Celta - Pre Interview Task

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Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) Pre-interview task Section One Language Awareness 1 a) b) c) d) Explain the difference

in meaning between each of the following pairs of sentences (this does not have to be a grammatical explanation). Habit Plan He did the action He remembered doing the action Possibility Assumption - This suggests that the person has already been to Japan during other seasons - Asking for confirmation of specific season for time of travel e) f) g) 2 a) b) c) d) e) 3 - The car cannot carry the whole family - All the family can travel in the car - He repaired the car himself - Someone else repaired the car - The discussion was still going on after I left - The discussion started after I left Identify the verb tense in each of these sentences; an example is given to help you. You may need to do some research. Simple Present (or Present Simple) Present Continuous Past simple Present Perfect Past Perfect Each of the following sentences expresses a different function. State what function is being expressed in each case. (Examples of functions are Making Requests, Giving Instructions, Expressing Gratitude). 1

a) b) c) d) e)

Advice Promise Asking for permission Asking for a favour Reproaching

Section Two Pronunciation 4 Say each of the following sentences with the strongest emphasis on the underlined word. For each sentence write what you think might have been said before it to prompt that particular stress. The Rolling Stones were a great band. How were the Rolling Stones? Who were the Rolling Stones? The Rolling Stones were a great band. Were the Rolling Stones a great band ? The Rolling Stones were a great band. Who was a great band? I like her new car. What do you like? I like her new car. Which car do you like? I like her new car. Whose car do you like? The list below contains five pairs of words with the same vowel sound. Match the pairs. Shout /owl Sun /one hear/weird keep /heat school /muse

a) b) c) d) e) f) 5

Section Three Classroom Practice 6 Learners may have problems grasping the meaning of new language, with its pronunciation and with its use and spelling in a sentence. For example, in the sentence I read a book. read can be pronounced to rhyme with reed or red, according to whether it refers to the present or the past. Consequently, learners could find both the meaning confusing and the pronunciation difficult. 2

Describe any problems learners might have with these words? Consider meaning as well as pronunciation. a) Sympathetic: word spelling + pronunciation ( -th- diagraphGreek/Latin roots) insist on the following sound / / [-th-] [voiceless dental fricative]+ mute [e] / / (schwa) b) Refuse: it is both a verb a noun and the pronunciation and thus intonation will differ according to this grammatical specificity: Refuse as a noun: intonation laid on the first syllable /ref.ju:s/ First vowel [e] pronounced /e/ like in bed(short vowel) Final consonant [s] pronounced /s/ (voiceless consonant) Refuse as a verb: the intonation is laid on the second syllable /rifju:z/ First vowel [e] pronounced /i/ (short vowel) Final consonant [s] pronounced /z/ (voiced consonant) c) Pick up: Semantic diversity according to the context in which the word is used. It can be a compound noun (add a hyphen) or a phrasal verb where one has to pay attention to the syntax: particle place in the sentence (interrogative/assertive sentence). d) Dictate: alike sentence b), this word is also a noun and a verb. In that respect, the intonation will differ according to its grammatical category. Dictate as a verb: intonation laid on the second syllable Dictate as a noun: intonation laid on the first syllable No vowel modification e) Suggest: to propose or to imply? (Semantic aspect) + double consonant spelling (lexical accuracy) + pronunciation (British versus American accent where the consonant [g] is audible + draw attention to the mute vowel sound [u] is phonetically silent schwa / /. 7 Classroom instructions: Imagine you are teaching a group of elementary students. "Translate" the following examples of teacher instructions into language that is more comprehensible. Look at the example first: e.g. Teacher: Just have a listen to what Im going to play you now. Teacher: Listen to the CD. is much clearer and simpler. a. "Would you like to repeat that altogether, please?" Repeat after me b. "Imagine I didn't know what your name was. What would I ask?" What is your name? c. "Discuss amongst yourselves and see if your neighbour has got the same answers to the exercise you have just done. OK". Work in pairs and check the answers with your partner d. "Just jot down the answers if you want." Write down the answers 3

"If you could do this exercise by yourselves, please." Work alone / work individually e. Section Four Aims and Objectives: Using the following questions as a guide, write a couple of paragraphs outlining your expectations in connection with the course. 1) Why do you want to teach English? 2) What are your long term career plans? 3) From any previous experience you have, do you believe you are suited to teaching? Why? 4) Are you fully prepared for a very intensive 4 week course, which will not leave you much time for other commitments, and which is likely to put you under pressure for at least a proportion of the time? 5) Do you have any questions before you decide to do this course?

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