Oil Council - 2013 Africa Assembly Brochure

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Uniting IOCs, NOCs, and Independents with Finance and Investment to develop African Oil and Gas Internationally



The worlds largest group of Oil and Gas, finance, and investment executives focus their attention on Africa
Industry Leading Speakers Including:

Europes largest Africa focused business meeting, uniting over 800 executives over two days Global participation from IOCs, NOCs, small, mid, and large-cap Independents Focus on E&P funding, deal flow, transactions, corporate development strategies, joint ventures, M&A&D Direct access to leading debt and equity financiers, as well as Private Equity, Venture Capital and Institutional Investors Regional focus sessions covering North, East, South, West and Frontier African Oil and Gas developments, giving you a pan-African understanding of the hottest companies and plays

Annell Bay VP , Global Exploration, Marathon Oil Frank Patterson VP International Exploration, Anadarko

Paul Dailly Senior Vice President, Kosmos

John Hurst COO, Genel Energy

Nick Cooper CEO, Ophir Energy

Ebbie Haan Managing Director, Sasol Petroleum International Paul Atherton CFO, Heritage Oil & Gas

Lead partners:
Marek Karabula President of the Board, POGC Libya

Michael Blaha Executive Chairman, Discover Exploration


Toronto Stock Exchange

TSX Venture Exchange

Toronto Stock Exchange

TSX Venture Exchange

Toronto Stock Exchange

TSX Venture Exchange

Stephen Whyte Executive Director, Exploration and Production, Galp Energia

Bourse de Toronto

Bourse de Croissance TSX

Bourse de Toronto

Bourse de Croissance TSX

Bourse de Toronto

Bourse de Croissance TSX


11 12 June 2013 The Westin Vendme, Paris, France

// Welcome

Executive Summary: The Oil Councils 2013 Africa Assembly

Dear Colleague, Between the 11th and 12th of June in Paris, The Oil Council are delighted to announce the return of the hugely successful Africa Oil and Gas Assembly. The Assembly is a corporate development focused meeting for business leaders to meet and discuss new business development opportunities across the African continent, deal flow and capital emanating to and from the region, and how to successfully access this capital. Built around an international audience, and led by a world-class speaking faculty we will explore the business challenges, financing and investment trends, transactions, and capex plans influencing the continued growth of the continent. A special focus will be on highlighting specific regional challenges, and unlocking the final frontiers of African Oil and Gas. Our audience consists of Management delegations from IOCs, NOCs, and Independent Oil and Gas companies; Managing Directors, EVPs, SVPs of local and global banks, and financial service providers; international private equity and institutional fund managers; Managing Directors from leading energy and management consultancies; Partners from international law firms. As with all Oil Council Assemblies, there will be billions of dollars of investment represented. The format is a two day conference, with keynote presentations and interactive panel discussions from industry experts discussing critical issues, mixed with world class networking opportunities. This event will also include The Oil Councils Annual Summer Dinner, open to all Oil Council Members and Partners, and Speakers and Attendees from the Africa Assembly. The Summer Dinner will take place on the evening of the 11th June and will incorporate the Africa Executive of the Year Award, a Guest of Honour Address, and plenty of networking and entertainment. In consultation with our Partners, we are now finalising our executive speaker faculty for the Assembly addressing the topics on the agenda detailed in latter pages of this brochure. Limited speaking, exhibition, and sponsorship opportunities are still available, and if of interest to you and your company, please dont delay in contacting us. We look forward to discussing how The Oil Council can assist you in achieving your objectives for 2013 and beyond, and welcoming you and your team of senior executives to the meeting. If you require any more information on the Africa Assembly, or any of The Oil Councils other global meetings, please contact us directly. Full contact details can be found at www.oilcouncil.com or later in this brochure. We thank you for your continued support of The Oil Council, and look forward to welcoming you to Paris in June. Yours,

Zara Clarke, Vice President Content, EMEA, The Oil Council

+44 (0) 207 384 8059

+33 (0) 6 75 73 07 48

+27 (0) 21 700 3551

+1 212 813 2954


// Confirmed speakers // Speakers include

Annell Bay

Vice President Global Exploration Marathon Oil

Ebbie Haan

Managing Director Sasol Petroleum International

Frank Patterson

Vice President International Exploration Anadarko Petroleum

Marek Karabula

President of the Board POGC (Polish Oil and Gas Company) Libya

Michael Blaha

Nick Cooper
CEO Ophir Energy

Executive Chairman Discover Exploration

Paul Dailly

Co-Founder and SVP , Exploration Kosmos Energy

Simon Eyers

Managing Director, Energy Investments Warburg Pincus

Albert Gress

Vice President Business Development TransGlobe Energy Corp.

