Olive Gap Manual PDF
Olive Gap Manual PDF
Olive Gap Manual PDF
Mediterranean countries (Tunisia, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Turkey and Egypt) especially during
the large expansion of agricultural development. The varieties imported are mainly for table or
dual purpose varieties with the exception of Shimlali from Tunisia;
The private sector, which is producing the majority of the plant material needed.
Table or dual purpose varieties are the most desired by farmers. The main problem of the plant
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material is the lack of mother plantations and variety identification and origin. In most cases
plant material is marketed under the general descriptions of "table olive" or "dual purpose" or "oil
There are about 210 oil processing plants spread throughout the country,of which 142 are of the
continuous system and 68 of the press type.
2.4.10 Malta
In Malta, the olive sector is decreasing at an annual rate of -8.8%. In 2004/2005 the area cultivated
with olives was only 3 ha with 1MT of olive production.
2.4.11 Morocco
Olive trees are an important fruit tree in Morocco. It covers about 55% of the total area planted with
fruit trees. There are about 50 million trees, covering around 580,000 ha in the country.
In 2004/2005 olive production was 480,000 MT, olive oil was 48,000 MT and table olives 120,000 MT.
The table olive industry is well developed and Morocco is becoming one of the main exporting
countries in the region. Oil production covers only 16% of the local needs and Morocco imports
5,533 MT of olives and the remaining demand is covered by other types of seed oils.
In Morocco there are two distinct profiles of the olive culture:
1. The traditional sector (the extensive system) where the olive orchard receives minimal cultural
practices, with a productivity of 10 kg/tree; and
2. The modern sector (the intensive system) where the trees receive optimal cultural practices
and productivity is raised to 10 MT/ha.
The geographical distribution of olive trees is as follows:
1. Mountainous area: 20,.000 ha representing 36% of production;
2. Rain fed area: 100,000 ha representing 18% of production;
3. Irrigated area: 220,000 ha representing 39% of production; and
4. Other marginal areas: 40,000 ha representing 7% of production.
The main cultivars are:
a) Moroccan Picholine (or Zitoun) - a very heterogeneous autochthonous variety that
occupies more than 96% of the olive orchards. It is a vigorous and productive variety
and is adapted in all types of soils;
b) Meslala - an autochthonous variety with limited distribution. It is a very productive
variety suitable for table olives only, because its fruits have a very low oil content;.
c) Haouzia - this variety is a selection of the variety Moroccan Picholine and Menara
in Marrakech. It is very productive, with high oil content (23%). The fruit weigh
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between 3 to 5g, it is tolerant to Cycloconium oleaginum and comes very early in
production; and
d) Menara - the Menara variety is a selection of the variety Moroccan Picholine of the
Menara olive grove in Marrakech. It is very productive, with high oil content (23%),
the weight of the fruit is from 2 to 3g and comes very early in production.
2.4.12 Occupied Palestinian Territory
Olive cultivation is one of the most important sectors in Palestinian agriculture. The area cultivated
with olives has increased during the last 7 years due to the destruction of citrus orchards, the better
adaptability of olives to the higher level of saline well water, the lower requirements of the tree and
its better returns for the farmer. In the Occupied Palestinian Territory, about 63.8% of the cultivated
area is occupied by fruit trees, of which 80.1% is under olive cultivation or 51% of the total cultivated
area. Many farmers depend on olive farming for their livelihood and olive production contributes an
estimated US$27 million, or 8.3% of Agriculture Production Value.
In 2004/2005 the area cultivated with olives was 92,756 ha with 120,002 MT olive and 23,187 oil
production. Most of the old orchards and the new plantations are located in the eastern part of the
Gaza Strip. The area cultivated with olives in the West Bank is mainly dependent on rainfall while
irrigation is complementary in Gaza orchards. Water resources in Gaza and the West Bank are badly
affected due to over pumping. This practice has resulted in an increase in salinity, with an increase
in levels of chloride, nitrate and boron which are harmful for most plant species. Olive groves in
Gaza are mainly irrigated with high saline water especially from wells in the eastern part of Gaza.
Seeds of the Wild Baladi olive are used as rootstock.
Main varieties and their uses
Variety name Oil% Use
Nepali Baladi ( Souri ) 22 25% Pickling + oil
Shemlali 18 20% Oil
Nepali Improved 12 14% Pickling
Manzanillo 14 16% Pickling
K 18 18 20% Pickling + oil
2.4.13 Saudi Arabia
The olive tree has gained special importance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), and it has
become an important product related to the economy and food security. The olive and olive oil
sector represents one of the most promising sectors in the country. During the last fifteen years
national production of olive oil has increased rapidly and there is an enormous potential for olive
oil and table olive production in the KSA, especially in the Northern region of the Kingdom due to
its climate. This has stimulated investment and the establishment of olive groves and a number of
very large projects have been established.
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Plantations of olive trees started in 1980, through the import of young trees from Jordan, Turkey
and Syria. Presently, plantations cover more than 15,000 hectares and include more than 5 million
olive trees. More than 50% of olive trees are very young (< 5 year) and all the orchards are drip
irrigated. Tree spacing ranges from 5X5m (400 trees/ha) to 7X7m (204 trees/ha). These plantations
belong to agricultural development companies and to private farmers and there are now more than
8,000 units. This expansion became more important since agricultural development companies and
private farmers have been engaged in an ambitious plantation programme that was encouraged by
the favourable environmental conditions as well as by the prices consumers are willing to pay.
The Al-Jouf company, which currently has more than 600,000 trees, started planting more than
150,000 olive trees every year and has planned to reach one million trees in 2008-2009. The Al-
Watania company has plans to establish one million trees in the same period.
The Government has realized that the future sustainability of the national olive sector is linked
to the quality of the produce rather than to the quantity. Therefore, all orchards in Al-jouf and Al-
Watania companies are run according to organic agricultural techniques. Also, an olive project has
recently been launched jointly by the Ministry of Agriculture and FAO in order to improve olive
and olive oil production
2.4.14 Syria
Olive cultivation is one of the most important sectors in Syrian agriculture and represents about
10% of the total cultivated area and 65% from the total area cultivated with fruit trees. It is estimated
that 200,000 families are dependent on olive growing for their livelihood.
There are about 79 million trees (58 million in the bearing stage and the rest are very young)
covering around 544,000 ha. Olive farming is spread throughout the country regions because of its
flexibility and adaptability to the edapho-climatic conditions.In 2004/2005 olive production was
723,648 MT and 155,970 of olive oil was produced. Usually 80-85 % of olive fruit production goes
to oil extraction and the remaining 15-20% goes to table olive processing (green and black).
Processing units are largely traditional in approach. The table olive industry is not developed
compared with the increasing dynamic of the sector due to the lack of technical knowledge and
facilities in preparing the different kinds of table olive and the unavailability of good quality raw
materials according to international standards.
73% of the total area cultivated with olives and 76.2% of total production is located in the north
and west regions (Idleb, Aleppo, Lattakia and Tartous) and the remaining 27% is located in south
and middle regions. An important characteristic of the olive sector is the high percentage of young
trees. 57% (45 million trees) have an age ranging from 1 to 20 years, 38% (30 million trees) range
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between 21-70 years and only 5% (4 million trees) are aged over 70. Therefore, this issue is very
important due to the rapid increase of production in the near future. It is estimated that in 2010 Syria
will have a surplus of about 85,000 MT. This phenomenon may lead to a real problem in storage
because the present capacity of appropriate storage is not sufficient.
The orchards have an average planting of about 143 trees/ha. Syria is very rich in olive genetic
resources, but only some have been selected, identified, evaluated, conserved and utilized. It is
worth mentioning that four (Zaiti, Sorani, Doebli, Khodieri) locally selected varieties form about
86% of total cultivated area in Syria.
Important local varieties in Syria, their use, distribution, oil content and the area occupied
Variety Purpose % of oil Distribution % from total area
Zaiti Oil 20-32 Northern areas 33.13
Sorani Dual 28-30
Doebli Dual 22-24 Coastal regions 11.71
Khodieri Dual 24-26 Lattakia 10.30
Kaisi Table 18-20 Aleppo-Idleb 4.78
Abo satl Dual 9-11 Tadmor (Palmyra) 1.86
Dan Dual 18-20 Southern region 1.18
Mossabi Dual 9-11 Damascus- Daraa 0.35
Jlot Table 12-14 Damascus- Daraa 0.6
Others Dual Different parts 6.7
The olive sector in Syria suffers from two main problems; low average yield/ tree and low quality
produce.These problems are connected to farming and processing methods and are strongly
related to the underutilization of the national genetic resources, Instability of climatic conditions,
the large number of landholders with small orchards, inadequate agricultural extension services,
lack of appropriate cultural practices such as tillage, pruning, irrigation, fertilization, harvesting,
transportation and storage of olive fruit prior to milling and storage, marketing and overall standard
of olive oil all contribute to these outcomes.
2.4.15 Tunisia
The olive tree is of strategic cultural importance in Tunisia and plays a very important socio-
economic role. The area cultivated with olives occupies almost 1.6 million ha, which represents
one third of the countrys Useful Agricultural Surface (UAS). There are 60 million trees for oil
and 3 million trees for table olives, with production of 650,000 MT and 128,000 MT for olives and
olive oil, respectively.
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Olive trees can valorise the poorest soils in the centre and south of the country. Indeed, almost 97%
are rain fed plantations and only 3% are irrigated. The trees of 31% of these plantations are less
than 20 years old, 54% between 20 and 70 years old and the senescence plantations represents only
Main cultivated cultivars and their uses
Dual Purpose varieties Table varieties Oil varieties
Bith Hmam
The Chemlali is the main olive oil variety located mainly in Sfax (located in the center and the
south, the Sahel, Sfax, Sidi Bouzid, Kairouan and Kasserine). Meski is the most important olive
table cultivar in Tunisia. Some foreign varieties have also been introduced in Tunisia like Picholine
and Manzanilla.
2.4.16 Turkey
Olives are grown in 36 provinces and in 2004/2005 the area cultivated with olives was 621,311 ha
which comprises 2% of agricultural land and 22% of horticultural land in Turkey. The main regions
for olives in Turkey are the Mediterranean and Aegean regions and 75% of olive orchards are on
mountainous land and only 8% is under irrigation where mostly table olives are grown. The planting
density is 166 olive trees per hectare.
New plantations have been encouraged in order to attain an optimum number of olive trees per
hectare. This initiative is a component of structural measures for regional and rural development
where climatic and agricultural conditions are suitable. In 2005 the number of olive trees was
107,100,000 and this number is increasing. Olive production was 1,140,000 MT, of which 73% of
the olives were processed for olive oil and the rest were consumed as table olives. Turkey is one of
the main exporters of table olives with a leading position in the case of black table olives. Olive oil
production was 120,500 MT of which 50% (60,706 MT) was exported.
There are about 4 million agricultural enterprises in Turkey, of which 8.1% (324,000 farms and
196,000 producers) are involved in olive production. The average farm size is 1.25 ha (75% of
the farms are smaller than 5 ha). There are about 850 olive oil processing plants with more than
270,000 tones/year capacity. However, while Turkey seems to be self-sufficient for both table olive
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and olive oil production, olive oil consumption per capita has been decreasing steadily. It was 2.2
kg between 1970 and 1979, 1.3kg between 1980 and 1989 and it is currently 1 kg per capita.
Main cultivars and their uses
Dual Purpose varieties Table varieties Oil varieties
Izmir Sofralik
Ayvalik(Mdilli, Sakram)
The main challenges for the olive sector in Turkey are the introduction of a certification system in
the multiplication of the planting materials and the application good agricultural (GAP) practices
to new technology in order to improve productivity in the old and new olive orchards. Also the
introduction of new technology in both olive oil and table olive industries is needed to help the olive
sector move forward.
