At Capital Weekly 7 December 2008

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07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH

AT Capital Weekly Update

Key themes in this issue are:
Weekly News Update


• On December 6, The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers and Commerce and Industry,

the apex trade body in the country, with inputs from AT Capital, a number of leading CEOs,
senior economists, as well as FBCCI Directors themselves, published a report “ Maximizing
Growth: A Private Sector Vision”. In launching the report, the intention of FBCCI and all the
contributors was to lay out an Economic Roadmap for the next government that offered 37
policy recommendations across a broad range of issues.
• The report addresses the following key challenges: Factors that need to be addressed by
the government in order to achieve an inclusive growth of at least 8% include: Solving the
Power Crisis; Increased private sector investment and focus on greater FDI inflow; An
effective Brand Bangladesh Strategy; Skills development and improving vocational training
institutions; Improving access to finance; An effective Diaspora strategy; Creating a
dynamic SME sector; Increasing exports of high value agricultural products; Improving the
legal system; Focusing on environmentally sustainable growth; and Improving regional
• The ADB has just published their latest Quarterly Economic Update. While their FY 2009
GDP projection of 5.5-6% suggested they were not as concerned about the downside risks
to growth as the World Bank at 4.8%
• We would be more pessimistic on Bangladesh’s growth prospects in 2009 given the
downwards risks to remittances and the likely pressures on non-RMG sectors such as
frozen food and jute. Even with RMG there is a risk significant margins squeeze from global
clothing retailers as the global economic outlook turns more grim.
• The Bangladesh Bank (BB) Policy Action Unit has just published a Report on improving the
effectiveness of capital markets in providing better access to finance and stimulating
investment (“Financing Long Term Investments in Bangladesh: Capital Market
Development Issues”, December 2008, Policy Paper 905).
• The supply of and demand for credit and liquidity is at the heart of financial intermediation.
In order to develop an alternative to intermediation driven primarily by banks, it is necessary
EDITORS to simultaneously make progress on a number of fronts. We provide an analysis of the key
Asian Tiger Capital Partners

components for the development of the capital markets.

• We also discuss the key ingredients for the development of both a properly functioning
Ifty Islam Government Bond Market and a Corporate Bond Market
Managing Partner
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Syeed Khan US Non-

Non-Farm Payrolls collapses in November
November - Almost 2 million jobs lost in 2008 YTD
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Jisha Sarwar
Senior Research Associate
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Asian Tiger
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07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
Contents Page

Bangladesh Overview 3

FBCCI publishes Vision Paper on an Economic Roadmap for the next Government 3
An Economic Roadmap to deliver 8% inclusive growth 3
Asian Development Bank’s Latest Quarterly Economic Update 5
ADB on Export Outlook and Global Financial Crisis 6
ADB on Remittances 6
ADB on Energy FDI 7
ADB on Import risks 7
ADB on Inflation Risks 7
Bangladesh Bank Outlines Action Plan on Capital Markets Development 7

Stock Market Weekly 11

Weekly Stock Market Commentary 12
Stock Market News 13

Economics 15
Economic News 16

Sector News 18
Agriculture/ Banking 18
Infrastructure & Energy 19
Insurance 21
Pharmaceuticals/Telecoms/Textiles 22
Tourism 23

AT Capital Weekly Update 2
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
Ifty Islam, Managing Partner
[email protected]

of high value agricultural products; Improving the

Bangladesh Overview legal system; Focusing on environmentally
sustainable growth; and Improving regional
FBCCI publishes Vision Paper on an Economic Roadmap for infrastructure.
the next Government
• An Economic Vision: It is critical for Bangladesh to
The upcoming National Elections and the return to an develop a long term national vision 2020 with
elected democracy will be rightly welcomed both by civil detailed analysis and a practical roadmap for policy
society within Bangladesh, as well the International development and implementation. The structural
Community. There will be an expectation that we move changes in the economy and the global scenario
towards a more well-functioning political system and away need to be anticipated while formulating a realistic
from the confrontational and frictional politics that has vision. Extensive dialogue should be undertaken
characterized much of Bangladesh’s history. But there will with civil society members, business chambers,
also be substantial economic expectations for the next non-government organizations, and other
government to become an agent of economic reform that stakeholders.
can unlock Bangladesh’s economic potential.
An Economic Roadmap to deliver 8% inclusive growth:
On December 6, The Federation of Bangladesh Chambers
and Commerce and Industry, the apex trade body in the • Energy: More Rental Power Plants (RPP) need to
country, with inputs from AT Capital, a number of leading be installed to overcome the short term power
CEOs, senior economists, as well as FBCCI Directors crisis, and the government needs to closely
themselves, published a report “ Maximizing Growth: A supervise the implementation of the plants to
Private Sector Vision”. In launching the report, the intention ensure timely commencement of power
of FBCCI and all the contributors was to lay out an Economic generation. The Coal Policy needs to be finalized
Roadmap for the next government that offered 37 policy as early as possible. The government should
recommendations across a broad range of issues. implement the merchant power policy immediately
- Merchant power plants can be installed in a
The FBCCI held a seminar on December 6 to launch the shorter period of time as there is no tendering
paper that was attended by almost 100 business leaders, process. The government can set up some small
politicians, multilateral agencies and embassies as well as coal fired power plants and can import coal from
the press. What was relatively unique about the paper was India on a temporary basis before developing our
that it was a major attempt by the private sector itself to own coal mines. A more efficient and faster
constructively engage and offer policy recommendations to procurement and tendering process should be
the new government. However, the authors of the report at adopted for quicker implementation of any project.
the seminar were keen to emphasize that this was the Reducing system loss in the power sector should
beginning of an interactive process between the political be a priority as a reduction of 1% system loss can
parties, the civil service, the private sector, think tanks and save around 45 MW of power. Lastly, all the old
the donor agencies to collectively come up with a National and inefficient power plants should be replaced
Vision document for Bangladesh that could put it on the path immediately to ensure better utilization of primary
to 8%+ inclusive growth. fuel and smooth operation.
We reproduce the Executive Summary to the Report below: • Transport Infrastructure Priorities: The government
may opt for public-private partnership (PPP) for the
• A Case for Optimism: While Bangladesh has construction of the USD 500mn Dhaka Elevated
grown at around 6% for the past 5 years, despite Expressway (DEE) to ease Dhaka city’s severr
all the challenges both from Mother Nature and traffic problem. Construction of the Dhaka-
political volatility, we at the FBCCI believe that the Chittagong highway should be accelerated. It
best years for the country are ahead of us. should be a priority to upgrade the existing
Bangladesh has three key attractions for global highways linking Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet,
investors and multinationals: a large base of low- Rajshahi, and other key points of the country into
cost labour, a large domestic market of 150mn four lanes. The government should move forward
people, and nearly 3bn people in the Asian region with the Chittagong Deep Sea Port Project, as
that it has market access to. Bangladesh has a better opportunity to set up the
port due to the upside down V shape of the Bay of
• Key Challenges: Factors that need to be addressed Bengal and being positioned at the apex.
by the government in order to achieve an inclusive
growth of at least 8% include: Solving the Power • Increasing FDI and an Effective Brand Bangladesh
Crisis; Increased private sector investment and Strategy: The proposed reform program for the
focus on greater FDI inflow; An effective Brand Board of Investment (BOI) including the setting up
Bangladesh Strategy; Skills development and of a new “Investment Bangladesh” wing should be
improving vocational training institutions; Improving accelerated. This new organization will be solely
access to finance; An effective Diaspora strategy; tasked with attracting FDI by developing sector
Creating a dynamic SME sector; Increasing exports research and direct marketing to prospective
AT Capital Weekly Update 3
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
investors either on a country or company specific alignment of Asia Highway (AH). The AH network is
basis. The rebranding of Bangladesh as an a component of the Asian Land Transportation
attractive investment destination is critical. The Infrastructure (ALTID) project developed by ESCAP
new Government should set up a Brand (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the
Bangladesh taskforce with a core committee Pacific). The route criteria for the ALTID project
composed of the heads of the BOI, EPB, the should include capital to capital links, connection to
Foreign Ministry, FBCCI and NRBs professional the main industrial and agricultural centres as well
groups from the Europe and the US. as growth zones, connection to major sea and river
ports and connection to major inland container
• More Effective Export Promotion: A National terminals arid depots. For Bangladesh, it is critical
Export Development Commission should be to integrate with both India and China into the Asia
created with an active Secretariat. The proposed Highway (AH). In recent years China has upgraded
commission will monitor, analyze and direct the the old Burma road between Kunming and
activities of the EPB, ministries related to export Myanmar as part of its association with the AH. The
promotion including commercial councils in other link between Kunming and the Bay of Bengal is
countries and all other relevant departments. A key 5,800 kilometers shorter than Yunan's link with the
goal of the EPB is to support the process of export nearest Chinese port at Shanghai or China's pacific
diversification. It also needs to work closely with coast. The Jamuna Bridge in Bangladesh would
Ministry of Commerce and Foreign Ministry to make it possible for the AH to provide uninterrupted
support greater trade within the SAARC region by travel between Bangladesh and Calais routed
securing the effective implementation of SAFTA as through India, Pakistan and then either into Central
well as stronger bilateral balanced trade with India. Asia or through West Asia into Europe.

• Expand the NSDC Vocational Training Initiative: • Expenditure on Agriculture R&D should be
The recently established National Skills increased: In this regard, public-private partnerships
Development Council (NSDC) should be (PPPs) should be encouraged. The government
strengthened with additional resources. The should work towards removing barriers to private
roadmap developed by the Skills Development investment in R&D. A primary constraint to private
Working Group of the BBBF should be implemented R&D investment is a weak investment climate.
by the new government. One example is the plan Secondly, there is a lack of demand from
for a Comprehensive Orientation Training for would- smallholders for improved technologies because of
be Migrant Workers & Special Government risks, credit constraints, and poor access to
migration support services for safe migration and information. Added to these two are restrictions on
livelihood. Over the medium-term, a separate private sector imports of technologies and high
Manpower and Vocational Training ministry should regulatory barriers to the release of new
be established. technologies.