Andrew Benitz

CEO Longreach Oil & Gas

Andy Bartlett

Senior Advisor Oil & Gas Helios Investment Partners

Jrme Halbout
Partner 4D Global Energy Advisors

Jim Guiang

Partner Gondwana Partners and Non-Exec Director South West Energy

Don. Miguel Angel Angue Ondo

Paul Atherton
CFO Heritage Oil

Richard Temple
Partner McCarthy Ttrault

Secretary of State for Industry on behalf of the Minister of Mines, Industry & Energy, Equatorial Guinea

Stephen Whyte

Executive Director Exploration and Production, Galp Energia


John Hurst
COO Africa Genel Energy

Nina Bowyer

Partner Herbert Smith Freehills

+44 (0) 207 384 8059

+33 (0) 6 75 73 07 48

+27 (0) 21 700 3551

+1 212 813 2954

// Speakers

Jide Ikeako

Chief Executive Officer, L J Capital Terranova Ltd

Khalifa Biobaku

Investment Manager, West & Central Africa, Blakeney Management

Christoph Sclichter
SVP Production, North Africa, RWE

Terry Newendorp
CEO, Taylor-DeJongh

Roger Brown

Monica Rovers

Managing Director and Head, Oil & Gas (EMEA), Standard Bank

Head, Business Development - Global Energy, Toronto Stock Exchange

Arsenio Mabote

Chairman Instituto Nacional de Petrleo de Moambique (INP)

Senior representative
Ministry of Mines & Geology, Republic of Guinea

Gachao Kiuna

CEO, Transcentury / Civicon

Ivo Bozon

Director, McKinsey and Company

Gavin Graham

Dr.GachaoKiuna ChiefExecutiveOfficerandManagingDirector G h joined Gachao j i dTrans T Century C f fromM McKinsey Ki & CompanyinJohannesburg,wherehewasa memberoftheOfficeLeadershipGroup gMcKinseys y SubSaharan Africa leading Ademola AdeyemiBen Laurie Vincent Gueneau Chairman, KappAfrik Bero Practice.AtMcKinseyhewasadvising Director Signet Petroleum Managing Director, First E&P corporateclientsinemergingmarketson corporatefinance,strategy,operational excellenceandorganizationaleffectiveness effectiveness.He wasalsofocusingoneconomicdevelopment (e.g.,countrystrategy),electricpower (particularlygeneration),globalhealthand Nikolai Eatwell Fredrik hrn Jim Philips educationandwas the principalconsultant Partner, Clifford Chance CEO, Svenska Petroleum COO, Africa Oil thatledtheMcKinseyassignmenttodevelop theVision2030projectfortheGovernmentof Kenya. Kenya HeholdsaBSc inBiochemistry(FirstClass Honors)fromImperialCollege,andPhDfrom theUniversityofCambridge,CorpusChristi College.
Tim Eastmond
Director, Capital Markets, PwC

