Design and Construction of Machine Foundations - Code of Practice

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IS 2974 ( Part 3 ) : 1992

( Reaffirmed 1995 )

hdian Standard



Second Revision )
First Reprint NOVEMBER 1993


6241591 : 621313-2182

BIS 1992




SHAH 110002 Price Group 4 ZAFAR MARG

NEW August 1992





CED 43

FOREWORD This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft the Foundation Engineering Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Division Council. The installation
blowers, of the

finalized by Engineering

of heavy rotary



steam turbo-generators,
into considerations the



of the special features relating to the design and construction of such machine foundations are guided by the manufacturers, slill a large part of the principles of design covering machine details shall have to be according to certain general foundations. This code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations ( IS 2974 ) This part lays down the general principles for frame foundations for is being published in parts. rotary machines of medium to high frequencies. The other parts of this code are: IS 2974 Code of practice Part for design and construction for reciprocating for impact for rotary of machine foundatians:

involves design of their foundations foundarions system. While many


1 : 1982 Foundations

type machines ( hammer foundations )

Part 2 : 1980 Foundations Part 4 : 1979 Foundations

type machines type machines

of low frequency hammers ) ( forging and

Part 5 : 1987 Foundations for impact type of machines other than stamping press, pig breakers, drop crusher and jolter
In the design and construction of foundations for rotary machines, a proper the different branches of engineering, including those dealing with erection essential.

coordinations between and commissioning is

Coordinated efforts by the different branches would result in satisfactory performance, convenience The main unit with of operation, economy and a good general appearance of the complete unit. all its auxiliaries and adjacent piping must be provided for, when making the foundation plans and al1 the details should be well worked out, before going ahead with the design. has This standard first published in the year 1967 and subsequently revised in 1975. This revision been prepared, based on a numbers of comments received on this standard, keeping in view the The sizes and capacities of turbo-generators current design practices followed in India and abroad. There have been fundamental have increased ( up to 500 MW ) since the last revision of the code. changes in the design philosophy of turbogenerator foundations, for example use of slender columns, With the advent of powerful computers and finite element analysis long and flexible top decks, etc. computer programmes the use of three-dimensional space frame models for static and dynamic The code has been made more relevant to design analysis has become common in design offices. sizing of the foundations and loading combinations are office use. Aspects such as preliminary expected to be useful to the less experienced designers. it has been observed that twoFor large sized foundations with complex structural arrangement, For such foundations three-dimensional dimensional plane frame models are nof possible to use. space frame model is recommended for analysis. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular require,ment of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded o!t in accordance of significant with IS 2 : 1960 Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised ). The number places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.


: 1992

Indian Standard



( Second Revision )
1 SCOPE 1.1 This code is primarily meant fordesigningframed type foundations for turbo-generators machinery. However, the provisions of this code may be used suitably for other machine foundations of similar types, for example, foundations of turbo-compressors, boiler feed pumps, etc. 1.2 The machines following classification shall based on their operating speeds: 25 Hz <fi 3 50 hz apply to 3.6 Mode of Vibration In a system undergoing vibration, a mode of vibration is a characteristic pattern assumed by the system in which the motion of every particle is simple harmonic with the same frequency. Two or more modes may exist concurrently in a multi-degree freedom system. 4 NOMENCLATURE COMPONENTS OF FOUNDATION

Medium frequency High frequency 2 REFERENCES

c 50 Hz

4.0 The following nomenclature components of the foundation Fig. 1). 4.1 Top Deck

shall apply to the in this code (set

2.1 The Indian Standards listed in Annex Aare necessary adjuncts to this standard. 3 TERMINOLOGY 3.0 The common terminology used in structural dynamics and machine foundation design is given below for reference. For a more comprehensive list of terms, refer to IS 2974 (Parts 1 and 2). 3.1 Natural Frequency The dynamic property of an elastic body or system by which it oscillates repeatedly from a fixed reference point when the external force is removed. 3.2 Free Vibration Vibration process of a system excited initially, which may be in the form of initial displacement or velocity, but no more time-varying force acting on it. 3.3 Forced Vibration Vibration process of a system which is caused by external time-varying loads acting on it. 3.4 Damping Dampingis dissipationofenergy ina vibratingsystem.

