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Cooking with PDF: Recipes for Success Presented by Julie Shaffer, PIAGATF

Cooking with PDF: Recipes for Success

Presented by

Housekeeping overview
Turn off your cell phones, please! Question are OK (& encouraged) at any time! Mix of presentation and hands-on; get ready!

Julie Shaffer
Director PIAGATF Center for Imaging Excellence

What we will cover

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Brief overview of Portable Document Format Creating PDF files Reviewing PDF files Minor repairing of PDF files Imposing & printing PDF files

Recipes for Press-Ready PDFs

What we will talk about today
Creating press-ready PDFs with Acrobat Distiller QuarkXPress InDesign Microsoft Word Using Mac OS X
Virtual printer and Mac OSX Preview ColorSync and Save as PDF

What Makes a Good PDF?

Creating PDFs for Print Production

Besides using a prepress workflow system, there are two general methods to ensure good PDF file creation
By creating a quality PostScript file then running it through a quality interpreter like Acrobat Distiller * By using the Export function that can create a PDF file directly from an application like Adobe InDesign or Illustrator

* another quality PostScript interpreter is Global Graphics Jaws PDF Creator

Which method is best?

Both can make good quality PDF F files for print! Both can make a bad PDF file! It really all depends on the settings the designer uses in layout application and Print or Export options window!

Creating PDFs via PostScript

A well-accepted method of PDF creation in the printing industry is to save a PostScript file
Then use Acrobat Distiller to convert the PostScript file to PDF

There are other methods of PDF creation that first generate PostScript behind the scenes
Saving a file from Microsoft Word using PDFMaker Printing to the AdobePDF Printer from any application The Export Layout as PDF function in QuarkXPress

Creating PostScript: Print dialog

When creating PostScript from a print window, its critical to set all options properly Here is where key issues are set, including:
Page size (geometry) and orientation Bleed Color Space & resolution Printer driver

Creating PostScript: Print dialog

Adobe PDF or Distiller for printer description If color is to bleed, increase paper size

Creating PostScript: Print dialog

Select the color space you intend for the PDF

Creating PostScript: Print dialog

Indicate that there will be bleed & where it will be

Creating PostScript: Printer dialog

Select Adobe PDF or Distiller Adobe PDF Settings are Adobe PDF settings files
( (Distiller Job Options) p )

Setting Up Acrobat Distiller to Create Press-Ready PDFs

Acrobat Distiller
The Distiller application converts PostScript and EPS files into PDF documents When you use PDFMaker (Windows) or the Acrobat Distiller printer from the authoring application, youre using the Distiller to make the PDF file Distiller is fast, as fast as most PostScript RIPs
Distiller generates all page elements as objects without creating bitmap data

Distiller Main Interface

The last Adobe PDF Settings selected shows up in the window, along with PDF compatibility The version of Distiller and the version of PostScript interpreter on which its based is shown as well

Distiller PDF Settings

Distiller 7.0 is setup by default to create PDF files for six main types of files
Smallest File SizeWeb/handheld, screen viewing StandardOutput to a desktop printer or digital copier High QualityHigh quality but will still make a PDF even if a font is missing Press QualityOutput for printing press PDF/X-1aDoes what it says PDF/X-3Does what it says PDF/X-Draft

Custom Settings for Press-Ready PDFs

For a CMYK workflow, base custom PDF Settings for press on the PDFX/1-a:2001 default options

Custom settings can be created in Settings > Edit Adobe PDF Settings

Distiller 7 PDF SettingsGeneral

Files can be saved as PDF version 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 or 1.6 Most PS level 3 RIPS can handle 1.5 and 1.6 files, but may error features like JPEG2000 compression Compatibility must be Acrobat 4.0 (PDF 1.3) to be PDF/X-1a compliant
Acrobat 5.0 (PDF 1.4) is OK when that doesnt matter

Distiller 7General for Press-Quality PDF

Object-Level Compression should be set to Off Auto-Rotate Pages Should be set to Off Binding is typically set to Left Resolution should be set to match the output

Image Compression
Distiller offers a variety of image compression options
ZIP JPEG JPEG 2000 (PDF 1.5 or 1.6 only) CCITT Group 3 or 4 Run Length

ZIP Compression
ZIP works well on images with large areas of single colors or repeating patterns and for black-and-white images that contain repeating patterns
Some programs offer 2 options (i.e. Illustrator) 4-bit and 8-bit ZIP compression

Zip is lossless if you choose:

