TSL 3106 Semester Planner Jan 2013

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TSL 3106: Teaching Reading Skills and Vocabulary in the Primary ESL Classroom

Minggu/ Tarikh M1 4/1/12 6/1/12 Tajuk dan Kandungan Briefing of the course structure, coursework and assessment Kuliah (2 Jam) Explain the course structure, coursework and assessment Tutorial (1 Jam) ISL (2 Jam) Surf the internet for definition, aims and purposes of reading

Form tutorial groups and Formation of tutorial groups and microteaching groups microteaching groups M1 4/1/12 6/1/12 Discuss the definition Discuss differences and importance of between intensive and reading. Expose entensive reading and students to reading for effects they have on Definition of pleasure and general reading. reading language improvement. Discuss about factors Aims and purpose Introduce to types of that would encourage of reading reading reading among students reading aloud, Types of reading intensive reading - reading aloud (role of a teacher, - intensive comprehension reading task, limit on -extensive reading vocabulary check) Reading extensive reading readiness and (graded readers and factors influencing reading task reading Identify factors influencing reading Introduction to Reading in the Primary School Surf the internet for additional information on types of reading and reading readiness.

M2 9/1/12 13/1/12

Theoretical Models Definition of bottom-up Discuss how the Write personal of Reading response to the and top-down & activities that promote interactive model* bottom-up and top-down reading sessions Bottom-up reading & interactive Activities that promote model* can be promoted Surf the internet for Top-down bottom-up and top-down additional information in class reading & interactive Interactive Model* model* Approaches to Teach Reading Sight word Language experience Phonics Expose students to sight word, language experience and phonics Introduce how the approaches could be used in class Discuss how the differences between the approaches and how it can be used in the class Find examples on classroom activities that are based on the approaches.

M3 16/1/12 20/1/12

M4 23/1/12 27/1/12

Chinese New Year Break 23 & 24 Jan.

M5 30/1/12 3/2/12

Reading Skills in the Malaysian Primary School English Language Curriculum Reading Skills

Reading skills used in - The use of wh-questions In pairs, students understanding the text: to help develop the skills choose a text and
Skim for main ideas Scan for specific information and to locate keywords of skimming and scanning identify the main among the students in ideas and primary school. information.

Minggu/ Tarikh

Tajuk dan Kandungan Skimming Scanning Reading Comprehension Skills Reading for main ideas and supporting details Inferencing, predicting and drawing conclusion Sequencing Cause and Effect Synthesizing Evaluating

Kuliah (2 Jam)

Tutorial (1 Jam) Prepare a suitable activity to develop reading comprehension skills among primary school pupils. Prepare a suitable activity to develop response to the text and reading comprehension skills among primary school pupils.

ISL (2 Jam)

Read a variety of texts and develop a range of comprehension skills Identifying main ideas and supporting details Making inferences Predicting outcomes

Drawing conclusions Sequencing Cause and effect relationships Synthesizing

In pairs students choose at least one suitable text to develop reading comprehension skills by constructing whquestions which involve critical thinking.

Evaluating Discuss/ revise: principles of lesson planning The format of the lesson plan. Objectives/learning outcomes Stages and activities in each stage: pre, while and post reading. Suggested activities: In groups, compile a list of the following and present them: - Reading activities - vocabulary activities - Integrated reading and vocabulary activities. Briefly describe how to conduct reading and vocabulary activities. Identify the stages in the sample of reading comprehension lesson. Prepare suitable activities for pre, while and post reading comprehension lesson. Individually, read ELT Methodology (Chitravelu, 2005) page 127-130. Based on your reading, draw a graphic organizer. Read Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (2003). Kurikulum Baru Sekolah Rendah (KBSR) Bahasa Inggeris and KSSR

M6 6/2/12 10/2/12

Lesson planning for lower primary and upper primary class I Format Objectives stages

M7 13/2/12 17/2/12

Stages of a Reading Comprehension Lesson Pre-reading While-Reading Post-Reading

Input on the stages of a reading comprehension lesson. Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading

In pairs, prepare suitable Input on purposes for Stages of Literacy each stage of a reading activity for literacy hour. Hour comprehension lesson Whole class shared text Input on stages of Whole class literacy hour. shared sentence/word Input on purposes of work literacy hour. Guided Reading Independent Work Plenary Purposes and Activities for Each Stage of a Reading Comprehension Lesson and Literacy Hour M8 20/2/12 24/2/12 Reading Aloud Skills Enunciation Pronunciation Importance of Reading Aloud Discuss the importance of reading aloud for Activities for developing reading aloud skills for primary school pupils.