The top portion of the machine foundation of transverse and longitudinal beams. 4.2 Transverse The members are transverse Beams


that support the turbine-generator to the axis of the machine. Beams


4.3 Longitudinal

The members that support the turbine-generator are parallel to the axis of the machine. 4.4 Columns The vertical members 4.5 Base Mat The part of the foundation and rests on soil/piles. 4.6 Foundation The entire structure, mat. 5 ISOLATION STRUCTURES including the deck, columns that support the top deck.


which supports the columns




3.5 Resonance Resonance of a system in forced vibration is a condition whenany change, howeversmall, in the frequency of excitation causes a decrease in the response of the system.

The foundation structure shall be isolated from the main building and also from other structures in the plant. An air gap shall be provided between the foundation and adjoining structures at all levels above the base mat to avoid the transfer of vibrations to the adjoining structures.

IS2974(Part3) 6 NECESSARY 6.1 Machine Data


The following data shall be made available to the designer by the machine manufacturer (see Fig. 2):

8.1 The preliminary sizing of the various elements of the TG foundation are to be done to arrive at a foundation configuration which will need least changes after detailed analysis and design. It is convenient and preferable to provide the same soffit level for all the girders from the point of view of design and detailing. 8.2 The geometric layout ofthe fouftdation, the shape of the girder cross sections and columns shall be arranged, as fast as possible, symmetrically with respect to the vertical plane passing through the longitudinal axis of the machine. 8.3 Sizing of the Top Deck The proportioning of the deck is basically governed by the machine manufacturers drawing giving the sole plate locations and opening details for the various parts of the machine. While fixing the depth of the girders guidelines may generally be used: Girders Supporting the Turbine: Clear span-to-depth ratio = ranging = ranging from 2 to 3 from 1 to 3 the following

Loading diagram of the machine showing the location, magnitude and direction of all loads including dynamic loads; Speed of the machine; Critical speeds of the machine; Outline dimensions Mass moment ponents; of the foundation;

b) c) 4 4 f-l

of inertia of the machine com-

Details of inserts and embedments; Layout of piping, ducting, porting details; Temperatures eration; and in various etc, and their supzones during op-

h) 8

Allowable displacements at the machine bearing points during normal operation. Data

6.2 Geotechnical

Depth to width ratio

Investigation of the site where the foundation is to be located shall be. done to evaluate the following parameters: a) Allowable bearing pressure/pile soil capacities. as per

Girders Supporting the Generator: Clear span-to-depth Depth to width ratio 8.4 Sizing of Columns The following guidelines sizing: may be followed for column ratio = ranging from 2.5 to 3.5 = ranging from 1 to 1.5

b) In-site dynamic IS 5249 : 1992. 7 LOADING



The following loads shall be considered foundation design (see Annex B):

a) As far as possible pairs of columns should be provided under each transverse girder; b) Compressive stresses and elastic shortening should be kept uniform in all the columns as far as possible; and c) The first two natural frequencies of column with its top and bottom ends fixed shall be away from the operating frequency of the turbo-generator by at least 20 percent. 8.5 Sizing of Base Mat The base,mat shall be sufficiently rigid to preserve the shaft alignment. Following are some guidelines forthe base mat sizing: a) The mass of the machine plus top deck,

Dead loads which include the self weight of a> the foundation and dead weight of the machine;


Operation loads supplied by the machine manufacturer which include friction forces, power torque, thermal elongation forces, vacuum in the condenser, piping forces, etc; Unbalance forces during normal operation;