EVP , Business Development, Integrated Energy Services, Petrofac

4 +44 (0) 207 384 8059

Hassan Hassan

Managing Director, Simba Energy

Jean Charest
Partner - Montreal, McCarthy Ttrault

+33 (0) 6 75 73 07 48

+27 (0) 21 700 3551

+1 212 813 2954


// Agenda

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

09:00 10:30 Charting the growth plans and success of African NOCs
Keynote address: Don. Miguel Angel Angue Ondo, Secretary of State for Industry on behalf of the Minister of Mines, Industry and Energy, Equatorial Guinea Keynote address: Arsenio Mabote, Chairman, Instituto Nacional de Petrleo de Moambique (INP) Keynote address: Senior representative, Ministry of Mines & Geology, Republic of Guinea Panel discussion: How are NOCs driving O&G development in Africa? How can IOCs and Independents effectively partner with indigenous NOCs? Which countries are most attractive for foreign investment- infrastructure, resources, regulation? Which fiscal regimes provide the most favourable terms for farm-ins? How is infrastructure developing to enable development of new plays? Don. Miguel Angel Angue Ondo, Secretary of State for Industry on behalf of the Minister of Mines, Industry and Energy, Equatorial Guinea Arsenio Mabote, Chairman, Instituto Nacional de Petrleo de Moambique (INP) Senior representative, Ministry of Mines & Geology, Republic of Guinea

11:00 12:30 Foreign Investment Strategies

Keynote address - Polish investment into Libya: Marek Karabula, President of the Board, POGC Libya Keynote address - Portuguese investment into upstream African oil and gas development: Stephen Whyte, Executive Director, Exploration and Production, Galp Energia Keynote address - Excellence in service provision: Gavin Graham, EVP , Business Development, IES, Petrofac Panel discussion: Considering Africa in a global context - charting the transition of NOC to IOC. Capex commitments for domestic vs. international operations. Which countries are providing attractive investment landscapes and fiscal regimes for foreign NOCs? Entry and exit strategies for foreign NOCs. NOC - IOC government partnerships. African LNG. Stephen Whyte, Executive Director, Exploration and Production, Galp Energia Marek Karabula, President of the Board, POGC Libya Gavin Graham, EVP , Business Development, IES, Petrofac Jean Charest, Partner - Montreal, McCarthy Ttrault Ivo Bozon, Director, McKinsey & Company (session moderator)

14:00 15:30 East African Investment Strategies

Keynote address - Kenya and Ethiopia: Annell Bay, SVP Exploration, Marathon Oil Keynote address - Mozambique: Frank Patterson, Vice President, International Exploration, Anadarko Keynote address - Nick Cooper, CEO, Ophir Energy Keynote address - Engineering and infrastructure investment in East Africa: Gachao Kiuna, CEO, Transcentury / Civicon Panel discussion: Is East the New West? Updates on Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Sudan and Mozambique - what needs to happen to successfully develop East Africa resources. Top East African stocks for 2013. LNG development. Emerging new deepwater plays. Successful E&P strategies of foreign and indigenous Independents and expansion plans. Farm-ins / Farm-outs / JVs / M&A&D activity. What is the timeline for East African gas development? Annell Bay, SVP Exploration, Marathon Oil Frank Patterson, Vice President, International Exploration, Anadarko Nick Cooper, CEO, Ophir Energy Gachao Kiuna, CEO, Transcentury / Civicon Michael Blaha, Executive Chairman, Discover Exploration Jim Philips, COO, Africa Oil Corp Terry Newendorp, Chairman and CEO, Taylor-DeJongh (session moderator)


+44 (0) 207 384 8059

+33 (0) 6 75 73 07 48

+27 (0) 21 700 3551

+1 212 813 2954

// Agenda

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

16:45 17:30 E&P Showcase: African Investment Opportunities
Small-cap E&P companies showcase investment opportunities in emerging regions of interest Egyptian opportunities: Albert Gress, VP Business Development, TransGlobe Energy Corp Nigerian opportunities: Ademola Adeyemi-Bero, Managing Director, First E&P Capital raising opportunities for small-cap E&P firms: Andrew Monk, CEO, VSA Capital Janan Paskaran, Partner, Torys (session moderator)

16:30 17:30 African Oil & Gas Investment

Institutional, private equity and venture capital investment into African Oil & Gas in up, mid and downstream. Gauging investor sentiment. African investment vs. Global investment - trends, ROI, strategy. Regional variations in African O&G investment. Quantifying and mitigating risk. Investment criteria and current expectations from portfolio companies. Simon Eyres, Managing Director, Energy Investments, Warburg Pincus Andy Bartlett, Senior Advisor, Helios Investment Partners Jim Guiang, Partner, Gondwana Partners and Non-Executive Director, South West Energy Jide Ikeako, CEO, LJ Capital Terranova Khalifa Biobaku, Investment Manager, West & Central Africa, Blakeney Management Jrme Halbout, Partner, 4D Global Energy Advisors (session moderator)

