FacelessFatloss Revision 2011

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The approach exploring fat and weight gain as a systemic health condition, and how to resolve the condition permanently

(a.k.a. The FacelessFatloss Approach by Tim) ;-)

All Rights Reserved

Revised Edition 2011


I have been a student of law for over ten years now. I never wanted to be an attorney, so I chose not to take on the profession. Learning the law, as one professor stated perfectly, makes you think differently. That it most certainly does. In the huge area of weight/fat loss and alternative health, new ideas are being explored constantly. Many of these ideas are tremendously useful and informative. Some of my ideas specifically, are extremely cutting-edge and garner a lot of controversy due to the nature of the methods I use, that have worked for me, that may or may not work for you. Like any industry, there are a certain percentage of participants who make what Im about to say entirely necessary, for the sake and protection of everyone involved: I am not a doctor and cannot give medical advice of any kind. The opinions stated in my material are just that, my opinions based on my own personal results, and are intended for educational and informational purposes only. I am not making any attempt to prescribe a medical treatment at any time, nor suggest you act upon any of the information in my material. The reader is solely responsible for any choices he/she makes after reading my opinions and the conclusions I have reached. Although I have studied the works of respected doctors and researchers, I am required to state and insist that you seek advice from a licensed medical doctor to answer any questions or concerns you may have in the area of weight and fat loss, as well as alternative health, especially those ideas which may venture far outside of orthodox and common medical practices.

My information is designed to be on-going, presented in mini-chapter emails and videos (over one months worth), including updates and revisions. This manual is designed to be minimal, in an effort to give the reader the basic ideas behind my approaches that worked for me and can be effectively started and implemented long-term for results beginning immediately. Although I list different styles in my materials, the information as a whole is designed to be absorbed and incorporated into your individual approach. The only point in labeling styles is to separate some core approaches from each other based on different concepts and very generalized categories. Plenty of additional information is forthcoming in the above referenced video and email mediums that will help round-out your education on these topics so that an understanding can be obtained on the hows and whys of these approaches from my perspective. You will find me repeating ideas from time to time, as repetition seems to be one of the more effective ways to learn and absorb new ideas for most people. The overall effectiveness of my approaches are based first and foremost on optimal overall health and well-being, with the secondary benefit being fat and weight loss. These approaches work for a great many people if they are adhered to, based on studies and first-hand results, with the intention of changing ones lifestyle for lasting resultsjust as you see in my public videos. I live the example for all. Please note that any and all references made to any consumable products, such as foods and supplements, etc, are always intended to refer to non-GMO, organic or better standards. Although I reference this requirement occasionally, it becomes a burden to have to reference it every time these topics are covered, so I am making a blanket statement here to apply to these topics at all times. By organic or better, I am referring to either what has been lawfully labeled as organic (such as the number 9 being the first letter on the item/price sticker on the piece of fruit you are purchasing), OR, local farmers you may know who utilize practices in their farming that SURPASS the standards of organic farming. I am an advocate for Community Supported Agriculture in this regard, and cannot encourage the reader strongly enough to seek out, get to know, and support your local farmers who understand the importance of growing healthy, nutritious food, hopefully utilizing their environment to the standards native to their specific geographical area for true sustainability, and treating their animals with respect and appreciation for the wonderful blessings they offer us all.



The Style One approach is my all-out approach to obtaining the minimal body fat percentage you see in my videos, while maintaining enough body fat for good health. If I pushed the boundaries, I could achieve the paper-thin skin and extreme rips of body buildershowever, that would require a lot of additional work, and is not ideal to maintain for longer than needed for competition. I therefore settled on a middle ground that works well for me, is much easier to obtain, and for which I believe anyone can obtain with motivation and dedication to the task. That said, the basics are as follows: -A fast lasting eight to ten days with elimination of all solid foods and following the guidelines set forth in the Master Cleanse. Designed to both detoxify as well as destroy parasites (Parasites from here on refers to any organism that is leeching off its host while not supporting the host in any way in return; this would include bacteria, fungal/yeast/Candida issues, and viral issues as well as any larger or common single-cell intestinal parasites which are not as common in America, but may be an issue for certain individuals). Cleanse will be implemented twice a year. -Multifaceted and on-going moderate detoxification in between fasts. -Multifaceted and on-going moderate destruction of harmful parasites, aka bacterial, viral, and fungal invaders in the body in between fasts. -Initial fast is followed by total elimination for a period of one to two months of all forms of grains, sweeteners/sweets, and starches (your body WILL adjust, and it becomes easier over time; the first several days to couple weeks are the hardest). -Consistent healthy organic or better diet coupled with the moderate on-going detox and parasite control referenced above. -Experimenting with various forms of short but rigorous exercise; especially weight resistance and/or band resistance training, per my Quick Start Guide. -Adequate supplementation (enzymes, probiotics, healthy fats, etc), as needed, to help ensure a properly functioning biochemistry for effective fat metabolism. -Proper assistance for any/all outstanding emotional issues. Using affirmation and/or subliminal tools referenced in my Quick Start Guide to help develop healthy states of mind towards weight and fat loss goals. Negative thoughts feed negative results. Positive feeds positive. The audio tools can and do remedy this issue very effectively, and help you reach your goals. This holds more importance than most people realize.

-Developing the intuition necessary to understand the innate intelligence of your body and what your body needs. -all of which then leads to the Maintenance Phase, whereby our results have been obtained and we can begin to experiment with other foods and activities to maintain our results.


Style Two is less demanding and may not enable you to achieve the results that you see in my videos, but will assist you in losing weight and fat very effectively with life-long results. It is also designed for everyone, regardless of the style you choose, to learn and benefit from and incorporate ideas from on an individual basis into ones life. Aspects of this part of the program can also be explored once in maintenance phaseafter having achieved results with full implementation of Style One, can experiment with incorporating various parts of Style Two into their life on a food-by-food testing basis. The primary difference being the strictness of the diet, and the less aggressive fasting/cleansing. For now, those who simply want a less demanding option but still obtain positive results, here are the basics: -Fasting is still highly encouraged. Six days or more of the Master Cleanse followed by several days of raw food only (whole organic vegetables and organic light fruits) once a year. If you are new to fasting, the raw food will be an absolute pleasure; no worries about blandness of raw foods after a fast and there are lots of healthy options available that enhance the taste of raw foods. -If you are absolutely convinced that you cannot go without food, my suggestion is for an organic raw-food-only diet for two weeks plus, coupled with colon cleansing as covered in my alternatives-to-fasting video section. In my experience, almost everyone is capable of a fast with exceptions given to certain diabetic individuals; it boils down to determination. -On-going detox and parasite elimination as described in Style One. -Organic or better diet focusing on specific grain/sweet/starch elimination and/or substantial reduction or reorganization/replacement of these foods in the diet. -Exercise focusing on slow-twitch muscle involvement, and/or my High/Low/High/Low tactic outlined in my Quick Start Guide. -Enzyme, probiotic, healthy fats, and other supplementation per need. -Self-help tools such as affirmation and/or subliminal assistance. As referenced under Style 1 above, the audio tools have been of tremendous help to many whose greatest challenge is their own thought process that can work so sorely against them. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

My programs will continue to cover a wide spectrum of approaches that, most importantly, enable the individual to tailor a program to their own special needs. These styles are by no means exhaustive! They are designed solely to learn general concepts. I encourage everyone to learn first, and then incorporate aspects of programs into their own approach to fine-tune what works best for them. No magic pills here; we each must learn from what works for various people, then try, experiment, and learn what works best for us. This is exactly how I obtained the results you see in my free videos. As new research and results continue in this area, they will be reported on via email updates, so that everyone can continue to benefit from the latest and greatest, as well as explore all alternative ideas that have proven to provide results for various individuals. The great thing about having e-books and videos as the medium for a program is that I can and do constantly make upgrades and additions to assist you in obtaining your goals. A book on a bookshelf does not have this advantage. What you have here instead is a program that is refined often, and up-to-date at the time of your purchase, based on the latest cutting edge research. Although the copyright marks may be a year or more old, the material itself is updated and improved on a regular basis. I am not happy unless you have the best I have to offer in your hands. My program also does not limit its range of assistance. Meaning, we actively explore ALL areas of superior health, fat and weight loss, and keep an open mind to all new research. We will report on every aspect of it with honest and informed opinions that you can benefit from; opinions generated from a wide range of both alternative and orthodox doctors, health care professionals, and public and private researchers. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

EIGHT TO TEN DAY FAST, AKA The Master Cleanse. (A Fast otherwise referred to by Tim as THE SLOW Cuz thats kinda what it feels like) ;-)

It is NOT THAT difficultYou CAN do it!!!

These are the items: -Large jug of Grade B maple syrup (Health food stores carry, they call it "cooking syrup. Or, seek out a local farmer or distributor, often found in rural areas. May be found on-line.) -7 to 8 organic lemons per day. (I use pre-squeezed organic lemon juice by the bottle) -cayenne pepper (Go with the highest International Heat Units {IHUs} you can handle. Mine is typically 90,000 IHUs, specifically non-irradiated, found at most health food stores.) Then you'll need: -Pharmaceutical grade Bentonite Powder (NOTE: This item is occasionally difficult to find for some people. Go online and choose a liquid version, or if you prefer, you can choose to not use the bentonite powder and instead stick solely with the psyllium for your daily plugging-fiber intake). -Psyllium seed/husk powder (powder form works best IMO, and MUST be ORGANICeverything is always organic or better when I refer to all consumables in my approach, but the with the psyllium it is extra-important due to heavy pesticide residue found in most psyllium products, and because were using psyllium specifically in an effort to detoxify. A great company is referenced at the end of my Quick Start Guide that carries it, organic AND Fair Trade. I purchase their orange flavor as my favorite supplemental psyllium outside of fasting. And best yet, all sales go to charity). Then: -2 gallons pure water a day (not tap water...use spring and/or distilled) -5 one-quart bottles (I prefer glass containers. I also use two half-gallon glass containers and one quart-sized to total the five quarts. The two half-gallon glass containers came from an old milk-selling store in a small village, may be difficult to find. The one-quart 10

glass containers are much more common, often used for various juices and readily available at the grocery storeyou just have to use up the juice.) Then: -Uniodized sea salt, or my preference Himalayan crystal salt (never use table salt) -Plastic measuring spoons

And lastly: -Allicin (such as Alli-C, listed at the end of the Quick Start Guide) -MMS (Optional)

I separated the items to help everyone understand how it's all put together. Search "master cleanse" or "lemonade fast" or "lemon water fast" etc to get more ideas and decide exactly how you want to do it. Many say do ten days, but 8 is often sufficient. Most important to get past the first three days, as the fourth and on is when the colon really cleans out. I have done both myself, and will now usually stick to 6 to 8 days with an additional two days on organic raw foods only. Keep in mind however, that I am an extremely clean eater, and have been for years now; it requires much less effort for me to clean out my colon. I am occasionally now experimenting with a mere four days of fasting. When nothing comes out except the fiber during the morning oral salt water flushes, we have ourselves a pretty clean colon. You'll use the five separate glass quart bottles to drink the lemonade from. Or, I personally have found two two-quart sized glass bottles and a separate one quart glass bottle for my fasts. Three containers works better for me than five. Put approximately a half inch of lemon juice at the bottom of each bottle, and the same amount of maple syrup (see video). Then fill the bottles to the top with the clean spring or distilled water. Put a pinch of the cayenne pepper in. Shake, and drink all five quarts over the course of the day. Women can do four quarts at bare minimum. You can use lime juice if you prefer. This is the one time you can experiment with using distilled water. In general, distilled water at any other time (outside of fasting) is not encouraged. It will tend to cause mineral leaching from your body/bones/etc with continued use. However, for temporary use and particularly for fasting when were trying to keep things as pure as possible, it can have application.