2.4.17 Yemen
The olive is a newly introduced crop to Yemen and the olive industry in Yemen is in its early stages.
Olive plants were first introduced in late 1970 from Syria and Jordan and the main source of olive
germplasm and production technologies has been ACSAD (Arab Center for the Studies of Arid
Zones and Dry Lands). In 2005 the area cultivated with olives was estimated to be about 2,000 ha.
Recently olive cultivation was selected as one of the country five strategic crops to be given priority.
Therefore, rapid expansion is occurring in the targeted mountainous zone, where the trees will get
sufficient chilling and get their water requirements from the rain. In 2005 more than 10,000 trees
were distributed and planted in this area.
Many olive cultivars have been introduced and these show different levels of adaptability to the
local conditions. Some of the varieties showed promising results in some agro-climatical zones.
These are the Khodaire, Rosaiee, Kaisse, Nabali, Pecholine and Manzanillo varieties as well as other
unidentified cultivars introduced from Jordan and Syria. However signs of insufficient chilling are
apparent in many cultivars, like the Syrian Jlot, which shows inadequate flowering, poor fruit set, a
prolonged flowering period, and in some cases no flowering or fruiting at all. Efforts are underway
to introduce cultivars with low chilling requirements.
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2.5 Manual on GAP Guidelines for in WANA (AARINENA) countries
Olive cultivation in the AARINENA countries has a long history. However the efforts expended
on the development of this important crop, although significant, are still insufficient and do not
fully meet their potential. In general, the product quality needs more attention through upgrading,
growing, harvesting, processing and storage technologies. Per capita consumption of olive oil is
still low, especially in high-income countries. Promotion of the benefits of olive oil consumption
needs to be intensified.
The available information indicates that the future of the development and improvement of the
competitiveness of the AARINENA country olive oil and table olives sector will continue to be
influenced by external and internal factors. The external factors concern the dynamics of the world
market (supply, demand and nutrition preferences) and the new arrangements concerning market
liberalization (WTO) negotiations and bilateral and regional agreements). The internal factors
are bound to the production and export system in the producing countries. Our objective with the
GAP Guidelines is to elaborate on the internal factors related to the production systems in order to
improve the productivity and the quality of olive oil and olive production in an economically viable,
environmentally sustainable and socially acceptable way.
2.6 Resource Materials
Aldalas, M. 2005. Country report, Yemen. Workshop on Good Agricultural Practices for
AARENINA Olive Network Member Countries. Organized by the ARI, AARINENA and
FAO/RNE, 19-21 December 2005, Larnaca, Cyprus.
Bassal, A. 2004. Country report, Lebanon. AARINENA-Olive Network 1
Meeting 20-22
December 2004. Marrakech-Morroco.
Boulouha, B. 2005. Country report, Morocco. Workshop on Good Agricultural Practices for
AARENINA Olive Network Member Countries. Organized by the ARI, AARINENA and
FAO/RNE, 19-21 December 2005, Larnaca, Cyprus.
Cregoriou, C. 2005. Country report, Cyprus. Workshop on Good Agricultural Practices for
AARENINA Olive Network Member Countries. Organized by the ARI, AARINENA and
FAO/RNE, 19-21 December 2005, Larnaca, Cyprus.
El Kholy, M. 2005. Country report, Egypt. Workshop on Good Agricultural Practices for
AARENINA Olive Network Member Countries. Organized by the ARI, AARINENA and
FAO/RNE, 19-21 December 2005, Larnaca, Cyprus.
FAO Stat. Agricultural Data
43 43
Hamdan, I. 2004. Presentation for the establishment of Regional Network for olive in the Near
East And North Africa, The document was supported by GFAR and prepared by: I. Hamdan,
S. Shdiefat, S. Ayoub and Ms.A.Abu rumman and presented in the Olive Expert Consultation
Meeting, Sfax, Tunisia, 16-18 Feb.2004.
Ibrahiem, A. 2005. Country report, Syria. Workshop on Good Agricultural Practices for
AARENINA Olive Network Member Countries. Organized by the ARI, AARINENA and
FAO/RNE, 19-21 December 2005, Larnaca, Cyprus.
Khalaf, ElHadi, 2005. Country report, Libya. Workshop on Good Agricultural Practices for
AARENINA Olive Network Member Countries. Organized by the ARI, AARINENA and
FAO/RNE, 19-21 December 2005, Larnaca, Cyprus.
Markou, M. Mavrogenis, A (2002). Norm input-output data for the main crop and livestock
enterprises of Cyprus. Agricultural Economics Report 41. Agricultural Research Institute,
Nicosia, Cyprus.
Ksantini, M. 2005. Country report, Tunisia. Workshop on Good Agricultural Practices for
AARENINA Olive Network Member Countries. Organized by the ARI, AARINENA and
FAO/RNE, 19-21 December 2005, Larnaca, Cyprus.
Mutairi, S. E. A. 2005. Country report, Saudi Arabia. Workshop on Good Agricultural Practices
for AARENINA Olive Network Member Countries. Organized by the ARI, AARINENA and
FAO/RNE, 19-21 December 2005, Larnaca, Cyprus.
Navero, D.B. Cimato, A.; Fiorino, P.; Romero, L. R. ; Tuzani. A. ; Castaneda, C.; Serafini, F.;
Navas, I. T. 2000. World Catalogue of Olive Cultivars, IOOC,2000.
Ozkaya, M. T. 2004. Country report, Turkey. AARINENA-Olive Network 1st Meeting 20-22
December 2004. Marrakech-Morroco.
Saad-eldin, Ikram. 2005. Country report, Egypt. Workshop on Good Agricultural Practices for
AARENINA Olive Network Member Countries. Organized by the ARI, AARINENA and
FAO/RNE, 19-21 December 2005, Larnaca, Cyprus.
Shdiefat, S. 2005. Country report, Jordan. Workshop on Good Agricultural Practices for
AARENINA Olive Network Member Countries. Organized by the ARI, AARINENA and
44 44
FAO/RNE, 19-21 December 2005, Larnaca, Cyprus.
Trigui, A. and Msallem M. 2002. Catalogue of autochtonous varieties and local types, Ed Institut
de lOlivier, IRESA- Tunisia
Turkstat, Turkish Statistics Institute
Zeinanloo, Ali Asghar. 2005. Country report, Iran. Workshop on Good Agricultural Practices for
AARENINA Olive Network Member Countries. Organized by the ARI, AARINENA and
FAO/RNE, 19-21 December 2005, Larnaca, Cyprus.
Zinada, I. Abu. 2005. Country report, Palestine. Workshop on Good Agricultural Practices for
AARENINA Olive Network Member Countries. Organized by the ARI, AARINENA and
FAO/RNE, 19-21 December 2005, Larnaca, Cyprus.
Trigui Ahmed and Monji Msallem, 2002. Catalogue of autochtonous varieties and local types, Ed
Institut de lOlivier, IRESA- Tunisia.
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3. Soil
Mohamed El Kholy
Olive Grower & Expert, Sayeda Zeinab Olive Groves, Ismailia, Egypt
3.1 Suitable soils for growing olives:
Olive trees are adaptable to a wide range of soil types, some of which are too poor to support other
crops. They grow and produce well in intermediate textured, structured soils within a wide range of
pH from moderately acid to moderately alkaline (5.6 up to 8.5). Compared to other fruit trees, they
have a relatively higher need for calcium, although not quantified, and therefore they grow well in
calcareous soils. They can also tolerate high levels of boron and are moderately tolerant to saline
conditions. Where olives are grown, the soil must be well drained as their roots are very sensitive to
water logging and therefore it is not recommended to grow them in fine textured, shallow soils (e.g.
clay with a high percentage of montmorillonite).
Within the WANA region countries, it is phenomenal that olive trees are predominantly grown on
the poor and least fertile soils where other fruit trees can not survive. Thanks to their high drought
tolerance, olive trees are thriving under dry farming conditions in arid and semi-arid areas receiving
as little as 150-200 mm of annual rainfall (e.g. central and southern Tunisia). They are also grown
on historic and modern hilly stone-pitched terraces where they have a major role in soil conservation
against water and wind erosion.
3.2 Soil degradation (definition, types and causes)
FAO defines soil degradation as the loss of actual or potential productivity as a result of natural
and anthropogenic factors which reduce the productivity of the soil and its beneficial effects on
the environment. While soil degradation can be an entirely natural process, human activities often
accelerate the natural processes.
During the 20th century, it has been gradually established that irrational and uncontrolled application
of agricultural inputs, whether substances or activities, such as herbicides, pesticides, chemical
fertilizers, inappropriate tillage methods unsound irrigation practices, etc may increase yields on
the short term but in the longer term it will definitely cause degradation to the soil quality, fertility
and health followed by deterioration of its production capacity both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Therefore soil degradation caused by human activities through poor agricultural practices can
be worse, in many instances, than when soil degradation is caused by natural processes. The
establishment of GAP Guidelines can aid in conserving our soils through rationalizing human
behaviour. The Table below identifies the most common types of soil degradation and their causes
which exist in lands grown with olives in the WANA region countries.
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Types of soil degradation
Type Examples
Most Important Primary Causes
(N) Natural, (HI) Human induced, (NAH) Natural accelerated by
human activities
Top soil loss
Water or wind erosion (w/w erosion); (N)
Irrational tillage and type of vegetation cover. (HI)
of gullies
or channels
causing land
Water erosion. (N)
Heavy grove machinery and in few instances grazing
animals, low organic mater, unbalanced use of fertilizers,
inadequate tillage.
Physical dispersion caused by impact of raindrops or
irrigation water.
Chemical dispersion, which depends on the ratio of salinity
and sodicity of the irrigation water.
Weak top soil aggregates due to low content of organic
Water logging
Sealing by compaction. (HI)
Downward washing of fine particles in ploughed soils
especially under heavy rain or incorrect irrigation with
irrational tillage where they stick together blocking the
natural drainage of water.
Incorrect irrigation management in general and when using
poor water causing salinization.
Irrational tillage. (HI)
Loss of surface aggregates stability by w/w erosion. (NAH)
Removal of flora or residue for fuel or animal feed. (HI)
Negligence in substituting depleted organic matter. (HI)
Decline in
water holding
Reduction in organic content. (NAH)
Erosion causing loss of fine clay particles. (NAH)
Crusting and compaction causing more water runoff and
consequential infiltration reduction.
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Irrational application of herbicides, pesticides, fungicides
and chemical fertilizers.
Using polluted water in irrigation. (HI)
Toxins may accumulate if soil microbial life is degraded. (NAH)
imbalances of
mineral nutrients
Out-leaching associated with wind or water erosion. (NAH)
In-leaching to deep soil horizons or underground water
with heavy rains or excessive irrigation.
Crop uptake. (HI)
Changes in pH. (NAH)
Decrease in
organic matter
Erosion removing top soil rich in organic matter. (NAH)
Failure of farmers to replenish the soil with new organic
Cultivation breaking down soil aggregates and exposing
organic matter to microbial activity.
In uncovered bare soil under warm conditions and in
the presence of moisture, the decomposition process
is accelerated resulting in quick breakdown of organic
Size and
composition of
cation exchange
capacity (CEC)
Loss of organic matter which acts as a cation exchanger. (NAH)
Leaching of cations below the root zone by excessive
rains or irrigation.
Decrease or
increase in
pH (acidity or
Application of fertilizers containing ammonium or urea,
irrigation with high pH water.
The decomposition of organic matter. (NAH)
Excessive irrigation causing leaching of basic nutrients
such as calcium (Ca
), magnesium (Mg
) and
potassium ( K
Increase in the
soil soluble
salts content
Under rain-fed conditions intrusion of saline seawater
to areas lying near the sea can cause land salinization
during dry periods.
Irrigation with saline water or marginal quality water
without proper management of soils, water and
agronomic practices.
