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MultiFreedom Constraints I





8.2. 8.3.

8.4. 8.5. 8. 8. 8.

Classication of Constraint Conditions 8.1.1. MultiFreedom Constraints . . . . . . . 8.1.2. Methods for Imposing Multifreedom Constraints 8.1.3. *MFC Matrix Forms . . . . . . . . . The Example Structure The Master-Slave Method 8.3.1. A One-Constraint Example . . . . . . . 8.3.2. Multiple Homogeneous MFCs . . . . . . 8.3.3. Nonhomogeneous MFCs . . . . . . . . 8.3.4. *The General Case . . . . . . . . . 8.3.5. *Retaining the Original Freedoms . . . . . Model Reduction by Kinematic Constraints Assessment of the Master-Slave Method Notes and Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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83 83 84 85 86 87 87 88 89 810 810 811 813 814 814 815




8.1. Classication of Constraint Conditions In previous Chapters we have considered structural support conditions that are mathematically expressable as constraints on individual degrees of freedom: nodal displacement component = prescribed value. (8.1)

These are called single-freedom constraints. Chapter 3 explains how to incorporate constraints of this form into the master stiffness equations, using hand- or computer-oriented techniques. The displacement boundary conditions studied in Chapter 7, which include modeling of symmetry and antisymmetry, lead to constraints of this form. For example: u x 4 = 0, u y 9 = 0.6. (8.2)

These are two single-freedom constraints. The rst one is homogeneous while the second one is non-homogeneous. These attributes are dened below. 8.1.1. MultiFreedom Constraints The next step up in complexity involves multifreedom equality constraints, or multifreedom constraints for short, the last name being acronymed to MFC. These are functional equations that connect two or more displacement components: F (nodal displacement components) = prescribed value, (8.3)

where function F vanishes if all its nodal displacement arguments do. Equation (8.3), in which all displacement components are in the left-hand side, is called the canonical form of the constraint. An MFC of this form is called multipoint or multinode if it involves displacement components at different nodes. The constraint is called linear if all displacement components appear linearly on the left-hand-side, and nonlinear otherwise. The constraint is called homogeneous if, upon transfering all terms that depend on displacement components to the left-hand side, the right-hand side the prescribed value in (8.3) is zero. It is called non-homogeneous otherwise. In this and next Chapter only linear constraints will be studied. Furthermore more attention is devoted to the homogeneous case, because it arises more frequently in practice.
Remark 8.1. The most general constraint class is that of inequality constraints, such as u y 5 2u x 2 0.5.

These constraints are relatively infrequent in linear structural analysis, except in problems that involve contact conditions. They are of paramount importance, however, in other elds such as optimization and control.



Unmodified master stiffness equations K u = f before applying MFCs master-slave penalty functions Lagrange multipliers

Apply MFCs


^ ^ ^ Modified stiffness equations K u =f

^ Equation solver returns u

Recover u if necessary
Figure 8.1 Schematics of MFC application.

Example 8.1. Here are three instances of MFCs:

u , ux2 = 1 2 y2

u x 2 2u x 4 + u x 6 = 1 , 4

(x5 + u x 5 x3 u x 3 )2 + ( y5 + u y 5 y3 u y 3 )2 = 0.


The rst one is linear and homogeneous. It is not a multipoint constraint because it involves the displacement components of one node: 2. The second one is multipoint because it involves three nodes: 2, 4 and 6. It is linear and non-homogeneous. The last one is multipoint, nonlinear and homogeneous. Geometrically it expresses that the distance between nodes 3 and 5 in two-dimensional motions on the {x , y } plane remains constant. This kind of constraint appears in geometrically nonlinear analysis of structures, which is a topic beyond the scope of this book.

8.1.2. Methods for Imposing Multifreedom Constraints Accounting for multifreedom constraints is done at least conceptually by changing the assembled master stiffness equations to produce a modied system of equations: Ku = f

u = K f.


