Vishal Goswami

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Project Study Report


Contemporary Issues

Titled Management of creativity and innovation in contemporary organization

Master of Business Administration

Submitted By: Vishal Goswami MBA IInd sem. 2008-2009 SubmitteTo:Miss Bharti Rupani


I express my sincere thanks to my project guide, Miss. Bharti Rupani Deptt. Master of Business Administration, for guiding me right from the inception till the successful completion of the project. I sincerely acknowledge him/her/them for extending their valuable guidance, support for literature, critical reviews of project and the report and above all the moral support he/she/they had provided to me with all stages of this project.

I would also like to thank the supporting staff Master of Business Administration Department, for their help and cooperation throughout our project.

(Signature of Student)

Vishal goswami

Contents:1. ABSTRACT 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3. Research methodology 3.1. Title of study 3.2. Duration of study 3.3. Objective of study 3.4. Type of study 3.5. Scope of research 3.6. Limitation of study 4. Core study 5. Swot 6. Conclusation 7. Bibliography

1.ABSTRACT My seminar topic is management of creativity and innovation in contemporary organization If we want to develop or growth in any field and organization then creativity and innovation have important role. In organization creativity and innovation have a role to develop more programs that have a great social impact like- Empowerment, Total Quality Management, Customer Service Excellence and other. A recent survey of Fortune 500 CEOs asked ,what they looked for when hiring employees and promoting managers. A whopping 100 percent of the CEOs mentioned creativity as one of the primary characteristics . In fact, almost 60 percent of the CEOs surveyed ranked creativity higher than intelligence The purpose of mine to choose this topic is in todays context the need to study these kinds creativity and innovation in organization very relevant because if we look at the corporate sector where any organization really want to go top they have these creativity and innovation firms are fully exploiting the business ideas of their employees and are not making the most of their skills, so I have interest in this and I just want to give the description about that. It has a wide scope because it is not only India level but also global level. Organizations, many industries, many training department need management of creativity and innovation. So that we can say.Today, successful operations must it with the ability to anticipate future opportunities. Therefore, a cultural focus and inspiring leadership are as crucial to an organization's success, as efficient structural arrangements and support facilities . There are some limitations for me for explain this topic it have wide scope deliberate development of creative and innovative skills including the use of a variety of tools such as TRIZ,CPS etc. So it is hard to find it all for me.

2. Executive Summary
The project research about management of creativity and innovation in contemporary organization. The management of creativity and innovation in contemporary organization is a tool or process of change and development in business world. it really help to do something new and specific which help to achieve the goal creativity is an activity leading to anything heaving both newness and usefulness simultaneously. Creativity is associated with change, diversity, complexity, competition, evolution and development. Innovation is a process of implementation and inculcation converting both the potential newness and usefulness which reside in the solution into real once to be accepted stably It is a wide area of organization for business. The purpose of research study is that the use in organization of management of creativity and innovation how much it effective, is it really help to achieve the goal, what is the future of this, present time how many organization use it for development, why big companies are adopt it, current situation of management of creativity and innovation in contemporary organization.

The scope of creativity and innovation is not only India level but also global level. Organization, many industries, many training department need management of creativity innovation so that we can say that. today. Successful operations must it with the ability to anticipate future opportunities. Therefore a cultural focus and inspiring leadership are as crucial to an organizations success, as efficient structure arrangements and support facilities. In the second half of 19th century research studies on the psychology of scientific and technological creativity began to appear. The status was pointed frequently to the presidential address givento the American psychological association by j.p. Guilford in 1950. This segment is providing big profit to corporate world.

Limitations in this project research are shortage of time and lack of primary data, lack of resource of data. The methodology of research will be I go through with my topic and find the contents which I am going to cover. I will collect the data from secondary source and Ianalysis and adjust the data according to my study requirement and make a report on this project. I will give PPT presentation about research project. 5

3. Research Methodology:The study of research has taken 6 weeks duration. In this duration it complete in different phases. The phases are:

1. Group formation and identify topic 18.04.2009 2. Submission of Blue print for study 20.04.2009 3. Submission of Abstract 24.04.2009 4. Finalization of Abstract 28.04.2009 5. Collection of secondary data (primarily assessment) 11.05.2009 6. Collection of secondary data (second phase) 15.05.2009 7. Final compilation of secondary data 19.05.2009 8. Primarily preparation of report 22.05.2009 9. Finalization of report 25.05.2009 10. Three power point presentation 03 june,09 (29may to)


Title of study:The title of study is management of creativity and innovation in

contemporary organization. Here in this research study to identifying the topic and features of topic. Creativity and innovation is aprocess which uses by most of the organization for development, effency, time consuming, and for growth, or for achieving there objective. Creativity and innovation is a important part of an organization in usiness world. As part of planned economic development, the government is mbaking continuous efforts towards creativity and innovation. In this age of liberalization, privatization and globalization, creativity and innovation offers a big attraction to the organization to explore organizations that are untapped. Organizational climate, organizational culture, leadership style, resource and skill, and structure and systems are five factors that affect organizational creativity Innovation friendly strategy, structure, top management style, middle management support and effective modes of managing innovation are five factors that affect organizational innovation Knowledge and learning play critical roles in quality creation and value innovation. 6

Duration of project:The project study of Contemporary issues has duration near about 6 weeks. In this duration the research divided into many parts first two week activity like identify topic, submission of blue print, submission of abstract and finalization of abstract took place. In next two week it has activities of collect and arrange secondary data and compilation it and in next two week preparation and finalization of report and power point presentation of the research project.

Objective of study:The objective of this chapter is to understand:

Type of research:This is descriptive research of study of project. Descriptive research is includes survey and fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it exists at present. In social science and business research we quite often use the term Expost facto research for descriptive research studies. The main characteristics of this method are that researcher has no control over the variables: he can only report what has happened and what is happening. Most export facto research projects are used for descriptive study in which the researcher seek to measure such items as for example; frequency of shopping, preference of people or similar data. Ex post facto also include attempts by a researcher to discover causes even they cannot control the variables. 7

As per above mentioned that in this type research person who conduct research dont have control over variables same as happen in this type research. in this method we are collecting data and finding what happened and what is going to happen. Even no facts consider of variable change. So the project research is the descriptive research.