Soil compaction. (HI)
Irrational irrigation and poor drainage. (HI)
Chemical pollution
From nearby industries carried either by air or water, or
by humans in some instances.
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Reduction in soil
biodiversity and
soil organisms like
algae, earthworms,
fungi, nematodes,
bacteria and
Loss of organic matter, increased soil acidity. (NAH)
Use of herbicides and pesticides. (HI)
Contamination by heavy metals. (HI)
Inadequate soil management practices and modern
agriculture techniques.
Tillage which affects the composition of bacterial
communities and earthworms.
Bare soil exposure to high summer temperatures
can decrease the soil micro-organism populations.
The Table in the following page indicates the status of soil degradation in olive growing areas in the
WANA countries as derived from the (GLASOD map) produced by the International Soil Reference
and Information Centre (ISRIC) in collaboration with the United Nations Environmental Program
(UNEP) and (FAO).
GLASOD Map Global Assessment of Human Induced Soil Degradation
49 49
Main Soil degradation types in olive growing areas of WANA countries
Erosion Other types of soil degradation
Water Wind
Algeria \ \ \
Cyprus \ \ \
Egypt \ \ \ 7 \ \ \ 7 \
Iran \ \ \ \ \ \
Jordan \ \ \ \ 7 \ \ \
Lebanon \ \ \ \
Libya \ \ \ \ \ 7 \
Morocco \ \ \ \
Occ. Terr.
\ \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ 7 \ \
Syria \ \ \ \ \
Tunisia \ \ \ \ \ \
Turkey \ \
Yemen \ \ \ \ \
1 Low organic matter content
2 Salinity
3 Alkalinity
4 Acidity
5 Low Cation Exchange Capacity
6 High Calcium Carbonate
7 In certain areas only
3.3 Soil history
Prior to establishing an olive grove, a crucial factor to be considered is the identification of hazards
associated with soil history. Prior use of the land must be examined as it could have been used as
a garbage disposal site, as a waste management site or for mining or petroleum exploration. When
the land history indicates a high risk for chemical contamination hazards, it is highly recommended
to review the analysis of toxic substances and heavy metals in the soil as well as the proposed soil
remediation procedure to ensure soil restoration potential and environmental compliance of the
operation. Untreated soils from such contamination might be harmful for both tree growth and
human health.
3.4 General guidelines on soil management
The soils physical structure, chemical composition, and biological activity are fundamental to
sustaining crop productivity, which in turn determine soil fertility and health, characterized by the
following parameters:
Good structure and stability especially at the surface top profile rendering low erosion rates;
Well aerated with good drainage properties and deep root zone;
Managing olive groves in accordance with the properties, distribution, and potential uses of the
soils and maintaining monitoring records of the inputs and outputs of each land unit managed;
Maintaining or improving soil organic matter through the use of soil-building crop rotations in
the row-middle floors of the olive grove whenever inter-planting is feasible, especially if water
resources allows such an approach. Otherwise improving soil organic matter content can be
achieved through incorporation of well composted manure (humus) and vegetation residues;
Maintaining soil cover to minimize erosion losses by wind and/or water; and
Applying agro-chemicals and organic and inorganic fertilizers in amounts and timing and by
methods appropriate to agronomic and environmental requirements.
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3.5 Types and causes of soil erosion
Erosion which causes the loss of the top soil
is one of the main problems of agriculture all
over the world, to the extent that more than
a third of the Mediterranean agricultural areas
are affected by it. The physical removal of soil
or what is simply known as erosion is probably
the most serious type of soil degradation
and the least reversible. As derived from the
earlier Table it is obvious that erosion is the
most common degradation type in the WANA
region. Therefore this GAP manual focuses on
protection methods against erosion and provides guidelines for preventing or reversing other types
of soil degradation such as recommending growing windbreaks and adding nutrients to nutrient-
depleted soils, correcting pH through soil amendments and improving soil water holding capacity
and microbiological activity through incorporation of composted organic matter.
The main causes of erosion in the WANA olive growing countries are water and wind enhanced
by inappropriate cultural practices. It is mainly water erosion in the higher latitude countries like
Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Morocco and northern parts of Tunisia. Wind erosion is widespread as the
main cause of soil erosion in the relatively southern latitudes within the arid and semi-arid zones
where olives are grown in Egypt, Libya and some parts of Tunisia, Syria and Iran for example.
Water-caused soil erosion: depends on the amount and intensity of rainfall, land slope, soil type,
and plant cover. It involves a dual process: loosening of the soil particles as a result of the impact
of rainwater, and the transport of particles with the run-off, which also drags along new particles as
it runs downwards. This double process is affected by the cultivation system used. There is less
erosion in non-tilled soil than in tilled soil, simply because tilling destroys the soil structure and
its stability against the impact of rainfall or wind pressure. Sheet erosion and linear (gully or rill)
erosion are the two main types of water caused erosion. Even flow of water on the land surface
causes sheet erosion which removes non-aggregated light soil particles, organic matter and soluble
nutrients. Gully erosion creates channels into the soil of different cross-section shapes and depths
depending on the soil type, degree of land slope and intensity and frequency of the rain. The different
gully shapes are commonly characterized by downward cutting into the soil where the water flows
with high velocity running down the slope. Erosion-caused rills, which run downhill, looks like
many tiny scars on the face of the land deforming its top surface so that it looks like semi-curved
strips. With time and under the pressure of rain, unattended rills will turn into gullies which in some
52 52
poorly structured soils can cause wide, deep
channelling and in some cases land slides.
Water-caused soil erosion can escalate in
compacted soil generated mainly from using
machinery inside the grove. Infiltration is
drastically reduced in compacted soils and
therefore runoff and erosion are consequently
increased. Sub-soil compaction is greatly
provoked by repeated tillage to a constant
Wind erosion: the mechanism of wind erosion starts when soil particles are detached by strong
winds from the land surface and then carried away and deposited downwind. The impacts of wind
erosion depend on wind speed, frequency of its occurrence, the soil type, the landscape diversity
and the kind of plant cover. Strong winds can cause scouring around tree trunks exposing their
roots, sandblast foliage in desert environments, drift top soil particles and build-up sand dunes.
Wind erosion is very harmful to the natural environment as air and water become polluted with dust
particles, and pesticide and herbicide residues are adsorbed in the soil which is carried away. Wind
erosion has adverse negative effects on light sandy soils where olive trees are predominantly grown
in many countries of the WANA region. Traditional tillage disrupts soil stabilization to make it more
prone for wind erosion.
The diagram below indicates the most suitable methods for controlling soil erosion in olive groves
within the WANA region.
Notes: (1)
Bare soils are very vulnerable to both wind and water erosion and therefore when water
resources allow, covering the soil with vegetation in combination with rational tillage (non-
traditional-conservation) is the most efficient way to reduce erosion. These combined practices
reduce the extent and intensity of the impact of rainfall on the soil, increase the speed of rainwater
53 53
infiltration into the soil and reduces the speed of runoff. Due to their importance, these practices are
discussed in detail in the coming sub-chapter.
The main objectives of this practice are erosion protection, reducing soil moisture evaporation
and inhibiting weed growth. Mulching also increases rainfall infiltration and protects the soil from
the direct splash impact of rain. Natural mulches assist in structuring the soil through addition of
humus, protect it from extreme temperature variations and feed soil biota. Mulching materials vary
widely from synthetic black plastic UV resistant sheets to wood chips inclusive of crop residues like
hay or straw. Mulching material should preferably be of low cost to the olive grower if not produced
on his/her grove and should decompose slowly to last for several seasons and should be applied
easily without involving machinery that is not normally available in olive groves.
Windbreaks consist of densely planted
fence-like row(s) of perennial trees with a
root system and foliage that can resist strong
winds, reduce their velocity and protect
downwind agricultural lands grown with
trees, crops or vegetables.
On the Mediterranean shores, stone walling
can be considered as a living example of soil
sustainability, land reclamation and as one
of the oldest innovations in soil conservation
practices. This practice has probably led
the way to the development of terracing
techniques. Stone walls are built to reduce
both water and soil losses from sloped
terrains. The harvested soil particles inside
constructed catchments by stone walls can
result, over time, in shaping terraces. Stone
walls clear virgin lands from stones for
cultivation and at the same time reduce the
slope length.
Terraces change the face of sloped hills
into relatively flat land strips which are
constructed along natural contour lines to
minimize earth moving work. Their first
function is to increase the cultivable surface area and reduce the slope length. They reduce water
54 54
runoff and consequently erosion potential. Water losses are minimized and water percolation into
the soil is increased.
3.6 Selection criteria for soil cultivation systems
Information available today in many olive growing regions, including some countries of the WANA
region, indicates that traditional tillage is not justifiable for olive groves anymore as it increases
the cost, enhances soil erosion and, potentially, reduces yields. It is impossible and impracticable
to recommend a specific cultivation system without carrying out a preliminary study of the
characteristics of the soil and the local climate. The most suitable system is possibly a combination
of several systems, which may even entail using different systems for different plots on a single
grove, concentrating on their advantages rather than on their drawbacks.
GAP Guidelines recommend that the cultivation system selected should basically comply with the
following requirements:
a) Optimum use of rainwater being the principal constraint in olive production;
b) Maximum benefits and commercial returns from land use;
c) Conserve soil and prevent erosion;
d) Facilitate many other cultural operations, particularly harvesting; and
e) Reduce vegetation competition on water and nutrients with the olive crop.
In most countries of the WANA region where olive trees are grown, rain is the main source for
providing these trees with nourishing water. Summer months are commonly totally dry and the
rainfall is highly seasonal with almost 75 to 100% of the total annual rain falling during late autumn
and winter. In spring and summer, olive trees take in most of their water requirements from the soil,
and therefore it is essential that as much water as possible be stored in the soil. This can be achieved
by applying appropriate soil, crop and weed management techniques to reduce evaporation and deep
percolation losses. The following 2 sub-chapters briefly discuss the major cultivation systems.
3.6.1 Traditional soil cultivation systems
Growing olives in the Mediterranean is an age old traditional system of cultivation which has
been going on for thousands of years and therefore many cultural practices applied in our present
time have been inherited irrespective of their efficiency or usefulness to the environment or to the
welfare of olive farmers alike. One of these inherited practices is tillage. Within the WANA region
countries, tillage is the most common and frequent cultivation system used in olive farming, as
the farmers seek mainly to increase water trapping and retention by the soil, reduce evaporation
losses (not qualified by recent research) and finally to control weeds. Aside from these main tillage
objectives, tillage also results in some advantages and, nevertheless, some disadvantages shown in
the next page:
55 55
Advantages & disadvantages of traditional tillage
Major Advantages Major disadvantages
- Can enhance feeder root growth of olive
trees if performed at the correct timing (2-3
weeks before floral bud swelling) and at the
right location without damaging the main
anchorage roots or secondary roots.
- Help in controlling sub-surface
- Facilitate the incorporation of olive leaf litter
and composted organic manure.
- Alleviation of surface compaction and farm
machinery track depression.
- Alleviation of surface crusts in soils low
in organic matter, high in silt and clay or
managed with inadequate irrigation and
fertilization practices.
- Break shallow hard pans.
- Stimulate potentials for soil crusting which
in turn increases water run off.
- Cause destruction of soil tilth.
- Make the top soil very vulnerable to soil
erosion in view of the forgoing impacts.
- Disturb and decrease earthworm and
microorganisms activities and populations
and consequently fertility and natural
aeration of the soil.
- Result in more loss of soil carbon.
- Open the path for downward washing of
the fine soil particles to wher e they clog
together, blocking the natural drainage of
- In some cases cause rock fragments to come
to top soil surface.
- Cause impermeable plough hard pans when
performed at constant depth.
- Purchase and maintenance costs of machinery
are considerably high.
- Continuous reliance on machinery and
labour keeps operational input costs high.
