Summer Strength Manual 1

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Table of Contents
Section 1 Team 2011
- Table of Contents - Coaches Info - Schedule - Important dates

Section 2 Strength and Conditioning Manual 2011

- Welcome to the Griffin Family

Section 3 - General
- Purpose

Section 4 Strength and Power

- Mental - Physical

Section 5 Exercise Descriptions (Lifting) Section 6 Flexibility

- Proper Stretching Techniques and Stretches - Griffin Dynamic Warm-up -Griffin Stretches

Section 7 Speed
- Speed Explanation - Interval Training

Section 8 Quickness and Agility

- Agility/Quickness Drills and Training

Section 9 Plyometrics -Purpose


Section 10 Summer Running Program -Summer Drills and Progression Section11 - Skill Development
- Skill Pattern Running

Section 12 - Nutrition
- Proper Nutrition

Section 13 - Rest and Recovery

- Proper Recovery time

Section 14 - In-coming Weight Program

- Strength Training Weight Lifting Routine


The most important component of successful strength training is an unremitting desire to progress.

The body changes by force of will.

Griffin Football

Seton Hill University Attn: Football Box 287K 1 Seton Hill Drive Greensburg, PA 15601 One______________________ Griffin Football Coaching Staff
Joel Dolinski Head Coach/Offensive Line E-mail: [email protected] Office Phone: 724-830-4615 Pat Stewart Defensive Coordinator/Defensive Backs E-mail: [email protected] Office Phone: 724-830-1188 Kinnon Tatum Linebackers/Academic Coordinator E-mail: [email protected] Office Phone: 724-830-1870 Mike Snyder Offensive Coordinator/Assistant Head coach/Quarterbacks E-mail: [email protected] Office Phone: 724-830-1187 Jeremy George Defensive Line/Recruiting Coordinator E-mail: [email protected] Office Phone: 724-830-1189 Brendan Murphy WRs/Special Teams Coordinator E-mail: [email protected] Office Phone: 724-830-1190

Office Fax number- 724-830-1181 David Girardi Defensive Graduate Assistant Defensive Backs Corey Queen Offensive Graduate Assistant Tight Ends

Griffin Football

2011 Football Schedule

September 3rd September 10th September 17th September 24th October 1st October 8th October 15th October 22nd October 29th November 5th November 12th Slippery Rock University 3 : 0 0 pm Assumption (MA) 3:00 pm @ Shepherd 12:00 pm West Virginia Wesleyan 3 : 0 0 pm @ West Virginia State TBA Charleston, WV 3 : 0 0 pm @ Concord T B A Fairmont State (Homecoming) 6:00 pm @ West Liberty State TBA Urbana, OH 3:00 pm Glenville State 3:00 pm

Conference Games in Bold and underlined.

Griffin Football
Important Dates:

Early Registration Dates: (Setonian Days)



May 2 1 s t

McKenna Center

June 17


McKenna Center

July 8th

McKenna Center

August 18


McKenna Center

Transfer Students August 19th..Admin. Bld


Griffin Football

Seton Hill University Football Strength and Conditioning Manual

As iron sharpens iron, one Man sharpens another.

Griffins: Welcome to the family. This manual will introduce you to the Griffin Strength and Conditioning program. It will serve to help you better understand the many different facets that play a role in helping you to become the best football player you can be. It will also provide you with a workout that will provide total body conditioning. A successful weight program does not just address lifting weights. A successful weight program deals with the following areas ----- flexibility, skill development, rest and recovery, both aerobic and anaerobic conditioning, nutrition, speed development, explosive power and strength power. Think of all these areas as spokes on a wheel all meeting together to form you the Griffin football player.

Toughness, Discipline

Championships are won by teams who embrace hard work. The true test of an athlete/team is the ability of an athlete to play the whole game with reckless abandon. Many athletes can work hard sporadically. This, however, will not get it done. You must embrace toughness and discipline and blend them together in order to be successful. Excellence must be made into a habit. It is not easy, thats why so few make it to the winners circle. The players that commit themselves to lifting and conditioning as a team are the players that will be relied on. The time is now for you to establish a great work ethic and begin contributing to the Griffin football team. Remember, you win football games long before the lights come on. Games are won in the weight room long before the game is played. Good luck with the program and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Griffin Football



It is within these trenches, that we enjoy the pursuit of our utmost potential so that our dreams become real on the field of battle.


Purpose The purpose of this manual is to provide you with a general overview of our Strength and Conditioning program. The Purpose of the Strength and Conditioning program is twofold. #1 CREATES A BIGGER, MORE E X P L O S I V E AND FASTER FOOTBALL PLAYER AT SETON HILL UNIVERSITY. The m e t h o d s and t e c h n i q u e s you will learn in the weight room are based on the latest research and physiolo gica l fact. Following these methods and techniques will make you a bigger, more explosive and f aster football player. The t r a i t s and characteristics that the program instills and brings out in you will help you to continue to be successful long after your career as a Griffin is over. #2 CREATES A TOUGHER, MORE D I S C I P L I N E D AND TEAM ORIENTED FOOTBALL PLAYER. The t r a i t s and c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s that we preach about and demand you f ollow will make US a better TEAM. The grind and the discipline it takes to FINISH EVERY REP will translate directly to our play on the field. Surviving the rigors and challenge s as one unit will make us a stronger team.


Griffin Football

Strength and Power


Pain is weakness leaving the body


THE PURPOSE The purpose of strength training is twofold. The f irs t is to fatigue your muscles. The second is to make you a tougher, better football player. The best methods of strength training are those that produce the greatest amount of fatigue, in the shortest amount of time, in the safest possible manner. The following principles are the pillars of our high intensity training: 1) Perform each exercise through its full range of motion. 2) Eliminate momentum at all times. Use y o u muscles to raise and lower the weight. 3) Emphasize the negative phase of the lift. The muscles that are used to raise the weight are the same ones used to lower the weight. 4) Lift until you re a c h momentary muscle fatigue. You have to break through your pain barrier and c re a t e a new one. This occurs when you can no longer properly lift another repetition. Every set of every exercise must be performed with an all out effort until momentary muscle fatigue is reached. 5) Always lift with a partner, who will push you past your limits. This will ensure that every repetition of every exercise is supervised to guarantee proper execution.


We have never seen an athlete who could increase a repetition or two every workout, but there will be times that your progress will amaze you and your coach. For the more experienced athlete, it can be frustrating training for weeks to only increase one repetition. However, if you only increase one repetition every three weeks that is an increase of twenty five pounds per year, which is not bad by any means. Demand improvement from yourself every time you train. Refuse to duplicate previous results. In the short run, you are trying to add repetitions. In the long run, you are trying to add weight. Small increases over time will get you where you are trying to go. Do not look for magic. Ultimately, you will determine your results, not the program, coach or equipment. Look to yourself, your motivation, and your effort for the answers. Intensity and T i m e

Training below a certain level of intensity will not produce any results. If you are capable of lifting two hundred pounds for six reps and you stop at five, it is obvious that the exercise was not as productive as it should have been. The dramatic changes that occur in the body as a result of lifting weights are due to the intense nature of the exercise. There is simply no other mode of exercise that works the muscles as hard. Muscles respond to tension over time. You c a n get stronger performing large amounts of volume. However, performing only a few heavy reps is very dangerous and not specific to the needs of our athletes. The competitive weight lifter has needs that are specific to his sport, while the college athlete has needs specific to his sport. The longer the tension is applied to the muscle, the more fibers can be activated. Research has shown that the best results occur from training the muscles to fatigue within the time frame of thirty to ninety seconds. Assuming about five to six seconds per rep would set a standard rep range from eight to twenty reps.

There has been a lot written about set and rep schemes without anyone really defining what is really being discussed. When discussing the set and rep schemes, individuals are really referring to the amount of time used to fatigue the muscles. If someone states five sets of five reps is the best set/rep scheme, are they really saying that the best way to work the muscle is with two and a half minutes of work broken up into thirty second intervals? The f act of the matter is that muscles do not keep track of reps. The m a jo r it y of the research has indicated that one to three reps are equally effective. An athlete can spend 45 minutes or two hours in the weight room and a c c o m p l i s h the same amount of work. But as intensity of the work increases, the volume must decrease proportionately.


Griffin Football

Exercise Description

Hone your skills so they become deadly


When called upon, you m us t do your job!


Bench Press
Starting Position: Grip the bar at shoulder width or slightly wider. Thumbs
wrapped around the bar, hands evenly spaced. Position the bar above the eyes at the start, arms straight. The f eet must remain on the floor, rear end on the bench, and th e head and s houl der stationary. Squeeze the shoulder blades together; put the head flat on the bench and f e e t flat on the floor. Make sure that there are secure collars on each side of the bar and that it is evenly loaded. Movement: Lower the bar slowly to the nipples. Keep the elbows under the bar. Touch the chest lightly making sure not to bounce. Forcefully, but under control, press the bar back up to arm length. Be sure no to raise the rear end off the bench while pressing. Slow the bar down when nearing the top so that control is maintained. The el bo ws must be under and i n war d slightly of the bar. If they flare out this will put excessive strain on the shoulder joint.

Barbell Bent Over Row

Starting Position: Grip the bar at shoulder width or slightly wider. Thumbs
wrapped around the bar, hands evenly spaced. Position the bar right above knees, arms straight. Bend slightly at knees and bend at waist so you ar e slightly above parallel to ground. Squeeze the shoulder blades together, arch back and k eep feet flat on the floor. Make sure that there are secure collars on each side of the bar and that it is evenly loaded. Movement: Raise the bar towards belly button and a long quadriceps. Keep the elbows back. Touch your stomach lightly making sure not to bounce. Slowly and u n d e r control, lower the bar back up to arm length. Be sure to keep back arched throughout lift.


