Cell To Switch Assinment

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Cell to switch assignment in UMTS


1. Introduction

1.1 Introduction to the wireless cellular network (WCN)
1.2 Evolution of WCN
1.3 Introduction to First generation
1.4 Introduction to Second generation
1.5 Introduction to third generation
1.6 Handoff


2. Literature survey

2.1 Handoff in PCN
2.2 Complex handoff
2.3 Simple handoff
2.4 Handoff in UMTS
2.5 Horizontal and vertical handoff in overlay network
2.6 Complex and Simple handoff in UMTS
2.7 Cell two Switch Assignment
2.8 Single homing
2.9 Dual homing
2.10 Cost function generation for Single homing cell to switch assignment in
2.11 Cost function generation for Dual homing cell to switch assignment in
2.12 single homing in UMTS
2.13 Dual Homing in UMTS
2.14 Heuristic method
2.15 Tabu search

3. Future work 24
4. Reference 25


1. Introduction
Over the recent years, telecommunication has been a fast growing industry. Because it draws a
great deal of attention since it was introduced. Several warless technologies were developed in
different times. They have different characteristics and different applications.
Before going into detail of cell to switch assignment for UMTS network, however, it is
appropriate to review mobile communication in general, as well as first and second generation
The first generation mobile system was introduce in 1978 in Chicago as Advanced Mobile Phone
Services (AMPS), operating in 800-MHz and again it re-launch in 1983 for public use in Chicago.
Meanwhile many other country introduce their own 1
generation mobile system, so, at a gross
generation system experience success far greater than anyone had expected. But the main
problem with the 1
generation technology is its limited capacity.
Unlike 1
generation system which is analog 2
generation comes with digital system. The
most successful 2
generation technologies are
1. Interim Standard 136 (IS-136) TDMA.
2. IS-95 CDMA
3. Global System for Mobile communication (GSM)
In third generation mobile system comes under 3GPP group. UMTS support high speed data as
well as voice communication that is why it is a popular chooses among people.
So as the demand increases services provider need to increases their services area. So there is a
cost for routing the call through their company network and which they have to bear.
Throughout this article, how could a services provider can minimize the cost associated with
the call routing through their network by optimally assigning its cells and switches, is disused


1.1 Introduction to Wireless Cellular Networks (WCN)
The WCN is a telephone system which provides wireless connection to a large number of users
over a large geographical area with a limited frequency spectrum. In WCN, the whole converge
area is divided into a number of hexagonal cells so that the same radio channels may be reused
by another base station located some distance away
Now, each cell contains a base station, a fixed station in a mobile radio system used for radio
communication with mobile stations ,Base stations are located at the center or on the edge of a
coverage region and consist of radio channels and transmitter and receiver antennas mounted
on a tower [1]. So base stations are the responsible for channel allocation of the users in that
particular cell. A portion of the total number of available channels is allocated to each BSC and
ne nearby BSCs is assigned different groups of channels so that there is no interference
between neighboring BSCs. channels of each BSC are well separated so the simultaneous
communication is possible and this increase the capacity. Spectrum reuse technique protects
the services provider from buying more spectrum band which is too costly.

A group of cell is connected with a switch which is known as MSC or mobile switch center,
Switching center which coordinates the routing of calls in a large service area. In a cellular
radio system, the MSC connects the cellular base stations and the mobiles to the PSTN. An MSC
is also called a mobile telephone switching office (MTSO).[1] So basically MSC routed the call
trough out the company network. MSC is interconnected with the PSTN via Landline trunks line
and a switch. The inter communication between MSC is done by some dedicated channel for
exchanging of information like location update, validation, cell signaling information shown in
fig.1. In cellular telephone systems, voice traffic carried on the PSTN and the signaling
information is carried on the SS7 network. MSC is also connected with HLR (home location
register) i.e. it keeps track of the user of that particular MSC or cells. MSC is also connected
with VLR (visitor location resistor) and AuC(Authentication center) .by this MSC can keep track
the new subscriber in that cell and authenticated him or her

The global cellular network is required to keep track of all mobile users that are register
throughout the network. So that it is possible to forward incoming calls to rooming users at any
location. When the user roams the new market with completely new service provider the
wireless network must register the new user and cancel the previous one for the sleek of the
routing calls through the new network because it is in different MSC coverage area.

