Alstom Sustainable Sourcing Program
Alstom Sustainable Sourcing Program
Alstom Sustainable Sourcing Program
Alstoms sustainable sourcing program was initiated in 2007 and effectively deployed since 2009. Within 3 years, Alstom has joined the leading companies in terms of responsible sourcing.
ALSTOM SUSTAINABLE SOURCING 3 avenue Andr Malraux - 92309 Levallois Perret Cedex
The charter is mandatory for all Alstoms suppliers who must undertake to respect its principles, constantly strive to improve their conduct and accept all assessments on sustainable development criteria initiated by Alstom. This is a full part of contracts between Alstom and its suppliers. It is now included in almost all the General Purchasing Terms and Conditions of Alstoms orders. 2. Set up of an evaluation system In order to understand the risks linked to our supply chain, we considered it necessary to evaluate our suppliers. Different evaluation methods exist, such as documentary assessments via questionnaires, and on-site audits. Alstom has decided to outsource its suppliers documentary assessment to an external company, EcoVadis, which offers the suppliers a poolable solution through a collaborative platform. We decided to begin by assessing our main and strategic suppliers and then the ones representing potential risks. For that, we mapped out the risks for around 6,500 suppliers, representing 80% of Alstoms spend. This risk mapping takes two types of risks into account: the sourcing risk (direct supplier, specific item, etc.) and the risk in terms of sustainable development (environmental, social, ethical and those 3 applied to their own supply chain). This step allowed us to prioritize the suppliers to be assessed and to identify the commodities on which we have to focus in priority. We based the on-site audits on the supplier quality management process, which is a fundamental element of the sourcing approach in our industry. This allows us to take advantage of the expertise of the Alstom quality teams by asking them to conduct sustainable development audits, while respecting the usual qualification procedures. To help our quality teams to carry out these on-site audits, we have developed a sustainable development audit handbook listing the elements to analyse for each question.
3. Support our supplier in their improvement action plans Supplier assessment is a tool, not an end in itself. The results allow us to see whether or not the supplier complies with Alstoms Sustainable Sourcing policy . Once this point has been established, we request suppliers who have not obtained a certain score to implement improvement action plans to ultimately reach the necessary degree of compliance. We help non-compliant suppliers to define their action plans by giving them information about their sustainable development performance, examples of good practices, and arguments to convince their own management to bring about the change. Once all the corrective actions have
ALSTOM SUSTAINABLE SOURCING 3 avenue Andr Malraux - 92309 Levallois Perret Cedex
been implemented, we reassess these suppliers to measure their progress which, in the majority of cases, allows them to meet our requirements. In the event that a non-compliant supplier refuses to initiate an improvement plan, we will consider the possibility of bringing our business relationship with this supplier to an end. We have stopped working with many non-compliant suppliers, although sustainable development is not the only reason for the decision not to renew the contract. This decision is the responsibility of the buyer in charge of the relationship with the supplier concerned. We focus our action on non-compliant suppliers, but we also encourage suppliers that have obtained a satisfactory score, which could nonetheless be improved, to initiate progress plans.
ALSTOM SUSTAINABLE SOURCING 3 avenue Andr Malraux - 92309 Levallois Perret Cedex
2. Communication To ensure that the approach is effective and that it is fully adopted by all, we have also focused on communication. Concerning internal communication, there are various pages specifically dedicated to sustainable sourcing on the Alstom Intranet so that everyone in the sourcing community can easily find the information and tools that they need. These pages, and all the data found on them, are very regularly updated. We conduct monthly monitoring of the number of times that these pages are viewed and the rise in the number of visitors is a proof effective change. We also send out a concise sustainable sourcing newsletter to keep people informed of the latest sustainable sourcing news, but also to remind them of the importance of the project. Concerning external communication, information about responsible purchasing is available in the registration document, in the activity and sustainable development report and on the Group website. The primary target audience of our web pages is our suppliers because we want them to have direct access to Alstoms Sustainable Sourcing strategy . They can find there all the information about our approach, our charter, and also the first two parts of our e-learning course, as well as presentations to convince them to participate with us to build a more responsible value chain. 3. Steering tools Steering the project according to a continuous improvement approach depends on setting Group-wide objectives, creating tools, receiving alerts to develop action plans and improve the tools. All this is achieved through means indicators and results indicators which allow us to precisely monitor the deployment of the policy. Annual objectives are set during sustainable sourcing committee meetings, and are then validated by the sourcing board. Three main objectives have been defined: the number of charters signed, the number of suppliers assessed and the number of suppliers who have improved their performances. Once again, to encourage staff to adhere to the project, these indicators should be adopted by the Groups different entities so that each can follow its own progress and set its own objectives. Other indicators are taken into account to monitor the project and whistle the possible alerts. For example, the number of non-compliant suppliers including those who have refused assessments, the number of suppliers assessed per country, the number of people trained, the frequentation rates of the EcoVadis platform and the intranet pages, etc.
ALSTOM SUSTAINABLE SOURCING 3 avenue Andr Malraux - 92309 Levallois Perret Cedex
In a short space of time we have managed to set up a policy and deploy it effectively and that is a first success in itself. We should continue this change management so that sustainable development becomes the responsibility of each and every one of supply chain players. That is why we place the sustainable sourcing program within a continuous improvement approach which includes the willingness to also learn from our client and suppliers.
ALSTOM SUSTAINABLE SOURCING 3 avenue Andr Malraux - 92309 Levallois Perret Cedex