Literacy Unit Plan

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This unit is designed for a Year 5 class in a private Catholic School in South-East Brisbane. The class consists on 1 special education student who has High-Function Autism and requires a teachers aid for high information based lessons. As the students completed NAPLAN in May of 2012, this unit is designed to be completed in October of 2012 as the results of the NAPLAN tests will have been sent out to the teachers in mid September. (ACARA. 2012.)The unit will be completed in Weeks 1-6 of Term Four, with the Culminating Task scheduled for the 23rd November 2012, the Friday of Week 6. The students are underperforming in summarisation of non-fiction texts; therefore this unit aims to use a range of non-fiction texts on Marine Animals, with a focus on the animals adaptations, as this unit will be running along the literacy from Weeks 1-6. The unit introduces new vocabulary to the students, the GIST strategy, how to predict the authors message; with a focus on modelling the completion of a Graphic Organiser and a 20-30 word summary. The unit introduces a creative project assigned to the class from SeaWorld, asking the students to create 11 new plaques for the sanctuaries at SeaWorld. The unit is structured with a number of lessons that are modelled, guided and provide independent practice. This Literacy Unit provided a number of Instructional Practices including collaboration with peers, differentiation of activities, Graphic Organisers and the GIST Strategy. The use of Graphic Organisers provided the students with a visual representation of the information they have collated from the text. By organising the important information and main points from the non-fiction text in a graphic organisers, students are learning to compartmentalise information and in the process learning new vocabulary that relates to Science and adaptations of living things. The GIST strategy was introduced early in the unit to combine their knowledge of Who, What, When, Where, Why and How, while introducing adaptations. A number of student-centred learning theories where put into practice throughout this unit; Constructivism, Sociolinguistics and Cognitive/Information Processing. Constructivism is the active construction of knowledge and recognises the importance of background knowledge. (Campbell, R. Green, D. Tompkins, G. 2012. pg 5) The unit advocated collaboration between the students and this was evident with the use of KWL charts to introduce topics and determines the students prior knowledge on the topic. Sociolinguistics was used to emphasise the importance of language and social interaction. (Campbell, R. et al. 2012. pg 5) This theory scaffolds the students learning, and allows them to learn through authentic activities; within the unit, sociolinguistic applications included shared reading. Lastly, the unit used Information Processing theory by integrating reading and writing. The application of this theory was apparent with the use of Graphic Organisers. By providing graphic organisers the students interpretations were individualised. (Campbell, R. et al. 2012. pg 5) Students are evaluated through their ability to individually read a non-fiction text, complete a graphic organiser and summary. Upon the completion of this unit, provided that all students have an adequate knowledge of summarising, and have proved their ability to complete a summary individually, the students will develop their ability to synthesise information.

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Identify and cluster Australian Curriculum 2010 English content descriptions and general capabilities Language Text Structure and Organisation Literacy Interpreting, Analysing and Evaluating Identify and explain characteristic text structures and language features used in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts to meet the purpose of the text. (ACELY1701) Navigate and read texts for specific purposes applying appropriate text processing strategies, for example predicting and confirming, monitoring meaning, skimming and scanning (ACELY1702) General capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities General Capabilities Literacy Intercultural understanding Personal and social capability Critical and creative thinking Information and communication technology capability Ethical behaviour Cross-Curriculum Priorities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australias engagement with Asia Sustainability


Understand how texts vary in purpose, structure and topic as well as the degree of formality (ACELA1504) Understand that the starting point of a sentence gives prominence to the message in the text and allows for prediction of how the text will unfold. (ACELA1505)

Texts in Context Show how ideas and points of view in texts are conveyed through the use of vocabulary, including idiomatic expressions, objective and subjective language, and that these can change according to context. (ACELY1698)


Expressing and Developing Ideas Understand the use of vocabulary to express greater precision of meaning, and know that words can have different meaning in different contexts. (ACELA1512)

Interpreting, Analysing and Evaluating Use comprehension strategies to analyse information, integrating and linking ideas from a variety of print and digital sources (ACELY1703)

Creating Texts Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive print and multimodal texts, choosing text structures, language features, images and sound appropriate to purpose and audience (ACELY1704) Reread and edit students own and others work using agreed criteria for text structures and language features. (ACELY1705)

Identify Australian Curriculum 2010 Science content descriptions Science Understanding Biological Sciences Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment (ACSSU043)

English Receptive Modes (listening, reading/viewing) By the end of Year 5, students will be able to Explain how text structures assist in understanding the text. Students develop and explain a point of view about a text, selecting information, ideas and images from a range of sources. They make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, taking into account other perspectives. When writing, they demonstrate understanding of grammar, select specific vocabulary and use accurate spelling and punctuation, editing their work to provide structure and meaning. Students can analyse how the form of living things enables them to function in their environments. Productive Modes (speaking, writing and creating) Science

This unit underpins the importance of the environment and how living things survive in a number of different climates. Students will learn that the habitat influences the survival of an animal, and that each animal has individual features that allow them to live and survive in specific climates and environments.