So from the previous discursion we can see that whenever one user moving from one cell to
other cell a new channel is allocated for that particular user. Before BSC allocated some channel
MSC must aware about the call and then finally handed over that call from one cell to another

Fig.1. Block diagram of a cellular radio network [1]
1.2 Evaluation of WCN
WCN has gradually improved since it was initiated as most advanced technologies have been
introduced. The demand of WCN increases with rapid worldwide growth in cellular telephone
subscribers. The wide spread success of WCN has led to the development of advanced WCN

1.3 First Generation (1G)
This is the one of the most prolific voice communication platforms that has been deployed
within the last two decades. In this generation some key concept employed in wireless
communication such as
1. Frequency reuse
2. Mobility of the subscriber
3. Handoff
There are several 1
generations mobile system were develop but among them two most
popular system was advance mobile phone system (AMPS) & total access communication
services (TACS).


Base Tx MHZ 869-894 935-960
Base Rx MHZ 824-849 890-915
Multiple access method FDMA FDMA
Modulation FM FM
Radio channel spacing KHZ 30 25
Number channels 832 1000
Spectrum allocation MHZ 50 50
Comparative study between AMPS and TACS

So as discus previously BSCs are connected with MSCs and two MSCs connected with the land
line via PSTN & for signaling porous SS7 was there. HLR, VLR and AuC are there for user
registration and authentication
Some key features of 1
generation architecture is
Analog traffic channel.
Frequency modulation (FM) technique is used.
Operated on FDMA/FDD.

It can handle only voice signal
Use circuit switching
MSC serves
- Call processing
- Power control
- Hand off control
- Billing
The main disadvantages are
Very low in capacity
High load on MSC
1.4 Second generation (2G)

Second generation design is generalize used to describe the advantage of the digital mobile
communication for cellular mobile system.
The issues regarding 2G deployment are as follows:
Spectrum utilization
Infrastructure change
Subscriber unit upgrades
Subscriber upgrade penetration rates
The fundamental binding issues with 2G are the utilization of digital radio technology for
transporting the information content.
The digital techniques for cellular communication can be deviled into two major groups, AMPS
and TACS. For AMPS TDMA or CDMA are use for TACS GSM is preferred. Other then
AMPS/TACS, IDEN radio access platform is available and in the SMR (specializes mobile redio)
band, which is neither cellular nor PCS. In the table below represent some of the specification
of different technology used in second generation WCN




Base Tx MHZ 869-894 869-894 925-960
Base Rx MHZ

824-849 869-894 880-915
Multiple Access

Modulation Pi/4DPSK QPSK .3 GMSK
Radio Channel
Spacing KHZ

30 1.25 200
Users /Channel 3 64 8
Number Channels

832 9(A)

Spectrum Allocation

50 50 50
Comparative study for different technology

From the fig.3 we can see that one ISDN (Integrated System Digital Network) is connected with
GMSC (Gateway MSC) for data communication.

Some key features are
Digital network
Use digital voice coding
Digital modulation
Higher Capacity
Higher security
Caller identification , short Massaging Service(SMS)
It is designed to provide voice & other data services.
Operated on TDMA/FDD or CDMA/FDD.
Network controlling structure is more distributed
Hand off process is mobile control (MAHO).
Introduce Base Station Controller(BSC)
Higher Mobility
Lower power radio signal require.