4-bit ZIP compression with 4-bit images 8-bit ZIP compression with 4-bit or 8-bit

Its lossy if you choose

4-bit ZIP compression with 8-bit data

JPEG Compression
JPEG is a lossy compression scheme
Data is lost when images are compressed If files are compressed too far, artifacting will result

JPEG Compression Gone Too Far

Acrobat offers five levels of compression

Youll probably find that you wont see a difference with High or even Medium JPEG settings

JPEG 2000 Compression

JPEG2000 compression is not a replacement for typicalJPEG
PDF 1.5 or 1.6 compatible only More efficient method JPEG2000 compression can be lossless or lossy Avoid using it! Many RIPs cannot understand JPEG2000 compressed PDF files

Automatic Compression
Automatic compression uses ZIP for images with sharp transitions and JPEG otherwise The software makes the decision for you!
To avoid this, change the selection to ZIP If greater compression is more important, select JPEG and a quality level

Sampling Images
Sampling images refer to averaging and removing pixels from raster images
Resulting in smaller file sizes

Distiller 7Images for Press-Quality PDF

Bicubic Downsampling 300 ppi for color and grayscale images Monochrome Imagesset this to 1200 ppi for images above 1800 ppi
Use CCITT Group 4 compression

Distiller options are

Average Downsampling Subsampling Bicubic Downsampling

Font Availability
Distiller must have access to fonts to embed themwhich it gets from one of two places
The PostScript data being distilled The fonts available on the system running Distiller (via Font Locations in Distiller)

Extremely Important Job Option Check!

Embed all fonts in PDF files!

Font Substitution
Acrobat will substitute a font if the font in the PDF file is not embedded
and if Acrobat cannot find the font on the host system

Font Substitution

Creates a substitute font by referencing the Multiple Master font descriptions on the host system (AdobeSerMM and AdobeSanMM)

Bad! Good!

Font SubstitutionWhats the Problem?

Fonts not included in a PDF are also not available to the output provider Substitute fonts dont match the original precisely, especially for non-standard fonts Embedded

Font Use and Legality Issues

Like most foundries today, Adobe licenses fonts by computer, a retail license allows you to use a font on up to five computers
A service bureau can not be considered one of those users! Youre expected to buy your own.


Transporting Fonts
Adobes licensing policy on transporting their typeface software with print jobs to a service bureau is this:
You may take a copy of the font(s) you have used for a particular file to a commercial printer or other service bureau, and such service bureau may use the font(s) to process your file, provided such service bureau has a valid license to use that particular font software.

How About Font Embedding In a PDF?

Adobes policy on embedding is this:
Adobe permits embedding certain typefaces into documents for the purposes of viewing and printing only. Documents with embedded typefaces may not be edited unless those embedded typefaces are licensed to and installed on the computer doing the editing. The reason for this is that editing the file adds value to the file. For this, the customer is obtaining value from the typefaces and is therefore required to have a valid license for the typefaces.

Acrobat 7 Enforces This Rule!

If you dont have the original font on your system, you cannot edit a font in Acrobat 6 or 7 Acrobat 6 & 7 requires you to have the font installed on your system to edit text
Pitstop Pro 6.5 DOES allow text edits using fonts embedded in a PDF file!!! Changed from vers. 6

Some Fonts Literally Cant Be Embedded

OpenType and TrueType fonts can contain physical restrictions that prevent them from being embedded in a PDF file
This is rare; most foundries realize this type of sledgehammer restriction makes users avoid their product!

Distiller can show unembeddables!

Navigate to your font folder from Distiller Fonts window Any font with licensing restrictions will be displayed

No Embedding Means a No-Good PDF

If you use one of these in a layout and try to create a PDF file via Acrobat Distiller, youll get this message:
offending command: cannot embed [font name here] font due to licensing restriction

Fonts and Subsetting

Subsetting fonts reduces the PDF file size
When subsetting is selected, Distiller includes only the information required to draw the characters (glyphs) actually used in the PDF file Glyphs are specific renderings of fonts, such as A or A

Subsetting Explained
When fonts are subsetted, they are renamed with a 6 letter prefix & a plus (+) sign The intention of this is to ensure that the original fonts metrics are used at print time, not RIP default fonts The next distilled job with the same font may (probably will) encode it with a different random name

Some Fonts Always Subset

Embedded instances of TrueType and CID fonts will ALWAYS be subset in PDF files, even if you do not check Subset