The Oil Council hosts their 2013

Tuesday 11th JUNE 2013 The Westin Paris - Vendme 3 rue de Castiglione, 75001 Paris, France

Summer Dinner
We are delighted to announce that Jean Claude Gandur, Chairman and Founder Addax and Oryx Group will be this years Guest of honour and Keynote Dinner Speaker
Mr. Gandurs reputation across the African continent is unparalleled. He is widely acclaimed as a visionary having been one of the first people to foster international investment into Africas resources industries. It is an honour to welcome him to this years dinner. As expected with his inclusion as Dinner Speaker places at the dinner are already becoming very limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.

18.30 Champagne Reception hosted by Mart Resources. Please arrive early to maximise your networking time 19:45 Call for Dinner 20:00 Welcome Introduction by Ross Campbell, CEO, The Oil Council 20:05 Guest of Honour Opening Speech 20.30 Dinner is served Carriages from 00:00

For all enquiries, please contact Zara Clarke T: +44 (0) 20 7 384 8059 M: +44 (0) 7500 112 892 E: [email protected]

Katrina Ryan T: +44 20 7384 7985 E: [email protected]

Tarryn van der Hoek T: (+27) 21 700 3571 E: [email protected]

+44 (0) 207 384 8059

+33 (0) 6 75 73 07 48

+27 (0) 21 700 3551

+1 212 813 2954


// Agenda

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

09:00 10:30 West African Investment Strategies
Keynote address - Ghana: Paul Dailly, SVP - Exploration, and Founding Partner, Kosmos Energy Keynote address - Offshore Nigeria: Paul Atherton, CFO, Heritage Oil & Gas Keynote address - Asset Development in West Africa: Senior Representative, Technip Panel discussion: All quiet on the Western front? How is West Africa coping with the rise of the East? Where are the new plays to be found - will O&G companies have to venture into deepwater? PIB update. Updates from Nigeria, Gabon, Ghana, Equatorial Guinea, Angola. Namibia - what is really there? Paul Dailly, SVP - Exploration, and Founding Partner, Kosmos Energy Paul Atherton, CFO, Heritage Oil & Gas Senior Representative, Technip Fredrik hrn, CEO, Svenska Petroleum Nina Bowyer, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills

11:00 12:30 North African Investment Strategies

Keynote address - Egypt: Christoph Sclichter, SVP Production, North Africa, RWE Keynote address - Offshore Morocco: John Hurst, COO, Genel Energy Keynote address - Onshore Morocco: Andrew Benitz, CEO, Longreach Oil & Gas Panel discussion: How can North Africa compete with emerging and frontier African plays in competing for capital? Where is there still upside in North Africa? The Libyan recovery - market growth and future spending. Top picks for North African investment. Regional M&A&D appetite. The impact of unconventionals on the traditional North African oil and gas landscape Christoph Sclichter, SVP Production, North Africa, RWE John Hurst, COO, Genel Energy Andrew Benitz, CEO, Longreach Oil & Gas Jonathan Wright, Director, Corporate Finance, FirstEnergy Sarah Keeling, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting (session moderator)

14:00 15:30 New Frontiers in African Oil & Gas Development

Keynote address - South Africa: Ebbie Haan, Managing Director, Sasol Keynote address - Opportunities in Benin, Burundi, Namibia, Tanzania: Ben Laurie, Director, Signet Petroleum Keynote address - Opportunities in Chad, Liberia, Mali and Kenya: Hassan Hassan, Managing Director, Simba Energy Keynote address - The Creation of an indigenous Nigerian drilling company: Gabriel Oramasionwu, Managing Director, Indigo Drilling (a Transcocean Company) Panel discussion: The South African renaissance - the dark knight rises. Infrastructure investment strategies. The role of service companies in unlocking new E&P frontiers and optimising maturing basins. Technological developments in - EOR, seismic, drilling, and deep / ultra-deepwater. Emerging Oil and Gas plays - Chad, Mali, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Cameroon, Guinea Ebbie Haan, Managing Director, Sasol Nichole McCulloch, Partner - Oil & Gas, The Ashton Partnership Gabriel Oramasionwu, Managing Director, Indigo Drilling (a Transcocean Company) Richard Temple, Partner, McCarthy Ttrault Frederick Bass, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, National Oil Company of Liberia Senior Partner, Eversheds (session moderator)