The modication process (8.5) is also called constraint application or constraint imposition. The . modied system is that submitted to the equation solver, which returns u The procedure is owcharted in Figure 8.1. The sequence of operations sketched therein applies to all methods outlined below. Three methods for treating MFCs are discussed in this and the next Chapter: 1. Master-Slave Elimination. The degrees of freedom involved in each MFC are separated into master and slave freedoms. The slave freedoms are then explicitly eliminated. The modied equations do not contain the slave freedoms. Penalty Augmentation. Also called the penalty function method. Each MFC is viewed as the presence of a ctitious elastic structural element called penalty element that enforces it approximately. This element is parametrized by a numerical weight. The exact constraint 84



is recovered if the weight goes to innity. The MFCs are imposed by augmenting the nite element model with the penalty elements. 3. Lagrange Multiplier Adjunction. For each MFC an additional unknown is adjoined to the master stiffness equations. Physically this set of unknowns represent constraint forces that would enforce the constraints exactly should they be applied to the unconstrained system.

For each method the exposition tries to give rst the basic avor by working out the same example for each method. The general technique is subsequently presented in matrix form for completeness but is considered an advanced topic. Conceptually, imposing MFCs is not different from the procedure discussed in Chapter 3 for singlefreedom constraints. The master stiffness equations are assembled ignoring all constraints. Then the MFCs are imposed by appropriate modication of those equations. There are, however, two important practical differences: 1. The modication process is not unique because there are alternative constraint imposition methods, namely those listed above. These methods offer tradeoffs in generality, programming implementation complexity, computational effort, numerical accuracy and stability. In the implementation of some of these methods notably penalty augmentation constraint imposition and assembly are carried out simultaneously. In that case the framework rst assemble, then modify, is not strictly respected in the actual implementation.


Remark 8.2. The three methods are also applicable, as can be expected, to the simpler case of a single-freedom

constraint such as (8.2). For most situations, however, the generality afforded by the penalty function and Lagrange multiplier methods are not warranted. The hand-oriented reduction process discussed in Chapters 3 and 4 is in fact a special case of the master-slave elimination method in which there is no master.
Remark 8.3. Often both multifreedom and single-freedom constraints are prescribed. The modication

process then involves two stages: apply multifreedom constraints and apply single freedom constraints. The order in which these are carried out is implementation dependent. Most implementations do the MFCs rst, either after the assembly is completed or during the assembly process. The reason is practical: single-freedom constraints are often automatically taken care of by the equation solver itself. 8.1.3. *MFC Matrix Forms Matrix forms of linear MFCs are often convenient for compact notation. An individual constraint such as the second one in (8.4) may be written [1 In direct matrix notation: i = gi , i u a (no sum on i ) (8.7) i is a row vector, u i collects the set of degrees of in which index i (i = 1, 2, . . .) identies the constraint, a freedom that participate in the constraint, and gi is the right hand side scalar (0.25 in the foregoinf example). The bars over a and u distinguishes (8.7) from the expanded form (8.9) discussed below. For method description and general proofs it is often convenient to expand matrix forms so that they embody all degrees of freedom. For example, if (8.6) is part of a two-dimensional nite element model with 12 freedoms: 2 1] ux2 ux4 ux6 = 0.25. (8.6)



u 1 , f1

u 2 , f2

u 3 , f3

u4 , f4

u5 , f5

u6 , f 6

u7 , f7


Figure 8.2 A one-dimensional problem discretized with six bar nite elements. The seven nodes may move only along the x direction. Subscript x is omitted from the u s and f s to reduce clutter.

u x 1 , u y 1 , . . . u y 6 , the left-hand side row vector may be expanded with nine zeros as follows


u y1 [ 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 ] u x 2 = 0.25, . .
. u y6 in which case the matrix notation ai u = gi



is used. Finally, all multifreedom constraints expressed as (8.9) may be collected into a single matrix relation: A u = g, (8.10)

in which rectangular matrix A is formed by stacking the ai s as rows and column vector g is formed by stacking the gi s as entries. If there are 12 degrees of freedom in u and 5 multifreedom constraints then A will be 5 12.