Embedding and Subsetting guide

Final RecipeFonts for Press-Quality PDF

Embed all fonts Subset to reduce the file size of the final PDF Adobe-based RIPs always use the font in the PDF
And not the font resident at the RIP

Distiller 7Color Management Policies

Leave Color Unchangedlets all images remain in their respective color modes Tag Everything for Color Mgmt (no conversion) embeds an ICC profile when distilling file
If no profiles are present in images, can assign profile defined in working space One profile used for all

Distiller 7Color Management Policies

Tag Only Images for Color Mgmt (no conversion)same as above, images only Convert to sRGBDevice dependent and gamut constrained, more consistent for screen/online projects Convert All Colors to CMYKWill convert all colors to CMYK based on the CMYK profile chosen

Distiller 7Color Rendering Intent

DefaultRelative Colorimetric Perceptualpreserves colors relative to one another - tone at expense of accuracy Relative Colorimetricadjusts the white point of the source space to the white point of the destination space

Distiller 7Color Intent

Absolute Colorimetricmaps out-of-gamut colors to closest possible color of destination gamut
Accuracy at expense of tone

Distiller 7Working Spaces

Working Spaces lets the user choose from the ICC profiles available on the system
Choosing none for each of these is the same as setting Color Management Policies to Leave Color Unchanged

SaturationMakes colors more saturated

Good for pie charts, bad for four-color reproduction

Distiller 7Device-Dependent Data

Preserve UCR and Black Generation for passthrough workflow Transfer Functions for special effects from Photoshop Preserve Halftone Infoleave it off unless using special effect of different halftones on one project

Distiller 7Color for Press-Quality PDF

For device dependent (CMYK) workflows...
Leave the Settings File to Color Management Off

This tells Distiller to create a PDF

Using DeviceCMYK, DeviceRGB, or DeviceGray

Can convert colors to CMYK in Distiller 7 (only)

Will do so using Working Spaces settings here

Distiller 7Color for Press-Quality PDF

For device independent (RGB) workflows...
Tag Everything (or bitmaps only) for Color Management

Distiller 7Advanced
Convert Gradients to Smooth Shades replaces blends with PS3 smooth shades
Will convert blends from Illustrator 8 through 10, Freehand 10, CorelDraw, PowerPoint Does not work from QuarkXPress

This tells Distiller to create a PDF using ICC Based color space Profiles can be applied on output as needed for different devices

PS Level 3s Smooth Shading

The ability to improve blends made in other programs is accomplished through a PS operator called Smooth Shading
Most applications create a blend by creating a multitude of lines or boxes that are offset slightly with a slightly different colors What appears as a blend is 256 boxes that all overlap
If the range exceeds 256, youll see banding

Distiller 7 other Advanced settings

Preserve Overprint Settings allows CMYK colors overprint Save Adobe PDF Settings inside PDF File will save a copy of the PDF settings in the created PDF
Good to check

Save Original JPEG Images in PDF if PossibleWhen checked, will not recompress JPEG images in PDF

Distiller 7 other Advanced settings

Preserve EPS InformationRetains original application info OPI CommentsCheck for OPI workflows
OPI comments for work thats not OPI based causes problems with editing image files in Acrobat

Distiller 7Standards for Press-Quality PDF

PDF/X-1a is designed for CMYK workflows
Use PDF/X-3 for color-managed workflows Set to fail when PDF file does not comply
If it contains RGB images for example

Document Structuring ConventionsCheck to retain file information

This is information can then be viewed in Acrobats Document Summary screen

Saving Those PDF Settings

One of the best ways to ensure that the file or content creator and the production facility receiving the PDF file are on the same page is to share the PDF Settings file
Service providers should create these set to their specifications and provide them to clients

Adobe PDF Settings Locations

PDF Settings can be found on the Windows platform in the following folder:

For Mac OS X, find Distiller 7 PDF Settings here:

Library>Application Support>Adobe PDF>Settings

Distiller 6 PDF Settings are in the User folder:

Users>Shared>Adobe PDF 6>Settings


The QuarkXPress Export as PDF option

QuarkXPress 6 creates a PDF without using Distiller at all!
Quark uses Global Graphics Jaws PDF Library to generate PDFs PostScript is generated then interpreted via built-in mechanism

Setting Up QuarkXPress to Create Press-Ready PDFs

Export to PDFLayout Info

Fields for Title, Object, Author, Keywords are available here Information entered here will be included in the PDF file
Can be viewed in the Document Properties dialog box

