The House

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The First House: About You

Moon Sign vs Ascendant to Judge your First House

The sign of the first house in Vedic Astrology is very important. The first house sets the karma for your personality and body and also determines the signs of all the other houses. In Southern India, Vedic Astrologers accept that the first house can be determined as either the sign that is on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth or the sign of the Moon. In order to determine which first house to use we will take a look at the influence the first house has on your looks, personality and health. This will tell us whether your Ascendant or Moon sign is operating more strongly in your life. If your Moon turns out to be the greater influence in your life, you should analyze your chart as if the Sign that the Moon is in was your 1st House. In Summary we are going to take you step by step in helping you decide which should be your 1st house, your Ascendant or your Moon sign. Then you will look at how different planets in your chart have influence over your physical appearance and personality.

First, you need to know what your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are.

Based on these descriptions; choose the one that more accurately reflects your appearance and personality. Please note that on occasion, a persons physical appearance will reflect a combination of both their Ascendant and Moon signs.
First House Positive Trait Negative Trait Ruling Planet Body Description Personality Description You are likely to be quick and aggressive and will not take the backseat in life, being independent, self -directed and goal seeking. You have intensity like warriors and will take on the struggles of life. You are likely to be competitive. You are likely to be comfort loving and stubborn. Like your symbol, the bull, Taureans are determined and dangerous when riled. You are heavily influenced by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, and love and beauty will be major themes in their lives. The Taurus first house gives a kingly Leo fourth house granting you with a regal home and luck in acquiring real estate. You are likely to be mentally sharp and are of a dual nature and love variety. You are known to be talkative, love to start things but do not always finish them, and have an eternal curiosity. The Gemini first house gives an eighth and ninth house of Capricorn and Aquarius, both Saturn-ruled signs. You will therefore feel the effects of Saturn in giving delays or restrictions in your activities and are likely





Strong, medium build and athletic





A heavy appearance and lovely large eyes





Long and lean, perpetually youthful

to have a conservative or traditional guru or father. You are likely to be sensitive and caring of others. Like the ruler of Cancer, the Moon, you are expressive, romantic, family oriented and have a deep sense of empathy for others. The Cancer first house gives a Saturn-ruled Capricorn in the seventh house of relationships, thus are known to have disappointments in marriage and may experience their partners as overly controlling. You are likely to be a leader and a lover of the spotlight. You are bold, cheerful and generous; when angered, you are not easy to cool down. You are ambitious. The Leo first house gives a Scorpio fourth house Leos will seek independence from mother and home early in life.





Short with a thick neck and stout body





Majestic appearance with a large frame, broad shoulders, tall height and have a thoughtful countenance Medium height, with big cheeks and a bright face. Soft body, a gentle nature and attractive appearance.





You are likely to be impulsive, curious and like to talk. You are likely skillful with your hands and a love of the arts. You are sensitive and creative, with an innocent or nave nature. With the Suns influence in their twelfth house, Virgo first house people are likely to be long-lived. You are likely to be philosophical, skilled in business, intelligent and frank, and able to communicate their opinions forcefully. You are by nature charitable and skilled as a judge or arbitrator. The Libra first house gives a Scorpio second house, so this person will have to work energetically to accumulate wealth. You can experience windfalls and opportunities by their popularity in their social circles. You love excitement and seek adventure and are competitive and independent. You are known to be secretive and love occult studies. You can lash out when wronged or threatened. Good luck follows your from your deeds in past lives. The Scorpio first house gives a Taurus seventh house of partnerships, attracting you to a stable and romantic partner. You are likely to be straightforward, noble and a supporter of good causes. You are robust, healthy, interested in spiritual matters and are unlikely to abuse your power when you gain positions of authority. You encounter delays or restrictions in their accumulation of wealth, and difficulties with siblings. You are drawn to refined or elegant occupations or careers working with women.





Tall, thin and fair with a smiling face


Intense and Secretive



Handsome and youthful appearance, with medium height and a fierce look in the eyes

Sagittarius Direct

Hot-headed and Excessive


Full figure (inclined to eating a lot) and happy demeanor





Thin with handsome features

You are likely to be ambitious and persevering. You have an air of pessimism and feel under appreciated. Your successes are often delayed until later in life. You often have to pick yourself up and start over again, but ultimately succeed in having a widespread reputation. You are known to have emotional and romantic partners. You are likely to be creative and inventive, perhaps a bit eccentric. You love philosophy and like to do good for others. You are a leader and a lover of the spotlight, but serve others and can tolerate hard work. You like to wander and will explore history and tradition. You tend to have a stable, loving and comfortable home life. You are likely to be granted prosperity and good cash flow throughout life. You are kind, sensitive and devotional. You are likely to be intuitive and superstitious. You are sweet but also stubborn. You have the star power to make them a successful actor or actress. You attract intelligent business partners and draw to yourself mates who are primarily clever rather than attractive.





Darkish hair, pretty eyes and can be either tall and thin or short and pudgy





Attractive large mouths and a strong physique

If after reading the above descriptions you are still uncertain as to which 1st House sign to use, follow this method: 1. If your birth time is known, and you cannot decide between Moon and Ascendant, go with your Ascendant as your first House. 2. If your birth time is unknown, and you cannot decide which of the above best reflects you, go with your Moon Sign as your first House.

Once you have identified which sign is your first house, either by the Ascendant or the Moon sign, the next step in controlling aspects of your first house is to know which planets most directly influence it and modify its nature. Examine your 1st House (either Moon sign or Ascendant) and note any planets in that sign, then read the descriptions for each planet that you have in your 1st House to see how they affect your physical self and personality:
Planet in the 1st House General Effect Negative Effect If Sun is in Libra (debilitated), lack of selfconfidence or self-acceptance and problems with health. If Moon is in Scorpio (debilitated), emotional turbulence, health problems and sexual impediments.


Driven, Proud, a little Irritable


Gentleness and beauty to the Face and Inner Radiance. Emotionally, intuitive and temperamental.


Youthful appearance, ruddy complexion, Passionate, Direct, If Mars in Cancer, accident and injury prone, Warrior, Polygamy. injuries to the head or facial rashes. If Mercury in Pisces, problems with communication and speech, and mental unsteadiness. If Jupiter in Capricorn, not recognized for your work, overly optimistic and overextending of yourself. If Venus in Virgo, your love interests will never be fulfilling to you. If Saturn in Aries, personal progress will be slow and encumbered. You will meet with delays, obstacles and restrictions. A problematic Rahu can cause health and confidence problems. Ketu at its worst can make you deceptive and a victim to other peoples energy.


Communicative, Quick Wit, Talkative.


Heavy, Big-boned build. Great luck and fortune and tremendous opportunities come your way. Could become lazy or eat more foods leading to weight gain. Great physical beauty, refinement, charm and sensuality.



Excellent for humanitarian service. Gives duration and discipline to your position (whether a good or bad role). Aggressive nature and worldly success. May marry multiple times. Mystical nature and highly sensitive nervous system, unhappy marriages.



Each planet that you have in your 1st house will affect your personality and appearance as described above. If you have no planets in your 1st House, then you will more closely match the description of the sign listed in Step 2!

The final step in understanding your personal 1st house is to examine where your 1st houses planetary ruler is placed in your chart and what that means for you. The following table lists which planet rules your first house: Sign of the 1st House Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Planetary Ruler Mars Venus Mercury Moon Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Saturn Jupiter

The placement of your 1st House planetary ruler will tell you how your karma will be experienced by you in this lifetime. So, in our example, if your ruling 1st House planet is Venus and placed in your 4th House of Leo, you will spend much of your life focused on issues relating to your mother, property, home and cars. Below are the indications of each House: Plant that rules the 1st How your Character and Purpose in House is in your Life will be Directed 1st House 2nd House 3rd House 4th House 5th House 6th House 7th House 8th House 9th House 10th House 11th House 12th House Character, Life Purpose Wealth through Career, Childhood Hobbies, Creativity, Courage, Younger Sibling Mother, Property, Home, Cars Children, Higher Education, Grace from God Healing, Health, Enemies, and Debts Partnerships, Relationships, Marriage, Opponents Obstacles, Longevity, Sensuality, Mysticism, Inheritance Father, Luck, Spirituality, Travel Career, Fame Opportunity, Profit, Older Sibling, Friends Enlightenment, Liberation, Foreign Travel, Loss, Confinement

At this point, you now have an understanding of: 1. 2. 3. 4. What sign your 1st House is; What planets, if any, are in your 1st house; What planet rules your 1st house; and In which house your ruling 1st house planet is placed in your chart.

This will give you a good basic comprehension of why you look and behave the way you do. If you are beautiful, you may very well have Venus in your 1st house. If you are heavy and jovial, Jupiter may be in your 1st house. If you have 2 or more planets in your 1st House, look to which of the planets are weak and causing you difficulties based on the descriptions of the planets above. Then remedy that planet!

About the First House

What is the 1st House? There are two types of 1st Houses. The natural 1st House and ones own personal 1st House. We will begin by covering the natural 1st House in Astrology, i.e. Aries, and also what areas the 1st House controls. Ones own personal 1st House is selected based either upon your rising sign or your moon sign and is the subject of the next newsletter. The natural 1st House in astrology is the Sign of Aries, which is associated in the sky with the constellation known as Orions Belt. Characteristics of the 1st House The First House is known as the House of the Body. It signifies your physical self and basic personality or disposition. Whether your First House is Aries or Taurus or any other sign, it is always a signifier of ones own personal self. Should you want to know the general behavior, attitude and physical appearance of someone, you look to their 1st house. It also controls the physical head and general health and well-being. Each sign has its own unique flavor when it is the 1st House and sets the background of an individuals demeanor. Further, a planet in the 1st House or aspecting the first house will greatly alter ones physical appearance and personality. By means of an example, Aries is examined in detailed below Characteristics of Aries Aries is the natural 1st house, the beginning of the zodiac. The characteristics of Aries is directly derived from the 1st House traits and also by its ruling planet Mars. As the 1st House is all about the physical self, the sign of Aries always brings focus to ones self. Aries also picks up many Martian characteristics. The Aries personality and demeanor is full of vitality and energy. It likes immediate action and getting things done. As Mars is likened to a military leader, so do individuals with a personal Aries first house have a tendency to make effective, passionate,

strong leaders. Aries symbol is the ram. It also represents an independent nature and combative personality. If your birth chart shows Aries as your 1st house, you are likely to have the athletic body of a Mars warrior, and you may be drawn to competitive sports. Depending upon the placement of other planets, Mars as your first house lord could give your appearance a fiery or reddish tint to your hair, eyes or complexion. Planets Placed in Aries In all charts, planets placed in Aries will activate Martian tendencies for that planet. When the Sun is here (birthdates between April 13th May 14th), the persons actions, represented by the Sun, will be Mars-like. They would be likely to take quick, bold, decisive actions. When the Moon is here, the persons emotions, represented by the Moon, will be Mars-like. This would be a very passionate person whose feelings heat up quickly with Mars fire, and can have frequent, extreme changes in emotions and are likely to be more restless than folks with their Moon placed in calmer signs. Mars will stimulate and bring its quick, sharp, energy to the places it touches in your chart. If it is placed in its own signs, Aries and Scorpio, that person will maintain their youthful appearance they will naturally by resistant to the effects of aging. Sun and Saturn There are 2 planets which deserve special attention when looking at Aries. These are the Sun and Saturn. The Sun loves the sign of Aries. As a matter of fact, of all the places in the sky, the Suns characteristics shine brightest in Aries. Therefore, Aries is called the Suns Sign of Exaltation. From direct experience we know that the Sun during late April and May brings about warmth and growth and new life. It is the Sun at its most effective strength. The Sun is Friends with Mars. When the Sun comes into Mars house of Aries, it feels right at home. The Sun in your chart represents your vitality. Its condition in your chart will affect your overall health and energy level. A strong Sun whether it is placed in its own house of Leo, in its friends houses of Mars (Aries or Scorpio) or Jupiter (Sagittarius or Pisces), for example, will contribute to your physical well being, giving you a healthy glow with the brightness of the Sun and an ability to bask in the spotlight. Conversely, Saturn dislikes everything about Aries and Mars. Saturn considers Mars an Enemy (fyi, Mars is neutral toward Saturn). Saturn is about removing focus from the self, taking the time to do things right and repeating things again and again until they are correct. When the slow Saturn enters Aries, which is fast-passed, forceful, immediate and self-centered, conflict immediately occurs. Therefore, Aries is Saturns Sign of Debilitation.

The Second House: About You

Now that you know which sign your 2nd House is, read the description for this sign as it relates to money. The description will show you general inclinations you will have due to this sign ruling your 2nd House. As you read the description, also make note of the Ruling Planet. We will use this in Step 4 to better understand the specifics of your money karma.
Second House Positive Trait Negative Trait Ruling Planet Personality Description This person will be active and aggressive in pursuing their financial goals. They will work hard to acquire wealth. Money will come in bursts. May have confrontations related to financial problems. May earn income through military or police work. This person loves the luxurious life and will try to earn or otherwise acquire the wealth to support it. May spend too much creating difficulty in steady savings. They are sympathetic to the needy. May get income in industries related to women such as cosmetics or fashion. With Gemini in the second house, their income may come from literary pursuits or communications such as writing or advertising. This person will be clever with finances, making prudent choices. The restless nature of Gemini may cause them difficulty in concentrating on acquiring wealth. This person will seek comforts. Their finances will tend to wax and wane. They have difficulty maintaining focus on wealth building. This person will be a leader and have good relationships with leaders. May do well in businesses such as insurance, metals or gems, or could get income from government. They will have good income but difficulty with savings. May get into debt. This person will take a mental approach to making money, seeking out likely strategies, developing knowledge and expertise. Will be talented in business. This person will have skill in earning money and an attraction for beautiful things cars, mansions, art and flowers. Will have good ability to gain wealth. This person will have a sharp mind and determination to succeed. May become property owners. Will support them and be independent. This person has potential to be prosperous. This person will be good at handling money and will be giving to those in need. Can be wasteful with money. You are likely to be persevering and focused. You will make sacrifices to succeed in life and will slowly accumulate money over time.






























Intense and Secretive





Hot-headed and Excessive










This person will be conservative, may get money for the old, traditional and foreign. May find it difficult to save money while young, but it will become easier as you mature. Will be generous. This person will be inclined to service, will have talent in teaching and advising. May get a good inheritance. Can be taken in by get rich quick schemes.





Once you have identified which sign is your second house, the next step in controlling aspects of your money house is to know which planets most directly influence it and modify its nature. Examine your 2nd House and note any planets in that sign, then read the descriptions for each planet that you have in your 2nd House to see how they affect your finances and speech.
Planet in the 2nd House Sun General Effect Speech is passionate and energetic. Good for earning money. Sweet and beautiful in speech and voice. Money has a tendency to come and go. Strong in getting income. Voice is commanding. Very skilled in persuasion, Quick Wit, Talkative. Can earn through commercial enterprises or communication means. Possible to accumulate massive wealth. Very good at accumulating wealth. Sweet and beautiful speech. Can be good for gaining money over time, but only after long, hard work. This person is reserved, sparse in words. Speech is course and inappropriate. Wealth though could be outstanding. Skilled at communicating mystical and spiritual topics. Not good for money. Negative Effect Can be a bit harsh in words. Money is spent quickly. Words may be deceptive. Possible food, drug, alcohol addiction. Speech might be brash. If Mercury in Pisces, problems with communication and speech. You may exaggerate your words and eat too much fine, rich food. The wealth and surrounding status is never good enough. If Saturn in Aries, personal progress will be slow and encumbered. You will meet with delays, obstacles and restrictions. Childhood could be loveless. Problems with speech and the mouth. Money is erratic. Deceptive in your words. Very bad for finances and accumulation of wealth.




Jupiter Venus




To help you determine whether your money house will tend to have the negative influence mentioned above, check in the following chart. If your 2nd House sign has an enemy planet in it, then you will have more proclivities to the negative effects. Rahu and Ketu are not listed as they are generally considered unfavorable for all signs.
2nd House Sign Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Friend Jupiter Sun Mars Mercury Saturn Sun Venus Saturn Venus Mercury Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Mercury Saturn Venus Jupiter Sun Moon Mars Mars Sun Jupiter Venus Mercury Saturn Venus Saturn Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Mercury Moon Mercury Moon Sun Moon Saturn Sun Moon Neutral Moon Enemy Saturn Venus Mercury Jupiter Moon Mars Jupiter Mars Sun Saturn Mercury Venus Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Sun Mars Saturn Mercury Venus Saturn Venus Moon Mars Jupiter Sun Moon Mars Saturn Venus Mercury Sun

The final step in understanding your personal 2nd house is to examine where your 2nd houses Planetary Ruler is placed in your chart and what that means for you. Remember, the Planetary Ruler can be found in the chart in Step 2. Now, look again at your Chart Report. What sign is your planetary ruler of your 2nd House placed The placement of your 2nd House planetary ruler will tell you how your karma will be experienced by you in this lifetime. Below are the indications of each House:
Plant that rules the 2nd How your Money Karma will Come to You House is in your 1st House 2nd House 3rd House 4th House 1st House 5th House 6th House 7th House 8th House 9th House 10th House 11th House 12th House Strong Life Focus on Making Money. May attain money through self-expressive careers (acting, teaching, etc). Great earning potential and smooth accumulations of wealth. Persuasive speech. Wealth is earned through creative pursuits such as dance, literature, etc. Risk taking and hard work can bring wealth. Money will come (or go) through real estate and fixed assets. Strong Life Focus on Making Money. May attain money through self-expressive careers (acting, teaching, etc). Money comes to you very easily through the grace of God. Good for entrepreneurial work and gambling. Money through healing arts and also through overcoming enemies. Your money comes through marriage or partnerships. Money through inheritance or lottery, otherwise obstacles to earning money. Luck in earning money. Money may also come through ones father or working as a spiritual teacher. Money comes through your career. Your career will involve speaking and/or eating and/or catering. Excellent for money coming with little effort. Good position for speculative pursuits. Money does not stay with you. It is either quickly spent or stolen.

When Financial Karmas Become Active While money for most of us is a life-long issue, there are certain times when it demands most of our attention, whether negative or positive. To see if you are in a money making time or a money losing time, run your Planetary Influence report in Astroved for free. This report will tell you your major and minor planetary period, called Dasha (major) and Bukti (minor). If your major or minor planet is either the Ruler of your Second House or in the Second House, this will be a time increased focus on money and speech for you. If the planet is good for you, this is the time to look for extra money to come. If it is bad, then loss of money during this time can occur.

About the Second House

What is the 2nd House? In Astrology, we will be speaking in terms of Houses and Signs. There are 12 Houses in astrology, just as there are 12 signs. Houses are simply categories of all the things that concern us in human life such as money, children, sex, health, longevity, etc. Each House controls a different category. In the House 1 Makeover, we covered personality and physical appearance. Now, House 2 covers primarily finances and speech and things that go into the mouth. Signs on the other hand are filters that color how the Houses and planets behave. This newsletter will cover the sign of Taurus, which is considered the natural 2nd House of the Zodiac. That means that the sign of Taurus naturally colors things in line with the qualities of the 2nd House, i.e. money, things money can buy and what goes into the mouth. Let us begin by covering the natural 2nd House in Astrology, i.e. Taurus, and also what areas the 2nd House controls. Ones own personal 2nd House is the subject of the next newsletter. The 2nd House The Second House is known as the House of the Earnings. It signifies your capacity to earn a living and accumulate wealth. It also reveals some of your early or childhood experiences with your family. The 2nd house also rules the mouth and teeth, thus having some dominion over your appearance and conversational skills. Additionally the 2nd house can indicate alcohol, drug and food addictions. It also rules your imagination.