Four or five times a day, use our lemonade preparation to mix the "fiber drink," as I'll call it: Get a small glass and fill with 4 to 6 ounces of the lemonade. Put one level teaspoon of the bentonite clay, with a heaping teaspoon of the psyllium seed/husk powder in the 4 oz, and shake or stir very vigorously, and drink down quickly, immediately, before it jells. This "plugs" the intestines to help pull out the toxins, waste, parasites. Also gives a little bit of fullness to the stomach to help ease any hunger pangs. Sometimes I use slightly more psyllium. An hour after, or alternatively an hour before the fiber drink, (and as often as you wish), you need to be ingesting some anti-parasite supplements. This is the unique part of my cleanse that separates it from all the others. "Parasites" include everything from harmful bacteria, fungal, pathogens, and of course viruses and larger worm-like parasites. Allicin is an excellent killer of all of these, and can be combined with MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) which you can obtain from www.bettermms.com. I am not affiliated with this company; if it is no longer available through them, please search for Jim Humbles MMS if you choose to use the product. My go-to anti-parasite for a fast is always the allicin product which I will use very liberally during a fast. It is one of the best broadspectrum anti-pathogens, applicable to intestinal cleaning, while chelating (removing toxic heavy metals) and providing all sorts of other positive benefits. It is like eating 1000 gloves of garlic in one small capsule. And no, you won't smell. Be aware that if you choose to try the MMS, that some allicin products, such as the AlliC, also contain vitamin C, which will cancel the effects of MMS, since vitamin C is an anti-oxidant (MMS being a strong oxidant). If you choose to use MMS, a perfect application would be to take the allicin and C product four to six hours after MMS usage, as a great anti-oxidant to the oxidant qualities of the MMS. Or, you can choose to stick solely with the Alli-C capsules as your intestinal anti-parasite, which it will work great for. I like to use as many of the capsules per day as I can during the fast. My Quick Start Guide will have links at the end to obtain this wonderful product, and make sure you use my name, facelessfatloss, in the coupon code for discounts on that and their wonderful magnesium oil, pre-probiotics, etc. A great great company, as is every single company I associate with, without exception. The object is to kill off the parasites in the intestines, where 70% of our immune system is, and is taxed by the toxins and who-knows-what that we're eating every day. Food quality has become miserable. I personally eat almost only organic as my materials will cover, and even those standards are no longer up to par. So get the "crap" outta the intestines by both cleaning/detoxing, and killing it all off. THAT is the whole point of a fast. The bonus is, as theory has it (and I believe the theory is accurate), that certain parasites have learned how to store their food in your body as, or in, body fat, hence the cravings for all sorts of crappy foods. This is a center piece in my program, but absolutely not a sole focus. When I was very sick, I used a machine that enabled me to disable pathogens in my blood stream for two hours a day...some people 12

lose fat using these machines, and in some cases a large amount of unnecessary weight without changing the diet by using the machine to disable blood-based pathogens. Absolutely fascinating, and it apparently has this effect on about 1/4 of the people who use it. Ill elaborate on that a bit during another part of the program so that youre aware of the technology. (Sorry for the minor digression)...TO CONTINUE: STARTING THE SECOND DAY: Each morning starting the second day will be the extremely important "salt water oral enema." This is a MUST and NOT optional. The point of the fast is wasted without this morning flush. Fill one of the glass quart containers 1/3 with your spring or other nontap water, and dump it into a pot on the stove...get it hot, not boiling, but very hot. Put three heaping teaspoons (experiment with the amount to find what causes the bowel evacuation most effectively) of the sea salt or crystal salt in the empty glass container, and fill with the very hot water. Melt the salt in the hot water...swirl it around, and be careful, the container will get very hot. Once the salt is dissolved (doesn't take long) fill the container to the top with room temperature spring or distilled water. Drink down the whole quart's worth of warm salt water, all at once, or as quickly as you can manage. Important to try to do it as much as possible all at once. It will come out the other end in 20 minutes to an hour or two at most. If it does not, you must do the process again, adding more salt. Or, opt for a tall glass of Epsom Salt in water to encourage the movement to occur. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please remember that this is not about calorie deprivation to obtain weight and fat loss, even though weight and fat loss is often experienced with this kind of fasting. It is much more about cleaning the colon to provide better nutrient absorption, and to rid us of any of the bacterial, viral, fungal, and other parasites that may have taken up residence in our digestive tracts. It is speculated that both the cleansing effect and the killing effect may both contribute to the goals were seeking to obtain. Its still theoretical, but it makes a lot of sense; if were cleaning up our internal sewage system, our bodies and immune systems have that much less energy to expend on fighting off the parasites weve been contending with our whole lives, and especially the wastes they leave behind in their endless processes. Fat cells are excellent trappers of toxins. Lets give them that much less to trap. To those who are hypoglycemic, I would follow the plan for the first two days, using half blackstrap molasses/maple syrup as compared to just maple syrup. The molasses seems to be processed better for these individuals. I would then couple it from that point with a glycemic balancing supplement (I think the Jarrow company has such a product).


A side note to diabetics: Diabetics should not attempt a fast without first consulting a doctor, as with any weight or fat loss plan. I will have a video on alternative cleansing options such as green juicing and smoothing. For most people, simply drinking as much of the lemonade as they please will satisfy hunger pangs. There may be occasions when it does not, and for me personally, I found that sprinkling a little of my crystal salt into my hand, and chomping/sucking on that helps relieve some of this challenge. I may do it several times, and eventually it seems to take the edge off. For some reason, this occurs most within the hour or so before bedtime for me personally. An additional cheat but-not-a cheat would be to find some Popsicle-type tray/molds or use the ice cube mold in your freezer and make yourself some frozen lemonade treats. Keep in mind that the cayenne pepper will float to the bottom of the treat as it fully freezestherefore those first few licks and bites into the treat will be rather hot for sure. But many people find this to be a way to satisfy the desire to chew on something, and theyre actually quite tasty. Another key component to success is distraction/preoccupation with other matters, keeping your focus off of food. Being productive is a fantastic way to take the mind off the food deprivation, and works very well for most people. Keep activity levels as low as possible, of course; were operating on bare-minimum nutrient input here, so activity needs to be kept way down. I of course do not do any of my usual weight resistance exercise during my fast. The most one should do is a short walk every day, or every other day as a means of continued toxin release via sweating and system excretion, to keep things moving along. If youre excessively overweight, this may be an ideal time to take in a walk each day. Any muscle loss experienced while were depriving our bodies of necessary protein will be made up for after the fast (and yes, you do need to plan on muscle loss during this time as your body enters into a catabolic state). Regarding the salt water enemayou may need to experiment with the amount of salt used. I have found on a couple occasions that I did not use enough salt. If not enough salt is used, the flush of the colon will not take place the way it needs to, as mentioned. Some suggest that two full tablespoons of salt are necessary. I personally arrived at three heaping teaspoons, only using two (as some programs suggest) did not work for me on two occasions. This part of the fast is the most vital part of all, so its important to determine the amount of salt that works best for you. If you do not feel a building pressure within an hour of taking the water, and have no movement within two hours, its probable you did not put enough salt in your water. Because its not easy for most people to drink down this amount of salt water, its helpful to get it right as soon as you can for comfort reasons alone. Three heaping teaspoons seems to do it for most people. Ive tried the higher amounts and it becomes extremely difficult to get down, as ones body has the instant desire to reject it. We want the body rejecting it out the other end, not the way it went down; throwing it back up would be entirely counter productive, and too much salt *may* cause this to happen. I personally have never had an issue with this, but 14

it does cause very mild stomach upset at first as the salt water seeks to evacuate out the other end. Gravity will also assist in this effort, so be sure to remain upright for at least twenty minutes after first taking in the oral enema. Try the three heaping teaspoons and see how it goes. Keep your lemonade drink nearby, or spring/distilled water, as you will most likely experience thirst soon after taking in this much salt water. No concerns regarding taking in this much salt, in *this* (crystal salt) form. Remember, do NOT use common table salt, which is nothing more than sodium chloride, for the enema. The crystal salt contains an additional 84 trace elements that are stripped from the salt to form the common table salt. Some believe that common table salt is virtually a toxin, and in larger amounts, it certainly is. You can follow the course of history whereby a great many heart-related problems began to develop after our natural salt was stripped of its trace mineral content, but continued to be sold as salt, despite it being only sodium chloride. Sodium chloride pills are even used with Lyme disease patients as a protocol designed to kill the Lyme spirochete, a form of aggressive bacteria, proving its ability to be toxic to certain forms. It is a protocol that is somewhat risky, and requires close monitoring by the patient and doctor. I will always prefer crystal salt over sea salt. Sea salt is acceptable if you have no other options. The difference is in where these salts are harvested. Sea salt is often contaminated these days by the pollutants in the seabe it mercury levels or the oil spill residues that we have unfortunately been plagued with, (a topic the author has very strong feelings about). Therefore the sea salts are now becoming much more processed than they ever used to be. There are sea salts on the market now attempting to capitalize on the Himalayan crystal salt name by using names similar, so buyer beware. Just check the label; sea salt will read as just that, and I personally choose not to use them since I have the Himalayan crystal salt at my disposal. Againsea salt is an acceptable second choice if you do not have access to the Himalayan crystal salt. It is still far superior to common table salt. To sum up: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Prepare the lemonade mixture for yourself daily. Use the mixture to also drink down 4 to 5 psyllium fiber drinks a day. The morning of the second day starts your daily oral salt water enemas. Use the anti-parasite options as often as possible each day according to above. My email subchapters and private videos will contain more info and creative ideas to help you understand and implement an effective cleansing fast that works for you.



As mentioned in my videos, the initial fast is always misunderstood as being some sort of calorie-deprivation technique, whereby if Im not eating, I certainly cant gain any weight. This is not the point of a fast at all. Fasts have been used for eons in all of the major religions as a means of cleaning out the body in an effort to obtain higher consciousness, to become closer to God. The idea being, both the detoxification that fasting produces as well as the destruction of harmful parasites in the form of bacteria, fungal and viral entities, relieves the body of the burdens it carries every single day of our lives and affords us a higher state of health and wellbeing; lightness of body, lightness of spirit. Detoxification via fasting affords us the opportunity to accomplish two vital goals in one shot: both rid ourselves of toxins, which in turn makes eliminating parasites of all kinds, be it viral, bacterial, fungal or otherwise, that much easier. Any protocol designed to eliminate parasites should be preceded by a toxin-removal protocol, for we need all of our systems and cells performing as optimally as possible to help expel the *further toxins* that the destruction of pathogens (parasites named above) will produce. Just like any organism that is killed, a decay process begins immediately, and this decay needs to go through the proper channels in our bodily processes to find the exit and be permanently removed. The less toxic build-up we have to contend with in the beginning of this attack on pathogens, the easier these processes of elimination become. Please keep in mind the relevance of this chapter within our fat and weight loss objectives. Some people suffer from protruding mid-sections precisely because of congested intestinal tracts, filled with undigested material and other forms of waste and toxins that offer parasites a place to thrive. The importance of clearing this system is both to reduce any accumulation that lends itself to a pot belly appearance, as well as enable us the most efficient means of processing our foods as possible. The cleaner we are in our built-in sewer system, the less back-up well have and the better we can eliminate potential problems in the future, be it weight/fat gain or ill health. As my approach will constantly encourage, a fat and weight loss program MUST address the immune system and overall health of the body. Everything is inter-related. It is normal to experience minor side effects from fasting. During the release of toxins and the destruction of parasites, we may experience mild nausea, headaches, muscle aches, or other discomforts. Even temporary psychological effects like anxiety and depression. This would be one of the few times in life when distilled water may be helpful, and some good quality salt, such as crystal salt or sea salt as a second option. The healthy natural sodium in these natural salts helps our cells evacuate wastes and is an important part of that process. The oral enema consumed daily will also fill this need for