8.2. The Example Structure The one-dimensional nite element discretization shown in Figure 8.2 will be used throughout Chapters 8 and 9 to illustrate the three MFC application methods. This structure consists of six bar elements connected by seven nodes that can only displace in the x direction. Before imposing various multifreedom constraints discussed below, the master stiffness equations for this problem are assumed to be K 11 K 12 0 0 0 0 0 or Ku = f. (8.12) The nonzero stiffness coefcients K i j in (8.11) depend on the bar rigidity properties. For example, if E e Ae / L e = 100 for each element e = 1, . . . , 6, then K 11 = K 77 = 100, K 22 = . . . = K 66 = 200, K 12 = K 23 = . . . = K 67 = 100. However, for the purposes of the following treatment the 86 K 12 K 22 K 23 0 0 0 0 0 K 23 K 33 K 34 0 0 0 0 0 K 34 K 44 K 45 0 0 0 0 0 K 45 K 55 K 56 0 0 0 0 0 K 56 K 66 K 67 0 u1 0 u2 0 u3 0 u4 = 0 u5 K 67 u6 K 77 u7 f1 f2 f3 f4 , f5 f6 f7




coefcients may be kept arbitrary. The component index x in the nodal displacements u and nodal forces f has been omitted for brevity. Now let us specify a multifreedom constraint that states that nodes 2 and 6 must move by the same amount: (8.13) u2 = u6. Passing all node displacements to the right hand side gives the canonical form: u 2 u 6 = 0. (8.14)

Constraint conditions of this type are sometimes called rigid links because they can be mechanically interpreted as forcing node points 2 and 6 to move together as if they were tied by a rigid member.1 We now study the imposition of constraint (8.14) on the master equations (8.11) by the methods mentioned above. In this Chapter the master-slave method is treated. The other two methods: penalty augmentation and Lagrange multiplier adjunction, are discussed in the following Chapter. 8.3. The Master-Slave Method To apply this method by hand, the MFCs are taken one at a time. For each constraint a slave degree of freedom is chosen. The freedoms remaining in that constraint are labeled master. A new set is established by removing all slave freedoms from u. This new vector of degrees of freedom u contains master freedoms as well as those that do not appear in the MFCs. A matrix transformation is generated. This equation is used to apply a congruent transformation equation that relates u to u to the master stiffness equations. This procedure yields a set of modied stiffness equations that . Because the modied system does not contain the are expressed in terms of the new freedom set u slave freedoms, these have been effectively eliminated. 8.3.1. A One-Constraint Example The mechanics of the process is best seen by going through an example. To impose (8.14) pick u 6 as slave and u 2 as master. Relate the original unknowns u 1 , . . . u 7 to the new set in which u 6 is missing: u1 1 0 0 0 0 0 u1 u2 0 1 0 0 0 0 u u3 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 u (8.15) u4 = 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 , u4 u 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 u5 u6 0 1 0 0 0 0 u7 u7 0 0 0 0 0 1 This is the required transformation relation. In compact form: u = Tu


This physical interpretation is exploited in the penalty method described in the next Chapter. In two and three dimensions rigid link constraints are more complicated.



Replacing (8.15) into (8.12) and premultiplying by TT yields the modied system u = K f, in which = TT K T, K f = TT f. (8.17)

Carrying out the indicated matrix multiplications yields K 11 K 12 0 0 0 0 u1 f1 0 K 56 K 67 u 2 f 2 + f 6 K 12 K 22 + K 66 K 23 K 23 K 33 K 34 0 0 u 3 f3 0 = , 0 u 4 f4 0 K 34 K 44 K 45 0 0 K 45 K 55 0 u5 f5 0 K 56 0 0 0 K 77 u7 f7 0 K 67


Equation (8.18) is a new linear system containing 6 equations in the remaining 6 unknowns: u 1 , u 2 , u 3 , u 4 , u 5 and u 7 . Upon solving it, u 6 is recovered from the constraint (8.13).
Remark 8.4. The form of modied system (8.17) can be remembered by a simple mnemonic rule: premultiply

= u by TT K, and replace K u by f on the right hand side. both sides of T u

Remark 8.5. For a simple freedom constraint such as u 4 = 0 the only possible choice of slave is of course

u 4 and there is no master. The congruent transformation is then nothing more than the elimination of u 4 by striking out rows and columns from the master stiffness equations.
Remark 8.6. For a simple MFC such as u 2 = u 6 , it does not matter which degree of freedom is chosen as master or unknown. Choosing u 2 as slave produces a system of equations in which now u 2 is missing:


0 0 0

K 12 0

0 K 33 K 34 0 K 23 0

0 K 34 K 44 K 45 0 0

0 0 K 45 K 55 K 56 0

K 12 K 23 0 K 56 K 22 + K 66 K 67

0 u1 f1 0 u 3 f3 0 u 4 = f4 . 0 u 5 f5 K 67 u6 f2 + f6 K 77 u7 f7


Although (8.18) and (8.19) are algebraically equivalent, the latter would be processed faster if a skyline solver (Part III of course) is used for the modied equations.