Many different types of equipment are used in
tillage, the most common one widely used in
olive groves in the WANA region is the chisel
plough. It is generally used in winter and spring
to prepare the soil to allow water to infiltrate
and to eliminate small weeds. Normally this
process goes no deeper than 15-20 cm into the
soil, while disking to a depth of 15 to 25 cm is used in spring to remove large weeds thriving after
56 56
the winter rain. Finally, in summer, when the soil surface is totally dry, the land is harrowed or
raked to break up the soil and fill in cracks to reduce water evaporation. In some countries, cultural
care ends with the preparation of the soil for the olive harvest using a roller. Residual herbicides
are often used under the canopy of the trees to keep the soil free from weeds during the harvesting
3.6.2 Non-traditional soil cultivation systems
With the evolution of high density olive groves during the last half century due to different agro and
socio-economic conditions, new cultural practices have been gradually researched and introduced
slowly and gradually in recent decades in olive growing areas of many countries around the world.
Among these practices are non-traditional tillage systems called conservation tillage and which
include: strip-tillage (precise or zone tillage), minimum (reduced-tillage) and no-tillage (zero tillage).
Before implementing these types of tillage in tree orchards they were first trialled in cropland and for
large-scale mechanized cereal production. Strip-tillage and minimum tillage involve tilling narrow
shallow strips with a knife-like harrow leaving the areas between the strips with undisturbed soil.
For maximum effectiveness in olive groves, all types of conservation tillage should be preferably
associated with growing a vegetation (green) cover in row-middles floors during winter / spring
and mulching it. In these tillage systems, grove native plant residues like vegetation cover, olive
leaf litter, pruning materials, or composted olive pomace generated as a by-product from olive oil
mills or other imported mulching materials are left on the soil surface to conserve soil moisture and
prevent soil erosion.
57 57
Some of the advantages and disadvantage of these non-traditional soil cultivation systems are shown
in the Table below:
Advantages & disadvantages of non-traditional tillage
Major Advantages Major disadvantages
- Reduce soil erosion rates and specifically
wind-caused as it disturbs and loosens less
of the surface soil area.
- Reduce machinery operational time, labour
requirements and consumables and thus it
save costs and energy.
- Improve yields as a result of reducing organic
matter losses and enhancing soil fertility and
below-surface soil health by conserving and
not disrupting microbiological activity.
- Preserve earthworms activities and allow
these beneficial spices to multiply. Burrows
of earthworms enhance water infiltration
and soil aeration. Fields which are tilled
by earthworm tunnelling can absorb water
at a rate 4 to 10 times that of fields lacking
worm tunnels.
- Improve soil water retention.
- More adaptable than traditional tillage on
steep slopes.
- In some instances subject to soil type and
degree of slope, conservation tillage may
substitute the need for establishing terraces.
- Facilitate easy moving of personnel on the
grove floor.
- Require increased use of herbicides and/or hand
weeding or slashing.
- Cover residues may be of value as livestock fodder
so that farmers would not mulch them leading to
more nutrient depletion from the soil especially if
the feeding animals manure is off the grove.
- Not suitable in arid regions due to rain water scarcity
which does not allow growing vegetation cover.
Under arid conditions, when water from sources
other than rain is used to irrigate the olive trees
through micro-irrigation systems, then no-tillage
in combination with adequate measures against
wind erosion would be the most suitable type for
soil protection. In this case the row-middles floor
will be free of weeds.
- In semi-arid regions (ex. Sfax in Tunisia), species
of vegetation cover should be very selective
and should not be planted densely in order not
to compete with the olive trees on the limited
available moisture stored in the soil following
minimal rainfall.
- In semi-arid regions, mulching could be a substitute
for vegetation cover.
3.7 Importance of growing floor vegetation cover in row-middles
In olive groves, the management of the row-middles is recommended to be done by floor vegetation
cover whenever possible. Generally, floor vegetation cover in tree orchards is considered as a
measure of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). They have a multi-functional role and contribute
substantially to rational and effective grove management. The functions of vegetation cover in olive
groves are to:
58 58
Provide nutrient cycling and prevent soil-born diseases by improving soil structure, promoting
soil microbiological activity and in some instances creating an unfavourable environment in the
topsoil for pests, thus reducing the need for pesticides;
Prevent loss of the fertile topsoil through erosion, thus reducing the need for nutrient input;
Decrease run-off and thus increase water absorption and storage efficiency of the soil;
Increase soil organic matter and thus improve soil aggregation and porosity and increase water
holding capacity;
Stimulate and conserve beneficial insects, parasites, vertebrates and birds by providing shelter
and food which cumulatively contribute to prevention of insect pests and pathogens; and
Green manures;
Mulches: in this case the vegetation covers are chopped and the residues used as mulch. Mulch
minimizes water losses during the dry period and retains soil organic matter content much better
than cultivated soils. They are, however, sensitive to fire during dry periods;
Permanent crops for grazing: in this case the undisturbed soil is a big advantage, while the
danger of competition for water and nutrients between the cover crop and the olive trees is a
disadvantage. Nevertheless biodiversity and attractiveness of the landscape are increased and
food and shelter are available to beneficial organisms all year round. Furthermore the soil is
enriched with fresh manure and thus biological activity is encouraged. Economic benefits should
not be underestimated as while the costs of intervention are reduced, there are also additional
gains in terms of animal feed. On the other hand, a pre-requisite of permanent crops is the
availability of grazing animals, mainly sheep, which graze without damaging the olives.
When water is available, then vegetation cover for soil enrichment and for the intention of raising
sheep becomes an attractive supplement to olive growing. The olive grove in this case turns into an
agro-pasture system, offering society attractiveness and new landscapes.The stages for introducing
vegetation cover are first as green manure, as they have fewer risks and the growers learn gradually the
new method of top soil management. Later vegetation cover may be changed to mulch or permanent
cover, depending on the existing local conditions and water availability.
A diversity of vegetation cover must be used since a number of different soils and grove management
requirements have to be satisfied. The following criteria should be used for selecting plants as
vegetation cover:
59 59
Requirements for improvement of soil texture and structure (shallow or deep rooting);
Impedance of cultural practices (e.g. harvesting with nets spread on the ground);
Machinery types and management requirements of the selected plant species in respect of
slashing, chopping or incorporation;
For rotation of soil cover, the species and local varieties used traditionally should be preferred as
these are perfectly adapted to local or regional agro climatic conditions; and
Although legumes are not so effective in improving soil structure and water penetration, they can
contribute large amounts of nitrogen to the soil through nitrogen fixation of their roots.
3.8 Cultivation systems and water retention / infiltration / evaporation
Cultivation systems have an important influence on the balance of water in the soil and establish
major differences in overall availability for the plant. High levels of infiltration are not in themselves
sufficient, as the infiltrated water must be retained.
Olive trees grown under conservation tillage conditions can, in time, achieve greater canopy volume
than those tilled in a conventional manner, a sign of greater availability of water in the soil, which
will in return result in a major increase in yield.
The fact that there is a reduction in the speed of infiltration through the soil surface in untilled soils
due to the formation of crusts does not mean that this practice makes the soil impermeable.
On the other hand the effect of tilling is not long-lasting since fairly intense rainfall on recently
tilled soil drastically reduces the capacity of infiltration in subsequent rainfalls. At the end of a
rainy period, tilled soil does not accumulate more water than untilled soil over a period of several
years. The explanation for this is that compact and barely permeable zones (plough hard pans)
have formed from frequent tillage at a constant depth in tilled soils due to the effects of the tools
used making water infiltration even slower than on surface crust. Also, in untilled terrain, not all
the rainfall is heavy enough to produce runoff, and once the crust is wet, the speed of infiltration
increases considerably.
Superficial (less than 5 cm) tillage once a year can be sufficient to increase infiltration in untilled
soil to satisfactory levels not less than those obtained in soils under traditional tillage.
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An effective method of improving infiltration is the use of vegetation cover on the soil that can
be cut down at the beginning of spring to prevent competition for water. A cereal cover crop can
substantially increase the total amount of infiltrated water during the rainy season.
Tillage has traditionally been considered to play an important role in the conservation of water
which has infiltrated into the ground, and it has been assumed that the reduction in evaporation
is due to the capillarity having been broken up as a result of this practice. However, much of the
experimental work performed in recent years fails to confirm this hypothesis. By the time the soil
has softened sufficiently for it to be tilled, most of the water loss as a result of capillarity has already
occurred. The superficial crust in non-tilled soil can reduce the speed of evaporation.
Certain types of soil have a definite tendency to form cracks when the land is not tilled, but it is also
true that these cracks appear when the water in the soil has evaporated especially in the clay soils
that have high percentage of montmorillonite. In tilled soil cracks can also develop for identical
reasons and therefore it is doubtful whether there is any real benefit to be gained from this practice,
especially considering the additional cost involved among other disadvantages.
3.9 Productivity under different cultivation systems and associated costs
Non-conventional cultivation methods like
no-tillage, reduced (minimum) tillage or strip-
tillage result in increasing olive productivity
compared with conventional tillage. In
these systems, residual herbicide is applied
underneath the canopy of the trees along the
rows and this area is left untilled, while no-
tillage or tilling of varying degrees of intensity
is performed along the row-middles.
Vegetation cover cultivation systems can also
be used either with weed cover or by sowing with fodder grasses or leguminous cover which are
very efficient in preventing erosion. One crucial condition for obtaining satisfactory results is that
there should be no competition for water and nutrients between the vegetation cover and the olive
trees. There is no reason why well-managed cover should reduce productivity.
The aforementioned cultivation systems serve two main objectives; namely keeping the grove land
free from weeds and improving olive yields.
In terms of soil maintenance costs, both in the no-tillage system with herbicides and in reduced
tillage system with vegetation cover and herbicides application along the trees rows, very little
61 61
machinery is required and the size of the tractors used can be reduced significantly as well as the
number of tractor hours which will cumulatively reduce gasoline requirements. All this usually
translates into lower input costs in favour of the farmer and means that no-tillage and reduced
tillage systems are generally cheaper than conventional tillage, in addition to the probable increase
in productivity. In these systems the basic equipment required is herbicide application equipment
which has a relatively low cost since it is possible, with certain precautions, to use the equipment
used for spraying plant health treatments.
The no-tillage method gives much higher flexibility to enter the row-middles floor in the grove with
machinery for many cultural practices such as spraying, fertilizing or harvesting. It also makes
labour movement much easier inside the grove.
3.10 Soil chemical degradation:
Soil chemical degradation can be described as an undesirable change in soil chemical properties
such as pH, size and composition of cation exchange complex, contents of organic matter, mineral
nutrients, and soluble salts. Changes in one or more of these properties often have direct or indirect
adverse effects on the chemical fertility of soils, which can lead to a decrease in soil productivity.
Soils are continually undergoing natural chemical changes as a result of weathering. The combination
of the weathering process with other factors, such as parent material, climate, biota, and topography,
are responsible for the evolution of soil diversity. The forces and factors affecting soil formation
are always operational in a manner such that a static equilibrium state is never attained. However,
the balance at any given time is highly sensitive to these factors and a new equilibrium towards soil
degradation may be the outcome when there are natural or man-made changes.
The most widespread types of chemical degradation in soils are an excessive decrease or increase in
pH (acidity or alkalinity), an increase in soluble salt content (salinity), a decrease in organic matter
content, and a loss of mineral nutrients through leaching or crop offtake.
3.11 Conserving the chemical and biological properties of the soil:
Although the biological and chemical properties of the soil are rather complex and complicated
subjects, it is important that farmers be given a minimum of the very basic scientific ideas about
these properties in order to help them in interpreting their own observations while dealing with
the soil. It also helps them be able to understand the reasons behind the negative or positive
outcomes of their own cultural practices and consequently improve their appreciation and efficient
implementation of the GAP Guidelines contained in this manual. To achieve these objectives, the
major constituents of the soil biological and chemical properties are very briefly discussed in the
following sub-sections.