Barbell Curl

Starting Position: Grip the bar at shoulder width or slightly wider. Thumbs
wrapped around the bar, hands evenly spaced, arms straight. Squeeze the shoulder blades together, stand tall. Make sure that there are secure collars on each side of the bar and th at it is evenly loaded.

Movement: Raise bar by curling up keeping elbows in a fixed position tight to your waist. Keep the shoulders back. Bring bar to chin and f lex bicep. Slowly
and und er control, lower the bar back down. Be sure not to sway or squirm throughout lift.

Angled Lateral Raise

Starting Position: bend over at the waist with your feet shoulder width apart. Keep a slight bend in the knees to prevent stain on the lower back. Hold the dumbbells at arms length in front of you wi t h the palms of your hands facing each other. Keep a slight bend in your elbows. Movement: Using your upper back strength, raise the dumbbells to the back and up war ds in a semicircular arc. Hold this position for a second to maximize the peak contraction in the rear deltoids. Lower the weight to starting position.


Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Starting Position: Sit on the 90 degree bench with the dumbbells held upright
on the thighs. The lif ter should use t he thighs to kick the dumbbells up to the shoulders. Alternatively the spotter can assist the lifter in getting the dumbbells to this position. The tor so should be upright and th e tail should be all the way to the back of the bench. The dum bbells can be held like a barbell with the palms facing away from the lifter. Alternatively, the lifter can turn their palms inward slightly or have them turned in entirely so that the palms are facing each other. Movement: Press the dumbbells forcefully, but under control, to a position overhead. At the top, the arms should be straight and t he torso erect. Do not lean backwards or arch the back excessively when pressing. Pause at the top, and then slowly lower the bar back to the starting position at the shoulders. The dumbbells can come towards each other while pressing. Care must be taken not to bang the dumbbells into each other, which may result in a loss of


Starting Position: Grasp the bar with an overhand grip, palms facing away
from the body. The hands should be evenly spaced and s hou lder width apart. Movement: Begin the exercise with the arms straight. Pull the chin over the bar, attempt to touch the chest to it, pause briefly at the top and l ower the body slowly until the arms are straight. Do not kick or swing the legs.


Side Raise

Starting Position: Begin with arms hanging by the side of the body, thumbs
pointed straight ahead.

Movement: With arms straight, but not locked at the elbow, raise the arms out
to the side until hands are parallel with the shoulders. Pause at the top and lower weight. Do not rest at the bottom. Do not swing the weight at the top.

One Legged Squat

Starting Position: Place the back foot on a bench with the front leg out. Hold dumbbells in both hands. The f ront leg should be out far enough so that the shin will be perpendicular to the ground in the bottom position. Movement: With the upper torso vertical, chest out, chin up, lower yourself until the thigh of the front leg is parallel to the ground. The bac k leg should be bent. Down slow, pause at the bottom and k e e p up under control. At the top, the front leg should not be locked out.


45 Degree Lunge
Starting Position: With barbell, place the bar on your back as if you wer e squatting; standing straight up. With dumbbells, stand straight up with dumbbells in hand at the side. Movement: Either foot first, lunge at a 45 Degree angle to either side. Bend the leg until it is parallel to the floor. Keep the torso near vertical throughout the rep, chest out, chin up. Step out far enough so that at the bottom the shin is perpendicular to the floor. Stand up straight then step out the same way with the opposite leg.

Bicycle Sit-Up
Movement: Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground. Put your hands beside your head. Bring knees up to about 45-degree angle and slowly go through a bicycle pedal motion. Touch your left elbow to your right knee, then your right elbow to your left knee.


Seated Rear Delts

Starting Position: With dumbbells in hand, sit on the edge of the bench, chest to knees and ar m s straight down. Movement: Keeping your chest to knees, raise arms to the side; squeezing your rear delts and tr ape zius muscles. Explosive up, slowly down. Keep movements under control.

Farmer Walks
Movement: Simply grab and h o l d onto weights in each hand, and wa l k for distance.

Upward Dog Leg Fire

Starting Position: Player starts off on all fours, with left leg raised straight in the air. Movement: Upon coachs signal, player fires his extended leg forward in a kneeing motion as far forward as possible. Raise alternate foot, and r epeat process.


Dead Man Hangs

Movement: Player holds onto a small section of pull-up bar in the fetal position as long as he possibly can, until he falls off.

Diamond Push-Ups
Starting Position: Get in normal pushup position; Move both of your hands under your chest and m ak e a pyramid-like with your hands. Your pointing fingers should touch and yo ur thumb should touch on the bottom which forms a pyramid, also known as a diamond to most. Movement: Lower yourself to where your chest touches your hands, and then push yourself back up to starting position.


Starting Position: Begin at the top, elbows locked, feet off the ground, chest out and th e eyes focused straight ahead. Movement: Lower the body by bending at the elbow and s houl der joint until triceps are parallel to the floor. Move up and d o wn under control and slowly. Come all the way until the arms are straight. Do not let the feet touch the ground. Attach extra weight to the waist once the required number of reps can be completed.

Upright Rows
Starting Position: Grasp bar with shoulder width or slightly narrower overhand grip. Movements: Pull bar to neck with elbows leading. Allow wrists to flex as bar rises. Lower and r e p e a t .


Forward Lunges
Movement: Hold Dumbbells in both hands; and bar on the back like you ar e squatting. Step out with the right foot and be nd the right leg until it is parallel to the floor. Keep the torso near vertical throughout the rep, chest out, chin up. Step out far enough so that at the bottom the shin is perpendicular to the floor. Stand up straight then step out with the left foot, and r epeat alternating legs.

Hang Cleans
Starting Position: Stand with barbell with over hand grip slightly wider than shoulder width. Bend knees and h i p s so barbell touches mid-thigh; shoulders over the bar with the back arched. Arms are straight with elbows pointed along the bar. Movement: Jump upward extending the body. Shrug the shoulders and pul l the barbell upward with the arms allowing the elbows to flex out to the sides, keeping the bar close to the body. Aggressively pull the body under the bar, rotating the elbows around the bar. Catch the bar on the shoulders while moving into a squat position. Hitting the bottom of the squat, stand up immediately


Incline Bench
Starting Position: Lie supine on incline bench. Dismount barbell from rack over the upper chest using a wide oblique overhand grip. Movement: Lower weight to upper chest. Press bar until arms are extended. Repeat

Starting Position: Lay f l a t on your back with legs raised a foot off the ground. Movement: Bring legs forward to your head, reaching forward with arms and raising back off the ground until knees meet chest.

Movement: With back flat on the ground and arms out to the side, raise legs 6 inches off of the ground and hold in that position for allotted time assigned by the coach.


Lat Pulldowns
Starting Position: Grasp cable bar with a wide grip. Sit with thighs under supports. Movement: Pull down cable bar to upper chest. Return slowly until arms and s h o u l d e r s are fully extended.

Incline Rear Delt

Starting Position: With dumbbells in hand, sit facing the back of the bench (Which is at an incline), arms straight down. Movement: Keeping your chest to knees, raise arms to the side; squeezing your rear delts and tr ape zius muscles. Explosive up, slowly down. Keep movements under control.


Leg Curls
Starting Position: Adjust the seat to allow for a full range of motion and s o the back does not arch excessively. Lay f ac e down on the machine. Movement: Explode curling the heels towards the rear end, pause in the contracted position. Slowly (count of 10) let the weight down to resting position. Repeat.

Leg Extension
Starting Position: Adjust the seat to allow full range of motion in your legs. Sit upright in seat. Movement: Explode legs up, pausing at the top, and then slowly (count of 10) lowering the weight back to the start position. Repeat.


MR Ankle
Movement: One player sits on bench with ankles hanging off edge. Partner grabs the players toes and d oes either: hold toes forward, forcing the sitting player to pull toes towards him; press the bottom of toes, making the sitting player press away from himself; hold ankle at either side of the foot, making the player twist his foot against the pressure.

Man. Resistance Front Raise

Movement: Partner holds lifters hands down to the front, forcing lifter to raise arms against resistance. Once at top, partner presses down more, while lifter tries to keep arms raised for a 10 count.

Man. Resistance Neck

Starting Position: Lifter lies on a bench, either on his chest, right side or left side. Movement: Partner places hand on either back of head, left/right side of head. Partner resists the movement of the lifters neck, both up and down.


Man. Resistance Side Raises

Movement: Partner holds lifters hands down at the side, forcing lifter to raise arms against resistance. Once at top, partner presses down more, while lifter tries to keep arms raised for a 10 count

Push Press
Starting Position: Grip the bar at shoulder width or slightly wider, thumbs wrapped around the bar, hands evenly spaced. Begin the exercise with the bar on the upper chest. Keep the elbows under the bar, and the torso erect and tight. Eyes face straight ahead. Keep the feet flat and s ol id underneath the body, slightly wider than shoulder width. Movements: Begin the movement with a slight bend of the knees. Use the strength of the legs, shoulders and ar m s to forcefully press the weight overhead. As the bar passes the eyes, slowly push the head through to keep the torso erect. Do not lean backwards when pressing. Pause at the top before lowering the barbell back to the shoulders slowly.


Reverse Shrug
Starting Position: Stand in front of the bar, facing away from it. Grip the bar behind your back, slightly more than shoulder width apart. Movements: Lift your shoulders up, squeezing your trapezius muscles at the top. Lower slowly, repeat.

Romanian Dead Lift

Starting Position: Place hands in an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width. Align the feet under the armpits. At the top, slightly bend the knees and tilt the pelvis so the rear end is extended. Retract shoulder blades. Movement: While keeping the back flat, chest out, and h e a d up, tilt over with the bar traveling down the legs until the chest is parallel to the floor. Keep the same slight bend in the knee through the entire movement. Keep the rear end high and p u s h the hips back. Weight should be on the heels. Return to the top under control and r epe at. Do not round the back during the movement! Only go down as far as parallel. The m ovem ent is all in the hips.



