Insolvency Prediction in The Portuguese Textile Industry

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European Journal of Finance and Banking Research Vol. 1. No. 1. 2007.

Carmem Pereira Leal & Carlos Machado-Santos

INSOLVENCY PREDICTION IN THE PORTUGUESE TEXTILE INDUSTRY Carmem Pereira Leal 1 UTAD University, Portugal. E-mail: [email protected] Carlos Machado-Santos 2 UTAD University, Portugal. E-mail: [email protected]
ABSTRACT This study explores the main characteristics of the business bankruptcy phenomenon. Some financial ratios are analysed in the context of bankruptcy prediction in Portuguese textile industry, using statistical instruments of multivariate analysis, particularly the discriminant analysis and the conditional analysis of probability (logit). Although these models have been frequently used, it must be underlined that the great popularity assigned to financial ratios as indicators of the firms financial health, is still evident in some of the most recent research. The results seem to show that financial distress could be anticipated with an accuracy that ranges from 75% to 97%, three years and one year before bankruptcy respectively. Thus, we believe that if managers, auditors and regulators, paid the necessary attention to the instability exhibited by such indicators, it might be possible to prevent some of the problems revealed in this sector,

Msc in Accounting and Finance. Doctoral student and Assistant Lecturer at UTAD University. Apartado 1013. 5000-801 Vila Real. Portugal. E-mail: [email protected].

PhD in Management Science. Associate Professor with Habilitation in Finance. UTAD University. Apartado 1013. 5000-801 Vila Real. Portugal. E-mail: [email protected]

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European Journal of Finance and Banking Research Vol. 1. No. 1. 2007. Carmem Pereira Leal & Carlos Machado-Santos

which experienced a wave of bankruptcy with enormous economic and social impact, especially in the north of the country. Key Words: Insolvency Prediction; Financial Ratios; Bankruptcy. JEL Codes: C53, G33, M41. I. INTRODUCTION The pioneering work on bankruptcy prediction, which is still a reference for todays research, relied mainly on accounting information, concretely financial ratios (e.g. Altman, 1964; Beaver, 1966; Blum, 1974). Thereafter, many other researchers have conducted studies using these ratios (e.g. Ohlson, 1980; Taffler, 1983; Back et al, 1995a & 1995b; Back et al, 1997; Spanos et al, 1999). For instance, Blum (1974) and Storey et al (1987) regard financial variables as the symptoms (not causes) of the firms health reduced to scalars. More recently, Voulgaris et al (2000) continue to share this view by regarding financial ratios as unbiased quantitative representations of the firms internal and external context. A common denominator between all of the research into firms survival and performance consists of a lack of grounded explanation for the set of financial ratios included in the models. The arguments have almost invariably been the popularity of certain financial ratios in the relevant literature and their performance according to statistical search techniques. Even in the pioneering work of Altman (1964, p.594) it is mentioned: The ratios are chosen on the basis of their popularity in the literature, potential relevancy to the study, and a few new ratios initiated in this paper. Likewise, Beaver (1966) considered a list of 30 ratios that were either popular or that were in previous research that had been found to be a good predictor. It is interesting to notice that despite the increased methodological sophistication taking place recently, targeted at improving accuracy in bankruptcy prediction, the criteria for financial ratios selection remain the same as in previous decades. For example, Golinski (1998, p.4) provides a very poor justification for the inclusion of a slightly modified version of Altmans ratios into his neural network: Given the vast amount of research that Altman and others have done in
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European Journal of Finance and Banking Research Vol. 1. No. 1. 2007. Carmem Pereira Leal & Carlos Machado-Santos