8.3.2. Multiple Homogeneous MFCs The matrix equation (8.17) in fact holds for the general case of multiple homogeneous linear constraints. Direct establishment of the transformation equation, however, is more complicated if slave freedoms in one constraint appear as masters in another. To illustrate this point, suppose that for the example system we have three homogeneous multifreedom constraints: u 2 u 6 = 0, u 1 + 4u 4 = 0, 2u 3 + u 4 + u 5 = 0, (8.20)

Picking as slave freedoms u 6 , u 4 and u 3 from the rst, second and third constraint, respectively, we can solve for them as u6 = u2, u4 = 1 u , 4 1 u3 = 1 (u + u 5 ) = 1 u 1 u . 2 4 8 1 2 5 88 (8.21)



Observe that solving for u 3 from the third constraint brings u 4 to the right-hand side. But because u 4 is also a slave freedom (it was chosen as such for the second constraint) it is replaced in favor of u 1 using u 4 = 1 u . The matrix form of the transformation (8.21) is 4 1 1 u1 0 u2 1 u3 81 u4 = 4 u5 0 u6 0 u7 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 u1 u2 0 u5 , 0 u7 0 1


The modied system is now formed through the congruent transformation (8.17). Note that the slave freedoms selected from each constraint must be distinct; for example the choice u 6 , u 4 , u 4 would be inadmissible as long as the constraints are independent. This rule is easy to enforce when slave freedoms are chosen by hand, but can lead to implementation and numerical difculties when it is programmed as an automated procedure, as further discussed later.
Remark 8.7. The three MFCs (8.20) with u 6 , u 4 and u 2 chosen as slaves and u 1 , u 2 and u 5 chosen as masters, may be presented in the partitioned matrix form:

0 0 2

0 1 4 0 1 0

u3 u4 u6

0 1 0

1 0 0

0 0 1

u1 u2 u5


1 This may be compactly written As us + Am um = 0. Solving for the slave freedoms gives us = A s A m um . produces (8.22). This general matrix form is considered in 8.4.4. Expanding with zeros to ll out u and u Note that non-singularity of As is essential for this method to work.

8.3.3. Nonhomogeneous MFCs Extension to non-homogeneous constraints is immediate. In this case he transformation equation becomes non-homogeneous. For example suppose that (8.14) has a nonzero prescribed value: u 2 u 6 = 0.2 (8.24)

Nonzero RHS values such as 0.2 in (8.24) may be often interpreted physically as gaps (thus the use of the symbol g in the matrix form). Chose u 6 again as slave: u 6 = u 2 0.2, and build the transformation 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 u1 u1 0 u2 0 1 0 0 0 0 u u3 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 u3 (8.25) u4 = 0 0 0 1 0 0 + 0 . u4 u 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 u5 u6 0.2 0 1 0 0 0 0 u7 u7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 In compact matrix notation, + g. u = Tu (8.26) 89


Here the constraint gap vector g is nonzero and T is the same as before. To get the modied system applying the shortcut rule of Remark 8.4, premultiply both sides of (8.26) by TT K, replace Ku by f, and pass the data to the RHS: u = K f, in which = TT K T, K f = TT (f K g). (8.27)

, the complete displacement vector is recovered from (8.26). For the MFC Upon solving (8.27) for u (8.24) this technique gives the system K 11 K 12 0 0 0 0 K 12 K 22 + K 66 K 23 0 K 56 K 67 0 K 23 K 33 K 34 0 0 0 0 K 34 K 44 K 45 0 0 K 56 0 K 45 K 55 0 0 u1 f1 K 67 u 2 f 2 + f 6 0.2 K 66 0 u3 f3 = . 0 u4 f4 0 u5 f 5 0.2 K 56 K 77 u7 f 7 0.2 K 67


See Exercise 8.2 for multiple non-homogeneous MFCs.

