Uu No 43 THN 2009

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In this Law the meaning of: 1. Customs Area is the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia, which covers land, sea, and air as well as specific areas within the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf which on Customs. 2. Goods are tangible goods, which according to their nature and legal status are movable, or immovable goods, and intangible assets. 3. Taxable Goods are goods which are subject to tax according to this Law. 4. Supply of Taxable Goods is any business activity of supply Taxable Goods. 5. Services are any service activity under a contractual agreement or legal arrangement which makes available for use goods, facilities or rights, including services provided on order or request, for which the material is provided by the customer. 6. Taxable Services are services which are subject to tax according to this Law. 7. Rendering of Taxable Service is any activity to provide a Taxable Service 8. Utilization of Taxable Service from outside the Customs Area is any activity of utilization of Taxable Service obtained from outside the Customs Area within the Customs Area. 9. Import is entry of goods into the Customs Area. 10. Utilisation of intangible Taxable Goods from outside the Customs Area is any activity of utilisation of intangible Taxable Goods obtained from outside the Customs Area by an arrangement within the Customs Area. 11. Export of tangible taxable goods is any activity issued tangible taxable goods from the Customs Area to the outside Customs Area. 12. Trade is any business activity to buy and sell, including barter of goods without changing their form or nature. 13. Entity is a group of individual and or capital as a union, whether conducts or not conduct business activity, covering a limited company, partnership, other partnership, a State owned enterprise or company owned by a Regional Government in whatever name and form, firma", "kongsi", "cooperative", permanent establishment, foundation or such kind of organizations, institute and other business form. 14. Firm is an individual or an entity in any form, which in the course of business or work, produces goods, imports goods, exports goods, engages in trading activities, utilizes

intangible goods obtained from outside the Customs Area, provides business services, or utilities services obtained from outside the Customs Area. 15. Taxable Person for VAT purposes is a Firm r 14 which supplies Taxable Goods and or renders Taxable Services which are subject to tax according to this Law. 16. Manufacture is an activity which changes the form or nature of goods to become new goods, or to obtain new uses from the goods, or an activity to process natural resources, including having another individual or entity carry out the manufacture. 17. Tax Base is the Sales Price or Consideration or Import Value or Export Value, or such other value to be used as the basis for calculating tax payable. 18. Sales Price is the value in money, including all costs charged or which should be charged by a seller, on supply of Taxable Goods, excluding tax withheld in accordance with this law and any rebate which is written in the Tax Invoice. 19. Consideration is the value in money, including all costs charged or which should be charged by a firm rendering a service, arising from the rendering of a Taxable Service, excluding tax withheld in accordance with this law and any rebate which is written in the Tax Invoice, or the value in money paid or payable by the Recipient Services for utilization of taxable services and / or by the beneficiary of taxable goods for use Intangible Taxable Goods from outside the Customs Area within the Customs Area. 20. Import value is the value in money, which forms the basis for calculating import duty plus other levies incurred under the Customs Regulations on the import of Taxable Goods, excluding tax withheld in accordance with this law. 21. Buyer is an individual or an entity or government institution which receives or should receive a supply of Taxable Goods and which pays or should pay the Taxable Goods. 22. Recipient of services is an individual or an entity or government institution which receives or should receive a rendering of Taxable Services and which pays or should pay for the Taxable Services. 23. Tax Invoice is proof of tax withheld by a Taxable Person for VAT purposes on supply of Taxable Goods or rendering of Taxable Services. 24. Input Tax is Value Added Tax which should have been paid by a Taxable Person for VAT purposes who obtains Taxable Goods and or Taxable Services and or the utilization of intangible Taxable Goods obtained from outside the Customs Area and or the utilization of Taxable Services obtained from outside the Customs Area and or the importation of Taxable Goods. 25. Output Tax is Value Added Tax payable withheld by a Taxable Person for VAT purposes on a supply of Taxable Goods or rendering of Taxable Services, or the exportation of Taxable Goods. 26. Export value is the value in money, including all costs charged or should be charged by an exporter. 27. Withholding Agent of Value Added Tax is Government Treasurer, an entity or government institution appointed by the Minister of Finance to withhold, deposit and

report on the tax payable from a Taxable Person for VAT purposes arising from a supply of Taxable Goods and or rendering of Taxable Services to the Government Treasurer, entity or government institution concerned. 28. Export of Intangible Taxable Goods is any activity surrender Intangible Taxable Goods from Customs Area to the outside Customs Area. 29. Export of Taxable Service is any activity Taxable Services outside the Customs Area. Elucidation of Article 1 Sufficiently clear.