Interactive Whiteboard Whiteboard Whiteboard Markers Butchers Paper Permanent Markers Seahorse by Greg Pyers Little Penguins by Greg Pyers Journals Explanations of the 5 Text Structures Explanations of each Note Taking Term Graphic Organiser as a Word Document Highlighters Explanations of a Summary
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Post-It Notes 30 sheets of paper for Letters Information from National Geographic Summary Sheets Graphic Organisers Cardboard for Plaques Marine Birds, Mammals and Reptiles by Barry Silkstone Crustaceans, Echinoderms and Filter Feeders by Barry Silkstone Saltwater Crocodiles by Greg Pyers Great White Sharks by Greg Pyers Green Turtles by Greg Pyers Humpback Whales by Greg Pyers
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& Learning Goal Students will use a Graphic Organiser to effectively summarise a non-fiction text.

Success Criteria Students must demonstrate their ability to: Read a non-fiction text and understand the authors message Use key terms and vocabulary appropriately Identify key words and main ideas Identify important information from interesting information Uses active comprehension strategies to identify the main ideas Complete a graphic organiser individually Complete a summary in their own words, with the use of key terms Identifies the title of the text in the summary Summary has a logical sequence

Assessment Curriculum Achievement Standards Receptive Modes (listening, reading/viewing) By the end of Year 5, students will be able to Explain how text structures assist in understanding the text. Students develop and explain a point of view about a text, selecting information, ideas and images from a range of sources. Due Date 23rd November 2012 Students will be asked to read Humpback Whales by Greg Pyers While students are reading the text, they will be looking for key terms and the main points in the text. Students will need to highlight this information for future reference Students will be given a graphic organiser and asked to input the main ideas into the graphic organiser The graphic organiser will be blank, with no text hints; students are to determine the important topic headings and complete the graphic organiser using the nonfiction text. Once students have completed their graphic organiser, they will be given a summary sheet and asked to create a 30-40 word summary about the text. Productive Modes (speaking, writing and creating)

Final Culminating Task

Description of the Marking Rubric Students how cannot complete the task, and fail to meet the criteria will sit in Level 1. Students who show a moderate understanding of the task will sit in Level 2. Students should show an adequate understanding of the text and are expected to sit in Level 3 for this task. Level 4 is for students who show an exceptional understanding of the text and complete the summary at a high standard.

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& Criteria Reasoning Responding to the Text Level 1 Student has great difficulty summarising the text and cannot determine the key information. Level 2 Student summarizes most of the text accurately, but has some trouble determining all the key information. Summary is slightly clear and has some focus and understanding of the text Student understands the key terms, however cannot use the vocabulary in the correct context Level 3 Student uses only 1-2 sentences to summarise the text. Level 4 Student uses several sentences to accurately summarise the text.

Communication Purpose Vocabulary and use of the relevant terms

Summary is unclear and lacks an understanding of the meaning behind the text Student does not use the correct terms and does not understand the vocabulary

Summary is clear and has focus and understanding of the text Student understands the key terms and uses the vocabulary in the correct context.

Summary is very clear and has a great degree of understanding about the text Student understands the key terms and uses the vocabulary in the correct context, in an outstanding manner Student uses the graphic organiser correctly and has identified and linked the important information to the correct terms. Summary includes important information and key words from the text, and is structured in an outstanding manner Student uses correct grammar and has no spelling errors

Organisation of Ideas Completion of Graphic Organiser Overall Structure of Summary

Student does not use the graphic organiser correctly, and does not understand the relevant terms. Summary does not include important information or key words from the text, and is not structured correctly

Student uses the graphic organiser to assemble information, however does not identify the important information Summary includes either important information or key words from the text, and is moderately structured Student uses correct grammar, with some spelling errors

Student uses the graphic organiser correctly and has identified the important information Summary includes important information and key words from the text, and is structured correctly

Conventions Correct use of grammar and spelling.