Scope of study:. Creativity and Innovation Management bridges the gap between the theory and practice of organizing imagination and innovation. The journal's central consideration is how to challenge and facilitate creative potential, and how then to imbed this into result oriented innovative business development. The creativity of individuals, coupled with structured and well-managed innovation projects, create a sound base from which organizations may operate effectively within their inter-organizational and societal environment. Today, successful operations must go hand in hand with the ability to anticipate future opportunities. Therefore, a cultural focus and inspiring leadership are as crucial to an organization's success, as efficient structural arrangements and support facilities. This is reflected in the Journal's contents: Leadership for creativity and innovation; the behavioral side of innovation management. Organizational structures and processes to support creativity and innovation; interconnecting creative and innovative processes.

Limitation of study:The research study has some limitations during it conducted. These are following; 1. 2. 3. 4. time for research was very short. Lack of primary data. Few ideas about management of creativity and innovation in an organization. Geographically difficulties to know

4.Core study
Introduction of topic creativity and innovation:- the means of creativity and innovation is

performance is becoming an essential part of every training program. It is interesting to study the implications of training program on creativity and innovation. business is in a permanent state of flux where constant innovation strategy is the key to survival of the organization. Competitive and successful companies are those that create new knowledge and discriminate it widely throughout the organization argues that for creating a learning organization, individual and groups should be encouraged to learn five disciplines, namely personal mastery, mental models of personal learning and growth, shared vision for organization, commitment to learning and system thinking. The process of stimulating creativity and innovation is fundamentally based on building the intellectual capital within the organization that will yield the competencies and capabilities for improved performance. In this respect the notion of a learning organization and training itself has a major role in making a company innovative If we want to develop or growth in any field and organization then creativity and innovation have important role. In organization creativity and innovation have a role to develop more programs that have a great social impact like- Empowerment, Total Quality Management, Customer Service Excellence and other A recent survey of Fortune 500 CEOs asked what they looked for when hiring employees and promoting managers. A whopping 100 percent of the CEOs mentioned creativity as one of the primary characteristics. In fact, almost 60 percent of the CEOs surveyed ranked creativity higher than intelligence. In todays context the need to study these kinds creativity and innovation in organization very relevant because if we look at the corporate sector where any organization really want to go top they have these creativity and innovation firms are fully exploiting the business ideas of their employees and are not making the most of their skills. While firms may be encouraging creativity, the implementation and management of the ideas generated is lacking. Consequently, many companies in the UK are deemed to be falling short of their potential, creating an innovation gap. The topic is management of creativity and innovation in contemporary organization -such as continuous improvement, empowerment, total quality management, customer service excellence and others. 9

Vicari defines creativity as:



"the result of the conditions the whole organization is in" (Vicari, 1998)

It is not determined by the single individual creativities It is not the sum of individual creativities It is the context, that exalts synergies

Binnig defines creativity as: "...the evaluative aptitude of a system"(Binnig, 1991

This definition includes 3 fundamental concepts:

Aptitude; it is strictly connected with the idea that creativity is not just a condition, but

it is a capability of modifying, changing, innovating. Every system has this aptitude for changing.

System;it is concerned with the subject of creativity, that is to say a system. Not just

individuals can be defined as creative, but also social systems, organizations, enterprises, as they all require the capability of changing.

Evolution; change is a necessary, but not sufficient condition in order to define

creativity. Creativity means that systems are able to self-evolve without any external intervention. Then we could define a system as creative in case it is able to evolve in a not known, not predetermined and not definable way. In other words it is not possible to foresee systems behaviour just considering its input. (When we talk about the subjects of creativity, that is to say individuals, organizations and systems in general, now we will try to define organizational creativity and its relationship with the individual one. Vicari [1] a teacher at Bocconi University in Milan, says that organizational creativity doesnt correspond to the individual one. In particular it is not 10

determined and it is not the sum of individual creativities, but it is the result of the conditions organizations are in.) For example a painter or a philosopher, who work at artistic academies or at universities, are creative individuals, but they dont make those institutions creative. What is important is not the quantity of creativity in an organization, but the relational and social context where individuals work. Tab. 2.1 -

Kinds of creativity
Individual creativity Low


Organizations on


based high continuous development,


High rate of



systematic research of efficiency Organizational creativity

Few innovations,




just imitations

innovations, sometimes radical, based on entrepreneurial spirit individuals of






1. CREATIVITY: is an activity leading to any thing (in the broadest meaning) having both newness and usefulness simultaneously. The thing having both newness and usefulness simultaneously is called the "improved object" Newness is any thing different from any previously known object of called a "prototype" 11

Any newness brings about usefulness only inside its certain "region of application". So the given newness being applied outside its region of application can bring about harm. In this meaning, any creation can be a double-edged sword. Creativity is associated with change, diversity, complexity, competition, evolution and development. 2. A PROBLEM is a situation where a solver knows aim (in the widest meaning) but a) does not know any way to reach it, or

b) does not know the optimum way to reach it among several known ways to reach it (i.e. decision making process). 1. Problems can be personal, collective, national and global. 2. Problems can occur anywhere, at any time with anybody. 3. Problems can be seen by everyone or hidden. 4. Human being's life is a chain of problems to solve and decisions to make.

3. CREATIVE THINKING is the thought process leading the solver from not knowing to a) knowing the way to reach his/her aim, or

b) knowing the optimum way to reach his/her aim among several known ways. We called this process creative thinking because there are both "newness" : from "not knowing" to "knowing" and "usefulness" : at last the desired aim is reached (at least for the given solver).

improvement will build a culture of innovation beyond the culture of continuous improvement to achieve increased competitiveness. Continuous Improvement (CI) may be defined as an evolutionary incremental process which leads to a better way to compete and that adds value to the existing processes and encompasses the entire work force of the organization (Wilkinson and see innovative companies as characterized by creative people developing new products andservices under continuously changing environment. defines a concept called Total Innovation which concerns itself not only with product development but with Implementing creativity across all aspects of an organization. Radical innovation refers to products and processes that result from advances in knowledge whereas incremental innovation refers to the continual process of improvement of techniques For stronger

competitive position, cost and quality, Continuous improvement and innovation are 12

actually integrated in an evolutionary process that can turn innovation into successful innovation and business excellence Although CI can simplify or streamline a process, it never asks whether the path selected was the right one. Hence it is necessary to progress from CI to effective business innovation The model developed and tested by that businesses with a culture of CI could more readily adopt an innovation culture.

