BASF Rheomatrix en
BASF Rheomatrix en
BASF Rheomatrix en
Combined with growing pressure towards more sustainability, the ready-mix industry is facing the following challenges: A demand for robust and more fluid concretes for day-to-day applications Higher durability specifications which require a perfect covering of reinforcement to extend the service life of structures Energy efficiency to reduce CO2 emissions To meet all these challenges perfectly and simultaneously would require a concrete to fulfill contradicting requirements: cost effectiveness, self-compaction and robustness. This dilemma can now be solved with the revolutionary Smart Dynamic ConcreteTM concept developed by BASF Construction Chemicals a concept for a new generation of highly fluid concretes.
The Smart Dynamic Construction concept consists of a robust mix design with less than 380 kg of fines, a tailor-made Glenium superplasticizer and the new and unique RheoMATRIX, a BASF exclusive, state-of-the-art Viscosity Modifying Agent (VMA) as the key element of this revolutionary concept. Due to the smart and self-organizing molecules of RheoMATRIX, concrete mix designs can now be optimized to a unique extent to achieve unmatched performance levels. In fact, it creates a new concrete generation which combines the benefits of traditionally vibrated concrete with those of self-compacting concrete and is easy to produce and robust in every day use: Smart Dynamic Concrete. The Smart Dynamic Construction concept is suitable to upgrade S4 and S5 concretes to a higher performance level with self-compacting characteristics and is as easy to produce as standard concrete. It allows the ready-mix industry to reach better construction process economy, higher concrete durability and increased energy efficiency in order to save time and money and reduce CO2 emissions. It is not recommended as a substitute for typical SCC applications.
RheoMATRIX is the essential component of the Smart Dynamic Construction concept. It consists of a watersoluble polymer which modifies the rheological properties of the concrete mix. Thanks to its tailored mode of action, RheoMATRIX brings a level of viscosity to the mix that allows the right balance between fluidity, passing ability and resistance to segregation apparently opposing properties to be achieved.
Mechanism of Action
The rheology of matter is mainly characterized by two parameters: yield value and plastic viscosity. In the Smart Dynamic Construction concept these two parameters are controlled by an optimized concrete mix design but yield value is specially controlled by Glenium superplasticizers and plastic viscosity by RheoMATRIX.
Yield point
Stability area
Standard VMA: VMAs stabilize unstable concrete increasing yield value, with much lower increase of plastic viscosity. However, after the addition of 10 l/m3 water, the mix is back in the unstable area
Yield point
Stability area
Instability area
Plastic viscosity pl
RheoMATRIX: After addition of 10 l/m3 water, the mix is still in the stable area
The unique mix-design optimization now possible allows the substitution of concrete paste quantity by concrete paste quality to achieve self-compacting properties and concrete stability at the same time. RheoMATRIX is based on BASF proprietary, intelligent (smart) high molecular weight ionic polymers which interact among themselves and mainly with water molecules, generating a water envelope, therefore building up a highly structured cement paste.
An additional mechanism of action that strengthens the effectiveness of the system is the simultaneous adsorption of RheoMATRIX molecules on more than one fine particle of the cement or fine sand, leading to a bridging phenomenon which generates an even more powerful molecular network. The effective control of the rheological parameters allows the achievement of a superior homogeneity of the mix, a minimum energy dissipation and a minimization of paste volume and thus of the fine particles content in the mix design.
This innovative concept meets the existing and continuously increasing demand for more fluid concretes and offers the following benefits to the industry: 1. Economical: Thanks to a unique mechanism of action in concrete, savings of fines (<0.125mm) can be achieved. The stable and highly fluid concrete is close to self-levelling and thus permits installation without subsequent compaction. The placing process is easy enough to be handled by just one operator, who additionally saves up to 40% of work time. As a result, labour productivity is increased by up to 5 times! On top of that it is as easy to produce as standard concrete because the mixes are less sensitive to changes in water demand. 2. Ecological: The low percentage of fines (e.g. cement), the production of which causes CO2 emissions, improves the ecological efficiency of concrete. Furthermore, this highly fluid concrete embeds the reinforcement perfectly, protecting it optimally against external corrosion. This characteristic increases the durability of concrete and as a result considerably extends the life span of buildings thus equipped. 3. Ergonomic: Thanks to its self-compacting characteristics this concrete does not need to be vibrated, which means no noise and no health hazardous vibrations for the workers. Additionally, the new mix design guarantees a type of concrete with low stickiness, thus improving its workability.
Economical Savings on fines Up to 40% faster placing Up to 5 times higher labour productivity Easy to produce Ecological Less fines, less CO2 Higher durability Ergonomic No vibration No noise Low stickiness
At a Glance
Smart Dynamic Construction: A smart technology for a dynamic concrete to achieve construction benefits.
Smart Dynamic Construction is designed to upgrade S4/S5 concrete to become self-compacting and robust for day-to-day use at minimum extra cost. The centerpiece of this concept is RheoMATRIX, a high performance VMA which allows for a quantum leap in concrete robustness. Smart Dynamic Construction combines the advantages of both traditionally vibrated concrete and self-compacting concrete. This concept makes unique mix-design optimization (by reducing fines) possible. Smart Dynamic Construction adds economical, ecological and ergonomic values to concrete and has the potential to move the market up to the next level of advanced construction practice.