+44 (0) 207 384 8059

+33 (0) 6 75 73 07 48

+27 (0) 21 700 3551

+1 212 813 2954

// Agenda

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

16:00 16:30 Financing African Oil & Gas - Indigenous Banks
Showcasing the role of the local bank in financing African Oil & Gas Seun Ogunseinde, Head of Upstream Energy Group, Guaranty Trust Bank Vincent Gueneau, Chairman, KappAfrik Group Rolake Akinkugbe, Head, Energy Research, EBI SA Groupe Ecobank Roger Carvalho, Managing Partner, SPTEC Advisory

16:30 17:30 Financing African Oil & Gas - Global Banks

Mapping the African Oil and Gas banking landscape. Accessing and allocating capital - criteria for investment. Foreign vs. Indigenous financing for African Oil & Gas. Debt vs. Equity trends. Farm-ins / Farm-outs / M&A&D Activity. Innovating deal structuring. Closing remarks Rob Tims, Managing Director, Sub Saharan Africa, Standard Chartered Monica Rovers, Head, Business Development - Global Energy, Toronto Stock Exchange Tim Eastmond, Director, Capital Markets, PwC Katya Zotova, Head of International Acquisitions and Divestments, Citigroup Energy Banking Nikolai Eatwell, Partner, Clifford Chance Roger Brown, Managing Director and Head, Oil & Gas (EMEA), Standard Bank (session moderator)

+44 (0) 207 384 8059

+33 (0) 6 75 73 07 48

+27 (0) 21 700 3551

+1 212 813 2954


// Working with The Oil Council

Why be a Partner/Sponsor of The Oil Council?

The Oil Council has no rival, enabling sponsors, advertisers and partners to deliver thought leadership across a compelling array of media channels. Our reach across the global oil and gas industry is second to none. Any investment secures you tailored marketing campaigns, across numerous mediums, to thousands of executives; culminating in face-to-face engagement with real business prospects. There are a wide range of sponsorship opportunities available. Our corporate development team can tailor a package suited to your business objectives, resources and budgets, whether youre 1. An O&G company (IOC, NOC, Independent) or trading house looking to increase your profile, reputation and investment base in the worlds energy, finance and investment communities 2. A service provider (financial, equipment, technology, stock exchange, business consultancy) who has the knowledge, products, people or services to help O&G companies achieve their full growth potential 3. An investment manager (private equity or institutional) looking to promote your newest investment opportunities 4. A Government Ministry, regulator or agency looking to promote their countrys investment opportunities to international investors and O&G companies Our Partners (a selection of whom are on the following page) choose us for various marketing, sales, and business development needs including: International speaking opportunities (Chairman, Keynote, Panellist, Cocktail Reception Speaker) International entertainment hosting (gala dinners, luncheons, drinks receptions, dinners) High-level branding and profiling at events in Houston, London, New York, Paris, Hong Kong, Singapore, Calgary and Aberdeen Assembly/Dinner tickets for their teams, partners, investors, and clients Exclusive interviews with their senior executives published in Drillers and Dealers (circulation 50,000+) Access to key Oil Council staff to act as ambassadors for their business by brokering relationships and introductions Our unrivalled distribution platform promoting thought leadership globally and enhancinga the industry reputation and recognition of their key executives For more information please contact: Laurent Lafont VP Corporate Development EMEA The Oil Council T: +44 (0) 20 3287 3447 M (France): +33 (0) 6 75 73 07 48 M (UK): +44 (0) 796 270 0606 [email protected] Dan Slavin SVP , Corporate Development The Oil Council T: +44 20 7384 8064 [email protected]

The Oil Council assembled a whos who of the oil & gas industry at their Assembly. For anyone in the industry, attendance should be considered as compulsory Andrew Moorfield, Co-Head, Oil & Gas, EMEA, Scotia Bank