PROCESS OF INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY is a process of implementation and inculcation converting both the potential newness and usefulness which reside in the solution into real ones to be accepted stably and fully by the given system. in our opinion, the problem can be considered as successfully solved only when its solution has been accepted fully by the system "practice" (COMPLETE INNOVATION), i.e. when all acceptors (or neraly all ones), potentially needing to use the given solution in reality have used it as usual. In other words, what we need is not creativity for the sake of creativity but for the sake of the problem being solved successfully in practice, that is, for the sake of "complete innovation".. The local communities and individual innovators who share an eco-compatible world view developed ethical norms and corresponding technological and institutional arrangements which help in achieving sustainable use of resources. However, with passage of time, the erosion of knowledge of such practices took place at faster pace than the erosion of resource itself. There were many other pressures which disrupted the search for sustainable solutions Only in such case we will have a genuine development in reality.

1.Institutional Innovations
Historical evolution of indigenous ecological institutions for managing natural resources Ecological economic aspects of resource alloction and conflict resolution in local institutions ,Institution building for self renewal; theories of collective action and conflict resolution in peoples' institutions Linkages between formal and informal institutions Policy support for augmenting indigenous institutions at regional, national and international level Scaling up local solutions: the threats and opportunities sustainability. Indicators of institutional

2. Technological Innovations
Experimentation and innovation in managing resources at grassroots Sustainable pest and disease management Soil and water conservation/management Animal husbandry and veterinary care and grazing land management Processing of arious farm and non13

farm produce including leather, wool, fish, crop residues, grasses, dyes etc. Farm implements Seed straw and food storage Collection and processing of forest produce Selection and conservation of Germless Inland and off-shore fisheries, gears, boats etc. Heuristics of farmers innovations for sustainable and non -sustainable resource management. Linkages between technological and institutional innovation. Innovations

for survival under stress (droughts, floods, cyclones etc Traditional ecological knowledge and its contemporary relevance

3. Socio-cultural Aspects of knowledge system and innovations

Religious basis of institutional and technological innovations for resource management Ethical dilemma and value conflicts in doing research on peoples knowledge system Conflicts between corporate cultures and social values in biodiversity rich, economically poor regions Linguistic basis for understanding local categories of sense making Cultural erosion and its influence on traditional institutions for resource management

4. Educational Innovations for Conservation and Resource Management

Theories of indigenous learning Space for local innovations and traditional knowledge in curriculum of school and college education innovation/knowledge system Formal scientific research on indigenous

Politics of dominant discourse and and dominated

knowledge systems Shaping ethical and ecological values of future leaders: cross cultural analysis of curriculum in primary education knowledge systems Linkage between formal and informal

Establishing global knowledge centers through networks of

decentralized knowledge nodes

5. Rewarding Creativity
Value Addition in indigenous innovation Compensating/rewarding creativity: farmers' rights, Piers in national and international contexts Incentives for in-situ conservation of germless by the people Database development for documentation, dissemination and recognition of indigenous innovation Establishing community based trust funds managed by individual innovators and/or locally evolved institutions Intellectual property right

regimes in defense of small inventors of sustainable technologies: myth and reality

6. Market based Incentives for Commercialization of sustainable technologies Commercialization of value added products based on local knowledge system: challenges 14

and opportunities Market research for generating demand and tailoring supply of green products Venture Capital Funds and other supports for augmenting for small scale indigenous innovations. interfaces. Linking Innovation and enterprise: Designing innovative

Certification of organic products: experience in developing and developed

countries. Generating consumer awareness for biodiversity and organic products: successful strategies










DEVELOPMENT 1. TRIZ is the Russian acronym for Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TIPS in English). TRIZ was created by Genrik Saulovich Altshuller in the former Soviet Union (now CIS), starting in 1946. Now the term TRIZ has become an international term for professionals working in the field of creativity and innovation. More and more americans, western europeans are interested in TRIZ. 2. As we have known from part three of this paper, the sixth disadvantage of the trial and error method is fundamental one, i.e. the lacking of a directing mechanism in problem solving thinking processes. 3. Imagine what happens if we have a such directing mechanism. Thanks to it the solver can eliminate a considerable number of barren trials, not coinciding with the solution's direction. See fig.5.


Figure 5 4. In the ideal case, if the directing mechanism can be built very exactly, the solver can use only one trial leading to the neccessary solution. See fig.6.

Figure 6 5. Thus the solver can transfer problems having a great number of possible variants to problems having several variants, where the usual principle of considering variants is suitable. In fact, this is the heart of the whole problem : one must be able to swiftly reduce the field of inquiry and turn difficult problems into easy ones. 6. TRIZ mainly differs from the methods of activating creative thinking mentioned above in finding this directing mechanism. 7. The analogous example

8. What is the directing mechanism ?


6.1. It is widely believed that creativity has roots in a subjective human psychology. That is true but not enough, see fig.7.

Figure 7

Mentioning to creative thinking, we usually and immediately think of the psychological process happening inside the solver's brain and reason that looking for the laws of creative thinking means looking for the laws of subjective psychology. In fact, What is the matter? Imagine the following situation (see fig.8):

Figure 8 A car was on a winding, up and down road. There were a driver and a researcher in the car. The researcher's duty was observing, and describing the driver's psychological


behaviours and drawing necessary conclusions. The following is the researcher's report after the trip. "I sat by the driver during the trip from B to C, never failed keeping my eyes on him. Thus, what I saw was absolutely enough. Obviously, this driver was more active than those drivers I had met, at least more than the one driving me from A to B, because he frequently makes the steering wheel left and right. Moreover, he usually changed the gear and speed. The sun was shining his left and then right face. The speed ventilating the car was changed as well. This allowed me to suppose that he was keen not only on activity but also sunbathing his face. The change of wind velocity into the car is the reflection of the driver's inspiration. In one word, through the study of several drivers on lots of journeys, I could see a great variety of them. However, there were some considerable same points: they loved sunbathing and had their own tastes of enjoying ventilation. No doubt, that conclusion is an affirmation with clear demonstration. From that we can reason that: in order to let him work well we have to make up the conditions that meet their own tastes."