Export to PDFHyperlinks
Any hyperlinks or other navigational objects can be carried through to the PDF by selecting these settings
Not necessary for press-quality PDFs

Export to PDFJob Options

Font Options Embedding and Subsetting Compression Options
Automatic, ZIP, and JPEG JPEG Low here means low compression, maximum quality! CCITT Group 4 Text and Line Art compression

Export to PDFOutput
TypeColor output can be composite or separated color Produce Blank PagesIncludes blank pages form QuarkXPress file in PDF


Export to PDFOutput
Print Colors
Black & WhiteConverts all colors to solid B&W, not tints GrayscaleConverts color to grayscale with tints CMYKOutputs spots as spot, CMYK as CMYK
Does not convert spot to CMYK in the PDF!

Export to PDFOutput (cont.)

Print Colors
RGBprints spots as spot, CMYK images as CMYK, RGB Images as RGB, and CMYK screen builds as RGB As Isoutputs color in the model it is defined in (for colormanaged workflows)

Export to PDFOutput (cont.)

Print Colors
DeviceNstores spot color info and their CMYK equivalents for output to CMYK and spot color output devices Remember, DeviceN is only supported by PS level 3 devices
Printing DeviceN spot colors to a level 2 device will output as CMYK

Export to PDFOutput
Registration Centered or Off Center to include register marks in the PDF Bleed
Symmetric for same bleed amount on all sides Asymmetric for different bleeds on all sides

QuarkXPress 6 and Export to PDF

OPISelect if you are using an OPI workflow Otherwise, ise, turn this off! !

QuarkXPress 6 and Export to PDF

Click OK and Save to create a PDF using the settings youve just created


QuarkXPress 6 and Export Layout as PDF

You can set default options under Quark Preferences to be used every time you create a PDF file

Creating Press-Ready PDFs in Microsoft Word

Setting Up PrintersWindows
Before creating the Word document, you must first customize your printer Set the Adobe PDF printer as the default printer
Right-click the icon and choose Set As Default

Tweak the Standard Settings

Make sure the Distiller or Adobe PDF printer settings are right! Right click the Adobe PDF or Distiller icon and go into Properties

Tweak the Standard Settings

Under the Device settings tab, select Convert Gray Text to PostScript Gray
Setting this to yes will prevent black text in Microsoft Office products from being converted to RGB This is the default for the Adobe PDF printer

Preventing RGB Images in PDFs Created From Microsoft Word

For CMYK bitmapped pictures, save the files in EPS format
This will allow CMYK color to pass through into the PDF

Dont draw objects using Word tools, they will convert to RGB
Instead, import graphics from an illustration application Placed Illustrator EPS files will maintain CMYK and spot color designations


Setting Up PrintersMac OS X
Using the Preview application in Mac OS X, you can convert any PostScript file to PDF To print PostScript to disk in Mac OS X, you must first create a virtual printer
Step 1: Open the Print Center Step 2: Select Add in the Printer List dialog box

Creating Press-Ready PDFs Using Virtual Printer and Preview in Mac OS X

Creating a Virtual Printer In OS X

Step 3: In the Printer List dialog box, select IP Printing from the pull down menu Step 4: In the Printers Address field, type in the word localhost Step 5: Type in VirtualPrinter in the Queue Name field Step 6: In the Printer Model pull down menu, select Generic Step 7: Click the Add button

Converting the PostScript to PDF

Using the Preview application, select the PostScript file you have printed to disk The preview application will convert the PostScript file to PDF
From the Preview application, save the PDF file to disk

Creating PDFs Direct from Application

Now lets move on to look at some ways to create PDF files that do not involve PostScript

Setting Up InDesign to Create Press-Ready PDFs


InDesign and Export to PDF

Adobe InDesign also has the ability to create PDF files without using Acrobat Distiller
InDesign uses Adobes PDF Library to generate PDFs

InDesign PDF Styles

InDesign ship with PDF settings out of the box You can also create your own custom settings
Click New

You can create various PDF styles for different types of output

InDesign PDF StyleGeneral

Define page range Set Acrobat Compatibility
Acrobat 6=PDF 1.5 thru PDF 1.3

InDesign PDF StyleCompression

Compression options are the similar to what you will find in Distiller
No JPEG 2000 here as found in Distiller

Make sure to select View PDF after Exporting

InDesign PDF StyleMarks & Bleeds

Add printers marks if needed Indicate bleed
Set appropriate value here or check Use Document Bleed Settings if bleed was indicated in Document Setup Slug Area refers to white space around page to hold printers marks