Students grammar is unsatisfactory, and makes several spelling mistakes

Student uses correct grammar and only has minor spelling errors

& Sequence of at least 10 key instructional activities (subtasks) leading to the demonstration of the learning goal


Reading and writing instructional approaches

Assessment for learning, assessment as learning strategies Observation Anecdotal Records Consultation


1. Determining students prior knowledge, and knowledge they aim to gain

KWL Chart as a class What do we know about Adaptations?

Whiteboard Whiteboard Markers Seahorses by Greg Pyers Butchers Paper Permanent Markers Journal

Shared Reading as a class Seahorses by Greg Pyers

Think/Pair/Share In pairs students discuss what they learnt about the Seahorse As a class, compile a list of what we have learnt Complete the W on the KWL chart

Reflective Journal 2. Developing students vocabulary Shared Reading as a class Seahorses by Greg Pyers Observation Anecdotal Records Consultation Seahorses by Greg Pyers Butchers Paper Permanent Markers Computer Interactive Whiteboard Internet Dictionary Posters of adaptation terms Journal

Concept Map In pairs, determine the new vocabulary Collaborate and define these words as a class

In pairs, students will attempt to define: Physical description Habitat Climate Diet Special Features Adaptations

As a class, collaborate a list of definitions for the 6 terms; further research can be conducted as a class by searching online dictionaries. Reflective Journal 3. Introducing GIST, Note Taking, and

Shared Reading Seahorses by Greg Pyers

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Observation Anecdotal Records

Seahorses by Greg Pyers Posters on each note

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modelling how to complete a Summary

Note Taking Determining key words, organisation of ideas, topic sentences, thinking pattern words and cohesive ties

Checklists Conferences

taking term Whiteboard Whiteboard Markers Butchers Paper Permanent Markers Poster Explanation of Summary Post-It Notes Permanent Markers Pens Whiteboard Markers

Model GIST Strategy as a class Write on WhiteBoard What? Where? When? Why? How?

Model a Summary as a class 4. Modelling a Graphic Organiser, and having students identify the key information Have students identify the key words in the text Write these key words on Post-It Notes Create a 20 word summary on the whiteboard using those key words Observation Anecdotal Records Work Samples

Shared Reading as a class Little Penguins by Greg Pyer

Little Penguins by Greg Pyers Whiteboard Whiteboard Markers Interactive Whiteboard Graphic Organiser as Word Document Butchers Paper Permanent Markers Photocopies of pages 417 Highlighters Journal

Model Graphic Organiser as a class Ask students to re-define the 6 headings from the previous lesson Model how to find important information in the text

Split class into groups of 4 Each group identifies the important information from each double page and which heading it will fall under

Class collaboration Each group states the important information they identified, and a class graphic organiser is completed.

Reflective Journal 5. Developing their ability to predict the authors message, determining Text Structure, and using their knowledge to write a letter to their friend about the Little Penguin. Shared Reading as a class Little Penguins by Greg Pyer Observation Conferences Work Samples Anecdotal Records Little Penguins by Greg Pyers Explanations of the 5 text structures Whiteboard Whiteboard Markers Butchers Paper Permanent Markers Photocopies of pages 4-

How to predict the Authors message on each page Students will skim the first sentence of the first paragraph and predict the topic of the paragraph Split the class into 6 groups, and assign them a page each.

Have the students determine the authors

message on that page Text Structure as a class Introduce text structures Have students identify the relevant text structure

15 20 x sheets

Individual Work Students write a letter to their buddy, telling them what they have learnt about the Little Penguin Observation Anecdotal Records Work Samples Checklists Copy of text from National Geographic on Tropical Fish Computer Interactive Whiteboard Graphic Organisers Whiteboard Whiteboard Markers 1 x Cardboard Plaque

6. Modelling the process of reading a text, completing a graphic organiser and writing a summary.

Teacher introduces the letter from SeaWorld asking the class to create 10 new plaques for the Marine Life living at SeaWorld. Show examples of plaques shown at SeaWorld Shared Reading as a class Tropical Fish from National Geographic

Graphic Organiser In groups Split class into groups of 5 Each group determines the important information for each term/heading in the graphic organiser

As a class Complete the graphic organiser with the information collected from each group