8.3.4. *The General Case For implementation in general-purpose programs the master-slave method can be described as follows. The degrees of freedoms in u are classied into three types: independent or unconstrained, masters and slaves. (The unconstrained freedoms are those that do not appear in any MFC.) Label these sets as uu , um and us , respectively, and partition the stiffness equations accordingly: Kuu T Kum T Kus Kum Kmm T Kms Kus Kms Kss uu um us = fu fm fs (8.29)

The MFCs may be written in matrix form as A m u m + A s us = g A , where As is assumed square and nonsingular. If so we can solve for the slave freedoms:
1 1 us = A s Am um + As g A = T um + g, def



Inserting into the partitioned stiffness equations (8.30) and symmetrizing yields Kuu symm Kum + Kus T T + T Kms + Kms T + TT Kss T


uu um

fu Kus g fm Kms g


It is seen that the misleading simplicity of the handworked examples is gone. 8.3.5. *Retaining the Original Freedoms A potential disadvantage of the master-slave method in computer work is that it requires a rearrangement of is a subset of u. The disadvantage can be annoying when sparse the original stiffness equations because u matrix storage schemes are used for the stiffness matrix, and becomes intolerable if secondary storage is used for that purpose.


u 1 , f1


u 2 , f2

u 3 , f3

u4 , f4

u5 , f5

u6 , f 6

u7 , f7

u 7, f7

u 1, f1

2 master DOFs to be retained

1 7
5 slave DOFs to be eliminated Reduced model

u 1, f1

u 7, f7


Figure 8.3 Model reduction of the example structure of Figure 8.2 to the end freedoms.

With a bit of trickery it is possible to maintain the original freedom ordering. Let us display it for the example problem under (8.14). Instead of (8.15), use the square transformation

u1 1 u 2 0 u3 0 u4 = 0 u5 0 u6 0 u7 0

0 1 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 1 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 u1 0 u2 0 u3 0 u4 , 0 u5 u 6 0 u7 1


in which u 6 is a placeholder for the slave freedom u 6 . The modied equations are

K 11 K 12 0 0 0 0 0

K 12 K 22 + K 66 K 23 0 K 56 0 K 67

0 K 23 K 33 K 34 0 0 0

0 0 K 34 K 44 K 45 0 0

0 0 0 K 45 K 55 0 0

0 K 56 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 u1 f1 K 67 u 2 f 2 + f 6 0 u 3 f3 0 u 4 = f4 , 0 u 5 f5 u 6 0 0 K 77 u7 f7


which are submitted to the equation solver. If the solver is not trained to skip zero rows and columns, a one 6 = 0, and this should be placed in the diagonal entry for the u 6 (sixth) equation. The solver will return u placeholder value is replaced by u 2 . Note several points in common with the computer-oriented placeholder technique described in 3.4 to handle single-freedom constraints.

8.4. Model Reduction by Kinematic Constraints The congruent transformation equations (8.17) and (8.27) have additional applications beyond the master-slave method. An important one is model reduction by kinematic constraints. Through this procedure the number of DOF of a static or dynamic FEM model is reduced by a signicant number, typically to 1% 10% of the original number. This is done by taking a lot of slaves and a few masters. Only the masters are left after the transformation. The reduced model is commonly 811


(* Model Reduction Example *) ClearAll[K11,K12,K22,K23,K33,K34,K44,K45,K55,K56,K66, f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6]; K={{K11,K12,0,0,0,0,0},{K12,K22,K23,0,0,0,0}, {0,K23,K33,K34,0,0,0},{0,0,K34,K44,K45,0,0}, {0,0,0,K45,K55,K56,0},{0,0,0,0,K56,K66,K67}, {0,0,0,0,0,K67,K77}}; Print["K=",K//MatrixForm]; f={f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7}; Print["f=",f]; T={{6,0},{5,1},{4,2},{3,3},{2,4},{1,5},{0,6}}/6; Print["T (transposed to save space)=",Transpose[T]//MatrixForm]; Khat=Simplify[Transpose[T].K.T]; fhat=Simplify[Transpose[T].f]; Print["Modified Stiffness:"]; Print["Khat(1,1)=",Khat[[1,1]],"\nKhat(1,2)=",Khat[[1,2]], "\nKhat(2,2)=",Khat[[2,2]] ]; Print["Modified Force:"]; Print["fhat(1)=",fhat[[1]]," fhat(2)=",fhat[[2]] ];

