Physical Science Unit 2 Guided Notes

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Unit 2 Guided Notes.

Lesson 1 Atoms
Define atom: ______________________________________________________
Dalton thought that atoms were _______________________________________
An _____________________ cant be further divided into other substances.
The word atom comes from the greek word ____________ which
Define element: ____________________________________________________
True or False? There exist over 1000 different elements/atoms. If false, why?
Describe Thomsons idea of an atom: ____________________________________
His model was nick named the ____________________________________model
Define electron: ____________________________________________________
Describe Rutherfors Atomic Model: ____________________________________

Define neutron: _____________________________________________________

True or False? Neutrons have about the same mass as protons . If false, why?
The 3 types of particles in an atom are _________________ (positively charged),
___________________ (negatively charged) and _________________________
(zero charge).
Fill in the following table

Particles in an Atom
Types of

Plus one



Mass of
Number of Location of
the Particle Particles
the Atom
2,000 more
mass than
an electron
About the
same as
the # of


Inside the

Lesson 2: Atomic and Mass Numbers

Most of an atoms mass is in its ____________________________________.
The nucleus contains the P__________________ and N_____________________.
Circling the nucleus are negatively charged ________________________. In an
electrically neutral atom, there are the same number of __________________
and _____________________________.
Define atomic number: _______________________________________________
Think of this as the elements personal ID number.
Atoms that lose an electron become ______________________________charged,
while gaining an electron changes the charge to __________________________.
Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons are different
The sum of the protons and neutrons is the ______________________________,
which is the measure of the mass of an atom.
Protons = atomic number.
Neutrons = atomic mass minus atomic number.
Lets do some practice! Go into your student pages, and find the activity titled
Labeling an Atom Using Atomic and Mass Numbers Follow the
procedure and answer the questions.

Lesson 4: Elements and the Periodic Table

Define periodic law: _____________________________________________

In each square of the modern periodic table, the top number is the
_________________________________________________________, and it
equals the number of protons (and also electrons) in an atom of that element.
The bottom number is the
__________________________________________________________, which
measures the mass of the atom and is very close to the sum of the number of
protons plus the number of neutrons.
The elements on the table are grouped together by color.
At room temperature..
Elements with black symbols are _____________________________________
Elements with blue symbols are _____________________________________.
Elements with red symbols are ______________________________________.
Elements with symbols in green are __________________________________.

Define period: ___________________________________________________

Define group: ___________________________________________________
Define family: ___________________________________________________
Lets do some more practice! Go into your student pages, and carefully
complete the activity titled Elements and Periodic Table Review

Lesson 5: Design of the Periodic Table

Label the protons, neutrons and electrons

When elements combine to form compounds,

form between the atoms. Bonds form when atoms share or exchange electrons in
a way that gives each atom a complete outer shell.

Lesson 6: Molecules
Define molecule: ____________________________________________________
By forming a chemical bond, the atoms share electrons, and the atoms end up
with a full outer shell.

Chemical Change

Physical Change



Define compounds: _________________________________________________

Give an example of a compound and support your answer:

Please go into your student pages and complete the activity titled Molecules

Lesson 7: Properties of Matter

Define matter ___________________________________________________


It is the __________________________________________________ that

determined the characteristic properties of each element.
Elements in the periodic table are arranged so that all elements in a group have
the same number of ___________________________________________.
Elements in a group have similar ______________________________________.
List examples of chemical properties: __________________________________
and ___________________________________ and ________________________.
Examples of physical properties are: ____________________________________

Lesson 8 States of Matter

The 3 states of matter are __________________________________,
____________________________________ and __________________________.






Lesson 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

Define the types of changes. Please add to this table throughout the lesson.



Define Reactant______________________________________________________

Define Product______________________________________________________

Label the reactants and the product


Define nuclear change: ______________________________________________


Unlike chemical reactions, nuclear reactions affect the nuclei.

Define the Law of Conservation of Energy: ________________________________

This is easily shown in closed systems because nothing enters or leaves the
system. Most of the energy changes we see are in open systems, so it often seems
that some energy is lost.

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