1 Citation: (2005). Degradation, chemical.
Encyclopedia of Soil Science, 1 (1), Retrieved January 3, 2006, from
62 62
3.11.1 The role of soil organisms and organic matter in sustaining soils fertility and health
Earthworms feed on dead or decaying plant
materials or other organic matters in the
soil and redistribute the litter throughout
the topsoil layer in a form more accessible
to decomposition by soil micro-organisms.
These well known and appreciated creatures
by any farmer are among the different living
organisms in the soil which can be seen by the
naked eye like beetles, snails, slugs, ants and
termites. Other more important functioning
organisms for the soil health and fertility, but
unfortunately not highly recognized or appreciated, are of microscopic sizes (0.000001 mm) like
bacteria and fungi which constitute 75-90% of the soil biomass and are considered as the soil natural
gardeners or as some would call them, the biofertilizers. This is because they are responsible for
fertilizing the soil through decomposing and recycling organic matter particles by digesting and
transforming them into an available form of mineral nutrients required for plant growth like nitrate,
ammonium, phosphorous and sulphur.
Some soil micro-organisms are responsible for converting inorganic components from one form
to another and degrading harmful chemicals. Others produce complex chemical compounds such
as vitamins and hormones which can improve plant health and contribute to higher, healthier crop
yields. Ironically some micro-organisms are capable of decomposing residual organic herbicides
either aerobically (with oxygen) or an-aerobically (without oxygen). Among other micro-organism
species which live in the soil are algae, viruses and protozoa. When all types of micro-organisms die,
their bodies become fertilizer sources themselves, and when they are still alive some become prey
for other soil micro-organisms like nematodes that recycle them into other forms of soil nutrients.
Dead or alive; soil micro-organisms not only improve soil fertility and balance nutrients but they
also take over the tillage function through aerating, tunnelling and aggregating soil particles. It is
for this reason, that when organisms take care of certain soils they feels spongy underfoot with a
characteristic smell and lots of humus. These distinguishing properties allow us to recognise such
Except some types of bacteria, almost all soil micro-organisms need food, water and oxygen to live
and therefore their largest populations of roughly 75% live in the top 5-10 cm of well aerated and
moist soil. This soil is full of decayed plant feeder roots and organism remains and covered with
plant residues and animal litter. This wealth of organic matter secure their food needs from a carbon-
63 63
based source. In this top rich, non-eroded soil horizon, the population of micro-organisms is huge
and can range between one and ten million per each gram of soil. The exact population level and
activity depend on many climatic conditions, human induced activities and most importantly on the
soil habitat conditions like its moisture holding capacity, organic matter level and carbon type, pH,
temperature, mineral levels, salt and heavy metal contents. Under warm and wet conditions, the rate
of organic matter breakdown is fast. In cool areas the soils would normally have higher levels of
non-decomposed organic matter because it does not break down as quickly as in high temperatures.
During drought, the soil organisms shrivel and die and the soil fertility can start to degrade. Human
induced practices such as burning residues or irrational tillage which leads to soil compaction or
induces water logging can substantially reduce soil biota.
Organic matter which is beneficial for the soils biological life can be either of plant origin (straw,
hay, sawdust, wood chips, rice hulls, grape and olive pomace, fruit juice or sugarcane residues,
vegetation covers, crop residues, fallen or collected leaves, carbon ashes, etc...), or animal manure,
slurries, seaweed, fish by-products, food waste, composted or pulverized urban organic garbage,
sludge, abattoirs paunch, etc and any other materials that are derived from plants or animals as
well as micro-organisms and their excretions. The smaller the size of the organic matter, the better
it is for the decomposition process and the livelihood of the micro-organisms. Therefore shredding
olive tree prunings is recommended to enhance the decomposing process.
Untreated fresh animal manure should be handled with caution as it normally contains food
poisoning microbes. Other organic materials can, to some extent, support the growth of food-
poisoning microbes if not treated. Contamination of the olive fruits from these materials can happen
through accidental direct contact or via the soil and therefore the GAP Guidelines contained in this
manual should be implemented by olive growers in managing their groves so that they can access
the multiple benefits of these good materials without having to suffer from their drawbacks.
Like any other living community on earth, the soil community contains good and bad inhabitants.
Among the bad ones are certain micro-organisms which are pathogenic to plants and can infect
them through their roots and may cause them considerable damage (verticillium wilt in olives is an
example). However, certain soil micro-organisms which are called biopesticides are antagonistic
to these pathogens and can produce compounds that stimulate the natural defence mechanisms of
the plant and improve its resistance. The development of ongoing research will, one day and sooner
than thought, allow the efficient use of these soil micro-organisms as an alternative biological
control to chemical control.
Different types of fresh organic matter are normally characterized by large amounts of carbon in
relation to nitrogen. During composting, the soil micro-organisms use carbon mainly as fuel and
64 64
nitrogen as building material for their bodies.
Therefore the higher carbon to nitrogen ratio
in an organic matter, the longer it will take the
micro-organisms to decompose it. Ultimately
humus is produced as a result of the complex
activities of micro-organisms, their remains
and the decomposing process itself. Humus is
a dark colour and crumbly material resistant
to further decomposition. It is very complex
in its structure and is very resistant to decay,
sometimes lasting as long as 1000 years. Humus is a very important contributor to soil health and
fertility for the following reasons. it:
Improves water holding capacity as its molecule can absorb and hold large quantities of water;
Improves cation exchange capacity (CEC) as humus molecules are colloids, which are negatively
charged structures with an enormous surface area. Therefore they can attract and hold huge
quantities of positively charged elemental nutrients (cations) such as calcium, magnesium and
potassium until the plant needs them. Clays also have this capacity, but humus colloids have a
much greater CEC than clays;
Enhances absorption of organic molecules and inorganic compounds added to the soil by either
natural or unnatural means and thus provide a storehouse for plants available nutrients like
nitrogen, phosphorous, and sulphur;
Adds a glue-like binding substance that enhances the building of soil structure. The new cemented
structural aggregates of soil particles of sand, silt, clay and organic matter do not break down in
Acts like a sponge in sandy soil to hold moisture and nutrients while in clay it help aggregate the
finer particles allowing for larger pore spaces, thus improving aeration and drainage;
Increases infiltration, reduce water runoff and increase surface wetness and
Buffers the soil against abrupt changes in pH, contamination with pesticides and toxic heavy
For all of these reasons, organic matter should undoubtedly be regarded as the backbone or lifeblood
of a successful, safe and healthy agricultural economy. This is not only because they support soil
micro-organisms needs of food and consequently enhance soil fertility, but also because of their many
other advantages, some of which are very similar to the humus influences indicated above. Organic
matter is extremely important in sandy soils as it decreases nutrient losses caused by leaching and
also protects these soils from physical degradation. Unfortunately the failure to replenish depleted
organic matter in agriculture soils over centuries and the continuous inefficient use of fertilizers,
65 65
pesticides, herbicides and fungicides by farmers in the belief that these materials increase crop
yields, has altered the biological, chemical and physical properties of the soil. Microbial activity
has decreased, pH has been altered and soil structure, aeration, porosity and water-holding capacity
have been negatively affected. We now know that many living species are threatened with extinction
or have already vanished as a result of incorrect human attitudes towards the environment and its
ecosystems. What is less well known is that we face the same risks with the micro-organisms in our
soils. However, this can be corrected through implementing GAP Guidelines without negatively
affecting production.
Growers must appreciate that chemical fertilizers only provide some of the macro nutrient elements,
while the soils are becoming deficient in micro-nutrients and general health and fertility. A rational
combination between synthetic fertilizers, organic matter and soil conservation practices will
recover and enhance our soils physical, chemical and biological properties and improve and sustain
its productivity.
3.11. 2 Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
Some of the following discussion is quite technical, but it is included to provide both resource
material for extension and training work, as well as a resource for individuals to develop a greater
understanding of the science underpinning effective soil management. It provides the background
and rationale for the GAP Guidelines at the end of the chapter.
Impact and depnition: CEC has an appreciable impact on soil fertility and its acidity / alkalinity.
Therefore understanding what cation exchange capacity is all about is very important for the olive
farmers of the WANA region so that they can manage the soil of their groves effectively. In simple
terms, some of the soils inorganic and organic particles (clay and humus) are charged electrically
with negative charges. While there is a sound hypothesis about the means by which these particles
are charged, it is a mystery to many people involved with the soil, especially farmers.
The electrical charge magnitude is a function of different characteristics, among which is the
specific surface area of the charged particle. Humus particles, which are plate shaped with multiple
internal surfaces, can carry enormous negative charges due to their relatively large surface area.
Clay particles are flaky in shape and have smaller internal surfaces. For example, while a fine sand
particle measures 0.25 to 0.5 mm in diameter and the surface area of one gram of such sand particles
is approximately 45 cm
, clay on the other hand is <0.002 mm and approximately 8,000,000 cm
respectively. The surface area of one gram of humus is much higher again than that of clay. The
thin, flat plated, negatively charged particles of clay and humus are called colloids and they are
normally less than 2 microns in diameter.
All elements in the soil (some of which are essential nutrients for plant growth) are electrically
charged and are known as ions. When ions are negatively charged they are called anions (like
nitrate, chlorine, sulphate, phosphorus, boron and molybdenum). When ions are positively charged
they are known as cations (like potassium, ammonium, sodium, copper, zinc, manganese, calcium,
66 66
magnesium, iron and aluminium). Since the soil colloids are negatively charged they will, like a
magnet, electrically attract and hold (fix) positively charged cations and repel negatively charged
The magnitude of attraction and fixation of cations by the soil colloids depends on the level of
negative charge of the colloids; therefore humus colloids can hold more cations than clay colloids
can. The strength of bonding of a specific cation to the colloids depends on the number of positive
charges this cation carries. While some cations are fixed on the negatively charged soil colloids and
some are free to move in the soil solution, all anions are free to move in the soil solution. Both of
the free moving ions (cations and anions) are readily available to the plants and readily leach-able.
This is where efficient irrigation management counts. Under certain conditions an anion can form
a compound with a cation and becomes insoluble and temporarily unavailable for the plant or even
for leaching as in the case of a phosphorous anion when it binds with either an aluminium or iron
Cations held onto soil colloids can move onto the soil solution or can be replaced by other cations
which are in high concentration in the soil solution. An example of this is where hydrogen cations
released by the plants root hairs or by micro-organisms or when potassium is replaced by other
cations such as calcium or hydrogen, and vice versa. Thus the cations absorbed by the colloids
are at all times exchangeable as long as the soil is alive with micro-organisms and moisture. The
exchange efficiency is influenced, among other factors, by the number of charges the specific cation
carries as mentioned above. The Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) is a measure of the total sum of
exchangeable cations adsorbed by soil colloids, at any one time, per unit weight of soil. The higher
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the CEC, the higher the negative charges of the colloids and the more cations that can be held. CEC
is expressed in mille-equivalents per 100 grams of oven-dry soil (meq/100 g). A mille-equivalent
weight is equal to 0.001 gram of hydrogen.
Since soil CEC is a measure of the soils clay or humus content, the CEC of light sandy soil poor in
clay and organic matter is consequently very low (roughly measuring 3-5 meg/100 gm) while it is
10-20 meg/100 for sandy loam or loamy sand, 30-40 meg/100 for silty clays and 50-100 meg/100
for rich organic soils. This is one reason that managing sandy soils is not an easy task.
CEC, "soil buffer capacity" and soil fertility: The importance of high CEC for plants is simply
that when free cations in the soil solution are taken-up by plants roots or lost through leaching, the
cations held onto the colloids will be released for re-supplying the soil solution. Therefore the higher
the CEC, the more consistent will be the supply and this is called the soil`s buffer capacity which
not only secures the supply of cations, but also resists changes in concentration of a nutrient or soil
pH. Therefore the likelihood of cations leaching through the soil profile decreases progressively
with increasing CEC .