Movement: Grab dumbbells in each hand. Lift your shoulders up, squeezing
your trapezius muscles at the top. Lower slowly, repeat.

Side Lunges

Starting Position: With dumbbells, hold one i n each hand at your sides. With Barbell, hold on back like youre squatting. Movements: Simply take a large step to the side; bending the leg you s tepped with till its parallel, then pushing yourself back up. Alternate sides.


Side Bridge/Front Bridge

Position/Movement: Side Bridge: Prop yourself up on your side, holding yourself up with your bottom arm, without letting anything but your arm and foot touch the floor. Hold until coach says stop. Front Bridge: Prop yourself up on your stomach, with both arms under you, forearms on the ground. Keep a flat back, letting only your toes and f or earm s touch the ground. Hold until coach says stop.

Bar Twists
Position/Movement: Hold bar on back like you a r e going to squat. Simply torque your abs a n d h i p s in alternating directions.


Straight Leg Deadlift

Starting Position: Stand with a shoulder width or narrower stance on shallow platform with feet flat beneath bar. Bend knees and bend over with lower back straight. Grasp barbell with a shoulder width overhand or mixed grip; shoulder width or slightly wider. Lift weight to standing position. Movement: With knees straight, lower bar toward the top of the feet by bending hips. After hips can no longer flex, bend waist as bar approaches top of feet. Lift bar by extending waist and h i p until standing upright. Pull shoulders back slightly if rounded.

Starting Position: Position the bar on the trapezius muscles. Adjust hands comfortably, wider than shoulder width. Lift the bar off the rack and tak e one s tep back. Position your feet slightly wider than shoulder width and f lar e the toes out at a 45 degree angle. Legs should be wide enough to allow to squat at a proper depth but not too wide so that the knees come inward when squatting. Movement: Keep heels flat on the floor, chest out and c h in up. Begin the descent by flexing at the hips, sticking the rear end out slightly and bending the knees. Keep the head up and c h es t out throughout the movement. Squat


until the thighs are parallel to the floor. Do not bounce in the bottom. Rise from the bottom position forcefully but under control. Imagine pushing the heels through the floor. The s houlders must rise before the hips so that the body stays in the correct position. The bac k should be flat but angled forward slightly. Raise the hips and c hes t at the same time. Slow down near the top to maintain control. Settle at the top, take a couple of breaths and p e r f o r m another rep.

Starting Position: Use a box that allows the front leg to be bent at 90 degrees. Place front leg on the top of box with foot flat. Stay tall with chest out and chin up. Movement: Using predominantly the front leg, drive up onto the box keeping the upper torso vertical with the chest out chin up. Slowly return the back leg to the floor and r ep eat. The r eps can also be done with alternating the up leg. Simply switch the leg that remains up every rep.

Wall Sits

Movements: Sit with back flat against wall, legs at 90 degrees, arms straight out.



Position: Lay f l a t on stomach. Movement: Lift your arms and le gs up, mocking the image of superman flying. Squeeze lower back, lower arms and l egs , repeat.

Toe Touches

Movement: Lay o n back with legs straight up in the air. Lift your upper body and touc h your toes. Repeat.

V- Ups

Movements: Lay o n back, sit up and b r i n g your legs straight up, making your body look like a V from the side view. Repeat.


Griffin Football

Functional Flexibility


I hated every minute of the training, but I told myself dont quit. Suffer now and liv e the rest of my life as a champion.

"The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the one wh o will win"

Griffin Football
Griffin Flexibility Training Flexibility is a term used to define range of motion. When undergoing a stretching program the following strategies should be adhered to: Dynamic Warm-up- It is important to raise the muscle temperature before stretching. A Dynamic Warm-up is important because it not only raises your core temperature but it trains your body for the base movements you will use in football. Those who maximize their dynamic warm-up will be faster that those who dont. Stretch- Begin with a slow pre-stretch that ads only slight tension to the muscles. This position should be held for 10 seconds while the muscle accommodates tension. Then ad more tension to the stretch but never enough to cause moderate pain. Post Stretch- The po s t stretch is where you will see the greatest improvement in your flexibility. Your muscles are already tired and this will allow you to get further into the stretch. This will also help your recovery. The range of muscles involved is dictated and deve loped by the activity you perf orm. You a re interested in developing functional flexibility. When you increase the range of motion of a joint you want to also

increase the strength of the muscles in the new range of motion. If you properly strengthen a muscle, you will increase its flexibility. A properly designed strength program should increase an athletes flexibility

Tips to remember when Stretching



GRIFFIN PRE-WORKOUT ROUTINE WARM-UP: Dynamic Warm-up PRE-STRETCH: Hold each Stretch for 3O seconds, the first 10 seconds light tension. The last 20 seconds moderate tension POST-STRETCH: Hold each Stretch for 30 seconds, the first 10 seconds moderate tension. The last 20 seconds heavy tension. YOGA: Even though this is not part of our lifting program this is something that every player who wants to be great should do. We have time restraints that we have to follow so this is not included in our program. HOWEVER; A Great Player should spend 15 minutes after each workout with Yoga poses and stretches or 3 - 30 minute sessions apart from workout. There are many Yoga programs available online for free. Although there are different types if you choose yoga program to increase flexibility any of the extra work will pay dividends. You will become a more athletic player in all aspects of your game as you s pe nd time doing this. The following are examples of the stretches and dynamic warm- up that we do at Seton Hill University. Dynamic Warm-up Frequency- Before each activity session Duration- 10 minutes

Start Exercise G o 10 Yards

Jog through 10 yards, turn around and repeat the same exercise.


Correct Starting Stance for Dynamic Warm-up

1. High Knee

2. Butt Kicks


3. A Skip

4. B Skip

5. Carioca


6. Shuffle

7. Russian Kicks

8. Bear Crawl


Static Stretch Frequency- Before each activity session Hold each stretch for 30 seconds each

1. Feet Together

2. Spread to the Ri gh t /Left


3. Spread Middle

4. Groin Stretch to the Right/Left

5. Hip Flexor Right/Left


6. Quad Stretch Right/Left

7. Cradle Right/Left

8. Lay It Back Right/Left


9. Piriformis Right/Left

10. Roll and Pull Right/Left


Griffin Football

FOOTBALL Speed Training


The quality of a Persons life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their field of endeavor. - Vince Lombardi


Speed Explanation
Speed is the rate of motion, or equivalently the rate of change of distance. FOOTBALL speed is the rate of motion or change of distance as you react to changing situations ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD.

A. Speed can be taught B. Speed is developed while changing body movements on the run C. Speed development is not form running D. Speed vocabulary: There are a number of key words, which reinforce our training techniques and will help you with on the field speed development. Our Strength and Conditioning program incorporates these fundamentals into our program. RUNNING MECHANICS UPPER BO DY 1. PINCH- Emphasize rotating arms at shoulders straight ahead and not side to side. The action of the right arm effects the left arm and vice versa. FOCUS- Keep eyes straight ahead on a horizontal plain, do not lean head forward or back, this hinders speed FIX- Maintain an arm angle of 90 degrees. (Elbow joint)




ROTATE- Swing the arms through the shoulder area. Remember to keep arms fixed at 90 degrees. LOW- The position of the hands must go through the pocket below the hip and past the butt. PULL- The hard downward and backward action of the arm, from the chest height, through the pocket, below the hip and past the butt. LOCKOUT- The f reeze position of the upper arm occurs with the shoulder down and the hand past the butt. CHOKE- The f orward swing of the hands stopping at the sternum level. CRACKDOWN- Just like the toes of the foot pointing to the ground in a downward action while running, we want the hand and knuckles of the hand to crackdown at the wrist joint - as if you are cracking a whip - to put as much force down into the ground as possible. HAMMER- Aggressive speed downward. Point you knuckles to the ground and extend your wrist. SQUEEZE- Keep your arms close to your torso. Avoid creating space between yours arms and upper body.









LOWER BODY 1. HANG- Create and maintain a 90 degree angle at the knee in the recovery phase. Your leg should be inactive from the knee down. Lead with your knee. Keep your foot and foreleg down and under your knee. When the 90 degree angle is lost, the leg slows up. PUNCH- Drive your knee out and forward, not up, on your initial movement from the ground. A forward and upward knee action rotates the hips to cover more ground. SNAP- Pull your foot down and back under the hip in the recovery phase. Any time the foot hits ahead of the hip forward momentum is broken.




LIFT- Run tall as if someone where measuring your height. The lift occurs after the first ten yards of the 40, in the open field.

E. Speed train progressively 1. 2. 3. 4. speed speed speed Full speed

F. Quality is more important than quantity G. Train in speed distances that apply to game situations, 20 to 50 yards


H. When applying principles always start of fresh I. Utilize set principle 1. 2. 3. Initial stages, 2 sets, 5 reps, 40 yds Increase to 3 sets when the first two sets are run without a drop off in time or tech The maximum goal is 5 repetitions per set, 3 sets per session, 40 yds at full speed. Full recovery is necessary

I. Speed stance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Point Stance Distance from back foot to front door = 1 feet Both feet should be pointing straight Place the ground hand directly under shoulder Scrape down hand to a lock, do not lift Punch toward destination, do not punch up Focus forward with the understanding that the focus of the eyes change The free arm should be kept high, at a 90-degree angle, the lockout position All of the weight should be on the front leg and down hand Use the thigh of the front leg as a spring


Interval Training
Since football is played in both short and long distances, we will incorporate sprints that involve longer yardage. These sprints will help keep up your cardiovascular endurance, allowing you to perform at a high level throughout the game. There are a lot of players that can run fast in the first quarter. WE WILL PLAY WITH GUYS T H A T CAN RUN ALL DA Y LONG! The demands of anaerobic conditioning are best met by interval training. Because of the intensity, it can only be continued for short periods of time that must be followed by rest.