extra sodium, but I like to consume just a little extra crystal salt at various times of the day to help combat hunger pangs during a fast and provide healthy minerals that our bodies thrive upon. (The grade B maple syrup as a part of the lemonade helps fulfill this need as well). Use of distilled water will tend to leach the minerals we need from our bodieshence the quality salts to give our body the trace mineral content back. Keep in mind that common table salt is nothing more than sodium chloride, stripped of all its natural trace mineral content, which is why it received such a bad rap for so many years; it is literally a virtual toxin due to its refined nature, specifically in large quantities. So natural salts are what is most needed, and large quantities relatively speaking can be compensated for with water. The number of toxins and parasites we are exposed to starting on day one of our lives is absolutely astounding. Especially in our hospitals where pathogens of all kinds run rampant. See the reference in other parts of my material regarding the MRSA strain of bacteria as a now common example. Think about a newborn and the exposure he/she has to harmful parasites. Although exposure is instant upon birth, the overall purity of the bodily system remains strong and intact with an immune system that can deal with these invaders. Breast milk further strengthens this. The normal course of time and exposure to the world is what incurs the challenges we all begin to facebe it low energy, difficulty concentrating, fat and weight gain, or serious disease and death. It is theorized by the Stanford University of Medicine that ALL chronic conditions are actually the result of some form of pathogensome form of harmful parasitic infection in our bodies. Reread that sentence, it is an important part of understanding what we are contending with, and is a prelude to the one of the focuses of my approach. Would you agree with me that obesity seems to be something of a chronic condition? In a rather unpleasant study carried out in the 1930s, an experiment performed by Dr. Alexis Carrel, a two-time Nobel Prize winning scientist who performed the first kidney transplant and headed the Rockefeller Institute, took a small piece of heart tissue from an embryonic chicken and cultured it in a flask. The tissue was provided with the nutrition, oxygen and water it needed to sustain itself. The chicken heart tissue kept living, growing for more than 30 years, far past the life span of a normal chicken, and showed no signs of deterioration. After 34 years, they removed the life sustenance and allowed it to die. Dr. Carrel concluded that cells can live forever provided that proper conditions, such as on-going detoxification and nutrition, are maintained. He even suggested the cells become immortalto use his words. The idea here of course is that an organism unencumbered by toxins and pathogens can potentially live forever in a state of supreme health. If you look closely at what it is


were consuming on a daily basis, and breathing in, its easy to see how our bodies are taxed to such a degree that its amazing were able to maintain any level of energy at all. From the constant onslaught of toxins from our foods with the endless and mysterious ingredient labels, to the air-born toxins from coal production overseas, to the airplane contrails that must eventually settle to ground level, to the water tables and supplies riddled with all sorts of heavy metals and even, as a recent study shows*countless* varieties of prescription pharmaceutical drugstapping every resource our bodies have to compensate for the assault, and attempt to maintain integrity becomes a massive energy drain and effort we dont recognize until we begin to feel sick, or suffer from some misunderstood chronic condition. We notice this most in our energy levels, our tendencies towards illness, our moods, and ability to focus, concentrate and learn new things. We also notice it as we become heavier and fatter. Fat cells store toxins. Most people in Western civilization are unaccustomed to any form of serious fasting or detoxification program on a regular basis. Is it possible that as we age, some peoples accumulation of extra weight and fat may be attributed to an on-going accumulation of pathogens and toxins in the body? Could it at least be a factorAfter all, if nothing is being done to relieve our bodies of this burden, and everyones bodies react individually to different stresses and burdens, is it that unrealistic to come to the conclusion that at least for *some* people, the total lack of any detoxification program could, over time, contribute to systemic problems that would in turn cause weight and fat gain? Could this be why so many of the fad detoxification programs that Hollywood is promoting these days are actually producing some substantial weight loss conditions for many people, in such a way that the calorie deprivation of the detoxification protocol actually has nothing to do with the actual weight loss? After all, we now know, and my materials will explain, that the weight lost during a fast is not the kind of weight loss that we want to incur. People develop type two Diabetes. People develop toxic loads in their bodies. People develop cholesterol build-up in their arteries. People develop all sorts of chronic conditions over time. Could it be that in some cases, had measures been taken to prevent a condition, more benefit wouldve been derived than dealing with the resulting symptoms the victim now faces? Isnt it often that case that over time, many people find themselves gradually experiencing a weight and fat gain? Since it is my contention that many factors are involved in the condition of weight and fat gain, including but not limited to bad foods, inactivity, pathogens and toxic build up, it surely behooves us to embark on some sort of life-long detoxification protocol, to help ensure less complications in the future. With leaky gut syndrome believed to be vastly under diagnosed in the western world, and abundant proof of countless forms of immune disorders and inflammatory conditions, (all of which can and do contribute to weight and fat gain), it seems we MUST actively be involved in an on-going detoxification program to ensure that the rest of these issues are that much more easily managed.


The Endless Toxins

The list of toxins that makes detoxification necessary is very long. I could go on and on in this area, and for those who are uncertain of their exposure, allow me to expand upon it briefly: The silver-mercury amalgam fillings in your mouth subject you to mercury vapor in low levels via the temperature of the mouth, saliva, friction from chewing and abrasion from brushing/drinking. Not one atom of mercury is acceptable or healthy to the human body. It is as severe a toxin as lead, aluminum, cadmium and other heavy metals. I personally have had my mercury fillings removed, though Im not saying its necessary for success in losing weight; but every bit of effort one can make towards better health can only be a good thing. These kinds of fillings also produce a very low voltage reading in the mouth, especially in combination with other metals in the mouth such as gold, which can interfere with the natural electro-chemical interactions our bodies operate on. Our tap water is loaded with fluoride, yet another outright poison, that isnt allowed in some countries due to its toxicity. Read your toothpaste label and the poison control center warning. The fluoride used comes from sources that would absolutely astound you, literally as an industrial waste product. See books such as The Fluoride Deception. To think we deliberately put this in our nations tap water disturbs me greatly. As an aside, we do have effective ways of detoxifying fluoride exposure, (nascent iodine drops and/or via foods such as seaweed and kelp; most iodine supplementation in pill or capsule form can be unsafe to use), and the reason why it may be important here is because of fluorides impact on the thyroid; the very gland we depend on to modulate a healthy metabolism and weight. You mayve seen the recent research done regarding the level of various foreign substances in our public water systems. It is unfortunately loaded with heavy metals and even dozens of trace particles of antibiotics. This constant consumption of antibiotics, which are derived from fungal sources, will only serve to feed a Candida overgrowth condition in our bodies which is a symptom encountered in nearly 100% of overweight people (see my section regarding grains and fungus) etc. Fungus can feed yeast/fungus conditions as can fungal derivatives. Keep in mind; our exposure isnt limited to the water were drinking. We are showering in this same water, exposing our largest organ of all, our skin, to these trace amounts of unwanted materials. Especially hot water showers that vaporize many of the toxins making them readily inhaled. The hot water also opens our pores, and expands the tiny capillaries close to the surface of our skin making absorption via the skin that much easier. Over time, this creates a cumulative effect in our bodies systems and certainly contributes to all of the countless ailments we are contending withsurely including obesity issues. Heavy metal exposure is being continually linked to chronic disease. So


much so, that in many cases it is considered the primary cause of the affliction, OR causes effects that MIMIC various diseases. The air we breathe daily; have you heard of the conspiracy theory relating to chem trails, the exhaust emitted from jet airplanes as they fly overhead? Im the kind of person who insists on sticking to only what can be documented; but unfortunately, regardless of what is or isnt being done by the airplanes, the exhaust output alone is selfevident, and the toxic aftermath of this kind of combustion must go/land *somewhere*. The smoke we see in the skies often does not dissipate, as smoke/exhaust normally would. It instead often thickens and coats our entire sky. The likely place the particulates eventually land are in our lungs, on our skin and absorbed through it, and into the soil and our water tables. Weve all seen the contrails from these planes that on a clear blue sky day, expand to the point of coating the entire sky with what looks like cloud coverbut was obviously created in large part by the planes themselves. I dont know what to make of it, but any combustion based on oil and kerosene, the two main types used in jet fuel just cant leave byproducts that are a healthy thing for our bodies to have to contend with on such a constant, and again *cumulative* basis. There are well over 4000 planes flying the skies every single day! I could go on and on regarding toxins we are contending with, including the electro magnetic pollution that I will cover another time (it is a VAST issue). It is a very serious problem, and is destroying our planet as well, as Im sure is obvious to most. Ask any older person how beautiful blue the lakes were when they were children. Our beautiful environment and the pollution we are witnessing must change. It has an impact not only on our planet, but on our bodies and minds in very significant and now blatantly obvious ways. Just look at the condition of ourselvesour extended lives filled with strange diseases and a booming mental health care industry. With all the toxic exposure we are faced with, its a wonder we are able to function at all. And we wonder why were always tired, lacking energy, feeling depressed, gaining weight, and contending with constant health issues of every kind imaginable. After the initial fast, we will stay on a protocol that enables us to detoxify on a daily basis, due to the never-ending exposure referenced above. There are plenty of healthy options in this regard. For example, we can use the herb cilantro as a very effective way of mobilizing mercury out of the body. Cilantro can be added to a great many of our foods and/or taken on its own as a supplement to the diet. As always, I use organic only (or better) for everything. Taking chlorella (soft cell wall varieties) is another great way of removing mercury from the body. Chlorella has incredible detoxification qualities all its own. We can use safe silica-type supplementation like BioSil to help displace aluminum exposure, which is believed to contribute to Alzheimers disease among other complications. And various forms of occasional oxygenation, be it MMS, H2O2, or the product Cell Food which has some interesting research behind it. All of these options help us in our


efforts to both detoxify and rid ourselves of pathogens. (An interesting side note: Cell Food is a fascinating product; but I often seem to have a minor breakout, a pimple or two, each time I use it. If you use the product and experience the same, please write to me to let me know. I do see it as a positive side effect of a detoxification process, although an obvious temporary cosmetic inconvenience). Again, the point is to all of the above, is that we have healthy options available to us to contend with our challenges. Now: When it comes to heavy metal detoxification specifically, we also want to look into various forms of even more active removal than the use of herbs and explore whats referred to as chelation therapy. Chelation is a means of removing heavy metals from the body as efficiently and productively as possible. Although it is most often thought of as being done via the use of various prescription means, there are plenty of natural choices that are far gentler, safer and even considered more effective. It is a long-term effort that I would encourage everyone to incorporate into their overall health plans for the reasons I will continue to describe in my material. We can use items like the cilantro and chlorella mentioned above in an on-going basis in our foods, but I will also cover zeolite as a more active means to safely bind metals and remove them from the body. Many of you will not think this is relevant to weight and fat loss. My material will prove to you that it absolutely is. We are told that minute amounts of heavy metals are deemed safe by the FDA, etc. That may actually be correct. However, what is not explained, because there is no lawful duty to explain it, is the fact that this allegedly minute exposure accumulates and builds up over time in our tissues to levels that absolutely are NOT safe. Again, that cumulative effect I referenced above. The running assumption when these elements are deemed safe is that an on-going detoxification system is in place, whereby these toxic metals can and will be removed on a regular basis from the system. How many people do you know that are actively involved in on-going detoxification protocols? Or have themselves tested regularly for heavy metal toxicity? And guess where these accumulated loads of toxins and heavy metals store themselves? Thats rightagainIN FAT CELLS. As mentioned in my videos, it is vitally important to replace heavy metals with healthy minerals. I personally utilize Himalayan crystal salt for this. The idea is, your body absolutely depends upon minerals to carry out functions. If we are short on minerals, or overloaded with toxic ones (heavy metals), our body will not perform correctly, and worse, will actually *use* heavy metals in destructive ways. The evidence that heavy metal toxicity is a core part of our problems is becoming abundantly clear, and MUST be addressed. It has been discovered that pathogens will use heavy metals in the body to help protect themselves; high levels of mercury in the blood are consistently measured in people suffering from various viral infections as well as Candida, the latter


of which we will need to pay particular attention to as it relates to our digestive tract and the weight and fat loss goals we are trying to accomplish, along with the other fungal and mycotoxin issues Ill cover elsewhere in my materials. To complicate things just a bit, symptoms of Candida are associated with *both* high levels of mercury as well as Candida overgrowth, leading to the chicken-or-the-egg question. Since so much in the area of fat loss and other chronic conditions remains speculative and theoretical, lets try to minimize both the pathogens and the metals in our bodies as an overall approach; hence the duel benefit of fasting that can both reduce the heavy metals as well as kill off the problem parasites and remove their toxic die-off. I often ask people if theyve used antibiotics often in the past. You may find it very interesting to note that many, if not most antibiotics, have chelation components to their overall chemical makeup. Tetracycline, for example, is an excellent calcium chelator. It will wash the coating off Nanobacterium that house themselves in a calcium shell as a means of protection. Bacteria are excellent evolvers. The problem is, with long-term usage of antibiotics, a fungal condition is fostered in the intestines whereby a Candida overgrowth occurs, healthy bacteria is killed off along with the bad bacteria, both of which can lead to weight gain for most people (hence our need for probiotic supplementation). Where a person is overweight, there is a near 100% probability of a Candida overgrowth problem that is either centralized in the intestines, or has become systemic (body-wide). This will contribute greatly to constant fatigue, as well as cause sugar and sweet cravings galore. I personally know someone who has been on very long-term antibiotics for sinus issues (due to toxic air referenced above?) and is extremely overweight, where she never used to be. No one can claim my theories, which are also held by other respected researchers and doctors, do not hold enough water to warrant MUCH greater consideration and research. ALL of this toxicity info above relating primarily to heavy metals, and I havent even *touched* on obesogens.which I cover in a free online videowhich discusses how our exposure to plastics is very effectively adding to the likelihood of gaining weight and fat based on hormone disruption. (I always use glass containers for my portable water consumption, as one example of minimizing my exposure to plastics). Therefore the absolute necessity for a life-long detoxification program, in conjunction with disabling and/or destroying internal pathogens, as one of the primary focuses of my approach, and what seemed for me, to create the results you see in my videos that continue to this day: Long term health = Long term fat loss. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++