Creating a Plaque As a class, create a 20-30 word summary on the text

Model how to produce the Plaque Once the summary has been created, transfer the summary onto cardboard and design a plaque about Tropic Fish for SeaWorld. Observation Anecdotal Records Work Samples Completion of 10 summaries Copies of text from Marine Birds, Mammals and Reptiles by Barry Silkstone, about: Bottlenose Dolphins Australian Sea Lion Marine Turtles

7. Guided Lesson on the process of completing a summary

Recap on last lesson, and how the plaque for SeaWorld was created KWL Chart as a class Create a list of Marine Animals that the students may see/may have seen at SeaWorld Display the list of Animals that was sent by SeaWorld

Copies of text from Crustaceans, Echinoderms and Filter

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Whole Class 10 texts are introduced to the students Task is explained to the students Recap on the procedure of reading a text, completing a graphic organiser, and writing a summary

Feeders by Barry Silkstone, about: Sea Stars

Copies of text from National Geographic, about: Stingrays Octopus Dugongs Fairy Penguins Polar Bears Killer Whales

Group Work (pairs) Students are to get into pairs and read their non-fiction texts as a group.

Individual Work Students must then determine the important information and complete a graphic organiser individually

20 x graphic organisers 10 x cardboard plaques Permanent markers Textas Pens and Pencils

Group Work Each group will come back together and collaborate on a 30 word summary. This summary will then be transferred onto a cardboard plaque.

Whole Class Each group will show their plaques to the rest of the class and discuss what they learnt about the animal in their text Observation Anecdotal Records Work Samples Consultation Developmental Continuum 3 x Literacy Circle Texts Great White Sharks by Greg Pyers Saltwater Crocodiles by Greg Pyers Green Turtle by Greg Pyers Computers Pens/Pencils 30 x Graphic Organisers 30 x Summary Sheets Butchers Paper Permanent Markers

8. Individual Work on the Animal of their choice.

Whole Class Library Lesson Students get into their literacy circle groups Each group is given a text on a Marine Animal

Individual Work Students are to read the text and then research their assigned animal Students must then complete a graphic organiser compiling information from the text and information from National Geographic Once students have completed the graphic organiser, they must create a summary from the information they have read in the text and the information they have found through research

Whole Class Each literacy circle comes back together and discusses what they have learnt about the animal. Observation Butchers Paper

9. Revising the

Whole Class Teacher quizzes students on the

content taught and modelled in the previous eight lessons

process of completing a summary from a non-fiction text Teacher compiles a step-by-step list of this process

Consultation Anecdotal Records Checklist

Permanent Markers Whiteboard Whiteboard Markers Blue Whale from National Geographic Interactive Whiteboard Graphic Organiser as a Word Document 10 x Summary Sheets Journal

Shared Reading Once the step-by-step list has been compiled, the teacher reads about the Blue Whale from National Geographic

Whole Class As a class, students then complete a graphic organiser, determining the important information in a collaborative way

Pair Work Students get in pairs and create a 30-40 word summary using the graphic organiser that the class has compiled

Whole Class Students discuss the summary they have created in their pairs

Reflective Journal 10. Reading a nonfiction text and completing a graphic organiser and 30-40 word summary with minimal teacher assistance Shared Reading as a class Humpback Whales by Greg Pyers will be introduced to the students Teacher will explain the task Observation Work Samples Developmental Continuum Conferences Completion of graphic organiser and summary 20 x copies of text from Humpback Whales by Greg Pyers 20 x Graphic Organisers 20 x Summary Sheets Butchers Paper Permanent Markers

Individual Work Students will read the non fiction text and complete the graphic organiser independently Students will then determine the key words in the graphic organiser and write a 30-40 summary.

Whole Class Students come back together as a class and collaborate what they learnt about the Humpback Whale.

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Mini Lesson Seven Guided Lesson on the Process of Completing a Summary
Duration of Lesson: 40 minutes

Lesson Focus The students will be asked to create plaques on 10 different animals that will be displayed at the sanctuaries at SeaWorld. The lesson demonstrates the students ability to collaborate with their peers in order to read a text, construct a graphic organiser and to create a 30 word summary from the text on cardboard.

Rationale This lesson allows the students to use the comprehension strategies they have learnt to work collaboratively with their peers. By making the activity creative, the students are learning and developing their ability to complete a summary, in a way that engages and excites them.