Figure 8.4 Mathematica script for the model reduction example of Figure 8.3.

used in subsequent calculations as component of a larger system, particularly during design or in parameter identication.
Example 8.2. Consider the bar assembly of Figure 8.2. Assume that the only masters are the end motions u 1

and u 7 , as illustrated in Figure 8.2, and interpolate all freedoms linearly:

u1 1 5 u 2 /6 u 3 4/6 u 4 = 3/6 u 5 2/6 u6 1/6 u7 0

0 1/6 2/6 u1 3/6 u , 4/6 7 5/6 1


. u = Tu





u = TT KTu = TT f = The reduced-order-model (ROM) equations are K f, or in detail 11 K 17 K in which 11 = K 17 = K 77 = K f1 =

1 (36 K 11 +60 K 12 +25 K 22 +40 K 23 +16 K 33 +24 K 34 +9 K 44 +12 K 45 +4 K 55 +4 K 56 + K 66 ), 36 1 (6 K 12 +5 K 22 +14 K 23 +8 K 33 +18 K 34 +9 K 44 +18 K 45 +8 K 55 +14 K 56 +5 K 66 +6 K 67 ), 36 1 ( K 22 +4 K 23 +4 K 33 +12 K 34 +9 K 44 +24 K 45 +16 K 55 +40 K 56 +25 K 66 +60 K 67 +36 K 77 ), 36 1 (6 f 1 +5 f 2 +4 f 3 +3 f 4 +2 f 5 + f 6 ), f7 = 1 ( f 2 +2 f 3 +3 f 4 +4 f 5 +5 f 6 +6 f 7 ). 6 6

17 K 77 K

u1 u7

f1 , f7



This reduces the order of the FEM model from 7 to 2. A Mathematica script to do the reduction is shown in Figure 8.4. The key feature is that the masters are picked a priori, as the freedoms to be retained in the model for further use.
Remark 8.8. Model reduction can also be done by the static condensation method explained in Chapter 10. As its name indicates, condensation is restricted to static analysis. On the other hand, for such problems it is exact whereas model reduction by kinematic constraints generally introduces approximations.

8.5. Assessment of the Master-Slave Method What are the good and bad points of this constraint application method? It enjoys the advantage of being exact (except for inevitable solution errors) and of reducing the number of unknowns. The concept is also easy to explain and learn. The main implementation drawback is the complexity of the general case as can be seen by studying (8.29) through (8.32). The complexity is due to three factors: 1. 2. 3. The equations may have to be rearranged because of the disappearance of the slave freedoms. This drawback can be alleviated, however, through the placeholder trick outlined in 8.3.5. An auxiliary linear system, namely (8.31), has to be assembled and solved to produce the transformation matrix T and vector g. The transformation process may generate many additional matrix terms. If a sparse matrix storage scheme is used for K, the logic for allocating memory and storing these entries can be difcult and expensive.

The level of complexity depends on the generality allowed as well as on programming decisions. If K is stored as full matrix and slave freedom coupling in the MFCs is disallowed the logic is simple.2 On the other hand, if arbitrary couplings are permitted and K is placed in secondary (disk) storage according to some sparse scheme, the complexity can become overwhelming. Another, more subtle, drawback of this method is that it requires decisions as to which degrees of freedom are to be treated as slaves. This can lead to implementation and numerical stability problems. Although for disjointed constraints the process can be programmmed in reliable form, in more general cases of coupled constraint equations it can lead to incorrect decisions. For example, suppose that in the example problem you have the following two MFCs:
1 u 6 2

+1 u = u6, 2 4

u 3 + 6u 6 = u 7 .