An athlete's interval training should use 35/4 REST /RUN as the ratio between each sprint. The time of each sprint should be recorded and compared to previous workouts. The f irst week of training you may find yourself running 6 intervals in the prescribed time. The next week you may have improved to 7 intervals within the prescribed time. The interval test will be administered upon reporting to camp. The purpose of the test is to evaluate your anaerobic endurance that is your ability to sustain next to maximal effort for a series of repeated sprints without significant drop in performance. The following page will outline different intervals and how it is incorporated in our program


ANAEROBIC CONDITIONING Interval Training All conditioning phases are based on the interval training principle. Periods of work followed by a period of rest and reco very. Some work bouts are longer and more general, while most of the work bouts are short and intense. The phases include: General anaerobic endurance work: (gassers, Long Shuttles, etc.) Work Bout: 15-60 seconds Rest Interval: 45 seconds - 3:00 Agility Training: 6-10 drills 2 each 12-20 Drills See WORKOUT SECTION Work Bout: 5-8 seconds Rest Interval: 20-35 seconds Quickness training: 2 quickness sequences: See WORKOUT SECTION Work Bout: 5-8 seconds Rest Interval: 10-25 seconds Short Sprints: 10-80 yards Work Bout: 3-10 seconds Rest Interval: 20-35 seconds Positioning Conditioning: See WORKOUT SECTION Work Bout: 4-8 seconds Rest Interval: 25 seconds Position Groupings Skill: Wr, Db, Rb, Qb Big Skill: Te, Fb, Lb, K Line: Ol, Dl


General Anaerobic Prescribed Times Gassers: Width 4x Work Intervals Rest Intervals Skill 35 sec 1:45 Big Skill 37 sec 2:00 D Line 39 sec 2:00 O Line 40 sec 2:00 Gassers: Width 2x Work Intervals Rest Intervals Skill 14 sec 42 sec Big Skill 15 sec 45 sec D Line 17 sec 48 sec O Line 18 sec 50 sec 300 Yd shuttles: 3 x 100 Work Intervals Rest Intervals Skill 48 sec 2:30 Big Skill 51 sec 2:45 D Line 54 sec 2:50 O Line 56 sec 3:00 300 Yd shuttles: 50 x 6 ` Work Intervals Rest Intervals Skill 55 sec 3:00 Big Skill 58 sec 3:00 D Line 62 sec 3:20 O Line 65 sec 3:30 200 Yd Shuttles 2 x 100 Work Intervals Rest Intervals Skill 32 sec 1:30 Big Skill 34 sec 1:40 D Line 36 sec 1:50 O Line 38 sec 2:00

110s Work Intervals Rest Intervals Skill 14 sec 42 sec Big Skill 15 sec 45 sec D Line 17 sec 48 sec O Line 18 sec 50 sec Conditioning 80s Work Intervals Rest Intervals Skill 10 sec 40 sec Big Skill 11 sec 40 sec D Line 13 sec 40 sec O Line 15 sec 40 sec Conditioning 60s Work Intervals Rest Intervals Skill 8 sec 30 sec Big Skill 9 sec 30 sec D Line 9.5 sec 30 sec O Line 10 sec 30 sec Conditioning 40s Work Intervals Rest Intervals Skill 5.0 sec 25 sec Big Skill 5.5 sec 25 sec D Line 6.0 sec 25 sec O Line 6.5 sec 25 sec


600 yard shuttle THE TEST (FOR SUMMER CAMP)

600 YARD SHUTTLETEST ORGANIZATION 1. Athlete begins on the 20 yard line and runs to the opposite 20 yard line. (this is a distance of 60 yards= 1 length). 2. The athlete repeats this until 5 lengths are completed (20 yard line to 20 yard line). 3. The athlete must touch his foot to the 20 yard line before changing direction. 4. Athlete finishes on the opposite 20 yard line from where he started. Total distance covered is 300 yards. 5. The athletes time is recorded and rounded down to the nearest .5 seconds. 6. The athlete gets 1 minute 45 second rest. 7. Procedure is repeated with athlete starting at the same 20 yard line where he finished. 8. After the 5 lengths are completed, the athletes time is recorded. (Total distance covered is 600 yards300 yards + 300 yards) 9. The time is rounded down to the nearest .5 seconds and combined with the score the first heat. Time must equal or better position group goals listed. Group Goals: WR/DB: 96 SECONDS QB/RB/P/K: 100 SECONDS LB/TE: 104 SECONDS DL: 110 SECONDS OL: 114 SECONDS


FOOTBALL Quickness and Agility


If 99.9% is Good Enough, Then . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

26,000 158,400,000 Surgeries will be botched Checks will be deducted from wrong accounts

69,063,840,000 Phone calls by telecommunication services will be misplaced 2,488,200 114,500 18,322 2,000,000 315 5.5 million 291 20,000 Books shipped with wrong covers Mismatched pairs of shoes will be shipped per year Pieces of mail will be mishandled per hour Documents will be lost by the IRS this year Entries in Websters Dictionary will be misspelled Cases of soft drinks produced will be flat Pacemaker operations will be performed incorrectly Incorrect drug prescriptions will be written this year



AgilityTraining Agility can be defined as the bodys ability to change directions while maintaining good control without decreasing speed. These quick rapid movements involve deceleration and acceleration. Reaction time, awareness in space, balance, and coordination are all involved in agility training. All movement patterns such as forward running, backward running, lateral running and other movement drills as skipping, hopping, jumping, etc. are also involved in agility training. Agility drills can be performed in the form of cone drills, shuttle runs, reaction drills, movement runs, agile bag drills etc. Football is not a straight line game. It is a game of angles, acceleration, changing gears, and reaction. Agility Warm- Up It is very important to properly warm up the body before attempting any fast , quick change of direction movements. Footwear It is extremely important to perform agility training with the proper footwear. Be sure to wear ankle supported shoes. If performing agilities on grass, spikes are a must. Ankle braces or taping is also a good idea
Movement Drills All agility drills will involve the following movement patterns. These movement patterns must be mastered prior to intense agility training. Be sure to perform all movement drills in a good reactive athletic position. 1. STATIONARY ARM ACTION: Sit on the ground or stand in place. With the elbows locked at 90 degrees, hands relaxed, and good posture, drive the elbows back so the hands go past the butt. On the upswing of the arms, the hands should not go above the shoulders. 2. HIP ABDUCTION: Lie on your side with the legs straight and th e body in line. Drive the top leg away from the ground as high as possible, and then return. Repeat with the other leg. 3. DECELERATORS: Run forward at 50-75%, every 5 yards drop hips and b u z z f eet at line for 2-3 seconds, and then proceed to the next 5yd inc r em ent. 4. FAST FEET : Bend at the waist with arms hanging down in front of body. Buzz f e e t as quick as possible while slowly moving forward. Buzz f eet for 10yds, then accelerate for 10 yds. 5. 360 HIG H KNEE: High Knee for 5 yds t h en perform full rotation high knee. Repeat every 5 yards 6. 360 O N E HAND: Sprint a total of 20 yards. Every 5 yards drop hips plant hand and r ota te on hand 360 degrees.


Bag Dr i lls - bag drills are a useful device when working on foot speed and quickness. The bags used are 1x1x3 and are placed between 18 and 24 inches apart. Each line should have a total of 6 bags with a starting cone set 5 yards before the first bag and a finish cone set 5 yards away from the last bag. Some examples of drills used are: DESCRIPTION Single Leg High Knees Sprint to the first bag. By using an exaggerated stride, step directly over the bag placing one foot in between each bag. Make sure to raise your knee high enough so that your foot travels over the bag and not around it. Always keep a good, upright position. After reaching the last bag sprint through the finish line. EXAMPLE 1 foot 1 foot


Double Leg Chop

Sprint to the first bag. Step directly over the bag making sure to stutter-step with both feet before moving to the next bag. Keep yourself in a good upright position while focusing on quickness with your feet. Sprint through the finish after the last bag.

Lateral High Knee

Sprint to the first bag. When you reach the first bag, quarter pivot to the left. Step over the bag laterally (keeping your shoulders square) with your right foot by raising the knee to the front and stepping out to the side. Follow with the left foot bringing both feet together. After finishing the last bag, turn and sprint through the finish. Repeat in the opposite direction.

both feet both feet


In & Out Drill

Starting with the first bag to your right and your toes at the front edge of the bag, back peddle to the rear of the bag keeping the shoulders square and hips low. Once reaching the end of the bag, move laterally to the next bag and sprint forward. Keep moving in an S fashion until reaching the final bag. At the last bag, turn and sprint. Repeat the in opposite direction.


Starting with the first bag to your right and your toes at the edge of the bag. Move to your right by performing a Lateral High Knee keeping the shoulders square. Once you reach the third bag, allow only your right foot to travel over the bag. Once your right foot hits the ground, plant, push off, and begin moving back to your left. Continue the Lateral High Knee (now moving to the left) until reaching the first bag. At the first bag, allow only your left foot to travel over the bag. Once your left foot hits the ground, plant, push off, and begin moving back to your right. Continue again until reaching the third bag. Once you reach the third bag, allow only your right foot to travel over the bag. Once your right foot hits the ground, plant, push off in a slightly forward direction so that the bags will be out of your path. Sprint back to your starting cone. Repeat in the opposite direction.