To determine if you have the ability to earn and save money, or whether you would be successful in effectively persuading people through speech, the nature of the 2nd house should be consulted. Each sign when it is the 2nd House will color the way that the individual earns his daily bread. Should bad planets be in your 2nd House or looking at your 2nd House, finances and material comforts will be a continual problem for you unless remedied. Characteristics of Taurus: Taurus is the natural 2nd house, coming after Aries in the zodiac. The characteristics of Taurus are derived from the 2nd House traits and also by its ruling planet Venus. With the steadiness and hard-working nature of the bull, the 2nd House is about persevering and keeping things stable. It is about the basic necessities of life: money, food and sex. Taurus, being ruled by Venus, picks up many Venusians qualities a love of sensual pleasures eating, drinking, sex, indulging in the comforts offered by material reality. The Taurean loves beauty but can be a little selfish or materialistic. If your birth chart shows Taurus as your 2nd house, you are likely to have a fortunate and pleasant life, surrounded with a nice family and an ability to make the money necessary to fulfill your worldly desires. Planets Placed in Taurus In all charts, planets placed in Taurus will activate Venusians tendencies for that planet. Sun When the Sun is here, the persons actions, represented by the Sun, will be Venus-like. They would be involved with arts. Their careers would flourish in Taurus-like slow steady established occupations or businesses. They will be able to accumulate wealth over time, slowly attaining returns in conservative, long term investments. Moon When the Moon is here, the persons emotions, represented by the Moon, will be Venus-like. This would be an even personality who is attractive and popular, but quiet. When the persistent quality of Taurus is linked with the Moons emotions it can lead to possessiveness or jealousy not wanting to let go. When looking at Taurus, the Moon deserves special attention. The Moon loves the sign of Taurus. Taurus is called the Moons Sign of Exaltation. The Moon when here give good qualities such as a strong mind, good concentration, and are steady with good morals. It is the Moon at its most effective strength. The Moon is Friends with Venus. When the Moon comes into Venus house of Taurus, it feels right at home. The Moon in your chart represents your emotions and qualities of your mother. Its condition in your chart will affect your overall reaction to your worldly experience, how you choose to experience the situations and events you find yourself in. A strong Moon, whether it is placed in its own house of Cancer or in its friends houses of Venus (Libra and Taurus), it will contribute to a stable emotional life. Other Planets in Taurus Venus is a benefic planet doing more good than harm. Its considered to bring a cool and calming touch to the areas it occupies in your chart. If it is placed in its own signs, Taurus and Libra, that person will attract others and be very charismatic. They will be able to bring

happiness to others.

Following is a list of how the nature of planets placed in the Taurus is modified.
Planet in Taurus Key Attributes Description Clever, happy, good at reading, writing, speaking. Strong opinions, holds fast to point of view. Likes poetry and fine arts. Attractive. Loves a luxurious lifestyle. Can overindulge in sensual pleasures eating, drinking, sex. Youthful disposition. Focused on short term pleasures. Good earning ability. Strong body and liberal loving character. Attached to their homes or partners. Lawful, diplomatic. Has fixed religious or philosophical ideas. Will be frugal. Will be voracious eaters.


Thinking is Practical, Steady, or Stubborn Love and Prosperity is Steady, Physical Active in Enjoyments




Expanded wealth and enjoyments Steady and reserved character



Displays unusual artistic talents. Likes foreigners. Love for Unconventional , unstable the misplaced, neglected people in the world. Loves the or confused love and unloved. Enjoys the unconventional. Gets deceived in wealth finances. Chaotic love and wealth Spiritually oriented, finds love in God. Seeks the highest form of love. Inattention to accumulating wealth.


How to Interpret Your Own Third House

Now that you know which sign your 3rd House is, read the description for this sign as it relates to risk taking. The description will describe the general inclinations you will have due to this sign ruling your 3rd House.
Third House Positive Trait Negative Trait Ruling Planet Personality Description This placement makes one a risk-taker and an innate resistance to authority. The rebellious nature of an Aries third house will create conflicts with associates and in the pursuit of their desires. Taurus as the third house is about transforming desires into reality. First the desire is made pure. However, the follow-through and risk-taking ability is wishy-washy and irregular. Very rational intellect leading to great problem solving skills. This placements give an intellectual competitiveness. While you play fair and abide by the rules, you like have a self-interested pursuit of your desires. With Cancer in the 3rd House, you prefer the easy way rather than exerting yourself or forcing the issues. Oftentimes this placement indicates gives way to pessimism which leads to non-risk taking and unfulfilled desires. Leo in the 3rd House will make ones skills and talents highly individualized. You will also be selfwilled in fulfilling your desires with an intense focus on the things that are of interest to you. Your bold determination may alienate you from others. Good listeners and curious nature. While you make excellent explorers and are endowed with the cleverness required to fulfill your desires, you approach opportunities in an indirect or secretive way. This person is proud of their talents with a knack for showing-off. Libra in the 3rd House is good for artistic or acting pursuits. While somewhat selfcentered in your interests, you approach opportunities with diplomacy and courage which furthers things along. This person will be aggressive and risk-taking in their approach to opportunities. The results are often less than desired as it will not turn out helpful for yourself or others. However, through these lessons, you ego will be purified and spiritual well-being






























Intense and Secretive



enhanced. Jupiter in the third house will give one a peaceful, rather than forceful nature. While your desire may be selfish towards those whom you are interested in and opportunities to further yourself, you will not be unscrupulous in fulfilling those desires. This placement is not good for risk-taking or creativity. Saturn in the third house makes one insecure, both in ego and emotionally. This creates a neediness around the individual giving way to an overly controlling attitude. This placement will give you a precise intellect and approach to which you are attached and rigid. You will pass on risky opportunities unless they exactly coincide with your rigid point of view. There will be little short-term benefit from any risk taken, but in the long-term, there could be a pay-off. A Pisces third house will make ones intellect to lean toward the spiritual. In the materialistic world, this often leads to meekness in ones ability to take risks.

Sagittarius Direct

Hot-headed and Excessive














Examine your 3rd House and note any planets in that sign, then read the descriptions for each planet that you have in your 3rd House to see how they affect your creativity, siblings and courage.
Planet in the 3rd House Sun Moon Mars General Effect Negative Effect Appearance of power, but it is an empty show to hide weakness. Too emotional and fickle. Younger brother may have difficulty. Mental unsteadiness, difficulty for younger brother or sister. While positive and talented, artistic work fails. Unfulfilled desires leading to disappointments. Not a good placement for younger siblings. Brings controversy and trouble for younger brothers or sisters. Can create some mental imbalance.

Power and courage. Very artistic and talented with great, catchy enthusiasm. Very courageous and adventurous. A leader in artistic endeavors. Passionate and artistic.



Creative visionary; great film director. Risk-taking, fun-loving, charming and into beautiful surroundings. Not strong in creativity or risk-taking ability unless they can overcome shyness and rigidity. Very powerful position. Can lead to great fame. Wildly and mystically imaginative.



Rahu Ketu

To help you determine whether the planets placed in your 3rd house will tend to have the negative influence mentioned above, check in the following chart. If your 3rd House sign has an enemy planet in it, then you will have more proclivities to the negative effects. Rahu and Ketu are not listed as they are generally considered unfavorable for all signs. Rahu can bring tremendous benefit though when placed in the 3rd House.
3rd House Sign Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Friend Jupiter Sun Mars Mercury Saturn Sun Venus Saturn Venus Mercury Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Mercury Saturn Venus Jupiter Sun Moon Mars Mars Sun Jupiter Venus Mercury Saturn Venus Saturn Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Mercury Moon Mercury Moon Sun Moon Saturn Sun Moon Neutral Moon Enemy Saturn Venus Mercury Jupiter Moon Mars Jupiter Mars Sun Saturn Mercury Venus Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Sun Mars Saturn Mercury Venus Saturn Venus Moon Mars Jupiter Sun Moon Mars Saturn Venus Mercury Sun

The final step in understanding your personal 3rd house is to examine where your 3rd houses

Plant that rules the 3rd House is in your 1st House 2nd House 3rd House 4th House 5th House 6th House 7th House 8th House 9th House 10th House 11th House 12th House

How your Money Karma will Come to You Success on your own without help. Courage and adventurous. Some natural artistic talents. Through discipline and courage, money will come to you. It will take some effort. Skilled in the arts. Very enthusiastic and courageous. Success in achieving personal happiness and comforts. Risk-taking is best in real-estate, cars and mother-related matters. Good for speculative investments and entrepreneurial work. Grace and destiny direct your efforts. Great for the healing arts, but your siblings may have health issues. Strong and creative in competitive situations. Partnerships with siblings. Passionate love affairs. An interest in mysticism and/or sensuality. Caution in acting upon desires. Strained relationship with siblings. Impulsive decision making. Courage and adventurous in far-away travels or travels with a guru or father-figure. Strong motivation and career in the arts. Your sibling may be involved in your career. Success and profit through entrepreneurial pursuits and risk-taking. You surround yourself with people who can help you manifest. Lack of courage, success takes a lot of effort. Excellent placement for personal transformation and spiritual attainment.

When Creativity, Courage, Sibling Karmas Become Active There are certain times when 3rd House issues demand most of our attention, whether negative or positive. To see if your 3rd House is active right now run your Planetary Influence report in Astroved for free. This report will tell you your major and minor planetary period, called Dasha (major) and Bukti (minor). If your major or minor planet is either the Ruler of your Third House or in the Third House, this will be a time increased focus on creativity, courage and siblings for you. What is the 3rd House? There are two kinds of 3rd Houses referred to in Vedic Astrology. The natural 3rd House and ones own personal 3rd House. We will begin by covering the natural 3rd House in Astrology which is Gemini and also the areas that the 3rd House controls.

General Characteristics of the 3rd House Regardless of whether it is Gemini (the natural 3rd House) or your personal 3rd House, the 3rd House represents specific areas in your life. The Third House is known as the House of Siblings. It signifies your capacity to get along with others and physical strength. It also reveals your general attitudes in dealing with risk whether you act boldly or with caution. The 3rd house also rules the ears, arms, hands and nervous systems. The third house is also called an Upachaya or Growing House (along with the 6th, 10th and 11th Houses). This means that while experiences could be tough in the beginning, they do get better over time. Thus having difficult planetary placements in the 3rd house can cause problems early on, but they have the potential to be transmuted into a positive. For instance, having Mars (which is considered a malefic planet) in your third House, may indicate intense activity, sibling rivalry and a combative attitude. But because it is in the 3rd House, this intense martian energy gives you the potential to turn it to something positive. For example, this intense energy may make you work out harder and increase your athletic ability, thus giving you a very fit, healthy body. Each of the signs, when it is the 3rd House of a chart, brings a unique quality to the House of Siblings; it will color the way that one approaches others, ones attitudes toward risk and creativity. Further, a planet that is placed in the 3rd House or expecting the third house will greatly alter their interpersonal skills and the way they react to situations. By means of an example, Gemini, the natural 3rd House, is examined in detail below. Characteristics of Gemini, the Natural 3rd House Gemini is the natural 3rd house, coming after Aries and Taurus in the zodiac. Gemini is symbolized by the twins, or an embracing couple. This sign, the only one including two individuals, represents communication and the thinking mind. Geminis ruling planet is Mercury. As such, Gemini is bestowed with Mercurial qualities love of learning, quick witted, genial, and joyous. The dark side of Gemini is that they can be too cunning losing the faith of others, or be irresponsible changing their minds, not finishing things, bluffing their way. If your birth chart shows Gemini as your 3rd house, you are likely to be engaging in mental pursuits. This person would make a good diplomat as they will be an excellent communicator and will be able to intuit what others want to hear. Planets Placed in Gemini Unlike other signs, there is no planet that is Exalted in Gemini and none that is Depilated. Even Geminis ruling planet, Mercury, is exalted in Virgo instead of Gemini. In all charts, planets placed in Gemini will activate Mercurial tendencies for that planet. Sun in Gemini When the Sun is here, the persons actions, represented by the Sun, will be Mercury-like. They would be attracted to scholarly activities such as research and reading. Their careers would flourish in Mercury-like fast paced occupations or businesses such as advertising or journalism. They will bring cleverness to their actions, and adept at developing strategy. Moon in Gemini When the Moon is here, the persons emotions, represented by the Moon, will be Mercury-like.

This would be a very changeable personality, very adaptable to their environment. They are likely to be stressed, having taken on too much. Their quick wit will win people over, but Moon in Gemini people are difficult to depend on in a crunch, they are easily overwhelmed. Mercury in Gemini Mercury is considered a neutral planet; it will be positive or negative based on its nearby planets. If it is placed in its own signs of Gemini and Virgo, that person will have a very developed mind and reasoning capacity, they will be very capable intellectually. Venus in Gemini Venus in Gemini will give one a great love of learning and intellectual pursuits and art. However, their love in relationship matters will take on a dual nature with vacillation desires. Mars in Gemini Mars in this sign will give one a very active, quick and fiery mind. For better or worse, they will have an active relationship with their siblings and relatives. Jupiter in Gemini Jupiter here will bring mental and emotional balance to the ones mind. This person will have great communication skills and tact in their delivery, as well as good sense of humor. Saturn in Gemini Saturn will discipline the mind and bring the ability to intensely focus on tasks at hand. This placement makes for good scientists and researchers. Saturn also gives the ability to organize and put things in proper scope. On the negative, it can also lead to compulsive behavior and create indecisiveness. Rahu in Gemini Rahu will give one the ability to think outside the box and make one very innovative. If afflicted, this placement can also create mental disorders and eccentricity. Ketu in Gemini Ketu in Gemini will give one great creativity and unbounded thinking. However, on the negative, it can also cause a fragmented mind and ailments. Now that we have understood some of the characteristics of 3rd House, the sign of Gemini, and the planets that it favors, test your knowledge with the quiz below!

The Fourth House: About You

How to Interpret Your Own Fourth House

Now that you know which sign your 4th House is, read the description for the sign that rules your 4th house of Home & Heart. This description offers you general inclinations you will have due to this sign ruling your 4th House. It is imporant to keep in mind that there are many factors which influence your chart, your karma/dharma and your life, including condition of the planet ruling a house, condition of planets in a house, and what dasha (planetary) period you are currently running.
Fourth House Aries Ruling Planet Mars Home & Heart Nature Mars rules both the 4th and the 11th house, making it a malefic planet for Capricorn rising, this can bring difficulty from the mother. They will have strong desire nature and can acquire wealth and property, possibly from the mother. Their home is very esthetically pleasing with an artistic flair. They are very artistic and love to travel, which is displayed in the home. Their parents are highly social and charming. They have a strong desire for knowledge and educational degrees with a love for beauty. They will favor a partner who is cultured and well educated. They come from a family educationally accomplished (esp. mother and maternal lineage). Since the Moon owns Cancer and is the karaka for the 4th house, it becomes a double signification, bolstering the positive values of the 4th house. This person can be very nurturing and create a very comfortable, nurturing home and home life. Emotionally sensitive nature, as well as sensitive siblings (since the Moon owns the 3rd house of siblings). A strong-willed mother (Suns influence) and the potential for good success in real estate if the Sun is well placed. There is a love of family and a strong connection to the mother, since Mercury owns both the 1st and 4th house (self and mother), and home and material possessions is influenced by the mother. Money can come through mother as well. Venus ruler ship brings love of luxury and beauty in the home. Gains, such as wealth and real estate, can come through the mother (since Venus also owns the 11th house of gains). A strong pursuit of educational degrees (strong because Mars also rules the 9th house of higher learning). May become property owners. Strong interest/connection to the mothers lineage. Male native will pursue a partner who resembles his mother. A strong sense of power and purpose, as Saturn also rules the 5th house (making for a Raja Yoga). Able to live simply. Maternal side can be Saturnine reserved, undemonstrative. Strong emotional nature, desire for truth and higher knowledge (with Moon ruling 9th house of dharma). Strong connection to the mother and a love for the home a homebody. A happy, optimistic heart. Gracious home space.













Scorpio Sagittarius

Mars Jupiter



Aquarius Pisces

Saturn Jupiter

Once you have identified which sign is your fourth house, the next step in understanding aspects of your material possessions and heart house is to know which planets most directly influence it and modify its nature.

Planet in the 4th House Sun

General Effect

If 4th House is afflicted

Success in foreign countries and after middle age, Lack of home comforts, friends, land and home; heart good reputation, sharp mind ailments, quarrelsome. Happy, well-educated, sensuous, good relations with mother and friends. Brave, courageous heart, good technologies in the home. Very scholarly, wise, prosperous in physical comforts (vehicles and homes), good friends. Wisdom, happy, good material comforts and wealth, good mother, charitable giver, great spiritual advancement. Attractive, esthetically pleasing home, clothes and vehicles, good looking, affectionate, affectionate mother, musical, domestic happiness. Wise, wealthy, favorable for meditation and spiritual attainment, capability of austerity, success in foreign places. Proficient in foreign languages. Sudden reversals and changes in life circumstances Live far from birthplace, propensity for deep spiritual practices. Unhappy home life, unhappy/unhappiness with mother.



Quarrels in the home, coarse nature.


Bookish, likes to play tricks. If your 4th House is Aries or Capricorn, Jupiter here could bring losses or debts as it is also Lord of your 12th House of Loss (Pisces or Sagittarius).



Boastful, vain.


Sickly in early childhood, disconnection or breaks from mother, phlegm diseases Few friends, fraudulent, errant behavior. Malicious speech, deprived of maternal happiness and properties.



If your 4th House sign has an enemy planet in it, then you will have more proclivities to the negative effects. Rahu and Ketu are not listed as they are generally considered unfavorable for all signs.

4th House Sign Friend Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Mercury Saturn Venus Mars Saturn Sun Venus Moon Mars Jupiter Mars Sun Mercury Saturn Mars Sun Venus Moon Mars Jupiter Sun Mars Venus Mars Venus Mercury Saturn Sun Moon Jupiter Mars Moon

Neutral Sun Mercury Jupiter

Enemy Mercury Moon Jupiter Jupiter Moon Sun Mercury Saturn Venus Moon Saturn Mercury Venus

Venus Moon Mercury Sun Saturn

Moon Jupiter Jupiter Mars Sun Saturn Mercury Venus

Jupiter Moon Saturn Mercury Venus Saturn Sun Mercury Jupiter Moon Mars Moon Jupiter Sun Saturn Mars Jupiter Moon Mercury Venus Saturn Venus Mercury

The final step in understanding your personal 4th house is to examine where your 4th houses Planetary Ruler is placed in your chart and what that means for you. Remember, the Planetary Ruler can be found in the chart in Step 2. The placement of your 4th House planetary ruler will tell you how your home and emotional karma will be experienced by you in this lifetime. If you are on a spiritual path, it could indicate a hearts desire for enlightenment. Below are the indications of each House:
Planet that rules the 4th House is in your 1st House 2nd House 3rd House 4th House 5th House 6th House 7th House 8th House 9th House 10th House 11th House 12th House How your Heart & Home Karma are shaped Well-educated, happiness from mother, virtuous Owns good property (could inherit through maternal grandfather), happiness through family, courageous Generous, talented, courageous, possible difficulty with step-family Prosperous property owner, attachment to spouse, devoted nature, religious heart, happy, serious. Enjoys material comforts, mother comes from a good family, good vehicles, loves God, loved and respected by others. Loss of mother or maternal comforts (mother sickly), fulfillment through service to others. Good karma for land and houses, generally happy. Inherited property, obstacles to happiness, loss of properties, low parental support, desire for transformation or underhandedness. Virtuous and well-loved, good home comforts, devoted heart, desire to do good deeds. Extroverted personality, happiness in/through career, possible career in real estate, enjoys may material comforts. Generous, self-made, fortunate mother, good for success in buying and selling real estate. Without own home, loss of mother, desire for enlightenment.