Temperature forces caused by uniform temperature change and gradient temperature; circuit breaker; forces/bearing failure

e) Short
fl g) h)

Loss of blade unbalance load; Seismic forces; and Erection loads.

b) The ratio of the bending stiffness of the base raft and largest columns in the transverse direction should be at least two, and c) The thickness of the base raft should not be less than 007 L4j in which L is the average of 2

IS2974(Part3) the two adjacent clear spans. This is applicable to rafts supported directly on soil. This shall not be used for piled foundations. 8.5.1 The guidelines given in 8.5 shall be used for the initial sizing of the raft. The final raft thickness, however, would depend on the design forces. 8.6 As far as possible, the foundation shall be so dimensioned that the resultant force due to the weight of the machine, the deck, intermediate slabs (if any) and the base mat together with the weight of the columns passes through the centre of gravity of the base area in contact with the base mat. In cases, where small eccentricities are unavoidable, an eccentricity of up to 3 percent of the base dimension along which the centre of gravity gets displaced may be allowed. 9 STRUCTURAL 9.1 Modelling The analysis shall be done using a simulated mathematical model of linear-elastic properties. For turbogenerator foundations of more than 100 MW capacity, a three-dimensional space frame model is recommended. The modelling should take into account the basic characteristics of the system, that is, mass, stiffness and damping. Special attention is required while idealing the points of excitation. The model should simulate the vibration characteristics of the machine foundation system to a sufficient degree of accuracy (see Fig. 3). For smaller foundations (for example, turbo-generator foundations of less than 100 MW capacity) with a regular framing arrangement, plane frame models may be used in the transverse and longitudinal direction. 9.1.1 The following points shall be considered constructing the model for dynamic analysis: while ANALYSIS


Untracked sections may be used for calculating moments of inertia of the members. The rotational inertia may be disregarded. Shear rigidity shall be considered. uted as per Youngs modulus shall be co IS 456 : 1978. (E = 5 700 ?Ip ck) for static analysis. For dynamic analysis the following range of elastic modulus may be used: Grade of Concrete M20 M25 M 30 Dynamic Elastic h4adulus Nbd 25590 28500 31200 30000 34000 37000



Damping shall be assumed to be 2 percent of critical damping under normal operating loads. A higher damping of 5 percent may be used under emergency loads like blade failure, shortcircuit, bearing failure, etc. Analysis

9.2 Free Vibration

Free vibration analysis shall be carried out to calculate the natural frequenciesand modeshapesofthe foundation. The highest natural frequency calculated should be at least 10 percent higher than the operating frequencyofthe machine. Damping may be neglected for the purpose of free vibration analysis. 9.2.1 Frequency Criteria frequency criteria shall be checked:

The following

The fundamental natural frequency shall be at least 20perccnt away from the machine operating speed. that is, fi < 0.8 fm or fi > 1.2fin where fn = fundamental natural frequency foundation, and speed of the machine. a frequency of the


The foundation shall be modelled as a threedimensional space frame in which the columns and beams are idealised as 3-D beam elements with six degrees of freedom at each node. Slabs and walls, if present, may be modelled using thin shell (plate bending) elements. The columns shall be assumed to be fixed at the base, disregarding the base mat. Nodes shall be specified to all bearing points, beam-columnjunctions, mid-points and quarter points ofbeams and columns and wherever the member cross-sections change significantly. Generally, the number of modes specified on any member should be sufficient to calculate all the modes having frequencies less than or equal to the operating speed. approachshall be used forcomputing modal masses of the foundation. The machine shall be modelled to lump its mass together with the mass of the foundation. The stiffness and damping of the shaft and casing shall generally be disregarded. 3

fm = operating


However, it is preferable to maintain separation of 50 percent. 9.3 Forced Vibration Analysis

Forced vibration analysis shall be performed at the operating speed and also at irequencies corresponding to certain selected modes for transient resonance. The calculated displacement shall be checked against the specified criteria. 9.3.1 Forcing Function

cl Lumped-mass

Generally, the unbalance forces are furnished by the machine manufacturer at each bearing location under different operating conditions.