InDesign PDF StyleAdvanced

Leave Unchanged, RGB, or CMYK

InDesign respects embedding restrictions

Do not check unless using a true OPI workflow

Transparency Flattener options


InDesign PDF StyleAdvanced

Transparency Flattener
Transparency is retained in PDF if Acrobat 5 or 6 (PDF 1.4 or 1.5) Compatibility is selected Transparency must be flattened for Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3) Compatibility

InDesign PDF StyleSummary

Check the Summary to make sure that all of your settings are correct Save your settings for future use

Beware of Transparency problems

Using these effects in Adobe CS products will result in transparent objects in a PDF file
Feather Drop Shadow Opacity Blending

Which pages contain transparency?

InDesign Pages window will show which pages contain transparent objects by displaying a checkerboard pattern in the page layout window

Live Transparency vs Flattening

Keep it live Within Adobe suite of graphic production tools, transparency is maintained (even in placed illustrations) and objects can be freely moved about Files will be smaller Before printing, will have to be flattened at some point
Because PostScript doesnt understand transparency!

Transparency Flattening
When you print from InDesign or export a PDF for Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3) compatibility transparent effects must be flattened There are 3 default flattening styles and you can create your own custom styles

Flatten it Flattened objects will be raster or vector depending on flattening options chosen in application Redraw/display is slower PDF files will be larger Will work better to older output devices (many have trouble with transparency)


Custom Flattening

Tip: On custom flattening

Using High Resolution setting may result in longer processing, but keeps PDF closest to original As slider moves to left, more objects will be rasterized (into images); better for older RIPs Text can be converted to outlines to avoid it being rasterized Keep text on top layers in layout to prevent rasterization

Transparency & PDF from InDesign

From InDesign, exporting a flattened Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3) PDF file can result in a much larger file than the same file exported as an Acrobat 5, 6 (PDF 1.4, 1.5) file
Flattened images can be raster and/or vector

Flattening can tear images to pieces!

Flattened PDFs from InDesign can results in images being stitched or chopped into pieces Makes late-stage image editing impossible

Chopped images an ugly example

Printer requested their clients always export InDesign work as PDF 1.3 (with transparency flattened). This project was designed in InDesign 2.01 This is a PDF of a particular project as viewed in Acrobat 6 Pro

Chopped images an ugly example

Viewed with Pitstop Pro Wireframe mode Each image is actually made up of dozens of chopped up images, created during the flattening process! If prepress prints this with image trapping applied, small hairlines can show up between each chunk of image!


Display refresh nightmare!

Screen refresh for this file can be measured in minutes on a G4!

Using Mac OSX ColorSync to create Press-Ready PDFs?

OS X Save as PDF might = RGB

On Mac OS X, any print window offers the Save as PDF option If you dont create custom settings for this option using ColorSync, you will always get RGB colors in PDF files created this way!

Save As PDF via Mac OSX Quartz Filter

PostScript-to-PDF via Quark 6 Export

CMYK image is high res and in correct color space

Image was converted to RGB and is low resolution


Customize ColorSync filters

You must use the ColorSync Utility to create filters to get CMYK color using this method ColorSync filters can include color conversion, compression and PDF/X-3 compliance

Using the filter

The filter is used when you select it along with using Save as PDF Only available through non-DTP applications

Does ColorSync make quality PDFs?

You will apply ICC profiles to all images You can convert images to CMYK You can embed fonts BUT Duotones and spot colors dont work EPS graphics will be low resolution in PDF It doesnt work with desktop publishing applications

Duotone converted to CMYK image with ColorSync method! Its also low resolution!

Instant PDF automates PDF creation

Duotone, placed in Word as an EPS image, remained in 2 colors when PDF created with Distiller Duotone converted to CMYK image

Desktop tool that merges PDF preflight, correction and creation


Instant PDF in action

Wrap up
Weve looked at ways to create print-ready PDF files using PostScript to PDF interpreters and direct export methods If you follow the recipes weve discussed, you are ready to create quality PDF files for print production! Go back to work and get started!

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Final Questions & prize drawing!
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An actual PDF Cookbook

The all-new PDF Print Production Guide
Over 270 pages exploring the problems, solutions, tools, and techniques specific to using PDF in prepress Covers Acrobat 6 and Mac OS X

Youve got a chance to win a copy in the drawing today

$45 non member $40 member

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