When Material Possessions, Land, Heart and Mother Karmas Become Active Accumulation of fixed assets and home life are always present as a strong desire for most of us. But there are times when the lessons and opportunities for growth in these areas are most pronounced. To see if you are in a period especially influencing your 4th house issues, run your Planetary Influence report in Astroved for free. This report will tell you your major and minor planetary period, called Dasha (major) and Bukti (minor). If your major or minor planet is either the Ruler of your Fourth House or in the Fourth House, this will be a time of increased focus on material possessions and personal values. If the planet is good for you, look for an expansion of personal contentment and home affairs. If it is bad, then there can be, for example, domestic upheaval (e.g. moving) or problems with the mother during this time.

About the Fourth House

What is the 4th House? In Astrology, we will be speaking in terms of Houses and Signs. There are 12 Houses in astrology, just as there are 12 signs. Houses are simply categories of all the things that concern us in human life such as money, children, sex, health, longevity, etc. Each House controls a different category. In the House 3 Makeover, we covered siblings, courage and creativity. Now, House 4 covers primarily happiness, material possessions such as home, property, and fixed assets; as well as education and mother. Signs on the other hand are filters that color how the Houses and planets behave. This newsletter will cover the sign of Cancer, which is considered the natural 4th House of the Zodiac. That means that the sign of Cancer naturally colors things in line with the qualities of the 4th House, i.e. mother, home, happiness, vehicles, education, land and property.

General Characteristics of the 4th House The Fourth House is known as the House of Home and Heart. It is one of the moksha houses, a house of spiritual liberation, and holds our private thoughts and feelings. It is the lowest point in the chart, below the horizon, and so is an indicator of those things unseen and on land. Therefore the 4th house is an indicator for land and property, as well as vehicles. A strong 4th house for example, could indicate good home and cars. It is the home of mother, mind and matter, so happiness and relationship with the mother is indicated here. It is also a house of education, though there are different views as to what level of education. Generally, it is viewed as higher education, from high school to college level, as well as spiritual education, since it is a moksha house. It is the most sensitive point in the chart and so indicates our deeper psychological nature. It also represents the masses and our relationship to the public. Physically, it is the chest and heart regions. The Moon, as ruler of the natural 4th house of Cancer, is the karaka, or indicator of the 4th house. Moon as Indicator for the 4th House The Moon is associated with manas, the mind and emotions. This watery planet represents the sensitivity of the human mind as well as Mother and motherhood. The Moon therefore influences fertility, conception and childbirth. As with all the planets, the Moons influence and characteristics can be understood on both the material and spiritual planes of existence. So physical fertility as well as spiritual fertility can be understood from the 4th house and Moon. Even though it rules Cancer, the Moon is exalted in Taurus, i.e. the most positive, beneficial aspects of the Moon come forth the more. Characteristics of Cancer, the Natural 4th House Cancer is the 4th sign in the zodiac and therefore the natural 4th house. The Moon, Cancers ruler, gives its qualities to Cancer natives. Cancers enjoy people, are friendly, caring, nurturing and enjoy traditions. They tend to foreign travel and enjoy the water. Like the Moon, they can be highly sensitive, changeable and moody. They value relationships and enjoy caring for, feeding and entertaining loved ones. Planets Placed in Cancer Jupiter, the planet of higher knowledge and luck, is Exalted in Cancer. This means that whenever you see Jupiter in the sign of Cancer, more likely than not, the native will be wise, generous, spiritual and luck; all the better characteristics of Jupiter. Conversely, Mars becomes

Debilitated in Cancer. This placement will bring out the worst traits in Mars, making the native temperamental, argumentative and/or overly aggressive. It is important to remember that when assessing a chart, multiple factors must be taken into consideration. No one effect, such as planetary position in a sign or house, will be the sole indicator of fortunes and influences. In general, one must assess the strength of the house, its indicator, and its lord and occupants, as well as other planetary influences. The following are general indications for when a particular planet is posited in the sign of Cancer. Sun in Cancer The individual will be attractive and enjoy fine foods and wine. Hard worker with many family responsibilities. Can have difficulty with father and other relatives. Moon in Cancer The Moon is in its own sign in Cancer, strengthening its effect for favorable fortune in property, vehicles and friendships. Can have fluctuating wealth. Enjoys physical pleasures Mercury in Cancer Mercury here brings a quick, alert mind, able to comprehend a wide view, enjoying music and poetry. Income can be gained through land (real estate) and through siblings, cousins and partnerships. Great talker with inclination to travel to foreign countries. Venus in Cancer With Venus in Cancer, one is inclined to be affectionate, good-willed, kind-hearted, very attractive and devoted to good causes. Marriage can be delayed and may be a significant difference in age and/or position with the marriage partner. Occupation can be through water elements or with property. Mars in Cancer As mentioned, Mars becomes debilitated in, this fiery planet cooling its heels in watery Cancer. There can be a separation from the mother, changing abodes frequently or other types of difficulty with home and property. A person with Mars here is very independent and goes against the grain. Jupiter in Cancer Jupiter, exalted here, brings good humor, benevolence and graciousness. While religious or spiritual views may change, they will be held with sincerity and devotion. There is a special bond with the mother and an inclination to the mystical. Inclines the individual to truthfulness, wealth and a strong, beautiful body. Saturn in Cancer Saturn brings greater austerity to worldly possessions and wealth. May indicate early loss or estrangement from the father. Learnedness and renown. Rahu in Cancer Rahu is favorable in the sign of Cancer and will bring great help from friends, successful foreign travels and an increase in wealth, as well as spiritual inclinations. Ketu in Cancer Ketu, like Rahu, will take on the qualities of its ruler, in this case the Moon. Can bring an austerity to emotions, or deservedness.

The Fifth House: About You

Now that you know which sign your 5th House is, read the description for the sign that rules your 5th house of God, Intelligence & Children. This description offers you general inclinations you will have due to this sign ruling your 5th House. As you read the description, also make note of the Ruling Planet. We will use this in Step 4 to better understand the specifics of your 5th house karma. It is important to keep in mind that there are many factors which influence your chart, your karma and your life, including condition of the planet ruling a house, condition of planets in a house, and what dasha (planetary) period you are currently running. The ruling planet indicates qualities of mind and general nature of destiny.
Fifth House Ruling Planet God, Intelligence & Children Nature This person will have a passionate nature with a tendency of the mind to search for deeper, spiritual meaning in life since Mars also rules the 12th house of final moksha or enlightenment. Can also bring difficulty with children, with the 12th house as a house of loss. Venus is Raj Yoga Karaka (owner of a Trine [1,3,5 houses] and owner of a Kendra house [1,4,7,9 houses]), so is very powerful for Capricorn native who has Taurus ruling the 5th house. They are highly creative, charming, artistic and possessing grace. Deep thinker (Mercury influence), with a keen intellectual curiosity for research and possibly occult knowledge (both 8th house qualities, as Mercury rules the 8th also). Fondness for children and a moon like qualities of the mind: nurturing, caring. The Sun brings its male influence to bear with a propensity towards male offspring. A strong, sharp mind and kingly leadership potentiality. Perceptions, keen intelligence especially related to creative ways to make money (since Mercury also owns the 2nd house of finances). Since Venus is the best planet for a Gemini native, a Taurus 5th house brings great creativity and refined taste. Brings beautiful children, a sensual nature (Venus is also Lord of the 12th house) and a love of romance. Mars is Raj Yoga Karaka, so is the most powerful planet for Cancer. As ruler of the 5th house, it gives the person keen intelligence with a strong motivation to succeed (Mars as Lord of the 10th). The Mars effect can also lend towards selfishness and brashness, a bit of a rough edge with a zest for life. A curious mind, seeking deeper knowledge (Jupiter the planet of knowledge also ruling the 8th house). Can bring difficulty with children. Children may be delayed or limited. More conservative mind, utilizes structures for creating. A strong sense of purpose and inner power, with Saturn being Raj Yoga Karaka for the Libra native. Children delayed or limited. Keen pursuit of higher knowledge. Since Jupiter also rules the 2nd house, it is a Dhana (wealth) planet for Scorpio native, bringing great potentiality for wealth accumulation. This can come through children, as Lord of the 5th house.





Gemini Cancer Leo

Mercury Moon Sun







Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius

Jupiter Saturn Saturn



Once you have identified which sign is your fifth house, the next step in understanding aspects of your God, Intelligence & Children house is to know which planets most directly influence it and modify its nature. To do this, run the Chart Report on Astroved. Examine your 5th House and note any planets in that sign, then read the descriptions for each planet that you have in your 5th House to see how they affect your 5th house indicators.
Planet in the 5th House General Effect If Afflicted Few children, disturbed mind, difficulty for the firstborn, especially if a son, troubles for the father. Breaks in education, shrewd, showy, cowardly. Unprincipled, wicked, difficult relationships, unhappy, without children.


Intelligent, wise, loves fine arts, tactful, keen discernment. Blessed with children (especially daughters), handsome spouse, high political office, good wealth and learning.



Ambitious, persevering, bold, decisive


Prominence through learning, skilled in mantra (ministerial ability and office), skilled administrator and executive, many offspring, happy. Wise, learned, a minister (or similar), renowned, wealthy virtuous, pure-hearted, strong leader. Good material comforts, good looking, favors children, high status, intelligent, well mannered. Overcomes enemies, if Lord of 9th or 10th, can favor political success, ability to focus on mantra.

Vain, combative.


Difficulty with sons.



Troubled mind, fickle, unhappy, little or no children. Few or no children, narrow-minded, easily angered, phobias, abdominal problems. Phobias, including water, lack of learning and children, abdominal disease.


Compassionate, polite.


Past life value for moksha, remembrance of mantra practice.

To help you determine whether your 5th house will tend to have the negative influence mentioned above, check in the following chart. If your 5th House sign has an enemy planet in it, then you will have more proclivity to the negative effects. Rahu and Ketu are not listed as they are generally considered unfavorable for all signs. 5th House Sign Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Friend Jupiter Sun Mars Mercury Sun Saturn Venus Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Sun Moon Mars Jupiter Sun Mars Venus Mercury Saturn Venus Saturn Jupiter Mercury Mars Moon Jupiter Moon Mercury Moon Sun Moon Saturn Sun Moon Neutral Moon Enemy Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Moon Mars Jupiter Mars Sun Saturn Mercury Venus Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Sun Mars Saturn Mercury Venus Saturn Venus Moon Jupiter Sun Mars Moon Mars Sun Saturn Venus Mercury Sun

The final step in understanding your personal 5th house is to examine where your 5th houses Planetary Ruler is placed in your chart and what that means for you. Remember, the Planetary Ruler can be found in the chart in Step 2. Now, look again at your Chart Report. What sign is your planetary ruler of your 5th House placed? For instance, you may find that you have a Libra 5th House. Libras ruling planet is Venus. The Chart Report would show you in which House your Venus is placed. Perhaps your Venus is in your 9th House. The placement of your 5th House planetary ruler will tell you how your God, Intelligence & Children karma will be experienced by you in this lifetime. So, in our example, if your ruling 5th House planet is Venus and placed in your 9th House (Compassion & Grace) of Aquarius, you may express life service through beautiful poetry or fine arts. Keep in mind that as the planets have a range of values, so do placement of planets in the houses. Below are some indications of each House:
Planet that rules the 5th House is in your 1st House

How your God, Intelligence & Children Karma are Shaped An old soul, natural wisdom, fortune through stock market and other speculative activities, shrewd. Money gained through speculative ventures, gift for communicating, teaching and writing, sharing knowledge from education, musical and good progeny. Risk-taker, courageous, good relations with younger siblings, backbiter, potential for artistic talents (performing, fine arts, writing) from past lives. Spiritual or religious preceptor, benefits from mother, may follow ancestral vocation, fulfillment through spiritual practices (yoga, mantra). Abundant property and vehicles. Strong destiny. May know early in life your destiny. Virtuous, favorable for higher education and children, as well as speculative ventures. Knowledge/learning of the healing arts (can be from past life accomplishments), also child may have healing abilities, sickly child, enmity with child/children or children face many obstacles. High destiny life partner, partner (spouse) is virtuous, well educated and spiritually inclined. Speculative gains through partnerships, goodness to others, happiness with children. Study/great interest in metaphysics, though may not be formal education and degrees. Loss of money through speculation, short-tempered, difficult for progeny. Excellent past life credit bringing things easily, high status, writes books, father is strong influence and highly respected, enhances all benefic qualities of the 5th house. Lover of music and poetry. Fame in career which is destiny-driven, virtuous deeds, career related to 5th house interests children, spiritual teaching etc. Excellent placement for entrepreneurial success, influential friends, favors writing books, wealth, favorable associations with children. Can lose money through speculation, excellent for spiritual pursuits and accomplishment, learning from/in foreign lands/spiritual cultures.

2nd House

3rd House

4th House

5th House

6th House

7th House

8th House

9th House

10th House

11th House

12th House

God, Grace, Children and Higher Intelligence

What is the 5th House? In the House 4 Makeover, we covered happiness, heart and mother. Now, House 5 covers primarily your relationship to God, intelligence, children, spiritual learning and destiny, as well as writing, business undertakings and past life merits. Signs on the other hand are filters that color how the Houses and planets behave. This newsletter will cover the sign of Leo, which is considered the natural 5th House of the Zodiac. That means that the sign of Leo naturally colors things in line with the qualities of the 5th House. Let us begin by covering the general characteristics of the 5th house and what they influence in your life. Then in the 2nd week, we show you how to examine your own chart (and others) and find which planets are influencing your 5th house. As we progress through the final 2 weeks, you will be guided through a powerful meditation and transformation workshop that will enable you to empower your relationship with God in the manner you desire. Your own personal 5th House is the subject of the next newsletter. General Characteristics of the 5th House The Fifth House is known as the house of Grace. It is one of the dharma houses, a house of destiny. A strong 5th house indicates strong character and judgment (the discernment from keen, clear intelligence), happiness from good children, and spiritual learnedness. It is the house of poorva punya, past life credit, from righteous (dharmic) acts of merit accumulated from past lives. It is the house of mantra, use and skill with spiritual practice, as well as higher education accomplishment (degrees). Because it is the third house from the third house, it shares some of the qualities or significators of the third house, such as creativity and writing. Whereas the third house is seen as favoring writing of articles, the fifth house favors writing of books and production of other literary works such as poetry. And while the third house favors personal creativity and raw talents, the fifth house expresses these through creation of new life, i.e. of conception and children, as well as metaphysical or spiritual conception, i.e. grace from God. Since the fifth house represents the instrumentation of creativity, it signifies musical instruments. Spiritually, this would be signified by mantra and skill in recitation of mantra. For these reasons, it is considered a highly auspicious house. Also, it is the ninth house from the ninth house, another dharma house that is most auspicious. Two planets in particular have a strong relationship with the 5th house: the Sun and Jupiter. These are discussed more below. Characteristics of Leo, the Natural 5th House Leo, or Simha, is the 5th sign in the zodiac and therefore the natural 5th house. The Sun is the ruler of Leo, giving its qualities to the 5th house as well. Leos possess a strong sense of self and character, with a tendency for flair and drama. They enjoy attention and are bold and ambitious, enjoying status and prestige. Leo is symbolized by the lion, representing the Divine urge for procreation. Leo is a fire sign, representing purification, penance and creativity, all significations of the 5th

house. Because nothing can be restricted in the flow of creation, no planet is debilitated in the sign of Leo. Nor is any planet exalted here. Sun, Lord of Leo The Sun represents the soul, the primeval fire that lies within all of life. It is the life force of the universe. The Sun is the male aspect of God that is the silent witness. The Sun represents courage, physical strength and stamina, the father, king, high status, traveling, mental purity, fire, anger, hostility, leadership, physician, enlightenment. The Sun becomes exalted in Aries and debilitated in Libra. Jupiter as Karaka, Signification, for the 5th House Each House (bhava) has one or more planets associated with it as a karaka. Karaka is a Signification. The qualities of the planet are the same as of that house. In the case of the 5th house, the house karaka is Jupiter. So Jupiter and the 5th house will tend to signify similar things. Jupiter is associated with God, spiritual knowledge, children (especially sons), the husband, spiritual preceptor and good luck. The Sanskrit word for Jupiter is Guru, the word also for teacher. The most benefic of planets, Jupiter is very expansive and gracious, the great Teacher, desiring to lead all to the paths of righteousness (dharma). He is the container and bestower of sacred wisdom. All of Jupiters qualities grace and color the meaning of the fifth house. He is, according to esteemed Vedic Astrologer, B. Behari, the Grantor of Gods Benediction. Grace is indicated from the placement of Jupiter. Jupiter in the 5th house is considered very auspicious. Planets Placed in Leo Again, its important to remember that when assessing a chart, multiple factors must be taken into consideration. No one effect, such as planetary position in a sign or house, will be the sole indicator of fortunes and influences. In general, one must assess the strength of the house, its indicator, its lord and occupants, as well as other planetary influences. The following are general indications for when a particular planet is posited in the sign of Leo. In the next newsletter we will cover more specific analysis. Sun in Leo The Sun is in its own sign in Leo, a place of great strength for the Sun, especially if the Sun is placed within the first 20 of Leo. The individual will be strong, courageous, well known, hottempered, stubborn and commanding. Leos possess great organizing power (arising from solarsun-plexus), capacity for many skills and fields of knowledge, generosity and a humanitarian heart. Moon in Leo Large boned proud, bold, generous, aristocratic, challenges with women, stomach /intestinal problems, wide range of type of work, strongly influenced by the mother. Mercury in Leo Independent, good memory, independent thinker, positive self will, enjoys travel, two mothers, illusive happiness through spouse, can marry early in life. Enjoys the fine arts, children, singing, music etc. May tend to get overly absorbed in mental pursuits to the distraction of other duties. Kind hearted, easy-going, and self-indulgent. Venus in Leo With Venus in Leo, an individual enjoys the respect of spiritual preceptors, good relations with

family, marries into a good family, dampened stamina, passionate, emotional, conceited, tends to jump to conclusions, gains money and other benefits through women (if the native is a man), difficulty with enemies. Mars in Leo Strong body and stamina, fearless, great perseverance in work, respects elders and preceptors, enjoys the occult, such as astronomy and astrology, mental unrest, independent, author early in life, restless, noble, combative, few children, enjoys the children of others. Jupiter in Leo Pleasant personality, happy, good-hearted, strong intellect, learned, conjugal happiness, famous, leader, especially military, great stamina, loving friend, well read, difficulty vanquishing enemies. Saturn in Leo This position helps the individual to rise to a higher station in life. The individual is a hard worker, good writer, ignoble, has difficulty with relations, may be inclined towards ill deeds, earns a living through service, angry, and stubborn. Early separation from father. Rahu in Leo Unfavorable position for Rahu. Can obstruct the Sun and create confusion in the mind, indecision. Can create mental disturbance, disruptions and blocks to completing higher education degree. Unfavorable for romance. Ketu in Leo Considered the shadow of the sun, it has the ability to block the positive aspects of the Sun and therefore Leo. Favors self-doubt and low self-worth.