IS2974(Part3) A sinusoidal

:1992 forcing function of the form 11 BASE MAT ANALYSIS The base mat may generally be modelled with plate bending elements or as a grillage of beams. The soil or piles beneath the base raft shall be idealised as spring elements. 11.1 The bearing pressure on soil or the load on the heaviest loaded pile shall not exceed 80 percent of the net allowable bearing pressure or the safe load capacity of piles respectively. 12 DESIGN 12.1 Working stress method as per IS 456 : 1978 shall be used. 12.2 Increase in Permissible Stresses

F(t) = F, sin (tot t $) shall be used for analysis. In the absence of data from the manufacturer the unbalance forces may be derived from the balance quality grade of the machine (see Annex C). 9.4 Seismic Analysis Response spectrum analysis shall be carried out as per IS 1893 : 1984. At least the first five modes shall be considered for mode superposition. 9.5 Static Analysis A detailed static analysis of the foundation shall be performed to ensure that the foundation carries all the loads safely. The same model which has been used for dynamic analysis may be used for static analysis. 9.5.1 Load Cases Dead a> loads (DL) loads (OL) unbalance load (NUL) (ILF)

Where stresses due to either earthquake, short-circuit or loss of blade unbalance forces/bearing failure loads are combined with those due to dead and permanent load, the permissible stresses as specified in IS 456 : 1978 may be increased by 25 percent. 12.3 Fatique Factor

b) cl d)


Normal machine Temperature 1) Uniform

loads in the foundation temperature gradients change

A fatique factor of 2 shall be used for the dynamic forces caused by normal unbalance. 12.4 Grade of Concrete The following grades of concrete shall be used: : M 20 or higher grade : M 20 or higher grade : M 20 or higher grade higher for the

2) Temperature

across members

Short circuit forces (SCF) Loss of blade unbalance failure load (BFL) Seismic 9.5.2 loads (SL) (LBL) or bearing

Top deck Columns Base mat

Loads Combinations

a) b) c)



For turbo-generator foundations of capacities than 100 MW, the minimum grade of concrete end columns shall be M 25. 12.5 Reinforcement Steel

DLtOL+NUL+TLF Short circuit condition DLtOL+NULtTLFtSCF Loss of condition blade condition/Bearing failure

125.1 Mild steel bars conforming to IS 432 (Parts 1 and 2) : 1982 or high yield strength deformed bars conforming to IS 1786 : 1985 may be used. 12.5.2 Minimum dia of reinforcement main reinforcement shall be 12 mm. 125.3 Minimum Reinforcement bars used as


Seismic condition DL+OL+NUL+TLFtEQL

Beams of top deck 10 SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERACTION Top and bottom : 0.25 percent tional area (each) of gross sec-

The effects of soil-structure interaction on the dynamic response of the TG foundation may be ignored under steady state dynamic loading. However, if the TG foundation is located in zones of high seismicily, soil-structure interaction shall be considered for seismic analysis. No soil-structure interaction need be considered for static analysis .and it is sufficient to model the foundation fixed at the base raft level. 4

Sides Columns Longitudinal reinforcement

0.1 percent gross sectional area on tach side

: 0.8 percent of gross sectional


Base mat


12.7 Reinforcement
: 0.12 percent (each) of gross sec-


Top and bottom Intermediate layer

tional area in each direction

: Shrinkage reinforcement of 0.06

percent ineach direction if the raft thickness is more than two metres

Care should betaken while detailing to facilitate ease of concreting. The clear spacing between bars should be at least 5 mm more than the sum of aggregate size and the largest bar diameter used. 12.8 Construction

12.5.4 The maximum spacing of the reinforcement bars shall not exceed 300 mm and the minimum spacing shall not be less than 150 mm. 125.5 Splices in the reinforcement bars shall be staggered and shall be given in the compression zone as far as possible. 12.6 Concrete Cover Minimum clear cover to reinforcement shall be 5Omm fortopdeckandcolumnsand 100mmforthebasemat.

