How Wimax Works

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If you already read about Wimax Technology then next question arises to your mind is How WiMAX works. Wimax is a telecommunication and mobie technology used for broadcasting of wireless data by the use of a number of transmission methods. Wimax stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access offering internet access point to point or point to multipoint or path. It is based on IEEE 802.16.

Wimax make possible the broadband access to conservative cable or DSL lines. The working method of Wimax is little different from Wifi network, because Wifi computer can be connected via LAN card, router, or hotspot, while the connectivity of Wimax network constitutes of two parts in which one is Wimax Tower or booster also known as wimax base station and second is Wimax receiver (Wimax CPE) or Customer Premise Equipment.

The Wimax network is just like a cell phone. When a user send data from a subscriber device to a base station then that base station broadcast the wireless signal into channel which is called uplink and base station transmit the same or another user is called downlink. The base station of Wimax has higher broadcasting power, antennas and enhanced additional algorithms.

Wimax technology providers build a network with the help of towers that enable communication access over many miles. The broadband service of wimax technology is available in coverage areas. The coverage areas of wimax technology separated in series of over lied areas called channel.

When a user sends data from one location to another the wireless connection is transferred from one cell to another cell. When signal transmit form user to wimax base station or base to user (wimax receiver) the wireless channel faces many attenuation such as fraction, reflection, refraction, wall obstruction etc. These all attenuation may cause of distorted, and split toward multi path. The target of Wimax receiver is to rebuild the transmitted data perfectly to make possible reliable data transmission.

The orthogonal frequency division multiplexed access (OFDMA) in wimax technology, is a great technique used to professionally take advantage from the frequency bands. The transmission frequencies of Wimax technology from 2.3MHz to 3.5 GHz make it low price wireless network. Each spectral profile of Wimax technology may need different hardware infrastructure. Each spectrum contains its bandwidth profile which resolved channel bandwidth. The bandwidth signal is separately in OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed Access) which is used to carry data called sub carrier.

Transmitted data divided into numerous data stream where every one is owed to another sub carrier and then transmitted at the same broadcast interval. At the downlink path the base station broadcast the data for different user professionally over uninterrupted sub-carriers.

The independency of data is a great feature of OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed Access) that prohibit interfering and be multiplexed. It also makes possible power prioritization for various sub carriers according to the link quality. The sub carrier having good quality carry more data since the bandwidth is narrow. But those have low quality carry nun data.

Wimax is providing quality of service (Wimax QoS) which enables high quality of data like VoIP or TV broadcasts. The data communication protocol from base station is alternative of quality of service (Wimax QoS) application and offering video streaming. These types of data translated into parameters or sub carriers per user.

All type of technique is carrying out together to speed up coverage, bandwidth, efficiency and number of users. The base station of Wimax has ability to cover up 30 miles. WiMAX technology support various protocol such as VLAN, ATM, IPv4 Ethernet etc.

difference between Wimax technology and Wifi technology

The basic difference between Wimax technology and Wifi technology are cost, speed, distance and so on. Wimax coverage is about 30 miles and Wifi coverage is very limited to some small area. Wimax network just as an ISP without any cable because Wimax singnal used to get access to internet to your home or business, while Wifi will be used inside in your local area network (LAN) for access to the internet. The Wimax architecture is design to make possible metropolitan area networking (MAN). The base station of Wimax capable to provide access to business and hundred of homes, While Wifi is providing only local area networking (LAN). The deployments of Wimax and Wifi network are same both ISP would have their T3 access. The line of sight antennas used to connect tower in Wimax technology. The tower shared out the non line of sight to MAN.

The line of sight antennas for Wimax network operate at 60 MHz frequency while the tower having non - line of sight operate on a range just like the WiFi. The base or tower station of Wimax will beam a signal to receiver of Wimax. Similarly Wifi access point transport signal to the receiving device. Wimax network providing QoS (Quality of Service) therefore a large number of people get access to tower at the same time. The built in algorithm automatically transfer the user to other tower or cell of Wimax station. Unlike Wifi user have to sort of fight to stay on connected with a specified access point. The most significant issue of Wimax and WiFi difference is pricing because Wimax is a high cost network, while Wifi is a low cost network therefore mostly people adopt WiFi network due to less expenditure and avoid Wimax due to expensive installations. WiMax will not put out of place WiFi in the home because WiFi is much better in speed and technology. With the passage of time new improvement brings a new variant in 802.11.Wimax offering high speed but if a client exists away from tower or base station speed could decreases. Wimax offer high speed internet as a broadband access which transfer data, voice, video at very high speed. While WiFi offer short range of data transfer because WiFi can connect only in specified areas so only file sharing may possible. Wimax design for long range distance in licensed spectrum or unlicensed spectrum. Wimax support point to point or point to multipoint connection. Multiple standard of wimax such as

802.16e, 802.16b for mobile connectivity from fixed location. While WiFi offer quality services to fixed Ethernet where packets are precedence on their tag. Hotspots of WiFi are usually backhauled over ADSL in small business, caf etc therefore to get access is normally highly challenging. The uploading speed of wifi as compared to Wimax also very low rate among internet and router. Wimax network execute a connection oriented MAC while Wifi runs on the CSMA/CA protocol, which is wireless and strife based.

On the whole Wimax technology becoming popular day by day but WiFi technology has there own useful features. Wimax technology can be predictable to be one of the most extensively used wireless internet access technology in the future.

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