1.5 Third generation (3G)
Analog cellular phones were the first generation while digital marked the second generation.
3G is loosely defined, but generally includes high data speeds, always-on data access, and
greater voice capacity. The high data speeds are possibly the most prominent feature and
currently most hyped. They enable such advanced features as a live streaming video
3G and all it is meant to be are defined in ITU specification International Mobile
Telecommunication- 2000 (IMT-2000). IMT-2000 is a radio and network access specification
defining several method or technology platforms that meet the overall goals of the
When the International Telecommunication Union solicited solutions meet the requirement
laid down for IMT-2000, a number of technology were proposed by various stander groups.

The European Telecommunications Stander Institute (ETSI) agreed on a WCDMA solution using
FDD. In Japan, WCDMA solution is also proposed, with both TDD and FDD option. In Korea two
different type of CDMA solution were proposed. So a number of groups working on the very
similar technology and it were fairly obvious that the most effective way forward was pool
resource. This led to the creation of two group 3GPP (Third generation partnership project) :
works on UMTS and other one is 3GPP2 works on CDMA200 .

UMTS is aimed to be a system capable of providing a variety of mobile services (up to 2 Mbps)
offered by (dedicated) paging, cordless, and cellular Communications systems separately. UMTS
is to be operational in domestic, business, vehicular, and (multi-operator) public environments.

For UMTS architecture two new units are added, those are RNC (Radio Network Controller):
between BSC and MSC & SGSN (serving GPRS support node): work as an internet gate way
The major tasks of RNCs:
management of radio resources
channelization code allocation
QoS monitoring
handover of users between cells on the same site (softer handover)
handover of users between cells on different sites (soft handover)
handover of users between different UMTS carriers (hard handover)
handover of users to GSM networks (hard handover)
power control management of user and Node B equipment
network alarm correlation


The optimal cellular architecture is determined by traffic and mobility characteristics. In a
certain cover- age area the traffic and mobility characteristics are varying. Rather than defining
a conventional cellular architecture to cope with this mixed traffic, a mixed cell layout
consisting of an over levering of micro and Pico cells by macro (umbrella) cells is being
considered [2]. The following advantages are foreseen:

highly mobile traffic may be allocated to macro cells thus reducing the handover
signaling load
Macro cells can cover black spots not covered by Pico or micro cells
Macro cells introduce some redundancy thus increasing system availability
Macro cells can accommodate. for microcell handover failures

The disadvantage of macro cells is reduced spectrum efficiency.

Fig.5. micro and umbrella cell [1]
So the some key feature of 3G:
Generate one world standards.
CDMA use as air interface.
Provide better system capacity both in terms of user & bandwidth
Support multimedia services with high speed.
o Telephony(voice)
o Internet
o Location service
o Video conferencing

o Live streaming
Better Power Control.
1.6 Handoff

From the figure we can see that cell-1, 2 are connected with MSC-1 and cell-4,3 are connected
with MSC-2. Now consider some subscriber is moving from cell-1 to cell-4 while taking with
someone over phone (that call is now served by BSC-1). Now, BSC-1 can measure the signal
strength of that call & inform MSC-1 about it. MSC-1 has also knowledge about the signal
strength of cell-1 and cell-4. So, when ever MSC-1 can sense that the signal strength of that
particular call goes down below some pre define threshold and simultaneously the signals
strength of cell-4 became more prominent, MSC-1 can understand that the vehicle is now
entering cell-4 and BSC-1 cannot serve that call. So for the sleek of continuing the call MSC-1
transfers all the data regarding that call to MSC-2. MSC-2 registers the subscriber and finally
BSC-2 allocated some channel.
So, in short MSC-1 handed over that call from cell-1 to cell-4 and this is known as handoff

2 Literature survey
We were motivated to work in the field of wireless networks as we have gone through some
published literatures. Different types of works were done in this field by many researchers in
different times. Lots of Journals, transaction papers were published and are available in this
context. We got information required to start our work through some literature survey. We
explain about our survey in the following sections

2.1 Handoff in PCN
So in one line the handoff is the process of transferring a mobile station from one channel or
base station to another.
Handoff is broadly divided into two categories- hard handoff and soft handoff. In hard handoff
current resources are released before the new resources are used, that is when two MSCs
involve in handoff. In case of soft handoff the current and new resources are used
simultaneously while handoff takes place, i.e. when handoff occurs between two different cell
but both are connected with same MSC. Handoff can be further divided into intra-cell handoff
and Inter-cell handoff. The soft handoff can also be divided into multi way soft handoff and
softer handoff.