• Reducing
Reducing Costs/Improving Access to Finance: It is • Encourage de-
de-centralization/Greater regional
critical to reduce the cost of credit as bank interest autonomy:
autonomy Some estimates suggest that Dhaka will
rates in Bangladesh and the loan-deposit rate be a city of over 20mn by 2015. The strains on the
spread remains wide relative to some of our capital are already causing congestion, bottlenecks
regional competitors. There is also an over- and labour shortages. Supporting the growth of
collateralization of loans due to insufficient several other regional centres for manufacturing
information available to bank credit officers. It is would yield both economic benefits as well as
important to make the central credit information supporting the drive for inclusive growth. The
bureau available online and extended to all loans problem of too much central control has led to
above BDT 10,000, in order to help smaller firms Bangladesh’s prosperity being Dhaka-centered.
build up reputation-based credit. There should also Decontrol of power and authority from the central
be greater pressure to develop longer-term debt government in Dhaka, and transfer of decision-
and lending instruments to allow companies to making powers to districts and upazillas has
match longer-term investment requirements. Finally become a national imperative.
there should be a greater push to develop risk-
based access to capital through venture or private • Expand EPS/SEZ Programme: The expansion of
equity funds. the Export Processing Zones (EPZ) program as well
as the development of industry focused Special
• Improving the legal system and dispute resolution: Economic Zones (SEZ) in strategically important
Although general law and order has improved in sectors that offer export or trade–diversification
recent years, the new government needs to reduce benefits should be actively pursued by the new
spontaneous workers protests and violent government. Economic zones are meant to boost
demonstrations. The government needs to develop an investor’s competitiveness and reduce business
a fair, transparent and equitable arbitration court to entry and operating costs. Export-oriented free
resolve disputes quickly and to the satisfaction of all zones (EPZs) are intended to convey “free trade
parties. status” to export manufacturers to enable them to
compete globally, may counterbalance the anti-
• Regional Integration: For South Asia the crucial export bias of trade policies.
transport links to be developed should be along the
AT Capital Weekly Update 4
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
• Form a Financial Crisis Taskforce: Although the agencies, as a major instrument for providing
global financial crisis has had a smaller impact on financial support for a limited period of time to
Bangladesh than many other Emerging Markets, the selected SMEs which have good potential and
collapse in commodity prices and the increased risk wide linkages. Banking Institutions should
aversion of domestic banks has caused severe immediately start solving the problem of delayed
liquidity problems among a number of corporate payments to SMEs. A Network of Factoring
borrowers. The Government should include private Services must be set up at home and abroad
sector representatives in the recently established operated through banks. To provide greater
Financial Crisis Taskforce. support to SMEs in the middle of the global
financial turmoil each of the Commercial banks and
• Leveraging
Leveraging Diaspora: The Government needs to non-banking financial institutions (NBFIs) must
set up a Diaspora taskforce that will incorporate a provide a mandated share of their respective
Bangladesh-based secretariat and dedicated overall disbursed loans to SMEs without asking for
secretariat and sub-committees in Europe, the US any collateral at a simple single digit rate of
and Middle East that will connect the various interest.
Diaspora networks overseas, both professional
organizations in technology, finance, medicine, • Comprehensive public administration reform is
pharmaceuticals, as well as broader community needed: In the current structure, only 6% of almost
networks to build a more comprehensive NRB 200,000 government employees (civil service) are
database. Policymakers need to develop a strategy class I officers. This ratio needs to be rebalanced,
to attract more Diaspora to return home on either a with a reduction in non-class 1 staff. In addition,
temporary or a permanent basis, potentially higher salaries, training, career development, and
through fiscal incentives such as lower import tenured positions need to be ensured.
taxes for personal effects for NRBs who bring
substantial capital as well as industry experience • Improve ADP implementation rate by capacity
back to Bangladesh. Additionally by offering building initiatives: The Ministries should have
attractive salary packages and career prospects. professional units to monitor and evaluate the
status of project implementation on a regular basis.
• Accelerate Privatization: State owned enterprises In FY 2007-08, the ADP implementation rate was
include Bangladesh Chemical Industries 82%. Improve the speed and efficiency of the
Corporation (BCIC), Bangladesh Sugar and Food Economic Relations Division (ERD) under the
Industries Corporation (BSFIC), Bangladesh Steel Planning Ministry to efficiently manage donor
& Engineering Corporation (BSEC), and others. funding as part of the Annual Development
Bangladesh Biman and Sonargaon Hotel, in Programme (ADP). Given the recent
particular, need to be seriously considered for announcement of the Finance Adviser that World
privatization. For the proper and efficient Bank funding for development projects under IDA
functioning of activities of industrial production in credit is uncertain beyond 2008 as a result of a
commercial areas, be it jute, or textile, or chemical, lack of completed project proposals indicates the
steel or food, this role should be performed by the inadequacies of the Planning Ministry and the
private sector. The Bangladesh bureaucracy in its urgency with which its capacity needs to be
present state lacks sufficient capacity to run enhanced.
The full report can be found at:
• Re-
Re-enforce role of BBBF and RRC: Consider
regional/local level better business forums under
similar public-private partnership principles. Place
greater emphasis on effective implementation of The summary presentation can be found at
the 249 BBBF recommendations, of which 39 are
long term in nature. Consider expanding BBBF
with additional professionals and at the local
district/division levels, and forming industry-based In the spirit of the collaborative nature of the project, the
working groups. Assessment of the 202 laws authors of the report would welcome feedback.
currently under review by RRC need to be
effectively expedited through the law ministry. The Asian Development Bank’s Latest Quarterly Economic
SRO database and the e-registry work needs to be Update
completed. RRC proposals on land reform needs
to be effectively implemented. The process of The ADB has just published their latest Quarterly Economic
Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) needs to be Update. While their FY 2009 GDP projection of 5.5-6%
institutionalized within the RRC. suggested they were not as concerned about the downside
risks to growth as the World Bank at 4.8%, they still
• SME: Lack of finance is one of the major highlighted the uncertainties in assessing how protracted and
constraints – as commercial banks are inherently deep the global recession was likely. Below we summarize
skeptical of lending to SMEs due to the high risks some of the highlights from their report and offer comments.
and monitoring costs associated with lending to
them. The government should compensate by
using grants, perhaps in coordination with donor
AT Capital Weekly Update 5
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
ADB on Growth
Growth Outlook: ADB on Export Outlook and Global Financial Crisis:

“Bangladesh's growth performance has been remarkably “Exports from Bangladesh are potentially vulnerable to the
resilient despite multiple natural disasters and some erosion unfolding global financial crisis. Export earnings could slow
in business confidence. Real GDP growth in FY2008 because of a fall in demand due to recession in advanced
remained strong at 6.2%, supported by a strong pickup in countries or because of lower prices offered by competing
domestic economic activity in the second half of FY2008 and countries. The vulnerability is caused by the lack of
rapid growth in garment exports and remittance inflows. diversification both in terms of products and destinations, as
Before the onset of the global financial crisis, a 6.5% growth almost 76% of Bangladesh’s exports are concentrated on
target for FY2009 appeared reasonable. But as the financial textiles and over 90% of the textiles are destined for the
crisis in the advanced economies unfolds and recession sets United States and European markets. However, while
in, the FY2009 growth projections for Bangladesh will likely demand for textiles to these destinations may slow, it is
need to be adjusted downward to between 5.5% and 6.0% , unlikely to fall sharply in the short run.
taking into account the likely effects on external and
domestic demand. Although exports and remittances are Bangladesh’s exports mainly belong to the low end of the
unlikely to be hard hit at the beginning of the financial crisis, market, as the country exports basic readymade garments
they may slow somewhat. products, which could be categorized as necessities.
Demand could rise selectively, as people who customarily
The drop in consumer spending in importing countries, buy higher-value items begin to shift to lower-value items. If
because of income loss and looming economic uncertainties, the financial crisis is not deep, readymade garment export
will have moderating effects on demand for textiles (76% of earnings might maintain healthy growth, with a fall in prices
Bangladesh’s exports), and more pronounced impacts on being offset by growth in volume. If however the crisis is
high-end products such as frozen foods and leather prolonged, with major demand retrenchments because of
products, which together make up the bulk of Bangladesh’s widespread job losses, then Bangladesh’s textile exports
exports. Possible moderation in remittance flows will also would not remain insulated. Exports that are income elastic,
affect growth by reducing domestic consumption and such as, frozen foods and leather products, are likely to be
investment demand. affected even at the early stages of the crisis. Bangladesh
needs to diversify its export base and create new markets for
Maintaining high growth in the face of the global financial its products to make the economy more resilient to global
crisis will be a challenge. To attain sustained higher slowdowns.”
economic growth, Bangladesh needs to substantially
increase investment, which has followed a declining trend ADB on Remittances:
(ratio of investment to GDP decreased from 24.5% in
FY2005 to 24.2% in FY2008) in recent years. To enhance “Remittance inflows continue to exhibit robust growth in the
the economy’s productive capacity, public investment needs new fiscal year. Total remittance receipts
to be increased by accelerating implementation of the annual during July–October 2008 rose by 36.8% over the same
development program (ADP). period of the preceding year. About 63% of the remittances
sent by out-of-country workers were from the Middle East,
Continued rapid economic growth is also critical for and about 32% were from the United States and Europe. The
generating employment to absorb the country’s fast-growing large majority of these workers are unskilled and involved in
labor force and reduce poverty. According to a study of the low-end jobs, which are less likely to be seriously affected at
International Labor Organization, Bangladesh is 12th among the beginning of an economic slowdown. Although
the top 20 countries in the world where unemployment is megaprojects requiring large investments will likely be
rising. The number of unemployed in Bangladesh is deferred even in the Middle East where oil revenues could
estimated at 30 million and the country needs to create an sustain spending, these countries are expected to continue
estimated 7.3 million additional jobs in just 3 years, other construction and development activities in which
beginning from FY2009, to absorb new entrants to the labor Bangladeshi workers could remain engaged. Again, if the
force. Given the rate at which unemployment is growing, the crisis is prolonged, sectors such as construction and retail
number of unemployed could reach 60 million by 2015, if and services sectors where Bangladeshi unskilled and
adequate job opportunities are not created. “ semiskilled workers are employed will also become affected,
which would reduce the flow of remittances.”
ATC Comment: We would be more pessimistic on
Bangladesh’s growth prospects in 2009 given the downwards ATC Comment: It is becoming increasingly evident that
risks to remittances and the likely pressures on non-RMG remittance inflow from Middle Eastern countries is as likely to
sectors such as frozen food and jute. Even with RMG there is be adversely affected. Bangladesh sent a record 832,000
a risk significant margins squeeze from global clothing people abroad in 2007, most of whom chose to go to oil-rich
retailers as the global economic outlook turns more grim. Our Gulf countries after sky-rocketing crude prices led to a
central expectations are for GDP growth to be weaker than construction boom in the Middle East. Spiraling oil prices -
the 6.2% forecast from BB and at risk of undershooting the six years of high oil prices - dramatically increased demand
ADB’s estimates as well. The more than half million jobs for cheap labour in the Middle East, as construction and
shed in the November US Labour data we discuss elsewhere infrastructural developments increased. However, oil prices,
in this report underline the deepening recessionary forces in that reached an all time high of USD 147 in mid July this
the developed economies. year, started declining due to the dwindling global demand
driven by the US recession – prices have fallen by more than
70% since June, to USD 42 a barrel at the beginning of last