determining these ratios, it is safe to assume that they cover in a broad, but concise stroke, the financial characteristics of the individual firms to be examined. As previously indicated, statistical techniques play a large part in determining the final set of financial ratios used in bankruptcy and performance research. Indeed, it is common to narrow down the initial list of ratios drawn from the literature by means of a range of statistical techniques so that an optimal set is identified to fit the particular model and data. For instance, Altman (1964) started by analysing 22 ratios, and the list was then narrowed down to five ratios, which were those that predicted the best as assessed by statistical techniques. Beaver (1966) selected the best six ratios out of the initial list of 30 by means of a dichotomous classification test. As Storey et al (1987) argue, when statistical techniques are employed to find which ratios best discriminate between bankrupt and non-bankrupt firms in the specific sample, external validity (understood as generalisation potential) may be low. Nevertheless, profitability, liquidity and solvency ratios, although measured differently, are almost invariably given importance to predict bankruptcy [with a few exceptions though, like Shirata, (1998)]. Thus, despite certain limitations mentioned on bankruptcy prediction, the issue reveals great importance to stakeholders (firms, creditors, investors and legislators) in the attempt, on ex-ante basis, of solving the causes of failure, before reaching extreme situations. In this study, we attempt to show that there is relevant evidence to corroborate that the financial information offers valuable information on the deterioration process of financial ratios, revealing potential business crisis. We turned to the textile sector of clothing because it has become, in the last years, one of the most fragile sectors in what concerns the economical and social environment. II. DATA AND METHODOLOGY This empirical study relies on a sample of firms belonging to the textile industry and Portuguese clothing (Code of Economical Activity 17) during the period of 1996-2002. The sample is characterized by the presence of non-bankrupt firms and of firms experiencing financial difficulties. We define insolvents the firms

European Journal of Finance and Banking Research Vol. 1. No. 1. 2007. Carmem Pereira Leal & Carlos Machado-Santos

which made a request for bankruptcy or had its insolvency declared between 2000 and 2001. Thus, a sample of 26 insolvent firms and another of 26 firms without signs of business crisis during 1997-2000 was obtained. The indicators used were collected from MOPE database, complemented with information supplied by the Portuguese Statistic National Institute. The global sample was subsequently divided in two sub-samples. The first, composed by 34 firms, from which half were considered healthy and the other half exhibit a financial insolvency situation, with the purpose of derivation of the discriminant and logit models. The second sub-sample was built with financial information of 18 firms (with reference to December 2000), from which 9 were insolvent and the remaining considered healthy, which served to attest the results and the models capacity of the ex-ante prediction. During the mentioned period, and for each of the firms belonging to the main sample, 15 financial ratios3 we selected according to its use in the literature. The bankruptcy prediction relies on a model that considers, as dependent variable, a dichotomy variable that represents the firms financial situation: healthy or in bankruptcy. Thus, the empirical tests are no more than a model of binary choices, on which the dependent variable assumes the value 1 (y = 1) when the company is healthy, or 0 (y = 0) when the company is in a bankruptcy situation. III. EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS A. Discriminant Analysis Through the discriminant analysis we identify the variables that have a stronger relation with insolvency, that is, those that distinguish between healthy and non-healthy firms, resulting in the following canonical discriminant function for 1999: ED = -2.795 + 0.538 X1 + 9.105 X2 + 4.479 X3 (1) Were, X1 = Working capital/ Total Liabilities; X2 = Earnings before interest and taxes/sales; X3 = Earnings before taxes/Earnings before

The selected ratios are commonly established in the literature and can be provided upon request.


European Journal of Finance and Banking Research Vol. 1. No. 1. 2007. Carmem Pereira Leal & Carlos Machado-Santos

interest and taxes. The ED overall index (discriminant score) is quite negative, indicating a higher risk of a firms distress. The canonical correlation is 93%, being highly predictive. This parameter is a comparable measure to the determination coefficient, and evaluates the quality of the model through the Pearson correlation coefficient between the discriminant score and the variable Y. Also, the Wilks Lambda statistic (0.136) is statistically significant, which confirms that the discriminant function is highly significant (p_value tend to zero). However, the Box Test (113. 55) presents a p_value of zero, meaning that we reject the null hypothesis of equality of covariance-variance matrixes for the two groups analysed. One of the main indicators of the models efficiency is the capacity to identify the firms in the appropriate groups. The classification errors can be of two types: the type I errors occur when the model classifies a bankrupt firm, or about to bankrupt, as healthy. When the model classifies a healthy firm as bankrupted, we come across in presence of a type II error. As Altman et al. (1977) refers, the type I error can be considered as more serious, because considering a bankrupt company as healthy might implicate huge costs at several levels.
Table 1 Classification matrix of the firms one year before bankruptcy
Discriminant Analysis
ED = -2.795 + 0.538X1 + 9.105X2 + 4,479X3 Value Group %