On the other hand sandy soils with low CEC are often deficient in several essential nutritional
elements, which is detrimental for plant growth and development, due to the fewer sites available
to hold reserves of cations. It is also that the leaching of nutrients in these soils is very high and
therefore efficient management of both fertilizers and irrigation in sandy soils is essential for
meaningful production. For these reasons, CEC is a very good indication of the soil fertility.
Base Saturation: some cations, such as hydrogen and aluminium can be classified as acidic or acid
forming . Some other cations are classified as basic or alkaline forming, among which are calcium,
magnesium, potassium and sodium. The proportion of acids and bases within the CEC is termed the
percentage base saturation. The importance of this CEC property is that the relative proportion
of acids and bases on the exchange sites determines a soil`s pH which will drop if the number of
basic cations (Ca
and Mg
) decreases and the number of acidic cations (H
and Al
) increases.
Adding limestone replaces acidic hydrogen and aluminium cations on the colloids surfaces with
basic calcium and magnesium cations, which increases the base saturation and raises the pH. The
availability of nutrient cations such as Ca, Mg, and K to plants increases with increasing base
saturation percentage.
3.11.3 Soil pH
Depnition: The pH of a soil indicates the strength of acidity or alkalinity in the soil solution. The
pH scale goes from 0 to 14 but the majority of agriculture productive soils fall between 4 and 11. A
pH of 7 is neutral, which is neither acid nor alkaline and when it is less than 7 it is acidic and when
it is greater than 7 it is alkaline (basic). The pH scale is logarithmic, so a difference of a unit is a
tenfold difference in acidity or alkalinity (e.g. pH 5 is ten times more acid than pH 6). Soil pH has
a dramatic influence on nutrient availability.
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Generally acidic soils are to be found in regions
of high rainfall while soils in dry climate
regions tend to be alkaline. Essential nutrients
are most available at pH levels between 6.5
and 7.5 (slightly acidic to slightly alkaline).
In olive groves, problems due to alkalinity are
less commonly reported than problems due to
acidity. The soil pH level is influenced by many
factors including parent material, precipitation,
native vegetation, crops grown, soil depth,
nitrogen fertilization and soil management.
Before a soil mineral nutrient can be used by any growing plant, it must first be dissolved in the soil
solution. The solubility of the 14 soil mineral nutrients needed by plants is very much dependant on
the pH value. The solubility of minerals is harder in alkaline soils than it is in neutral or slightly acidic
soils. Phosphorous for example can be most available at a pH range centred around 7. Extremely
and strongly acid soils (pH 4.0-5.0) can have high concentrations of soluble aluminium, iron and
manganese which may be toxic to the growth of some plants.
The soil biota does not function well outside the range of pH 5 to 8 and decomposing soil organic
matter into humus slows down drastically which negatively affects soil fertility. The non-breaking
of organic matter results in nutrient tie up, particularly nitrogen.
Why soils become alkaline (a predominant case in the WAAA region) and how to manage them
following CAP Cuidlines: some soils used for growing olives in the arid and semi-arid climates of
the WANA region are slightly alkaline to highly alkaline,
with pH that range from 7.5 to 9.5. However with the tolerability of olive trees to moderately
alkaline soils, many olive groves in the region are performing satisfactorily up to pH 8.7 with
alterations in fertilizer practices to resolve nutritional problems associated with these soils. Under
one or a combination of the following factors, soils tend to become alkaline:
When aluminium and hydrogen have been predominately replaced by basic cations (calcium
, magnesium Mg
, potassium K
and sodium Na
) on the permanently charged cation
exchange sites;
Problems caused to plants grown in alkaline, high pH, soils arise mainly from nutrient imbalances
rather than from the direct influence of the high pH soil solution. Such problems include the
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Phosphorus deficiency due to its reaction with calcium carbonate and calcium sulphate to form
insoluble calcium phosphates;
The unavailability of zinc as it combines with applied phosphate as fertilizer to form zinc
phosphate; and
When it is not feasible to apply conservation tillage due to local conditions, then the following
precautions should be considered if traditional tillage is performed:
The number oI annual tillage operations should be cut down to the bare minimum. More
tillage does not mean more moisture, as long as weeds are kept under control;
To be perIormed at times when it will not cause extensive water loss Irom the soil; and
Tillage depth should be changed Irom time to time to avoid sub-surIace compaction and to
prevent the formation of plough hard pans.
Among conservation tillage systems, shallow superficial tillage is the most advisable especially
when associated with a vegetation crop in the row-middles floor of the grove as it incorporates
the residues of this cover.
Herbicides should be applied to completely eliminate weeds under the tree canopies but this is
not essential in row-middles floor.
Herbicides must be applied correctly. If a weed escapes the control and turns
into a problem, hand weeding maybe the only viable option of control. On
no account should attempts be made to solve the problem by increasing the
dosage of herbicide or by unnecessarily repeating the operation.
Maintaining well-managed vegetation cover can help reduce water and wind erosion without
having negative effects on productivity. The application with low dosages of certain post-
emergent herbicides can help keep cover development down to levels which are not harmful for
the olive trees.
Under a vegetation cover system grown during the rainy season, it is very unlikely that water-
eroded rills will form. Under no cover, rills should
be immediately attended to in order to prevent them
from widening and developing into gullies, by
adding imported soil and smoothing the soil surface
with scratch (superficial) shallow tillage.
When olive trees are to be planted on rip lines, these rip lines should not be continuous as water
erosion or even gullies development may occur along these lines. A 2 m gap of non-ripped
ground left every 1520 m will prevent this from happening.
In general, terraces are suitable on slopes up to about 50%. Flat terraces are best on narrow slopes
while downward sloped terraces are more suitable for steep land. Conservation tillage is crucial
on terraces as it ensures their long life. On the other hand traditional tillage will eventually wear
down terrace ridges leading to continuous maintenance and even the need for rebuilding.
When the soil is too wet, tillage and traffic of heavy machinery should be strictly avoided to
avoid severe compaction.
Equipment with wider tyres or dual tyres are preferred as their impact on the soil is reduced.
While driving on row-middle floors, the minimum inflation pressure recommended by the tyre
manufacturer should be maintained.
Whenever possible, the tires spans of different equipment should be the same and drivers should
follow the same tracks to avoid compacting larger areas.
Grove operations should be always combined to make fewer passes over the grove floor.
When using drip irrigation in olive groves under arid conditions where weeds are unlikely to
grow on the row-middle floor, it is advisable not to till the soil otherwise it can suffer from wind
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C. In conventional mills, the mixers are equipped with a mat loading system,
by means of which the mixed paste is spread onto the pulp mats that make up the press load.
In continuous centrifugation units, mixing is very important in preparing the paste to be transferred
to the decanters. They tend to use metal crushers which, apart from the fact they do not completely
tear the oil-bearing cells, can also emulsify the oil. Mixing has to last not less than an hour and
to be performed at temperatures above the ambient temperature, particularly when the olives are
difficult to process and require even greater mixing times and temperatures.
Nowadays nitrogen atmosphere malaxing facilities are available on the market These reduce the
presence of oxygen, preserving quality by reducing the oxidation of the paste. In percolation
units too, the paste has to be mixed for more than 30 minutes at temperatures above the ambient
temperature (not exceeding 35c under any circumstances) with a mixing time of not less than 30
-45 minutes. However, if the olives are more manageable, mixing can be restricted to 30 minutes
since percolation involves constantly stirring the paste, an operation which, in separating the oil by
dripping, could be termed a subsequent mixing stage. Separation of the Phases
A variety of equipment is used to separate the liquid phases from the solid phase by subjecting the
olive paste to one of three types of force, depending on the extraction system involved. This force
may be pressure (in pressing), centrifugal (in centrifugation) or difference in interfacial tension (in
percolation). The oily must (two immiscible liquids with different densities) has to undergo the
last step to completely separate the oil from the vegetable water by centrifuge separation that has
automatic impurities discharge.
When pressing facilities are employed the olive paste is squeezed between pulp mats. The pressure
applied makes the paste decrease in volume so that the liquid phases are able to run out of the cake
and the mat mesh, producing two flows of oily must:
A central flow which runs down through the needle into the trolley table; and
A peripheral flow which, through run-off, drips outside the pile of mats and is collected in the
press table.
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The following factors affect this process:
The oil characteristics and the olives;
The speed at which the ram is raised and the duration of pressing;
The maximum pressure that can be applied and the specific pressure applied to the pomace;
The type of stack formation.
Where fruit characteristics are concerned, the percentages of moisture, oil and solid matter are of
special significance. "Difficult" olives generally have low oil content and high moisture content.
This lowers extraction yields since, when it is being pressed, the paste tends to slip out of the mats,
thus producing a loss of oil-containing plant material which ends up in the vegetable water or in the
matter discharged from the centrifuge separator. Increasing mixing temperatures and duration are
two steps that help to improve oil yields in such cases. The speed at which the press ram is raised
has to be adjusted to the characteristics of the olives. However, nowadays, modern super presses can
vary ram speed in two ways: the load may either be raised quickly to fit it under the press head, or
it may be raised slowly for actual pressing.
The duration of pressing is an important factor when it comes to assessing extraction performance. It
must therefore be ensured that pressing lasts long enough. When the maximum pressure is attained,
the stack must be kept under constant pressure for 30-60 minutes to obtain the high yields this
system can afford (about 90% of the oil contained in the olives).
When direct centrifugation units are employed to extract the oil from the olives, centrifugal force is
applied to the water-diluted paste. This accentuates the difference between the specific weights of the
immiscible liquids and the solid matter, thereby permitting continuous, simultaneous separation of
the oil, water and pomace. This separation is possible thanks to the horizontal centrifuges (decanter)
which rotate at 3,000-4,000 r.p.m. and can attain G values (ratio of centrifugal acceleration to
gravitational acceleration) of 2,000-3,000, depending on the internal diameter of the rotor. Extraction
yields are affected by two chief operational parameters: the characteristics of the olives and the
supply flow. Other factors of less importance are the amount and temperature of the water added to
dilute the paste.
When the centrifugation system is used, "difficult" olive pastes have to be properly prepared during
mixing in order to increase the amount of "free" oil that can be separated by mechanical means. In
addition, the operational capacity of the equipment must be lowered to prevent oil being lost in the
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Each individual centrifuge decanter has a maximum hourly capacity, depending on its manufacturing
and dynamic characteristics, which must be complied with if satisfactory extraction yields are to
be obtained. When the centrifuge capacity is pushed to its limit or exceeded, the mixture of olive
paste and water does not have enough space or time inside the decanter to separate cleanly into the
different phases. As a result, the oil is not properly removed and some of the plant material is lost
in the vegetable water.
Another factor that may affect extraction yields is the amount of water added to the paste, i.e. if too
much or too little is added this can affect the quality and the efficiency of decanters. The optimal
amount of water needed to dilute the paste is chiefly determined by the characteristics of the olives
and the centrifuge.
It is estimated empirically by observing the oil (which should be clean) and the water (which should
not be very viscous) as they flow out of the decanter and may vary widely (from 60-70 1/q of olives
to 100-110 1/q). The actual temperature of the paste-diluting water has less of an influence on
extraction yields, but it must not be above 25 C to avoid limiting the activity of enzymes.
Percolation (Selective Filtration):
Extracting the oil from olive paste by percolation works on the principle that the oil and vegetable
water have different surface tensions with respect to a steel plate. What happens is that when the steel
plate is plunged into the paste, it will preferably be coated with oil when it is withdrawn, which then
drips off, thus creating a flow of oily must made up almost only of oil. The extraction yields attained
with percolation are particularly affected by the characteristics of the olives and the duration of the
operation, and may vary between 40-45% (difficult olives) and 70-75% (easy olives).