AT Capital Weekly Update 6
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
Effects of the dramatic fall in oil prices have already seeped about 69% in 2007, which is indicative of weak institutional
into the Gulf’s booming real estate sector and construction capacity and slow supply response of the home country.”
industry, which is expected to weigh heavily upon demand
for unskilled labour. In fiscal year 2008, 17% of remittances ADB on Inflation Risks:
came in from the US alone, the second highest after Saudi
Arabia. After the UAE in third, the UK is the fourth largest “In the coming months, inflation will depend on several
remittance country for Bangladesh with just over 11%. It is factors. Personal spending may rise during the forthcoming
clear that discretionary spending in both the US and the UK national and upazila elections, creating upward price
is collapsing with perhaps the largest vulnerability being in pressures; but the sharp decline in international commodity
the restaurant sector, a major source of remittances. and intermediate goods prices should reduce domestic
prices. However, imports may also decline as importers
ADB on Energy FDI: adopt a cautious approach in opening letters of credit, fearing
that they will sustain losses if domestic prices turn out to be
“Bangladesh has not been a major recipient of foreign direct lower than import prices.
investment (FDI) or foreign portfolio
investment. Thus, the potential disruption of FDI inflows or This may lead to supply shortages that could generate price
the outflows of portfolio investment is not a major concern. pressures. Supply shortages of imported raw materials and
However, expected FDI flows in the energy sector, which the intermediate goods in particular may result in chain effects in
country urgently needs, are unlikely to materialize in the near terms of lower economic activity and higher prices. In
term as investors will be cautious about any large addition, if the taka comes under pressure leading to its
investments. Postponement of energy sector FDI will be depreciation because of a strengthening dollar, it may again
seriously detrimental to growth prospects in view of the generate inflationary pressures. However, international
prevailing acute power and gas shortages.” prices are expected to soon stabilize at lower levels, which
will help reduce inflationary pressures.”
ATC Comment: The government should adopt a more
efficient and faster procurement and tendering process for ATC Comment: We believe the current expectations for
quicker implementation of all projects. Though it is believed inflation are too pessimistic. Deflation is the bigger risk in
that there is a negative correlation between a faster developed and developing economies than merely a
tendering process and transparency, we think it is possible moderation in inflation. It is not just energy prices that are
to shorten the existing tendering process without hampering falling rapidly. Scrap steel prices declined 80% in the month
transparency. This will be a key factor in encouraging of October alone while all base metals prices, most notably
greater foreign FDI in the energy sector. Deutsche Bank copper, have declined precipitously. Wholesale global food
published a report in 2006 “450 billion good reasons to prices in wheat and corn are falling rapidly as well. The
invest in Indian infrastructure” suggesting $450bn needed impact of sub-USD 50 oil will not translate directly into
over 10 years. Given a GDP ratio between India and substantially lower energy bills given the nature of state-
Bangladesh of 12:1 this argues Bangladesh will need $38 administered prices for petrol, diesel, CNG and electricity.
bn of investment just in infrastructure or over $3bn per year. We believe the inflation prospects for Bangladesh will give
A good amount of this needs to come in the form of FDI. BB greater flexibility on monetary and exchange rate policy.

ADB on Import risks: Bangladesh Bank Outlines Action Plan on Capital Markets
“Because of the fall in international oil and commodity prices,
the import bill is expected to be manageable in FY2009. The Bangladesh Bank (BB) Policy Action Unit has just
Import trade finance may however be affected, as liquidity published a Report on improving the effectiveness of capital
shortages may create difficulties for international negotiating markets in providing better access to finance and stimulating
banks to support import activities. Declines in import values investment (“Financing
Financing Long Term Investments in
(tax-base at the import stage) because of the fall in Bangladesh:Capital Market Development Issues”, December
commodity prices (if not offset by a rise in import volumes) 2008, Policy Paper 905).
would also imply losses of revenue, which could in turn affect
essential public spending. BB noted that “In the presence of a bank-dominated financial
system where the dependence on bank loan is substantial,
Bangladesh needs to accelerate trade liberalization and Bangladesh's capital market is small and has a
expedite trade facilitation measures to enhance external heterogeneous composition compared with developed and
competitiveness. Despite trade liberalization during the past well functioning capital markets. As a result, the debt market
two decades, the country still maintains a restrictive trade has played a minor role in investment financing in
policy and has one of the highest trade barriers in South Bangladesh even in recent years. In FY08, the amount of
Asia. According to the recently published World Trade industrial term loans disbursed by banks and NBFIs stood at
Indicators 2008, a new database and ranking tool that allows Tk 201.5 billion (of which the amount disbursed by NBFIs
benchmarking and comparisons of 210 countries and was Tk. 23.9 billion) compared with only Tk. 6.9 billion by
customs territories across multiple trade-related indicators, new capital issues through private placements, public
Bangladesh ranked 113th and 107th in terms of trade policy offerings, and right offerings in the capital market. This
and institutional environment, respectively, out of 125 indicates the overwhelming preference of bank finance in
countries studied. Bangladesh was found to have very high industrial investment financing.”
tariff and nontariff barriers compared with most countries.
Bangladesh's utilization of the Generalized System of 1
Preferences for exports to Europe and the United States was See, Bangladesh Bank Quarterly, various issues, Bangladesh Bank and
Monthly Review, Dhaka Stock Exchange.
AT Capital Weekly Update 7
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
BB outlined the key prerequisites for a well functioning institutional investor base and the move of the stock market
financial market as follows: away from being dominated by retail investors.

“The development of a well functioning capital market BB noted that: “For financing long term investments through
requires the adoption of a process approach, effective the capital market, it is necessary to initiate major reform in
implementation of which depends on a number of pre- the area of contractual savings institutions (CSIs), along with
requisites. The experience of countries having vibrant capital the possibility of allowing the entry of private companies and
markets shows that, despite country level differences, institutions. In this context, the development of private
several features are important in creating a capital market pension funds should be supported through strengthening of
friendly environment: infrastructure and bringing greater transparency in the non-
government debt market. The CSIs can collect household
• A relatively large and expanding private sector with savings that could potentially be channeled into the long term
reliance on market provision of financing through debt market. In most countries, CSIs have typically driven the
equity and debt instruments. development of the long term private bond market, since it
• Integrated financial market having deregulated has a big demand for long term assets with fixed returns. In
interest rates. order to stimulate such development in Bangladesh, it would
• Well developed government securities market be necessary to allow the CSIs to invest in a broad range of
providing benchmark yield curve for pricing of private debt securities. For this, an important prerequisite
bonds. would be to effectively regulate the private placement
• Quality outputs from credit rating agencies that market. A well functioning ‘clearing house’ is another
avoid mispricing of risks along with institutional and prerequisite for minimizing risks for which ensuring
legal frameworks to ensure that outputs do not get innovation and increasing the depth and liquidity in the
contaminated. secondary market are also necessary. It may be prudent to
• Efficient clearing and settlement systems and well permit these institutions to invest in corporate debt based on
functioning depository system. prudential criteria such that they are able to invest their
portfolios in securities having specified credit ratings. These
• Well articulated regulatory framework with laws to
provide regulatory oversight and investor protection measures would increase the ability of the CSIs to purchase
private debt securities in the primary and secondary
and ensure required disclosure, accounting
standards, and governance.
• Transparent and well conceived government policy
ATC Comment on Capital Markets Development:
on bond market development.”
The supply of and demand for credit and liquidity is at the
BB also outlined a number of structural weaknesses in the
heart of financial intermediation. In order to develop an
capital markets including:
alternative to intermediation driven primarily by banks, it is
necessary to simultaneously make progress on a number of
• “With strong growth in demand for securities, prices fronts:
of most securities are also growing making these
riskier than their expected return potentials.
• Free flow of capital and market-based interest
• Physical facilities, infrastructure, and market rates,legal frameworks, bankruptcy reform and
monitoring capacity (including supervision of investor protection,corporate governance standards
compliance provisions) are overstretched to support to mitigate wasteful agency costs, and control
the fast growth of the sector and new investors, premiums to reduce the cost of corporate borrowing
entering the market without basic knowledge on the
• Prudent regulatory frameworks that promote self-
market, run the risk of making wrong investment
regulation, but establish enforcement of disclosure-
decisions. Inadequate supply of professional
based rules
analysts to bring out efficient investment insights.
• Provision of stable and reliable government
• Slow growth of institutional investment (e.g. mutual
benchmark yield curves even when governments
and pension funds, professional portfolio manager
are running a surplus (the Australian and the US
fund) creating disproportionate dominance of retail
experiences are illustrative of the benefits of this
investors in the market fueling undue instability.
• Inadequate flow of mutual fund, securities with good
• Developing transparent and efficient primary and
fundamentals, and corporate (and government)
secondary markets (the recent initiative by the
bonds creating constraints in bringing depth,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the
liquidity, and strength in the market and leading to
United States to create TRACE (Trade Reporting
overpricing of few securities and higher risks for the
and Compliance Engine) is worth studying in this
• Shaky confidence of investors on private sector
• Broadening the investor base through the creation
debt securities due to weak regulatory regime. In
of bond funds
the past, a number of publicly traded debentures
issued by corporate houses failed to service interest • Open access to currency and credit markets
coupon and principal payment obligations in time.” • Provision of market mechanisms for credit risk
transfer, such as credit default swaps and
Perhaps their most important suggestions was in the area of collateralised debt obligations.
developing more contractual savings institutions which is a
key determinant of the evolution of a sizeable domestic