Individually, find notes on stages of literacy hours. Read and highlight the important points.

In pairs students choose at least one suitable text to develop reading

Minggu/ Tarikh

Tajuk dan Kandungan Stress Intonation Rhythm

Kuliah (2 Jam) young learners Read aloud strategies to develop reading aloud skills Discuss the strategies and the dos and donts Reading a text with the correct intonation and stress is important to understand a text better.

Tutorial (1 Jam)

ISL (2 Jam) comprehension skills by constructing whquestions which involve critical thinking.

Selecting,Adapting and Producing Activities and Materials for Developing Reading Aloud and Comprehensio n Skills Readability Understanding the text Context requires both reading aloud and comprehension skills. - How to help pupils read with adequate understanding of the text. How to use context to understand text. M9 27/2/12 2/3/12 Techniques for Teaching Vocabulary Word attack skill Contextual clues Visuals Mime, actions and gestures Dictionary Games

Producing activities and materials for developing reading aloud and comprehension skills.

In groups, produce activities and materials for developing reading aloud and comprehension skills.

Discuss the techniques of teaching vocabulary. Develop word attack skills - Recognizing syllable pattern - When to use capital letters - Prefixes and sufixes - Punctuation and how it affects reading for meaning Contextual clues - Derive meaning through contextual clues Visuals -words supported with visuals for meaning Mime, actions and gestures -important for primary ESL school children Dictionary skills - How to develop dictionary skills Games

Students come up with activities for the different techniques in teaching vocabulary.

In groups students collect materials and activities from various sources for the teaching of vocabulary.

M10 5/3/12 9/3/12

Selecting, Adapting Discuss techniques and and producing activities for teaching Activities and vocabulary. Materials for Teaching of vocabulary Developing includes meaning, sound Vocabulary and written word. Frequency Context

In groups, design at least one activity for the techniques discussed in teaching vocabulary. Present your groups activities. Provide peer evaluation and feedback.

Collect activities from various sources for developing vocabulary.

Minggu/ Tarikh M11 12/3/12 16/3/12 M12 19/3/12 23/3/12 M13 26/3/12 30/3/12

Tajuk dan Kandungan MID SEMESTER BREAK SBE 3 ELECTIVE 1 LGA Lesson planning for lower primary and upper primary class Format Objectives stages

Kuliah (2 Jam)

Tutorial (1 Jam)

ISL (2 Jam)

Analyse the format of a lesson plan and stages of a lesson by referring to samples of lesson plans on teaching reading

In groups, select one lesson plan and analyse the suitability of the following: - format - Objectives/Learning outcomes - Stages and activities in each of the stage. Justify your answer and present the analysis. Microteaching Stages of microteaching sessions Review and discussion of teaching sessions Feedback and reflection Microteaching Stages of microteaching sessions Review and discuss teaching sessions. Feedback and reflection Microteaching Stages of microteaching sessions Review and discuss teaching sessions. Feedback and reflection Suggested activities: Design the following to assess reading skills and vocabulary: - Multiple Choice Questions -Cloze test -Text Completion -Summary -Information transfer Present the workshop materials to assess reading skills and vocabulary.

Read Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (2003). Kurikulum Baru Sekolah Rendah (KBSR) Bahasa Inggeris and KSSR

M14 2/4/12 6/4/12

Microteaching Implementation Feedback and Reflection

How to write a lesson plan to teach reading with suitable activities including remedial and enrichment activities. Refer to theme suggested in the school curriculum. Microteaching Stages of microteaching sessions Review and discuss teaching sessions. Feedback and reflection Microteaching Stages of microteaching sessions Review and discuss teaching sessions. Feedback and reflection

Individually, compile notes on activities for teaching reading and vocabulary for lower and upper primary class.

M15 9/4/12 13/4/12

Microteaching Implementation Feedback and Reflection

Individually, compile lesson plans on the teaching of reading and vocabulary for lower and upper primary class Individually, compile lesson plans on the teaching of reading and vocabulary for lower and upper primary class Individually, research on topics pertaining to reading skills and vocabulary assessment.

M16 16/4/12 20/4/12

Microteaching Implementation Feedback and Reflection

M17 23/4/12 27/4/12

Techniques for Discussion on purpose of assessing Reading testing reading and Skills and vocabulary. Vocabulary Discussion on techniques for assessing reading skills and vocabulary. Discrete feature test Holistic reading tests

M18 30/4/12 4/5/12

Enrichment and Remedial Reading Activities

General principles Analyse purpose for for remedial and remedial and enrichment enrichment activities. activities Purpose for remedial and enrichment Discuss types of remedial and enrichment activities

Discuss general principles for remedial and enrichment activities.