The Sixth House: About you

Now that you know which sign your 6th House is, please read the description for the sign that rules your 6th house of Health, Enemies, Debt & Litigation. This description offers you general inclinations you will have due to this sign ruling your 6th House. As you read the description, also make note of the Ruling Planet. We will use this in Step 4 to better understand the specifics of your 6th house karma.
Sixth House Ruling Planet Health, Enemies, Debt & Litigation Nature Great energy. Strength to destroy outer obstacles. Tendency for self-sabotage, enmity with the self. Life work related to 6th house characteristics (including military or medical professions). Potential for real progress with self development. Pride in success. Venus as the owner of two problematic houses (6th and 11th, Libra) brings enmity from friends and health issues, especially during Venus dashas and bhuktis. Must learn to temper pride with diplomacy. Skills and wisdom. Competitive need to be right. Hard working towards spiritual pursuits since Mercury also rules the 9th house of dharma. Fortune can increase through lawful work (cannot cut corners). Gentle and humanitarian. Service profession likely working with women (Moon represents women). Prone to digestive problems and must guard against depression. Self-image improves over time. Physical attachments and karma. Brings robust health, powerful enemies. Hard working. Evolving the body for spiritual well-being. Practical intelligence and skills. Competitive nature, but plays fair. Always seeking self-improvement (since Mercury also rules the 3rd house of ambition). Can bring anxiety, health problems, accidents and conflicts, especially with siblings. Luxury-loving. Physical strength. Feisty, competitive nature, but comes across with smoothness, sweetness from Venus effect. Some tendency toward self-indulgence, but will receive fulfillment through hard work. Some obstacles in discovering path in life when younger so must learn patience. Aggressive and impulsive. Mars brings difficulty ruling here, because it also rules the difficult 11th house, creating greater vulnerability to accidents. Influences friends becoming enemies. Brings strength and will to succeed, especially through competition. Must guard against selfishness and ruthlessness. Good for physical and martial arts skill. Peaceful and forgiving. Since Jupiter also rules the 9th House (Pisces), there is a drive for truth and justice. Also potential for career in politics or law. Learns from enemies. Brings capacity for karma yoga (path of selfless action and service to others). Saturn, the taskmaster, brings a strong work ethic and discipline. Because Saturn also rules the 7th house (Aquarius) of Partnership, can also lend the individual to create enmity with personal and professional partners. May have karmic debts which need to be paid to others. Must face insecurities about partnerships. Empowers improvement through self-effort. Hard-working, health issues related to digestion. Good for healing abilities. May experience joy from work as one gets older. Real harvest comes from spiritual service. May experience increase and upliftment throughout life. High-minded in service orientation. Seeks justice in the workplace. May not be forceful. Seeks forgiveness, not enmity. Is not unscrupulous in seeking profit.

























Once you have identified which sign is your sixth house, the next step in understanding aspects of your Health, Enemies, Debt & Litigation house is to know which planets most directly influence it and modify its nature.

Planet in the 6th House Strong, healthy. Conquers adversaries, bold, untraditional, powerful, wealthy, Sun strong digestion, strong sex drive, position of authority, strong executive ability. Interest in overseas travel. General Effect Negative Effect

Can incur debt from friends and/or government, spouses health weak.

Humble mind. Refined, intelligent. Has spiritual interests. Does well to assist Moon others. If in the sign of Cancer or Taurus, the individual is very generous and enjoys many luxuries.

Many enemies, unhappiness or ill health during childhood, abdominal disorders, slow digestion, indolent, short-tempered, arrogant, troubled mind (pessimism). Vulnerable to blood diseases, oversexed, impedes conception of children, heavy expenditures. Can be demanding, overbearing. Sharp, even harsh speech, interrupted education, argumentative, easily angered, sickly. Must beware of pride and showing off. Lacking in vitality, disrespected. Must watch out for conceit and starting quarrels. Must learn prudence with money. Philanderer, infamous, unhappy, poor, loose morals. May have a weak partner. Must watch expenses with house and car. Stubborn, sickly, prone to sex diseases (over sexed), in debt, few children. Must control pride.

Determined. Strong, overcomes enemies, high sex drive, strong appetite and Mars digestion, a leader, powerful, political success. Good at athletics and debate. Can do well far away from place of birth. Likes rural settings, so good to get out in nature. Absorbed. Focused on work. Very skilled, especially with writing, research, or Mercury computers. Has interest in law and religion. Respected, executive ability, strong ability to conquer opponents. (If favorably influenced.) Enjoys privacy and is ok to live alone. Gives support to humanitarian work. Generally healthy. Witty, intelligent, conquers adversaries, renown, status Jupiter through spouse, jovial, witty. Enjoys travel. Usually not a large number of children. Reliable. Impressive. Without enemies or conquers them easily, well informed. Venus (If Venus is strong in the chart.). May travel for education. Especially may travel to tropical/foreign places. May have skills in several fields. Service oriented. Overcomes enemies (if Saturn Saturn is strong in the chart), clever, attractive, big appetite. May work overseas or in area of properties (construction, rentals) A fighter. Conquers adversaries (though often oppressed by them), wealth, longlived, latter part of life more favorable. Increases physical and mental stamina Rahu over time, and victory of struggles and strife. Can bring great transformation if spiritualizes experiences (e.g. struggles and strife). May have success with import/export commerce. Often a strong person in their family. Wise. Learned, conquers foes, good health, Ketu generous. As with Rahu, Ketu here can bring great transformation if spiritualizes experiences (e.g. struggles and strife). Good intuition. Can travel or live overseas with ease. Usually gets their way over time.

Vulnerable to anal and venereal disease, adultery. Must restrain tendency toward gossip.

Adultery, licentious. May have some health issues with eyes or teeth.

To help you determine whether your 6th house will tend to have the negative influence mentioned above, check in the following chart. If your 6th House sign has an enemy planet in it, then you will have more proclivity to the negative effects. Rahu and Ketu are not listed as they are generally considered unfavorable for all signs.
6th House Sign Friend Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Jupiter Sun Mars Mercury Sun Saturn Venus Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Sun Moon Mars Jupiter Sun Mars Venus Mercury Saturn Venus Saturn Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Mercury Moon Sun Moon Saturn Sun Moon Neutral Moon Enemy Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Moon Mars Jupiter Mars Sun Saturn Mercury Venus Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Sun Mars Saturn Mercury Venus Moon Mercury Saturn Venus Moon Jupiter Sun Mars Moon Mars Sun Saturn Venus Mercury Sun

The placement of your 6th House planetary ruler will tell you how Health, Enemies, Debt & Litigation karma will be experienced by you in this lifetime. So, in our example, if your ruling 6th House planet is Jupiter and placed in your 9th House (Compassion & Grace) of Aquarius, you may express your spiritual yearnings through service to others; as well as luck (9th house) in overcoming adversaries.
Planet that rules the 6th House is in your 1st House

How your Health, Enemies, Debt & Litigation Karma are Shaped

Good protector. Ability in the healing arts, service-oriented, could bring weak health. Does well serving a cause (for example, army/medicine/religion). Will prevail in conflicts. Good stamina. Must not go into debt. Prosperity comes from service. Livelihood through healing professions, service to others through much effort, speech difficulties, can lose money through adversaries. Unstable family life. Must be careful to maintain dental health. Must watch diet. Lessons of perseverance. Fulfillment of ambitions through great perseverance. Enmity with brothers, loss of courage. Skilled with hands. Great determination. May have conflicts with neighbors. Needs adventure. Defense oriented. Strategic. Mother has ill health and/or difficult relationship with mother, breaks in education. Vulnerable to lungs or heart ailments. May move a great deal. Quick learner. Defeats enemies through intelligence. Affectionate and protective. A diminishing over time of negative 6th house effects. A favorable placement. Must maintain discipline with their prayers or duties. Warrior. Great ability to overcome adversaries, competitors, favorable relationships with employees. Some talent in medicine. May visit foreign lands. Must not get run down. Dynamic. Intense. Difficulties and/or loss in marriage, unhealthy spouse, spouse can be involved in healing arts. Vulnerability in sex organs. Can create business deals. May get money from lawsuits or inheritance. Strong ability as healer and/or health problems (chronic not acute), can cause difficulties for others. Must avoid bad company so as to prevent others taking advantage. Especially must resolve jealousy through learning to be supportive toward others. Father can be in healing profession and/or difficulty (enmity) with father. Strong health. Overcomes adversaries, serves others as part of spiritual path. Must bring ethics to bear on work. Must work on etiquette with teachers. Strongest placement for profession in healing, come to success after much struggle and effort. Can experience many troubles from adversaries, competitors. Has high standards and must work on purifying self. Does well to consistently save money for the p roverbial rainy day. Earlier in life can be deceived by friends and others in business ventures. Later success in speculative/entrepreneurial ventures. Daring and generous. Good immune system. Defeats enemies over time. Must develop and maintain positive outlook. Employees can bring losses, sometimes works hard for little gain. Interest in liberation but must not go into debt for spiritual pursuits. In long run, resolves problems. Passionate, but cannot give way to recklessness. Should focus on enlightenment of others to avoid frustration.

2nd House

3rd House

4th House

5th House

6th House

7th House

8th House

9th House

10th House

11th House

12th House

What is the 6th House? In the House 5 Makeover, we covered relationship with God, spiritual pursuits and practices, intelligence, children and destiny. Now, House 6 covers primarily adversaries, debts, litigation, health, healing capability and work (service to others). We need to work to support our well-being. The various Zodiac Signs are filters that color how the Houses and planets behave. This newsletter will cover the sign of Virgo, which is considered the natural 6th House of the Zodiac. That means that the sign of Virgo naturally colors things in line with the qualities of the 6th House. In other words, Virgo often relates to health, debts, healing just as the 6th House do. Let us begin by covering the general significations of the 6th house and what they influence in your life. In the 2nd week, we show you how to examine your own chart and find which planets are influencing your 6th house. As we progress through the final 2 weeks, you will be guided through a powerful meditation and transformation workshop that will enable you to counteract principles of negativity. Your own personal 6th House is the subject of the next newsletter. General Characteristics of the 6th House The Sixth House is known as the house of Health, Enemies, Debt & Litigation. It is one of the artha houses, a house of achievement of goals or wealth, indicating wealth coming in and going out. A strong 6th house could indicate the ability to overcome adversaries, strong health, a possible profession as a healer (medical or holistic doctor, nurse, spiritual healer etc.), ability to vanquish debts, gains through work efforts. The Sixth House is also an upachaya house (house of increase), so it is a house that improves over time. For example, your ability to mitigate or eliminate enmity with others can improve over time, as can health and the ability to stay healthy. The 6th House corresponds physically to the middle abdomen, such as the small intestines, liver and kidney; so health issues related to these are relevant. Other significations of the 6th house include bad habits, stinginess, imprisonment, diseases, misunderstandings, untimely death, wicked deeds, dishonor, competition, and mothers siblings. Characteristics of Virgo, the Natural 6th House Virgo or Kanya, is the 6th sign in the zodiac, an earth sign, and the natural 6th house. Mercury is the ruler of Virgo, giving its qualities to the 6th house as well. Virgos make good teachers, communicators, are pleasant looking, possess practical knowledge and are good craftsman and artisans. Their mercurial influence makes them vulnerable to nervous disorders, neurosis and digestive problems. Virgos are very orderly, precise, clean and possess strong memories of facts and details. They are service oriented, sometimes to a fault. They tend to be late bloomers sexually, then over compensate when they are older. They can be both volatile and versatile, reflecting the changeable nature of Mercury. Mercury, Lord of Virgo Mercury is associated with intelligence, mental and verbal acuity, communications, wit, dexterity, shrewdness, commerce, education, adaptability, vocation, writing, childhood, acquiring and organizing money, the rational conscious mind which organizes ideas, the spoken word. Mercury influences the many things we do to make something happen and impacts our manifesting abilities. A weak Mercury can bring immaturity, dishonesty, improper boundaries

with others, addiction, insomnia, anxiety and nervous stomach, foolishness or deceitfulness. In its highest form, Mercury brings the ability to connect to the Divine Word, names of God, and our inner powers of the mind. The Sanskrit word for Mercury is Budha (pronounced bood), meaning intelligence or that which discerns between the true eternal and the transient illusion. This is how Mercury, in its highest expression, is the discriminator between truth and non-truth, pure from impure, and opens a pathway which ultimately becomes the Buddha. Professionally Virgos tend towards business, speaking, teaching, writing, academia, ministry, healing, crafts work. If one has weak or afflicted Mercury, fraud, plagiarism, or other forms of deceit can be activated. Mercury becomes exalted in Virgo, debilitated in Pisces. We should note that Albert Einstein had a debilitated Mercury, yet we know how well his intellect functioned! Its placement and many other factors in his chart determined his overall intelligence and genius. Mars & Saturn as Indicators for the 6th House Mars and Saturn have a special relationship to the 6th House. These two planets give additional insight into the nature and qualities of the 6th house. So if you are examining issues regarding adversaries, for example, it is useful to also examine the position and condition of these two planets, Mars and Saturn. For example, if Saturn is strong in your chart (not necessarily in the 6th house), then you may have support for overcoming or dissolving adversarial relationships. Mars in the 10th house can indicate competition or jealousy in career life. In addition, a strong Mars can activate the ability to overcome those things in the career. As the signification for disease, Saturn becomes a karaka for the 6th house. Generally speaking, Saturn is the great task master and is associated with hard work, discipline and service; thus its association with the 6th house. As the signification for enmity, theft and injury, Mars becomes the other karaka for the 6th house. Mars is the great warrior and when strong, vanquishes his enemies. Planets Placed in Virgo No one planet placed in a sign or house will be the sole indicator of fortunes and influences. As we will guide you in the 2nd newsletter in this series, you must assess the strength of the 6th house; look at where Mars and Saturn are, and also where Mercury (Virgos Lord) is placed. Your own intuition will indicate to you what resonates in the various descriptions. Here are some general indications for a particular planet placed in the sign of Virgo. Sun in Virgo The individual will be skilled in writing, poetry, mathematics, well-spoken, well-read, strong earning power, weak constitution, shy, keen intellect, seeks adulation. This placement can give a feminine appearance. (Virgo is the only sign in the Zodiac represented by a woman.) Moon in Virgo Learned, teacher, good deeds to others, forgiving, lover (and skilled in) of music and dance, may live in a foreign land or far from the birthplace, sweet speech, conceited, talkative, favors daughters, possible clairvoyance, interest in astrology and astrologers, honest, principled, affluent. This placement brings blessings for happiness. Mercury in Virgo Both Exalted (to 15 of Virgo) or Moolitrikona (16 to 20 of Virgo). Mercury is also in its own sign here. In all regards, a strong placement for Mercury. The individual is learned,

intuitive, sociable, eloquent, possible author, priest, astronomer, orator, forgiving, eloquent, handsome, refined. This empowers unselfish and generous tendencies. Venus in Virgo Venus is debilitated in Virgo, lending to such propensities as small-mindedness, illicit love affairs, loquaciousness, unscrupulousness. Individual is learned, wealthy, smooth talking and enjoys visiting holy sites. This placement can lead to do doing spiritual service. Mars in Virgo Religiously inclined wealthy, large family, confident, affable, short-tempered and indiscriminating technology industries or profession, conceited, upbeat. This placement can bring good children and a strong sense of fearlessness. Jupiter in Virgo Learned, pious, strong in defeating adversaries, ambitious, affectionate, stingy, lovable, attractive spouse, good fortune. This placement can bring friendship with others. Saturn in Virgo Inclined to public life, conservative, dark complexion, erratic, impolite and inclined to base sexual encounters, good support to others, possesses wealth and good progeny. This placement empowers some interest in the occult. Rahu in Virgo Favorable position for Rahu. Some sources considered it in its own sign in Virgo. Gives increase of wealth, friends, physical comforts (home, car, clothing), and religious inclinations. This placement can accelerate innovative thinking. Ketu in Virgo Generally considered to being favorable as Ketu (and Rahu) give benefic results when in a house owned by Mercury (or Jupiter). Favorable for spiritual pursuits and attainment. This placement can empower intuitive abilities.

The Seventh House: About You

Now that you know which sign your 7th House is, please read the description for the Sign that rules your 7th House of Relationships. This description offers you general inclinations you will have due to this Sign ruling your 7th House. As you read the description, also make note of the Ruling Planet. We will use this piece of information in Step 4 to better understand the specifics of your 7th House karma.

Seventh House

Ruling Planet

Relationship Nature With Mars also owning the 2nd house, there can be money issues in the marriage or partnership. Challenges with marriage and money issues. May be possessive, however, will have orientation toward productive partnerships. May experience issues of betrayal and abandonment in relationships or make sacrifices for partner. Will be drawn into relationships to resolve karmas through strong attractions. Likely to work with spouse (Mercury also owns 10th house of career), also to work in business partnerships. Some ability for public success and good relationship with public. Must attend to needs. Partner/spouse can be very emotional, emotive, high intelligence. Both partner and self very relational, high desire for relationship. Powerful, successful spouse though can be overbearing. Sun creates challenges for marriage and other relationships. Needs others to help give confidence. Desire for an intelligent, conversant partner/spouse. Interested in their cultural background. Has natural ability for verbal communication with others. Financial and status gain through marriage. Income and financial affairs are linked to partnerships with Venus also ruling the 2nd house of Finances/Wealth. Passionate, fulfills agreements, enjoys luxuries, wants the finest. Mars rules the 12th as well, so brings a range of 12th house potentialities to relationships/marriage: loss, abandonment, enlightenment, and dispensation of debt. Powerful passions. Marriage/partnership can bring power and prestige (since Jupiter also owns the 10th house). Can meet partner/spouse through the career. Strong ability to give through career in noble way. Relationships may improve status. Marriage can bring sense of restriction, likely to someone older or with older viewpoint and strongwilled. Can be loss of status or controversy regarding spouse. Vulnerable. Must guard against coldness. Relationships improve over time with more trust. Because Saturn also rules the 7th house, spouse/partners will have range of 7th house traits: competitive, enmity, or could be a healer and bring healing to the relationship. Must confront insecurities in partnerships. Drawn to someone like his or her mother (Jupiter owns 4th house as well). Partners/marriage brings 4th house comforts. Must remain true about what feels good and what doesnt in relationships and not pick romantic partners who do not give respect.

























Once you have identified which sign is your 7th house, the next step in understanding aspects of your Relationship house is to know which planets most directly influence it and modify its nature.

Planet in the 7th House Sun

General Effect Late marriage, enjoys travel and foreign things, wealth through partner. Powerful partner. Must guard against arguing. Likes to take the lead. Good looking with very attractive partner, passionate, successful, sociable. Good for creative / arts businesses. Gives affection easily.

Negative Effect Can incur scandal through relationship, loose moral conduct. Headaches. Sexual excess, aimless, jealous. Back trouble.



Slender, tension in married life, passionate, intelligent, Rash, argumentative, stubborn and idiosyncratic. Powerful, controlling promiscuity. Sloppy business mate. Persuasive, goal-oriented. practices. Intelligent, youthful, attractive partner. Literary talent and success, diplomatic, attractive spouse, wise, widely respected, wealthy, adroit business skills and success, interest in the occult (astronomy, astrology and math). Good sense of humor. Supportive, prosperous partner, happiness from children, diplomatic, well educated, fame. Can attract and keep good partners. Good for legal transactions and contracts. Beautiful, refined partner; happy marriage. Individual will be passionate, sensual. Good business skills. Marriage later in life and/or to a much older spouse. Diplomatic, political success well traveled, ambitious. Practical, detached. Relationships improve over time. Spouse/partners from foreign culture, brave, life lesson focus on learning to work in partnership. Not favorable for lasting union. Passionate, spiritual partner If 7th house is Scorpio, Ketu is exalted, bringing out most benefic indicators of Ketu (e.g. enlightenment). As with Rahu, greatest life lessons, challenges, and growth come through relationships. Enjoys making spiritual journeys.


Short-tempered. Mentally unstable mate. Skin ailments.


Partner lacks recognition for works or incurs legal problems. Wasteful. Weight problems. Sexual excess, low moral conduct, poor grooming. Intestinal (colon) problems, sickly mate, loneliness in marriage. Over-bearing spouse. Spouse has reproductive ailments. Over indulgence in food, blood sugar ailments. Adultery.





Loose morals, sickly partner. Tired.