Cone Drills cone drills are an excellent way to work on speed and change of direction. These drills can be performed anywhere, however, they will be most effective on the football field. This will ensure that you are familiar with the playing surface of real life game situations, and will help you execute the drills more specifically and effectively Pro Agility Objectives: Improve athletic ability and body coordination during sudden change of direction Directions: 1. Measure out a 10 yard area with 5 yard increments 2. Start from a three-point stance, facing the timer, with your feet straddling the 5yard line and your right hand touching line 1. 3. Turn and sprint 5 yards to the right; touch line 3 with your right hand. 4. Turn and sprint back 10 yards and touch line 2 with your left hand. 5. Finally sprint through the starting line Always turn towards the timer when making cuts. Keep hips low in turns ***You will be tested in this drill when reporting to camp Line 2 Line 1 TIMER START FINISH 5 yards 5 yards L-Test Objectives: Improvement of agility and change of direction Directions: 1. Place two cones 5 yards apart from each other 2. At the second cone place another cone 5 yards apart perpendicular to the second cone 3. Begin the L-test at the first cone, sprint to the second cone and touch the line then return to the starting cone and touch the line next to the cone 4. After touching the starting line sprint around the second cone and circle the third cone 5. Once you have circled the third cone sprint around the second cone and return to the starting line Cone 2 <5 yds> 5 yds Cone 3 Line 3

Starting Point Cone 1 70

Wildcat Agility Objectives: To improve foot quickness and change of direction Directions: 1. Set up cones five yards apart length way and 1 yard apart the in width, as illustrated in the figure below 2. Start in a bunch start on the first line, sprint to the first cone and make a right hand turn 3. Return to the starting line; go around the second cone with a left hand turn 4. Run to the five yard line and touch it with your fingers, then backpedal across the starting line to the finish 5. Do not knock the cones over and keep your hips low when backpedaling and turning the corners



START Zig-Zag Run: Layout 10 cones in a straight line 1 yard apart. For the forward run, start on either side of the 1st cone. Step across the line to the other side with your inside foot followed by your outside foot. Your feet have now changed alignment and continue the pattern with an inside foot lead. **For the lateral run, stand next to the cones facing them, but just behind the first cone. Lead with your inside foot forward & up, followed by the other foot. Follow the same pattern, but now step back behind the 3rd cone. Be sure to work in both directions.

Forward: Start 1 yard Facing

Lateral: Start Facing 71

3 and 4 Cone Drills- There is a number of 3 and 4 cone drills used here at Seton Hill University.. Rather than list them all for you, we will give you a few examples. All of which, though, are used for speed and agilit y training. Make sure, no matter what drill you use, that you train at the highest intensity possible.

These drills will help you with acceleration and change of direction. Set these cones up roughly 10-15 yards apart. Examples of drills used are: Sprint/Sprint/Sprint Back Peddle/Shuffle/Sprint Sprint/Sprint/Back Peddle Shuffle/Shuffle/Back Peddle Sprint/Back Peddle/Sprint Sprint/Shuffle/ Back Peddle Remember to always finish through the starting point.

These drills will help you with acceleration and change of direction. Set these cones up roughly 10-15 yards apart. Examples of drills used are: Sprint/Shuffle/Back Peddle/Shuffle Sprint/Carioca/Back Peddle/Carioca Sprint/Sprint/Shuffle/Back Peddle Shuffle/Sprint/Sprint/Back Peddle Shuffle/Carioca/Shuffle/Carioca Remember to always finish through the starting point


Plus Test
Objectives: Improvement of hip level, change of direction, and agility Directions: 1. Place 5 cones 5 yards apart as shown in the diagram below. 2. Start at the right of cone 1. Sprint forward to the front of the middle cone. 3. Sink hips and shuffle to your left. 4. Back pedal to the back of the middle cone 5. Shuffle to the right side of cone 2. 6. Sprint to the front to the front of cone 2, 7. Shuffle (facing the same direction you started) to the left of cone 3. 8. Backpedal to the back of cone 3. 9. Shuffle to the right of the middle cone. 10. Sprint forward to the right of cone 4. 11. Shuffle to the left of cone 4. 12. Backpedal through the back of cone 1.

Cone 4

Cone 3

Cone 2

Cone 1

Figure 8: Layout 2 cones in a straight line 5-8 yards apart. Stand on the side of a cone facing the other. Sprint to the opposite side of the other cone. Do a tight 180 turn and run to the opposite side of the cone you started at. Finish by completing the 8 with a 180 turn.


5-8 yards You may also use hoops or large circles to run around (DL run the circles drill)






Begin in your football stance according to your designated position (guard, linebacker, etc). you are going to pull laterally 5 yards while drop-stepping 2 yards. You then go around a cone, turn and run 10 yards over two bags, one at 4 yards and one at 6 yards. At 10 yards, you touch a line (with your foot), return over the bags to a line, plant, and burst out 5 yards at an angle. This is the angle at which the athlete must make the judgment. The Gate Drill should be performed eight total times, four to the right and for to left, in an eightminute period. Cole has five players perform the drill at the same time. Since the drill takes seven to 10 seconds to complete and Cole sends the next player after 10 seconds, it works out to a 5:1 recovery to work ratio. That is, 10 seconds for the drill and 50 seconds to recover.


FOOTBALL Plyometrics



Plyometrics is the term now applied to exercises that have their roots in Soviet training methods. This method was originally known as "shock" training and was invented by Yuri Verkhoshansky in the Soviet Union. Interest in this training increased during the early 1970s as East European athletes emerged as powers on the world sport scene. As the Eastern bloc countries began to produce superior athletes in such sports as track and f ield, gymnastics, and we igh t lifting, the mystique of their success began to center on their training methods. Plyometric training rapidly became known to coaches and athletes as a method of training that linked strength with speed of movement to produce power. The exerc ises became essential to athletes who jumped, lifted, or threw. The well known plyometric training methods involve the lower body and the results are often nothing short of miraculous. But not much is written about how plyometric training can also dramatically increase strength, power, speed, and e xplosiveness in the upper body.

Ground Based Plyometrics Guidelines Who Athletes that can safely squat 1 times their body weight and are in good physical conditioning. High level plyometric exercise (repetitive bounding exercises) are not recommended for those that weigh more than 230 pounds Frequency The ground based plyometric program should be utilized in the off and pre seasons. Workouts should be done 2 x weeks for no longer than 6 weeks. These workouts should be avoided during the in season and post season periods. No more than 100 contacts in a session. Form

All exercises must be done with perfect form. Emphasis should always be on quality not quantity. Do each exercise explosively but stay under control and within the confines of the drill. All landing should be done softly, on the balls of the feet and with knees bent. Keep your head up, knees bent in a good athletic position. Surface The plyometric program should be done on a soft, level surface, preferably a synthetic surface which has some give. Avoid doing plyometric drills on hard surfaces or where the ground may be uneven and unsaf e. Warm-up Always warm-up the body thoroughly before the plyometric workout. See the warm-up and stretching procedures outlined in this manual. Volume Pick two exercises per workout. Progress from lower impact drills (level 1) to higher impact drills (levels 2 ). Do not progress to another level if the current level has not been mastered. Progress from 2 sets to 3 or 4 sets. Keep the sets short (3-10 reps or 5-20 seconds). Duration Excluding warm-up, the plyometric workout should not take longer than 10 minutes. How do I fit ground based plyometrics into the overall workout schedule? The best time of the week to do these workouts is before lifting, after an extensive warm-up or on a day where you are not strength training. Rest Enough time between reps to duplicate a perfect rep. 2:00 minutes between sets.


Upper Body Plyometrics Guidelines These exercises are to be done during the off and pre season training periods. One or two workouts per week are all that is necessary or desirable. Care should be taken to do these exercises after an extensive warm-up and upper body stretching program. These drills could be incorporated right into the strength training workout. Volume Pick 1 or 2 exercises and perform 2-4 sets of 5-20 reps of each. Form Emphasis should be on quality not quantity. Every rep should be done explosively but under control within the context of the drill. Medicine Balls All upper body plyometric exercises will involve some sort of medicine ball. The medicine balls will vary in weight from 2 lbs to 28 lbs. Beginners should use lighter weights. Always remember never sacrifice safe form for more weight. Rest Minimal between reps, 1:00 between sets.

Upper Body Plyometrics High Intensity

Explosive Start Explosive Pushups In a regular pushup position descend down and pause for 3 seconds then attempt to elevate your body up into the air. You can also attempt to elevate yourself on boxes. Perform 4-5 sets of 5-8 repetitions. Explosive Pullups Start out Hanging in a pull up position. On command do a pull up as fast as possible. Should be done fast enough so that your hands can briefly come off of bar. Explosive Stop Upper Body Altitude Drop Elevate yourself with your arms up in boxes in a push-up position. Drop off the boxes, land on a padded surface on the ground and attempt to absorb the


impact. Bend your arms no more then range and do 3-4 reps of this per set. Never increase the box height above the height that allows you to land with minimal arm bend. Pull up altitude drop Start out up in the pull up position. On command let your body fall and arms straightened. Before your arms straighten out stop your movement. Should not fully extend your arms.

Medicine Ball Explosive Training (Upper and Lower) Ball Slams Begin drill by holding the ball overhead with arms extended. Swing the ball down and forward exploding it in the ground as hard and fast as possible. Overhead Toss Begin with Medicine ball in between legs and in a squat position. On command throw medicine ball up and behind you as high and far as possible. Squat Throw Begin with ball in front of chest and in squat position. Extend up and throw ball as high as possible. Let ball hit ground and repeat. Super Core Explosive Training Squat, throw, fall run- Begin drill with the ball held at the chest. Squat down and extend legs out while throwing the ball forward.


Lower Body Plyometrics High Intensity Bounding- Start in a squat position and explode up and out. Land and reload starting in squat position. Tuck Jumps- Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Drop hip and explode up. Bring knees to chest and grab both hands. Single Leg Skaters- Start on one foot and move vertical and side to side at same time. Move in a 45% angle, land on one foot then repeat immediately with other foot.

Dot Drills-

dot drills are another exercise that we use to help with foot speed.

These dots are usually on pre-made mats, however, you can make your own dots with pieces of tape. Place the tape marks in a 2x2 X design with one dot directly in the center.