128.1 The base mat shall be cast in a single uninterrupted operation. Properly designed construction joints shall be provided between the base mat and columns and between columns and the top deck. Construction joint may also be provided approximately at the mid-height of columns if the length of the column exceeds 8 me&es.

128.2 The top deck shall be cast in a single uninterrupted operation.







IS2974( Part3)

: 1992








ANNEX A (Chse2.1)

Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bats and hard-drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement: Part 1 Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars ( third revision ) Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and harddrawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement : Part 2 Hard-drawn steel wire ( third revision) Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete ( second

IS No.

concrete reinforcement ( third

revision )
1893 : 1984 Criteria design for earthquake of structures resistant (fourth

revision )
2974 (Part 1) : 1982 Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations: Part 1 Foundations for reciprocating type machine ( second revision ) Code of practice for design and machine construction of foundations: Part 2 Foundations for impact type machine ( hammer foundations ) (first revision )

432 (Part 2) : 1982

456 : 1978

revision )
1786 : 1985 Specification for high strength deformed steel bars and wires for

2974 (Part 2) : 1980

ANNEX B (Clause 7)

M(t) = Ae -vo.4 sin cot - Be +m4 sin 2mt + Ce MJJ~

where w = angular frequency coefficients design. of the mains. to generator

The turbine rotor is balanced dynamically to enable smooth operation of the machine. An emergency condition can occur when one or more turbine blades break loose from the rotor, which would impose a large dynamic force on the foundation at the bearing locations. The forces corresponding to a massing last-row blade for each turbine section are supplied by the machine manufacturer in the form of unbalance forces or equivalent static forces. Since the turbo-generator is tripped in such a condition these forces occur for a short time required for the coasting down time of the machine. It is sufficient to check the foundation for strength under these forces. B-2 SHORT CIRCUIT FORCE

A, B, C


The forcing function is generally supplied by the Machine Manufacturer. It is advisable to perform a dynamic analysis of the foundation. Sometimes, only the equivalent static force is supplied which assumes an infinitely rigid foundation and can make the foundation design highly conservative. In the absence of vendor supplied information may be used. In the short circuit equation, C may be assumed as: data, the following A, B, and

the coefficient

When a line-to-line or line-to-ground short circuit occurs at the generator terminal, it imposes a huge torque on the TG foundation. The short-circuit moment has the form (see Fig. 4).


= 10 times normal power torque = 5 times normal power torque

= normal power torque



: 1992


is h
rLg a+a1 &




FIG. 4


ANNEX C (Clause 9.3.1)



The unbalance forces caused by the machine during tbe normal operating condition are supplied by the machine manufacturer. However, in the absence of such information, the following method may be used to calculate the unbalance forces. Turbo-generator and other similar machines are classified undertbe balance quality grade of G2.5. Considering one grade higher for the foundation design, that is, G6.3, the eccentricity of the rotor mass can be obtained from G where G = balance quality grade in mm/set, = eo

= =

eccentricity of rotating mass in mm, and operating speed of the machine in rad/ sec.

Example : G =

6.3 mm/set 3 000 pm or 314.16 rad/sec

consequently, e unbalance where nr = mass of the rotor = 0.02 mm force = meor sin ot

Standard Mark The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark on products covered by an IndianStandard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection, testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the producer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for conformity to Details of conditions under which a licence for the use that standard as a further safeguard. of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards.

Bureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country. Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication), BIS Revision of Indian Standards Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of BIS Handbook and Standards Monthly Additions. Comments on this Indian Standard may be sent to BIS giving the following reference: DOG: No, CED 43 (4898) Amendments Issued Since Publication Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected

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