Great success indeed! Congratulations for the quality of the event and of the audience. Serge Matesco, Vice President, Business Development, E&P , Total


+44 (0) 207 384 8059

+33 (0) 6 75 73 07 48

+27 (0) 21 700 3551

+1 212 813 2954

// Calendar of events

24 25 April 2013, JW Marriott, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong www.oilcouncil.com/event/asia

The Oil Councils Asia Assembly is a deal-focused business conference designed to promote business opportunities in Asia, as well as, acting as a focal point for networking and hospitality amongst the regions O&G leaders. It is a special meeting that brings together over 400 oil and gas executives from across the continents upstream, midstream, banking, finance, technology and petroleum services sectors to Hong Kong. Craig Bennett, Managing Director, Asia and SVP , T: +65 6590 3978 | +65 9270 5528, [email protected]

Gala Dinner


Gala Dinner

11 - 12 June 2013, Hilton Arc de Triomphe, Paris, France www.oilcouncil.com/event/africa

The Oil Councils Africa Assembly is a special oil and gas event that brings together over 600 oil and gas leaders from across the continents upstream, midstream, banking, finance, technology and petroleum services sectors to France . The event is already recognised as a must-attend gathering for energy, investment and finance professionals involved within Africa oil and gas. Iain Pitt, COO, T: +27 (0) 21 700 3551, [email protected]



26 - 27 June 2013, Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington, London, UK www.oilcouncil.com/event/oilfield

The Oil Councils Oilfield Development Assembly is quite simply Europes largest corporate development and thought leadership forum, uniting senior executives from across the oil and gas, oilfield services, engineering, finance and investment communities. Over two days, 300 leaders will meet to showcase project and engineering excellence, hear the latest in capital raising strategies and investment trends, and chart the evolution in the relationship between oil and gas companies and contractors. Zara Clarke, Vice President, EMEA, T: +44 20 7384 8059, [email protected]



22 23 October 2013, Four Seasons Hotel, Houston, TX, USA www.oilcouncil.com/event/northam

The Oil Councils North America Assembly is a high-level, Davos-style forum for industry executives and investors. O&G CEOs and several tens of billions of dollars of investment meet for two days of closed-door discussions concerning the financing of North Americas O&G boom, leadership and growth strategies of successful E&P firms, capital market trends, M&A and A&D, and investment trends. 430+ delegates from a dozen countries, 50% C-level and SVP-level, and 40 E&P CEOs and SVPs. Vikash Magdani, Chief Development Officer & MD, Americas, T: +1 212 813 2954, [email protected]



18 20 November 2013, Old Billingsgate, London, UK www.oilcouncil.com/event/weca

The Oil Councils flagship World Assembly is the worlds leading international conference and networking forum for senior executives in the global energy, finance and investment communities, actively involved in the business dynamics and transactions of todays oil and gas markets. It is considered a must attend event and brings together over 1,200+ O&G leaders to London each year, including scores of NOCs, IOCs and Independent O&G companies. Ross Stewart Campbell, CEO, T: +44 20 7384 8063, [email protected]

Annual Dinner & Awards of Excellence

20 November 2013, Old Billingsgate, London, UK www.oilcouncil.com/event/awards

In November we host our 2013 Annual Awards of Excellence and Gala Dinner to once again recognise the industrys best performing companies and executives, those who have achieved excellence throughout their activities. The event has been a complete sell-out for the previous two years and 1,000 executives are due to attend in 2013. Please book your tickets and VIP tables now to avoid any disappointment.



29 - 30 January 2014, Hilton, Bogota, Colombia www.oilcouncil.com/event/latam

The Latin America Assembly is an international forum for senior executives doing business in South and Central America. It offers you the best chance to make new business contacts, form relationships, and learn about new business opportunities in the regions thriving O&G landscape. It attracts 400+ senior delegates, including some 40 E&P CEOs, international financiers and investors - from North America, Asia, and Europe and is regarded as one of the best business and networking-focussed O&G meetings in the Latin America. Drake Lawhead, Chief Strategy Officer, T: +44 20 7384 8061, [email protected]