Article 1A
1) a. b. c. d. e. The meaning of supply of Taxable Goods shall include of the following: Transfer of title over Taxable Goods under the terms of an agreement; Supply of Taxable Goods under a hire-purchase agreement and/ or a leasing agreement; Supply of Taxable Goods to an intermediate trader or to an auctioneer; Taxable Goods for personal use and or Taxable Goods provided free of charge; Taxable Goods and assets originally acquired not for sale, which remain available at the time of dissolution of the company. f. Supply of Taxable Goods from a head office to a branch or vice versa and supply of Taxable Goods between branches; g. Supply of Taxable Goods by consignment. h. Surrender Taxable Goods by a Taxable Person in the framework financing agreement based on the principles of shariah, the delivery of which is considered right from Taxable to the needy taxable goods 2) a. b. c. The meaning of supply of Taxable Goods shall exclude of the following: Supply of Taxable Goods to a broker referred to in the Commercial Law; Supply of Taxable Goods as collateral for loans; Supply of Taxable Goods referred to in paragraph (1) subparagraph (f) where a Taxable Person for VAT purposes has obtained permission to centralize payment of tax payable. d. Diversion of Taxable Goods in the framework of a merger, consolidation, division, splitting, and the takeover attempt by the parties to a transfer requirements and receiving the transfer is a Taxable Entrepreneur; and e. Taxable goods in the form of assets which, according to its original purpose is not for sale, which was left at the time of dissolution of the company, and the Input Tax on the acquisition cannot be credited as referred to in Article 9, paragraph (8) subparagraph b and c.

Elucidation of Article 1A Paragraph (1) Subparagraph a According to this provision, Agreements cover sales transaction, barter, purchase by installments, or other agreements which result in the transfer of rights over goods. Subparagraph b A supply of Taxable Goods may occur under a hire purchase or finance leasing agreement. Finance leasing agreement means a supply caused by a finance leasing agreement by a right of opts. Although a transfer of rights over Taxable Goods has not taken place and the payment of the Taxable Goods Price is carried out in stages, because authority over the Taxable Goods has already moved from the seller to the buyer or from the lessor to the lessee, this Law stipulates that a supply of Taxable Goods is considered to occur at the time of signing of the agreement, unless the time of de facto change authority over the Taxable Goods occurred prior to the signing of the agreement. Subparagraph c An intermediate trader is an individual or an entity, which in the course of business activity or professional work in its own name, concludes an agreement or contract on behalf of another Firm and thereby obtains wages or compensation for services, such as a commission. An auctioneer is a Government auctioneer or one appointed by the Government. Subparagraph d Personal use means the use for the interest of one's own Firm, management or employees, whether self products or non self products. Provision free of charge means without payment in return, whether self products or non self products, including, among others, the provision of samples for promotional purposes to a contact or to a buyer. Subparagraph e Inventory of stock and assets, which according to their original purpose, are not intended to be traded and which remain on the dissolution of a Firm are considered as being the same as those for personal use, and are therefore considered as falling within a supply of Taxable Goods. Excluded from the provisions of subparagraph e is the submission referred to in Article 1A paragraph (2) subparagraph e. Subparagraph f In case a Firm has more than one place where tax is payable, namely the places where a supply of Taxable Goods is made to another party, whether as a head