To help you determine whether your 7th House will tend to have the negative influence mentioned above, check in the following chart. If your 7th House Sign has an enemy planet in it, then you will have more tendencies toward the negative effects. Rahu and Ketu are not listed as they are generally considered unfavorable for all signs. As a rule of thumb, no planet is favorable in the 7th house, unless it is in its own sign.
7th House Sign Friend Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Jupiter Sun Mars Mercury Sun Saturn Venus Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Sun Moon Mars Jupiter Sun Mars Venus Mercury Saturn Venus Saturn Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Mercury Moon Sun Moon Saturn Sun Moon Neutral Moon Enemy Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Moon Mars Jupiter Mars Sun Saturn Mercury Venus Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Sun Mars Saturn Mercury Venus Moon Mercury Saturn Venus Moon Jupiter Sun Mars Moon Mars Sun Saturn Venus Mercury Sun

The placement of your 7th House planetary ruler will tell you how your Relationship karma will be experienced by you in this lifetime. So, in our example, if your ruling 7th House planet is Mercury and placed in your 10th House (Career) of Virgo, you may partner with your spouse in your career and/or your partner has a public career.

Planet that rules the 7th How your Relationship Karma is Shaped House is in your 1st House May travel often. Marriage or business partnership brings great sense of self, purpose and fulfillment. Mate/partner is very mature, stable, Can marry someone known from early years of life. If afflicted, can be promiscuous. Wealth comes through marriage (by virtue of association), partner is well spoken, family-oriented. Able to manage money well. Must guard against overindulgence. Strong voice, make impression on thers. Driven, ambitious, adventuresome spouse with likely bent for the arts. Mate may have challenges settling down. Brings luck to brothers. Educated, blessed. Happy, fortunate marriage with good children and material comforts. Business partnerships could favor real estate. Does well to do humanitarian actions. Very favorable for a happy marriage with deep love and affection, deep soul connection with mate. Happy relationships with children. Strong character. Potential for high financial status. Spouse can be a healer, attract jealousy (competitiveness from others). Depending on chart and the individuals practices, mate can be sickly or become like an enemy. Charismatic personality draws many suitors, well educated. Powerful mate/partners. Loyal, bold. Very persuasive. Wealthy partner. Spouse has strong interest in the occult and learns money through unearned sources (e.g. inheritance, lottery). Must guard against anxiety. Accomplished spouse who supports/inspires dharma. Marriage brings good fortune. Could be involved with father-in-law for business. Has ambition. Mate and partners are important part of your career success. They are also very career-driven, have public careers. Can bring career abroad and/or with foreign interests. Can attract helpful people. Spouse can bring wealth to the marriage, favors daughters, and good fortune in speculative ventures especially through associations of the mate. Influential on many. Partner can be spiritual and/or come from foreign culture. Can also indicate loss or unhappiness in partnership. Must not waste time.

2nd House 3rd House 4th House 5th House 6th House 7th House 8th House 9th House 10th House 11th House 12th House

The Seventh House: Relationships

What is the 7th House? In the House 6 Makeover, we covered countering negative forces such as health, accidents and enemies in your life. Now, House 7 covers primarily relationships, marriage, business and personal partnerships. This is a very important House as relationships make life meaningful, and some of our past life karmas in that area will be indicated by the 7th House. We are all social beings with a strong desire to interact with others. We have explained before that the Signs are filters which color how the Houses and Planets behave. This newsletter will cover the sign of Libra, which is considered the natural 7th House of the Zodiac. That means that the Sign of Libra naturally colors things in line with the qualities of the 7th House. Let us begin by covering the general significators of the 7th House and what they influence in your life. Then in the 2nd week, we show you how to examine your own chart (and others) and find which planets are influencing your 7th House. As we progress through the final 2 weeks, you will be guided through a powerful meditation and transformation tools that will enable you to improve your ability to attract and sustain healthy, harmonious relationships. Your own personal 7th House is the subject of the next newsletter. General Characteristics of the 7th House The Seventh House is known as the House of Relationships. It is one of the kama houses, a house of desires, specifically how desires get fulfilled. A strong 7th House could indicate a happy marriage life, high status in career and society, and harmonious partnerships in business. Libras symbol of the merchant scales reminds us that business commerce and partners are also 7th House issues. Other significators of the 7th House include courtship, spouse, moral conduct, adultery, lust or passion, sex partners, secret affairs, foreign lands, life path, and home. (As we explained in Month 4: the 4th House is home; however, the 7th House is the 4th House away from the natural 4th House, so it also flavors home issues. This is only mentioned for those who have been working with Vedic Astrology a while. If you are new, this is not necessary to understand for now). The 7th House also influences short journeys, sensory gratification, sexual desires, and lower abdominal organs (e.g. urinary tract, prostrate). Your personal 7th House its ruling planet and chart position, planets influencing the 7th house and its Lord (ruling planet) will also give clues as to the nature and character of your partners and your relationship to them. Keep in mind that as we evolve, so do our planetary qualities and influences. So an immature Mars as Lord of the 7th can be brash and angry, whereas a more evolved, mature Mars can bring devotion and loyalty. As you grow and develop, you can bring in more of the positive energies which are potential in your chart. Characteristics of Libra, the Natural 7th House Libra, Tula, is the 7th sign in the Zodiac, an air sign, and the natural 7th House. Venus is the ruler of Libra, giving its qualities to the 7th House as well. Libras are artistic and enjoy various forms of art: music, song, dance, theatre, and fine arts. They are lovers of harmony and peace, as symbolized by the balanced scales. They value relationships, and shape and experience their life through meaningful relationships. Libras are generally attractive, charming and charismatic.

They live in beautiful environs and enjoy being able to influence others. Their love of truth and ability to tune in to higher planes of existence, allows them to transcend materiality with ease. Libras can be passionate leaders, such as Gandhi who had positive influence, or if afflicted, someone like Hitler who was damaging to others.
Venus as the Ruler and Indicator of the 7th House Venus is beauty, refinement, love and harmony. She is responsible for the creative and sexual urge in nature. She inspires consideration and care for others, body care, and the desire to love and be loved. Venus is also the indicator for wealth, cars, clothes, lovemaking, social status, happiness, flowers, song and dance, perfumes aromatherapy, and sweet speech. Traditionally, in a mans chart Venus is the karaka (or indicator) for the wife. In a womans chart, Jupiter is the karaka for the husband. From the condition of these planets and their placement in the chart, the description of the spouse/partner can be indicated. Planets Placed in Libra Again, its important to remember that when assessing a chart, multiple factors must be taken into consideration. No one effect, such as planetary position in a sign or house, will be the sole indicator of fortunes and influences. In general, one must assess the strength of the house, its indicator, and its lord and occupants, as well as other planetary influences. The following are general indications for when a particular planet is posited in the sign of Libra. As always, the chart must be considered in the aggregate. Sun in Libra The Sun is debilitated or weak here, so one must guard against the influence of the lower nature of Venus such as addiction or overuse of alcohol, drugs or sex, loose moral conduct. However, the Sun here can make one both popular and frank. Can be impartial, with a strong sense of justice. Moon in Libra Intelligent, wealthy, lover of the arts, principled, amicable, professional, respects spiritual preceptors, flexible, idealistic. Must guard against being fickle. Mars in Libra Impetuous love nature, possible impulsive marriage, ambitious, self-confident, charming, materialistic, family-oriented, self-made wealth, may have frequent breaks in relationships and partnerships. Often skills in debate or sport. Must guard against enmity with women. Mercury in Libra Favorable for writing, studying and education, strong intuition, intellectual connection with spouse, faithful, discreet. Can be inclined to material excesses and must guard against overindulgence. Jupiter in Libra Good-hearted, devoted, popular, harmonious marriage and friendships and gains through them (unless Jupiter is afflicted in the chart, then the opposite), religious, some tendency to overwork, fair, courteous, open-minded. Venus in Libra Venus is in its own sign in Libra (a strong position for Venus). This strengthens Venusians qualities such as a loving, sympathetic nature, good friendships, and marriage, fidelity, passionate, sensual and very intuitive. Can indicate a statesman or other high status social position. Also potential for a profession in a Venus-related field in the arts. Saturn in Libra Saturn is exalted here in Libra, so Saturn is at full strength in this Sign. Respected, prominent, sound judgment, arrogant and charitable. Indicates a notable difference in age, social or financial status from the marriage partner. Position and power gained through older business partner.

The Eighth House: About You

Now that you know which sign your 8th House is, please read the description for the sign that rules your 8th house of Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity.
Eighth House Aries Ruling Planet Mars Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity Nature Purification of desires and dissolution of egocentricity. Brings difficulties for brothers (3rd house of siblings and Mars as the karaka for brothers). Mars (Dasha, Bukti, chart placement) can bring loss of vitality, health and accidents. Radical changes possible as heart awakens. Depth of character, Venus Dasha/Bukti can bring transformation of personality (1st house is also Venus). Ability to negotiate way to fulfilling desires. Mercury associations can bring health issues. Gains through friends (Mercury owns 11th house of friends). Natural tendency toward fairness with others. Moon brings big changes as well as inheritance. Provoked by discomfort to look deeply into things. Understands letting go and moving on is a necessary part of gaining new increases. Learning to develop detachment. Can bring sensitive ego, identity issues related to father. A vulnerable personality. Great potential to break free from past life karmas. Deep thinker. Enjoys research, mysteries, occult sciences. Uses intelligence to make best of circumstances. Unconventional personality. Talented, original artistic ability. Siblings are either troubled and/or involved with research/occult sciences. Venus can deplete life force energy. Purification and transformation of desires. Interest in research and investigation. If afflicted, Mars can bring scandalous affairs. Great regenerative energies. Courage to undergo great change and face the unknown. Willingness to create a new identity. Can bring excessive desires (Jupiter owns 11th house of desires), knowledge of the Mystery schools. Able to benefit from difficulties. Saturn brings transformations and revelations of a spiritual nature (as Saturn also owns the 9th house of dharma). Fortune can be unsteady in early years. Often uses difficulties to deepen faith. Can grow in wisdom. Can bring transformation to relationships (Saturn owns the 7th house of relationships). If afflicted, brings scandal to relationships. Must learn to develop trust. Relationships improve as one gets older. Must learn balance with emotions to avoid weakening body with stress. Mind with love for probing the depths of mysteries. Can bring difficulty in having children. (Jupiter also rules 5th house.) Inclined to share with others. Naturally drawn toward spiritual practice for transformation.







Leo Virgo

Sun Mercury













Once you have identified which sign is your Eighth house, the next step in understanding aspects of your Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity house is to know which planets most directly influence it and modify its nature. To do this, run the Chart Report on Astroved. Examine your 8th House and note any planets in that sign, then read the descriptions for each planet that you have in your 8th House to see how they affect your 8th house indicators.
Planet in the 8th House General Effect If Afflicted


Somewhat shy. Interest and skill in metaphysics, ambitious, self-acquired property, lucky, charitable, lover of music and poetry. Can live far from birthplace. Potential for government employment. Easy acquisitions, sensual, inner charisma, learned, changeable. Natural interest in occult. Potential for inheritance. Generous in heart. Sensual, crafty. Persuasive in speech. May manage other people.

Weak constitution, difficulty with father. Eyes or digestion may have weakness.


Loneliness. Health challenges, few children, capricious.


Promiscuity. Vision impairment.


Enthusiasm, keen memory, insights into metaphysical matters, longevity, fame, elevated status, inherited estate. May change Speech or nervous disorders, domestic jobs or partners frequently. Good with details. Potential for grief. world travel. Luck through inheritance and other sources of unearned income, longevity. Generous. Long-lived, opulent, high status, generous physical comforts, unearned income. Often owns property. Spiritual interests. Liver/kidney problems, promiscuous.



Sexual disease and difficulties in love.


Favorable for strong health and longevity. Work for everything you get. May need to work through anti-social Loss of strength after strong beginning. tendencies. Skilled at their work. Many responsibilities in life. Perianal problems. Perseveres against odds. Fearless, luck in speculative ventures, but can also lose it. Must guard against quarreling. Developing detachment about critical opinions of others. Learning to trust and value relationships. Deeply mystical, interest in metaphysical studies. Some delays in developing ones profession. Must learn to handle enemies.


Argumentative, immoral, promiscuous, jealousy from excessive desires.


Covetous, mysterious reproductive difficulties, immoral.

To help you determine whether your 8th house will tend to have the negative influence mentioned above, refer to the following chart. If your 8th House sign has an enemy planet in it, then you need to guard against the negative effects. Rahu and Ketu are not listed as they are generally considered unfavorable for all signs. Generally, no planet is optimal in the 8th house. (An exception would be Saturn in its own sign bringing longevity.)

8th House Sign Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Friend Jupiter Sun Mars Mercury Saturn Sun Venus Saturn Venus Mercury Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Mercury Saturn Venus Jupiter Sun Moon Mars Mars Sun Jupiter Venus Mercury Saturn Venus Saturn Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter

Neutral Moon

Enemy Saturn Venus Mercury Jupiter Moon Mars

Moon Sun Moon Saturn Sun Moon

Jupiter Mars Sun Saturn Mercury Venus Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Sun Mars Saturn Mercury Venus

Moon Mercury

Saturn Venus Moon Mars Jupiter Sun


Moon Mars Saturn Venus Mercury Sun

The final step in understanding your personal 8th house is to examine where your 8th houses Planetary Ruler is placed in your chart and what that means for you. The placement of your 8th House planetary ruler will tell you how your Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity karma will be experienced by you in this lifetime. So, in our example, if your ruling 8th House planet is Jupiter and placed in your 2nd House (Wealth/Finances) of Virgo, this favors the ability to generate income from others such as inheritance. Keep in mind that as the planets have a range of values, so do placement of planets in the houses. Below are some indications of each House:
Planet that rules the 8th House is in your

How your Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity Karma is shaped

1st House

A great range of fortunes: if strong (e.g. in its own sign in the 1st), it brings a skill for the occult, dream work, insights into the psyche as well as longevity. If afflicted, the opposite prevails. Must be precise in dealings with government. Ability to earn income from unearned sources. If afflicted, can bring addictions and speech difficulties. Must guard against critical speech. Must maintain balanced diet. Brings metaphysics into creative endeavors. Can bring difficulties with siblings or health problems to them. Must eliminate abusive language and channel speech in positive direction. Can dampen happiness and relations with mother. Spiritual practice brings capacity to cultivate inner contentment and transcend material attachments. Must become practical in purchase of cars and not spend excessively. Creates obstacles in having children. Favorable for making money through speculative ventures and entrepreneurial endeavors. Good for learning new things and does well to take courses throughout life. Has real charity of heart toward poor and those without high status. Ability to overcome jealous adversaries. Favors healing ability. Possibility of chronic health issues. May have some difficult employers which they can use to develop humility. Spouse can have 8th house interests and career: research & development, investigation, metaphysics. May fail in business before succeeding. Longevity, money through inheritance or luck, charismatic persona, deep interest/knowledge in metaphysics. Excellent ability to influence others which they must use in positive manner. Favors mentorship from father figure, possible paternal inheritance. Must guard against renunciate tendencies and learn to support group success. Bring 8th house interests to career: psychology/psychiatry, R &D, investigation. Can do difficult things and triumph. May have some periods of poverty. Favors positive outcomes from speculative adventures through friends. Has influential friends. Can bring difficulties to siblings. Favors long distance travel (esp. foreign lands), spiritual attainment. Health away from home should be guarded. Interest in religious matters. Must guard against unnecessary expenses.

2nd House

3rd House

4th House

5th House

6th House

7th House

8th House

9th House

10th House

11th House

12th House

By means of another example, if your Eighth House is Aquarius, then your planetary ruler is Saturn. When you look at your chart, you see that Saturn is placed in its own sign of Aquarius in the 8th House. Saturn, being the planet of longevity, in the house of longevity, brings you the promise of a long life. When Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity Karma Become Active Overcoming obstacles and sustaining strong health are generally an on-going interest for most of us. But there are times when the lessons and opportunities for growth in these areas are most pronounced. To see if you are in a period especially influencing your 8th house issues, run your Planetary Influence report in Astroved for free. This report will tell you your major and minor planetary period, called Dasha (major) and Bukti (minor). If your major or minor planet is either the Ruler of your Eighth House or in the Eighth House, this will be a time of increased focus on 8th house conditions. If the planet is good for you, look for opportunities for transformational change through the loosing of old boundaries. If it is unfavorable, then there can be chronic health issues or challenges with reputation or moral conduct.

The Eighth House: Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity

What is the 8th House? In the House 7 Makeover, we covered marriage, relationships, partnerships and moral conduct. Now, House 8 covers primarily transformations, obstacles, longevity and legacy, as well as chronic health issues (versus acute health issues related to the 6th house). Signs, on the other hand, are filters that color how the Houses and planets behave. This newsletter will cover the sign of Scorpio, which is considered the natural 8th House of the Zodiac. That means that the sign of Scorpio naturally colors things in line with the qualities of the 8th House. Let us begin by covering the general significators of the 8th house and what they influence in your life. Then in the 2nd week, we show you how to examine your own chart (and others) and find which planets are influencing your 8th house. As we progress through the final 2 weeks, you will be guided through a powerful meditation and transformation workshop that will enable you to improve your ability to overcome obstacles, create smooth transitions and transformations, and improve your health. Your own personal 8th House is the subject of the next newsletter. General Characteristics of the 8th House The Eighth House is known as the house of Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity. It is one of the moksha houses, a house of enlightenment, indicating what must be changed, left behind or transmuted for purification of the identity and spiritual liberation. It is a house of great mystery, the hidden depths of the persona, carrying the highest and lowest of human expression and experience. A strong 8th house indicates a healthy mental and physical constitution, ease in overcoming challenges that naturally occur in life, and longevity. The hidden depths of the 8th house also bring the karmic undertow of criminal intent and criminal behavior. It is a house of both sexual deviancy and kundalini rising as well as the continuum between these two points. Whereas the 7th house is the sexual relationship between two people, the 8th house is sexuality and the sexual act. If this house is disturbed, it can bring sexual deviancy. If it is strong and healthy, and the individual is on a high spiritual path, it can bring the capacity for tantra, a science developed by the Siddhas to transform sexual energy into spiritual energy; thus the

transformative potentiality latent in the 8th house becomes realized. The range of kundalini describes the range of potentialities held through the 8th house. Kundalini just awakened but difficult to control is expressed as the Goddess Kali. This is associated with the subconscious mind (things hidden). When this energy has become controlled and brings peace, it is the Goddess Durga (death and destruction). When fully awakened and manifesting as positive creative (transformative) power, it becomes Mahalakshmi, Saraswati, and other forms of Mother Divine. The 8th bhava can also bring psychic abilities. As with any gifts, and especially these, proper unfoldment is crucial for unlocking their highest benefits. This includes having correct intention in using them. Else, misery and psychological disturbance prevail. It is the house of the dream world and can bestow the ability to remember and interpret dreams. As the house of death, in indicates longevity and also the capacity to experience samadhi, both expressions of the dying of individual consciousness, and dissolving back into universal consciousness. Thus, St. Pauls famous description: I die daily. Materially, it is the house of all things hidden. This includes hidden mental and psychological disturbances, hidden wealth and serious diseases. It also concerns unearned wealth such as well as lotteries, inheritances, and gains and losses from the stock market. As a secretive house, it involves research & development, investigative and intelligence activities. Hidden agendas and motives underpin criminal behavior, or unethical dealings. Certain planets placed in the 8th bhava can bring a tendency to be underhanded and dishonest. As a house of legacy, it is also a house of scandal (negative legacy). It is the house of transforming consciousness. As such, it holds the potentiality for drug addiction as well as nirvana (bliss consciousness). The seeking for experience beyond ego boundaries is defined by the 8th house. It is conceivable that an individual who has overcome addiction can then transmute 8th house karma to experience samadhi which is the 8th limb of yoga. Your personal 8th house its ruling planet and chart position, planets influencing the 8th house and its Lord (ruling planet) will also give clues as to your own Achilles heel. These will also indicate benefits given by the 8th house, such as a long, healthy life. Keep in mind that as we evolve, so, too, do our planetary qualities and influences. Characteristics of Scorpio, the Natural 8th House Scorpio, Vrishchika , is the 8th sign in the zodiac, a water sign, and the natural 8th house. Mars is the ruler of Scorpio, giving its qualities to the 8th house as well. And like the 8th house, Scorpio deals with what is hidden. Therein lies its potential for both creativity and danger. Scorpio can be tenacious, vindictive, selfish and determined. It produces warriors, military, policemen, and athletes. Physically, it is the genitals and anus. Scorpios tend to be secretive, intense, intelligent, perceptive but cautious, very passionate and sexual. If afflicted, there can be deviancy, underhandedness and a tendency to temper and violence. Its important for a Scorpio not to get stuck in negative emotions such as jealousy, anger or attachment; as well as in the 3rd chakra of personal power. These will interfere with development of their highest qualities and bring pain. The quest for Scorpios is to surrender to their hearts. Then things will flow properly as they are operating from their true strength.

