Te FL Program

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What is Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)?

English as a foreign language (EFL) is the instruction of English to speakers of other languages (e.g., Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai or Vietnamese) while the instructor is living outside of the United States. EFL instructors can work for private language schools, public and private elementary, middle, or high schools and universities/community colleges. English is typically the language of instruction, but is does help if the teacher knows something of the language of that culture. culture Individuals who obtain either a TEFL minor or TEFL certificate may go abroad individually or with an organization like the Peace Corps or the Fulbright Exchange. Check out our frequently asked questions page on the TEFL homepage for more information http://www.uwec.edu/esl/minors/TEFL/TEFLIndex.htm What is the demand for trained EFL instructors overseas? Over the last twenty years, there has been a steady increase in the demand for trained EFL instructors mostly in Asia. Asia Globalization has increased the need for students all over the world to speak English as an international language for business, social networking, and specific purposes ranging from aviation, law, tourism, information technology, etc. Numerous recruiting companies and professional organizations are available in the field to help prepared and interested individuals to find appropriate placements for EFL instruction. If you are interested in choosing the TEFL Minor (24 credits) or TEFL Certificate (15 (15-18 18 credits), please visit the Department of Foreign Languages, 378 Hibbard Hall, to have an advisor assigned to you. Can I teach EFL internationally without the TEFL Minor or Certificate? How would you feel if you were the student in a class with an untrained teacher? How would you feel on the first day of class when there are dozens of eyes staring at you and you do not have any idea what to do? Learning through hard knocks is a tremendous disservice to the EFL students, students to the trained professionals in the field (it undercuts our pay and the respect of our discipline), and you. Unfortunately, you may be able to find a poorly paid position, but there are no guarantees that you will be well treated. What is the difference between TESOL and TEFL? Aside from the acronym difference, professionals in the field use the distinction between second language environments (where English is spoken in the community outside of the classroom), classroom) and foreign language environments (which the students native language is spoken outside of the classroom). For your academic purposes, this distinction explains whether you want to teach in the US (a second language environment) with a State of Wisconsin license (TESOL) or if you want to teach overseas in Japan, China, Mexico, Poland, Romania, or Korea (TEFL). Can I obtain both the TESOL Minor for an in-state license and do the TEFL Minor or Certificate so I can teach internationally? C y Yes, you may do the Certificate for only two additionally classes (ES 409 and FLG 375). You may not do the two Minors (TESOL and TEFL), because there are too many overlaps in coursework.

Should Sh ld I get t th the TEFL Minor Mi or the th TEFL Certificate? C tifi t ? The difference is simply that the TEFL Minor with 24 credits is a more thorough preparation for teaching EFL than the 15-18-credit TEFL Certificate. If you do the minor, you would obtain the certificate along the way (you only need to complete a form). You can find jobs with the certificate; this would be the minimum that one would want to go teach overseas. If you need a minor with your major, you may want to do the TEFL Minor. If you do not, but you have time in your academic schedule to do the TEFL Minor, you may opt for that. If you do not need a minor, and you do not have , then do the TEFL C Certificate. much time, IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT CERTIFICATES: The University does not provide a handsome, gilded, stamped certificate form at the completion of certificate programs. It is a University policy. However, the University does list the TEFL certificate on your transcripts once you have completed the coursework, and the certificate form is signed by your adviser and submitted to the Registrar. Your certificate is your transcript which is official and stamped by the Universitys Registrar. Some employers outside of the US value the formal certificate with stamps, etc. and require i for it f hiring hi i purposes. Your Y official ffi i l transcript i should h ld suit i the h purposes. Where and when can I do my TEFL Practicum? The TEFL Practicum is course number FLG 375Internship Experience that requires either online tutoring or international travel. You may do your TEFL Practicum anytime after you complete ES 409. Overseas experiences prior to taking ES 409 do not count for this practicum as the practicum is an opportunity for you to try out the new instructional and planning tools you learn in the program. Importantly, the TEFL Practicum should be completed in a non-English speaking country and YOU will need to identify your own practicum site; therefore, it is necessary to plan 12-8 months in advance. Career services will provide some information as well as the TEFL website. Remember that you can do your TEFL Practicum as a two-for or three-for, for instance by combining online tutoring with FLG 400s tutoring assignment or going on a research trip abroad and tutoring privately during that experience (if you have permission and time, of course), etc. For example, you could do your practicum while: Serving as an independently operating private tutor Teaching in a Intensive English Language Schools Volunteering Tutoring EFLers Online privately or with a tutoring company Government-funded assistantships Serving an internship Conducting a Fulbright Award Working in a Summer English Language Camps Studying Abroad

What are the requirements for enrolling in FLG 375: TEFL Practicum? To enroll in FLG 375, students must 1) find a safe practicum site and have the contact information, 2) complete the practicum application form found at h // http://www.uwec.edu/esl/minors/TEFLPracticumProcedures.htm d / l/ i /TEFLP i P d h 3) obtain CISI insurance and a receipt, 4) schedule a meeting with your advisor to submit these 3 items, and 5) discuss the FLG 375 syllabus and course requirements to enroll in FLG 375.