2.2 Complex hand off


As the vehicle move from cell-1 to cell-4, two MSCs involve in the process. So this type of handoff needs
transferring data from one MSC to other MSC so it is respectively costly. This type o f hand off is known
as complex handoff
2.3 Simple handoff

In case of simple handoff, consider the case when vehicle moving from cell-1 to cell-2. In this case as the
both cell are connected with the same MSC, there is no need of data transferring so this type of handoff
is known as simple handoff
In [3] they calculated handoff for PCN like this way .The rate of calls originated in each cell was
generated from a Gamma distribution with mean one and coefficient of variation 0.25. The
holding time of a call within each cell was taken to be exponentially distributed with mean one.
If a cell had IC neighbors, then we divided the range (0, 1) into K+ 1 interval by selecting K
random numbers from a uniform distribution between 0 and 1. The length of the ith interval
represented the probability of handoff from the cell to its ith neighbor for i = 1, 2. . . K at the
end of the holding time. With probability equal to the length of the K+ 1st interval, the call ends

2.4 Handoff in UMTS
UMTS is a 3 layer architected system. In UMTS, there are 3 different types of handover, as follow.

Hard handoff: involving two different MSCs
Soft handoff : involving two different RNCs and both are connected with same MSC
Softer handoff: handoff between two cells connected with same RNC

Fig.11. hard handoff

2.5 Horizontal and Vertical Handoff in Overlay Networks

Fig.12. horizontal and vertical handoff
Horizontal handoff is a system which allows an active user to move between different = access
points (AP) of same network technology without any interruption on the ongoing call. Its
shown in fig.12 Vertical handoff is a system which allows active user to roam between different
wireless networks in wireless overlay network.

Vertical handoff happens between the BSC of different wireless network technologies. there
are two type of vertical handoff describe in [13] ,
- upward vertical handoff
- downward Vertical handoff
When vertical handoff occurs from network with lower cell size and higher bandwidth, it is
called upward vertical handoff. And when it happens to a network of lower cell size and higher
bandwidth from higher cell size and low bandwidth network, then it is called downward Vertical

Vertical handoff may happen between two immediately higher and lower networks or hopping
of an overlay may possible. The downward vertical handoff is less time-critical because it could
always be connected to an upper layer while handoff takes place.

2.6 Complex and simple handoff in UMTS
Some Literatures [9] describe this type of handoff in UMTS network for making an analogy with
PCN simple and complex handoff.

- Simple handoff: in this type of hand off both soft and softer handoff included. In this
type of handoff two RNCs or two BSC may involve but both are connected with same
MSC & SGSN. So this is basically horizontal handoff
- Complex handoff: in this type of handoff hard hand off is included. so this is basically it is
vertical type of handoff
2.7 Cell to switch assignment
In [5], Merchant and Sengupta define the problem as We are given a group of cells and a
group of switches (whose locations are known). The problem is to assign the cells to switches in
an optimum manner. We would like to do the assignment in an attempt to minimize a cost
criterion. The cost has two components. One is the cost of handoffs which involve two switches
and the other is the cost of cabling (or trucking).

2.8 Single homing

Fig.13. single home cell to switch assignment

If we have only one user behavior pattern trough out the day then assigning each cell to a
switch would make sense. That Is in this type of arrangement each cell can be assign only one
2.9 Dual homing

Fig.14. dual homing
Consider a situation, say at the evening many subscriber are moving form cell-7 to cell-2 by cell-
8 and cell-8 is connected with MSC-2 and cell-2 & & are connected with MSC-1 (as in the fig.14).
So it would make sense if we connect cell-8 with MSC-1 for that time period. Because it will
reduce the handoff cost i.e. connecting with MSC-1 the handoff between cell-2 and cell-8 and
cell-8 and cell-7 is became simple handoff. So for the evening time cell-8 connects with MSC-1
and rest of the day it connected with MSC-2, i.e. cell-8 connects with two different MSCs but
only one is active in a particular time. So this is known as dual homing.