Mars as the Ruler of the Natural 8th House Mars is a planet of intense creative energy and extroverted emotions. It is a planet of great passion, intensity and force. Mars represents brothers, friends and associates. It brings power, strength, courage and aggressiveness. It can also bring devotion and loyalty. When strong, it brings will, determination and strength to follow through on personal goals. When weak, it brings jealousy, competition, violence, a controlling nature and self-destruction. Someone with a successful military career would most likely have a strongly placed Mars. The positive traits of Mars give a strong logical mind and oratory skills which lend themselves to success as a lawyer or politician. Mars mechanical and technical abilities makes for strong scientists, engineers, mechanics and chemists. Mars can give athletic success and excellence with martial arts. Mars rules machines and anything technical. He governs work, research and material pursuits. His passionate nature yearns for union, but his overbearing side often makes that illusive. He is ambitious, zealous and can be arrogant, impulsive and inflexible. Saturn with Mars inhibits Martian energy and drives. Jupiter enhances them. It governs blood, menstrual cycle, accidents, burns and physical vitality. The best house placement for Mars is the 1st, 6th or 10th houses. Saturn as the Indicator of the 8th House As the planetary significator for death and longevity, he becomes the karaka for the 8th house. Saturn brings its qualities of heaviness and serpent wisdom, the grim reaper of the planet family. He casts a shadow over materiality so that Truth may reveal Itself. He is the great abnegator, denier, of self-expression, in favor of discovering Self-expression. The placement and health of Saturn in the chart bring insights into 8th house karma. Planets Placed in Scorpio The moon is debilitated in Scorpio. No planet is exalted in Scorpio. Some schools of thought say Ketu becomes exalted in Scorpio. Remember that when assessing a chart, multiple factors must be taken into consideration. No one effect, such as planetary position in a sign or house, will be the sole indicator of fortunes and influences. In general, one must assess the strength of the house, its indicator, and its lord and occupants, as well as other planetary influences and the Dasha and Bukti you are running. The following are general indications for when a particular planet is posited in the sign of Scorpio. If you have a planet or planets in Scorpio that are in good condition then the negative affects can be lessened. Likewise, if the planets are afflicted, the positive effects would be lessened or negated. The chart must always be considered in the aggregate. Sun in Scorpio When the Sun is here, the persons actions, represented by the Sun, will be Venus-like. They would be involved with arts. Their careers would flourish in Taurus-like slow steady established occupations or businesses. They will be able to accumulate wealth over time, slowly attaining returns in conservative, long term investments. Moon in Scorpio When the Moon is here, the persons emotions, represented by the Moon, will be Venus-like. This would be a even personality who is attractive and popular, but quiet. When the persistent quality of Taurus is linked with the Moons emotions it can lead to possessiveness or jealousy

not wanting to let go. Mercury in Scorpio Witty, clever-spoken, bold, enjoys discovering underlying causes and mysteries. If afflicted can be obstinate, crafty, malicious, selfish, tendency to over indulge. Will likely use mental acumen in life work, such as chemistry, alchemy, metallurgy, detective, military. Such people may have interest to study spirituality and must guard against being reckless. Venus in Scorpio Independent, artistic, proud, sensual, extravagant, money gains through others. If afflicted, difficulty with opposite sex, potential for lack of restraint or modesty. Potential for great psychic intuition. Must guard against quarreling or seeking revenge. Is refreshed by visiting scenic places. Mars in Scorpio In its own sign here, Mars makes the individual clever, diplomatic, strong memory (for details), proud, aggressive, self-assured and successful in life. If afflicted, over indulgent, haughty and cruel. Great potential for owning property as well as natural talents with occult arts. Energetic and must keep that energy guided in positive directions. Jupiter in Scorpio The individual will possess perseverance and elegant manners, good imagination and appreciation for elegance, be exacting, passionate and zealous. If afflicted, superior air, selfish, imprudent. Money is gained through Scorpio occupations (see above). Usually has a strong appearance. Must guard against vindictive tendencies. Can be very hard working. Saturn in Scorpio The individual is adventurous, forceful and strong willed. Can succeed and influence others through unseen ways and channels. If afflicted, rash, hard-hearted, arrogant, over-bearing , unhealthy and violent. Not favorable for public office. Must guard against sarcastic speech. Can have genuine interest in the occult which they must use for the welfare of others. Must be very careful in using fire or weapons.

The Ninth House: About You

Now that you know which sign your 9th House is, read the description for the Sign that rules your 9th House of Compassion & Grace. This description suggests some general inclinations you will have due to this Sign ruling your 9th House. As you read the description, also make note of the Ruling Planet. We will use this in Step 4 to better understand the specifics of your 9th House karma. We remind you that there are many factors which influence your chart, your karma/dharma and your life, including condition of the Planet ruling a House, condition of Planets in a House, and what Dasha (planetary) period you are currently running. The ruling Planet colors the qualities of the House indicators.
Ninth House Aries Ruling Planet Mars Compassion & Grace Nature The most auspicious planet for Leo rising, Mars brings yearning and learning of higher knowledge and good fortune in attaining home, comforts and happiness. Mars energizes the quest for higher consciousness. Venus as Lord of the 2nd House as well as the 9th brings refined speech. Refinement and good wealth can come through father or preceptors. Venus brings energies of heart and devotion to ones path. Spiritual pursuits likely through the path of jnana yoga (path of knowledge). Travel for spiritual quests and to gain knowledge and teaching. Mercury enlivens the mind to seek truth. Moon is most auspicious as ruler of the 9th and brings blessings and spiritual consciousness to the house in which it is posited. Emotional nature to spiritual expression, seeks nurturing qualities from religious/spiritual path. Moon brings qualities of caring. Sun, representing the soul, brings a deep spiritual nature, reverence for spiritual preceptors and quality of nobility to the spirit. The Sun illuminates ones search and brings brilliance. Hard-working in manifesting spiritual goals (as Mercury also owns the 6th house of work). Can become over zealous in spiritual beliefs/pursuits; drive for knowing truth through intellectual discovery. Mercury brings zest to ones quest. Quest for higher knowledge and degrees, refined parents, cultural gain through travel. Venus helps one evaluate the worth of ones path and reveals the path with heart is worth walking. Favors wealth, as Mars is the Dhana (wealth) planet also ruling the 2nd house. Driven to speak the truth. Money gains can come involving long distance travel. Mars brings gifts of healing energies. Favors travel in pursuit of knowledge. Jupiter graces any house it is posited in. Jupiter is expansive with blessings. Saturn is Raja Yoga planet, bringing power, prestige and success through persistent self-effort. Saturn gives endurance to following a path. Saturn brings knowledge of higher consciousness, often through austerities and purification of the mind (as ruler of the 8th). Saturn gives loyalty to ones higher ideals. Favors career in law, politics or related field. Drive for truth and justice. Jupiter brings energies of sharing what one learns with others.























Once you have identified which sign is your Ninth House, the next step in understanding aspects of your Compassion & Grace House is to know which Planets most directly influence it and modify its nature. To do this, run the Chart Report on Astroved. Examine your 9th House and note any Planets in that sign, then read the descriptions for each Planet that you have in your 9th House to see how they affect your 9th House indicators.
Planet in the 9th House General Effect If Afflicted Fathers health or relationship to him can be problematic. Must be respectful to ones guru. Sorrow from parental difficulties. Incomplete higher education Accident prone, irreligious, deceptive Delusion regarding spiritual knowledge. Poor concentration. Difficulties with father relationship, hindered luck. Extravagant.


Much grace: happiness from friends, family and dharma. Prominent father, strong life mentor present. Good for wealth. Empowers right action. Devotional nature, good fortune, supportive parents, good wealth, learned, happiness from family. Success in publishing. Passion in spiritual pursuits, good status. Can bring a lot of energy to a movement or cause. Likes adventuresome partners. Eloquent speaker, learned in spiritual matters, good overall luck. Wise thinking. Influential friends. Great luck and fortunes in life. A grace-filled life. Wealth, fame, leader, possible minister or other spiritual teacher/leader. Principled person. Overseas travel.






Luck comes through women. Great refinement, possess luxury material comforts, learned, devotional. Obstacles through father. Charitable deeds. Attractive mates. Relates well with Overindulgent. others. Conservative spiritual nature/beliefs. Oriented towards tapas (austerities), wisdom through much experience and years of living. Can favor a foreign religion/spiritual beliefs. Interest in social welfare programs. Analytical. Unconventional or non-traditional religious/spiritual pursuits. Potential for community leadership. Innovative. Potential to go on pilgrimages. Talented in work. Deeply connected to the spiritual value of life. Can perform sacrifice for good cause. Valorous. Adaptable. Travels to shrines and religious sites. Harsh nature, god-less, unfavorable for well being of the father. Tendency to lie. Cruel, difficulty from opponents and father. Schemer. Can be duped by false prophets. Arrogance, shorttemper.




To help you determine whether your 9th House will tend to have the negative influence mentioned above, check in the following chart. If your 9th House Sign has an enemy planet in it, then you will have more proclivity to the negative effects. Rahu and Ketu are not listed, as they are generally considered unfavorable for all Signs. The 9th House is considered the most auspicious House in the chart, so Planets in general are favored here.
9th House Sign Friend Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Jupiter Sun Mars Mercury Sun Saturn Venus Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Sun Moon Mars Jupiter Sun Mars Venus Mercury Saturn Venus Saturn Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Mercury Moon Sun Moon Saturn Sun Moon Neutral Moon Enemy Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Moon Mars Jupiter Mars Sun Saturn Mercury Venus Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Sun Mars Saturn Mercury Venus Moon Mercury Saturn Venus Moon Jupiter Sun Mars Moon Mars Sun Saturn Venus Mercury Sun

The final step in understanding your personal 9th House is to examine where your 9th Houses Planetary Ruler is placed in your chart and what that means for you. Remember, the Planetary Ruler can be found in the chart in Step 2. Now, look again at your Chart Report. In what Sign is the Planetary Ruler of your 9th House? For instance, you may find that you have a Leo 9th House. Leos ruling planet is the Sun. The Chart Report would show you in which House your Sun is placed. Perhaps your Sun is in your 10th House. The placement of your 9th House Planetary Ruler will tell you how your Compassion & Grace karma will be experienced by you in this lifetime. So, in our example, if your ruling 9th House Planet is the Sun and placed in your 10th House (Profession) of Virgo, this favors a strong career in the public.

Keep in mind that as the Planets have a range of values, so do placement of Planets in the Houses. Below are some indications of each House:
Planet that rules the 9th House is in How your Compassion & Grace Karma is Shaped your 1st House Much luck throughout life, things come with grace and ease, charisma and sense of refinement and dignity. Father is a strong positive influence in your life. Charitable nature. Devoted to teacher. Eloquent speaker, esp. on topics of a spiritual or philosophical nature. Father or preceptors can assist in making income. Money may come easy; care is called for wise spending habits. Happy home life. Strong, happy relations with siblings, siblings have good fortune in their lives. Very creative and courageous with strong inclination to spiritual pursuits. Friendly. May have talent in writing. Benefic to all 4th house matters, fortune to the mother, spiritual practices bring personal happiness and worldly comforts. Good for property and educational projects. Good-hearted. Sets good example for others. Good luck in speculative ventures, happiness and great benefit from children, strong spiritual mentorship (father or preceptor), deep spiritual character. Sincere in offering prayers. Intelligent. Luck in overcoming adversaries and disputes. Father can be in healing profession or, if afflicted, sickly father or enmity with father. Does service for religious people. Grace through marriage and/or partnership. Mate is very spiritual and relationship includes much long distance travel. Spiritually inclined. Interest/capacity for the occult, mysticism. Loss of luck, difficulties with/for the father. May have periods of loneliness. Very auspicious placement. Favors long distance journeys for spiritual gains, great overall luck and notable father. Ability to lead and inspire others. Very favorable. Strong for career success, leadership, well thought of, luck career breaks, refinement and eloquence to career persona. Participates in humanitarian activities. Great benefits and support from friends. Favorable for gains from investments. Unexpected doors often open for you. Wants to live a righteous life. Strong for spiritual pursuits and attainment (12th house is enlightenment). Luck can be dampened or bring difficulties to the father. Generous. Spends for the welfare of others.

2nd House

3rd House

4th House

5th House

6th House

7th House 8th House 9th House

10th House

11th House

12th House

By means of another example, if your 9th House is Libra, then your Planetary Ruler is Venus. When you look at your chart, you see that Venus is placed in its own Sign of Libra in the 9th House. Venus, being the Planet of divine love and the feminine, can bring an interest and/or practice of the divine feminine in some form. A devotional nature would be indicated (i.e. pursuit of God through the heart) as well as abundant overall luck in life.

When Compassion & Grace Karma Become Active Living a grace-filled life and finding fulfillment of our spiritual destiny are part of a life well lived. But there are times when the lessons and opportunities for growth in these areas are most pronounced. To see if you are in a period especially influencing your 9th house issues, run your Planetary Influence report in Astroved for free. This report will tell you your major and minor planetary period, called Dasha (major) and Bukti (minor). If your major or minor planet is either the Ruler of your 9th House or in the 9th House, this will be a time of increased focus on 9th House conditions. If the Planet is good for you, look for increased overall luck, opportunities for travel, esp. for spiritual quests. If unfavorable, then there can be difficulties or changes in spiritual direction or practices, false prophets, or difficulties for the father. .The Ninth House: Your Father, Spirituality and Compassion What is the 9th House? In the House 8 Makeover, we covered transformations, obstacles, longevity and legacy. Now, House 9 covers primarily your compassion and grace, and other 9th house indicators such as spiritual teachers and learning, relationship with your father, luck, dharma (truth), personal values, purity of mind and soul, law, justice, and past life merits. Signs, on the other, hand are filters that color how the Houses and Planets behave. This newsletter will cover the sign of Sagittarius, which is considered the natural 9th House of the Zodiac. That means that the sign of Sagittarius naturally colors things in line with the qualities of the 9th House. Let us begin by covering the general significations of the 9th House and what they influence in your life. Then in the 2nd week, we show you how to examine your own chart (and others) and find which Planets are influencing your 9th House. As we progress through the final 2 weeks, you will be guided through a powerful meditation and transformation workshop that will enable you to improve your capacity for compassion and increase your receptivity to grace. Your own personal 9th House is the subject of the next newsletter. General Characteristics of the 9th House The Ninth House is known as the House of Compassion & Grace. It is the last dharma house and indeed is known as the House of Dharma. It is considered the most auspicious house in the chart, as the culmination of dharma, bringing the grace of the guru into play. Being 5th from the 5th House, it is also recognized as a house of poorva punya, past life credit for good karma. It is the house where yearning for Truth, knowledge of the laws of the universe and seeking for ones true nature and purpose in life become activated. It is a house of power, prestige, honor and influence. The form and manner of your spiritual path is indicated by the quality of the 9th House. The 9th House contains energy for efforts directed toward self-discovery. The 9th House can bring sudden gains and turns of fortune. It is a house of philosophy, religion, medicine, politics and law. It is the House of higher learning and teaching in the quest for secrets of the universe. The 9th House signifies devotion to God, devotion to ones personal deity. The 9th House indicates our spiritual and ethical disposition, our sense of righteousness in self and the world. It gives our ability to use our gifts and grace for the betterment of all. If gifts are not wisely used, this House can cause us to suffer their withdrawal from our benefit.

The fathers nature is indicated from the 9th House. Physically, it is associated with the hips and thighs. Characteristics of Sagittarius, the Natural 9th House Sagittarius, Dhanu, is the 9th Sign in the Zodiac, a fire Sign, and the natural 9th House. Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, giving its qualities to the 9th House as well. Sagittarius is the archer in the form of a centaur (half-man, half-horse) drawing a bow pointed toward the sky. Sagittarius is focusing meticulously and aiming high toward a target for success. As a leader, he is the general. Sagittarius represents the union of mind and heart when actualized through devotion to the Source of Divine Love. Following the 8th sign of death, the 9th sign is a sign of the future. Sagittarius is a prophet, highly intuitive, and an optimist, seeing the better future that lies ahead. Sagittarians can be high energy, high-strung, outspoken, domineering and exceedingly independent, rebelling against any hint of restraint. Friends are of high stature and helpful in advancement. If afflicted, Sagittarians can be faultfinding and harsh in their words, striking knowingly at the vulnerabilities of others. They are often very charitable, sometimes to a fault. A Sagittarius native will often have dual careers. Sagittarians have a hearty constitution and enjoy sports and outdoor activities. Over activity can cause weakness to the lungs, bronchial, ears and throat, as well as joints. Enjoyers of life, they can tend to over indulgence. Jupiter as the Ruler & Indicator of the 9th House Jupiter is the most benefic, generous Planet. He is the Planet of Dharma, holding our innermost values and principles that define our actions. He is the inner guiding light of truth. The Sanskrit word for Jupiter is Guru which is also the word for teacher. Jupiter is very expansive and gracious, the great Teacher, desiring to lead all to the paths of righteousness (dharma). He is the container and bestowed of sacred wisdom. Jupiter is the Planet of divine intelligence and, as such, he indicates our personal capacity for knowing, experiencing and living cosmic intelligence. In Jupiters capacity as signification of dharma, he becomes karaka for the 9th House. Higher values, principles, meritorious deeds the charges of dharma, are part of 9th House promises. Jupiter is associated with higher or spiritual knowledge, children (especially sons), the husband, spiritual preceptor, minister to kings, money and good luck. All of Jupiters qualities grace and color the meaning of the 9th House. Grace is indicated from the placement and condition of Jupiter. Jupiter becomes exalted in Cancer and debilitated in Capricorn. Sun as the Indicator of the 9th House As the planetary karaka for the 9th House, Surya, the Sun brings its higher nature to bear. In its capacity as karaka for the father, it represents spiritual authority and the kinds of values and authority that governs our lives. Ultimately, the Sun takes us beyond individual identity to be the Divine Light. The Sun represents the soul, the primeval fire that lies within all of life. It is the life force of the universe. The Sun is the male aspect of God that is the silent witness. The Sun represents courage, physical strength and stamina, the father, king, high status, traveling, mental purity, fire, anger, hostility, leadership, physician, enlightenment.