Also entitled The Crack Addiction.(Erthe CrackER addiction). This topic is divided into two parts: The first part discusses how grains create a rapid blood sugar issue causing carbs to be stored as fat. The second part discusses an area that I havent seen covered anywhere else in the grain elimination theories of dieting, and what I believe is just as importantthe toxins found in grain products that hamper our immune system, and could, in many cases, be solely responsible for a persons inability to lose weight and fat. PART ONE: Below is an ingredient list from a very popular brand of CRACKers that we have all eaten at one time or another: Enriched flour (wheat flour, reduced iron, thiamine mononitrate {vitamin B1}, riboflavin {Vitamin B2}, folic acid), soybean oil, sugar, partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil, salt, leavening (baking soda and/or calcium phosphate), high fructose corn syrup, soy lecithin (emulsifier), natural flavor, cornstarch. Remember in my videos how I describe the processing involved with grains (also described below)the mechanical separation of the bran, germ, and endosperm. The above is a perfect example of an ingredient list that is seen similarly in *countless* products on our grocery store shelves. And just look at that first ingredient; the very dreaded, broken-down, refined grain that were trying to avoid, that will spike our blood sugar levels the second it hits our digestive process. To make matters worse, they enrich the flour with synthetic vitamins that in turn rob our bodies of micronutrients needed to make the synthetic vitamin work in our biology. A real mess, no? The idea behind eliminating all grains, starches and sweets is to reprogram your body and cells to develop a healthy insulin response to your foods, to in turn enable your body to use healthy sugars properly. As my videos have discussed, we have a grain addiction in North America. The foods on our grocery stores are loaded with all kinds of refined grains as well as claimed, so-called whole grains. Pay attention to the labels on every food product you purchase. You will find some form of grain, and too often a refined flour grain, to be abundant in our food supply. A true whole grain is supposed to consist of the bran, germ, and endosperm of the entire grain and unprocessed in any way. These components when combined together form a nutritional package that preserves vitamins, minerals, fiber and micronutrients/phytochemicals. Your body receives the package as a whole food that it can then break down for itself via a proper digestive process that separates the parts as needed and discards what it chooses. This process also takes the food much further down the intestinal tract and, when reaching the end, enables appetite-suppressing hormones to be triggered in the process. 23

With the refined versions of these grains, cereal grasses and plants, the components are separated in a mechanical process that separates the parts before they enter your digestive process. The perfect example is the flour products youll see on countless ingredient labels as listed above. The purpose behind this is that the grains, when broken down into flours, become very malleable in cooking processes and can be used for a much larger variety of applications than the whole grain ever possibly could. The problem is, when a grain has been reduced down to a flour in this way, our digestive tract breaks it down extremely quickly, within the first few feet of our intestines, giving us a near-immediate, and often large, blood sugar injection that must then be compensated for with insulin; the pancreas does its job and dumps just that in quantity quickly to balance the sugar spike your body just received. When this process happens repeatedly, through the constant consumption of these kinds of products, the cells develop an insulin resistance whereby the cells no longer accept the higher levels of sugar and the body remains flooded with excessive levels of blood sugar. This can trigger a bucket full of problems, often the least of which is fat gain. Ive learned that many people just do not believe that grain elimination would work. Im convinced this is due to the FDA including grains in our food pyramid, and advertisers drilling us daily about taking in grains. The fact is, the grain industry on the whole is so large that any effort to discourage grain consumption on a wide scale could actually impact the economy. Think about the industries involved in the processing and use of grains in such a huge array of foods. Discouraging grain consumption would be comparable to discouraging the use of oil for fuelboth great ideas, but both tied closely to our international currencies, creating a huge dilemma. Please take a moment to consider this, and how it has been applied to us all in such a way that our food choices have become limited, and have been almost solely responsible for our weight and fat gain. Once you see the bigger picture, you will understand completely how and why weve found ourselves in this fat-feeding mess: Food producers are constantly working on ways to develop new processing techniques for their grain and starchy products so that other companies cant compete with them. Many of our foods that contain high levels of refined flours and starches come from plants that are very low cost, especially in the numbers these producers buy them in. Once patents are secured on any processing technique, the manufacturers can sell their products, with minimal competition, at high profit margins. This high-profit potential encourages ever more imaginative ways to prepare and market refined flours and starches, and the large profits enable large marketing efforts on very wide scales. Hence, companies that manufacture the processed foods that we all know by name giving us an endless array of chips, cereals and crackers advertised like crazy. Youll see their ads constantly, because they can certainly afford the marketing, and often on an international level.


Do you see many ads for natural foods such as suppliers of fresh fruit, vegetables, etc? The only way these suppliers can maintain a market share is by keeping their costs down, and we therefore see very little advertising from them in comparison. There is an economic incentive to feed you refined grains and starches. Restaurants will bring you bread first. They can then serve smaller portion sizes with less concern for a persons appetite not feeling satisfied at the end of the meal. So in an effort to convince people of the need to experiment heavily with grain/sugar/starch elimination, continue reading and mull over these notions as I repeat them from a couple different angles: Eating grains, whole, refined or otherwise, especially for people excessively overweight, IS an addiction. Just like an alcohol, heroin, or other addiction, a high is obtained through the ingestion of grain products, often comfort foods, and the body seeks balance, delivering an equally unpleasant low in its effort to find the happy medium. An intervention is needed to break this grain/sugar/starch habit. Like any addiction, it takes a concentrated effort of intervention/elimination for a period of time, in this case a couple months worth, to break this addiction. A couple months worth of elimination should be sufficient for most people. At the end of that period of time, you can begin to incorporate healthy grains back into the diet, and perhaps our favorite refined flour grains on a very limited and cheat day type of plan. WHAT EXACTLY NEEDS TO BE ELIMINATED: -ALL whole and refined grains (grains in all forms) -Starchy-type veges, like potato and carrots (of course including potato chips) as well as rice and corn in the beginning stages. (See my video regarding carrot explanation and exceptions) -All fruit juices and syrups (after a fast) -All sweeteners of all kinds This is an intensive intervention that is preferably started with the Master Cleanse, an eight to ten-day fasting session described elsewhere in my material. The bonus is, ending the fast for most people brings a whole new appreciation to the healthier and needed blander foods. That piece of celery will look mighty good after not eating for eightplus days. Then continuing with a full grain/starch/sugar elimination for two or more months. The fast itself lasting 8 to 10 days often assists people greatly with breaking part of their addictions. (We *may* be able to experiment with incorporating hemp products into the grain elimination; although not technically a grain, I havent yet decided whether it is a good


idea to consume it during the Intervention phase. We can discuss it individually if youre interested in the hemp products). My approach can be challenging but extremely rewarding, as the fast is multi-purpose in accomplishing both a quieting of the grain/sugar/starch addiction (especially after the first five days), as well as cleaning out the colon of years worth of impurities and parasites, especially fungal (more below), that contribute to dampened immune system and difficulty in accomplishing weight/fat loss. As referenced above, know that if you have never done a fast of this sort before, the foods you are now thinking of as being too bland will be very tasty and satisfying after a fast, and you will maintain enjoyment of those foods. This is yet another reason why the fast can be so beneficial for so many people as it retrains the taste buds to re-appreciate good whole foods. Many, including myself, now enjoy (a great deal), raw whole foods on a regular basis. If you still think this may be too difficult, see my information on the audio affirmation assistance, using CDs or MP3s (etc). These kinds of tools can be extremely helpful for many people, and the companies who provide these tools via the links at the end of my Quick Start Guide are the best in the industry; very safe, and very effective. I have been associated with them for 5 years and 20 years respectively, and trust them completely. And as mentioned, these after-cost product sales go directly to a charity. I dont even see the salesso please be sure to use those specific links at the end of the Quick Start Guide if youre interested in the assistance. The tools really work and can bring profound positive change into your life. To continue, breaking through the grain/starch/sugar addiction is all-important, as evidenced with one of the most common refined grain products on our store shelves: Wheat. Our culture here in North America is loaded with wheat and gluten-based products; so theyre very hard to avoid. Remember that this program is all about a lifestyle change. We have to revamp our entire diet in order to obtain the results were after, and then finetune the approach to find the best results. Once we get to a point of a fairly regulated blood sugar level through the temporary elimination of the grains, sweets and starches, we can discern for ourselves when and how we can best get away with having a little fun on our cheat days, without sacrificing the gains weve achieved via all our efforts. I have to give a word of warning: Some of those who are very overweight and struggling immensely with fat and weight issues MAY not be able to incorporate *any* of the bad grains back into their diet. Please dont let this concern you, or give the impression that you will feel deprived. There are alternatives you can turn to, including many non-graintype products, and you will look and feel so much better without the bad grains in your diet that it wont be worth it to tempt a relapsenor will you crave those grains like you do now. The fact is, wheat and gluten-based products are no-good for the vast majority of us, many without even realizing it. According to blood type dieting, an interesting


theoretical approach to better health, blood type As can apparently handle more wheatbased products than the rest of us can. If there is legitimacy to the blood type diet program, it would come a long way in explaining why so many people have wheat sensitivities, while a certain percentage dont seem to at all. There have been countless people in countless studies showing how once wheat is eliminated from their diet, even from those deemed to have no gluten sensitivities at all, suddenly have long-standing, chronic conditions just disappear. The effect has been substantial for far too many people for experimentation of this specific grain elimination to *not* be adapted on a wide scale. The evidence of the progress made in this area lends itself to understanding why a full grain elimination program is so necessary for certain types of overweight people. Many diets mention cutting down calories, while not addressing elimination of grains, starches and sweets. These diets, as most people know, seem to work for a short time and then end up failing as the person goes back to consuming more calories of all the wrong kinds. This is why an intervention, involving a *complete elimination* of grains, starches, sweets is so vital. You WILL discover you have an addiction to them. This addiction was effectively programmed into you via advertising and a huge selection of food choices riddled with the addictive substances. This addiction MUST be broke in order to retrain the blood sugar/insulin response your body has become accustomed to. The only way to break an addiction is to eliminate the addiction; to stop taking in whatever it is that is causing the problem. Cold turkey. Ive been asked repeatedly from so many people what grains they *can* eat while suffering from substantial excessive weight. There simply is no option in this regard: total and complete grain elimination of every kind, along with the starches and sweets, is absolutely imperative, at least in the beginning stages, to obtain the long-lasting results that are sought. This is why those diets promoting a mere cutting-down of calories and grains never work long term, while producing some initial results.ANY amount of grains/sugars/starches in the diet simply perpetuate the addiction, and the problem. And sometimes I wonder if that is the whole idea behind these kinds of diets to begin with, as people buy the food from these well-known programs week after week. Hopefully this is beginning to make sense to a lot of you whove been struggling with excessive weight and fat. The grain-to-sugar-to-insulin-to-stored-fat-to-hunger cravings cycle as explained in my videos easily fosters itself by understanding simple biology, and realizing how it is operating in your own life. An insulin spike wants to balance itself...the balancing mechanism is simple sugar. So what we're trying to do is moderate the response, and with a person who has excessive weight/fat, the only way to do that is via temporary but complete elimination of grains/starches/sweets. The body needs to retrain itself with lower sugar inputs to encourage a healthier insulin response, because it IS an addiction. Everything within this addiction is compounded when the eating is emotional, as the grain consumption, again the comfort foods, will also trigger serotonin, causing a feeling of well-being. An overweight person attempting to reduce calories while not eliminating the