This is the case in model reduction, since each slave freedom appears in one and only one MFC.



For numerical stability reasons it is usually better to pick as slaves the freedoms with larger coefcients. If this is done, the program would select u 6 as slave freedoms from both constraints. This leads to a contradiction because having two constraints we must eliminate two slave degrees of freedom, not just one. The resulting modied system would in fact be inconsistent. Although this defect can be easily xed by the program logic in this case, one can imagine the complexity burden if faced with hundreds or thousands of MFCs. Serious numerical problems can arise if the MFCs are not independent. For example:
1 u 6 2

= u6,

1 u 5 3

+ 6u 6 = u 7 ,

u 2 + u 3 u 7 = 0.


The last constraint is an exact linear combination of the rst two. If the program blindly choses u 2 , u 3 and u 7 as slaves, the modied system is incorrect because we eliminate three equations when in fact there are only two independent constraints. Exact linear dependence, as in (8.39), can be recognized by a rank analysis of the As matrix dened in (8.30). In oating-point arithmetic, however, such detection may fail because that kind of computation is inexact by nature.3 The complexity of slave selection is in fact equivalent to that of automatically selecting kinematic redundancies in the Force Method of structural analysis. It has led implementors of programs that use this method to require masters and slaves be prescribed in the input data, thus transfering the burden to users. The method is not generally extendible to nonlinear constraints without case by case programming. In conclusion, the master-slave method is useful when a few simple linear constraints are imposed by hand. As a general purpose technique for nite element analysis it suffers from complexity and lack of robustness. It is worth learning, however, because of the great importance of congruent transformations in model reduction for static and dynamic problems.
Notes and Bibliography Multifreedom constraints are treated in several of the FEM books recommended in 1.7.5, notably Zienkiewicz and Taylor [741]. The master-slave method was incorporated to treat MFCs as part of the DSM developed at Boeing during the 1950s. It is rst summarily described in the DSM-overview by Turner, Martin and Weikel [683, p. 212]. The implementation differs, however, from the one described here because the relation of FEM to energy methods was not clear at the time. The master-slave method became popular through its adoption by the general-purpose NASTRAN code developed in the late 1960s [19] and early assessments of its potential [668]. The implementation unfortunately relied on user inputs to identify slave DOFs. Through this serious blunder the method gained a reputation for unreliability that persists to the present day. The important application of master-slave to model reduction, which by itself justies teaching the method, is rarely mentioned in FEM textbooks. References Referenced items have been moved to Appendix R.

The safest technique to identify dependencies is to do a singular-value decomposition (SVD) of As . This can be, however, prohibitively expensive if one is dealing with hundreds or thousands of constraints.



Homework Exercises for Chapter 8 MultiFreedom Constraints I

e = 1, . . . , 6. Consequently K 11 = K 77 = 100, K 22 = . . . = K 66 = 200, K 12 = K 23 = . . . = K 67 = 100. The applied node forces are taken to be f 1 = 1, f 2 = 2, f 3 = 3, f 4 = 4, f 5 = 5, f 6 = 6 and f 7 = 7, which are easy to remember. The structure is subjected to one support condition: u 1 = 0 (a xed left end), and to one MFC: u 2 u 6 = 1/5. Solve this problem using the master-slave method to process the MFC, taking u 6 as slave. Upon forming the modied system (8.27) apply the left-end support u 1 = 0 using the placeholder method of 3.4. Solve the equations and verify that the displacement solution and the recovered node forces including reactions are u = [ 0 0.270 Ku = [ 27 26.5 0.275 3 4 0.250 5 0.185 0.070 7 ]T 0.140 ]T (E8.1)

EXERCISE 8.1 [C+N:20] The example structure of Figure 8.1 has E e Ae / L e = 100 for each element


Use Mathematica or Matlab to do the algebra is recommended. For example, the Mathematica script of Figure E8.1 solves this Exercise.