Planets Placed in Sagittarius No Planet is exalted in Sagittarius, nor are any debilitated. Remember that when assessing a chart, multiple factors must be taken into consideration. No one effect, such as planetary position in a sign or house, will be the sole indicator of fortunes and influences. In general, one must assess the strength of the House, its indicator, and its lord and occupants, as well as other planetary influences and the Dasha and Bukti you are running. The following are general indications for when a particular planet is posited in the sign of Sagittarius. Sun in Sagittarius Wealthy, highly respected, popular, devout, stubborn, happy, musical, bent towards science, religion, philosophy, honest, sincere, prophecy. Trustworthy, hopeful. Willing to change travel or change residence to help career. If afflicted, rebellious and domineering. Moon in Sagittarius Highly active, athletic, fond of travel, inclination for mysticism, acuity for philosophy, spiritual literature, music, poetry. Enthusiastic, straightforward, very loyal. Natural inclination toward astrology or other meditative arts. Multiple occupations or changes occupations. Good for public service, law or service of God. Mercury in Sagittarius Sincere, generous, aptitude for and author of books of science, medicine, and literature. Very active, changeable, enjoys travel. Diplomatic, cunning, respected. Can also be successful in careers related to education. Venus in Sagittarius Lover of beauty and refinement, intuitive with mystical nature. Does well in Sagittarian-type occupations, such as church or literary pursuits, something using higher faculties of the mind. Good wealth and conjugal happiness. Mars in Sagittarius Unorthodox views, rigid beliefs, may switch religions or philosophies, brave, fearless, impervious to opinions of others. Finds some way to be a soldier for a good cause. Inspiring to others. Earns through partnership. Statesman, fun-loving with good wit. Jupiter in Sagittarius In its own sign, this placement gives the best qualities of Jupiter. Good humor, kindness, noble minded, wealthy, influential, handsome, trustworthy, charitable, strong executive ability, artistic qualities, eloquent, open-minded, and lover of justice and compassion. Good friends. Will live in good houses, travel to holy spots. Saturn in Sagittarius Can bring prominence in religious or political arenas. Multiple occupations and/or change in occupations. Occupations reflect Sagittarian interests. Wealth comes later in life. Good ability to organize large scale events or projects. If afflicted, cunning with pretense of generosity. Now that we have understood some of the characteristics of 8th House, the sign of Scorpio, and the planets that it favors, test your knowledge with the quiz below!

The Tenth House: About You

Now that you know which Sign your 10th House is, please read the description for the Sign that rules your 10th House of Profession. This description offers some general inclinations you may have due to this Sign occupying your 10th House. As you read the description, also please make note of the Ruling Planet. We will use this information in Step 4 to better understand further details of the specifics of your 10th House karma.

Tenth House

Ruling Planet

Profession Nature Mars is very auspicious here giving Raj Yoga as Mars is also owner of the 5th house. The individual will be very ambitious and high achieving in his/her career. Can be brash in manner. Brings energies of enterprise, dynamism and energy. High career drive and need for recognition. Charm and refinement in professional style. Good for practical nature and persistent determination. Strong personal identity with their career (as Mercury also owns the 1st house). Mental, Mercury-oriented career. Favors all areas of communication. Visibility and renown in professional life, deals with the public. May change careers. Can do well with biology, botany, marine life, etc. as well as compassionate in medical areas. Favors leadership and high visibility. If associated with the moon or 9th house, brings power and fame. Overall is good for positions of authority and power. Good placement for executives. Works closely with spouse and/or other partners for career success. Good eye for detail. Good energies for any position requiring intelligence and efficiency. Venus is Raj Yoga planet so very auspicious for 10th house effects. Favors brilliant, creative career, flavored by charm and grace. Libra is the sign of balance, so this is good for management consultants, judges, public relation officers, etc. The influence of Venus is good for singing, acting, dancing and other Venus-related arts. Ambitious, even aggressive in career pursuits. Can favor technical fields. Scorpio is a mystic sign, so this is good for astrologers, occultists and any field which is secretive in some way. Also favors involvement with poisons, chemicals, corals or healing arts. As ruler also of the 1st house, Jupiter brings strong personal identification with vocation and organizational skills. Favors Jupiter careers such as teaching, higher knowledge and spiritual/religious fields. Good for athletics and serving as an advocate for a cause. Primary financial gains through self-efforts in career. Saturn related fields ranging from laborer to technical to political fields. This sign brings energies of being hard-working and capable. Executive and other posts requiring patience do well with this influence. Raj Yoga Saturn brings success, prestige, and power through journey of self-effort and persistence. Career deeply connected to personal principles and other 9th house values. This sign brings energies of advising in some way as well as innovation. Career connected to spouse, other career partnering. Jupiter brings power and prestige with some ups and downs. This sign favors work requiring imagination.

























Once you have identified which sign is your Tenth House, the next step- in; understanding aspects of your Profession House is to know which Planets most directly influence it and modify its nature. To do this, run the Chart Report on AstroVed. Examine your 10th House and note any Planets in that sign, then read the descriptions for each Planet that you have in your 10th House to see how they affect your 10th House indicators.
Planet in the 10th House Sun General Effect Affluence, success in career, recognized by upper society, powerful, executive leadership. Can bring government service. Does well with humanitarian activities. Prosperous, pious, well recognized. Career such as counseling, therapy, working with women. Brings good ideas. May participate in religious or legal organizations. Valorous, high status, well-respected, strong leadership. Pioneering character. Energetic. Can be controversial. Learned, powerful, career in writing, teaching, speaking. Good at conveying knowledge to others. Good for sales. May earn through publishing. Early success in career, successful completion of undertakings, wise, prosperous. Career as counselor, teacher, banker, broker, advisor, consultant. Good social contacts are indicated. High status, powerful, prosperous, supported by women in career and/or in womens markets (e.g. womens clothing/fashion). Careers also in fine arts. This placement gives a compassionate nature and motivates someone to help those less fortunate. If Afflicted Stifled opportunities to utilize gifts. Many career changes, subservience. Career changes from impatience. Lack of recognition. Lack of sufficient remuneration.






Obstacles through women.


A growing strength to the career over time. Can bring leadership with great responsibilities. Other careers include farming, earth Menial labor. sciences, politics. May bring work in faraway places. Ambitious and humanitarian. Very hard-working. Pilgrimages are beneficial. Ability to affect the masses through your work. Powerful, prosperous. Favors working with foreigners and/or in foreign lands. Brings talent in the arts and good earning capacity. Brings mysticism to life work. Powerful, renowned, defeats adversaries. Will work hard for the good of others. Takes time to get results from the hard work. May visit sacred places. Wellliked by others. Career conflicts and power struggles. Cruel and subject to deceit in career.



To help you determine whether your 10th House will tend to have the negative influence mentioned above, check in the following chart. If your 10th House Sign has an enemy Planet in it, then you will have more proclivity to the negative effects and must guard against them.
10th House Sign Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Friend Jupiter Sun Mars Mercury Sun Saturn Venus Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Sun Moon Mars Jupiter Sun Mars Venus Mercury Saturn Venus Saturn Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Mercury Moon Mercury Moon Sun Moon Saturn Sun Moon Neutral Moon Enemy Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Moon Mars Jupiter Mars Sun Saturn Mercury Venus Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Sun Mars Saturn Mercury Venus Saturn Venus Moon Jupiter Sun Mars Moon Mars Sun Saturn Venus Mercury Sun

For instance, you may find that you have a Cancer 10th House. Cancers ruling planet is the Moon. The Chart Report would show you in which House your Moon is placed. Perhaps your Moon is in your 5th House. The placement of your 10th House Planetary Ruler will tell you how your Profession karma will be experienced by you in this lifetime. So, in our example, if your ruling 10th House Planet is the Moon, and the Moon is placed in your 5th House in the Sign of Aquarius, this favors a strong career in teaching and working with children or in higher education.
Planet that rules the 10th House is in your 1st House

How your Compassion & Grace Karma is Shaped

Influenced by father, progressively increasing wealth, physically related career (using the body), entrepreneurial, self-made. Rise through perseverance. Can organize difficult projects. Independent in career. Virtuous, charitable, well-respected, good earning capacity. Career in teaching, speaking, lecturing, finance. May engage in a family business. Favors business related to food such as restaurants or catering. Potential for success with gems. Money through career. Personal hobbies and passions connected to career, eloquent speaker. 3rd house indicators shape career: theatre, writing, dance, and literature. Great courage and possible support of younger sibling in career. May have frequent short trips. Strong determination. Career of self-expression. Prosperous, blessed with good home/lands/vehicles. Great happiness through career and possible support from mother in career. Good fortune in areas of education, properties or agriculture. Known for learning and generosity. Early knowledge of career calling, wealthy, healthy, good progeny. Great support of nature in unfoldment of career. Favors work as a teacher or as a financial broker. Can bring success in entertainment areas. Pious. Intelligent. Hard working, can face many obstacles in work life. Could bring career in the healing arts or medicine. May not get high pay. Could work in judiciary, prison or hospitals. Ministers to needs of others. Career of service. Powerful position for successful career. Virtuous mate, work with partners or mate for optimum career achievements. Skilled in business. May travel abroad. Career through partnerships. Involved in metaphysics, R&D, investigation. If afflicted, must guard against criminal activities. May experience difficulty in finding right career path. Strong interest in spiritual pursuits. May have many breaks in career. Career of the unknown. Makes decisions intuitively. Kingly, wealthy, blessed with good friends, benefits from father. Vocation can involve spiritual/religious fields, philosophy, with long-distance travel. Fortunate career. Spiritual stalwart. May have success in publishing or law or higher education. Most powerful placement. Great leadership ability, valorous, prosperous, highly recognized. Fullness of career. Very respected. Can handle large projects, manage large groups. May have success in government or large corporations. Generous. Professional success. Support from friends and/or older siblings in career pursuits. Mix with highly placed, influential people. Virtuous, long-lived, truthful. May employ others. Strong sense of honor. Money manager, inspirational speaker. Work in/with/for foreign lands and/or in spiritual arenas. Can also bring difficulty finding a satisfying career. Success with spiritual service.

2nd House

3rd House

4th House

5th House

6th House

7th House

8th House

9th House

10th House

11th House

12th House

By means of another example, if your Tenth House is Pisces, then your Planetary Ruler is Jupiter. When you look at your chart, you see that Jupiter is placed in its own Sign of Sagittarius in the 7th House. Jupiter, being the Planet of teaching and counsel, can bring a career working with spouse or partners in a coaching or consulting firm. When Profession Karma Becomes Active Achievement in our professional life and how we give to our community are part of a life well lived. But there are times when the lessons and opportunities for growth in these areas are most pronounced. To see if you are in a period especially influencing your 10th House issues, run your Planetary Influence report in AstroVed for free. This report will tell you your major and minor planetary period, called Dasha (major) and Bukti (minor). If your major or minor planet is either the Ruler of your Tenth House or in the Tenth House, this will be a time of increased focus on 10th house conditions. If the Planet is good for you, look for promotions, new opportunities and recognition in your life work. If unfavorable, then there may be a change in career or new challenges on the job. Venus is the planet indicating relationships in general or the karaka for relationships. For women, Jupiter is the karaka for their mate.

The Tenth House: Profession

What is the 10th House? In the House 9 Makeover, we covered your compassion and grace. Now,House 10 covers primarily your professional life and other 10th House indicators such as community service, name and fame, achievement, honor and recognition. Signs, on the other hand, are filters that color how the Houses and Planets behave. This article will cover the sign of Capricorn, which is considered the natural 10th House of the Zodiac. That means that the sign of Capricorn naturally colors things in line with the qualities of the 10th House. Let us begin by covering the general significators of the 10th House and what they influence in your life. Then in the 2nd week, we show you how to examine your own chart (and others) and find which planets are influencing your 10th House. As we progress through the final 2 weeks, you will be guided through a powerful meditation and transformation workshop that will enable you to optimize your career success. Your own personal 10th House is the subject of the next article. General Characteristics of the 10th House The Tenth House is known as the house of Profession. It is the last artha, or wealth house. The 2nd House is the first artha house, indicating the sources of wealth (family, personal worth). The 6th House of work and service indicates how wealth is earned and what must be overcome in the process, culminating in the 10th House by what is gained by the fruits of ones labors. It is the house of business, name and fame, success in life, political power, wealth, honor, foreign travel, financial status, government service, place of residence, and karma of the soul being drawn to its final destination. While it is called the Profession house, it is by no means the only place in the chart to examine career issues. (The rising sign and its lord and Mercury are other key indicators for profession.) It is the house where effects of career effort are indicated: the achievements and recognitions

gained through career efforts. Indicated here are the channels through which past karma leads the individual to the future, how our karmic past colors our future. It shows the power and position we are able to attain. It indicates worldly, political and social power and prestige. Generally speaking, all Planets do well here as it is the most powerful house in the chart, being the highest point in the chart, where the Sun is highest in the mid-heaven (opposite the 4th House which is the lowest point in the chart below the horizon). It is the house of the father (their legacy and mark on the world), foreign travel, financial status and place of residence. Physically, it is related to the knees. Characteristics of Capricorn, the Natural 10th House Capricorn, Makara , is the 10th sign in the zodiac, an earth sign, and the natural 10th house. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn, giving its qualities to the 10th use as well. Capricorn is considered perhaps the holiest of signs. Capricorn has been the rising sign to many great heroes, saviors and avatars. It has been associated with the Tropic of Cancer, considered the seat of the guardians of the earth plane, who point the world to her spiritual destiny. It represents the Winter Solstice, the time of new birth. Capricorn activates the process of transforming individual consciousness to universal consciousness, a process which can be uncomfortable in the material and emotional sense, but which promises ultimate spiritual fulfillment. Under Capricorns influence, past karma becomes activated. Dissolution of traditional values occurs. (Cancer, its opposite sign, is concerned with maintaining of traditions.) Capricorn sets in motion the disillusionment of the old for transformation. This allows re-creation of the individual in fulfillment of their spiritual destiny. Capricorns are hardworking, tenacious, and have the potential for great achievements. They overcome many obstacles and can range from small town farmers to a hard-nosed businessperson, although they also incline towards science, math and technology. They can be rather rigid, conventional, dogmatic and serious, and benefit from the practice of surrender and humor. Saturn as the Ruler of the Natural 10th House Saturn is the great purifier, associated with Yama, the god of death. Saturn is the great denier for dissolution of the illusion of the material world. He is the initiator of spiritual purification and illumination, abnegating worldly identifications and attachments. Saturn deprives the mind of lifes usual joys. He creates obstacles, blocks initiatives as well as the force behind personal drive. He is the great contractor (to Jupiter the great expander), dampening efforts and drawing inward to the truth of the Self. Saturn casts a shadow over the created world and activates karma for retribution, whether good or difficult. Saturn is associated with persistence, asceticism, concentration. Coming under Saturns influence in some way calls for surrender of the ego self. Saturn is the great task master and is associated with hard work, discipline and service. As such, he represents land and fixed assets. He represents the laborer, dark and hidden places, disease and death. He causes delay, melancholy and deprivation. Saturn represents the dark aspects of the mind: crime, perversion and the underworld. He creates separation from loved ones and bestows grief. That said, a strong Saturn is necessary for spiritual attainment. It is the great significator of fate. Saturn becomes exalted in Libra and debilitated in Aries. An excellent book to read so as to deepen appreciation and respect for Saturn is The Greatness of Saturn: A Therapeutic Myth by

Robert Svoboda. Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, as Significators of the 10th House As the planetary karaka for fame and prestige, Surya the Sun becomes a significator for the 10th House. The Sun represents spiritual authority and the kinds of values and authority that governs our lives. Ultimately, the Sun takes us beyond individual identity to be the Divine Light. The Sun represents courage, physical strength and stamina, the father, king, high status, traveling, mental purity, fire, anger, hostility, leadership, physician, enlightenment. Mercury is a planetary karaka for profession and brings its profession indicators to bear: business, speaking, teaching, writing, academia, ministry, healing, crafts work. As the other significator for profession, Jupiter also colors the 10th House through its influences: higher or spiritual knowledge, the husband, spiritual preceptor, and minister to kings, money and good luck. Planets Placed in Capricorn Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn. Remember that when assessing a chart, multiple factors must be taken into consideration. No one effect, such as planetary position in a Sign or House, will be the sole indicator of fortunes and influences. In general, one must assess the strength of the house, its indicator, and its lord and occupants, as well as other planetary influences and the Dasha and Bukti you are running. The following are general indications for when a particular Planet is posited in the sign of Capricorn. Sun in Capricorn Very ambitious, adept, independent, strong character, love of justice, self-reliance. This placement gives practical talents and organizational abilities as well as sympathy to the downtrodden. Can do very well in business and use some of the profits for helping others. Moon in Capricorn Musical, religious, artistic, eloquent speaker, poet, courageous, beautiful, deals with the public (either popularity or notoriety), can experience both rise and fall in work. Cautious, conservative with money, can be insensitive to others feelings. Strong leadership capacity. Prefers to think things out slowly and patiently wait for the right moment. Mercury in Capricorn Prominent, measure of renown, with an occupation related to Gemini and Virgo. Diplomatic, influential, cautious, serious-minded, inclined to mysticism. If afflicted, ill temper, cunning, duplicity. Good potential to embark on a spiritual path after reading or hearing from enlightened persons. Analytical abilities with systematic approach. Venus in Capricorn Popular, favored by elders (e.g. employers), good for commerce success, career dealing with the public in management position. Gains can come through earth element (e.g. precious stones). Marriage delayed, partner from different class. Has ability to learn subtle sciences. Mars in Capricorn Mars is exalted here. This placement brings energy and the ability to work long hours in a selfless mood. The individual is ambitious, passionate, geared towards public life, prominent, position of authority, If afflicted, quick temper, overly passionate. Can bring some marital turmoil. Brings potential for real estate, mathematics, surgical fields, athletics, warfare and other

areas ruled by Mars. In past lives, the individual has done sacrifice and spiritual service. Brings good friends. Jupiter in Capricorn Jupiter is debilitated here. The individual is more serious (a dampened Jupiter). Strong for career success, especially in areas dealing with the public or managing others. Good for legacy from father or other elders. Brings power, esteem, popularity, inclined towards philosophy or religious learning, often unconventional. Saturn in Capricorn Saturn is in its own sign here. Great sense of self, and personal and soul power, authority, mastery, independence, ambition, sometimes selfishness or loneliness. Strong perseverance and ability to concentrate. Brings caring about the suffering of others. May reside away from birthplace. Success in production of earthy goods. Now that we have understood some of the characteristics of 10th House, the Sign of Capricorn, and the Planets that it favors, test your knowledge with the quiz below!

The Eleventh House: About you

Now that you know which sign your 11th house is, please read the description for the sign which contains your 11th house of Fulfillment of Desires & Profit . This description suggests general inclinations you will have due to this sign serving as your 11th House. As you read the description, please also make note of the Ruling Planet. We will use this in Step 4 to better understand the specifics of your 11th house karma.

Eleventh House Aries

Ruling Planet Mars

Fulfillment of Desires & profit Nature Gains through service and after overcoming many obstacles. Need to exert energy to experience gain. Important to remain active in career. Friends can become enemies without proper discernment. Brings gains and attachments through the mother, real estate and vehicles. Has a practical outlook on responsibilities. Influenced by idealism and sensitive to misery of others. Willing to share gains with others. Great capacity to make money, with Mercury also lord of 2nd house (therefore Dhana, wealth producing).Has a genuine interest in profession. Prosperity and recognition through the masses working with groups and large organizations. Great friendships with the affect of nurturing Moon. Comes into contact with truly evolved people. Brings high ideals. In more spiritually focused individual, desire to know the Self (Sun). Gains from and/or similar desire nature of the father. Born to do some special work for society. Mercury is not a favorable planet for Scorpio rising. Desires reflect or find fulfillment in occult/metaphysical knowledge and sciences. Attains wealth as a result of intellectual activities. Venus can bring up health issues (as Lord of 6th). Gains will come through labor-intensive work. Friends can bring enmity or healing if spiritualized 6th house effects. Can bring new careers and new futures. Gains through real estate and possibly mother. Can share desire nature with mother and gains can come through her. Must ensure that gains come through honorable means. Jupiter is a wealth-giving planet for Aquarius rising (Jupiter is also Lord of the 2nd). Abundance of wealth and friendships, and associations for charitable causes. Eloquent speakers, virtuous, wise. Motivated to fight for a cause. Financially conservative, can develop an ascetic desire nature, with Saturn also ruling the 12th house. Either fulfillment of desires illusive or desires transmuted to higher spiritual value of the 12th house effects (enlightenment). A great believer in human individuality. Desires and therefore gains intimately connected to 10th house qualities of career achievement, social status and recognition, community service and honors given. Believes in action. Ranges from excessive or deviant desires to desires of metaphysical nature. Desire nature can undergo transformation during the lifetime. Enjoys comfortable living while guarding against danger around the corner.























