Crystallographic Imperfections PDF
Crystallographic Imperfections PDF
Crystallographic Imperfections PDF
A perfect crystal, with every atomof the same type in the correct position, does not exist. All
crystals have some defects. Defects contribute to the mechanical properties of metals. In fact,
using the termdefect is sort of a misnomer since these features are commonly intentionally
used to manipulate the mechanical properties of a material. Adding alloying elements to a metal
is one way of introducing a crystal defect. Nevertheless, the termdefect will be used, just this is
not enough to say that crystalline defects are not always bad. There are basic classes of crystal
1. Point defects or zero-dimensional defects:
i) Vacancy, ii) Schottky defects, iii) Interstitialcy, iv) Frenkel defect,
v) Compositional defects: a) Substitutional impurity, b) Interstitial impurity;
vi) Electronic defects;
2. Line defects or one-dimensional defects or Dislocations
i) Edge dislocation; b) Screw Dislocations
3. Surface defects or Planar defects: a) Grain boundaries; b) Tilt boundaries; c) Twin
boundaries; d) Stacking fault.
4. Volume defects or three dimensional defects.
Point Defects
Point defects are where an atom is missing or is in an irregular place in the lattice structure. Point
defects include self interstitial atoms, interstitial impurity atoms, Substitutional atoms and
vacancies. A self interstitial atomis an extra atomthat has crowded its way into an interstitial
void in the crystal structure. Self interstitial atoms occur only in low concentrations in metals
because they distort and highly stress the tightly packed lattice structure. A substitutional
impurity atomis an atomof a different type than the bulk atoms, which has replaced one of the
bulk atoms in the lattice. Substitutional impurity atoms are usually close in size (within
Point defects:
Point defects are imperfect point like regions in a crystal. The typical size of a point defect is one
or two atomic diameters.
These defects are completely local in effect e.g., vacant lattice site.
Point imperfections are always present in crystals and their presence results in a decrease
in the free energy.
The point defects may be created as follows:
i) By thermal fluctuations
ii) By quenching froma high temperature
iii) By severe deformation of the crystal lattice e.g., by hammering or rolling. While the lattice
will retain its general crystalline nature, numerous defects are introduced.
iv) By bombardment of atoms with external high energy particles, e.g., fromthe beamof the
cyclotrons or the neutrons in a nuclear reactor.
The various point defects are discussed below:
1. Vacancy: A vacancy is the simplest point defect and involves a missing atom within a metal.
These defects may come up as a result of imperfect packing during the original crystallisation.
They may also arise fromthermal vibration of the atoms at high temperature.
2. Schottky imperfections: These are closely related to vacancies but are found in compounds
which must maintain a charge balance. They involve vacancies of pair of ions of opposite
charges. This type of defect is dominant in alkali halides.
3. I nterstitialcy: This type of defect occurs when an extra atomof the same size of different or
same element is added to the crystal lattice particularly when the packing factor is low. This
results in atomic distortion. The foreign atom may formadded alloying agent or simply an
impurity. The vacancy and the interstitialcy are therefore reverse phenomena.
4. Frenkel defect: In ionic crystals, the formation of point imperfections is subject to the
requirement that the overall electrical neutrality is maintained. An ion displaced from a regular
site to an interstitial site is called a Frenkel defect. As cations are generally smaller ions, it is
possible for them to get displaced into the void space. Anions do not get displaced like this, as the
void space is too small for their size. A Frenkel imperfection does not change the overall
electrical neutrality of the crystal. The point imperfections in silver halides and CaF
are of
Frenkel type. The interstitialcies and Frenkel defects are less in number than Vacancies and
Schottky defects, because additional energy is required to force the atoms into the new position
and the closed-packed structures have still fewer interstitialcies and Frenkel defects than
Vacancies and Schottky defects. When Ionic crystals do not correspond to exact stoichiometric
formulae, defect structures are produced and such defect structures have an appreciable
concentration of point imperfections.
5. Compositional defects:
a) Substitutional impurity: A Substitutional impurity (solute) in ant crystalline matrix is a point
defect. It refers to foreign atomthat substitutes for or replaces a parent atomin the crystal.