Obstacles to Creativity: - development of the creative potential of both organizational

and individuals and there are methods to overcome these obstacles. Recent popular developments for developing creativity are brain skill management program, use of fisher association lists, game playing in small groups and establishing a reward for creativity. It is equally important to implement proposed so

Determinants of Creativity: - Five factors, namely organizational climate, leadership

style, organizational culture, resources and skills, and structure and systems of an organization affect organizational creativity While demonstrated the relationship between individual creativity and organizational innovation, Woodman, Sawyer &demonstrated the relationship between individual, team and organizational aspects of creativity.

Leadership and creativity: - The 21st century is how to profit from individual potential
and then leverage it so that it produces organizational innovation and excellence. Creative organizations should attract, develop and retain creative talents if they want to remain competitive. Leadership styles conducive to creativity are participative leadership, leaders vision for creativity and ability to develop effective groups. Cook proposes that leaders must effectively communicate a vision conducive to creativity through any available formal 18

or informal channel of communication and constantly encourage employees. Leaders should also be in a position to balance employees freedom. Individuals with strong leadership will consider themselves to have more potential for innovation than individuals with weak leadership potential and individuals with strong potential for innovation and creativity will be more likely to practice them when they perceive strong support from work place than weak support among organizational members while building organizational environment to support innovation and create

Climate, Context, and Culture for Creativity: - Organizational climate could be

determined by measuring the level of participation, freedom of expression, performance standards, interaction with small brriers, large number of stimuli, freedom to experiment and building on earlier ideas. Creativity is a key element to competitive advantage. When the context is right, creativity techniques can play their role in raising the level and type of creativity within organization structural flexibility, innovative power, international Creative

orientation, human resources, growth markets and quality of management. strategy can be explained by a three legged stool analogy taking creative strategy

on the top, and culture, leadership and values, structure and systems and skills and resources being the three legs of the stool. Organizational culture should be developed to encourage open flow of communication, risk taking, self initiated activity and teamwork. Moreover, management should trust and respect its employees.

Determinants of Structure for creativity: - The structure and systems required for
creativity include long term employment of employees, a flat structure, fair supportive evaluation of employees and rewarding of creative performance. Time, Money and Politics: - creativity is time and money. She stresses explicitly the importance of the quantity of time and money that should be given to employees, since they can either support or constrain creativity p ticularly damaging to creativity because it can distract workers from work and force them to protect their employment.

Determinants of climate for innovation: - innovation is the engine of change and in

todays competitive environment, resisting change is dangerous because change while it brings uncertainty and risks also creates opportunity. Culture is a primary determinant of innovation and the culture of innovation need to be matched against appropriate organizational context. The feel of the organization reflects both its culture and 19

climate. The climate of the organization is inferred by its members through the organizational practices, procedures and a rewards system deployed and is indicative of the way the business runs itself on daily and routine basis the nature of the interpersonal relationship, nature of hierarchy, nature of work and focus of support and rewards. Closely adhered to the concept of climate is the culture, a reflection of climate but operates at a deeper level. Culture has implicit and explicit levels. By training, it is possible to change the explicit culture but rarely the implicit one. The strength of the culture depends on the match between the implicit and explicit aspects of culture. Another way of looking at the culture is in terms of cultural norms along two dimensions f intensity and crystallization (consensus) that strong culture exists. More over strong culture work at the implicit level. This is why it is very difficult to develop or change culture. Again an innovative culture can help senior management to implement innovation strategies and plans. Individual factors such as personality traits, cognitive factors and motivational factors affect innovation while organizational factors such as structure cultural norms including challenge and belief in action, freedom and risk taking, dynamism and future orientation, external orientation, trusts and openness, debates, cross functional interaction and freedom, myths and stories, leadership commitment and involvement, awards and rewards, time and training, corporate identity and unity, and organizational autonomy and flexibility affect innovation. Corporate mission and philosophy statements, leadership, empowerment including action boundary, risk tolerance, structure involvement,

accountability, action orientation rather than bureaucracy orientation also support innovation. Balanced autonomy, personalized recognition, integrated socio technical system and continuity of slack are required climate for innovation. Companies need to focus on culture and climate for innovation rather than only concentrating on new products and services.



It is based on the size of an organization and management or firm. Before going into more aspects of creativity and innovation, let us know to understand how creativity and innovation is defined.

The Census defines creativity and innovation as-Creativity and innovation are often used as keys to the success of a business. Creativity is a process of producing new ideas or combining old ideas in such a way that it produces something unique. In todays ever changing and dynamic business environment, creativity and creative problem solving have become the thrust areas. For the betterment of the company, managers are now trying to build the culture of creativity within the organization. In order to bring innovation, stay at the top and gain competitive advantage, companies are now searching for new talents and new skills relentlessly. But the biggest challenge for a company lies in integrating the need for short-term results with the vision for long-term futuristic growth. The creativity of individuals coupled with structured and well-managed innovation projects create a sound base from which organizations may operate effectively within their inter-organizational and societal environment. The changing business scenario and the infallibility of some basic truths about marketing in general and brand in particular have prompted the creation of this book. The book emphasizes the significance of creativity and innovation in management. It throws light on the need for creativity in modern-day organization. The objective of the book is to explain the importance of creativity in the contemporary dynamic business environment. Further, this book 21

demonstrates how to harness this creative energy and institutionalize innovation thus attain competitive advantage

Training for creativity and innovation:- Keeping up with the means of improving
performance is becoming an essential part of every training program. It is interesting to study the implications of training program on creativity and innovation. business is in a permanent state of flux where constant innovation strategy is the key to survival of the organization. Competitive and successful companies are those that create new knowledge and discriminate it widely throughout the organization argues that for creating a learning organization, individual and groups should be encouraged to learn five disciplines, namely personal mastery, mental models of personal learning and growth, shared vision for organization, commitment to learning and system thinking. The process of stimulating creativity and innovation is fundamentally based on building the intellectual capital within the organization that will yield the competencies and capabilities for improved performance. In this respect the notion of a learning organization and training itself has a major role in making a company innovative

Knowledge and learning: - Innovation and creativity are often used interchangeably
But creativity is knowledge based and innovation is value added work. Innovation is not Just creativity but also about implementation Innovation is a social phenomenon. It Occurs when people think about new ideas, accept these and work together to realize these ideas. Technological growth is evident when brain or knowledge based work increases, stress and strain eliminated, quality of work life is enhanced and tangible savings are evident innovation mindset is important. A right brain mind set produces enquiries. What and why questions triggers are used to challenge current paradigms and this forms the basis to look at the accepted logic and seek changes. These changes become innovative when the solutions are win win for the customers, organization and team members. examine the role of knowledge and learning in the quality and Innovation process. For creating quality and value innovation there are three levels of organizational learning called single loop, double loop and triple loop learning. For incremental innovation single loop and double loop learning is enough whereas for radical innovation triple loop learning is advised. .