Dot Drills

Drills used are: 1 Foot Drills 2 Foot Drills 1,2,3,2,1 (1,5),2,(3,4),2,(1,5) 5,2,4,2,5 5,2,1,2,5 1,2,5,2,1 1,2,4,3,2, 5 5,2,1,2,5 1,2,4,2,5 5,2,3,2,1


4 3

Lateral Cone/Line Bounding Objectives: Improve lateral footwork and quickness Directions: 1. Stand erect with feet parallel to line 2. Jump laterally back and forth across the line or cone with both feet 3. Landing should be with the balls of your feet on the ground 4. As soon as you hit the ground explode right back up, spending as little time as possible on the ground 5. Movement should be done quickly and explosively


Plyometric Training Power Hops: 1. At the starting line of a 15-yard area begin standing in an athletic stance feet shoulder width apart 2. Perform a standing broad jump trying to cover as much distance as possible 3. When landing set yourself and perform another broad 4. Try and cover as much ground as possible with the fewest amount of reps as possible 5. Once again focus on pumping the arms through on each rep

_________________________________________________________ 15 yards One-Leg Power Hops Objectives: Develop horizontal power and acceleration Directions: 1. At the starting line of a 15 yard area begin standing an athletic stance and starting on one foot 2. Perform a standing one foot broad jump trying to cover as much ground as possible 3. When landing set yourself and perform another broad jump with the same foot 4. Try to cover as much ground as possible with the fewest amounts of reps as possible 5. On the way back switch feet and perform the drill again Focus on pumping the arms through each rep 10/10 Hopping Objectives: To develop explosive power Directions: 1. Set up a 40 yard straight course with every 10 yards marked 2. Hop for 10 yards on one leg, then switch legs and hop on the other leg for 10 yards. Concentrate on not spending much time on the ground between hops 3. Continue alternating legs every 10 yards using good arm action Squat Jumps Objectives: To develop explosiveness of the hips and legs Directions: 1. Squat downward and then jump upward into the air as high as possible 2. Drop down to a full squat position and immediately jump upward 3. Use the arms to assist in the take off, swinging them upward simultaneously Tuck Jumps Objectives: To develop explosiveness of the hips and legs Directions:

1. Slightly lower the hips into squat depth for the countermovement 2. Explode upward into the air exactly like the squat jump, 3. While in the air tuck the knees to the chest as high as possible. 4. Again use the arms to assist in take off. **The main difference between the squat jump and the tuck jump is the depth of squat, and the tucking off the knees. On both be sure to attempt to get triple extension (ankles, knees, & hips before jumping).


Plyometric Training Quick Feet Discriptors: Alternating: L R Face L On & Off: R R L L Scissors: L R L R Face Start out straddling the line, then drop one foot behind and move one foot in front. Return back to the starting point and then cross over the other way. R Start with both on the line, then both off. Rotate both feet quickly. Stay facing the same way, keeping your shoulders square.


Griffin Football

Summer Running Program


Tuesday Dynamic Warm-up x 20 yards Dynamic Movement High Knee Butt Kicks A Skip Skip Carioca Russian Kicks Frankenstein Knees to Chest Lunges

I Thursday Run
Speed Development (Form) Form Run Upper Sea ted Arm Swings 2 sets 30 sec. Walking Arms 4 sets 20 yards



Both legs down Right/Left/Middle R/L Groin B


R/L Flexor

Stance and Starts (Teach) Ground starts 4 sets 20 yards Stance and Starts L. sets 20 yards

Buddah Piritormis Lying Leg Across Hurdler R/L Quad


I Agility

Tire Push 4 reps 20 yards Resistance Run 4 reps 20 yards+ 20 finish l l Pick 2 ( 4 reps each set) Cone Dril Wave Drill 2 sets of 30+ seconds

Bear Crawl Front/Back Bear Crawl Side/Side

Station Specific Warm-up PIyometries Movement Drills 2 x 20 yards Back pedal Tapioca 3GO High Knee Decelerators Decelerators line touches Conditioning Athleticism Speed Ladders 6 ex. Front/Side/Back Crabbing 2 sets 1min Bounding 30 yards 2 sets Mobil ity 2 sets 30 sec.each Leg Swings Side to Side Leg Swings Front to Back FirP Hyrlrant Frontwarrls Fire Hydrant Backwards Leg Fires Position Specific Traini ng Big Tire Fli p (field and back) 300 yard shuttle 1/2 run test Dots 2 sets of 30 seconds Line Drills 4 sets of 15 seconds Boxes Knee drive 2 sets 15 seconds Scissors 2 set 15 seconds


Skill Development


Skill Pattern Running

Skill and exercise are two separate, you must practice that specific skill. The motor learning experts now inform us that its impossible to recreate the neuromuscular pattern used to perform a skill unless that specific skill is performed. As soon as you add resistance to a skill, it becomes exercise or a new skill.

Over the summer, the coaches will give you a set of skill pattern drills to incorporate into your running. The coaches will make your skill work out as specific as possible. This means that quarterbacks should throw and run with the ball, receivers should run routes, defensive backs should cover, etc.

These skill patterns will help you simulate actual movements that are made on the football field for your individual position. The recovery rates will be decreased each week as we near training camp. This type of running will not only help you get in shape for camp, but will also help to work the muscles that may be problems for many people.






2.0 II 15 u r II 10 5

84 5UL








kout O d

' .,

Set #1

Set .#2 BTRB B5TLB BiTL25 BTR25 8108 8P 20

845UL 845UR

BP 20 B45UL B45UR
B45BL B45BR degrees

Bao!< po<ilal2 yard> Back pedal10 yards bc.ak left at 45 d&-grees

Back pecila111) yards break right at 45 dgrees Back pedlal10 yards break ba ck left at 45 degrees Back pedal 10 yards break ba ck righta:45

BP, 20 B45UL B45UR

B458L 845BR

B P 20 845Ul

Back pedlal10 yards break 10 yards Back pecilal10 yardsturn rigllt.,sprint 25 yards Back pecila111) yardsturn eft.s:Print 25 yards Back pecilal5 ards, brea.k baCk left 45. break forward Back pedal S i'ards. brea.k baCk rieh45.brek forn.ard

8 .108 8TR25

8TR25 8TL25 85TL8 85TRB



8 .108



Running Back Drills

1. High Knee (2) Two Hands on Ball Speed 10 Yards then accelerate for 10 Yards. 2. Form (2) - Two Hands for 5 Yards - Switch to Right Hand 10 yards Then Left Hand for 10 yards. 3. Zig Zag (2) Full Speed - Attack at 45 degrees and break opposite every 5 yards for 40 yards. 4. Slide (2) Full Speed Attack straight for 5 yards Slide Horizontal for 2 steps continue drill for 40 yards. 5. Swing Routes (Free Release) Left Hash/Middle Right Hash / 2 Right/2 Left 6. Swing Routes (Check Release) - Left Hash/Middle Right Hash / 2 Right/2 Left 7. Arrow Routes (Free Release) Left Hash/Middle Right Hash / 2 Right/2 Left 8. Arrow Routes (Check Release) - Left Hash/Middle Right Hash / 2 Right/2 Left 9. Angle Routes (Free Release) Left Hash/Middle Right Hash / 2 Right/2 Left 10. Choice Routes (Check Release) - Left Hash/Middle Right Hash / 2 Right/2 Left


Defensive Line Drills STANCE: Shoulder Width Heel to Toe Stagger; get comfortable fall forward catch yourself 60 40. Back Straight Tilt ass up slightly tilted. HAND in Hip, Holster, Up START: 6 point start start on all fours with hands on ground and explode out into a sprint for 10 yards. Use ball on stick and snap count. 1 Leg Balance 1 Step: In your stance and raise your down hand leg. Start and explode out for 10 yards. Use Ball on Stick and snap count. Redirect Draw/ Pass: Have D-lineman start in stance on your cue snap the ball. Right before the D-lineman gets to you direct him laterally down the line of scrimmage. Emphasize the linemen getting flat and opening their hips to get down the LOS. Have them sprint for 10 yards. To get the draw point back towards the LOS and have the D-line retrace their steps and use paddle on air to simulate getting off of an offensive lineman. Also show Pass to have D-line run through you staying on their feet Can also use Chutes to keep D-linemen Low


Linebacker Individual


Stance / Footwork Gather Skin the Line Cones- Downhill Scrape, Counter Bags- Circuit, Downhill Shuffle, Downhill Shuffle Re-direct Tempo RB

2. Tackling Fit Angle Open Field 3. Defeat Blocks Hit and Shed Spill Splatter

4. Turnovers Punch Strip Fumble Recovery Interceptions 5. Zone Drops Quick Drops Full Zone Drops Sorts (2 to 1, Smash, 3 to 2, Boot) Man Technique (Hug RB- Swing, Diagonal, Wheel, Angle)

6. Pressures Alignment (2 by 2, 3 by 1, Motions) Departure Angles / Pick-ups


QB Throwing Drills
1. 2. Face to Face 10 yds. apart Feet parallel and toes on line Pull off arm through High release Turn wrist down and away Knee 10 yds. apart Rt. knee down, left, both, and seated Simulate snap Bring ball up in quick motion Picture circle on target and throw to points on the circle

3. Wrong Foot - 10 yds. apart - Opposite placed forward Rt. for right handed Lt. for left handed - Same as face to face 4. 5. Parallel 10 yds. apart Run down line Open shoulder and hips and throw to far shoulder of target Keep high release Circle 10 yds. apart Jog together clockwise then counter clockwise throwing to target Open shoulder and hips, keep release high

6. Bar - Stand 3 yds behind goal post - Throw at target 12 yds. away 7. Wall Stand with throwing shoulder next to wall Stay on balls of feet and throw to target 10 yds. away Keep high release, eliminates winding up


WR/TE Drills
1. 4 Cone Drills a. Sprint Both Directions b. Sprint, Shuffle, Back Pedal, Karaoke c. X 2. Stance and Starts a. No False Steps b. Accelerate for 5 yards c. Forward, Right, and Left 3. Routes a. Fade/Seam 30 Yards i. 4 Times b. Post 30 Yards i. 2 Right, 2 Left c. Dig (WR 16 Yards, TE 14 Yards) i. 2 Right, 2 Left d. Corner i. 2 Right, 2 Left e. Comeback 18 Yards (Just WRs) i. 2 Right, 2 Left f. Hook 14 Yards i. 2 Right, 2 Left g. Out 10 Yards i. 2 Right, 2 Left h. Slant i. 2 Right, 2 Left i. Hitch 6 Yards i. 2 Right, 2 Left j. Shallow Cross i. 2 Right, 2 Left



1. 5 Minutes De Meanor 2. 5 Minutes 2 Step Punch Approach Fit and Base Drive


Griffin Football



Griffin Football
Nutrition is the one c om ponent of fitness programs that most people are misinformed about or misunderstand. Everywhere you t ur n you hear or read about someone who has gained or lost twenty pounds in one week. This type of information is misleading and dangerous. As athletes, you m ust be able to separate the facts and f ict ion of dietary habits in order to perform at your optimum level. The f ollowing facts that are listed below are published by the American Dietetic Association and ha ve been reviewed by the Food and Dr ug Administration.