So, if we have two different users behavior patterns throughout the day then we could assign
each cell to one or two MSCs but only one MSC is active for a particular time is known as dual
homing problem
2.10 Cost function for single homing cell to switch assignment in PCN
In [5], Merchant and Sengupta well define about the cost function .some assumptions are as follow
There are n {1,2,n} cells to be assigned to m{1,2,m} switch
is the handoff cost between cells i & j
be the amortized cost of cabling per unit time for ith cell with kth switch

denote the number of calls that cell i handles per unit time
denote the call handling capacity of switch k
We are interested min. cabal costing as well as cost due to complex handoff. we shall not
consider the simple handoff cause cost due to it respectively chip
Now consider we arrange our cells and switch in some way and it is look like fig.13.
Now define

Constrain on the call handling capacity
For k=1 m (2)
This prove is obvious say consider k=2 then equation (2) shows
I.e. the left hand side of the inequality (3) gives the sum of call handle capacity per unit time of
those cells which are connected with MSC-2 and the RHS shows that the call handling capacity
per unit time for MSC-2 . so it is obvious that for successfully handling a call inequality (2) must
hold true
For I, j=1 n (4)

The cabling cost for ith cell is
1 ' ' ' '
x if cell i is assigned to switch k
i ik k
x M

5 3 4 6 2
M + + + s
1 ' ' &' '
y if i j connected with a common switch
ik ik
C c x


This is also very obvious like (2)
Handoff cost from ith cell can be express as
For proving it 1st notice that

) If i and j are connected with same MSC


) Otherwise
I.e. we eliminate the simple handoff from cost function.

) if there is simple handoff and

if there is complex hand

So the RHS of (6) shows the total cost due to complex handoff from cell i to other cell in the
So the total cost is (7)

2.11 Cost function for dual cell to switch assignment in PCN
According to the principal of double homing, a cell could be connected to one or two switch,
but in each pattern only one switch is active at a time. We must then find two assignment
patterns for each part of the day, by indicating whether it is cost-effective to have a cell
connected to two switches or to have a cell connected with one switch
Some assumptions are
- For some time in a day the parameters are

- For some other time it is

are constant
So we have two single home problem in the cost function but we can/t simply write them side
by side because we may over calculated the cabling cost . So we define ne variable as

(1 )
ij ij
H h y

1 1 1 1
(1 )
n m n n
ik ik ij ij
i k i j
c x h y
= = = =


Here is the or operation
So the cost function is
' '
1 1 1 1 1 1
(1 ) (1 )
ij ij
n m n n n n
ik ik ij ij
i k i j i j
c w h y h y
= = = = = =
+ +


2.12 Single homing in UMTS
The basic problem is that UMTS is three layer, so we cannot simply formulated its cost function
Here complex handoff is hard handoff and soft and softer are called simple handoff as discuss

Fig.15. typical UMTS architecture
The assumptions are
There are I{1,2,n} cells , J{1,2,r} RNC, K{1,2,m} MSCs and L{1,2,s} SGSN
c cabling cost between ith BSC and jth RNC
c cabling cost between jth RNC and Kth MSC
c cabling cost between jth RNC and lth SGSN
w circuit switching cap. For of jth RNC

w packet switching cap. For of jth RNC
w capacity of MSC k
w capacity of SGSN l
f amount of voice traffic of node B
f amount of data traffic of node B
f amount of voice traffic of RNC j
f amount of data traffic of RNC j
h complex handoff involving MSCs
h complex handoff involving two SGSN
So as previously define
x = If I ith BSC is connected with jth MSC
x = Otherwise
x if jthRNCconnect withKthMSC

x if jthRNCconnect withlthSGSN

Also define
1 &
y if both i i conectedwithsameRNC

1 &
y if both j j conectedwithsameMSC

1 &
y if both j j conectedwithsameSGSN

Considering two classes of traffic, the traffic generated by all Nodes Bs connected with RNC j
cannot exceed the RNC capacities in term of voice and data traffic which is expressed as follow