AT Capital Weekly Update 8
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
Too much reliance on bank loans or direct bond finance, participation, the monetary authority can require banks to
exposes a firm to excessive risk of bankruptcy in the event of hold required reserves in the form of short-term government
default. Hence, developed economies firms have come to notes. Trading on these instruments fosters the growth of
rely on a portfolio of external finance that usually includes the secondary bond market.
substantial equity, as well as bond and bank loan finance.
Equity finance gives a firm financial flexibility in the choice of Secondary Market: Once bonds are issued and sold initially
the payment of dividends - flexibility that a firm can utilise to through IPOs (the primary market), they are then traded on
avoid default on bank loans or bonds. Outside equity, the secondary market. A vibrant secondary market is
however, involves a cost of its own: too much of it blunts the important for increasing transparency and liquidity of the
incentive of managers to run a firm efficiently because bond market.
external ownership allows managers to retain only a fraction
of every dollar of value they create for the firm above Benchmark Yield Curve:
Curve: These government securities offer
revenue needed to pay off fixed obligations, which include something critical to the overall bond market – the yield curve
debt and fixed salaries. Therefore, equity, bank loans and – or the benchmark yield curve. The yield curve is based on
bonds generally coexist in the capital structure of modern the yield on these short and long-term bonds and is used to
corporate borrowers. value all other corporate bonds of similar maturities. To price
a corporate bond, you look at its credit score, and then add
If Bangladesh is to develop an effective capital market, an interest rate spread on top of the government bond yield
where valuations are driven by economic and corporate of similar maturity to arrive at the proper discount rate. Using
fundamentals, it is important for the regulators to ensure that that discount rate, you can determine the present value of
companies report genuine financials and on a timely and the corporate bond. The interest rate spread is contingent
systematic basis. Any lack of transparency or honest upon the credit rating of the bond. The riskier the bond, the
accounts will undermine both investor confidence and the greater is the spread. This is typically known as the default
effective functioning of the market. risk premium. Low quality firms usually issue high yield
bonds to compensate investors for potential default on the
As there is greater fundamental research in the marketplace, bond.
Bangladesh also needs to develop a framework to avoid
analyst conflicts of interest. As we have argued a number of Repo Market: A repurchase market is where brokers/dealers
times in previous ATC Weeklies, avoiding fundamental borrow or lend short-term excess funds that are backed by
analysis is a recipe for a speculative capital market that is collaterals such as government securities (bills, notes, and
news-driven and an inefficient allocator of capital to the bonds) and shares. A repo is an agreement to sell a
corporate sector. But we recognize the need for effective security, buy it back at a later date, and pay interest on the
regulations to avoid market manipulation and insider trading. use of the funds for the duration. The availability of short-
term government securities is critical for allowing smooth
We discussed the key issues in stockmarket regulation in the trading of excess cash, increasing the liquidity and depth of
August 25th issue of the AT Capital Weekly the financial markets.

ATC Comment on Key Ingredients for Bond Market Regulatory Aspects: There are four most critical regulatory
Development aspects of a bond market. First, there should be laws to
detect and penalize illegal insider trading in the bond market.
Credit Rating Agency: Credit rating agencies reduce Illegal insider trading occurs when officers of the issuing firm,
information asymmetry in the financial market. Investor for example, those with fiduciary responsibilities towards
sometimes cannot tell which bond is good and which bond is shareholders, conduct insider trading while in possession of
bad. Equally, firms are also unable to let investors know that material private information. Sometimes, bond markets are
their projects, which need funding, are good projects. Credit not closely monitored and as a result insiders conduct illegal
rating agencies, like Standard & Poor or Moody in the United insider trading in the bond market. Second, the government
States, can reduce such information asymmetry. Their job is needs to consider making investor-friendly tax laws to
to stay neutral, examine the borrower’s financial statements, encourage investor participation in the bond market. In
and determine its creditworthiness. In other words, credit particular, the government needs to design tax policies to
risk determines a firm’s ability to pay back its debt. Bonds of attract domestic as well as non-resident investors. One way
the best creditworthy firms get a score of AAA and the worst to achieve this would be eliminate withholding tax on interest
ones receive a credit score of D. Typically, if you are and capital gains. The third regulatory aspect of a bond
investing in a bond that is rated anything less than BBB, you market development is to remove exchange controls so that
would demand a higher yield from investing in the bond. foreign investors can freely repatriate their income anywhere
This would come from two sources, a higher coupon and a in the world. The fourth piece of regulation needed for a
lower price today. A credit rating agency’s stamp is a critical thriving bond market is one that removes restrictions on
indicator of the safety of the bond. foreign ownership of corporate and government bonds.

Government Bond Market: The corporate bond market Information Availability:

Availability: The development of the bond market
thrives when there is already an established government relies heavily on how investors are able to collect information
bond market. To nurture the government bond market, the on the bond issues and credit risk of the issuers. In the
government can issue short and long-term bonds to fund its United States, all listed firms are required to file online their
economic development. These short and long-term bonds financial statements such as 10Q, 10K, etc. An investor can
are typically risk-free because they are issued by the access these statements free of cost. Similarly, bond
sovereign government in which we have complete faith in its prospectuses should be filed online and book building in
ability to repay its debt. To increase broader market IPOs can allow fairness in pricing and increased participation

AT Capital Weekly Update 9
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
by investors. With increased information, the bid-ask spread
also declines, lowering transaction costs.

Infrastructure: The bond market infrastructure includes

trading platforms, real-time data distribution, market makers,
financial analysts for valuing bond, determining the riskiness
of the bonds, timely clearing and settlements systems, and
government supervision of trading activities.

Having a bond market is the next logical step towards

developing a well functioning capital market. A local bond
market reduces foreign exchange risk, interest rates, and
refunding risk. It reduces the over reliance on bank loans,
increases the size of the financial sector, and improves
efficiency by promoting competition among issuers. From an
investor point of view, bonds and stocks are an integral part
of asset allocation to diversify portfolio risk. Pension funds
and life insurance firms, for example, can match their long-
term liabilities with long-term assets such as bonds.
Regarding supply of capital, institutional and retail investors
can inject much needed capital into the economy by
investing in bonds. The development of the government
bond sector allows the government to supply liquidity and
transparency in the economy. At the same time, these
government securities can become vital instruments for the
central bank to conduct prudent monetary policy, in much the
same way the Federal Reserve conducts open market
operations (OMO) in the United States. And finally, on a
macroeconomic setting, the existence of a bond market
allows a country to lessen the impact of external shocks like
1997 Asian currency crisis.

The government of Bangladesh can quickly promote a

vibrant bond market. First priority should be to establish a
government bond market by issuing short and long-term
government securities for funding development projects, like
the $5.4 billion strategic transportation program. Next, to
develop the corporate bond market, several important
building blocks are needed. The government needs to
develop the benchmark yield curve, streamline the issuance
process for corporate bonds, increase the pool of issuers and
investors, establish the secondary market to improve
liquidity, and finally introduce risk management instruments
such as derivatives instruments.

All these may sound like a tall order but it is doable.

Bangladesh does not need to reinvent the wheel. All it has to
do is to examine what our Asian neighbors have achieved in
a relatively short span of time. To put it bluntly, when it
comes to having a bond market, our Asian neighbors have
left us in the dust.

We discussed the development of the bond market in more

detail in the August 30 issue of the AT Capital Weekly

AT Capital Weekly Update 10
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH

Stock Market Weekly

DSE performance: 52 weeks
weeks Market news

• GP allocates private placement shares

• New IPO rule from January

• SEC chief sees bright time for stocks

• Merchant banks move to prop up market

• Central bank likely to rein in lending by private banks

DSE performance: 30 days Regional stock market performance (last week)

Market summary Valuation snapshot

DSE General Sector P/E

Index performance DSE 20
Index Jul-08 Aug-08 Sep-08 Oct-08
Banks 19.2 19.08 18.24 15.62
Opening of this week 2,459.5 2,100.9
Cement 11.2 10.96 10.34 10.32
Closing of this week 2,544.7 2,131.7
Ceramic 50.3 49.92 43.93 41.76
Change within a week (%) 3.5% 1.5%
Engineering 38.4 39.11 41.36 40.8
Change within a week (Point) 85.2 30.8
Food & Allied 19.3 17.85 19.44 17.09
Fuel & Power 16.1 17.81 20.2 19.14
This Last % 22.8
Capitalization and turnover Insurance 23.17 24.77 23.12
Week Week Change
Investment 33.5 45.08 55.48 28.93
Number of Trading Days 5 5
IT 20.3 41.44 45.64 47.89
Market Capitalization (USD bn) 14.11 13.79 2.30%
Jute 16.3 16.16 16.16 14.18
Total Turnover (USD mn) 134 164 -18.5%
Miscellaneous 25.2 25.46 33.95 32.2
Daily Avg. Turnover (USD mn) 27 33 -18.5%
Paper & Printing 7.9 8.36 8.08 9.97
Total Volume (mn) 68 74 -7.6%
Pharmaceuticals 25.6 23.97 28.45 30.25
Daily Avg. Volume (mn) 14 15 -7.6%
Service & Real Estate 20.5 20.57 22.87 23.55
Tannery 21.3 19.05 19.89 18.44
This Last Textiles 16.3 15.74 15.45 14.55
Weighted avg. P/E Ratio* Issues
Week Week
Source: Dhaka Stock Exchange
This Week 16.84 Advanced 188 18
Last Week 17.08 Declined 55 237
% Change -1.4% Unchanged 8 2
*Weighted on Market Cap. Not Traded 42 36

AT Capital Weekly Update 11
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
Weekly Stock Market Commentary current fundamentals in the market – over the last six months,
the telecoms industry has been seeing falling subscriber
The market rose by 3.4% this week, following the sharp growth and with pressure on ARPUs for the last 18 months.
declines of previous weeks. We wrote last week about the
key macro drivers that were likely to be causing a fall in the Valuation is broadly comparable to the Indian mobile Telco
market: sector, with Bangladesh having similar penetration rates. The
articulation of a strategy for growth in both revenues and the
1. The World Bank sub 5% GDP downside growth bottom line, through increasing value added service (‘VAS’)
forecasts for fiscal 2008/09 effected investor revenues, further reduction in costs, switching to a dual
sentiment vendor model and the commencement of 3G services in
2. Seasonal Fluctuations: The run up to Eid has Q3/4 2009, are all encouraging strategies for investors to
historically seen a sell off as investors raise cash for expect value uplift in the future. The challenge will remain of
festive spending how GP executes this, in an aggressive and saturated sector
3. As the elections approach the market is braced for a with competitors like Banglalink and Aktel also fighting, and
flight of capital out of the market arguably more successfully in some areas, for market share.
The GP IPO is likely to take place by March 2009 – USD
65mn to be issued to the public via the book building method.