CI, BPR and innovation:- both continuous innovation and radical innovation are
important. While continuous innovation becomes possible by continuous improvement, for radical innovation business process reengineering becomes nieces. In order to succeed in BPR the organization must change the structure from hierarchical to flat, management goal to change from functional to global, and individual work needs change to team work. There are contradicting variations between be done by functional improvement, process redesign or by business rethinking.

Determinants of Innovation:- In order to survive and prosper in the immense pressure

of globalization, organizations in the third world need to redesign themselves for corporate creativity, i.e. for high rate of sustained and successful innovation For this, the organization needs innovation friendly business strategy, organizational Structure, top management style, middle management practices and effective modes of managing innovation.

Organizational Excellence: - During the last 20 years, both definition and sustainability
of excellence have undergone repeated changes , assessment of excellence is the process of evaluating an organization against a model for continuous improvement in order to highlight what has been achieved and what needs improving. Self assessment= Model + Measurement + Management. There are five enablers and four result criterion and percentages of importance attached with each criterion in competitiveness emphasized the need for choosing innovation friendly business strategies, organizational structure, top management style, middle management practices and effective models of managing innovations.

The Gap Analysis: - Existing literature is abundant in explaining creativity, innovation

and excellence as separate constructs. It identifies the determinants of creativity and innovation. But literature seldom sheds light on the relationship between the three. The definition for excellence according to include measures of creativity or innovation. This model includes leadership, people management, policy and strategy, resources and partnership and process as the enablers and people satisfaction, customer satisfaction, impact on society and business results as the result criterion. Moreover, existing 23

excellence measurement instrument needs to be validated using statistical methodology by academic experts before it can be used by third world industries, as these models are developed for developed countries.

The Model: - Any model to measure organizational competitive excellence will remain
incomplete without including measures of creativity and innovation in this era of globalization and competition. in the early nineties and other models for excellence measurement are based on nine criterion including enablers and results measures of creativity and innovation. Hence it is suggested to modify the models with measures of creativity and innovation for measuring competitive excellence. Performance indicators are also to be shifted toward considering creativity and innovation, qualitative and quantitative goals, learning and group process and individual and interpersonal levels

A case study done in a company which was selected for Rajeev Gandhi National Quality
award for excellence reveals the need for including the measures of creativity and innovation to the award models to measure competitive excellence.

Case Study on Popy Umbrella Mart

Venice of the east) in Kerala is a national leader in umbrella and a success story for creativity and innovation. The mission of Popy is to continually improve its products and services to meet the customers needs. Its daily production varies from on ly half the demand expected in and outside Kerala. Popy removed its website from the internet on account of inability to meet the additional demand created through the internet

Proposed Model
Popy was the first company to be awarded the coveted, for its excellence in the process of umbrella manufacturing. Popy bagged the prestigious Rajeev Gandhi National Quality Award in the for its continuous innovation for bringing variety of products and its excellent process of umbrella manufacturing. Popy has exhibited exceptional brilliance in bringing quality products, product innovation, marketing of its products, meeting competition and understanding and dealing with culture of customers and employees in Kerala. The long years of experience of Davis, an MBA holder, has helped Popy to build up a culture of innovation in their organization.They have diagnosed areas where improvement was necessary, 24

identified parts manufacturers in India and abroad, understood the empowerment requirement of their employees for creativity and innovation, as well as understood the culture of employees. Regular interactions with kids and children along with inputs from cartoon films have enabled them to design innovative umbrellas for kids and children. Popys creative advertisements have enabled them to capture 50% market share of Indian market for umbrellas. Popys product specifications was selected by ISI as a benchmark for Indian umbrellas; as other umbrella manufacturers could not satisfy these specifications, competitors of Popy gradually disappeared from the market. Popy gave full freedom for its employees for nurturing their creativity and innovation. But at the same time each product is given a serial number and a register is maintained on who assembled the product and made the stitching etc. This appears to match Peters and Watermans suggestion of freedom with accountability. Popy has its Research and Development department under the guidance of the managing director and general administrator. They collect information about latest cartoon films and cartoon story heroes from children who visit their showrooms. This resulted in an umbrella with cartoon pictures, which has been hugely popular among kids. Some other innovative ideas include the AC umbrella with ultra vibrant coating, water proof umbrella with WPWR coating, light house umbrella which lights up when opened, godfather umbrella which can double up as walking stick, gems umbrella made out of a single piece of cloth without any stitching, Teflon waterproof umbrella, torch umbrella which can be used as a torch light in the night, comic umbrella with cartoon pictures, fivefold which look like a cellular phone etc. Umbrella manufacturing in Popy is highly labor intensive. Popy has gone for automation under the leadership of Davis but the product quality is yet to reach the level obtained by manual processing. Popys outsourcing to family units satisfies the selfleadership and prestige need of the people of Kerala. The strategy is to provide raw materials and to get back the finished products form these family units. This year Popy has been declared the best liked product The presence of a competitor, Johns Umbrella Mart, near Popy keeps them vigilant in terms of innovation and quality. Davis has been given full freedom by his father for experimenting and exploration. Davis introduced the use of computers in designing innovative umbrellas, as well as introduced automation in umbrella manufacturing. Popy is planning to start a factory in Chennai for umbrella manufacturing and intend to increase the number of family production units in Kerala to increase production to meet the demand. selling in India to an industry of repute. Earlier, 25

the umbrella industry was not considered for recognition and reward. Popy takes good care of its employees, through welfare programs for its employees, financial support at the time of employees house construction, marriage of employees daughters, childrens education etc. Popy is also involved in a social welfare society for mentally retarded children. For Popy, the manner in which they accomplish their mission is as