(* Exercise 8.1 - Master-Slave Method *) (* MFC: u2-u6 = 1/5 - slave: u6 *) MasterStiffnessOfSixElementBar[kbar_]:=Module[ {K=Table[0,{7},{7}]}, K[[1,1]]=K[[7,7]]=kbar; For [i=2,i<=6,i++,K[[i,i]]=2*kbar]; For [i=1,i<=6,i++,K[[i,i+1]]=K[[i+1,i]]=-kbar]; Return[K]]; FixLeftEndOfSixElementBar[Khat_,fhat_]:=Module[ {Kmod=Khat,fmod=fhat}, fmod[[1]]=0; Kmod[[1,1]]=1; Kmod[[1,2]]=Kmod[[2,1]]=0; Return[{Kmod,fmod}]]; K=MasterStiffnessOfSixElementBar[100]; Print["Stiffness K=",K//MatrixForm]; f={1,2,3,4,5,6,7}; Print["Applied forces=",f]; T={{1,0,0,0,0,0},{0,1,0,0,0,0},{0,0,1,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,1,0,0},{0,0,0,0,1,0},{0,1,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,1}}; Print["Transformation matrix T=",T//MatrixForm]; g={0,0,0,0,0,-1/5,0}; Print["Constraint gap vector g=",g]; Khat=Simplify[Transpose[T].K.T]; fhat=Simplify[Transpose[T].(f-K.g)]; {Kmod,fmod}=FixLeftEndOfSixElementBar[Khat,fhat]; (* fix left end *) Print["Modified Stiffness upon fixing node 1:",Kmod//MatrixForm]; Print["Modified RHS upon fixing node 1:",fmod]; umod=LinearSolve[Kmod,fmod]; Print["Computed umod (lacks slave u6)=",umod]; u=T.umod+g; Print["Complete solution u=",u]; Print["Numerical u=",N[u]]; fu=K.u; Print["Recovered forces K.u with reactions=",fu]; Print["Numerical K.u=",N[fu]];

Figure E8.1 Script for solving Exercise 8.1.



EXERCISE 8.2 [C+N:25] As in the previous Exercise but applying the following three MFCs, two of which

are non-homogeneous: u 2 u 6 = 1/5, u 3 + 2u 4 = 2/3, 2u 3 u 4 + u 5 = 0. (E8.2)

Hint. Chose u 4 , u 5 and u 6 as slaves. Much of the script shown for Exercise 8.1 can be reused. The main changes are in the formation of T and g. If you are a Mathematica wizard (or willing to be one) those can be automatically formed by the statements listed in Figure E8.2.

sol=Simplify[Solve[{u2-u6==1/5, u3+2*u4==-2/3,2*u3-u4+u5==0},{u4,u5,u6}]]; ums={u1,u2,u3,u4,u5,u6,u7}/.sol[[1]]; um={u1,u2,u3,u7}; T=Table[Coefficient[ums[[i]],um[[j]]],{i,1,7},{j,1,4}]; g=ums/.{u1->0,u2->0,u3->0,u4->0,u5->0,u6->0,u7->0}; Print["Transformation matrix T=",T//MatrixForm]; Print["Gap vector g=",g];

Figure E8.2 Script for partially solving Exercise 8.2.

If you do this, explain what it does and why it works. Otherwise form and enter T and g by hand. The numerical results (shown to 5 places) should be u = [ 0. 0.043072 0.075033 Ku = [ 4.3072 16.118 10.268 0.29582 37.085 0.14575 16.124 0.15693 7. ] T . 0.086928 ]T , (E8.3)


EXERCISE 8.3 [A:25] Can the MFCs be pre-processed to make sure that no slave freedom in a MFC appears

as master in another?
EXERCISE 8.4 [A:25] In the general case discussed in 8.4.4, under which condition is the matrix As of (8.30) diagonal and thus trivially invertible? EXERCISE 8.5 [A:25] Work out the general technique by which the unknowns need not be rearranged, that

are the same. Use placeholders for the slave freedoms. (Hint: use ideas of 3.4). is, u and u
EXERCISE 8.6 [A/C:35] Is it possible to establish a slave selection strategy that makes As diagonal or triangular? (This requires knowledge of matrix techniques such as pivoting.) EXERCISE 8.7 [A/C:40] Work out a strategy that produces a well conditioned As by selecting new slaves as linear combinations of nite element freedoms if necessary. (Requires background in numerical analysis and advanced programming experience in matrix algebra).


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