The SEC is expected to issue draft guidelines before year

end. This market value method has been expected to be
introduced all year. We believe that a market driven pricing
mechanism is essential if the Bangladesh market is ever to
achieve a healthy equilibrium between demand and supply,
and for more good quality companies to come to market.
Following the moves by the merchant banks this week, most
sectors were up by the end of the week.

On Monday the SEC met with the local merchant banks and
the Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (‘ICB’), to discuss
possible interventions to curtail the market decline. The SEC
urged the central bank to ease the strict margin lending
capacity of merchant banks that currently stands at five times
of paid up capital to increase liquidity in the markets. In an
attempt to prop up the market in the short term, the merchant
banks agreed to do the following after meeting with the

1. To not sell any of their holdings before the Eid break

2. To avoid making margin calls with their clients,
hence reducing the likelihood of sell offs
3. To extend margin loans to their clients at maximum
approved ratios, to encourage buying

The trio of interventions has provided a temporary stimulus to The 3.4% increase in the DGEN this week has been driven in
the market prior to the Eid break, although one would expect large part by rises in large cap stocks in the key sectors
all them to be temporary in nature. One would not expect which collectively comprise 75% of total market cap:
such moves to be sustainable in the long run and provide
extended protection in the long run. As we discussed last
week one would expect the market to recover from the pre-
Eid downturn after the market opens after the festive break,
but any gains may be offset by the potential flight of capital
around the upcoming elections.

The Grameenphone (‘GP’) listing has finally got off the

ground with a successful Private Placing Offering (‘PPO’) of
USD60mn with local institutional investors - it was reported to
be oversubscribed by 3 times. This was after, the issue price
was reduced from BDT 17 per share previously in the year to • Banks were up 0.7% on the week – hardly regaining
BDT 7.4 (on average) – effectively a reduction from a from the 21.5% sector decline in the last 3 months.
proposed market cap of USD3.2bn to USD 1.4bn. The Dutch Bangla was up 6% Uttara Bank was up 6%,
private placing was priced at a 5% discount. We believe the while Islami Bank was down 12%.
pricing of the issue is a more appropriate pricing given the

AT Capital Weekly Update 12
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
• Pharmaceuticals gained 6.8% with the main risers The SEC chairman said amendments and corrections in the
being ACI (up 26% representing 9% of sector rules will be made to make the merchant banks function
market cap), Beximco up 17% and Square up 1% more effectively. Initiatives are underway to improve
professionalism and efficiency in merchant banks as well as
• Fuel and Power was up 5% - driven mostly by Titas awareness programmes for investors. He said most
which was up 12% and Summit up 9% investors are not aware of the fundamentals of companies.

• Cement up 4.6% - Lafarge up 3%

The Bangladesh Stock Markets are closed for a week for the Merchant banks move to prop up market
The Daily Star, Monday, December 1, 2008
Eid festive period. We will resume our coverage the week
after next. In a move to halt the stock market, merchant bankers
yesterday decided not to sell any shares from their own
Stock Market News portfolios ahead of Eid holidays. The bankers also decided
not to force any client or investor into "trigger sales" to adjust
GP allocates private placement shares margin loans and will provide margin loans up to the
The Financial Express, Thursday, December 4, 2008 maximum ratio.
The country's largest mobile phone operator Grameenphone The merchant banks will also discourage the investors from
(GP) has allocated its shares at a price of BDT 7.40 each, in taking the "netting facility" prior to the Eid holidays. Under the
its private placement offering (PPO) . GP plans to raise a financial adjustment or money netting facility, investors are
total of USD 125mn, of which USD 65mn will be raised allowed to purchase shares of any category after completing
through an initial public offering (IPO) and the remaining a sale of any share. Iftikhar-Uz-Zaman, CEO of ICB Capital
USD 60mn through a PPO. The shares were oversubscribed Management Limited, announced the decisions in a news
three times under its private placement offering (PPO). briefing after a meeting between the SEC and the merchant
banking wings of banks and non-banking financial
The shares have been allocated to Bangladesh-based institutions.
institutional investors with a proportion to Grameen Bank
borrowers and GP employees.

The IPO is expected to be issued under a book-building

method, a modern price fixing mechanism for IPOs, next


New IPO rule from January

The Daily Star, Wednesday, December 3, 2008

In order to promote transparency in the initial public offering

process, the SEC has asked IPO applicants to provide their
national ID card information in their application forms from
January 2009. The new law is aimed to limit the number of
IPO applications per person, after it was found that
individuals were submitting multiple applications for IPOs.
Legally, an individual is allowed to submit two IPO
applications -- one with a single BO (beneficiary owner's) and
the other with a joint BO account.

SEC chief sees bright time for stocks

The Daily Star, Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Chairman of the SEC, said he expected the country's

capital market will witness significant growth over the next
two years irrespective of the nature of the next elected
government. Faruq Ahmed Siddiqi, an SEC executive
director commented, that with future IPO’s and off-loading of
shares by the companies from the telecom and other sectors
on expectations that the next government will be market-
friendly, and the introduction of book-building, will definitely
contribute to expected growth and depth of the market.

AT Capital Weekly Update 13
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
DGEN Performance YTD DGEN Performance LTM

Turnover leaders Best performers* Worst performers*

(All figures in mn) BDT USD % Change % Change
ACI Formulations Ltd 1064 15.5 BEXIMCO 32.5 Islami Bank -91.2
Beximco Pharma 770 11.2 ACI Formulations 28.9 Arbee Textiles -90.3
Titas Gas 624 9.1 ACI Ltd 25.7 Metro Spinning -23.3
Beximco Pharma 612 8.9 Renewick Jajneswar 20.5 Aftab Automobiles -20.1
Uttara Bank 587 8.5 Shinepukur Ceramics 19.7 Quashem Textiles -14.3
ACI Ltd 426 6.2 Bangladesh Online 17.7 Al_Amin Chemicals -11.1
Shinepukur Ceramics Ltd. 426 6.2 Beximco Pharma 16.9 DESCO -9.9
NBL 211 3.1 BEXTEX Ltd 16.9 Bengal Fine Ceramics -9.8
Grameen One: Scheme 2 196 2.8 Summit Alliance 15.0 National Polymar -9.5
Islami Bank 182 2.6 Dhaka Fisheries 14.4 BD Dyeing -9.1
Source: Dhaka Stock Exchange
*By closing price
Source: Dhaka Stock Exchange
Market cap. by sector*
Banks 49.8%
Fuel & Power 14.5%
Correlation with other indices*
Pharmaceuticals 10.4%
Insurance 6.3% 500 Sensex 225 100 SSECI 100 HangSeng DSE
Cement 5.4% S&P500 1
Miscellaneous 3.4% Sensex 0.49 1
Engineering 2.6% NIKKEI225 0.40 0.50 1
Foods 2.3% KSE100 0.13 0.31 0.10 1
Textile 1.9% SSECI 0.28 0.41 0.22 0.04 1
Tannery 1.3% FTSE100 0.81 0.48 0.41 0.21 0.38 1
Service & Real Estate 1.3% Hangseng 0.65 0.58 0.46 0.09 0.50 0.73 1
IT 0.5% DSE 0.10 0.14 0.09 0.06 0.03 0.13 0.11 1
Ceramics 0.1% * Based on the last 80 months’ USD returns
Paper & Printing 0.1% Source: AT Capital Research

Jute 0.03%
Total 100%
*As of September 30, 2008

Research Team

Ifty Islam Syeed Khan

Managing Partner Partner
[email protected] [email protected]

Zia Shams Rashed Hasan

Senior Research Associate Research Associate
[email protected] [email protected]
AT Capital Weekly Update 14
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH

Selected macroeconomic indicators Market news

Dec-07 30-
Nov-08 2-Dec-
Forex reserves (USD mn) 5,128.61 5,245.40 5,384.31
• Uptick in remittance inflow
USD-BDT average rate 68.6100 68.8000 68.8556
Call money rate 6.83 8.00 8.85

• Inflation may rise on polls: ADB

Nov-07 Nov-
Nov-08 2007
Remittances (USD mn) 617.39 767.35 7,914.78
Annual percentage change 3.12 24.29 32.39 • Local investment plans up

Sep-07 Sep-
Sep-08 2007-
Imports (USD mn) 1,651.60 2,168.70 21,629.00 • Higher interest payment throwing economy into
Annual percentage change 29.54 31.31 26.07 'long-
'long-term loan-

Sep-07 Sep-
Sep-08 2007-
Exports (USD mn) 1,044.29 1,477.60 14,110.80 • Commodity prices still high
Annual percentage change 9.92 41.49 15.87

Sep-07 Sep-
Sep-08 2007-
Current A/C Balance (USD mn) 20.00 46.00 672.00 Remittances
emittances in the last five months (USD mn)

Oct-07 Oct-
Oct-08 2007-
Tax revenue (USD mn) 472.17 504.76 6,868.43
Annual percentage change 29.88 6.90 27.06

Source: Selected indicators by Bangladesh Bank, 03 December 2008

Bangladesh annual remittance figures

figures (USD bn)

Fiscal year
year Remittances
Remittances Growth

2000-2001 1.88 -
2001-2002 2.50 32.89%
2002-2003 3.06 22.42%
2003-2004 3.37 10.12%
2004-2005 3.85 14.13%
2005-2006 4.80 24.79%
S Adeeb Shams
2006-2007 6.00 24.91% Research Associate
2007-2008 7.91 31.95% [email protected]
Source: Bangladesh Bank

AT Capital Weekly Update 15
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
Economic News Local investment plans up
The Daily Star, Tuesday December 2, 2008
Uptick in remittance inflow
The Daily Star, Friday December 5, 2008 Local entrepreneurs proposed over BDT 170bn (USD 2.5bn)
investment plans, largely in the RMG and textile related
Remittance inflows recorded a 34% rise in the first five sectors, to the government in the first ten months of the
months of the current fiscal year, which runs counter to the current calendar year. The Board of Investment (BOI)
World Bank's gloomy forecast about the money to be received 286 investment proposals worth BDT 19.7bn (USD
remitted by Bangladeshi workers abroad. From July to 285.5mn) in 2007, 519 project proposals worth BDT 45.7bn
November, Bangladesh recorded USD 3.8bn in remittances, (USD 663mn) in 2006 and 1,277 projects worth BDT 109.6bn
up from USD 2.8bn in the corresponding period last year. (USD 1.6bn) in 2005.