1. TRIZ is a large theory with a great number of "tools" : 8 objective laws on systems development; 40 principles; 11 transformers; 76 standard rules based on substance-field (energy) - information - analysis (Vepol Analysis in Russian); the full program for problem solving (ARIZ in Russian) consisting of 40 steps; a knowledge-base containing many strong scientific effects (in the meaning of usefulness for creativity at higher levels) 2. It requires 200 to 300 teaching hours including a lot of diverse exercises to master TRIZ. To become a TRIZ-specialist, someone should study for several years. But TRIZ structure is flexible 26 and permits:








b) using parts of TRIZ according to the type and level of difficulty of the problem. 3. In July 1989 an International TRIZ Association was formed in the former Soviet Union with its president - Mr. G.S.Altshuller, and the Journal of TRIZ had been issued since 1990. In recent years, there have been some new studies aiming at constructing greater theories based on TRIZ such as the theory of development of technological systems (Russian acronym TRTS); a general theory of strong thinking (OTSM) and a theory of development of creative personalities (TRTL








The purpose of this paper is to develop a model linking creativity and Innovation to Organizational competitive excellence. Drawing upon existing theoretical and empirical evidence the paper develops and presents a conceptual model of the relationship between creativity,innovation and competitive excellence. The paper also presents a case study to support the conceptual model and proposes research propositions based on the relationships suggested by the model. The term creativity and innovation are often used however, there is a clear distinction between creativity and innovation, the former being the generation of ideas and the latter its implementation. In this era of globalization and competition, creativity and innovation are considered to be key factors for survival, success and excellence of organizations and organizational creativity, this study focuses only on organizational creativity. Likewise, innovation is also classified as incremental innovation and radicalinnovation. Organizational climate, organizational culture, leadership style, resource and skill, and structure and systems are five factors that affect organizational creativity Innovation friendly strategy, structure, top management style, middle management support and effective modes of managing innovation are five factors that affect organizational innovation Knowledge and learning play critical roles in quality creation and value innovation. While single loop and double loop learning are useful for incremental innovation, triple loop learning is important for radical innovation It is postulated that organizational creativity will enhance creative excellence and rganizational innovation will enhance innovational excellence. And creativity and innovation together will enhance competitive excellence of the organization. 27

Companies Who Have Sent Participants to the Creativity and Innovation Seminar: 1. ABS-CBN GLOBAL LTD.

In the full program of teaching TRIZ there is one important part: Development of Creative Imagination. Additionally, in Nine-Systems Thinking Display there are three systems in the future: super system, system and subsystem. According to TRIZ tradition, this paper would be insufficient if we did not give some thoughts about the future which can be influenced by TRIZ. 1. Mankind's history has shown that civilization has been created not because of enhancing (amplifying) human psychological and/or physiological abilities. Instead, civilization has been created mainly by people working with more and more perfect tools (in the largest meaning) which have been built on the basis of discovered objective laws and are appropriate for the great masses Among three areas: nature, society and thinking which should be understood and transformed by humankind, thinking had been receiving the least attention until recently. 2. In the thinking process for solving problems and making decisions, the trial and error method is a natural tool which has a great amount of disadvantages. In contrast, TRIZ with its system of artificial thinking tools is created on the basis of discovered objective laws of systems development. In this relation, the TRIZ approach is significantly stronger than an approach based only on human psychology and has much larger prospects. 3. Imagine how great humankind's civilization will be when ordinary people work with the perfect tools in thinking as they do in the other two areas: nature and society? To realize this point, TRIZ needs to be developed towards becoming tools for the great masses, not for engineers only. 28


Human life is a succession of problems. Because of many contemporary

challenges, with time, the amount of problems increases at all difficulty levels. To convert the challenges into opportunities, everyone should be a good solver in the meaning that he/she is able to solve all problems he/she is faced with in a scientific way without errors during all of his/her life. In this regard, we believe that beside traditional professions which are different for different people there is a common profession for all: the profession of solving problems and making decisions. In other words, a need for inventing the general theory of creative problem solving has emerged.

1.Institutional Innovations
Historical evolution of indigenous ecological institutions for managing natural resources Ecological economic aspects of resource alloction and conflict resolution in local institutions ,Institution building for self renewal; theories of collective action and conflict resolution in peoples' institutions Linkages between formal and informal institutions Policy support for augmenting indigenous institutions at regional, national and international level Scaling up local solutions: the threats and opportunities sustainability. Indicators of institutional

2. Technological Innovations
Experimentation and innovation in managing resources at grassroots Sustainable pest and disease management Soil and water conservation/management Animal husbandry and veterinary care and grazing land management Processing of arious farm and nonfarm produce including leather, wool, fish, crop residues, grasses, dyes etc. Farm implements Seed straw and food storage Collection and processing of forest produce Selection and conservation of Germless Inland and off-shore fisheries, gears, boats etc.

3. Socio-cultural Aspects of knowledge system and innovations

Religious basis of institutional and technological innovations for resource management Ethical dilemma and value conflicts in doing research on peoples knowledge system Conflicts between corporate cultures and social values in biodiversity rich, economically poor regions Linguistic basis for understanding local categories of sense making Cultural erosion and its influence on traditional institutions for resource management


4. Educational Innovations for Conservation and Resource Management

Theories of indigenous learning Space for local innovations and traditional knowledge in curriculum of school and college education innovation/knowledge system Formal scientific research on indigenous

Politics of dominant discourse and and dominated

knowledge systems Shaping ethical and ecological values of future leaders: cross cultural analysis of curriculum in primary education knowledge systems Linkage between formal and informal

Establishing global knowledge centers through networks of

decentralized knowledge nodes

5. Rewarding Creativity
Value Addition in indigenous innovation Compensating/rewarding creativity: farmers' rights, Piers in national and international contexts Incentives for in-situ conservation of germless by the people Database development for documentation, dissemination and recognition of indigenous innovation Establishing community based trust funds managed by individual innovators and/or locally evolved institutions Intellectual property right

regimes in defense of small inventors of sustainable technologies: myth and reality