TEFL Minor (24 credits) Program Code: 550-406

Semester Spring/Fall Summer 2) ENGL 125 English Grammar and Usage GE-IA (3 crs) Spring/Fall Choose FLG 365 Special Topics in TESOL: Pedagogical Grammar (3 crs) Winterim 1 ENGL 221 The English Language GE-IA (3 crs) Spring/Fall
Choose 1

Required courses 1) CSD 262 Phonetics: Theory and Application (2 crs)


Day/Time days online days online days afternoons online

3) PSYC 378 The Psychology of Language (3 crs) FLG 365 Special Topics in TESOL: Psycholinguistics (3 crs)

Fall only Winterim

4) ANTH 315 Language in Culture and Society GE-IIIA (3 crs) Fall/ Summer days Tool courses may be taken in any order, and may be interspersed throughout ones program of study. It is preferable to have some of the tools courses before one begins to take the Core courses, but this is not a requirement. 5) FLG 378 Second Language Acquisition (3 crs) Spring/Fall day/evenings 6) ES 409 TEFL Methods for Non-Licensure* (3 crs) Spring only afternoons 7) FLG 400 Assessment of English Language Learners (2 crs) Spring ,evenings; Summer online 8) TEFL Practicum P ti = FLG 375 Internship I t hi Experience E i (3-6 (3 6 credits) dit ) Spring/Summer S i /S n/a / Core courses must be taken in order due to prerequisites. For example, FLG 378, then ES 409, FLG 375. After ES 409, you may take FLG 400, FLG 375 or ES 408 in any order. Elective Courses: The electives are some of the choices available to TEFL Minors, but other courses may be substituted. Students are encouraged to choose elective courses, which will benefit them in their future TEFL instruction. Students must take a minimum of 4 credits of electives.
ES 320 Teacher Assisting (2 credits)Apply for ES 320 one semester prior at http://www.uwec.edu/esl/minors/Reynoldshome.htm) so that you may be placed into an oncampus ESL course that meshes well with your interests, needs and course schedule. ES 408 Content-Based ESL Instruction (3 credits)Take after ES 409. FLG 375: Internship Experience (3-6 credits)you may take more credits in your practicum so th t some meet that t your elective l ti credits. dit ENGL 125, ENGL 221 or FLG 365: Pedagogical Grammar in addition as an elective ANTH 351 Cross-Cultural Interactions (3 credits) BCOM206 Business Writing (2 credits) CJ 202 Fundamentals of Speech (3 credits) EDMT 285 Computers in Education: Introduction (1 credit) POLS 260 Introduction d i to Comparative i Politics li i GE-III (3 ( credits) di ) POLS 265 Problems of Developing Nations GE-III (3 credits) HIST courses on a particular country.


TEFL Certificate (17 credits) Program Code: 550-601 Required courses

1) CSD 262 Phonetics: Theory and Application (2 crs)


days online days online days


Spring/Fall Summer 2) ENGL 125 English Grammar and Usage GE-IA (3 crs) Spring/Fall Choose FLG 365 Special Topics in TESOL: Pedagogical Grammar (3 crs) Winterim 1 ENGL 221 The English Language GE-IA (3 crs) Spring/Fall

Tool courses may be taken in any order, and may be interspersed throughout ones program of study. It is preferable to have some of the tools courses before one begins to take the Core courses, but this is not a requirement. 3) FLG 378 Second Language Acquisition (3 crs) Spring/Fall day/evenings 4) ES 409 TEFL Methods M th d for f Non-Licensure* N Li * (3 crs) ) S i only Spring l afternoons ft Spring ,evenings; Summer online 5) FLG 400 Assessment of English Language Learners (2 crs) 6) TEFL Practicum = FLG 375 Internship Experience (3-6 credits) Spring/Summer n/a Core courses must be taken in order due to prerequisites. For example, FLG 378, then ES 409, FLG 375. After ES 409, you may take FLG 400 and/or FLG 375 in any order.

Total credits: minimum of 17 One-year Cycle

Year 1 Fall FLG 378 CSD 262 Winterim FLG 365 Ped. Gram. Spring ES 409 Summer FLG 400 FLG 375

Three-Term Cycle
Year 1 Winterim FLG 365 Ped. Gram. Spring CSD 262 FLG 378 ES 409 Summer FLG 400 FLG 375

Two-Term Cycle
Year 1 Spring ENGL 125 or 221 FLG 378 ES 409 Summer CSD 262 FLG 400 FLG 375

*Upon completion of TEFL Certificate coursework, students must visit your advisor to complete and submit a form to the Registrar to have the TEFL Certificate is added to his/her transcripts.

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