introduction of quick-sugar breakdowns of grains/sweets/starches in the body would be just like an alcoholic attempting to fix his addiction by drinking beer instead of vodka. This is why Im very opposed to those who promote lower calorie intake regardless of where those calories come from. The science I've studied has clearly proved that it will not work in far too many cases, and I've proven it to be true in my own case. My abs never looked the way they do now until I eliminated my grains/starches/sugar addiction. It is also well established that excessive carbs store themselves as fat. For the average person who is not highly athletic or very active, carb intake must be monitored so that the blood sugar balance and insulin response can be moderated. Many vegetables are good carbs for example. Fruit juices and syrups, as well as almost all sweeteners need to be avoided during the intervention stage, and certain fruits/sweets incorporated back in slowly afterwards, preferably the healthy sweets/sweeteners I discuss elsewhere. Factor in my exercise program, and they can be incorporated back in, in a fulfilling and healthy manner. Once you eliminate grains for two solid months, we can begin to address what, if any, grains you can begin to incorporate back into your diet in moderation, and depending on your individual lifestyle. There are healthyER grains out there, which I will cover. But for the most part, most wheat products should be avoided as one example of a generally bad grain for a great many people (with exceptions, as always). Using myself as an example, my cheat days are Saturday and Sunday nights, and I often incorporate pizza into my cheat. A wheat-based refined flour is often used as the crust base (always thin crust), and as long as I consume it just one day a week (two at the most, and always in moderation) I can enjoy these kinds of foods while using the next several days afterwards to clean out and get back into the state of homeostasis that my digestive tract and body is used to. PART TWO: Devil in the Details: This is a huge aspect of my overall fat and weight loss program, and Im happy to be one of the very few trying to make this information more public. As Ive stressed over and over, the immune system is a vital component to my approach. What if you found out that all these grain products we are consuming are loaded with literal parasites and toxins? How will our bodies react to a near-constant onslaught of parasites and toxins being ingested on a near-daily basis, and how could this impact our weight? I dont pretend to have all the answers. No one should. If we had the answers, no one would be overweight, sick and fat. What I DO claim, is that my body is in large part the direct result of first and foremost a detoxification protocol coupled with a pathogenkilling protocol. It was these two core factors that I had to implement in my life beginning back in 2005 when I became very ill, and doctors were of no help at all, that created the beginnings of the results you see in my videos. I went through six doctors in total (and only kept one of them). I explored alternative arenas, and discovered that what


I was most likely contending with, as described before, was a form of stealth pathogen of some sort. I knew extraordinary measures were needed, and I learned the hard way that orthodox medicine was not my answer, as Ill describe below. Please dont misunderstandIm not anti-conventional medicine. Not at all. I simply save it as a last resort, and use any healthy alternatives and/or prevention as my preferred method of remedy. I was against antibiotics from the get-go in my situation. But due to the nature of what was believed to be a severe infection of unknown origin, and the multiple symptoms I was suffering from, a very strong and powerful antibiotic was given to me (one of the most powerful made, if not THE most powerful) in an effort to tackle whatever the pathogen was. Taking this antibiotic in turn resulted in very serious complications that nearly claimed my life. Did you know that nearly all antibiotics are derived from fungal sources? Did you know that grain products often contain poisons called mycotoxins, that are byproducts of *fungus that grow on the grains*? That antibiotics, made from mycotoxins, destroy the good bacteria in our digestive tract that our immune system and digestion depends upon creating a fungal-rich environment for things like yeast infections and Candida, the latter of which is a direct cause and/or symptom of many peoples weight gain? Did you know that many fungi and mycotoxins are deadly? And that at a bare minimum, cause all sorts of allergic reactions including those that may be tied to weight gain? Did you know that where there is cancer, there is very often a fungal issue? (There are also viral issues as well, for the record, another pathogen/parasite). Did you know that a huge portion of our meat products are treated with antibiotics? Did you know that eating meat from an animal treated with antibiotics exposes the eater to trace amounts of antibiotics? And that since the 1940s, these fungi-derived antibiotics have been used not only to ward off bacteria, but ALSO TO EFFECTIVELY FATTEN THE ANIMAL? (Thats right, the ANTIBIOTICS, a fungal-derived product, are proven to FATTEN THE ANIMAL!) And that what will fatten the animal can, with high probability, fatten YOU as well?


AND that the grain products used as feed for most non-organic raised animals are, as discussed, going to be loaded with fungal and mycotoxin issues just as our so-called edible grains are? Did you know that our drinking water contains trace amounts of antibiotics? Did you also know that animals treated with growth hormones have those hormones *derived from* fungi, just like the antibiotics? And that these hormones exist in trace amounts in the meat youre eating from these treated animals, as well as the milk and countless milk products youre consuming? AND that these growth hormones can stimulate the pituitary gland to produce MORE growth hormone that in turn can cause RAPID WEIGHT GAIN? And our society eats tons of grain and hormone-treated meat foods every single year, day after day, washing it down with tap water and even so-called purified waters that are riddled with trace amounts of antibiotics. And we wonder why were having so many health issues in so many areas. I think Im making my points clear. On top of this, youve heard me mention in my videos that type 2 diabetes is curable, via diet modification. To add credence to this theory, the mold toxin Streptozotocin used in chemotherapy has been proven to produce type 1 and type 2 diabetes in the patients prescribed it. Since this has been proven, we must assume that its possible carbs alone are not the only cause of insulin deregulation and weight/fat gain. Fungi and their toxins must hold a part in this riddle. Fungi are responsible for a great many conditions in this country. Yet the medical community focuses FAR less attention to fungal issues than bacterial or viral conditions. Why?!? Considering the wide-spread exposure we are dealing with on so many levels, especially due to an incredible abuse of antibiotics over the past fifty years (medications, soaps, foods, mold issues in our homes, in our water supply, etc) its astounding that more attention isnt paid to the problem since antibiotics PROMOTE fungal conditions. Yeast and Candida overgrowth in the intestine is a common result of antibiotic overuse which can spread under the right conditions into a systemic, whole-body issue. And Candida LOVE sugarthe same sugars that of course cause the insulin resistance conditions I reference that we must monitor. Could the Candida themselves be *causing* these massive sugar and bad carb cravings that are in turn making us so fat?


Hence my colon cleansing and fasting protocol to rid ourselves of both yeast/fungal issues where the heart of our immune system is, as well as wean ourselves off the sugar addition from the countless refined flours, sugars and grains we are consuming in such huge numbers. It unfortunately gets even worse: The antibiotic abuse we are contending with now is forming mutant bacteria that are *resistant* to the antibiotics, such as the often deadly MRSA bacteria mutated from Staphylococcus bacteria (which, by the way, has been proven to be susceptible to the allicin-based garlic product I suggest as part of my protocol, during in vitro testing; the only product I know of that has actually saved lives that were nearly taken by MRSA). Have you ever known someone who is excessively overweight and uses antibiotics regularly? You will find this to be much more common than you mayve imagined. I personally know someone who has chronic sinus infections, and has been on antibiotics for literally years. She is overweight by at least 100 pounds. And we all know folks who are overweight and consume truckloads of cow and contaminated dairy products every year, the latter of which are too numerous to even mention. Think about the extensive use of dairy in our foods. And I havent even touched on how the pasteurization process itself destroys the amino acid (protein) and enzyme content of the dairy foods which complicates things immeasurably further (see my videos for more details on this topic). Then think about all the massive amount of grain products consumed. We are exposing ourselves to an overwhelming amount of poisons and parasites, and especially fungal and mycotoxin problems that show tremendous potential and outright evidence for causing obesity and serious health issues. We are literally a drugged and poisoned people. Like the alcohol addict wondering why his breath smells so bad and then uses an alcohol-based mouthwash to attempt to remedy it; Works for a short time, then its back. But if he *drinks* the mouthwash itself, he can delude himself into fixing both of his problems in one shot. It is my firm opinion that in ANY fat and weight loss program, in order for it to be successful, a healthy immune system MUST be in order, and my detoxification and pathogen-killing protocol gets us that much closer to achieving that condition. THEN, perhaps, with an on-going detox and parasite protocol, weight and fat effectively lost, and my ultra-effective exercise program in place, we can begin to incorporate some healthy grains, sweets and starches back into our diet in controlled moderation, with the intention of clearing any fungal and mycotoxin (parasite and toxin)


issue out of the system in a timely enough fashion that the ill effects and conditions that would contribute to weight/fat gain and sickness are that much more easily managed. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++



As mentioned, I am offering two primary styles to losing weight and fat, and gaining optimal health. The first style is fairly hard-core by most peoples standards, but will produce amazing results if you are motivated and put the effort in. It is the style that I use, and enables me to look the way I do (coupled with weight resistance exercise per my Quick Start Guide with occasional very minimal, intense cardio). It is also the approach that those who are excessively overweight must seriously consider in an effort to not only lose weight, but to regain their health. The second style is more suited to those who want a somewhat easier way to lose weight that will with high probability produce results for most people, but not the kind of results that will enable you to look the way I look in my videos. Many people will be very satisfied with the results regardless, and the idea is of course to maintain a life-long result that is easy to adhere to and causes little variation in long-term weight and fat maintenance. Many people opt for a combination of the two styles, and/or can incorporate in aspects of the Style 2 approach once in their maintenance phase beyond completion of Style 1. To help you determine the approach that suits you best, I encourage everyone to take the test referenced below first, to determine if you have a fungal issue of any kind. Although I do not consider this THE focal issue of my approaches, I consider it an important one, as I believe Ive made clear, that MUST be considered: -Have you ever taken extended rounds of antibiotics? -Have you ever taken steroids or cortisone-based pills? -Have you ever been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, asthma, arthritis, hives, psoriasis, dandruff, chronic skin rashes, acne, hair loss or an autoimmune disease? -Are you sensitive to high mold/pollen days and/or damp days? -Do you have type 2 Diabetes? -Have you ever been treated for worms or intestinal parasites? -Have you ever traveled outside of the U.S.? -Have you ever undergone radiation or chemotherapy? -Have you ever had ringworm, nail fungus, jock itch, yeast infections, thrush or chronic bad breath? -Have you ever lived in a house that had mold issues or suffered a flood? -Do you have depression? -Do you drink alcohol? -Have you ever been on any prescribed medications for depression, such as SSRIs? -Do you eat a lot of corn, soybean or peanut products?


