Conclusion & Suggesion

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The conclusion that can be drawn from the survey and interviews conducted is as follows: 1. The role of senior management is really important in employee engagement programs as they have to act as the sponsor of the scheme and ensure that the commitment level remains high throughout the organization towards these schemes. 2. Employees like challenging assignments rather than routine, highly structured jobs as the element of learning and growth is missing in their work which hampers their overall output. The response of employees of the Company indicates that they can certainly improve the engagement level in their organization by adopting a more challenging and exciting work culture. The feeling of working on a useful and challenging assignment does help in ensuring proper engagement. 3. Employees like to feel that there is someone to whom they can turn for advice, if they need it. The workplace environment should have a culture where people are working more as a team and the role of the supervisor is to act as a helping hand rather than being a taskmaster. 4. Employee Engagement is all about making employees feel involved and valued. As such, if the company does not provide its employee a fair chance to grow and their suggestions and opinions are not encouraged, then the company is bound to lose its market share heavily. 5. There is a lot of scope for improvement in the engagement services of Reliance which could be highly helpful in retaining the best talent.


A well developed Induction/Orientation program for new joinees. In Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. the Induction program is there but it has to be given more importance. Training for soft skills should be provided to all the managers. In comparison to technical training not many soft skills trainings are provided to the managers Some cost effective recreational activities should be started. Families of the employees should be considered a part of the company. Higher education should be promoted. Workforce Scheduling should be done with due care. Every work whether small or big should be given to the employees in a way that it appears to be challenging. Once in a month there should be an informal discussion should be conducted between HR professional and other employees. Once a month (may be Saturdays) organize a small gathering just to appreciate and praise the performers. Low performers have to be identified. Perception of the employers has to be more close to reality. Feedback at every step.

The strong correlation between engagement and retention allows to distinguish two trends:

1. That strategies for retention should be segmented based on the level of engagement for any one individual namely that retention policies (such as when to make a counteroffer) should always consider how strongly the individual is contributing to the organizations success but also how sustainable is that effort. For instance, retaining an employee who is leaving because they are dissatisfied with their current role simply by meeting their salary demands will not result in sustained effort unless the job conditions are also changed. 2. That stated intent to leave the organization is not a predictor of actual departure. 3. Instead, it is an indicator of how hard a person will be working to help the organization to reach its objectives and how much effort may be spent on other activities (such as tracking the wanted ads on company time.) Involve and train Function and Area Leaders in the engagement action planning process. Acknowledge impact of workload and provide tools and resources where they are most needed. Incorporate Engagement as a business metric for managing the human capital.

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