Once you have identified which sign is your Eleventh house, the next step in understanding aspects of your Fulfillment of Desires & Profit house is to know which planets most directly influence it and modify its nature. To do this, run the Chart Report on Astroved. Examine your 11th house and note any planets in that sign, and then read the descriptions for each planet that you have in your 11th house to see how they affect your 11th house indicators.
Planet in the 11th House General Effect If Afflicted


Powerful, prosperous, strong male ally in life, prominent older brother. Good for longevity, status and success with little effort. Can bring ownership of property. Prosperous, renown, long-lived, noble, generous, respected for business success. Good for acquisition of land. Friendly nature and able to maximize profits. Strong physical desire nature, prosperous through entrepreneurial pursuits, influential in upper circles of society,forceful speaker, brave. Good character.

Work hard for gains. Must guard against being boastful. Strong ambition thwarted by lack of support of nature. Health of older sibling may suffer. Must guard against being unsocial.




Well-versed in various sciences, influential, happy, prosperous, Mentally imbalanced elder long-lived, favors physical desire fulfillment. May have friendships sibling. with important people. Truthful. Highly respected, recognized, wealthy, loyal, strong intellect and love of music. Very favorable placement. Can bank money and be cautious with it. Fearless. Prosperity, great material comforts, easy ability to make money. Benefit from female friends. Successful in influencing public opinion. Friendly. Strong health, lasting renown, great prosperity, diplomatic, longevity. Gains through management of many, also government sources and politics. Yogic power. Strong for military career, well recognized, prosperous and learned; earn wealth in foreign lands. Able to control desire nature, prosperous, spiritually learned. Strong will power. Can contribute to spiritual causes. Powerful, renowned, good-looking. Can gain through speculation with keen intuition. Noble and pure of heart and mind, very successful in ventures, very charitable. Friends have mystical nature and/or come from foreign lands. May reside in remote places. Difficult to make good friends. For woman, overly picky about choice of men. Difficulty with women wandering nature.




Little luck, few opportunities, few friends.


Few children, ear ailments. Difficulty holding on to wealth.


Deceit from friends. Wearisome travels.

To help you determine whether your 11th house will tend to have the negative influence mentioned above, check in the following chart. If your 11th house sign has an enemy planet in it, then you must guard more against the negative effects.
11th House Sign Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Friend Jupiter Sun Mars Mercury Sun Saturn Venus Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Sun Moon Mars Jupiter Sun Mars Venus Mercury Saturn Venus Saturn Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Mercury Moon Mercury Moon Sun Moon Saturn Sun Moon Neutral Moon Enemy Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Moon Mars Jupiter Mars Sun Saturn Mercury Venus Saturn Mercury Venus Jupiter Mars Moon Jupiter Sun Mars Saturn Mercury Venus Saturn Venus Moon Jupiter Sun Mars Moon Mars Sun Saturn Venus Mercury Sun

The final step in understanding your personal 11th house is to examine where your 11th houses planetary ruler is placed in your chart and what that means for you. Remember, the planetary ruler can be found in the chart in Step 2. Now, look again at your Chart Report. What sign is your planetary ruler of your 11th house placed? For instance, you may find that you have an Aries 11th house. Aries ruling planet is Mars. The Chart Report would show you in which house your Mars is placed. Perhaps your Mars is in your 4th house. The placement of your 11th house planetary ruler will tell you how your fulfillment of Desires & Profit karma will be experienced by you in this lifetime. So, in this example, if your ruling 11th house planet is Mars and Mars is placed in your 4th house of Virgo, this favors gains through real estate and fulfillment in the home life. Keep in mind that as the Planets has a range of values, so do placement of Planets in the Houses. Below are some indications of each House:
Planet that rules the 11th House is in your How your Fulfillment of Desires Profit Karma is Shaped

1st House

Egalitarian, born into money and make excellent gains on own through much support of nature. Entrepreneurial pursuits involve the body and your personality. Speaking ability. Friendly. Very prosperous, close to elder brothers, earns through commerce and banking. Does business with friends. Success depends on health of house and planets (if with malefic planets unfavorable). Potential in the business of food and money management. Earn through music, the arts, mathematics or crafts. Opening your own doors of opportunity. Friends and siblings are source of support here. Gains through real estate and possibly other earth-related commerce. Mother is a source of support for gains. Enjoys pilgrimages and doing the right thing. Longevity. Comfortable living. Favorable for prosperous children. Entrepreneurial nature. Religious/spiritual resolves can enhance prosperity. If afflicted, poor results from speculation. Good opportunities to earn through educational endeavors. Gains through litigation, management in medical field, overcoming adversaries. Must work for opportunities. Can reside in foreign land. Shy and must guard against being anti-social. Prospers in foreign countries and business may take one overseas. Virtuous, generous, long-lived, high status, gains through marriage or business partner. Favorable for marriage. Favors gains through unearned sources (e.g. inheritance), long-lived. Hidden desires, not always meritorious. Friendships are not always long-lasting. High status, religiously/spiritually inclined, paternal inheritance, good luck in life, many comforts, charitable involvement, righteous character. Favors owning property. Enjoys travel. Professional. Successful in business, good renown, support of powerful, influential people, long-lived, close to mother. Helps others. Great support of friends and older brothers throughout life. Happy home life and creature comforts. Attractive, good fortune in most all pursuits, long-lived. Good leadership abilities. Strong physical desire nature. If on spiritual path, strong desire for enlightenment, spiritual pursuits. Money spent on spiritual pursuits and good causes. Will have friendships in spiritual circles.

2nd House

3rd House

4th House

5th House

6th House

7th House

8th House

9th House

10th House

11th House

12th House

By means of another example, if someone has the 11th house as Leo, then the 11th house planetary ruler is the Sun. Suppose this person has the Sun placed in the 10th house of Cancer. This brings wealth and other gains through professional success.

When Fulfillment of Desires & Profit Karma Become Active Fulfillment of desires and achieving financial and personal gains is a fundamental goal of life. To see if you are in a period especially influencing your 11th house issues, run your Planetary Influence report in Astroved for free. This report will tell you your major and minor planetary period, called Dasha (major) and Bukti (minor). If your major or minor planet is either the ruler of your 11th house or in the 11th house, this will be a time of increased focus on 11th house conditions. If the planet is good for you, look for an increase of wealth, happiness through friends, and if on a spiritual path, spiritual gains. If unfavorable, then there may be a loss or constriction of funds, or problems with friendships or elder siblings. What is the 11th House? In the House 10 Makeover, we covered your profession, community service, name and fame, achievement, honor and recognition. Now House 11 covers primarily fulfillment of desires and profit in life, and other 11th house indicators such as gains (including excess), aspirations, friendships and siddhis, spiritual accomplishments. Signs are filters that color how the Houses and planets behave. This article will cover the sign of Aquarius, which is considered the natural 11th House of the Zodiac. That means that the sign of Aquarius naturally colors things in line with the qualities of the 11th House. Let us begin by covering the general significators of the 11th House and what they influence in your life. Then in the 2nd week, we show you how to examine your own chart (and others) and find which planets are influencing your 11th House. As we progress through the final 2 weeks, you will be guided through a powerful meditation and transformation workshop that will enable you to improve your capacity for fulfillment of desires and profit. Your own personal 11th House is the subject of the next article.

General Characteristics of the 11th House The Eleventh House is known as the house of Fulfillment of Desires & Profit. It is the last karma, or desire house. The 3rd house is the first karma house, indicating the inner sources of desires (ambition, character, drive). The 7th house of relationships indicates how desires become fulfilled, culminating in the 11th house by what desires become fulfilled, the profits of life. It is the house of gains, usually referring to material gains, but of course all gains can be understood from here, including spiritual gains, referred to as siddhis. It represents personal goals and aspirations and can show the extremes of egoism of personal pursuits as well as the health of authentic desire (goals in alignment with ones true purpose). It is a house of abundance, giving increase according to the planets placed there. For example, Venus placed here can give an abundance of wives (one at a time); Jupiter here can give an abundance of wealth. It is also a house of excess, such as extra-marital affairs, multiple partners and overt opulence. It can bring unearned income, gifts, windfalls and opportunities as well as a love for luxury cars and jewels. It is a house of sociability, friends, and social contacts. As 6th from the 6th House, it represents recovery from illness and the enemy of ones enemies. From a spiritual perspective, the 11th house contains the trap of material attachment, as well as the opportunity to gain and enjoy material comforts without being in bondage to passion and materialism. All planets can bring auspicious favors to the 11th House. It is the manifesting of creative power. It is the house of the elder siblings, their character, fate and well-being. Physically, it is related to the calves, shins and ankles. Characteristics of Aquarius, the Natural 11th House Aquarius, Kumbha, is the 11th sign in the zodiac, an air sign, and the natural 11th House. Saturn is the ruler of Aquarius, giving its qualities to the 11th house as well. The symbol for Aquarius is the pot, the container of all that is gained. The water pouring from it is the cosmic life force energy alchemizing matter into spirit and purifying individuality to its cosmic essence. It is a very humanitarian sign as the water-bearer is sharing with others. Aquarians enjoy both the arts and sciences, and can be great orators and writers as well. They enjoy the unique and unusual and love with great loyalty. They can have fiery outbursts, but forget quickly. There can be many changes in their fortunes; what is earned is on their own merit and hard work. Occupations can often be of a hidden nature, secretive, investigative or the like. Marital happiness is favored, with a mate in or identified with the arts. Aquarians love the gain of knowledge, but generally are more interested in material and scientific, rather than spiritual knowledge. Aquarians are sociable and not so attached to money. They can be a bit idiosyncratic, idealistic and a fighter for the underdog. Aquarians are visionary, humanitarian and have the potential for being great teachers. They can be unconventional, futuristic and even eccentric. They will choose a cause for the greater good and can sacrifice personal interests for it. They are prone to self-abnegation, the influence of Saturn. Saturn as the Ruler of the 11th House Saturn is the great purifier, associated with Yama, the god of death. He is the great denier for dissolution of the illusion of the material world. He is the great initiator of spiritual purification and illumination, abnegating worldly identifications and attachments. Saturn deprives the mind of lifes usual joys. He creates obstacles, blocks initiatives and the force behind personal drive.

He is the great contractor (in contrast to Jupiter, the great expander), dampening efforts and drawing one inward to the truth of the Self. Saturn casts a shadow over the created world and activates karma for retribution, good or difficult. He cultivates persistence, asceticism, concentration, calling for surrender of the ego self. Saturn is the great task master and is associated with hard work, discipline and service. He represents the laborer, dark and hidden places, disease and death. He causes delay, melancholy and deprivation. Saturn represents the dark aspects of the mind: crime, perversion and the underworld. He creates separation from loved ones and bestows grief. That said, a strong Saturn is necessary for spiritual attainment. It is the great significator of fate. Saturn becomes exalted in Libra and debilitated in Aries. Jupiter as Indicator of the 11th House Guru, Jupiter, as the significator of gain, becomes the significator for the 11th house. Its placement in the chart indicates where and through what means desires get fulfilled. Planets Placed in Aquarius No planet is exalted or debilitated in Aquarius. Remember that when assessing a chart, multiple factors must be taken into consideration. No one effect, such as planetary position in a sign or house, will be the sole indicator of fortunes and influences. In general, one must assess the strength of the house, its indicator, and its lord and occupants, as well as other planetary influences and the Dasha and Bukti you are running. The following are general indications for when a particular planet is posited in the sign of Aquarius. Sun in Aquarius Refined individuality, humanitarian, fixed on own ideas, strong constitution, empathic. Usually has an interest in mystical knowledge. Often have fluctuations in wealth. Literary talents. Moon in Aquarius Inclination toward the occult, mysticism, dream work, and other subjects those are unusual or unconventional. Enjoys political, education and scientific arenas, is humanitarian and enjoys municipal affairs. Good intuition and imagination. Diplomatic speech. Mercury in Aquarius Gives a keen intellect, good memory, with fixed opinions not easily influenced. Occupations tend to follow those of Gemini and Virgo natives, and there is an affinity with those of these signs. Mercury brings a critical and scientific influence. Frank and truthful. Venus in Aquarius Very sociable, many friends in high places, love and ability for music, poetry, the arts, and all things beautiful. Gains through partnership and public enterprises. Occupations can include interaction with the masses. Good intuition. Freedom-loving. Mars in Aquarius Quick acting, sometimes impulsively so; sharp debater, rigid opinions, undiplomatic, independent, enjoys leading, directing others. Competitive, sometimes controversial. Often very likeable. Jupiter in Aquarius

Good, sincere friends and much fulfillment through them. Enjoys mystical, metaphysical, unusual subjects. Original and independent views. Cultivate the mind through higher knowledge. Can be very psychic and have unusual spiritual experiences. Talents with writing. Saturn in Aquarius Saturn is in its own sign here. This gives power and good fortune to all the positive indicators for Aquarius. Can bring prominence and position of authority. Instinct for mysticism. Many acquaintances. Creative ability, generous, friendly.

The Twelfth House: Enlightenment

What is the 12th House? In the House 11 Makeover, we covered your fulfillment of desires and profits from life. Now House 12 covers primarily your Enlightenment, and other 12th house indicators such as expenditures, confinements and journeys to foreign lands. The astrological signs are filters that color how the houses and planets behave. This newsletter will cover the sign of Pisces, which is considered the natural 12th House of the Zodiac. That means that the sign of Pisces naturally colors things in line with the qualities of the 12th House. Let us begin week one by covering the general significators of the 12th house and what they influence in your life. Then in the 2nd week, we show you how to examine your own chart (and others) and find which planets are influencing your 12th house. As we progress through the final 2 weeks, you will be guided through a powerful meditation and transformation workshop that will enable you to improve your capacity for attaining enlightenment and propitiating all good effects of your 12th house. Your own personal 12th House is the subject of the next newsletter. General Characteristics of the 12th House The Twelfth House is known as the house of Enlightenment. It is the last moksha, or enlightenment house. The 4th house is the first moksha house, indicating the subject of liberation (the inner life, heart, feelings). The 8th house of Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity indicates what must be transformed and purified for liberation to occur, culminating in the 12th house as the end of the journey. It is the house of loss and death, representing what is taken or destroyed for the cycle of death and rebirth to be broken. As a house of release, it is also the house of confinement, including ashram life or visits, hospital stays and imprisonment. As a house of loss, it represents expenditures, financially, physically and of consciousness (the loss of finances, physical and material consciousness?). As such, it is a house of sleep, bed pleasures, and life after death. It is also expenditure on charities and luxury items. It is the house of long-distance travel to foreign lands. As a house of the past, it shows our past karmas we are bound to and where they ultimately bring us, as the 12th house is the culmination of our earth journey. As a house of renunciation, it is a house of yoga and meditation, processes which support the abnegation of ego self. It is also the house of dispensation karmic and financial debts. It is the death of hubris and the birth of humility. It is arousal of the Serpent Fire and its merging with the Infinite. It is secret chambers of our life and release of all individuality back to the cosmic ocean.

As the place of the subconscious, it can contain fantasies, illusions and mental disorders; as well as astral experiences and work on subtle planes of existence. Of all the 12 houses, it is arguably the house most benefiting from conscious spiritual practice. Its affects on strictly a material life can be harsh. It is the last call to discovery of the Self before the close of life. Characteristics of Pisces, the Natural 12th House Pisces, Meena, is the 12th sign in the zodiac, a water sign, and the natural 12th house. Jupiter is the ruler of Pisces, giving its qualities to the 12th house as well. The symbol for Pisces is two fishes swimming in opposite directions, representing the quest for integration of duality and opposing forces. Pisceans are emotional, sensitive, easily influenced, creating vulnerability. They are friendly, sympathetic and changeable in their feelings and beliefs, often to please others. Pisceans are warm, communicative and relate to a diverse array of people. Pisceans can favor professions involving teaching, hospitals, medicine, promotion and water. A Pisces lagna, rising sign, is good for children and relationships with children. Pisceans can win over their adversaries with a benign and gentle way, though they must also watch for others taking advantage of them. They dislike conflict and will often bend to dispel it. This arises from the water signs capacity for preservation. Pisceans favor intuition over logic, sensitivity over analysis. They can be dreamy and very imaginative. Piscean influence can bring a love for poetry and wisdom; as well as a proclivity for meditation and reflection. They may be susceptible to nervous and emotional disorders, and sensitive digestion. They may have susceptibility to sugar or alcohol addictions. Their quest is for discrimination and integration. Though Venus becomes exalted in Pisces, Venus is an unfavorable planet for Pisces rising. Jupiter as Ruler of the Natural 12th house Jupiter, Guru is the bestowed of grace, that which is most desired at the close of life. He is associated with knowledge, especially higher or spiritual knowledge, which can be realized through a strong 12th house, culminating in knowledge of the Self, the guru within. He is the spiritual preceptor, whose home is found in the 12th (i.e. the ashram or monastery). Jupiter is minister to kings, granting final comfort. He illuminates Truth, that which is seen or given to be seen upon the last breath of life. He is the Law and Lawgiver, upholding the final Law of subjective existence, the return to Source. Jupiter is formless intelligence, invoking the eternal nature of existence. He calls us to our highest and to do good works, the fruits of which are born through the destiny of the 12th house, life after death. He is the container and bestowed of sacred wisdom, tools for renunciation and liberation. The most benefic of planets, Jupiter is very expansive and gracious, the great Teacher, desiring to lead all to the paths of righteousness for the purpose of liberation, moksha. Jupiter represents our inner vocation, which is our universal destiny of Enlightenment. Saturn as the Indicator of the 12th House In his role as significator for loss, Saturn becomes the karaka (i.e. that which produces or creates) for the 12th house. Saturn is the great purifier, associated with Yama, the god of death. He is the great denier for dissolution of the illusion of the material world. He is the initiator of spiritual purification and illumination, abnegating worldly identifications and attachments. Saturn deprives the mind of lifes usual joys. He creates obstacles, blocks initiatives and is the force behind personal drive. He is the great contractor, dampening efforts and drawing inward to the truth of the Self. Saturn casts a shadow over the created world and activates karma for

retribution, good or difficult. He cultivates persistence, asceticism, concentration and acalling for surrender of the ego self. Planets Placed in Pisces Venus becomes exalted in Pisces and Mercury becomes debilitated in Pisces. Remember that when assessing a chart, multiple factors must be taken into consideration. No one effect, such as planetary position in a sign or house, will be the sole indicator of fortunes and influences. In general, one must assess the strength of the house, its indicator, and its lord and occupants, as well as other planetary influences and the Dasha and Bukti you are running. The following are general indications for when a particular planet is posited in the sign of Pisces. Sun in Pisces Emotional, receptive, blessed with good friends, occupations related to water or water and land items, interest in metaphysics. Moon in Pisces Very talented, devoted to wife and children, enjoys variety, changeable, romantic, enjoys emotional music and poetry, possibility for intemperance, favors ability in medium ship and psychic abilities, good natured and charitable. Mercury in Pisces Loved by friends, magnanimous, can work behind the scenes or in investigative type work, good-natured, pious, multi-tasking. Enjoys speaking, writing, music, and analytical work. Venus in Pisces Venus is exalted here in Pisces, intensifying emotional nature and a love of beauty. Very prosperous and charitable; easily overcomes adversaries. May be fickle-hearted; is soft-spoken and likely to pursue more than one occupation or change occupations. Mars in Pisces May reside abroad, changeable vocational life, talented in undercover type work. If afflicted, self-sabotage, unethical. Jupiter in Pisces Jupiter is in its own sign. Charitable, kind, devotional, love of sacred scriptures, loveable, emotional, imaginative. Saturn in Pisces Well-respected, prosperous, religiously inclined, charitable nature, mild-mannered.

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