforced
concrete beams on a strength/material cost basis.
The paper presents a preliminary investigation of the
mechanical behavior of FRP-encased concrete under
short-term compression or bending. Several other me-
chanical aspects must be investigated for further un-
derstanding of the mechanical behavior of this new
composite material. These include the questions of
strength under sustained compression, behavior under
eccentric loading and buckling of columns, and the is-
sues of time-dependent deformations and creep rupture
of beams. Design procedures can be developed only
after a thorough understanding of the behavior is
achieved. Very important questions to be resolved, be-
fore putting the proposed concept into application, are
the problems of fire resistance and durability of the
FRP under long-term exposure to sunlight and atmo-
spheric conditions. These problems can be solved, or
at least mitigated, by applying surface coatings or by
appropriately selecting the composition of the plastic
In conclusion, the idea of constructing beams and
columns by encasing concrete in FRP appears very
promising. Provided that satisfactory answers are given
to the problems of fire resistance and durability of the
casing, FRP-encased concrete can provide very eco-
nomic alternatives to conventional reinforced or pre-
stressed concrete because material costs can be re-
duced, reusable forms are not necessary, and
construction costs can be reduced by application of
highly automated prefabrication techniques.
ACI JOU ANAL I November-December 1981
---Beam E
2 4 6
FRP Strain
Fig. 10 - Load versus FRP strain at the bottom, in
the constant moment region of FRP-encased beams


0 4
Beam B
Fig. 11 - Moment-curvature relations of FRP-encased
FRP-encased circular columns under concentric
compression can attain very high strengths and ductil-
ity due to the confinement of the concrete by the FRP.
If their creep and buckling characteristics are equally
good, such columns may lead to significant savings
over reinforced concrete. Rectangular concrete beams
encased in FRP and reinforced with unidirectional
FRP at the bottom have very good strength and the
remarkable ability to recover their original shape upon
load removal, even after considerable damage has been
done to the encased concrete. Such beams can also lead
to considerable savings, especially if the FRP casing is
I. Furlong, Richard W., "Strength of Steel-Encased Concrete
Beam Columns," Proceedings, ASCE, V. 93, ST5, Oct. 1967, pp.
2. Knowles, Robert B., and Park, Robert, "Strength of Concrete
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tute/ American Society of Civil Engineers, Detroit, 1965, pp. 227-
4. Burdette, Edwin G., and Hilsdorf, Hubert K., "Behavior of
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7. Sheikh, Shamin A., and Uzumeri, S. M., "Strength and Duc-
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9. Iyengar, K. T. Sundara Raja; Desayi, Prakash; and Reddy, K.
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10. Martin, C. W., "Spirally Prestressed Concrete Cylinders,"
ACI JouRNAL, Proceedings V. 65, No. 10, Oct. 1968, pp. 837-845.
II. Kurt, Carl E., "Concrete Filled Structural Plastic Columns,"
Proceedings, ASCE, V. 104, STl, Jan. 1978, pp. 55-63.
12. Richart, F. E.; Grandtzaeg, A.; and Brown, R. L., "The Fail-
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linois, Urbana, Apr. 1929, 72 pp.
13. Newman, K., and Newman, J. B., "Failure Theories and De-
sign Criteria for Plain Concrete," Proceedings, International Civil
Engineering Materials Conference on Structure, Solid Mechanics and
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14. lzbal, Mohammed, and Hatcher, David S., "Post-Crushing
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ST8, Aug. 1977, pp. 1643-1654.
15. Iyengar, K. T. Sundara Raja; Desayi, Prakash; and Reddy,
K. Nagi, "Flexure of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Confined
Compression Zones," ACl JouRNAL, Proceedings V. 68, No. 9,
Sept. 1971, pp. 719-725.
ACI JOURNAL I November-December 1981

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