+44 (0) 207 384 8059

+33 (0) 6 75 73 07 48

+27 (0) 21 700 3551

+1 212 813 2954


// Partners

Lead partners



Toronto Stock Exchange

TSX Venture Exchange

Toronto Stock Exchange

TSX Venture Exchange

Toronto Stock Exchange

TSX Venture Exchange

Associate partners

Bourse de Toronto

Bourse de Croissance TSX

Bourse de Toronto

Bourse de Croissance TSX

Bourse de Toronto

Bourse de Croissance TSX


+44 (0) 207 384 8059

+33 (0) 6 75 73 07 48

+27 (0) 21 700 3551

+1 212 813 2954


// Registration
Please register the following delegates for The Oil Councils 2013 Africa Assembly 11 12 June, Paris The Westin Vendme, Paris, France

Quick and easy option: book and pay online at www.oilcouncil.com/event/africa


Delegate rates
1 Day Full Access Conference Pass (Incl. Audio) 2 Day Full Access Conference Pass (Incl. Audio) 2 Day Full Access Conference Pass (Incl. Audio) & Dinner Ticket Dinner Ticket VIP Dinner Table (10 places) One Full Page Colour Advert in Official Showguide Exhibition Package (3x2 Stand + 2 Conference Tickets + 2 Dinner Tickets) Delegation Package (3 Delegates) Delegation Package (5 Delegates)

Cost per delegate

1,575.00 2,095.00 2,495.00 500.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 8,000.00 5,000.00 7,000.00

Special Industry Delegation Discounts Also Available!

Sales ID: MKTG01

2. PROVIDE US WITH THE DELEGATE DETAILS Please photocopy for multiple registrations Mr/Mrs/Dr/Prof: Job title/Position: Address: City: Postal code: Phone: ( Email: Authorising manager: Date: Authorising signature: I agree to the full Terms and Conditions ) State: Country: Fax: ( ) Delegate name: Organisation name:

3. PROVIDE US WITH INVOICE CONTACT & PAYMENT DETAILS Bank transfer Credit card number: Credit card type: CVC: Cardholders name: Cardholders signature: Contact person for invoicing: Organisation purchase order number: Name: Email: Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Expiry date: Credit card

5. Contact us

For English speaking enquiries Zara Clarke, VP , Content +44 (0) 207 384 8059 [email protected] For French speaking enquiries Laurent Lafont, VP , Business Development +33 (0) 67 573 0748 [email protected] For ticket enquiries Katrina Ryan +44 (0) 207 384 7985 [email protected]

4. Send us your completed form - 4 easy ways to register 1. 2. 3. 4. Phone: +44 (0) 207 384 8059 Fax: +44 (0) 203 163 0626 Email: [email protected] Online: www.oilcouncil.com/event/africa

EVENT LOCATION The Westin Vendme, 3 rue de Castiglione, 75001 Paris, France

Terms and conditions

What is included in the fee? Access to all presentations and networking opportunities; All food and refreshments during the conference sessions (excludes evening meals); All post conference presentation slides and notes for training purposes; Access to international subject matter experts; Access to exhibition room; On-site assistance with networking; Pass to attend the hosted drinks reception (where applicable) When do I pay? Payment of the full delegate fee is due 14 days from the invoice date, or immediately with registration if the booking is made within two months of the event. In the event that payment has not been received before the start of the event, delegates will be refused entry. We recommend you check with your finance department that payment has been made before travelling to the conference. Cancellation policy: Cancellations received in writing more than one month prior to the start of the event will be refunded less a 50% cancellation fee. Cancellations received in writing within one month of the start date of the event will receive no refund and registrants will be liable for payment of 100% of the invoiced amount. A substitute delegate can be named at any time before the event starts and no fees will be applied to this. Important notes: This booking form constitutes a legally binding contract. It maybe necessary for reasons beyond the control of Clarion Events to change the content and timing of the programme, the speakers, the date or the venue. In the unlikely event of the programme being cancelled, The Oil Council and Clarion Events will issue a credit note or make a full refund but disclaim any further liability. By submitting your details, you agree to the use of your personal information as set out in our privacy policy on www.clarionevents.com/?page=privacy


+44 (0) 207 384 8059

+33 (0) 6 75 73 07 48

+27 (0) 21 700 3551

+1 212 813 2954


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