Each person should eat a well balanced diet. A balanced diet should consist of eating sixty percent carbohydrates, thirty percent fat, and ten percent protein. The m aj or it y of ones carbohydrates should come from fruit and veg et able sources. The m aj or it y of ones energy supplied by fat should come from unsaturated fats, those that remain liquid at room temperature. Finally the majority of protein intake in ones diet should come from chicken, fish, and beans as opposed to red meats. Complex Carbohydrates = Grain products, vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, rice, and pastas Fats = Low fat milk, low fat yogurt, low fat cheese, low fat ice cream, oils Proteins = Skinless boneless chicken breast, fish (tuna, haddock, shrimp, roughy), beans, low fat peanut butter, ground or sliced turkey.

DO NOT S K I P MEALS It is important to maintain food intake at constant levels throughout the day. Your weight regulation mechanism in your body is referred to as your set point. It can be compared to the thermostat in a heating and coolin g system. Skipping meals to lose weight is counterproductive and actually slows your bodys metabolism down. Thus, if your goal is to lose weight then it is imperative that you eat five to six meals per day. A meal may include a turkey sandwich and a bag of carrots or a piece of fruit. You c an wash all of this down with a glass of milk or water. The key here is small portions. A portion should be about the size of your fist. This will increase your metabolism thus decreasing the amount of calories that you store as fat. On the other hand if you are trying to increase your weight it is best to eat three good-sized meals every day. One Key factor that many athletes do not understand is that your body can only absorb a certain amount of nutrients at one time. So it is imperative that you constantly fuel your body.

LARGE AMOUNTS OF PROTEIN ARE NOT ESSENTIAL Protein is the most poorly understood and possibly the most abused nutrient in the athletic community. The recommended daily allowance for protein is calculated as follows, 1 gram per 2.2 pounds of body weight. Therefore a 220-pound male only needs 100 grams of dietary protein per day. This is equivalent to sixteen ounces of red meat. Thus protein supplements are unnecessary and can be money that is foolishly spent. It is also important to keep in mind that your body can only absorb about thirty grams of protein in one sitt ing. Any excess will be excreted. This reiterates the need to eat smaller meals more often throughout the day. Remember, weight gain is a combination of increasing a balanced diet, which increases total caloric intake. ARE VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS NECESSARY? Athletes tend to consume large amounts of food and if a sensible selection occurs there should be an adequate intake of vitamins and m ine ra ls . On the other hand, if your diet is not balanced a supplement may prove to be beneficial. However, keep in mind that the finest sources of vitamins and minerals come from foods and not pills. WEIGHT REDUCTION Weight reduction is a simple mathematical formula. For every 3500 calories that you burn you will lose one pound. This reduction of 3500 calories may come from a combination of increased activity or decreased caloric intake. A combination of exercise and diet is the most sensible approach. If you reduce your diet by five hundred calories a day as well as engage in twenty minutes of cardiovascular activity per day you will lose about two pounds in one week . Losing more than two pounds in one week is actually counterproductive do to the fact that you begin to lose muscle mass as opposed to fat mass. Therefore do not fall for these fad diets that claim to enable you to lose ten pounds in one week. The key here is that you want to reduce your body fat and increase your lean muscle mass. Excess weight in the form of fat will affect your speed and endurance levels. Our goal is to make you bigger, not fatter.


Good Food Choices

Breakfast Pancakes/ waffles/ French toast with syrup- no butter Egg sandwich- no sausage English muffins/ toast or bran muffin with preserves/ jelly/ fruit butters Bagels with preserves/ jelly/ apple butter Low fat milk or yogurt Dry or cooked cereals with or without milk and f resh or dried fruit Dried fruit alone or mixed with dry cereal and nuts Low fat granola or cereal bars Lunch Vegetable or chili stuffed potatoes Salad with low fat dressing On salad bars add ve ggies, dried beans, beets, carrots, pasta, crackers, rolls, bagels, bread Turkey, chicken or roast beef sandwiches on bagel, whole grain bread Add toma toe s , green peppers to sandwiches Pasta with meat or meatless sauce Tacos without sour cream Baked/ broiled meats instead of fried Vegetable/ chicken soups. Cheese and creamed soups are high in fat Cheese or veggie pizza Dinner Less emphasis on meats and more on starches: Rice/ pasta/ potatoes and vegetables Meats should be bakes/ broiled/ grilled instead of fried Pasta with clam or marinara sauce Fish steamed in tomato sauce Chicken breast without the skin with rice and vegetable s Stir fry dishes with lean meat and lots of vegetables in minimal oil


Healthy Fast Food Choices

Grilled Chicken Deluxe (hold the special sauce) Grilled Chicken Salad (low-fat dressing) Pancakes w/ syrup Taco Bell Grilled Chicken Burrito (no cheese or sour cream) Grilled Chicken Soft taco Grilled Veggie Fajita Bean Burrito Have as much lettuce, tomato, and salsa as you want ! Burger King BK Broiler Chicken Sandwich (no mayo or special sauce) Chicken Salad (low fat dressing) Hardees Chicken Fillet Grilled Chicken Salad Arbys Roast Chicken deluxe (no mayo) Roast Turkey Deluxe (no mayo) Roasted Chicken Salad Wendys Daves Grilled Chicken (no mayo or special sauce) Grilled Chicken salad Garden Veggie Pita KFC Tender Roast Chicken (white meat without skin) Small serving of mashed potatoes Bagel Breakfast Whole grain bagels, fresh fruit, juice, yogurt Low-fat cream cheese or jam Salad Bars Be generous with colorful vegetables: peas, kidney beans Pasta Salads Breads Chicken Breast Salad Pizza Order a pizza that is thick with extra crust rather than cheese Pile on vegetables: broccoli, peppers, mushrooms, onions *Grilled, skinless chicken breast with lettuce and t om at o is OK at any f ast food restaurant. *Try substituting ketchup, mustard or salsa for mayonnaise, special sauce, butter, sour cream, etc. *Drink plenty of water or iced tea with your meal; this will help fill you up .


Griffin Football

Rest and Recovery



Rest & Recovery

At Seton Hill University, one of your greatest challenges will be getting enough rest so that you are able to make steady gains from your lifting and running programs. The ability to gain strength, speed, and conditioning levels is based upon the quality of work performed, not the quantity of work done. An individuals genetic makeup and sound nutrition will determine strength and size potential. The amount of exercise that one is able to recover from will also vary. The same amount of running may be just right to stress the system of a 190 pound athlete but would be too much for the 225 pound athlete. When running the same pace, an athlete weighing 225 pounds is performing more work per running interval than the 190-pound athlete. This is why you need to follow the prescribed amount of run to test ratio to ensure you are working within your groups ability. The amount of rest that one needs to recover from a lifting bout will vary from athlete to athlete. One of the biggest factors is the amount of sleep that you get. The f ollowin g are ways that you can improve your recovery: 1. Get on a schedule. Make sure you are in bed early enough to get seven to ten hours of sleep per night. 2. Take naps whenever you can fit them in during the day. 3. Eat properly. Exercise depletes the stored sugar in your muscles. A high carbohydrate diet will allow for more sugar to be stored in your muscles. In addition, research has indicated that within an hour after exercise you bodys ability to store sugar in the muscles is at its greatest. Consequently, you should eat or drink carbohydrate within sixty minutes of training. Exercise is a form of stress and by itself produces nothing of value. It is the stimulus for producing strength and conditioning results. It is rest that allows improvement to occur. As you ga in strength or become better fit, you a re performing more work. As you approach your top levels of fitness at Seton Hill University, you will need less work and more rest to maintain your top level of fitness. If you f ind yourself not gaining strength before you have reached you maximum level, you are probably over training. At this point, we will cut back on the amount of exercise. Do not add more. You are just adding to the problem at hand.