As a rule, good results are obtained when the olives have low moisture content and a higher solid
matter content. If the olives are difficult or have a high moisture content, oil processing performance
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can be improved by adding pomace or hydrophilic extraction aids. Extraction efficiency is not
affected by the amount of paste that can be loaded into the single extractor (300-350 kg) or the dual
extractor (650-700 kg). However 7.5 r.p.m. is the best rotation speed for the mechanical arm that
stirs the paste.
Percolation leaves a very wet, oily pomace from which the oil must subsequently be extracted by
pressing or centrifugation. Combined percolation-centrifugation is the system most in favour at
present, which operates on a continuous, automated cycle that requires less labour.
Separating the oil from the must
The oil must obtained in the various extraction systems has to undergo one last operation to completely
separate the oil from the vegetable water. Two immiscible liquids with different densities can be
separated by natural settling or centrifugation. When good-quality virgin olive oil is wanted, it is
wise to centrifuge since natural decantation is a slow process and one in which the oil is in contact
with the vegetable water for a long time, with the consequent risk of contamination. Centrifugation,
in contrast, is quick, requires little labour and is efficient in separating the impurities from the oil.
12.3 Oil Storage
While waiting to be released for consumption, the extracted virgin olive oil, however, has to be stored
properly to prevent any possible decline in its quality. The oil must be stored in uniform batches.
Consequently, it must undergo a number of quick, analytical assays that enable its classification. It
can then be mixed with the batch corresponding to its commercial grade. The assessments performed
for this purpose involve assessing the oil`s organoleptic characteristics and its acidity. It can then
undergo a preliminary classification and be mixed with batches of oil of a similar quality. Large
sunken vats or above-ground stainless steel tanks are suggested to store olive oil in bulk. The vats
are built in the ground; they are made of stone or cement and have enamelled or glazed walls. On
the other hand, metal tanks, which are usually made of stainless steel, lie above ground and are kept
under cover inside buildings.
Since oil is able to absorb odorous, volatile or lip soluble substances with ease, thus acquiring
undesirable organoleptic characteristics, the storage places must be free from all source of odours,
whether pleasant or unpleasant. Every possible precaution must therefore be taken during storage to
prevent the following types of oil spoilage:
Deterioration caused by contact with unsuitable materials;
Deterioration caused by prolonged contact with aqueous impurities; and
Oxidative deterioration.
The spoilage that occurs in olive oil through contact with the water that remains in the product, albeit
in minimum quantities (must be less than 0.5%), after passing through the centrifuge separator is
basically caused by fermentation triggered by the hydro-soluble substances present in the aqueous
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When virgin olive oil is stored, a layer of sediment (dregs or sludge) forms on the bottom made up
of vegetable water which contains glucosidic and protein substances (lipo-proteins), in addition to
plant debris and enzymes. When the environmental conditions are right and the oil is left in contact
with the aqueous layer for a long time, it may acquire the following defects, known as:
"muddy sediment", caused by the smell peculiar to vegetable water; and
"putrid", caused by anaerobic fermentation of the dregs.
The free acidity of the oil may also rise owing to the lipolytic action of the enzymes present in the
aqueous phase. So it is essential to separate the oil from the sediment as quickly as possible, either
by decanting the oil or by filtering it through hydrophilic material (eg cotton wool).
Oxidative deterioration in virgin olive oil is due to autoxidation which can be delayed by employing
suitable methods, but cannot be avoided. The oxidation process in the oil begins from the moment the
olives are picked from the tree, which triggers the activity of enzymes present in the fruit. Following
mechanical extraction, oxidation continues in the form of a radical mechanism, which is caused and
supported by the dissolved oxygen. The speed with which oxidation occurs is determined by the
conditions of storage, until it produces the defect known as "rancid" which makes the oil unfit for
consumption. Oxidative deterioration is encouraged by the following factors:
Exposure to light and air;
High ambient temperatures; and
Excessive metal content (Cu and Fe especially).
Storage in the traditional sunken vats satisfies all the requirements to protect product quality from
oxidative spoilage. They are a barrier to light and are lined with a vitrified coating or enamelled tiles
which prevent any harmful metal taint. They also afford effective protection from both low winter
temperatures, thereby preventing the oil from freezing, and high summer temperatures, by keeping
it at a temperature of no more than 20-22 C. The only disadvantage of this storage system is that
the oil has to be decanted by pumping it through to other containers to remove the dregs, which
therefore involves exposing it to the effects of aeration.
Metal storage tanks also afford satisfactory conditions for protecting the oil from light and air, and
from the risk of metal taint, since they are generally made of corrosion-resistant stainless steel.
However, they have one drawback. The metal walls of the tanks afford poor insulation and do not
therefore protect the oil from temperature changes, particularly from the high summer temperatures
that cause the most oxidation damage. If the risks connected with increased oil temperature are to
be avoided, the tanks must be provided with proper thermal insulation.
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12.3.1 Filling and Packaging
Normally, small containers are made of steel, which are made inert on the inside, by covering them
with a metal film which the oil is unable to wear away. This layer may come off leaving the oil in
contact with the metal and may lead to tainting the oil and spoiling it. Filling and packaging oil in
containers made of glass, stone, enamel internal facing or metal alloys that exclude all possible taint
are possible to avoid oil spoilage. Oil filtration by any means should be performed before oil filling
and packaging in small containers. Packaging is one of the last processing procedures undertaken
for olives and olive oil before it reaches the consumer. It is done by companies that have licenses
necessary to guarantee proper hygienic treatment of a product for human consumption and able
to implement appropriate standards for olives and olive oil products. Companies should employ
the international standards especially IOOC standards for the extra virgin olive oil and other olive
products and should have the ISO and HACCP certificates needed for the most hygienic, high
quality products.
12.3.2 Machinery Cleaning and Maintenance
At the beginning and at the end of the production season, all the oil processing machinery must be
scrupulously cleaned both for general hygiene and to avoid leaving the components exposed to the
risk of corrosion. Particular care must be taken over the maintenance of all the moving mechanical
parts to avert harmful friction between the metal parts. Daily cleaning is advisable in accordance
with the product flow.
12.4 Olive By-Products
12.4.1 Oil Processing By-Products
0live fruit and olive oil account for a minimal part of the biomass produced in olive and olive oil
production as a whole. Olive fruit are in fact equal in weight to olive pruning brush while olive
oil represents approximately 20% of fruit weight. The remaining biomass can be considered as
processing residue. It can be considered a by-product. If not, it is defined as waste and has to be
treated or disposed of according to specific rules and regulations. Olive oil production produces the
following types of residue:
Olive oil pressing residue: olive pomace and olive wastewater;
Orchard residue: unpicked olive fruits and pruning brush (wood and foliage); and
Virgin pomace solvent-extraction residue: depleted (spent) pomace.
12.4.2 Olive Pomace
Pomace is the solid by-product (skin, pulp, and pieces of stones) that is produced when olives are
mechanically processed into oil. It is equal to about 45% on average of the total processed olive
fruits. It is composed of either:
1. Crude olive cake: the residue of the first extraction of oil from the whole olive by pressure. It
has relatively high water (24%) and oil (9%) content causing rapid spoilage when exposed to
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2. Exhausted olive cake: the residue obtained after extraction of the oil from the crude olive cake
by a solvent, usually hexane.
3. Partly destoned olive cake: the result of partly separating the stone from the pulp by screening
or ventilation.
4. Olive pulp: the paste obtained when the stone has been separated from the pulp before extraction
of the oil. It has a high water content (60%) and is difficult to store.
The olive pomace is composed of 50-55% moisture in addition to 5-7% oil (Pressing) and 50-62%
in addition to 3-5% oil (Centrifugation). It is a source of income for olive mill owners since it is
delivered to pomace plants to re-extract the residual oil by a solvent (hexane) to use it for soap
production. The extracted oil is known as olive pomace oil which has to be refined to make it edible.
The dry pomace residue is used mainly as low grade fuel (3200-3800 Kcal / kg). It can be also used
for manufacturing active carbon.
Olive cake (OC) can be used in animal feeding and agricultural organic fertilizers or composting.
Based on the research results in the region, it is concluded that the ensiling process is an effective,
simple and low-cost technique for preserving OC. Combining OC with poultry litter and/or other
ingredients improves silage quality although it is not a prerequisite. When fed as part of the finished
diet to moderately growing ewe lambs and goat kids or to dry mature ewes at maintenance level, the
nutritional value of ensiled OC is significantly higher than that obtained in vitro. The use of urea
solution for upgrading the nutritional value of OC is of very limited value.
Ensiled OC can be used in urea blocks (UB) manufacturing, and because of its binding properties,
incorporating OC into UB may facilitate the use of smaller quantities of binders even without
molasses. Despite the high palatability of the ensiled OC, care should be taken that its inclusion is
restricted to a level where the oil content of the total diet is below 5%.
12.4.3 Olive Vegetative Water (OVW) or Olive Waste Water (OWW)
OVW/OWW is the brown watery liquid residue which has been separated from the oil by
centrifugation or sedimentation after pressing. Its volume depends on the extraction system used
in the mills. It varies from 35-40 L / 100 kg of olives (Pressing), to 80-110 L/ 100 kg of olives
(Centrifugation). It should be kept in special vats before being disposed of. It is primarily an organic
liquid composed of dry matter, oil, reducing sugars, total polyphenol, ash, organic nitrogen and
many different minerals. Disposing of it in the environment may be a source of pollution, and
finding acceptable methods of disposal constitutes a challenge in olive oil processing areas. This
problem should be solved through research activities through reclamation by different means to re-
use it in agricultural production and the opportunity for recovering certain organic constituents from
it as valuable anti-oxidant properties.
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The wastewater produced during olive oil extraction contains a large amount of organic matter that
is acquired during the various stages of processing. Its disposal is a considerable problem because,
besides its high organic matter content, Olive Waste Water (OWW) has a low biodegradability. On
average it has a BOD
/COD ratio of 0.25-0.30 owing to the presence of organic substances that
cannot be biologically oxidized in short periods of time. Vegetable water disposal is quite a costly
operation at present for oil mills, due to the tough environmental protection laws that have been
introduced in most of the olive-growing countries banning the until-recent practice of discharging
the oil mill waste into water courses or urban sewage networks. It is very difficult to reclaim OWW
because of its high organic matter content, which makes it ineffective to use common treatment
technologies, such as the biological active sludge system used to treat urban sewage. Such facilities
could only be used by diluting OWW with urban sewage at a high ratio of from 1:500 to 1:1000.
It is essential for olive processors to ensure the requirements of these laws are met if the industry
is to be able to claim it is run on a sustainable basis. It only takes a few well publicized breaches of
such laws for the whole industrys environmental reputation to be tarnished.
Wastewater spreading on agricultural land
The aim of this practice is to spread it back onto the ground. The organic substances the land
itself has helped to produce, has a beneficial effect, from the agronomic point of view. It has been
demonstrated in numerous experimental trials conducted on different crops grown on vegetable
water-treated soils. The application of 1200 litres of OVW, in three doses, for each olive and citrus
tree did not create any problem to the vegetative growth, flowering and setting of fruits. Even though
the results are preliminary, they can be considered very promising. The work will be continued over
the coming years.
Effects of spreading OWW on the land
The practice of spreading waste on the land has been under careful
study during the last 15 years in Mediterranean countries, not only
as a way of disposing of the waste but as a way of enhancing the
physical and chemical properties of the soil and improving plant
nutrition. It contains sizeable quantities of mineral nutrients that can
replace some of the nutrients provided by conventional fertilization.
Specifically, it contains large amounts of potassium, and smaller amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus
and magnesium. Moreover, because it consists mainly of organic matter, it is an excellent substrate
for the development of the micro flora that improve the physico-chemical properties of the soil.