Assessment Observation Anecdotal records Work Samples Completion of a graphic organiser Completion of a summary

Prior Knowledge Students will have prior knowledge of a variety of comprehension strategies, including the use of graphic organisers and identifying key information and main ideas Students will be able to complete a graphic organiser, and understand the terms used in association with adaptations of animals Students have prior knowledge on how to use key words and main ideas to create a short 30 word summary

Materials/Preparation for Teaching Marine Birds, Mammals and Reptiles by Barry Silkstone Crustaceans, Echinoderms and Filter Feeders by Barry Silkstone National Geographic text 30 copies of a graphic organiser Highlighters Pens/Pencils 10 copies of a summary sheet 10 cardboard sheets for the plaques

Differentiated Instruction List specific strategies you will use to accommodate the needs of your students: Whole group, small group and individual instruction is provided throughout the lesson Individual assistance from the teacher, or teacher aid Creative and engaging lesson Accommodates linguistic, visual and kinaesthetic learners More time to complete the task next lesson, or next time students have free time

Modelled/shared Lesson The previous lesson was focused on combining all the techniques that have been modelled and creating a summary about Tropical Fish. The students used highlighters to indicate the important information, and added this information into the graphic organiser under the relevant topic headings. Students worked together to determine the important points and then collaborated with the rest of the class to complete the graphic organiser.

Before Reading 1. Complete a KWL chart by asking the class to create a list of Marine Animals that they may have seen or may see at SeaWorld During Reading Whole Class 1. Engage the students in a discussion about the Animals that SeaWorld has asked us to create new plaques for. 2. Explain to the students that they will be working in pairs to complete a plaque on a Marine animal for SeaWorld. Students will read the text as a group and then split to complete the graphic organiser alone. Students must be able to determine the key information on their own. Each pair will then come back together and collaborate on a 30 word summary from the text. 3. Recap on the procedure that was modelled in the previous lesson.
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Group Work 4. Split the class into pairs and have the students seated at tables. 5. Each group will receive a copy of their text, and will be asked to read the text as a group. 6. As students are reading, they must be looking out for key words and important information. This information should be highlighted. Individual Work 7. Once the students have completed reading the text, they must each individually complete a graphic organiser on the text. 8. Students should input the important information from the text into their graphic organisers. Group Work 9. Once each student has completed their graphic organisers, they will come back together as a group and collaborate and compile their information to create a 30 word summary on the text. 10. Students will be given a summary sheet with 30 spaces for each word of the summary; this will be their draft summary before they complete the poster and write their final summary. 11. Once the students have created their 30 word summary, they will write this summary on their poster, along with the name of their Marine Animal and will be given the opportunity to decorate their poster/plaque for SeaWorld.

After Reading 12. Once each pair has completed their plaque, the class will come back together and show the rest of the class what they have created. Each group will read their summary to the class, and explain why they chose that information to put into their summary. 13. Each plaque will be displayed in the classroom, before they have to be sent off to SeaWorld (at the end of the term).

Independent Students will work in pairs to read the text, and complete the summary Students will work individually to complete the graphic organiser

Guided Recap on the various comprehension strategies that have been taught, and work out how to determine the key information Provide the students with a more comprehensive graphic

Conferencing Move through the room and observe each group while they read the text Observe each student as they complete the graphic organiser and provide feedback to each student

organiser, providing minimal hints on key words to look for

While observing each group, keep anecdotal records and checklists Observe each group collaborate to create their summary, and provide feedback and assistance

Sharing/Reflection Provide the students will the opportunity to write in their reflective journals about what they have learnt, as well as providing an opportunity for them to put the graphic organiser that they completed individually in their workbook. A sample of the graphic organiser has been provided.

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Animal Adaptations
Physical Description: Diet:


Adaptations: Animal:


Special Features:


Australian&Curriculum.&&(2011)&Australian&Curriculum&Science:&Year&5.&Western&Australia,& Australia:&RIC&Publications.& Australian&Curriculum,&Assessment&and&Reporting&Authority.&(2012)&National&Assessment& Program:&Test&Results.&Retrieved&from:& Australian&Curriculum,&Assessment&and&Reporting&Authority.&(2012)&Australian&Curriculum:&Year& 5.&Retrieved&from:& Cameron,&S.&(2009)&Teaching&Reading&Comprehension&Strategies:&A&Practical&Classroom&Guide.& North&Shore,&New&Zealand:&Pearson.& &

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