Character of Joseph Andrews

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The passage provides details about the character and role of Joseph Andrews in Henry Fielding's novel of the same name.

Joseph Andrews is the titular hero but he remains a nominal hero and recedes into the background, merely providing an excuse to introduce other characters.

Joseph is described as handsome, agile, healthy and perfectly moral. He is revealed to be stolen by gypsies as a child and apprenticed to Sir Thomas Booby.


Topic: Submitted to: By: Character of Joseph Andrews. Muhammad Asif. Kamran Ali. Roll No.Eng-12-15 BZU(sub campus DG Khan)

Character of Joseph Andrews

Titular hero of the novel:
Joseph is the titular hero of the novel. He is the main figure in the story of Joseph Andrews , and hence gives structural unity to the narrative. It is, however, Parson Admas, who catches the readers interests and keeps it throught the novel. Joseph remains a nominal hero. He merely provides an excuse to introduce the characters to the highroads, where the comedy is to take place. Josephs character has not been drawn with as much gusto by Fielding as Joseph rather recedes to the background.

Biographical details.
Hansom, agile, healthy and above all, almost perfectly moral. Joseph is supposed to be the son of Gaffar and Gammar Abrews at the beginning of the nove. He is also the broher of lthe illustrious Pamela. By the end of the novel, however, he is discovered to be the son of the Wilsons, stolen by the gypsies and left at the Andrewss by them. At the age of ten he is apprenticed to Sir Thomas Booby. Seven years later, he captivates the heart of Lady Booby, who wants him as her footman. He has also proved himself by this time to be adept at almost any task involving agility.He is also a pious young man, who excels in singing psalms at chruch. Indeed, he pleases Parson Adams byu his religious interest. Joseph, in other words, seems too perfect dutiful, handsome, faithful in love, chaste, thruthful, hardworking, courageous, willing to learn and improve himself, generous and ready to help others.

Sojourn at London
After being made footman ot Lady Booby, Joseph went with her and Sir Thomas to London. Here his perfection is somewhat relieved by his indulgence in small vanities such as curling his hair and taking excesive care of it and dressing ing the latest fashions. He also visits playhouses, riotsand assemblies, and is quite fond of these places. But even here he does not go near the greater vices of drinking and gambling. He remains uncorrupted in his morals.In his leisure he devotes much time to music. He is the representatvie of male chastity as Pamela is the representatvie of female virtue. Lady Boobys subtle and not so subtlehints about her desires

towards Joseph, fall on deaf ears. Joseph simply fails to understan- he is innocent. He is inpervious to temptation or threat. He will not countenance the srrender of lhis virtue. He is quite ready to leave his job. Lady Boobs desmissal of J oseph of course, paves the say for the adventures of the roads. He leaves the household of Lady Booby and sets out for the countryside where he intends ot meet his sweetheart, fanny, before he went home.

Development of character in Joseph.

Critics have remarkded that the character of jhosph shows incomplete development in the course of the nove. In Book I, uptil chapter 14, in ehivh Adma s is introduced, jospeh remains the centre of interest as well as narratvie. Once Admas comes on the secen, the purpose of the novel is shifted prominently to thee satire of society throyugb the exposlure of the ridiculous aspects of its membes. It is Admas who is given the main role in exposing the affectation around him. Joseph is relegated to a secondary position. Yet, Joseph is not a passive observer of life around him. He shows a capacity to learn from his experieces. He has shown this capacity in London itself. There is thus some development, or change, in the character of Jospeh Andrews. However, it is alos undeniabl that the develpment is somewhat incomplete. We are not given an exact account of how the chabe and edevelopment took place. We can merely guess that the hazards of the road and the experience of meeting differnet people brought about the maturity. Joseph is a mixutre different people brought about the maturity. Jospeh is a mixture fo flat and round character. He does not hve the vividity and colour of his companion of the road, parson Adams.

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