Using FTP Service With Spring 2 and Spring 3

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by Martin Nad
[email protected]
This documentation is about mostly to use Spring in right
way for example how we can using FTPService inside the
Using Ftp with Spring

For me it is very important if you are using a technology as

j2ee and Spring, understand the technology and writing code
in right way to adapted with the technology. I had gotten
hurry by deadline and ask my college if he had written any
ftp-client or not, and he get very happy and send me the ftp-
client that he wrote.
Recently I read an article on internet and stands there “one
good programmer is better than 10 bad programmesr and 5
bad programmer is better than 10 bad programmers”. I’m not
agree with this. How you can define a good programmer and
bad programmer, i don’t believe we have bad and good
programmer, we have experience programmer and not very
experience programmer. And if you want to write an
application you cannot put how much time that you want to
an application. The quality of an application as I said before
it’s depending to the size of application and how much time
we put on it. And time is mony.
And I’m certainly believed that we should get chances to
inexperienced programmer to develop them self and get a
good or experienced programmer.
But when i looked closed at the codes i found that he didn’t
follow the roles of the Spring. I just change some lines and
send it back the right way to use FTP-with the Spring to him.
I will thank him for his kindness to help me to keep me the
dead line in my project.
Here it is the file:
public class FtpIoImpl implements FtpIo {
private static final Logger logger =
private static final int transferMode = FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE;
protected FTPClient ftpClient;
public void connect(String server, String username, String
password) throws IOException {

if (ftpClient != null && ftpClient.isConnected()) { a FTP");

if (server == null || username == null || password == null) {
throw new IOException("No server/username/password
server: " + server + " username: " + username + " password:
" + password);
ftpClient = new FTPClient();
int reply = ftpClient.getReplyCode();
if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
logger.warn("FTP server " + server + " refused connection");
throw new IOException("FTP server " + server + " refused
if (!ftpClient.login(username, password)) {
logger.warn("FTP server " + server + " didnt throw new
IOException("Already connected to
accept login with username " + username + " and password "
+ password); disconnect();
throw new IOException("FTP server " + server + " didnt
accept login with username " + username + " and password "
+ password);
public void uploadFile(String filename, String content)
throws IOException {
if (ftpClient == null || !ftpClient.isConnected()) { throw new
IOException("Try to send file without having a connection");
OutputStream os = ftpClient.storeFileStream(filename);
if (os != null) {
OutputStreamWriter dos = null;
try { dos = new OutputStreamWriter(os);
content, 0, content.length());
finally {
if (dos != null) {
boolean result = ftpClient.completePendingCommand();
if (result) { return; }
else { sending a file");"Something went wrong when
throw new IOException("Something went wrong when sending
a file");
}"Could not create file");
throw new IOException("Could not create file");
public void disconnect() throws IOException {
if (ftpClient != null && ftpClient.isConnected()) {

That was the whole ftpClient....

And There are lot of the refactoring to do with file.
But the important thing, as i said before, to understand the
technology and use the technology in the rigth way.
As 12 years experiments as software developer and develop
lot of (more then 100 different application) small (3000-10000
lines, and) application and medium (up to 500 000lines) , and
develop part of the big applications and using different
programming languages mostly Java, Perl, Php, both area as
backend and frontend programmer,
I think that we have practical difficulty too keep a program
clean and with well design and with heigh quality when we
have just very limited time.
You can put how much time to keep to write a very good
application. But in real-time you haven’t so much time, there
is dead line to keep it. As we know to write a high quality
code, needs time, and time cost money.
But how much you should spend time to keep a good quality
of an application is mostly about the size of the application
and length of life of the application and how much your
application should be flexible. It can be a small application but
it needs a wide flexibility to changing standing and updating
standing the inputs parameters. And it can be a medium
application but you don't need too much flexibility on your
application, and you don’t change it standing. It is just with
your excrement, you can conclude how much flexibility the
application needs and absolutely the budget has big effect on
And as my experience you should more time to keep a good
quality of your code, because soon or later you should
change, debug, and refractory your application. Here you can
get benefit of quality of your code. if you have written in right
way, it should take lesser time to apply changing and debug
your code and even refactory your application. As my
experience the mostly time in a software-life length, it is just
about debugging and changing. This part take most of the
time. And it is better you keep your code with relative good
quality, to easier change and debug and refactory. Application
context Now back to the our originally discussion....
The ftpClient should declare in your application-context as
<!-- ftpService -->
<bean id="ftpService"
class=“org.martin.service.utils.impl.FtpImpl"> <property
name="serverName" value="${ftp.serverName}" />
<property name="loginName" value="${ftp.loginName}" />
<property name="password" value="${ftp.passwd}" />
If you have several environment as i have, local, test, staging,
production,You can easily define your profile and have
different login-name, servername, password for example:
(You can read more about POM and MAVEN in my
documentation about MAVEN2.)
Exactly in the same way you do for the database or other
properties. And now you should have a interface and
implement of your ftpclientservice as follows.

/** * @author martin nad * */

public interface FTPClientService {
public void putFile(String path, String fileName) throws
public void putFileContent(String filename, String content)
throws IOException; }
And you can by yourself write the implementation of this
ftpClientService by yourself, by look at to this interface and
the ftp-file in the beginning of this documentation
I have just put those two functions that i needed maybe you
want to put more function. I think you can very easy write a
new one.
But remember that the connection and disconnection should
happen inside the implementation
You can also download the source code from following
repository also an example by Spring version 3:
User: freeone



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Using Ftp Service With Spring


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