Aluminiumand phosphorous doped in silicon are Substitutional impurities in the crystal.
b) I nterstitial impurity: An interstitial imperfection is also a point defect. It is a small sized
atomoccupying the void space in the parent crystal without dislodging any of the parent atoms
fromtheir sites. An atom can enter the interstitial site when it is substantially smaller than the
parent atom. In close-packed structures, the largest atomthat can fit into the octahedral and
tetrahedral voids have radii 0.414r and 0.225r respectively, where r is the radius of the parent
atom. Evidence in favour of the above is found when carbon is an interstitial solute in iron. It
occupies the tetrahedral voids in the high temperature formof iron. The iron atomin FCC crystal
has a radius of 1.29 , whereas the carbon atomhas a radius of 0.71 (covalent radius of in
graphite). The carbon radius is clearly larger than 0.414 x 1.29 =0.53 , which is the size of the
octahedral void. Therefore there are strains around the carbon atoms in the FCC iron, and
solubility is limited to 2 wt %. In the roomtemperature BCC iron crystals, the voids are still
smaller and hence the solubility of carbon is very limited, that is only 0.008 wt %.
Trivalent cations such as Fe
, and Cr
can substitute for Al
ions in the Al
crystals. If,
however, the valency of the Substitutional impurity is not equal to the parent cation, additional
point defects may be created due to such substitution. As an example, a divalent cation Ca
substituting for a univalent parent ion such as Na
will, at the same time, create a vacant cation
site in the crystal so that electrical neutrality is maintained.
The presence of a point imperfection introduces distortions in the crystal. If the imperfection is a
vacancy, the bonds that the missing atoms would have formed with its neighbours are not there.
In the case of an impurity atom, as a result of the size difference, elastic strains are created in the
region of the crystal immediately surrounding the impurity atoms. The elastic strains are present
irrespective of whether the impurity atomis larger or smaller than the parent atom. A larger atom
introduces compressive stresses, and corresponding strains around it, while a smaller atomcreates
a tensile stress-strain field. Similarly, an interstitial atomproduces strains around the void it is
occupying. All these factors tend to increase the enthalpy (or the potential energy) of the crystal.
The work required to be done for creating a point imperfection is called the enthalpy of
formation (H
) of point imperfection. It is expressed in kJ mole
or eV /point imperfection.
The concept of equilibriumand kinetics are intimately associated with the basic thermodynamic
parameters. Pressure P and Temperature T are familiar intensive parameters ( as these do not
depend on the quantity of materials). As opposed to these, there are extensive parameters (which
depend on the quantity of materials that comprises the system) such as Internal energy (E),
Enthalpy (H), Entropy (S), Free Energy (G) etc.
Internal energy at a temperature T is given by
E = E
+ ,
Where E
is the internal energy of the material at 0 K and C
is the specific heat at constant
Internal energy = POTENTIAL ENERGY (vibrational + rotational energy terms) + KINETIC
ENERGY (Translational energy= mv
; m= mass, v= velocity).
The enthalpy or heat content (H) of a material is defined as
H = H
+ , where H
is the enthalpy at 0 K and C
is the specific heat at constant
E & H are related by the expression H = E + PV (Total Heat content = Internal energy +
External energy). External energy = PV or pressure-volume energy i.e., Mechanical Energy.
For a condensed systems like liquid and solid state, at atmospheric pressure, PV termis
negligible so that E H. This approximation can be used in most of the problems concerning the
solid materials.
represents the enthalpy at 0 K of the solid material. The gaseous state of the material is taken
as the reference zero energy state. To indicate the systemhas lost energy, H
is written with a
negative sign. As the temperature increases from0 K, the material absorbs heat fromthe
surroundings and H increases. The solid melts on reaching the melting point and a further
quantity of heat H called the enthalpy of fusion is added at the melting temperature. When the
entire solid has melted, the temperature of the liquid may further increase with the absorption of
more energy.
Al the energy that a systempossesses is not available as work during a chemical change. That
part of the energy which can become available as work is called the Gibbs free energy (or simply
the Gibbs energy). The part which cannot released as work is called the bound energy. Another
thermodynamic function called entropy defines the relationship between the total energy and the
Gibbs energy by the expression
G = H TS
Where, G, H, T & s stand for Gibbs free energy, Enthalpy, absolute Temperature& Entropy of the
systemrespectively. The change in free energy may then be expressed as G = H - T. S
As the temperature increases, H increases; but TS increases more rapidly than H and so G
decreases with increasing temperature.
Gibbs energy is used as the criterion of stability. The most stable state of a material is that which
has the minimumGibbs energy. For a process to occur spontaneously, the Gibbs energy must
decrease during the process. Then, for a spontaneous process to occur at constant temperature
and pressure,
We can write G = (H - T. S) < 0
Only if there is no change in entropy as in the case of a tilting block or any other common
mechanical equilibrium, G can be replaced by H as a criterion of stability ( S=0)
This means that the stability of a systemrefers to the lowest potential energy or enthalpy. Several
chemical reactions are known to be endothermic, that is, they absorb heat during the reaction
making H positive. However they may occur spontaneously indicating that G is negative, TS
> H.