office or as a branch office, this Law construes the movement of Taxable Goods between the places as constituting a supply of Taxable Goods. A head office in this regulation is a residence or domicile. A branch in this regulation is a business location, representative office, marketing unit and others of the same type. Subparagraph g Where a supply occurs as a consignment, the Value Added Tax paid at the time the Taxable Goods are handed over may be credited against Output Tax for the Taxable Period in which the Taxable Goods are consigned. If, however, the consigned Taxable Goods are not sold but are returned to their owner, the Firm which received the consignment may use the provisions on return of Taxable Goods as contained in Article 5A of this Law. Subparagraph h Example: Murabahah transactions, Islamic banks act as provider of funds to purchase a motor vehicle from a taxable employer-order customer of Islamic banks (mister B). Although based on the principles of sharia, Islamic banks have to buy the first vehicle and then sell it to mister B, by law; the delivery of motor vehicles is done directly by a taxable employer to mister B. Paragraph (2) Subparagraph a A broker in this Law means a broker in the Commercial Law, who is an intermediate trader appointed by the President or government official authorized by the President. They run their company by conducting a business activity and thereby obtain wages or certain commission as payment, on mandate and behalf of other people which have no business relationship with the broker. Subparagraph b Sufficiently clear. Subparagraph c If a Taxable Person for VAT purposes has more than one place of business, either has a head office or branches, and the Taxable Person for VAT purposes has permission from the Director General of Taxes to centralize tax payable, the supply of Taxable Goods from one place of business to another (from a branch to a head office and vice versa or between branches) is not considered a supply of Taxable Goods, except where the supply of Taxable Goods is between places where tax is payable. Subparagraph d The term "business solutions" is the separation of business as defined in the Act that governs the corporation.

Subparagraph e Taxable goods in the form of assets which are not original purpose remaining for sale at the liquidation of the company, the Input Tax on the acquisition cannot be credited because it has no direct connection with the operations referred to in Article 9, paragraph (8) subparagraph b and / or assets such as motor vehicles sedan and station wagon Input Tax on the acquisition cannot be credited as referred to in Article 9, paragraph (8) subparagraph c is not included in the definition of Taxable Goods.

Article 2
(1) If the Sales Price or Consideration is influenced by special relationship, the Sales Price or Consideration shall be calculated on the basis of a fair market price at the time of a supply of Taxable Goods or the rendering of Taxable Services. (2) A special relationship is deemed to exist: a. where a Firm owns direct or indirect participation of 25% (twenty-five percent) or more in another firm; likewise, between two or more firms where there is direct or indirect participation of 25% (twenty-five percent) in each of those firms by another firm; or b. a Firm has control over another firm, or two or more firms are under the same control, whether directly or indirectly; or c. there exists a family relationship either through blood-line or through marriage within one degree of direct or indirect lineage. Elucidation of Article 2 Paragraph (1) The influence of a special relationship as meant in this Law shall be the possibility of the price which is set below the market price. In such cases, the Director General of Taxes has authority to adjust the Sale Price or Consideration which forms the Tax Base to a fair market price applying in a free market. Paragraph (2) A special relationship between a Taxable Person for VAT purposes and a party receiving supply of Taxable Goods and or rendering of Taxable Services may occur due to the dependency of one on the other because of: - ownership or participation factors; - the existence of influence through management or technology. Apart from the above, a special relationship between individual persons may result from a relationship through blood or marriage. a. A special relationship is considered to exist if there is an ownership relationship in the form of capital participation of 25% (twenty-five percent) or more, either directly or indirectly.

Example: If PT "A" owns 50% (fifty percent) of the shares of PT "B", the share ownership of PT "A" constitutes direct participation. At the same time, if PT "B" owns 50% (fifty percent) of the shares in PT "C", then PT "A" as a shareholder in PT "B" has an indirect participation in PT "C' for 25% (twenty-five percent). Because of this, a special relationship is considered to exist between PT "A", PT "B" and PT "C". If PT "A" also has a 25% (twenty-five percent) shareholding in PT "D", a special relationship is also considered to exist between PT "B", PT "C" and PT "D". Such ownership relationships may also occur between individuals and entities. b) A relationship as described in subparagraph a) may also occur because of control through management or the use of technology, without regard to the existing of ownership relationship. A special relationship is considered to exist if one or more companies are under control of the same Firm. It also applies to the relationship between the several companies which are under the authority those mentioned similar firm. c) The meaning of blood relationships in a direct lineage of one degree are father, mother and child, while blood relationships in indirect lineage of one degree are brothers and sisters. The meanings of relationship through marriage in direct lineage of one degree are parents inlaw and step-children, while relationships in marriage in indirect lineage of one degree are brothers-in-law and sisters-in law. If, between husband and wife, there is an agreement for the separation of asset and income, a special relationship is construed to exist between the husband and wife under this Law.