6. Market based Incentives for Commercialization of sustainable technologies

Commercialization of value added products based on local nowledge system: challenges and opportunities Market research for generating demand and tailoring supply of green products Venture Capital Funds and other supports for augmenting for small scale indigenous innovations. interfaces. Linking Innovation and enterprise: Designing innovative

Certification of organic products: experience in developing and developed

countries. Generating consumer awareness for biodiversity and organic products: successful strategies

Determinants of Innovation:- In order to survive and prosper in the immense pressure

of globalization, organizations in the third world need to redesign themselves for corporate creativity, i.e. for high rate of sustained and successful innovation For this, the organization needs innovation friendly business strategy, organizational Structure, top management style, middle management practices and effective modes of

managingInnovate ton. 30

How to evaluate ideas

Organizational innovation is not just about generating creative business ideas. It is also about reviewing ideas in order to identify those which are most likely to become successful innovations. Unfortunately, many

organizations make mistakes in their idea review processes that result in rejecting the most potentially innovative ideas in favor of less innovative ones. In some instances, the idea review process is a simple matter of a manager reading through a batch of ideas and selecting those she believes will work best for her firm. This is most often the case in smaller firms run by a single owner and manager. In most medium to large businesses, however, a structured evaluation process is necessary in order to:

Identify the ideas that are most likely to succeed as innovations for the company. Ensure that complex ideas are reviewed by people with the appropriate expertise

necessary to understand what would be necessary to implement the idea - and what might go wrong.

Enable a middle manager to defend the idea to senior management, stakeholders,

and financial officers who may need to grant budgetary approval of the idea.

Make it possible to review a large number of ideas in a resource efficient manner. Improve the idea by identifying potential implementation problems and preparing

suitable actions to overcome those problems. Sadly, this last aspect is often lost in formal idea review procedures.

Idea development
Once an idea passes these initial hurdles, it may be ready for implementation or it may require more detailed testing. We call this phase of idea review: "idea development" as it is no longer a process of evaluating an idea so much as a method to develop it for implementation. 31

Idea development may include business case preparation, prototype development, project management initiation or test marketing. There is not room enough in this issue of Report 103 to go into idea development in detail - so we'll save it for another issue. Moreover, how a firm develops an idea depends on the nature of the idea, the nature of the firm and existing processes for implementing ideas.

Criticism versus improvement

Over the years, I have noticed that business analysts tend to be overly critical of new ideas. This is understandable, they are tasked with managing and minimising risk. And creative ideas tend to be the riskiest. As a result, many evaluators stress weaknesses and threats. On one hand, this is understandable. Your company should not be implementing ideas that will prove to be costly failures. But, many weaknesses can readily be improved. An idea that would be very expensive to implement may, with minor changes, be implemented at far lower cost. And by improving a creative idea's weaknesses, you may be turning a costly failure into a profitable success! Effectiveness and Performance: - Numerous studies have produced evidence which highlights the importance of organizational performance and effectiveness. culture in to market culture, adhocracy culture, clan culture and hierarchical Culture and they further opined that market culture and adhocracy culture help innovativeness and high performance. identify four cultural traits and values that are associated with effectiveness as involvement, consistency, adaptability and sense of mission or long term vision. Organizational Excellence: - During the last 20 years, both definition and sustainability of excellence have undergone repeated changes assessment of excellence is the process of evaluating an organization against a model for Continuous improvement in order to highlight what has been achieved and what needs improving. Self assessment= Model + Measurement + Management. There are five enablers and four result criterion and percentages of importance attached with each criterion. The model proposed and tested by for Competitiveness emphasized the need for choosing innovation friendly business strategies, organizational structure, top management style, middle management practices and effective Divided



In Volume 7 of his "Mathematical Anthology" the Greek mathematician Pappos who lived around 300 A.D. first coined the term "heuristics". And although Pappos cited Euclid, Appolonius of Pergamos and Aristos the Elder as his precursors, the origin of heuristics the science of making discoveries and inventions - is associated with his name. From the first the terms "discovery" and "invention" were given the broadest interpretation in heuristics. Discovers and inventors were taken to include artists, poets, politicians, military leaders, philosophers and others. Later many mathematicians including Descartes, Leinbniz and Poincare applied themselves to the problem of creating heuristics. Evidently, since it was denied the possibility of experimental development, mathematics felt the need for an instrument for solving creative problems earlier and more strongly than other sciences. In the second half of the 19th century research studies on the psychology of scientific and technological creativity began to appear. The status of deliberate and explicit research on the topic of creativity within the United States was pointed frequently to the presidential address given to the American Psychological Association by J.P. Guilford in 1950. In 1950s and 1960s the field of creativity received a stimulus for the new development stage thanks to created practical methods or methodologies which allowed really to improve personal and collective creative abilities and these methods or methodologies could be taught and learned. (For example, brainstorming was created by Alex F. Osborn in the USA, algorithm of invention - by G.S. Altshuller in the former Soviet Union, lateral thinking - by Edward de Bono in the UK). In 1954, Osborn founded the creative Education Foundation (CEF). A year later the first Creative Problem Solving Institute (CPSI) was held at the State University of New York at Buffalo. CPSI (pronounced sip-see) has been an annual event ever since. Through the work of Osborn the Center for Studies in Creativity (CSC) was formed at the Buffalo State College. An undergraduate curriculum was approved in 1974 and the graduate program - in 1975, and in November of 1994 the 100th student earned a Masters of Science in Creativity and Innovation from Buffalo State College. In the former Soviet Union (now the Community of the Independent States - CIS) Altshuller founded the Laboratory for Invention Methodology (LIM) in 1969, and collaborated with others to form the academic and research Institute of Inventive Creativity 33