Remittance inflows increased to USD 767mn in November, a BOI officials said they received 1,217 project proposals in the
rise from USD 648mn a month ago. The remittances in first ten months of 2008, of which around 953 projects for
November followed a usual upward curve, driven by the textiles and apparel based industries - 643 for textiles and
rising inflow of money ahead of Eid-ul-Azha in December. In apparels, totaling BDT 29.9bn (USD 434.7mn), 177 for
October-November of the last fiscal year, the country chemicals, totaling BDT 15.9bn (USD 230.2mn) and 133
recorded USD 559mn and USD 617mn respectively, related service sectors totaling BDT 29.9bn (USD 434.7mn).
according to Bangladesh Bank data. Most of the industrial units in the chemical and services
category relate to backward and forward linkages industries.
Last year, official remittances stood at USD 7.9bn, a 32.4% The remaining proposed 264 industrial units related to
rise from the previous year. largely to engineering, agro, packaging, food and glass
Inflation may rise on polls: ADB
The Daily Star, Friday December 5, 2008 Higher interest payment throwing economy into 'long-
In its Quarterly Update to September 2008, The Asian The Financial Express, Thursday December 4, 2008
Development Bank (‘ADB’) has said inflationary pressures
may rise with personal spending rising during the Interest payments are growing larger in the national budget
forthcoming national and upazila elections, driving upward placing the economy in a long term loan trap and creating an
price pressures. The report however said inflation is likely to imbalance in overall fiscal management, said a government
remain within the previous projection of about 9% for the study “Financing growth and Poverty Reduction Policy
2008-09 fiscal year, with an earlier surge in commodity prices Options and Challenges in Bangladesh" prepared by the
offset by a recent pullback. General Economics Division (GED) of the Ministry of
Planning . It said dependence on external sources has
The inflation rate grew 10.2% year-on-year in September gradually declined in the wake of falling foreign assistance,
2008 from 10% in June, before easing back to 7.3% in which leads to higher domestic borrowing. Increased reliance
October because of a fall in food and other commodity on domestic borrowing has the risk of increasing the rate of
prices. The ADB also echoed The World Bank (‘WB’) inflation or crowding out the private sector from the credit
reduced GDP growth forecasts due to possible impacts from market. The study said the borrowing may create pressure
the global financial crisis. on liquidity and ultimately on interest rates on loans, which
would have a negative impact on investment, employment
The ADB projected Bangladesh's GDP between 5.5% and and poverty reduction. The government borrows large
6% for this fiscal year. The WB said the GDP growth might amounts of money, from both internal and external sources,
go as low as 4.8% -- a forecast that prompted criticism from every year to finance its budget. It spends large amounts of
the Finance Advisor and the Bangladesh Bank Governor. interest from its revenue earnings.

According to the quarterly report, the global financial crisis The GED study said that over the last two decades, the
may slow Bangladesh's economic growth rate for fiscal 2009, revenue-GDP ratio has increased, but it is still very low even
although continued strength in its agriculture and industries by the standards of other developing countries. The share of
sectors will limit the downturn. According to the ADB the revenue expenditure as a percentage of GDP increased
estimate, industry has performed relatively well so far this compared to the increase development expenditure. Recent
fiscal year, supported by further growth in readymade budgetary policies reflect government's attention to achieve
garment output, along with continued recovery in housing short term objectives rather than medium and long term gain.
and construction and improved business confidence. The By lowering the size of the ADP, there has been less focus
ADB has forecast the unfolding financial crisis will create a on infrastructure development which may negatively impact
modest slowdown in demand, slumping industrial growth in investment curtailing growth and poverty reduction
the year to 6.7% against the projected 7.9%. In FY2008, objectives.
industrial output expanded by 6.9%.

AT Capital Weekly Update 16
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
Commodity prices still high
The Daily Star, Sunday December 7, 2008

The prices of essential commodities, fast moving consumer

goods and industrial products have not come down in local
markets although prices have plunged in global market in the
last four months. According to the latest price lists from the
National Board of Revenue crude edible oil, milk powder,
PVC resin, stearic acid amongst several other products'
prices dropped by over 50% in global markets in the last four
months. Data provided by Goldman Sachs shows that prices
of both palm and soybean oils reached USD 1,236 and USD
1,422 a tonne respectively in March in the US but slipped to
USD 405 and USD 620 in November.

However, local markets have not reflected the price declines.

Prices of milk powder remain high on the local market while
prices at bulk levels saw a steep fall on the world market.
Prices of all petrochemical byproducts dropped sharply on
global markets but the fall in prices have not been reflected
in the local market.

Prices of palm fatty acid, propylene copolymer and stearic

acid - all used in producing soap, shampoo and other
toiletries - fell by 60% in global markets in the last four
months, but both local and multinational companies are yet
to take any steps to lower prices.
Similarly, prices of PVC resin, used in making plastic and
packaging items, fell by 65% in the same period, while the
cost of packaging has yet to fall.

AT Capital Weekly Update 17
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
Sector News
Agriculture http://www.thefinancialexpress-
ernment moves to maintain buffer stock of urea for Boro
season Proper biotech use can help overcome low crop yield
The Financial Express, Saturday, December 6, 2008 The Daily Star, Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The government has taken steps to maintain a buffer stock of According to agro-experts, the appropriate use of
urea fertilizer to ensure its uninterrupted supply to farmers biotechnology can help overcome low crop yields, land
during the current Boro cultivation in an attempt to reach the shortages, insect infestation and climate change challenges
target of producing 1.8mn tonnes of rice this season. faced by the country’s agriculture sector. Experts urged fr the
Following previous shortfalls in supply, the government has immediate implementation of the National Biotechnology
prepared a work plan to prevent a crisis in urea supply, Policy and the advancement of the National Institute of
making more than 1.59mn tonnes of urea available during Biotechnology as a centre for excellence in biotechnology
the December-March period - the peak Boro crop season - research and training. They have identified bureaucratic red-
against the projected demand for nearly 1.50mn tonnes of tape as the major obstacle to the development in
urea. The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) reported that the biotechnological research in Bangladesh. While global
country's total demand for urea was estimated at 2.85mn genetically modified (GM) crop areas across the world
tonnes for the current fiscal year 2008-09. Of the total, about reached 282.4mn acres in 2007, Bangladesh is yet to start
1.69 mn tonnes of urea are expected to be produced locally any commercial farming of GM crop. The number of
while the balance will be met through import. countries planting biotech crops increased to 23 in
developing zones and 11 in developed zones over the period
According to MOA, some 0.475mn tonnes of urea will be 2007-12.
imported from the Karnaphuli Fertilizer Company Limited
(KAFCO) and another 0.5mn tonnes of urea will be procured
from external sources through tenders. The government has
also taken steps to procure 0.32mn tonnes of urea from Banking
Qatar, the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Apart from the supply
arrangement, the authorities have taken necessary Central bank likely to rein in lending by pri
rivate banks
measures to streamline the distribution of urea through The Financial Express, Sunday, December 7, 2008
authorized dealers across the country to ensure the farmers'
easy access to the main agro-input and steps have been The central bank has prioritized the need for quality loans as
taken to ensure the use of at least 10 tonnes of composite credit flows to the private sector went up by 26.55 per cent in
fertilizers in every block during the current Boro cropping September compared to the same period in the previous
season to help reduce the country's growing dependence on year.
imported fertilizers. The government will strictly monitor and
supervise the overall fertilizer distribution system through "We want to ensure the quality as well as the quantity of
both central and regional-level monitoring committees to credit to the private sector," said the Chief Economist of
prevent a supply crisis. Bangladesh Bank (BB) Mustafa K Mujeri .