Griffin Football

Summer Lifting Program


Reps for Core and Auxiliary by week Week 1 Monday Wednesday Friday Box Squats 3 sets of 5 Reps @ 65 % 1RM Pull Ups to Failure all 3 sets All other Core 3 sets 5 Reps @ 65% 1RM Auxiliary 2 sets of 10 Reps as close to failure as possible Week 2 Monday Wednesday Friday Box Squats 5 sets of 5 Reps @ 65% 1 RM Pull Ups to Failure all 3 Sets All other Core 5 sets of 5 Reps @65% 1 RM Auxiliary 2 sets of 8 Reps as close to failure as possible Week 3 Monday Wednesday Friday Box Squats 2 Sets of 8 65% 1 RM, 1 Set of 4 85% 1 RM Pull Ups 3 Sets weighted with vest or DB between feet to failure All other Core 4 sets of 8 Reps @ 70@ 1 RM Auxiliary 2 sets of 15 Reps as close to failure as possible Week 4 Monday Wednesday Friday Core 4 Sets Reps 8 @ 60% 1 RM, 6 @ 70% 1 RM, 4 @ 80% 1 RM, 2 @ 90% 1 RM Pull Ups 4 Sets; 2 sets with 25lbs to Failure; 2 sets of Bodyweight to failure Auxiliary 2 sets of 12 Reps as close to failure as possible Week 5 Monday Wednesday Friday All other Core 3 sets 5 Reps @ 65% 1RM Auxiliary 2 sets of 10 Reps as close to failure as possible Week 6 Monday Wednesday Friday Core 5 sets of 5 Reps @ 65% 1RM Auxiliary 2 Sets of 8 Reps as close to failure as possible Week 7 Monday Wednesday Friday Core 4 Sets of 4 Reps @ 80% 1 RM 1 Set of 3 Reps 85% 1RM Auxiliary 2 Sets of 15 Reps as close to failure as possible Week 8 Monday Wednesday Friday Core 4 Sets Reps 8 @ 60% 1 RM, 6 @ 70% 1 RM, 4 @ 80% 1 RM, 2 @ 90% 1 RM Auxiliary 2 sets of 12 Reps as close to failure as possible


Week 1
Core Pull Ups/Lat Pull Down Box Squat Auxilary Leg Extensions Leg Curl Towel Bench Press Straight Leg deadlift Shrugs DB Overhead Lateral Lunge

Set 1

Set 2

Set 3

Core High Pull Dead lift Auxilary Incline bench (3 sets of 8) Push Press Upright Rows Weighted Dips Dumbbell Step Ups MR Neck

Core Hang Clean Parallel Squat Auxilary Bench Press Dumbbell Bent Over Row Glute Ham Machine Reverse DB Flye Shoulder Press Single Leg DB Lunge


Week 2
Core Pull Ups/Lat Pull Down Box Squat Auxilary Leg Extensions Leg Curl Towel Bench Press Straight Leg deadlift Shrugs DB Overhead Lateral Lunge

Core High Pull Dead lift Auxilary Incline bench (3 sets of 8) Push Press Upright Rows Weighted Dips Dumbbell Step Ups MR Neck

Core Hang Clean Parallel Squat Auxilary Bench Press Dumbbell Bent Over Row Glute Ham Machine Reverse DB Flye Shoulder Press Single Leg DB Lunge


Week 3
Core Pull Ups/Lat Pull Down Box Squat Auxilary Leg Extensions Leg Curl Towel Bench Press Straight Leg deadlift Shrugs DB Overhead Lateral Lunge

Core High Pull Dead lift Auxilary Incline bench (3 sets of 8) Push Press Upright Rows Weighted Dips Dumbbell Step Ups MR Neck

Core Hang Clean Parallel Squat Auxilary Bench Press Dumbbell Bent Over Row Glute Ham Machine Reverse DB Flye Shoulder Press Single Leg DB Lunge


Week 4
Core Pull Ups/Lat Pull Down Box Squat Auxilary Leg Extensions Leg Curl Towel Bench Press Straight Leg deadlift Shrugs DB Overhead Lateral Lunge

Core High Pull Dead lift Auxilary Incline bench (3 sets of 8) Push Press Upright Rows Weighted Dips Dumbbell Step Ups MR Neck

Core Hang Clean Parallel Squat Auxilary Bench Press Dumbbell Bent Over Row Glute Ham Machine Reverse DB Flye Shoulder Press Single Leg DB Lunge


Week 5
Core Power Clean Push Press Auxilary Leg Extensions Leg Curl Pull Ups/Pull Down Straight Leg Deadlift Power Shrug

Core Dead Lift Split Jerk Auxilary Incline Bench (3 sets of 8) Overhead Bar Step Up DB Shoulder Press Dumbbell Pull Over DB Upright Row Bar 45 Degree Lunge MR Neck

Core Parallel Squat High Pull Auxilary Hang Clean Bench Press Glute Ham Machine Reverse Flye Lateral Raise DB Bent Over Row


Week 6
Core Power Clean Push Press Auxilary Leg Extensions Leg Curl Pull Ups/Pull Down Straight Leg Deadlift Power Shrug

Core Dead Lift Split Jerk Auxilary Incline Bench (3 sets of 8) Overhead Bar Step Up DB Shoulder Press Dumbbell Pull Over DB Upright Row Bar 45 Degree Lunge MR Neck

Core Parallel Squat High Pull Auxilary Hang Clean Bench Press Glute Ham Machine Reverse Flye Lateral Raise DB Bent Over Row


Week 7
Core Power Clean Push Press Auxilary Leg Extensions Leg Curl Pull Ups/Pull Down Straight Leg Deadlift Power Shrug

Core Dead Lift Split Jerk Auxilary Incline Bench (3 sets of 8) Overhead Bar Step Up DB Shoulder Press Dumbbell Pull Over DB Upright Row Bar 45 Degree Lunge MR Neck

Core Parallel Squat High Pull Auxilary Hang Clean Bench Press Glute Ham Machine Reverse Flye Lateral Raise DB Bent Over Row


Week 8
Core Power Clean Push Press Auxilary Leg Extensions Leg Curl Pull Ups/Pull Down Straight Leg Deadlift Power Shrug

Core Dead Lift Split Jerk Auxilary Incline Bench (3 sets of 8) Overhead Bar Step Up DB Shoulder Press Dumbbell Pull Over DB Upright Row Bar 45 Degree Lunge MR Neck

Core Parallel Squat High Pull Auxilary Hang Clean Bench Press Glute Ham Machine Reverse Flye Lateral Raise DB Bent Over Row


Griffin Football

Summer Lifting Charts


Real Dogs Bite


LBS. 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560

50% 55% 60% 100 110 120 105 116 126 110 121 132 115 127 138 120 132 144 125 138 150 130 143 158 135 149 162 140 154 168 145 160 174 150 165 180 155 171 186 160 176 192 165 182 198 170 187 204 175 193 210 180 198 216 185 204 222 190 209 228 195 215 234 200 220 240 205 226 246 210 231 252 215 237 258 220 242 264 225 248 270 230 253 278 235 259 282 240 264 288 245 270 294 250 275 300 255 281 308 260 286 312 265 292 318 270 297 324 275 303 330 280 308 336

65% 70% 75% 130 140 150 136.5 147 158 143 154 165 149.5 161 173 156 168 180 162.5 175 188 169 182 195 175.5 189 203 182 195 210 188.5 203 218 195 210 225 201.5 217 233 208 224 240 214.5 231 248 221 238 255 227.5 245 263 234 252 270 240.5 259 278 247 266 285 253.5 273 293 260 280 300 266.5 287 308 273 294 315 279.5 301 323 286 308 330 292.5 315 338 299 322 345 305.5 329 353 312 336 360 318.5 343 368 325 350 375 331.5 357 383 338 364 390 344.5 371 398 351 378 405 357.5 385 413 364 392 420

80% 85% 87% 90% 93% 160 170 174 180 185 168 179 183 189 194 176 187 191 198 203 184 196 200 207 213 192 204 209 216 222 200 213 218 225 232 208 221 226 234 240 216 230 235 243 249 224 238 244 252 259 232 247 252 261 268 240 255 261 270 277 248 264 270 279 286 256 272 278 288 295 264 281 287 297 305 272 289 296 306 314 280 298 305 315 324 288 306 313 324 332 296 315 322 333 341 304 323 331 342 352 312 332 339 351 360 320 340 348 360 370 328 349 357 369 378 336 357 365 378 388 344 366 374 387 398 352 374 383 396 407 360 383 392 405 415 368 391 400 414 424 376 400 409 423 433 384 408 418 432 444 392 417 426 441 452 400 425 435 450 461 408 434 444 459 471 416 442 452 468 479 424 451 461 477 489 432 459 470 486 498 440 468 479 495 508 448 476 487 504 517

95% 190 200 209 219 228 238 247 257 266 276 285 295 304 314 323 333 342 352 361 371 380 390 399 409 418 428 437 447 456 466 475 485 494 504 513 523 532

LBS. 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 700

50% 55% 60% 285 314 342 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 330 330 335 340 345 350 319 325 330 336 341 347 352 363 363 369 374 380 385 348 354 360 366 372 378 384 390 396 402 408 414 420

65% 70% 75% 370.5 399 428 377 383.5 390 396.5 403 409.5 416 422.5 429 435.5 442 448.5 455 408 413 420 427 434 441 396 402 462 469 476 483 490 435 443 450 458 465 473 462 469 495 503 510 518 525

80% 85% 87% 90% 93% 456 485 496 513 526 464 472 480 488 496 504 495 503 528 536 544 552 560 493 502 510 519 527 536 528 536 561 570 578 587 595 505 513 522 531 539 548 561 570 574 583 592 600 609 522 531 540 549 558 567 574 583 594 603 612 621 630 536 544 554 562 572 582 594 603 609 618 630 637 646

95% 542 551 561 570 580 589 599 609 618 627 637 646 656 665


SET #1 SET#2 SET#3 200 140 145 155 360 250 265 280 520 380 405 405 210 145 155 165 370 260 270 290 530 385 415 415 220 155 160 170 380 265 275 295 540 395 420 420 230 160 170 180 390 275 285 305 550 400 430 430 240 170 175 185 400 280 290 310 560 410 435 435 250 175 185 195 410 285 300 320 570 415 445 445 260 180 190 205 420 295 305 330 580 425 450 450 270 280 290 300 310 190 195 205 210 215 195 205 210 220 225 210 220 225 235 240 430 300 315 335 590 430 460 460 440 310 320 345 600 435 465 465 450 315 330 350 460 320 335 360 470 330 345 365 320 225 235 250 480 335 350 375 330 230 240 255 490 345 360 380 340 240 250 265 500 350 365 390 350 245 255 275 510 355 370 400

SET #1 SET#2 SET#3

SET #1 SET#2 SET#3



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