Loose Parts Leason Plan

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David Fitch 12-02-2005 _______________

(Student’s Name) (Date activity will be implemented)

Sky Room______ ____________________________ ___11-23-2005

(Name of Classroom) (Mentoring Teachers Signature) (Date Submitted)
Three - Five
(Age Group)
A. General Information
1) Name of Activity: Loose Parts
Source of Idea-Author, text, page number (required) Creative Activities
2) Curriculum Area or Development Area: Social

3) Brief Description of Activity: The children will play with odds and ends.

4) Focus (three's and up): Fall

5) Where? Activity area where activity will be presented Dramatic Play Area

6) When? Approximate "Time Block" activity will be presented. Free choice time 9:00 – 10:00
7) Who? Number of children you will be working with at a time-size of group. 16

B. Activity Planning
1) Why? List purposes of activity.
In this activity, children will develop fine and gross motor skills

2) What? List all materials needed (do not include recipe ingredients unless children are making the recipe in
the classroom),
Materials I will Bring: Materials I can use from Classroom Novel Materials
a) Bucket a) Tooth brush
b) Spaghetti Scupper b) Bubble Wand
c) Chip Clips c) Chip Clips
d) Hot Pads d) Bucket
e) Jar Grip
f) Bubble Wand
g) Lids
h) Cookie Cuter
i) Tongs
j) Tooth brush

4) List 3 things that you want the children to understand from this activity.
1) That about anything can be a toy.
2) How fun it is to play together.
3) How fun it is to play with different things.

5) As a guiding adult, I will transition into activity with the following open ended question:
I wonder where we can put this stuff?
6) During the activity, I will use parallel talk or descriptive statements such as...
1) You are playing with a pastry brush.
2) That is used to make gravy.
3) That is used to open a tight jar lid.
7) During the activity, 1 will ask the following open-ended questions,
1) I wonder what that is used for?
2) I wonder what that is?
3) I wonder what else that could be used for?

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