(IIC) which belonged to the All-Union Association of Soviet Inventors in 1971. Luckily, the current author was one of its first students. In Cambridge, UK, Dr. de Bono founded the Cognitive Research Trust in 1969, and then the Center for the Study of Thinking. Now it is very difficult to enumerate fully all centers or units working in the field of creativity and innovation in the world. But most of them are located in the Europe and Northern America. This statement is also true for creativity and innovation networks, associations, national, international conferences, professional journals and teaching programs on creativity and innovation. There has been tremendous growth in the number and nature of national, regional, continental and international forms of networking, for example: the American Association of Managers of Innovation, the American Creativity Association, the Canadian Creativity Network, the Danish Creativity Network, the Nordic Creativity Network, the PERISCOPE Group in the Western Europe (from which the European Association for Creativity and Innovation was formally established by notarial act on 27th , October 1993), the PRISM Group in the Northern America, TRIZ Association was formed in the former Soviet Union in July 1989, the International Creativity Network connecting individuals on an international level. Not only has the level of networking expanded, but also the number and kind of international conferences. The trend to have more than one or two main conferences a year continues. Another very promising trend is the increase in number and quality of resources available in the literature. From 1967 to today, the creativity field has grown from one to four dedicated journals : 1) The Journal of Creative Behavior was issued in 1967, 2) Creativity Research journal - 1988, 3) TRIZ Journal - 1989 and 4) Creativity and Innovation Management journal - 1992. Except for that, highly respected journals within a variety of disciplines are now publishing articles and research on creativity and innovation. Only the Creativity - Based Information Resources created by the Center for Studies in Creativity contains over 5,600 annotations of periodicals, journals, assessment instruments, books, edited collections, software, theses and dissertations.

TRIAL AND ERROR METHOD Many studies have shown that the most popular method for problem solving is the trial and 34

error method. That is, problems have been solved by reviewing widely differing variants and most of them failed. See fig.2.

Figure 2 There are many sayings about making trials after trials:

Try all the keys in the bunch If at first you don't succeed try and try again An oak is not felled at one stroke Do you undo, the day is long enough

At the end of the 19th century Edison was using the trial and error method. His workshop employed up to a thousand men, and this made it possible to break down one problem into several sub problems, and for each to simultaneously test many variants. When Edison was intent upon creating incandescent light, he went through more than 9,000 experiments in an attempt to produce a bulb. His often phrase: "I'll try anything. I'll even try Limburger cheese".

Disadvantages of the trial and error method: 1. The trial and error method wastes much time, thinking energy, material means and even human lives. 2. The number of ideas achieved per unit of time is few, so the problem solving process lasts for a long period of time. In other words, productivity of generating ideas is low. 35

3. The existing vector of psychological inertia prevents the solver from the right solution because it drives the mind to what is previously known. 4. There is not a mechanism to reveal all possible variants, as a result, the right solution can reside beyond the trial variants. 5. Criteria for "right" or "wrong" variants are subjective so a solver can miss appropriate solutions. 6. The trial and error method has no mechanism for directing the solver's thinking towards the solution: the solver is unable to define the direction in which the necessary solution might be found. This is the fundamental disadvantage of the trial and error method.

METHODS OF ACTIVATING CREATIVE THINKING 1. The methods of activating creative thinking include forced-relationship; morphological analysis; check-listing; brainstorming; synectics; lateral thinking; mind-mapping... and their modifications and combinations. 2. These methods have a common postulate like the following opinion said by Linus Pauling : "The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas". 3. Depending on a specific object to be improved some of these methods can permit to get billions ideas within several dozen minutes. In other words, the methods of activating creative thinking increase a productivity of idea generation. 4. The main merit of these methods is their simplicity and accessibility. They can be easy taught, learned, digested, mastered and used. These methods are very appropriate for the kind of problems having a great number of possible trials and at the same time a great number of diverse solutions such as problems concerning the diversifying of items, goods, models etc. See fig.3


Figure 3

Culture Of Creativity And Innovation - Concepts, Applications And Cases

. Creativity and innovation are often used as keys to the success of a business. Creativity is a process of producing new ideas or combining old ideas in such a way that it produces something unique. In todays ever changing and dynamic business environment, creativity and creative problem solving have become the thrust areas. For the betterment of the company, managers are now trying to build the culture of creativity within the organization. In order to bring innovation, stay at the top and gain competitive advantage, companies are now searching for new talents and new skills relentlessly. But the biggest challenge for a company lies in integrating the need for short-term results with the vision for long-term futuristic growth. The creativity of individuals coupled with structured and well-managed innovation projects create a sound base from which organizations may operate effectively within their inter-organizational and societal environment. The changing business scenario and the infallibility of some basic truths about marketing in general and brand in particular have prompted the creation of this book. The book emphasizes the significance of creativity and innovation in management. It throws light on the need for creativity in modern-day organization. The objective of the book is to explain the importance of 37

creativity in the contemporary dynamic business environment. Further, this book demonstrates how to harness this creative energy and institutionalize innovation thus attain competitive advantage.

Gian's genesis came about when the Honey Bee Network felt that rewarding the

grassroots people for their creativity should look beyond the mere recognition and documentation of their knowledge. It should also aim towards the commercialization of viable innovations, so that their benefits are disseminated over a broader spectrum of the society and the motivation to innovate further is sustained. To achieve this, it was felt that a nodal agency should be created that would not only upscale these innovations but would also act as a clearing house of ideas by facilitating interaction among innovators, entrepreneurs and investors.


Leader in the marketplace Openness innovation 1. 2. Income level is rising. Consumption increasing to creativity and

High staff turnover. Low minority faculty representation. Limited classroom space. 1. . Communication barriers.

Web based instruction Potential faculty diversity through use of adjunct, instructors, & grad assts. Off campus programs. 1. Development of

New undergraduate & graduate programs entering the local market. Alternative systems of instructions. 1. Diminishing state & federal

support. 2. People are not ready to


accept change easily.


1. the purpose to prepare creativity methodologies users on a daily basis. We believe that learners will actually apply creativity methodologies in all aspects of their lives only when the program can induce inside learners the needed emotions promoting them to do that. So our program involves many examples, stories, cases taken from different areas of human activity, graphic depictions, cartoons and exercises that may inspire such emotions. In spite of the achieved results, there are many points we would like to make better, for example, teaching and training works at our Center are often overloaded so we lack the time for processing all obtained results, doing research and writing new textbooks the composition of our classes which are mixed in ages, levels of education, professions and positions Technological multipartner alliances are gaining popularity in recent years, due to their great potential for attaining innovation. The complex functioning of this type of collaborative forms usually relies on the creation of multiple MA teams. These teams are temporary project teams composed of members from different partners and are responsible for innovation achievements within the alliance. Understanding the innovation dynamics in the particular case of MA teams may have important implications for research and for alliance and team management.


7.Bibliography:1. 2. 3.


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