Conduct a Round Robin discussion on principles and purposes for remedial and enrichment activities.

Design either one remedial or one enrichment activity for presentation

Minggu/ Tarikh

Tajuk dan Kandungan activities Types of activities

Kuliah (2 Jam)

Tutorial (1 Jam)

ISL (2 Jam)

M19 7/5/12 11/5/12 M20 & M21 14/5/12 18/5/12 & 21/5/12 25/5/12



Course Title Course Code Credit Contact Hours Pre-requisite Year Semester Learning Outcomes

Teaching Reading Skills and Vocabulary in the Primary ESL Classroom TSL3106 3(3+0) 45 hours Nil Two One/Two 1. Demonstrate an understanding of reading skills and learning of vocabulary. (2.3) 2. Select, adapt and produce activities and materials for teaching reading and vocabulary. (6.1, 6.3) 3. Plan and teach lessons to develop reading skills and to build a repertoire of vocabulary. (2.3, 6.3) 4. Use appropriate assessment techniques and strategies to assess reading skills and vocabulary. (2.4)


This course focuses on an introduction to reading and vocabulary in the primary school, theoretical models of reading, techniques and strategies to develop reading skills and vocabulary, selecting, adapting and producing reading and vocabulary activities and materials, assessment of reading skills and vocabulary, lesson planning, microteaching and reflection.

Assessment Main References

Coursework Final Examination

50% 50%

Brown, H.D. (2001). Teaching by Principles : An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (2 th. ed.). New York: Longman. Chitravelu, N., Sithamparam, S. & Teh S.C. (2005). ELT Methodolgy : Principles and Practice (2nd. ed.). Shah Alam: Fajar Bakti. Hudson, T. (2007). Teaching Second Language Reading. Oxford: OUP. Nation, I.S.P. (2008). Teaching Vocabulary: Strategies & Techniques. Boston: Heinle Cengage Learning. Silverstein, S (2003). Techniques and Resources in Teaching Reading. Oxford:OUP Thornbury, S. (2002). How to Teach Vocabulary. England: Pearson Education Ltd. Tompkins, G.E. & Blanchfield, C. (2004). Teaching Vocabulary. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. (2003). Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 1. Kuala Lumpur: DBP.

Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. (2003). Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 2 Kuala Lumpur: DBP. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. (2003). Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 3. Kuala Lumpur: DBP. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. (2003). Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 4. Kuala Lumpur: DBP. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. (2003). Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5. Kuala Lumpur: DBP. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. (2003). Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 6. Kuala Lumpur: DBP. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. (2003). Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah (KBSR) Bahasa Inggeris. Kuala Lumpur: DBP. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. (2010). Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR) Bahasa Inggeris. Kuala Lumpur: DBP. Additional References Burns, B. (2001). Guided Reading: A How to For All Grades. Pearson Professional Development. Chitravelu, N., Sithamparam, S. & Teh S.C. (2005). ELT Methodolgy: Principles and Practice (2nd. ed.). Shah Alam: Fajar Bakti Cohen, L. et. al. (2004). A Guide to Teaching Practice. London: RoutledgeFalmer. Farris, P.J. , Fuhler, C.J. & Walther, M.P. (2004). Teaching Reading. A Balanced Approach for Todays Classroom. McGraw Hill. Flippo, F. (2003). Assessing Readers. Qualitative Diagnosis and Instruction. Heinemann. Gregory, E. (2008). Learning to Read in a New Language. SAGE Publications Ltd. Education Department of Western Australia. (2008). First Steps. Reading Map of Development. 2nd Edition Pearson Education. Education Department of Western Australia. (2008). First Steps. Reading Resource Book. 2nd Edition Pearson Education. Martin, T., Puvat, C. & Purnell, G. (2004). The Really Useful Literacy Book. Being Creative with Literacy in the Primary Classroom. New York: RoutledgeFalmer. Morgan, J. & Rinvolucri, M. (2004). Vocabulary. (2nd ed.) Oxford: Oxford University Press. Nicholson,T. (2005). The Phonics Handbook. Whurr Publishers Ltd. Read, J. (2000). Assessing Vocabulary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Schmitt, N. (2000). Vocabulary in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Shameem, R.G. (ed.) (2004). ELT Teaching Materials: Theory and Practice. Petaling Jaya: Sasbadi. Shanker, J.L. & Cockrum, W.A. (2009). Locating and Correcting Reading Difficulties. Pearson Education. Temple, T., Ogle,D., Crawford, A. & Freppon,P. (2005). All Children Read. Teaching for Literacy in Todays Diverse Classroom. Pearson Education.

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