OWW can be used successfully for agricultural purposes, as can be seen from the large body of
research by several authors. Results provided by several authors report an increase in the total
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number of micro-organisms in the soil 20-40 days after spreading as well as a favourable effect on
bacterial flora, mainly due to the addition of organic matter. This solution can be viewed favourably
in the light of lengthy research into the application of OWW to agricultural land. The reason is
that from the hygiene and health points of view, this wastewater does not have the microbiological
characteristics that make urban waste hazardous for raw crop consumption and for a safe environment.
Also, normal soil water-retention capacity prevents significant vertical infiltration and even under
heavy rain the OWW does not reach groundwater level.
From experiments carried out by numerous authors there is agreement that spreading 40-100 m
ha of OWW on tree crops has several advantages: virtually all the nutrients are recycled (N, P, and
K), the organic load is metabolized and the salts present in the vast are absorbed. Conversely, the
application of OWW is not advised when herbaceous crops are growing, but it can be spread 30
-60 days before sowing or planting. For this reason, the spreading of OWW on agricultural land
has been put forward as the most rational, economical alternative to industrial purification and as a
useful way of returning nutrients to the soil for micro flora and plants.
Timing for spreading
Trees: during the winter season (November- December);
Crops: 1-2 months before planting. It can be added to the soil during the growth period of crops
but not to the leaves;
Vegetables: at least one month before seeding.
Method of adding
It is possible to add OWW directly on the soil by spreading all to areas (crop and tree) by tube from
the back of a tractor or by a special machine designed for this purpose. Release about 50-70 cm
around the trunk of the tree at the end of autumn/ beginning of winter. This method can be used as a
main chemical fertilizer but farmers must pay attention to the following when adding OWW:
Protect the surface and subterranean water; especially in the wet area;
Have data on the soil pedology and depth;
The origin of OWW (press, centrifuge). The amount of OWW from the press is less than with a
centrifuge, because of the high concentration of materials used in press system;
The type of crop and trees the OWW is to be spread on; and
It is not advisable adding OVW directly after heavy rain or after frost.
12.4.4 Olive Pruning Residues
Olive pruning brush can be divided into four categories: large wood branches over 40 mm in
diameter, small wood branches less than 40 mm in diameter, small shoots and leaves. This
brush, which used to be collected for fuel, presents an environmental and farm management issue
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nowadays. Except for large pruning wood, which is still widely used, it is no longer worthwhile
collecting smaller wood and foliage because of labour costs and the growing use of other sources
of energy. In modern olive orchards the smaller pruning wood and foliage is chopped and then
incorporated into the soil using tractor-driven shredders or else it is gathered into piles at a distance
from the trees (almost always mechanically) and then burned. Burning of pruning by-products is
not recommended because this means both loss of money (because of piling up the prunings) and
of organic matter. The organic matter is converted into ash. Though rich in potassium and trace
elements, these do not return the mineral elements exported during cultivation when spread on
the soil.
Olive by-products represent a considerable, insufficiently exploited feed resource for the
Mediterranean Basin. These by-products come in different forms including olive pruning residues
(leaves and branches) discussed above. Leaves collected at the oil mill are not considered pruning
residues, as they were obtained after the olives have been washed and cleaned on entering the oil
mill. It is estimated to be about 5 per cent of the olives weight. Further, each by-product has a
nutritional value which should not be neglected.
These by-products can and should be more and better used in animal feeding (leaves and branches of
less than 3cm in diameter). Olive by-products used in animal feeding should be accurately defined
to avoid confusion and incorrect interpretation of results. However, these by-products should be
considered as crude ligno-cellulose feeds comparable to cereal straw or poor quality hay and they
are most effective in improving the feed value of olive cake.
Olive tree leaves and branches constitute a fodder of exceptionally high quality (which is higher as
the proportion of wood decreases) that should preferably be used fresh (since their nutritional value
is higher than that of leaves which have been dried) or preserved in silage. Separation of the leaves
from the wood whenever possible is recommended. The large branches (more than 3cm in diameter)
can be chopped by a machine to feed animals or can be used as a source of energy in heating houses
for example
254 254
12. 5 Resource Materials
Note: Pictures have been provided by M. El-kholy, C. Gregoriou, International Olive Oil Council
and the World Wide Web
Amirante P. and F. Pipitone 2002. Re-use of the by-products of olive growing and olive oil
production. in Olivae no. 93-October 2002 pp.27-32.
Amirante, P., Montel, G.L, 1999. Utilization and disposal of the byproducts of olive oil extraction
and problems of their impact on the environment, proceedings of IOOC international seminar,
Florence, 10-12 March 1999.
Civantos, Lopez-Villalta, L.et al. 1996. Production techniques. Olive Encyclopaedia.p.147-194.
International Olive Oil Council, Principe de Vergara 154, 28002, Madrid, Spain.
DI Giovacchino L., Basti C_Costantini N., Surricchio G., Ferrante D., Lombardi D., 2002 Effects
of spreading olive vegetable water on soil cultivated with maize and grapevine, in Olivae no.
91-April 2002 pp.37-43.
Fedeli, Enzo. 1996.Oil production and storage technology. Olive Encyclopaedia.p.251-291.
International Olive Oil Council, Principe de Vergara 154, 28002, Madrid, Spain.
Hadjipanayiotou, M. (1999) .The ensiling technique: A simple, safe and feeding crude olive cake.
Olivae. (IOOC). No. 76, 31-34.
Hadjipanayiotou, M.1995. Urea block manufacturing and feeding: Middle East experience.
Paper presented at the 1st FAO Electronic Conference, May 3, 1995. http://www.fao.org/
International Olive Oil Council (IOOC) Publication. 1990. Olive Oil Quality Improvement.
International Olive Oil Council (IOOC) Publication. 1998. The Olive Tree, the Oil, the Olive.
Jardak, T., BEN Rouina, B., OULED Amor, A., Harrabi, T., 1997. valorisation de la pulpe de
grignons puiss en alimentation animale I`chelle industrielle, Documentation de COI.
Kiritsakis,A. 1991. Olive oil. Dedousi Editions, Salonica, Greece.
Morisot, A., 1979. Utilisation des margines par pandage, in L`Olivier, 19, 8-13.
Olive Department Publication. 2005. Olive Byproducts (Wastewater and Pomace Disposal).
Program for the Technical Assistance for the Improvement of Olive Oil Quality Syria.
Photiou, Chr. (2002) Use of vegetation water Cyprus Experience. Presented in the International
course on olive oil production, quality improvement and environmental protection Larnaca,
Cyprus, 3-10 March 2002.
Sansoucy, R. 1981. Utilisation des sous produits de l`olivier pour l`alimentation des animaux.
Seminare international sur la valorisation des sous produits de l`olivier. Monastir, Tunisie.
Dcembre 1981.
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Annex 1
List of Participants to the GAP Workshop, Larnaca, Cyprus, 19-21 /12/ 2005
A) Organizations Representatives
Fawzi Taher [email protected]
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nation Regional Office for the Near East
Ibrahim Hamdan [email protected]
Association of Agriculture Research Institutions in
the Near East and North Africa
Ashraf Tubeileh [email protected]
International Center for Agricultural Research in the
Dry Areas
Ahmed Trigui [email protected]
European System of Cooperative Research Networks
in Agriculture
B) Representatives of Host Institution (ARI) Agriculture Research Institute, Cyprus
Androula Gergiou [email protected]
Costas Gregoriou [email protected]
George Eliades [email protected]
Nicos Serafides [email protected]
C) AARENINA Olive Network Focal Points and Coordinators of Working Groups
Costas Gregoriou [email protected]
Ikram Saad-eldin [email protected]
Mohamed El-Kholy [email protected]
Ali Asghar Zeinanloo [email protected]
256 256
Haytham Khouri [email protected]
Saleh Shdiefat [email protected]
ElHadi Khalaf [email protected]
Belkassem Boulouha [email protected]
Ismail Abu Zinada [email protected]
Saudi Arabia
Sallal Essa Al Mutairi [email protected]
Anwar Al Ibrahiem [email protected]
Boubaker Karray [email protected]
Mohieddine Ksantini [email protected]
Monsour Aldalas [email protected]
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Olive GAP Workshop Agenda
Monday, 19 December 2005
8:30 - 9:00 Registration
9:00 - 9:30 Opening session Chairman: Mohamed El-Kholy
FAO Statement Fawzi Taher
AARINENA Statement Ibrahim Hamdan
ARI Statement Costas Gregoriou
9:30 - 9:45 Coffee break
9:45 - 10:45 Session 2: Introductory Remarks Chairman: Mohamed El-Kholy
9:45 - 10:00 Introduction to GAP Fawzi Taher
10:00 - 10:15 ICARDA presentation on GAP Ashraf Tubeileh
10:15 - 10:45 Presentation of guidelines on GAP Costas Gregoriou
for Olives
10:45 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 02:00 Session 3: Presentation of Country Chairman: Saleh Shedifat
profiles by AARENINA Olive
Network Focal Points
11:00 - 11:15 Morocco Country profile Belkassem Boulouha
11:15 - 11:30 Tunisia Country Profile Mohieddine Ksantini
11:30 - 11:45 Libya Country Profile ElHadi Khalaf
11:45 - 12:00 Egypt Country profile Mohamed El-Kholy
12:00 - 12:15 Cyprus Country Profile Costas Gregoriou
12:15 - 12:30 Saudi Arabia Country Profile Sallal Essa Al Mutairi
12:30 - 02:00 Lunch break
02:00 - 03:45 Session 3 (continue) Chairman: Boubaker Karray
02:00 - 02:15 Syria Country Profile Anwar Al Ibrahiem
02:15 - 02:30 Palestine Country Profile Ismail Abu Zinada
02:30 - 02:45 Iran Country Profile Ali Asghar Zeinanloo
02:45 - 03:00 Jordan Country Profile Saleh Shdiefat
03:00 - 03:15 Yemen Country Profile Monsour Aldalas
03:15 - 03:45 Coffee break
03:45 - 06:00 Session 4: Discussion topics Chairman: Costas Gregoriou
03:45 - 04:15 Presentation on GAP with emphasis on Fawzi Taher
food safety
04:15 - 06:00
Summary of morning presentations Round Table Discussions
Table of generalities arising from
morning sessions
Are research guides needed? Where?
For what level? What topics?
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Introduction to each chapter philosophy
and content
Chapters will be addressed in decreasing
importance, delegating a person to each topic
If new important topics arise, a volunteer will
be asked to rough out that chapter.
Tuesday 20 December 2005
9:00 - 17:00 Session 5: Discussion by working groups Chairman: Fawzi Taher
9:00 - 11:00 Preparation of the new guidelines Working groups and round
table discussion
11:00 - 11.30 Coffee break
11:30 - 13:30 Preparation of the new guidelines (continue) Working groups and round
table discussion
13:30 - 15:00 Lunch break
15:00 - 17:00 Preparation of the new guidelines Working groups and round
(continue) table discussion
Wednesday: 21 December 2005
9:00 - 11.45 Session 5: Discussion by working groups Chairman: Fawzi Taher
9:00 - 11:00 preparation of the final version of guidelines Presentation by working
11:00 - 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 - 11:30 Special session: AARINENA Olive Chairman: Saleh Shedifat
Network: Election of Olive Network
Chairman of the Board
11:30 - 11:45 Current olive activities in the region Coordinator of AARINENA
Olive Network
11:45 - 13.00 Session 6 (closing): Presentation of Olive Chairman: Saleh Shedifat
Network Working Groups Coordinators
11:45 - 12:00 Post Harvest -Jordan Haytham Khouri
12:00 - 12:15 Socio-Economic & Commercialization- Syria Anwar Al Ibrahiem
12:15 - 12:30 Production & Protection-Egypt Ikram Saad-eldin
12:30 - 13:00 Closing of the workshop
13:00 - 18:00 Lunch and Field trip