http://www.thefinancialexpress- The statement came after, serious concerns were raised by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) about the quality of
credit particularly those issued by private commercial banks.
rhat3 potato growers face fertilizer crisis
The Financial Express, Thursday, December 4, 2008 "....there are serious concerns about credit quality, especially
among private banks, some of whom have been expanding
As a major potato growing district, Joypurhat farmers are their loan portfolios at annual rates in excess of 50 per cent,"
facing issues with fertilizer scarcity and low prices. This year the Washington-based multilateral funding agency said in its
potatoes will be cultivated in 37,000 hectares of land in the a aide memoire that has been submitted to government.
district with a production target of 647,500 tonnes. Last
season, 646,400 tones potatoes were produced in 38,870 Credit to the private sector rose by 26.55 per cent to BDT
hectares of land. Some fertilizer types are not available at 418.66 billion in September last from 15.79 per cent to BDT
market with complaints that the government is supplying 215.07 billion in the corresponding period in the previous
insufficient fertilizer. 50kg of SSP (Single super phosphate) year, according to the central bank statistics.
fertilizer ranges between BDT 4,000 (USD 58.3) to BDT
4,500 (USD 65.6) whereas last year it was BDT 1,800 (USD Private credit growth in September continued to be high at 27
26.2) to BDT 2,000 (USD 29.2). 50kg of MOP (muriate of per cent with credit issued by the private commercial banks
potash) sells for between BDT 3,000 (USD 43.7) to BDT increasing by 38 per cent, according to the IMF document.
3,500 (USD 51.0), which was previously selling for between
BDT 1,000 (USD 14.6) and BDT 1,200 (USD 17.5), a year "Greater flexibility in the interest rates on government
ago. securities, in line with market conditions, will likely be needed
to support the BB's objective to reduce private sector growth
to 18 per cent by June 2009," the IMF recommended.
A popular type of rice variety in Bangladesh
It is a district in Northern Bangladesh. It is a part of the Rajshahi Division.
AT Capital Weekly Update 18
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
The central bank officials, however, said the BB has already Otherwise, the main objective of turning the bank into a
targeted the credit flow to the private sector at 18-20 per cent corporation will be derailed," the source added.
for fiscal 2008-09.
After concluding a week-long mission, the WB team led by
"We'll try to achieve the credit target by the end of June Kiatchai Sophastienphong appeared satisfied with the post-
next," said a BB official. corporatization condition of state-owned Sonali and Janata.
However a source from the WB team said they were
On the 19 October, the BB governor instructed bankers to dissatisfied with performance at Agrani Bank.
exercise caution in lending to non-productive sectors that The "bitter relations" between Chairman and the CEO of
may create inflationary pressures. Agrani have stood in the way of turning round the bank, the
source said, keeping the third largest state-owned lender
The growth in credit for buying goods through credit cards from harnessing the full benefits of corporatization.
rose significantly by 121 per cent in June from the
corresponding period in the previous year while credit for The largely state-owned Rupali was put on sale under the
purchasing consumer goods increased by 93.30 per cent. WB funded enterprise Growth and Bank Modernisation
(EGBM) project almost four years ago.
During the period, marriage loans went up by 60.73 per cent The government, had to suspend the bank divestment
compared with that in the same period in the previous year process early this year as the Saudi Prince, the potential
while flat purchase loans increased by 44.12 per cent, the BB buyer, backed out of the deal.
data showed.
The finance ministry officials said they have to scrutinise the
http://www.thefinancialexpress- technical aspects of the latest WB suggestion before taking the next course of action.
Govt, WB differ over Rupali corporatisation process The $250 million worth EGBM project came into effect in July
The Financial Express, Saturday, December 6, 2008
2004. About 58 per cent of the funds of the four-year project
The government and the World Bank are locked in a were unutilised until 2007-08, forcing an extension for a
further two years.
disagreement over the appointment of the prospective CEO
of Rupali Bank as the global lender pushes for the
In July 2007, the caretaker government turned three once-
corporatization of the ailing commercial bank, said finance
nationalised banks into public companies as part of the
broader reform in the public sector. Under the agreement
The Washington-based lender this month asked the with the World Bank, Sonali Bank, Janata Bank and Agrani
country's interim administration to pursue the corporatization Bank have set a target to reduce their bad debts by
of Rupali, majority controlled by the government, after a December 2009. The WB also asked the banks' boards to
major privatization debacle in the country's history. accelerate the process of voluntary retirement scheme in an
attempt to reduced 15,000 or one-third of their total
"We don't agree with the World Bank's views. As the largest
shareholder, the government must have authority of the
appointment of the top executive at Rupali," an official said.

"The bank (Rupali) did not communicate with such a decision Infrastructure & Energy
with us (finance ministry). And it can't take this major
decision without consultation with the ministry. There are Petrobangla's fresh move to raise gas price
many technical issues to be dealt with before we agree on The Financial Express, December 07, 2008
the World Bank's fresh suggestion," the official said.
Petrobangla will seek to raise the gas price again, in a fresh
Rupali's financial condition and operational efficiency have bid to the Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission
deteriorated since 2005 when the bank was put up for sale. (BERC).
The bank has significant non-performing loans and
unsecured assets. The country's energy sector watchdog last week turned down
the request of raising the gas price by 65% saying it was
The official noted that Rupali Bank, in its joint annual general already making a profit of BDT 2 per unit of gas. It, however,
meeting and extra-ordinary general meeting held in late said a 10-15% rise might be considered to create a special
October, decided to adopt the same memorandum as those fund for enhancement of gas exploration and production.
adopted by the other three state-owned banking corporations Petrobangla Chairman Jalal Ahmed said they had started
-Sonali, Janata and Agrani. working on justifying the gas price rise complying with BERC
A source at the World Bank said his agency was opposed to
the idea of unilateral recruitment of the CEO by the http://www.thefinancialexpress-
government, given the fact it would undermine the basic
objective of corporatization and allow the Finance Ministry to
interfere in the bank's day-to-day affairs.
"In case of corporatization, the bank's board should enjoy
greater freedom and operational autonomy.

AT Capital Weekly Update 19
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
Govt approves renewable energy policy After an initial hearing in August, (ICSID) had set December
The Financial Express, December 04, 2008 1-5 for the hearing Bangladesh's statement on Chevron's
claim for a four per cent tariff payback on its hydrocarbon
The government has approved the Renewable Energy Policy business. Chevron has been claiming the payback by
to attract private sector investment. The Council of Advisers Petrobangla.
approved the policy that targets exploring renewable energy
resources to meet 5 per cent of the total national electricity The US company argued that the wheeling charge is
demand by 2015 and ten per cent by 2020. applicable only if it uses Petrobangla's pipeline to supply gas
to other parties. But it does not do so. Rather, Chevron has
As per the new policy, renewable energy projects have been been supplying gas from three gas fields only to Petrobangla
exempted from corporate income tax for a period of 15 years - Jalalabad, Moulvibazar and Bibiyana.
and will be eligible for fiscal incentives. The policy proposes,
that electricity to be generated from renewable energy Refuting Chevron's claim Petrobangla contested that the
sources such as solar, wind, bio-gas and hydro, will be deduction is justified per the production sharing contract
purchased by public power entities through mutual (PSC). Initially, both the parties tried to resolve the issue
agreement. through negotiation, but finally they agreed to go for
international arbitration. Petrobangla officials, expect that
The renewable energy producers may use existing electricity should they lose the case they will have to pay back c. USD
transmission and distribution systems, if there is adequate 40mn, the amount it deducted as a wheeling charge.
capacity, to supply electricity to customers through mutual
agreements between the project sponsors and the owners of http://www.thefinancialexpress-
transmission or distribution facilities. The sponsors will be
required to pay a wheeling charge to the owners of
transmission or distribution facilities, with the wheeling Govt to consider its last power bid
charges to be determined by the Bangladesh Energy The Daily Star, December 03, 2008
Regulatory Commission (BERC) in consultation with the
government. The Cabinet Purchase Committee of the Caretaker
Government will consider approval of its last power scheme -
The BERC will approve the energy tariff as per the provision - the 50 megawatt Sikalbaha rental power project.
of the BERC Act 2003 if the capacity of renewable energy
project is 1.0 megawatt (MW) or more. Electricity distributors In its recommendation to the Cabinet Committee, the Power
may offer "green energy" tariffs, which will provide Ministry has suggested awarding contracts for the three-year
consumers an opportunity to co-finance through their rental scheme to a joint venture led by Royce Power
electricity bills for the development of new renewable energy Engineering of Hong Kong with local companies Asian
sources. Entech Power Corporation and Shasha Denims who have
proposed to set up the plant using cheap but environmentally
An independent institution – the Sustainable Energy unfriendly Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO).
Development Agency (SEDA) - will be established under the,
as a focal point for sustainable energy development and In October, Power Cell sought proposals for the 50 MW
promotion. The SEDA Board will comprise representatives of Sikalbaha plant which is to be expanded to 100 MW in the
stakeholders, including the business community, academics, future. While rental power is costlier than conventionally
NGOs, financial institutions and implementing agencies. The produced power, this project - to be implemented in six
government and SEDA, in consultation with the BERC will months after signing of the contract - was deemed necessary
create a regulatory framework to encourage generation of due to the severe power crisis in Chittagong.
electricity from renewable energy sources.
The cell floated the tender seeking offers for both diesel and
Renewable energy projects will be required to obtain power HFO-based power plants although the price of diesel is much
generation licenses from the BERC if the capacity of the higher than that of HFO. Three bidders chose HFO and three
projects are 5MW or more. A network of micro-credit support chose diesel. Royce won the bid based on its pricing of
systems will be established, especially in rural and remote power.
areas, to provide financial support for the purchase of
renewable energy equipment.

http://www.thefinancialexpress- Karnaphuli gas co to start operation

operation by month-
month-end The Daily Star, December 03, 2008

Hearing on Petrobangla-
Petrobangla-Chevron dispute deferred
deferred by 5 The framing of an appropriate legal structure is at its final
months stage to set up a separate gas distribution entity, the
The Financial Express, December 04, 2008 'Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company' to facilitate the
smooth distribution of gas in greater Chittagong and CHT
The hearing on the dispute between the state-owned areas by the end of this month.
Petrobangla and the US-based oil company Chevron over
the four per cent wheeling charge has been deferred for five The government had published a gazette notification on 17
months. The hearing was deferred on Chevron's request to November for the restructuring of Bakharabad Gas Systems
the arbitration court – the International Centre for Settlement Ltd (BGSL) with an aim to help the gas industry improve
of Investment Dispute (ICSID) in the Hague. service standards of different companies through
coordination under Petrobangla. The newly formed company
AT Capital Weekly Update 20
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
would start providing gas connections for the gas-based cent conditionally. Also in an attempt to bring transparency in
industrial units on a priority basis by the end of the month the activities of Petrobangla, a number of orders were also
and complete the connections by June next year. issued. Petrobangla will prepare a work plan to realise its
overdue bills. A target will be set to bring down the arrear bills equivalent to two months' bills by fiscal year 2011.
Before making any appeal for increasing gas price
Bakhrabad Gas posts BDT 5.9bn (USD 85.7mn) net profit Petrobangla cannot have any overdue bill more than three
The Daily Star, December 02, 2008 months old. The commission ordered that Petrobangla
prepare a report on the basis of an average gas price and it
Bakhrabad Gas Systems (BGSL) earned a net profit of BDT would come into effect from July 1, 2009. The procedure of
5.9bn (USD 85.7mn) during the financial year 2007-08. The preparing the report has to be informed to the commission by
company earned BDT 14.60bn (USD 21.21mn) from sales of May 1, 2009. Petrobangla has also been asked to prepare a
2,826.75 million cubic meter of gas and paid BDT 6.49bn service quality programme for its subsidiary companies. This
(USD 9.43mn) to the government exchequer. programme includes discipline in providing connections,
necessary monitoring, addressing subscribers' complaints
The company has surpassed its target set for pipeline and steps for maintaining proper gas pressure.
construction and gas connections in FY 2007-08. BGSL
constructed a total of 227.38 km of network pipeline during
the year, which is 29.9 percent higher than targeted,
providing 38,514 gas connections against a target of 28,385. Insurance