These are only very general questions to help you determine, for yourself, if you may be susceptible to a fungal condition. It is my hope that my written material and ongoing emails and videos will educate you enough to recognize the importance of addressing these issues. It applies not only to Candida that will cause (or is a symptom of) weight and fat gain, but also to the overall picture of health that we are seeking so that our metabolism in turn functions optimally based in part on an in-tune immune system unencumbered by foods contributing to fungal conditions, while being sure to address blood sugar issues and other concerns (inflammation, pH, organ health, etc) as well. Again, it is a multifold attack, with multifold results, that will assure us of a permanently healthier state of being.including weight and fat loss. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++



I have a general approach based on a highly respected doctors opinion of the best non-grain route to follow. I have incorporated my own opinions into this list of foods based on my own experience and in following an anti-fungal problem more than just an anti-grain approach based on this particular doctor. Dr. Mercola was not the originator of the anti-grain diet, but he furthered its research to the tune of over 35,000 participants over the course of his career with an outstanding 85% success rate in enabling people to lose substantial amounts of weight and fat. The fungal issue is not addressed in his approach, but it does address it indirectly by default. In taking it to that length, I further eliminate just a mere two or three items that I suggest the reader avoid, while adding others to enhance the approach, and also suggest a Style Two plan that makes it possible for people to choose an easier route. Make no mistake however, that incorporating my 8 to 10 day fast into this program, and strictly following the diet that I have devised for two solid months will with very high probability give you almost the exact results you are looking for. That is the plan that I personally follow. Coupled with regular short-intense exercise outlined in my Quick Start Guide, and you can see in my videos the kind of results it produces. I learn from a great many sources; some well known doctors, but many more behindthe-scenes alternative doctors and researchers that prove to me the results of their research, and I in turn prove it to *myself*. I do disagree with them all on various issues, as any researcher would. But I am grateful for their work as we all contribute to each others in the on-going area of health. It is often the unorthodox doctors/researchers that provide the best, most cutting-edge information that truly works. You must keep in mind that this kind of dieting *does* get easier over time. As does any calorie restriction we incorporate if results do not come via these initial routes (we will not explore deliberate calorie reduction until it has been determined that you are not obtaining results via what is described in my various approaches). *You are overcoming a literal ADDICTION.* I have videos that will cover this. I cannot stress this fact enough, and you MUST remember it; it will help contribute to the motivation you need to complete it. See my video series for details proving the addiction. It is literally no different than overcoming a smoking, alcohol or drug addiction. Keep that in mind, and use the affirmation and/or subliminal audio tools to aid you if necessary, they can be of tremendous help. My overall approach to fat loss will give you many options that will be successful, in my opinion, for 95% of the people who genuinely incorporate them into their lives. There is a lot of individuality involved in determining exactly what works best for you, but there are general guidelines outlined in my material that will tend to produce results for everyone, before the need for fine-tuning comes into play. 35

After the initial fast, followed by the anti-grain/anti-fungal diet for a period of time, we will be able to incorporate cheat days into our lives to some extent depending on our overall condition. This will mean healthy cheating to whatever extent your specific situation allows. If you started the program extremely overweight, we need to be careful about what our cheat encompasses. If you are of more moderate weight, your metabolism can likely tolerate more of the bad carbs for a couple meals on the weekend, followed by a clean-eating detox for the remainder of the week. You will find as I have that you lose your desire for the bad foods. Although I enjoy the weekend eating spree, I have no desire to gorge myself (my capacity is far lower now anyway) and I actually *look forward to* resuming the healthy eating during the week, because of how good it makes you feel. I cannot assure you of this enough. This program/approach IS a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. You have been eating garbage (or at least foods that are unhealthy for YOU) your entire life. You WILL lose your desire for these foods. Try to take a creative look at this, and imagine that you have found yourself living in another country where the food supply worked for those people, but didnt for you at all. You now need to find those foods that DO work for you, and they ARE available, you simply have to seek them out and incorporate a lifestyle change to reacquaint yourself with what a proper diet for YOU is all about. Trust meyou will be rewarded for this new lifestyle in countless ways, and you will find fun-food alternatives so that you do not feel like youre making any huge sacrifices along the way. Take it upon yourself to not make food such a focal point of your life. Many of our cultures focus heavily on food. You must adopt a new way of thinking into your lifestyle. There are people all over the world who live on very little food not due to poverty, but due to choice. Our bodies often require far less calories than we believe they do, and note the studies proving how restricted calorie diets enhance longevity a great deal, due to simply taxing our digestive tracts and immune systems that much less. The energy required in digestion alone is sometimes very large (and yes, you can use this to your advantage at times). But why not reserve that energy for joyful living? I will incorporate all sorts of energy-enhancing natural methods into my program as well. Living a life filled with energy is a vital (pun intended) aspect of living in this form of joy, and gives us the oomph and drive we need to bring healthy exercise into our lives as well. See my videos covering how to re-learn proper eating. We MUST take in our food slowly and deliberately, with awareness. Below is the anti-grain/fungal diet as I have fine-tuned it from the initial work of Dr. Mercola. I will also give actual recipes in my future emails that you can modify as you please based on the list of items we have to choose from below. PLEASE feel free to be creative with these foods! Again, remember as you read this list that if youre struggling with a lot of extra weight, a serious lifestyle change is in order; the foods may seem limiting, but with creativity, they are NOT. I am *extremely* confident that if you can follow these guidelines, you will obtain your goals. Just imagine losing all that weight,


and how amazing it will feel! Do NOT focus on what you do NOT want to look likefocus on what you DO want to look like! There is a WORLD of difference.


Are you near a farmer by any chance? If so, go to him/her for raw butter, goat cheese, heavy cream, eggs, and feta, as well as buffalo, turkey and chicken, organic grass-fed beef if youre a beef eater (I personally am not). Independent farmers are a terrific asset, and I firmly believe will be the wave of our future for our food supply. They need to be supported, and they just so happen to have exactly the foods that are best for us. If not near a farmer, the local grocery will suffice for now. Make a point to avoid any meats that are not specifically labeled to be free of hormones and antibiotics such as the case with organic foods. I believe that in most states there are laws against using hormones in poultry, but the rest of the meats must be labeled such. Remember in my material how both antibiotic residue and hormones contribute to fungal/Candida issues, and that Candida overgrowth is present in 100% of obese people. Hence the need to be strict about this issue. You can also have haddock for fish, ostrich, ham (in moderation) and shrimp. Our local grocery offers a great, clean shrimp. Raw milk whey protein such as the one I suggest at the end of my Quick Start Guide from Dr. Webster. Everything at his site, completehealthdallas.com, is discounted when you use facelessfatloss in the coupon code. Almost all veges (organic) except for all high-starch ones like potatoes and potato products (and of course potato chips), corn, rice, and avoid carrots for now as well. They too convert to sugar (but see my video for details) exactly what we're trying to get you OUT of the cycle of. We can incorporate some pass through carbs (resistant starches) in later on during maintenance stage, so this deprivation is only temporary. All dark green veges are great. You can also have onions, tomatoes, turnips, lettuce, kale, celery, eggplant, green beans, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, cabbage, garlic. Dr. Mercola and I disagree on mushrooms.he says mushrooms are okI say they are not. We want to avoid fungal foods for reasons Ive made clear in other parts of my program, and I feel strongly on this issue. Some certain mushrooms are great for medicinal uses, but the food mushrooms at our grocery stores mostly do not fit in this category. Fermented soy tofu in moderation if you have a taste for it. I'm not pro-soy in any form, but if it helps overcome our addiction, use it. Much like using methadone for the heroin addict until we can wean them completely off the drug. The idea being, we're trying to break your addiction cycle, and other foods mentioned will also be replaced later in this effort to fine-tune your results. Fruit: Apples, avocados, cranberries, grapefruit, lemons, oranges. Do not go nuts on fruits, as mentioned in my Quick Start Guide, and of course organic only for the pesticide


reasons Ive spoken about at length relating to fat/weight gain and illness. Coconut oil and coconut products (unsweetened and tested for aflotoxins), flaxseed, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, Himalayan crystal salt (preferred) or Celtic sea salt, walnuts, again, all organic....garlic powder, horseradish, dill, nutmeg, sage, parsley, thyme, cinnamon, ginger, cayenne, chives. Several of these spices contribute to fat metabolism (cinnamon, cayenne, and its believed ginger does as well according to recent research at a respected clinic). (For the recordcoconut oil and products Im still up in the air on. I place high importance on fungal issues in foods, hence the need to test for aflotoxins which are the fungal toxins that are often associated with coconut products; I personally use coconut oil for cooking often, as compared to olive oil which should not be exposed to the high heat that coconut oil can be exposed to for cooking. I do not want to eliminate coconut oil from my own personal list of foods at this point, and will keep you updated on any research that changes my mind. So far, so good, including some potentially large benefits as long as the oil is organic and raw. Coconut oil should NEVER be bought processed. The label needs to read organic and raw or indicate that it is a raw, unprocessed product) Lentils and split peas in the bean category. More beans can be brought in during the maintenance phase. Organic almond butter instead of peanut butter, NO sugar added. Very preferably raw. Mustard, mayo (moderation), wheat-free soy sauce (moderation). You can also have more of the fish if you like, anchovies, sardines and others (take cilantro or chlorella every time you eat fish, and do not eat fish more than a couple times a week. There is a mercury issue with the larger fish, less so with sardines. We cover extensive and continued detoxing in my materials to help counteract our on-going mercury exposure. I personally have eliminated fish from my diet. You can eat fish for now, during your transition, and make a personal decision later. Fish unfortunately now makes me sick every time I eat any form, even the smaller varieties. Its a shame). The above will get you started, and is designed to break your addiction while giving you plenty of choices. Once we break the addictions, we can TRY to incorporate some certain healthier grains and other foods back into your diet slowly if you choose, to see how you do, all in an effort to tame your blood sugar levels and see how your immune system deals with minimal toxin and fungal exposure. We will use our great sources of anti-pathogens (silver, allicin, Alli-C, etc) listed at the end of my Quick Start Guide, to help combat the latter issue as an ongoing part of our overall health and fat loss plan. ++++++++++++++


If you believe that you are not dealing with a fungal issue (please remember that the vast majority of overweight people likely are, namely Candida) then you can consider taking on my Style Two approach, with great results that will take a little longer to notice, but will certainly arrive over time. This program is also for people who perhaps would like to try something easier first, with a high probability of noticeable results that may suffice in reaching your objectives. You can always combine the two styles to find your own niche. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++



My Style Two approach is designed to be much less rigorous than that of Style One, and is designed more for those who know they have blood sugar issues but without being excessively overweight. I still encourage an active detoxification and anti-pathogen protocol to be incorporated into this approach, such as via alternatives to fasting presented in one of my videos. Please keep in mind that my approaches to fat loss can and will continue to develop and change over time, as science learns more, and as people obtain new results. We are getting closer and closer to finding cures for obesity, but there is still much that remains only partially understood, and as a researcher, I will continue to keep you informed about what is and isnt working in everyones best interests. Some people find that a combination of the Style One and Style Two approaches works miracles for them. As with ALL diet programs, personal authority, intuition, experimentation and continuing education are what really produce the results. I am a living example of this, as you can see in my videos month after month after month; my body stays basically the same with only minor fluctuations. Style Two will focus on a cut back in refined grains, sugars and starches, learning why this is still very necessary, yet not eliminating them entirely if one is extremely challenged in this regard. It will also entail full elimination of soft drinks, sodas, and colas, most fruit juices, specific starches, and near elimination of alcohol. There are still a huge assortment of foods available outside of the above, so that we will feel little to no deprivation and our appetites will be satiated. For liquids, we will stick mainly to spring water, with some added teas and very light coffee use if you feel you cant live without it (preferably all organic on both counts). I strongly encourage coffee elimination or marked reduction; I do not consume it myself. Since I used to enjoy the taste of coffee, I will occasionally drink the coffee-tasting Rajas Cup that I covered in one of my free videos as a great coffee substitute, with a tea-like consistency. You can often find it in India-Hindu-type outlets. Its a great anti-oxidant, and is delicious. To further the feeling of satisfaction, which is one of the main reasons why people discontinue diet plans that work (lack of satisfaction), I encourage adequate fiber intake especially from fiber-containing foods. If you cannot get enough fiber from these sources, the psyllium supplements available from organicindiausa.com can be an excellent choice. I dont like to encourage over-consumption of these kinds of fibers, but they are necessary if your fiber intake is too low to begin with. Fiber is absolutely excellent in helping us obtain multiple goals, be it sugar absorption or proper detoxification and elimination. I am absolutely HUGE on fiber intake. We will then incorporate twenty minutes of robust walking every other day as a bare minimum, and/or very short duration yet intense weight resistance/band exercise to this Style Two approach as outlined in my Quick Start Guide. My videos covering starches,


sugars, proteins, vegetables and fats will compliment this material greatly, but will also factor into the Style One as well. This second approach will enable a healthy and consistent weight/fat loss over a longer period of time, varying from individual to individual, but with definite results for nearly everyone. It is a plan that most anyone can stick to, and will provide results most will be happy with, but is designed for those who are convinced that they cannot adhere to my Style One approach and can accept slower and less dramatic results. And again, feel free to incorporate Style One ideas INTO this approach for even greater benefit.