The entropy of a systemis generally looked upon as the sumof the two entropy terms as under.
Total entropy =Thermal Entropy +Configurational Entropy
Normally, entropy is a measure of the thermal disorder as a major part. The solid state is
characterised by random vibration of atoms about their mean position. There are two important
parameters in atomic vibration in a solid material; one is frequency of vibration, and the other is
ii) amplitude of vibration. Frequency of vibration does not considerably vary with temperature
but the amplitude of vibration varies significantly with temperature. In the liquid state, the atoms
have more freedom and also can move past one another. Consequently, the entropy in the gaseous
state of a substance is much more than in the liquid state and that in the liquid state is
considerably more than that in the solid state.
At constant pressure, the entropy S of a systemis given by S =
The entropy of a material at 0 K is zero, in contrast to enthalpy and internal energy terms, which
have non-zero negative energy terms at 0 K. The entropy increases with increasing temperature.
In addition to the thermal entropy, a system may also possess Configurational Entropy, which is
dependent on the configuration of the system. By virtue of the fact that a point imperfection is
distinguishable from the parent atom, the Configurational entropy of a crystal increases from zero
for a perfect crystal to positive values with increasing concentration of the point imperfection.
Although mass transport through crystals may result from mechanisms other than vacancy
motion, the vacancies and their motions are attractive because unlike other defects, vacancies
exist at equilibriumin all crystals. Suppose the energy E
is required to create a single vacancy. In
solids, PV changes very little, and energy and enthalpy are essentially the same. The entropy of
the mixture of a full and vacant lattice sites in a crystal is calculated in exactly the same manner
as the Configurational entropy of a binary alloy.
Let us consider that one mole of binary solid solution or an alloy containing N
of component A
and N
atoms of component B. In the crystal structure of the solid solution there are, therefore,
) sites for the atoms. There are many ways (say, W) of arranging the atoms on the sites.
In fact there are
alternative arrangements [Frompermutation and combination of N
& N
Statistical mechanics following Maxwell-Boltzmann definition shows that the Configurational
entropy due to existence of such alternative arrangements is S =k ln W,
Where, k is Boltzmann constant and W is the number of different configurations of equal
potential energy in which the system can exist. The probability of a system existing in a
disordered configuration is almost unity. One mole of a solid contains more than 10
atoms. If
we mix two different kinds of atoms randomly in a solid, we end up with an extremely large
number of distinguishable configurations and an appreciable amount of Configurational entropy.
Sine w can never be less than 1 , the Configurational entropy may be either zero or positive. It is
zero for an absolutely pure solid consisting of the same kind of atoms on all its sites or for a
perfectly ordered solid like a compound.
If we consider total number of sites as N in a crystal (assuming N =N
+ N
) and replacing N
by n as the number point imperfections & automatically the number of perfect sites in the crystal,
if assumed to be N
=(N n); Considering that configurational entropy is zero for a pure or
perfectly ordered crystal or before mixing the two components (N-n) & n we may write
S = k ln = k ln = k [ln N! ln n! ln (N-n)!]
Following Sterlings approximation when n 1, ln n! =n ln n n
S = k[ N ln N (N-n) ln (N-n) n ln n ]
When we introduce n point Imperfections in one mole of crystal, the change in the free energy
G of the crystal can be written as
G = H T S = n H
k T [N ln N (N-n) ln (N-n) n ln n],
When, N is Avogadros number. The equilibriumstate of the crystal will correspond to the
minimumin its free Energy, as shown below in the figure.
Fig: The variation of G (Gibbs free energy) with the number of point imperfections n.
Minimum in G also corresponds to the minimum in G (considering negative sign). Then by
G =0; we obtain the following expression
RT[ N ln N (N-n) ln (N-n) n ln n ]) =0
Or, H
=RT [N ln N (N-n) ln (N-n) n ln n]
Or, [N ln N (N-n) ln (N-n) n ln n] =
Hf A
Or, N ln N (N-n) ln (N-n) n ln n =
Hf A
Or, 0 N ln (N-n) + [n ln (N-n)] n ln n =
Hf A
n N
+ln (N-n)
n N
1 ln n =
Hf A
n N
n N
1 +ln (N-n) ln n =
Hf A
Or, 1 1 +ln
n N
Hf A
n N
Hf A
n N
e RT
e RT
e RT
H f
10 68
314 . 8
x 10
Problem 2:
In aluminium crystals, the number of vacancies triples itself, on increasing the
temperature from 300 to 312.5 K. Calculate the enthalpy of formation of vacancies.
Ans: use the formula as above.
e RT