Bankrupt Non-Bankrupt Bankrupt Non-Bankrupt

Predictive Group
Bankrupt 17 1 100 5.9 Non-Bankrupt 0 16 0 94.1

17 17 100 100

Global models adjustment


As reference to 1999 (n-1), the discriminant function (Table 2) displays a rate of correct classification of 97.1%, indicating that a year before bankruptcy, the type I error was null. Thus, we may not reject the hypothesis that the actual groups of bankrupted would be equal to the ex-post group. The results also indicate that only 5.9% of firms from the main sample were classified outside the correct group (type II error). Applying the same procedure two and three years before bankruptcy, the separation error increase, as shown in the following results:

European Journal of Finance and Banking Research Vol. 1. No. 1. 2007. Carmem Pereira Leal & Carlos Machado-Santos

Table 2 Classification matrix of the firms in (n-2) and (n-3)

Discriminant Analysis
ED = -2.795 + 0.538X1 + 9.105X2 + 4,479X3

Classification (n-2) Predictive Group Y

Bankrupt Nonbankrupt Bankrupt Nonbankrupt Bankrupt Nonbankrupt

Classification (n-3) Predictive Group


Bankrupt Nonbankrupt Bankrupt Nonbankrupt





15 3 88.2 17.6

2 14 11.8 82.4

17 17 100 100 85%

12 3 70.6 17.6

5 14 29.4 82.4

17 17 100 100 76%


Global models adjustment

Global models adjustment

As we can see, the discriminant model presents an accuracy rate (global adjustment) of 85% two years prior to insolvency, and the type I error has increased up to 11.8%. Despite that, in relative terms, only two firms were inappropriate classified. Regarding the type II error, the 17.6% value indicates that three healthy firms were wrongly classified as bankrupt. Regarding the results, the variable which presents higher individual significance is X1 (solvency ratio). However, as shown in Table 3, the discriminant function is essentially explained by variable X3, meaning that the classification between healthy and bankrupt firms is mainly due to the profitability ratio. The discriminant ratios (profitability and solvency ratios) are in accordance with the mentioned literature. The positive signs exhibited by variables are the expected, showing that the higher the bankruptcy potential of the firm, the lower will be the ED score.
Table 3 Coefficients of the discriminant function
Variables X1 X2 X3 Structural Coefficients 0.208 0.359 0.319 Normalized Coefficients 0.610 1.094 1.462 Non-Normalized Coefficients 0.538 9.105 4.479 Ranking 3 2 1

Table 4 below, reveals some proximity between the selected values in the sample and the sector, mainly on the discriminant variables X1

European Journal of Finance and Banking Research Vol. 1. No. 1. 2007. Carmem Pereira Leal & Carlos Machado-Santos

and X2. The industry mean values for the solvency ratio (X1), approaches to the average value of the healthy firms in the sample.
Table 4 Mean sample and sector values (discriminant variables, 1999)
Discriminant Variables X1 X2 X3 Sample firms Non-bankrupt Bankrupt 1.22 0.06 0.21 0.02 0.60 0.03 Total of Textile Industry 1.23 0.03 0.28