Understanding refined grains/starch and sweets

Starch is basically flavorless, while sugar holds a large taste bud punch. Often times however, the two are combined in so many of the foods we eat in such a way that the starch tones down the flavor of the sugar. The problem is, the starch causes a far more aggressive glucose spike, based on a glycemic burden or load on the body (as compared to index) such that our insulin levels are once again out of control and hence carbs converting to fat on our bodies. We are once again back to trying to understand the differences between rapidly digested, and slowly digested carbohydrates. There are plenty of GOOD carbs out there; its the bad ones, aka the REFINED ones that are causing so many of our problems. Wheat, as mentioned, is a huge culprit in this regard, but not just for its often refined naturealso for its gluten issues, giving us a double-whammy of a problem. Note how refined wheat flours are in literally countless products on our grocery store (or garbage store, as I Freudian Slipped on one of my videos ;>) shelves. Potatoes and rice as another example, and their associated products, are also everywhere. Then of course there are the refined sugars that are beyond rampant; in everything from the cookies and sweets to the crackers and potato chips to our ketchup, soups and canned fruits. And I havent even begun to exhaust that list. Foods you would never normally think would contain sugars, often have them hidden on the label (see my video covering hidden sugars). If youre not yet a label/ingredient reader, this is no longer an area you can afford to remain ignorant of. Label reading has become a necessity. In general, the longer the label, the worse off you are in consuming the product. And if there is an ingredient on the label youve never heard of and dont know what it is, why would you then put it in your body? Many of you will recognize the legitimacy behind low carb diets of the past, such as those brought to us from the famous Atkins and South Beach diets. These diets definitely produced results for many who tried them. The problem became that the choices of foods a person could eat become too narrow for most people to manage over long periods of time. My favorite approach to take in life is one of what can we learn from this? No matter WHAT the result, seen as good OR bad, lets look for the opportunity in the situation to learn! (And I promise you; if you take this approach to life, amazing things will happen). 41

People unable to stay on these kinds of diets began consuming carbs in various forms again. And, they often gained weight back. Butsome of them did NOT. What was the difference? What can we learn from those who DID gain the weight back? The answer is in understanding the differences between carbohydrates that are rapidly digested, as compared to those more slowly digested. This is a KEY factor that will assist almost everyone with effective fat loss who knows blood sugar is a definite factor. Because once you have a better understanding of this, you can then tailor the controlled intake of different kinds of carbs into your life when you know you actually have USE for them; such as with the implementation of my High/Low/High/Low technique in my exercise program, where your bodys need for simple, quick sugars becomes mandatory. To get back down to basics so that we are all on the same page: Think of carbohydrates, carbs, as being fruits, vegetables, grains, starches and sugars. The two other kinds of foods are fats and proteins. As we ingest these three types of foods, they are broken down in different ways, and at different speeds. Fats break down into fatty acids, proteins into amino acids, and carbs into glucose. From there, they enter your bloodstream. Heres the catch: The glucose molecules of natural (not refined) carbohydrates such as whole fruits and vegetables bond tightly together and combine with indigestible fiber. This makes your digestive tract have to work that much harder to unbind the molecules as they travel that much further down the digestive tract, and therefore leech slowly into your system, over several hours time. Yes, we will still have to be careful about excessive fruit consumption, especially in the beginning, but the natural sugars from moderate fruit intake are far healthier and less fat-promoting than other carbs. Starchy carbs, such as those found in most refined flour/grain products like breads, crackers, etc. and foods like rice, corn and potatoes are the different story. The bonds that hold their sugar molecules together are much weaker. On top of this, there often is not any (or enough) indigestible fiber to slow down the digestive process involved with these foods. Hence, they go through a digestive process very quickly, causing a much faster and larger sugar dump into the bloodstream, causing the pancreas to pump out a lot more insulin, all at once, to compensate and balance the increased blood sugar. This increased insulin response encourages the body to store the carbs as fat. There are exceptions and uses for starchy carbs which I will cover later, relating to pass through carbsand using them during maintenance phase, after weve obtained our goalsbut for now, understand the basic science Im describing.


The processing of our foods in modern-day manufacturing processes is a relatively new invention from a historical perspective. Its this kind of processing of the foods that is causing such a problem. If we were merely contending with occasional potato, rice, corn and quality flat-bread consumption, we wouldnt have much of a problem. Couple it with a world full of refined flour products however, and you have one heck of a huge problem, the evidence of which is all around us. The reason low carb diets so often produce results is not always because of the lowcarb intake itself; its because of the reduction or elimination of REFINED and therefore fast-sugar-dumping carbs, often due to specific starch eliminations, that make these kinds of diets produce noticeable improvements. A factor involved in these results also relates to the persons activity levels, which often do not change for many people during their diet, the way they shouldwhen if they DID incorporate a tactic such as what I teach (High/Low/High/Low exercise) theyd experience greatly accentuated results from both efforts. SO THE GREAT NEWS IS THIS: YOU ONLY NEED TO AVOID A HANDFUL OF BAD CARBS TO GET RELIABLE, FAIR, AND CONSISTENT IMPROVEMENTS if you are going to implement only minimal lifestyle changes as compared to using more of my approach (such as the exercise). Most importantly would be the avoidance of the potato, rice, corn, bread and refined flour products, alcohol as much as possible, and the sugary beverages covered below. Incorporate some knowledge about the difference between glycemic indexes versus glycemic loads and you have yourself a system that will help most people, most of the time.

Avoiding Certain Beverages is Needed for Success

Soft drinks, sodas, colas and fruit juices are one of the core reasons for weight and fat gain all over the world. We are the only species on the planet that drinks anything outside of water to hydrate ourselves. The reasons for this fat/weight gain are simple to understand, which I have or will cover extensively. If you look at the labels on these products, you will find all sorts of refined sugars (speaking of the non diet soft drinks specifically; diet soft drinks should be avoided without exception due to their toxicity). When in liquid form, these kinds of carbohydrates have nothing at all to help cushion the absorption of the sugars when they enter our GI tract. As soon as the liquid form enters the first part of our intestine, the sugars are absorbed almost instantly, as no other form of resistance, such as fiber, is there to prevent an immediate uptake via the intestinal villi into the bloodstream. Worse, the appetite-suppressing hormones located towards the end of the intestinal tract have no chance at all of being triggered. Hunger remains intact, and as we continue to eat and inject other foods, our blood sugar levels have already skyrocketed causing that familiar sugar spike that I discuss over and over in my material, just as all of the leading researchers and doctors do. Science has come far folks, in just the past ten years alone. We now know beyond almost any doubt, that it is in *large part* these kinds of blood 43

sugar levels and insulin spikes, leading to an insulin resistance condition that is causing these kinds of carbs to be stored as excess fat on our bodies. It is unquestionably one cause of fat gain that must be a first focus in any fat-loss program. So, eliminating these kinds of drinks from our lives is not a huge sacrifice, and will produce excellent results. Especially in combination with the elimination or moderation of the rest of the kinds of carbs referenced above (elimination required if not on a solid exercise program such as I teach, or moderation if on my exercise program).

Carbs, Glycemic Index, Glycemic Burdens and Load

I am in disagreement with many of the popular diet plans out there that we all know by name. Many of them promote certain percentages of carbs are to be consumed daily in a weight/fat loss effort, but make almost no reference at all to the KINDS of carbs that are being consumed, relying instead on mere count. The typical formula is 40/30/30, (40% carbs, 30% proteins, 30% fats). This formula can create results, as it has for many people, but again we go back to what we can learn from those who are, versus those who are not, obtaining success from these kinds of programs. As weve learned, some carbs break down far faster in the digestive process than others. So, if we were to take a popular diet plan consisting of the 40/30/30 ratio but do not take into account the glycemic burden (load) created on the body when that 40% contains refined flour products, we will not be addressing the core issue of blood sugar spikes that create insulin resistant cells, and excess fat storage. Glycemic indexes are somewhat misleading in the same way. In this case, the glycemic indices we are reading are based on specific *serving sizes* that may or may not account for the amounts of these foods that people are typically eating. What a mess that amounts to! If we are not correlating the index with actual amounts consumed, we will have vastly different blood glucose levels based on actual consumption. This is certainly an area that needs to be addressed and paid strict attention to, else our results will be disappointing. Of even more consequence, is that people have often ended up missing out on quality, healthy and satisfying foods that they really didnt need to avoid. As a great example, consider the glycemic INDEX of a bagel: it is listed at 103. However, the glycemic LOAD of a medium sized bagel is a whopping 340! In general foods considered low on the glycemic *index* scale are those with a rating of 55 or lower. On the other hand, foods with a *load* rating of 100 are ok, while shooting for overall daily consumption ratings below 500 for ideal weight/fat loss purposes, or maintaining blood sugar levels for stability in weight/fat control.


It is very similar to the concept of serving size on our food labels. People will often pass through the nutritional information without noticing that the amount of carbs in their favorite snack may seem like a low numberonly to discover that the serving size it takes to accomplish that number is exceedingly small, and the person has already plowed through five servings worth of the food to satisfy their hunger! So in reducing our glycemic burden/load, I can supply my clients with a list of foods so that you can determine what you do and dont want to avoid. But in the meantime, how about making it super-simple? Its quite easy, as Ive already mentioned: simply cut out and/or greatly reduce flour products, baked goods and breads, potatoes, rice, corn, and all soft drinks and fruit juices. Although my own personal diet is often (but not always) more strict than this, the above is a minor sacrifice in comparison, indeed a diet most everyone can easily implement, and even affords room for sweets in limited moderation (which Ill cover shortly). If you were to consume any of the above foods, do so in very limited quantities, approximately 20% of what you would normally consume of these foods over the course of the day. And, always consume them at the *end* of the meal, *never* in the beginning. Hence salads and/or vegetable type appetizers are great at the beginning of meals. The soluble fiber helps cushion any upcoming sugar load, literally absorbing glucose and slowing its entry into the bloodstream, as well as of course adding normal movement to the foods through your GI tract to excretion. Since these foods also travel further down the GI tract in the digestive process, they can reach the end of the tract more intact and trigger the appetite-suppressing hormones we count on to quell the feelings of hunger so many struggle with. Insoluble fiber is so important in maintaining normal bowel function/elimination, as well as bulk material to both clean and busy the digestive tract. Lack of insoluble fiber is also believed to contribute to overeating. A note of common sense is in order here when it comes to carbohydrate consumption. If you are a highly active person, extra healthy carbs added to the diet is of course a necessity. Hence the acceptable experimentation and possible uses for some of these kinds of foods if on my exercise programbut for now, the above rules can apply to the masses in general who are trying to lose extra fat and weight, and produce results, who may not be as active. Please note the range of foods this kind of diet opens you up to, as compared to seeing it from the standpoint of deprivation. The numbers of fruits and vegetables you can incorporate into your diet are almost limitless, just be mindful of moderate consumption of the fruits, as are almost all proteins and healthy (non-hydrogenated) fats. The scope of foods is absolutely plentiful, with a vast array to choose from. Note how this isnt about calorie restriction; its specifically about avoiding an insulin resistance syndrome, created by excess fast-loading carb foods in the diet, that in turn is creating the excess fat we are seeing everywhere. Hopefully you can begin to see how this kind of diet can work so well. Just look at the foods we are consuming on such a large scale that involve ALL of the no-no foods presented above. They are everywhere in the fast food and restaurant industry, as well as


lining our grocery store shelves isle after isle. See my comments on how deliberate this process is in my chapter entitled Going Against the Grain(s). It is not a conspiracyit is simple economics and greed. Insulin resistance creates food addictions in the same way the crack dealer gives out free samples of crack to create that same addiction. Too many of us have become life-long customers to the crack(er) dealers and their refined flours that we have become addicted to. Keep in mindrefined flours in their current state today didnt even exist until the advent of the industrial machines that process these foods into the starchy foods/flours weve brought so deeply into our everyday lives. Do you really think wed still have these weight and fat issues to contend with if the grocery store shelves had mostly just fruits, vegetables, proteins and healthy fats to consume?