Deleted. Elucidation of Article 3 Provisions of Article 3 govern the inaugural employers taxable removed and transferred to the law on general provisions and procedures of taxation.

(1) A Firm making a supply referred to in subparagraph a, c, or f of Article 4 shall be obliged to report its business activities to be registered as a Taxable Person for VAT purposes and to

withhold, deposit and report Value Added Tax and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods which is payable. (1a) Small Firm referred to in paragraph (1) may elect to be confirmed as a Taxable Person. (2) A Small Firm which chooses to be confirmed as a Taxable Person for VAT purposes shall be required to carry out the obligation referred to in paragraph (1). (3) An individual or entity utilizing intangible Taxable Goods obtained from outside the Customs Area referred to in subparagraph d of Article 4 and or utilizing Taxable Services obtained from outside the Customs Area referred to in subparagraph e of Article 4, shall be obliged to withhold, deposit and report Value Added Tax payable, and the method and procedures shall be determined by the Minister of Finance Decree. Elucidation Article 3A Paragraph (1) A Firm which supplies Taxable Goods and or renders Taxable Services within the Customs Area and or exports Taxable Goods is obliged to: a. report its business activity to be confirmed as a Taxable Person for VAT purposes; b. withhold tax payable; c. deposit Value Added Tax must be paid where Output Tax is greater than creditable Input Tax, and deposit Sales Tax on Luxury Goods payable; d. report the tax calculation. Paragraph (1a) Sufficiently clear. Paragraph (2) A Small Firm is allowed to be confirmed as a Taxable Person for VAT purposes. By doing so, this law fully applies to that Firm. Paragraph (3) Value Added Tax payable on the utilization of intangible Taxable Goods or Taxable Services from outside the Customs Area must be withheld by the individual or entity, which utilizes the intangible Taxable Goods or Taxable Services.


(1) Value Added Tax shall be imposed on: a. a supply of Taxable Goods carried out in the Customs Area by a Firm; b. importation of Taxable Goods; c. rendering of Taxable Services in the Customs Area by a Firm; d. utilization of intangible Taxable Goods obtained from outside the Customs Area within the Customs Area;

e. utilization of Taxable Services obtained from outside the Customs Area within the Customs Area; f. the export of Taxable Goods by a Taxable Person for VAT purposes; g. the export of intangible taxable goods by a Taxable Person for VAT purposes; and h. the export of taxable service by a Taxable Person for VAT purposes. (2) The provisions regarding limitation of activity and type of Taxable Services on export VAT charges referred to in paragraph (1) subparagraph h is regulated by the Ministry of Finance. Elucidation of Article 4 Paragraph (1) Subparagraph a A Firm conducting a supply of Taxable Goods covers both a Firm which has been registered as a Taxable Person for VAT purposes referred to in paragraph (1) of Article 3A and a Firm which should have been confirmed as a Taxable Person for VAT purposes. A supply of goods is subject to Tax under the following circumstances: a. the tangible goods supplied are Taxable Goods, b. the intangible goods supplied are intangible Taxable Goods, c. the supply is carried out within the Customs Area, d. the supply is conducted in the course of business or work of the Firm concerned. Subparagraph b Tax is also withheld at the time of importation of Taxable Goods. Withholding is carried out through the Directorate General of Customs and Excise. Other than supply of Taxable Goods under subparagraph a, whomsoever imports Taxable Goods into the Customs Area, regardless whether the importation is conducted in the course of business or work or not, is subject to tax. Subparagraph c A Firm, which conducts a rendering of Taxable Services covers both a Firm which has been confirmed as a Taxable Person for VAT purposes referred to in paragraph (1) of Article 3A and a Firm which should have been confirmed as a Taxable Person for VAT purposes. Service rendering which is subject to tax shall fall under the following circumstances: a. the services rendered are Taxable Services, b. the rendering is carried out in the Customs Area, and c. the rendering is conducted in the course of business or work of the Firm concerned. Included in the definition of rendering of Taxable Services is Taxable Services rendered for personal use and or Taxable Services rendered for free of charge.