12 12 2
12 12 2
vi ij vj
i I
di ij dj
i I
f x w j J
f x w j J
s e
s e

Similarly, voice traffic from the RNCs to MSC k cannot exceed the MSC capacity, which is
express as follows:
23 23 3
vj jk vk
j J
f x w k K
s e

Also, data traffic from the RNC to SGSN l cannot exceed the SGSN capacity, which is express as
24 24 4
dj jl vl
j J
f x w l L
s e

Like the previous solution we can express our cabling cost in similar way but the only problem is
we shod consider three case BSC RNC, RNC MSC and RNCSGSN
So our cabling cost is
12 12 23 23 24 24
ij ij jk jk jl jl
i I j J j J k K j J l L
C c x c x c x
e e e e e e
= + +

Now in case of handoff cost again we three layer architecture now considering the liner
programming we can express the BSCRNCMSC handoff is as
' '
1 3 12 23
(1 )(1 )
i i
ii ii jj
i I j J i I j J
f h y y
e e e e

Because 1
consider the term
3 12
(1 )
i i
ii ii
i I i I
h y
e e

this is just like PCN network handoff cost

formulation. The only difference is that instead of BSC, MSC connection it is BSC, RNC
connection. Now
(1 )
y is 1 if both the RNC doesnt control by the same RNC.
So the total term is express as like (14)
Similarly for the BSCRNCSGSN, the handoff cost is as
' '
2 4 12 24
(1 )(1 )
i i
ii ii jj
i I j J i I j J
f h y y
e e e e

So the total cost function is express as

' '
' ' ' '
1 2 12 12 23 23 24 24 3 12 23 4 12 24
(1 )(1 ) (1 )(1 )
i i i i
ij ij jk jk jl jl ii ii jj ii ii jj
i I j J j J k K j J l L i I j J i I j J i I j J i I j J
C f f c x c x c x h y y h y y
e e e e e e e e e e e e e e
+ + = + + + +

2.13 Dual homing in UMTS
In case of dual homing in we have two options
We may connect cells with one or two RNC but only one RNC is in action at a time
We may connect RNCs with one or two MSCs and SGSN but only one MSC and SGSN is in
action at a time
In [10] authors are formulated cost function for dual homing in RNC in UMTS network
2.14 Heuristic Method
Assigning cell to switch is like Bin-picking problem in mathematics, so this is NP-hard problem
and can be solve by heuristic method. In [8] authors solve cell to switch assignment problem for
PCN network for both the single & dual home by greedy method & their own describe heuristic.
In [9],[14] authors solve the same problem by Tabu search method. In case of UMTS network
[9],[14] authors solve it by tabu and the use three level Tabu search for getting the better
solution. In [10] they compeer different Meta heuristic technique for giving us better
2.15 Tabu search
Tabu search is an adaptive technique used in combinatorial optimization problem the besic
Tabu search sis as follow
INITIALIZATION: choose an initial solution S in X

: = S (

nbiter: = 0 ( )
bestiter : = 0

T := null (T is Tabu list)
Continue: = true
While Continue do
If (nbiter-bestiter>kmax) or (V-T=null)

Then continue: = false
Else nbiter : = nbiter+1
Generate (N(S) is the neighborhoods of S)
Find the best solution S in

S: = S
Update T


bestiter := nbiter
End if
end while

3 Future work
Solving the cell to switch problem for UMTS network by some Meta heuristic method and also
involve kth step random walk model


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