Lesson Plan 2: 117.63. Music, Level IV

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Lesson Plan 2

TEKS Achieved:

Submitted by: Erik Holmberg

117.63. Music, Level IV. (1) Perception. The student describes and analyzes musical sound and demonstrates musical artistry. The student is expected to: (A) demonstrate independence in interpreting music through the performance of appropriate literature; (2) Creative expression/performance. The student sings or plays an instrument, individually and in groups, performing a varied repertoire of music. The student is expected to: (A) perform independently, demonstrating accurate intonation and rhythm, fundamental skills, and advanced techniques, and using literature ranging from moderately difcult to difcult; (C) perform expressively, from memory and notation, a varied repertoire of music representing styles from diverse cultures; and (3) Creative expression/performance. The student reads and writes music notation. The student is expected to: (A) sight-read major, minor, modal, and chromatic melodies; (B) read and write music that incorporates complex rhythmic patterns in simple, compound, and asymmetric meters; and (C) interpret music symbols and terms referring to dynamics, tempo, and articulation when performing.

TSW Sing the sight reading exam prociently. TSW Be able to nd the key and starting pitch of the sight reading exercise. TSW Learn intervals TSW Learn Major and Relative Minor Keys. TSW Make Diminished, Minor, Major, And Augmented chords. TSW understand Triad Inversion. TSW sing mm 82-86 of The Clausen The water is Wide TSW Sing mm 69-86 with proper phrasing and dynamics TSW Sing Palestrina mm 1-5 with proper phrasing on words.

Lesson Plan:
Theory: 1.Talk about intervals and how to recognize them using sol feg 2.Cover Major and Relative Minor keys 3.Stacking intervals to make chords 4.Triad Inversion. Sight Reading: 1. Start with an excerpt from the 90 days to sight reading success book. 2. Ask the students what key it is in, what their starting pitches are, what their ending pitches are etc... 3. Chant the exercise. 4. Outline the tonic and Sing the exercise. 5. Discuss what was missed. 6. Get the students to gure out for themselves where the problems were and gure out how to correct those problems. 7. Sight read through again. 8. 30 second game. Rehearsal: Clausen: 1. Sopranos count sing mm. 82-86 2. Altos count sing mm 82-86 3. Tenors count sing mm. 82-86 4. Basses count sing mm. 82-86. 5. All parts count sing mm 82-86 6. All parts sing mm. 82-86 on words. 7. Sopranos sing mm. 69-77 on sol feg 8. Altos sing mm. 69-77 on sol feg 9. Tenors sing mm. 69-77 on sol feg 10. Basses sing mm. 69-77 on sol feg 11. All parts sing mm. 69-77 on sol feg 12. All parts sing mm. 69-77 on words. 13. All parts sing mm. 69-86 on words. 14. All parts sing mm. 69-86 on words focusing on phrasing.

Palestrina: 1. Sopranos sing mm. 1-5 on sol feg 2. Altos sing mm. 1-5 on sol feg 3. Tenors sing mm. 1-5 on sol feg 4. Basses sing mm. 1-5 on sol feg. 5. Sopranos and altos sing mm. 1-5 on sol feg 6. Tenors and Basses sing mm 1-5 on sol feg. 7. All parts sing mm 1-5 on sol feg 8. Repeat the words in rhythm after me mm 1-5 9. Sing mm 1-5 on words. 10. Sing mm. 1-5 focusing on phrasing.

1. Theory Take home Test. (Attached)

Sight Reading: 1. Ask individuals questions about their key signatures, starting pitches, ending pitches. etc... 2. Play the 30 second game at the end of the exercise to see who is getting the exercise down. Rehearsal: 1. We will have quartet tests later in the semester. 2. Aural assessment of when sections sing alone and together.

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