Oh please dont tell me you came to this part first. ;-) Are we THAT anxious to be able to eat the junk foods that so many of us crave? (Yeslol). Heres the great news: If you have a sweet tooth, you can indulge in it lightly, and have it even work in your favor. The trick is in understanding WHICH of the sweets we can use in moderation, and how using them *in place of* other sweets to satisfy cravings can reduce our glycemic burden dramatically over what we wouldve contended with, with less productive choices. The fact is this: we now consume roughly *twenty times* the amount of sugar in our refined flour and starchy products than we do with candies. This boils back down to the glycemic burden of our food choices. Example: Glycemic load of a teaspoon of sugarapprox 28 to 30. Glycemic load of a slice of white breadapprox 100. The taste difference here is enormous. The sugar in its small amount packs much more taste punch than does the slice of white bread. As a further example, we can compare chocolate to potatoes: in terms of ounces, chocolate releases just about the same amount of glucose into your bloodstream as a potato does! Can you eat a piece of chocolate the size of a potato? Perhaps you can;-).but I think you get my point. A small amount of chocolate satisfies a sweet craving rather easily for most people. In choosing the chocolate over the potato, youve decreased your glycemic load substantially. Stick to the organic dark chocolates here; and if you dont think you enjoy dark chocolate, give it a shot for a


couple months, and watch as you develop a wonderful taste for it just as I havea former milk chocolate fan who has not eaten even a taste of the stuff in years! Semantics boil down to monosaccharides versus di, poly, and other saccharides, and how each is broken down in the intestinal tract. The sugar in most sweets is a double molecule of glucose and fructose; the sugar in our blood is glucose, and due to the nature of the polysaccharide bonds in refined flours and starches, most of our blood sugar levels can easily be traced back to these kinds of foods. Due to the weak bonds in the polysaccharide, which is similar to the equivalent in large amounts of monosaccharides in sheer number compared to the numbers of simple sugars found in many sweets, the easy break-up in the digestive process accounts for this blood sugar dump from these kinds of foods and then of course the insulin issue. Notice how we crave starchy foods, and refined flours. It makes sense; if we can obtain an ultra-fast calorie/sugar dump into our bloodstream in an attempt to satisfy hunger quickly, nothing but nothing can do this faster than refined flours and starches. Professional bodybuilders will often take in starch after their intense workout to make up for glycogen reserve depletion. This is also why I encourage a healthy sugar such as a small to moderate sized piece of fruit immediately after a workout as described in my Quick Start Guidethe sugar is needed and used. Allow the other foods in our diet to satisfy our hunger first, and eat them properly (see my video regarding re-learning how to eat). THEN, (and this is the part youve been waiting for), have a little dessert, and eat it PROPERLY (slowly, with purposeful awareness). After all, a small amount of simple sugar will satisfy your taste buds far more than a much larger quantity of refined flour or starch product, and cravings will almost always dissipate. Keep in mindstarch itself has almost no flavor at all. This is why you will find it constantly mixed in with sugars in baking processes, as the two balance each other out on the taste spectrum. And you can use this factor to be the judge of your own consumption of sweets; in general, the sweeter the food, the more likely the glycemic load can be handled by your body, as long as it is eaten in moderation or in combination with exercise. A side note to keep in mind is to *not* use sweets to satisfy hunger. Use them only to stimulate your taste buds, and to keep the bad carbs away. Rememberno flour-based or starchy carbs here. Hard candies, nut chocolates and nut-based desserts, chewy candies like jelly beans, and whole fruits (fruit and nut dessert combos can be amazing) have *far* smaller glycemic burdens than do baked goods like donuts, cakes, cookies and pies. High fat ice creams *on occasion* can be a great cheat food (one of my personal favorites) as long as they are only for cheat days; ice creams will create a glycemic shock in the same way soft drinks will, for obvious reasons. Have a good meal before this kind of consumption to help offset both the quantity of ice cream, as well as lighten the glycemic load on your system.


Effective and Enjoyable Exercise that WORKS

I am an advocate for moderate to very short duration strenuous exercise per my High/Low/High/Low plan in my Quick Start Guide. If you are not a fan of exercise, I encourage you strongly to give it a try, and incorporate it into your life in any way you can. I will have videos presenting various approaches. The benefits are incredible, and you will find, as most of us regular exercisers have, that it becomes a very enjoyable activity, one that you will even look forward to as I do. I am giving you extremely easy and effective alternatives here to make it as welcoming a prospect as possible. If you are not doing some form of exercise, and one that you find enjoyable, then the only way to accomplish weight and fat loss is via strict and sometimes unpleasant dieting. But the fact will remain; you will achieve better results, and a more appealing body, via exercise almost without exception. If you do nothing else, plan on walking for 20 minutes every other day for starters. This alone activates slow twitch muscles that in turn greatly help moderate the blood sugar and therefore insulin responses in your body. You should be walking fairly aggressively, just to the point below where youre huffing and puffing. Consider listening to your favorite music, or positive affirmation or subliminal audios such as those listed at the end of my Quick Start Guide. They can be enormously beneficial. They are wonderful tools that can create truly amazing results in your life. Without any effort outside of simply listening to the audios, you will notice positive shifts in your life taking place almost without a second thought. Upon introspection, you will notice that the negative thoughts you used to feed yourself have been greatly reduced, and replaced with a much more life-affirming attitude, pretty much regardless of which specific program you choose from those companies. They are all designed to help with specific challenges, but also produce an overall effect; one of increased joy, happiness and health in your life. For some, they are a near-miracle. (And by the way, I do not see a dime from those sales, but a third party charity does) Or, many people find that exercise brings out their creative side, and/or problemsolving side. I have often found myself in specific forms of exercise having epiphanies and revelations that I have long been searching for to challenges Ive contended with. Perhaps the endorphin release from strenuous exercise helps spur these states of mind. So aside from walking, I cannot encourage people enough to use some kind of weight resistance exercise or band resistance exercise as a part of their overall weight/fat loss goals. I will cover this in videos as part of your program. Building muscle unquestionably increases fat metabolism; it is the fat-burning machine. Many women do not realize that weight resistance exercise is what is responsible for the contours and shape of many womens beautiful bodies and forms. It is very difficult for a woman to become muscle-bound, so this should never be a concern. Those that are muscle bound are deliberate, almost always using steroids and performance-enhancing drugs to achieve that look; both of which are downright unhealthy and unsafe.


And on the male side of the equation, most men recognize that muscular development to much of any degree almost always enhances the male physique. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat does. We can maintain our weight while building muscle, but while also losing fat. The scale may not read what wed like it to read, but the mirror will show a different result. Try not to focus on the scale! Watch the mirror for results instead. Note how you can weigh more than youd like, but look much better than you ever imagined at that particular weight! INCLUDING looking skinnier! ****************************************************************

Hopefully you can begin to see why we have an outrageous amount of obesity and various diseases in North America (and everywhere that our commercial and greed-based food promotions are seeping into various parts of the world) including a diabetes epidemic that seems to have no end in sight. I know several diabetics who use artificially sweetened colas constantly, as well as loads of refined flour products thinking that theyre not impacting their blood sugar conditions nor insulin levels in any real way. Science and common sense dictate otherwise. They are experiencing conditions where both the excessive sugar entering their bodies, and now the artificial sweeteners, well established by people like Dr. Russell Blaylock and Dr. Betty Martini as toxins, are mutually destroying their health and making them horribly fat. Remember that type two diabetes, a condition common with people who have excess weight and fat, IS defeatable. As is most any challenge we are dealt with. And if these folks can defeat it, the rest of us can as well, no matter what the cause of our excessive weight/fat in the vast majority of cases. All it takes is education and an intuitive implementation in our lives of the concepts weve learned. That is what I hope my material is, and will provide for you, as it has for me.




This e-book was intended to merely introduce you to the concepts in written form. These days, many people turn to the internet for virtual hands-on instruction and as an alternative form of learning. Some learn best via written materials, others via direct demonstration. I am here to cater to both. Topics by video include (but are not limited to): -Introduction to the approaches -Fasting materials -Detoxification -Pathogens in weight gain and other serious ailments -Antibiotics and weight gain -The obesity virus discovered -Safe and effective anti-pathogen protocols -Oxygenation -Alternatives to the Master Cleanse style fasting -Properly ending a fast -Colon maintenance for health and fat loss -Understanding the thyroid and weight issues -The Liver and life-long detoxification -Grains -Wheat and low-grade celiac disease in weight gain -Possible Oat issues -Fungus, mycotoxins, and fat -Starches -Disguised and/or hidden sugars -Proof of food as an addiction and the need for intervention -Re-learning how to eat properly; we have forgotten -Healthy proteins -Healthy vegetables -Healthy fats -Healthy(er) grains -Fibers -Water -Water foods -Inflammation and fat -Understanding pH -Alternative sweeteners -Intensely effective and enjoyable exercise for long-term results -And plenty more assisting with energy, mega-health on every level and the resulting fat loss!


Some topics are covered in several videos due to the importance of addressing and understanding them in their applicability towards your health/fat loss goals. I have made grand efforts over the past couple years to tone down the lengths of the videos, without sacrificing any of the latest, greatest, cutting-edge information. And as mentioned, the topics are not exhaustive. Education is everything when it comes to health and weight/fat loss. But I have provided a solid foundation that will provide results and can be built upon. You will receive the daily or near-daily email sub chapters addressing all areas of health and weight/fat loss, which will also include links to the private videos. As Ive mentioned, I am a firm believer that the areas of overall health and weight/fat loss are closely integrated, and that an overall lifestyle and health plan is in order for permanent results to be obtained. My videos will both further instruct, as well as present the most cutting-edge information in the areas of health that we ALL need to pay very close attention to. The areas must continually be explored actively as we move closer and closer to the answers that work for the vast majority of peopleand we ARE getting there. You will continue to receive email updates into the future to further this effort. If at any time you wish to unsubscribe, you can do so very easily by clicking the link at the bottom of each email. If youre thinking of leaving, I always welcome constructive criticism, or will be happy to help you in any way I canjust send me an email. But I am hoping you will stay on my email list. We must continually explore alternative ideas, and I can bring the latest and greatest info and technology right to you; I stay on top of it all as best I can as a major focus of my life. I believe the healthier we get, the happier we get, the more positive change then happens by wonderful default. If you stay on my list, you will be introduced to things you have likely never heard of before that can add greatly to the quality of your life, which is my primary goal. If it isnt obviously evident to us all yet, we are unquestionably creating mass positive change on our world, while witnessing so much of the opposite. It is a wonderful time to be alive, and to experience this dichotomy. I firmly not just believe, but *know*, that the pending change will include a bent much closer to that of compassion and therefore Love, Happiness, Health and Peace. And with that overwhelming direction on the part of 90%+ of our worlds people, I firmly believe there will come a time, within all our lifetimes, when we will see that mass consciousness change that will benefit us all. These kinds of benefits can only start with healthy minds and bodies. I intend to help everyone obtain just that. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for my emails and private videos. Tim


CREDITS, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, THANK-YOUS: I need first and foremost to thank my family for being there when I needed them most. Had they not, I would not be here today; my life would have ended in late 2005. And all of my brothers/sisters/friends whom I love with all my heart and whom I would hug every day if only theyd let me (they wont): Lacey, Kristen, Tiger, Stormy, Snoofle, Elisse, Jim, Joel, Greg, Dan, and Chris. You all truly have no idea how much you mean to me. And Im also eternally grateful to everyone else who is a part of my lifeso, SO grateful; if we are in touch regularly (you know who you are!), know that you are precious to me and I think of you often. (Im either getting old, too sappy, or Ive eaten too much dang soy. ;-) Love you all SO much.) Next, a big thank-you! to YouTube for enabling me to use their wonderful medium to reach most of the people I am trying to help, via my free videos and those channels devoted to my clients. Their reliability is greatly appreciated. I thank the Great Mystery for showing me joy, and convincing me that there is much more to life than I can possibly begin to comprehend. And huge Thank-Yous to the fantastic and amazing doctors and researchers I have learned so much from over the many years, several of whom have spent quality time with me on my path towards optimal health: Doug Kaufman, Glen Parnam, Dr. Andrew Saul, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, Jay Newman, Dr. Sherry Rogers, Jim Humble, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Sherrill Sellman, Dr. Carolyn Dean, Dr. Mark Sircus, Dr. Fred Bell, Dr. Stan Monteith, Kevin Trudeau, Dr. AV Costantini, Dr. Robert Rowan, Dr. Russell Blaylock, Dr. Betty Martini, Dr. Richard and Karilee Shames, Dr. William Sardi, Dr. Ron Hoggan, Dr. Barry Sears, Dr. James Braly, Dr. William Deagle, and Dr. David Holland. And lastly, the eight local doctors that tried to help me, but were unable to; they taught me, by default, how to help myself and become my own authority. And thank you to whomever is responsible for giving us humans a sense of humor. I hope everyone enjoys my occasional ventures into poorly-executed stand-up comedy.


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