The company has set a future target for constructing 150 km Separate company
company for launching crop insurance suggested
of network pipeline and providing 25,000 new gas The Financial Express, Sunday 30 November, 2008
connections in the next financial year. Keeping pace with the
present development trend, necessary actions have been The commerce ministry has suggested forming a separate
taken to facilitate gas supply to Karnaphuli, the Korean EPZ company under the public sector to introduce crop insurance.
at Chittagong and four small private sector power stations in Stating the introduction of crop insurance policy as highly
the BGSL franchise area. challenging, the ministry said in a 'position paper' that only a
dedicated and separate insurance company could
Furthermore, necessary steps have been taken to supply gas successfully introduce such policies by offering a portion of
to the 150MW Shikalbaha Power Station and the 150 MW the premium as subsidy. The paper was prepared following
Chandpur Power Plant of Bangladesh Power Development an instruction from the Bangladesh Better Business Forum
Board. With the completion of these projects, the gas supply (BBFF). BBFF, a public-private body formed to make
in BGSL franchise area will be increased, and revenues are recommendations to the interim government, said millions of
also expected to simultaneously increase. the country's farmers remain vulnerable to frequent natural
calamities in the absence of crop insurance policy.
In 2007 alone, local farmers lost rice worth USD 600mn in
No gas price hike for now consecutive floods in July-September period and a cyclone
The Daily Star, December 01, 2008 Sidr in November. The BBFF said crop insurance is essential
as the country's 48.1% workforce is still dependent on
Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) has agriculture sector that accounted for more than 20% of the
announced that gas price will not be increased for the time gross domestic product (GDP) in 2007-08. Referring to the
being. Indian state-owned Agricultural Insurance Company and its
role in running insurance policies among the farmers, the
According to the BERC Chairman Mr. Golam Rahman, they paper said the Indian experience can be replicated in
may consider increasing the price by 10 to 15 per cent if Bangladesh. Last year the World Bank suggested that the
Petrobangla met two conditions - firstly, a Gas Development government explore the feasibility of introducing a
Fund should be formed by the state-run corporation, and commercial index based on weather insurance. The
secondly, the fund should be used for future gas exploration Washington-based multilateral agency said rural small
by Petrobangla or other local companies. businesses and farmers are unable to play their due role in
growth and employment generation due to limited access to
Petrobangla said it raised the gas price latest on July 1, 2005 rural finance.
and they need to increase the price for investment in the gas
sector. It said Petrobangla now gets 52 per cent of the price Insurance sector experts said Bangladesh is among the few
of gas produced by the local companies and 48 per cent in countries in this region, which has tried to introduce crop
the case of international oil companies (IOCs). insurance in the past without any major breakthrough.
Sadharan Bima Corporation (SBC), the state-owned
They buy 1,000 cubic feet gas from the IOCs for about BDT insurance agency, was entrusted with the implementation of
230 (USD 3.34) compared to the government-fixed selling a pilot project on crop insurance since 1979. The
rate is BDT 92.84 (USD 1.35). Due to the difference, the implementation of a research-oriented government
accumulated fund deficit stands at BDT 19.05bn (USD supported project involving the private insurance sector was
27.67mn). abandoned in 1995.

However, following the hearing with various stakeholders, http://www.thefinancialexpress-

the BERC decided to increase the gas price by 10 to 15 per

AT Capital Weekly Update 21
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
Pharmaceuticals raised from any Bangladeshi scheduled bank or financial
institution for the investment. The licensed mobile phone
Popular Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceuticals signs deal with Panacea operators, broadband operators, shareholders of the mobile
phone companies, BWA Operators in Bangladesh will not be
Popular Pharmaceuticals has signed an agreement for eligible to apply for this licence.
technology transfer, marketing and distribution of vaccines
with Panacea Biotec, a WHO accredited vaccine
manufacturing company. Panacea Biotec exports its vaccine
for EPI coverage in Bangladesh. Popular has already Textiles
invested to build a world-class vaccine manufacturing plant
in Tongi. Every year approximately 4mn children receive Demand for BD’s RMG up in Sweden
vaccines through EPI for six common diseases with most of The Financial Express, Saturday, December 6, 2008
the vaccines being imported. Local manufacturing of
vaccines can make the country self reliant in vaccine Demand for Bangladeshi garments in Sweden is growing
production and ensure low cost EPI coverage. gradually as consumers in Europe now prefer cheaper
apparels with Bangladeshi products being cheaper than that
http://www.thefinancialexpress- of other countries like China, according to officials of H&M. The Swedish H&M (Hennes & Mauritz AB), Europe's second
largest buyer of Bangladeshi garments, imports apparel from
Telecoms different countries including China, Mauritius and Turkey for
selling through more than 1,000 H&M retail shops in 34
BTRC rolls out telecom network guidelines countries across the globe. About 32% of Bangladeshi
The Daily Star, Monday December 1, 2008 exportable knit products are imported by company H&M.
Bangladesh has so far this year supplied some 120mn
pieces of knit products worth about USD 300mn and 50mn
NTTN Fees & Charges pieces of woven worth about USD 250mn to the H&M. Due to
Application Fee BDT 50,000(USD 729) the financial meltdown, H&M looking to lower prices from
suppliers. The volume of orders to Bangladesh will not fall,
Licence Acquisition Fee BDT 30mn(USD 0.44mn)
according to H&M officials. H&M pays USD 2.5 per unit to
Annual Licance Fee BDT 0.25mn(USD 3,645) the Bangladeshi knitwear products and USD 4.5 per unit for
the woven goods on average.
0% For First Year
1% for second & Third Year
Gross Revenue Sharing http://www.thefinancialexpress-
2% For Fourth & Fifth Year
3% from sixth Year

Performance Bank Guarantee BDT 100mn(USD 1.45mn) Knit village seen essential for standing sector in good stead
The Financial Express, Thursday, December 4, 2008
The Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory
Commission (‘BTRC’) has announced a set of guidelines for Experts have urged that knit villages comprising knitwear
a telecom network in an effort to minimise the waste of industries have to ensure environmental benefits through the
national resources from developing individual networks. setting up of effluent treatment plants (ETPs). Manufacturers
According to the guidelines, private entrepreneurs -- both should focus on high value-added products as the prices of
local and local-foreign joint ventures -- can develop, build, products abroad are declining fast, they added. Lauding the
operate and maintain a National Telecommunications Knit Village move by local entrepreneurs, the experts said
Transitions Network (NTTN) to provide services for licensed that such clusters of villages will allow the inclusion of ETP
operators. facilities on the factory premises and also help address
compliance issues. The setting up of cluster villages of
NTTN licensees will not be allowed to provide knitwear products will help the local products graduate from
telecommunication services directly to users. ANS (Access the existing low-end to high-end products, they added. This
Network Service) operators and licensed telecom operators type of zone might also address the income disparity
can use the NTTN resources to provide telecommunication between the eastern and western regions of the country.
services for users. ANS operators include PSTN, cellular,
cable service providers and broadband service providers, http://www.thefinancialexpress-
ISPs and others who provide telecom services directly to
users. According to the guidelines, NTTN licensees will have
to follow a rollout obligation to take the network up to sub- Knitwear machinery trade feels pinch of global financial
district headquarters. meltdown
The Financial Express, Wednesday, December 3, 2008
In line with the guidelines, foreign shareholding is limited to a
maximum of 60 percent. The foreign partner will have to The global financial meltdown along with the shortage of
invest in foreign currency directly, equal to his percentage of energy supply is taking its toll on the sale and import of
ownership. No loan from any Bangladeshi financial knitwear machinery as the knitwear manufacturers are
institutions such as bank and leasing company can be raised holding off on larger investments due to higher interest costs.
for the foreign part of the investment. For NRBs (non- The leading machinery suppliers have reported a significant
resident Bangladeshis), BTRC has approved a maximum of downtrend in sales over the past six months. The
70 percent of investment. The NRB investment must be manufacturers are now less confident in making large
made directly in foreign currency and no bank loan can be investments like buying new industrial machinery due to the
AT Capital Weekly Update 22
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH
reduced bank support they are receiving. With the recent
energy price hike and the prevailing energy shortage, the
proper operation and maintenance of the machinery and
equipment has become a tougher.


RMG industry to grow despite

despite recession, says French
The New Age, Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A senior French trade diplomat joined the optimists who

predict that due to its reliability and concentration on low-end
supplies, Bangladesh’s readymade garment industry will
grow during the economic recession in developed countries.
France, the fourth largest market of “made-in-Bangladesh”
garments, will also be importing more and more from
Bangladesh, he added. He also said that global importers
now consider Bangladeshi suppliers as very reliable,
especially for delivering large volumes of orders in time. He
however cautioned that if the global economic recession
prolongs and deepens, Bangladeshi exporters might be
affected in the long run. The diplomat also said that besides
readymade garment, Bangladesh has enormous global
market opportunities with some of its emerging industries,
like pharmaceuticals, shipbuilding, information technology-
enabled services and agro-processing industries. Many
French companies, including “Lafarge Cement” and “Total
Gas”, were operating their business satisfactorily in
Bangladesh, but new entrants has faced some difficulties. He
referred to a recent suspension of license of a French-owned
shipping line operator in Bangladesh.


Chief Advisor brands Bangladesh

The Daily Star, Sunday December 7, 2008

Chief Advisor Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed launched the first

country branding logo for Bangladesh. The logo includes a
rising sun above waves of seawater with the slogan
"Beautiful Bangladesh" beneath. Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed
stated that country branding is important to attract more
tourists and foreign investments to the county.

Emphasising the need for country branding, the Chief

Advisor said the thousand-year heritage of the country, its
people, quality of its goods and services could be taken
under a single brand. The country branding represents not
one segment but all the sectors and the population as a
whole, said Fakhruddin.

The image of the country considerably lies on tourism

branding, and tourism itself could be developed by branding
and promotion, said Mahbub Jamil, the Chief Advisor's
special assistant for civil aviation and tourism.

AT Capital Weekly Update 23
07 December 2008 AT CAPITAL RESEARCH

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AT Capital Weekly Update 24

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