Subparagraph d In order to give the similar tax treatment as for imported Taxable Goods, intangible Taxable Goods imported from outside the Customs Area which is utilized in the Customs Area is also subject to Value Added Tax. Example: Firm "A" is domiciled in Jakarta and obtains the right to utilize a trademark owned by Firm "B" domiciled in Hongkong. Utilization of the trademark by Firm "A" within the Customs Area is subject to Value Added Tax. Subparagraph e Services originated from outside the Customs Area and utilized within the Customs Area are subject to tax under the provisions of this law. For example, Taxable Person for VAT purposes "C" in Surabaya utilizes a Taxable Service from a Firm "B" located in Singapore. Utilization of the Taxable Service aforesaid is subject to Value Added Tax. Subparagraph f Different from the Firm referred to in subparagraph a and or subparagraph c, a Firm which exports Taxable Goods is only a Firm which has been confirmed as a Taxable Person for VAT purposes referred to in Article 3A paragraph (1). Subparagraph g As with the export of Tangible Taxable Goods, businessman who exports Intangible Taxable Goods only employers who have confirmed as a Taxable Person referred to in Article 3A paragraph (1). The term " Intangible Taxable Goods " is: 1. use or right to use any copyright in the literary, artistic or scientific work, patent, design or model, plan, secret formula or process, trademark, or other forms of intellectual property rights / industrial or other similar rights; 2. use or right to use the equipment / supplies industrial, commercial, or scientific; 3. provision of knowledge and information in the areas of scientific, technical, industrial, or commercial; 4. additional or supplementary assistance in connection with the use or right to use the rights mentioned in item 1, the use of or the right to use the equipment / supplies are at number 2, or the provision of knowledge or information on the number 3, as follows: a) receipt or right to receive a recorded image or sound recording or both, which is distributed to the public via satellite, cable, optic fiber or similar technology; b) the use or right to use the recorded image or sound recording or both, to broadcast television or radio broadcast / transmitted via satellite, cable, optic fiber or similar technology, and c) the use or right to use any or all of the radio spectrum communications;

5. use or right to use a picture films (motion picture films), films or video tapes for television broadcast, or vocal cords to radio broadcasts, and 6. release all or most of the rights with respect to the use or provision of intellectual property rights / industrial or other rights as described above. Subparagraph h The definition of export of Taxable services is Taxable Services from outside the Customs Area within the Customs Area by Taxable who produce and export Tangible Goods Taxable upon the order or request with materials provided by the customer and outside the Customs Area. Paragraph (2) Sufficiently clear.

Article 4A
(1) Deleted (2) The determination of types of goods which are not subject to Value Added Tax shall be based on the following categories: a. Products of mining and drilling, taken directly from the source; b. Daily necessities needed by public; c. Food and beverages served in hotel, restaurant, and such other places; d. Money, gold, and valuable documents. (3) The determination of types of services which are not subject to Value Added Tax shall be based on the following fields of activity: a. healthcare; b. social welfare; c. postal delivery; d. banking; e. insurance f. religion g. education h. culture and entertainment i. broadcasting, not include advertising; j. public transport on land and water and air transport services in the country that became an integral part of the air transport services abroad; k. manpower; l. hotels; m. rendering of services by the government in efforts to run the government in general; n. parking; o. public telephone services using a coin p. remittance by postal money order; and q. catering Elucidation of Article 4A Paragraph (1)