Given that the solvency ratio reflects the capacity of the firms to readjust on the payment dates, as the debt increases, the lower this ratio will be and, consequently, the higher the risk of bankruptcy. As we can see in the groups of bankrupt and non-bankrupt firms, this ratio ranges from 0.06 to 1.22, respectively. In fact, approaching the bankruptcy date implies a high amount of debt, and the total firms liabilities tend to exceed its own capital. Also, this ratio, together with the assets turnover (sales/total assets), reflects the economical profitability of sales and is one of the main financial indicators of firms. Being a ratio directly related to the firms value, it is expected to discriminate between groups of distress and healthy firms. A year before bankruptcy, the distressed firms show a lower production and consequent decreasing in sales. Thus, the higher this ratios value, the higher the ED index and, consequently, the lower the risk of business bankruptcy in ceteris paribus conditions. On the other hand, the X3 ratio seems to be the coefficient with the higher discriminant power a year prior to bankruptcy, meaning that in the presence of imminent insolvency, the most prevalent factor in the distinction between a healthy and a distressed firm is the amount of debt and, consequently, the amount of financial responsibilities. B. Logistic Regression From the financial ratio matrixes used earlier, we derived the coefficients of the logistic function. For the logit model we used the


European Journal of Finance and Banking Research Vol. 1. No. 1. 2007. Carmem Pereira Leal & Carlos Machado-Santos

stepwise forward Wald procedure, which resulted in the following logistic function: (2) Where, X2 and X3 are as previously defined, and P is the probability of bankruptcy. The firm is classified as distressed if P < 0.5 or as healthy if P > 0.5.As shown in Table 5, the logit model presents an accuracy rate of 97.1%, which is similar to the one exhibited by the discriminant analysis. Also, the misclassified firm is the same in both models.
Table 5 Classification matrix of firms one year before bankruptcy
Logistic Regression: 1 P= ( 3.987 + 22.624 X 2 + 6.649 X 3) 1 e


1 1 e


1 1 e
( 3.987 + 22.624 X 2 + 6.649 X 3)

Bankrupt Non-Bankrupt Bankrupt Non-Bankrupt

Predictive Group
Bankrupt Non-Bankrupt

Total 0 16 0 94.1 17 17 100 100 97.1%


17 1 100 5.9

Global models adjustment

As already stated for the discriminant analyses, the logit model reveals a decreasing predictions capacity, as far as we deviate from the referenced date (Table 6). In fact, the global adjustment of 85.3% for (n-2) and 76.5% for (n-3), as well as the type I (11.8%) and type II (17.6%) errors, are very similar to their previous values.
Table 6 Classification matrix of the firms in (n-2) and (n-3)
Classification (n-2) Logistic Regression
Predictive Group

Classification (n-3)
Predictive Group





1 e

(3.987+22.624X 2+6.649X 3)

Value Group % Global models adjustment

Bankrupt Nonbankrupt Bankrupt Nonbankrupt

15 3 88.2 17.6

2 14 11.8 82.4

17 17 100 100 85.3%

Bankrupt Nonbankrupt Bankrupt Nonbankrupt

11 2 64.7 11.8


6 15 35.3 88.2

Global models adjustment




17 17 100 100


European Journal of Finance and Banking Research Vol. 1. No. 1. 2007. Carmem Pereira Leal & Carlos Machado-Santos

Regarding the classification errors, equation 2 gives an error of approximately 35%, classifying six distressed firms as healthy (type I error) and 12% of the healthy firms were classified as bankrupted (type II error). It should be reinforced that the use of the two statistic techniques (logit and discriminant) for comparison purposes, seems to have been attained. In fact, the ratios selected by the logit model, as those which best predict bankruptcies (X2 and X3) are within the set presented by the discriminant analysis (X1, X2 and X3). Moreover, as we can see in Table 7, the models accuracy is (again) similar, despite the lower number of explicative variables.
Table 7 Results of the logit and discriminant models
Models Years
1997 (n-3) 1998 (n-2) 1999 (n-1)

Discriminant Analysis
Precision Type I error Type II error

Logistic Regression
Precision Type I error Type II error

76.0% 85.0% 97.1%

29.4% 11.8% 0%

17.4% 17.6% 5.9%

76.5% 85.3% 97.1%

35.3% 11.8% 0%

11.8% 17.6% 5.9%

Although several authors prefer the use of the logistic regression (e.g.: Eisenbeis, 1977; Maddala, 1991), arguing that they present fewer violations to the underlying statistical assumptions, this synopsis table allows us to conclude that both models attained identical results, except for 1997, where the classification errors diverge between the two methods. C. External Validation of the Models With the purpose of testing the ex-ante prediction capacity of the models, we set a sample (external validation sample) of 18 firms for the subsequent period, with reference to December 2000, from which 9 were insolvent and the remaining considered healthy. The three original ratios (X1, X2 and X3) were also selected, but now constructed on the financial information supplied by the new sample. The results are illustrated in the table below:

European Journal of Finance and Banking Research Vol. 1. No. 1. 2007. Carmem Pereira Leal & Carlos Machado-Santos

Table 8 Classification matrix (external sample validation)

Models Years 1997 (n-3) 1998 (n-2) 1999 (n-1) 2000 (n)
ED = -2.795 + 0.538X1 + 9.105X2 + 4.479X3 Precision Type error I Type II error

Discriminant Analysis


Logistic Regression 1

1 e ( 3.987 + 22.624 X 2+ 6.649 X 3)

Type I error Type II error


67% 89% 65% 78%

33% 0% 20% 11%

33% 22% 50% 33%

67% 89% 65% 78%

33% 0% 20% 11%

33% 22% 50% 33%

It seems equally true, in this validation sample, that a balance between the prediction accuracy of these models exist. Although the lower precision levels and the higher number of classification errors, the validity of the previous results remains valid, given the small dimension of this second sample. Moreover, the results are in accordance with the cited literature. In fact, for instance, Altman (1993) tested an identical procedure and concluded that the classification errors increased on average 15% to 20% in the subsequent sample period. In such a context, our results seem to confirm the previous studies, which mention that bankruptcy derives mainly from a slow and continuous process of financial distress, and seldom from a visible firm crisis. IV. CONCLUDING REMARKS This study explores the main characteristics of the business bankruptcy phenomenon, using statistical instruments of multivariate analysis, such as the discriminant analysis and the conditional analysis of probability (logit). We have attempted to show that the firms financial data gives valuable information on the deterioration process of financial ratios, revealing potential business crisis. The analysis relied on financial ratios in the context of the Portuguese textile industry, because it has become, in the last few years, one of the most fragile economic sectors in Portugal.


European Journal of Finance and Banking Research Vol. 1. No. 1. 2007. Carmem Pereira Leal & Carlos Machado-Santos

The results seem to show that financial distress could be anticipated with an accuracy of 97%, 85% and 76.5%, one, two and three years before bankruptcy, respectively. The discriminant analysis and the logistic regression applied on a sample of 52 firms for the period of 1996-2002, allowed us to conclude that bankruptcy can be predicted and, consequently, it might be possible to prevent some of the factors associated with the firms distress. Even when tested in an external validation sample, for the period of 1997-2000, the models correctly classify, on average, 75% of the firms in the sample. Thus, by exhibiting a high degree of accuracy, these models prove to be an extremely important diagnosis tool, as shown in several studies, on what concerns the distinction between solvent and insolvent firms. Also, while the discriminant model allows us to distinguish between healthy firms and those in financial distress, the logit model provides the firms bankruptcy probability, within the same ex-ante basis. In fact, both exhibit identical results, denoting that they might be applied together. Thus, despite some limitations previously mentioned, the bankruptcy prediction issue reveals great importance to managers, in the attempt to solve the causes of failure, before reaching the extreme situation. We believe that if managers, auditors and regulators, pay the necessary attention to the instability exhibited by such estimates, it might be possible to prevent some of the problems revealed in this sector, and avoid the negative economic and social impact of bankruptcy. Finally, and for further research purposes, it must be noted that the analyses may not be restricted only to the firms performance, and should consider other factors, such as the economic conjuncture analysis, the quality of management and the organizational characteristics of the firms.


European Journal of Finance and Banking Research Vol. 1. No. 1. 2007. Carmem Pereira Leal & Carlos Machado-Santos

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European Journal of Finance and Banking Research Vol. 1. No. 1. 2007. Carmem Pereira Leal & Carlos Machado-Santos


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