Sufficiently clear. Paragraph (2) Subparagraph a Goods from mining or drilling results are taken directly from the source include: a. crude oil; b. natural gas, excluding LPG gas as a ready to use directly by the people; c. geothermal; d. asbestos, slate, half gem, limestone, pumice, stone, bentonite, dolomite, feldspar, halite, graphite, granite / andesite, gypsum, calcite, kaolin, leusit, magnesite, mica , marble, nitrate, opsidien, ocher, sand and gravel, quartz sand, perlite, phosphate, talc, Fullers earth, diatomaceous earth, clay, alum, tras, yarosif, zeolite, basal and trakkit; e. coal before it is processed into briquettes coal, and f. iron ore, tin ore, gold ore, copper ore, nickel ore, silver ore, and bauxite ore. Subparagraph b Staple goods that are needed by many people include: a. rice; b. grain; c. corn; d. sago; e. soybeans; f. salt, both iodized and non-iodized; g. meat, the meat fresh without being processed, but have been slaughtered, skinned, cut, chilled, frozen, packaged or not packaged, salted, limed, pickled, preserved by other means, and / or boiled; h. eggs, the eggs are not processed, including the eggs are cleaned, salted, or packed; i. milk, the dairy cows that have either cooled or heated through, not containing added sugar or other substances, and / or packaged or not packaged; j. fruits, the fresh fruits were picked, either through a process that has been washed, sorted, peeled, cut, sliced, in-grading, and / or packaged or not packaged, and k. vegetables, the fresh vegetables are picked, washed, drained, and / or stored at low temperatures, including fresh vegetables are chopped. Subparagraph c To avoid double taxation, because it has been subject to Regional Tax. Subparagraph d Sufficiently clear. Paragraph 3 Subparagraph a Medical health care services include: 1. services of general practitioners, specialists, and dentists; 2. veterinary services; 3. services of health professionals such as acupuncturists, dental specialists, nutritionists and physiotherapists;

4. midwifery services and traditional birth attendants; 5. services of paramedics and nurses; 6. hospital services, maternity hospitals, health clinics, medical laboratories, and sanatorium; 7. services of psychologists and psychiatrists, and 8. alternative medicine services, including those performed by the paranormal. Subparagraph b Social welfare include: 1. nursing services and nursing home care; 2. fire services; 3. provision of relief services to the accident; 4. rehab services; 5. provision of services the funeral home or cemetery services, including the crematorium, and 6. services in the field of sports except for commercial purposes. Subparagraph c Service delivery letter with postage services include sending letters using stamps paste and use other means replacement stamps paste. Subparagraph d Financial services include: 1. collect funds from public services such as current accounts, time deposits, certificates of deposit, savings accounts, and / or other similar forms of it; 2. services to place funds, borrow money, or lend funds to other parties to use the mail, telecommunication infrastructure and the performance notes, checks, or other means; 3. financial services, including financing based on Islamic principles, such as: a. Lease with option rights; b. factoring; c. credit card business, and / or d. consumer financing; 1. lending services on the basis of the law of liens, including liens and fiduciary sharia, and 2. underwriting services Subparagraph e The term "insurance services" are services which include insurance coverage, life insurance, and reinsurance, which is undertaken by an insurance company to insurance policyholders, excluding insurance supporting services such as insurance agents, insurance loss assessors and insurance consultants. Subparagraph f Religious services include: 1. houses of worship services; 2. services giving sermons or preaching; 3. service organization of activities religious, and 4. other services in the field of religion. Subparagraph g Education services include:

1. schools of education services, such as public services of education, vocational education, exceptional education, service education, religious education, academic education, and professional education, and 2. provision of education services outside school. Subparagraph h Arts and entertainment service covering all types of services performed by the worker of arts and entertainment. Subparagraph i Broadcast services are not advertising include radio or television broadcasting services by governmental or private agency that is not funded by advertising and sponsorship commercial purposes. Subparagraph j Sufficiently clear. Subparagraph k Employment services include: 1. employment services; 2. labor supply services throughout the employers of labor providers are not responsible for the work of the labor force, and 3. provision of training services for workers. Subparagraph l Hospitality services include: 1. Room rental services, including enhancements in hotels, lodging houses, motels, inns, hostels, and facilities associated with the activities of hospitality for guests staying, and 2. services room rental for events or meetings in the hotel, home hotels, motels, inns and hostels. Subparagraph m The services provided by the government in order to run the government generally include the types of services that are carried out by government agencies, such as the provision of building permit, business license granting trade, granting Taxpayer Identification Number, and the manufacture of identity cards. Subparagraph n The definition of "service provision of parking" is parking provision services performed by the owner of the parking lot and / or employers to users free of charge parking place. Subparagraph o The term "public telephone service by using a coin" is a public telephone service by using a coin or coins, which are organized by the government or private. Subparagraph p Sufficiently clear. Subparagraph q Sufficiently clear.

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