Companies and Allied Matter Act 1990 - E Incorporated Trustees 673

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QUESTION 12 COMPANIES AND ALLIED MATTER ACT 1990_E Incorporated Trustees 673.

(1) Where one or more trustees are appointed by any of persons or bound together or by by custom, or kingship nationality scientific, anybody community religion,

association of persons established for any religious, educational literary, social, development, cultural, sporting or charitable purpose, he or they may, if so authorised by the community, body or association (hereinafter in this Decree referred to as "the association") apply to the Commission in the manner hereafter provided for registration under this Decree as a corporate body. (2) Upon being so registered by the Commission, the trustee or trustees shall become a corporate body in accordance with the provisions of section 679 of this Part of this Decree. 674. (1) state (a) must (b) must the name of the proposed corporate body which contain the words "Incorporated Trustees of ..........."; the aims and objects of the association which be for the advancement of any religious, Application under section 673 of this Decree shall be in the form prescribed by the Commission and shall

educational, literary, scientific, social, development, cultural, sporting or charitable purpose, and must be lawful; (c) (2) (a) (b) the names, addresses and occupations of the secretary of the association, if any. There shall be attached to the application two printed copies of the constitution of the association; duly signed copies of the minutes of the meeting appointing the trustees and authorising the application, showing the people present and the votes scored; (c) (3) it. (4) The Commission may require such declaration or other evidence in verification of the statements and particulars in the application, and such other particulars, information, and evidence, if any, as it may think fit. (5) If any person knowingly makes any false statement or gives any false information for the purpose of incorporating trustees under this Part of the Decree, he shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to imprisonment for one year or to a fine of 100. 675. (1) A person shall not be qualified to be appointed as a trustee if the impression or drawing of the proposed common seal. The application shall be signed by the person making

(a) (b) (c) (d)

he is an infant; or he is a person unsound mind having been so found by a court; he is an undischarged bankrupt; or he has been convicted of an offence involving fraud or dishonesty within five years of his proposed appointment.


If a person disqualified under paragraph (c) or (d) of subsection (1) of this section acts as a trustee, he shall be liable to a fine of 50 for every day during which he so acts.

676. (a)

The constitution of the association shall in addition to any other matter state the name or title of the association which shall not conflict with that of a company, or with a business name or trade mark registered in Nigeria; (b) (c) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) the aims and objects of the association; and make provisions, in respect of the following appointment, powers, duties, tenure of office and replacement of the trustees; the use and custody of the common seal; the meetings of the association; the number of members of the governing body, if any, the procedure for their appointment and removal, and their powers; and


where subscriptions and other contributions are to be collected, the procedure for disbursement of the funds of the association, the keeping of accounts and the auditing of such accounts.



If the Commission is satisfied that the application

has complied with the provisions of sections 674, 675 and 676 of this Decree it shall cause the application to be published in a prescribed form in a daily newspapers circulating in the area where the corporation is to be situated and at least one of the newspaper shall be a national newspaper. (2) (3) The advertisement shall invite objections, if any, to the registration of the body. The objection shall state the grounds on which it is made and shall be forwarded to reach the Commission within 28 days of the date of the last of the publications in the newspapers. (4) If any objections are made, the Commission shall consider them and may require the objections and applicants to furnish further information or explanation, and may uphold or reject the objection as it considers fit and inform the applicant accordingly. 678. (1) If, after the advertisement, no objection is received within the period specified in section 677 of this Act or, where any objection is received, and the same is rejected, the Commission, having regard to all the

circumstances, may assent to the application or withhold its assent. (2) If the Commission assents to the application, it shall register the trustees and issues a certificate in the prescribed form. 679. (1) From the date of registration, the trustee or trustee shall become a body corporate by the name described in the certificate, and shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and power to sue and be sued in its corporate name as such trustee or trustees and subject to section 685 of this Part of this Act to hold and acquire, and transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of any property, or interests therein belonging to, or held for the benefit of such association, in such manner and subject to such restrictions and provisions as the trustees might without incorporation, hold or acquire, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of the same for the purposes of such community, body or association of persons. (2) The certificate of incorporation shall vest in the body corporate all property and interests of whatever nature or tenure belonging to or held by any person in trust for such community, body or association of persons. (3) A certificate of incorporation when granted shall be prima facie evidence that all the preliminary requisitions herein contained and required in respect of such incorporation have been complied with, and the date of

incorporation mentioned in such certificate shall be deemed to be the date on which incorporation has taken place. 680. (1) Where the association is desirous of changing or altering its name or objects or any of them, the trustee shall apply to the Commission in the prescribed form setting out the alterations desired and attaching a copy of the resolution approving the change and duly certified by the trustees. (2) The Commission on receipt of the application shall consider it and, if satisfied that the change or alteration is prima facie lawful shall (a) cause the application to be published in two daily newspapers in the manner specified in subsection (1) of section 677 of this Act; and (b) direct the corporation to display for at least twenty-eight days a notice of the proposed change or alteration conspicuously mounted at the corporation headquarters, or at any branch offices, or any such places where a majority of the members are likely to see it as the Commission may require. (3) The publication and notices shall call for objections which, if any, shall state the grounds of objection and be forwarded to reach the Commission not later than twentyeight days after the last of the publications in the newspapers.


The provisions of section 676 and of subsection (1) of section 677 of this Part of this Act shall apply to this section as they apply to an application for registration.


If the Commission assents to the application the alterations shall be made and in the case of a change of name, the Commission shall issue a new certificate in the new name in place of the former certificate.


Subject to sections 676 and 677 of this Part of this Act, an association whose trustees are incorporated under this Part of this Act may alter its Constitution by a resolution passed by a simple majority of its members and approved by the Commission.



Where a body or association intends to replace

some or all its trustees or to appoint additional trustees, it may by resolution at a general meeting do so and apply in the prescribed form for the approval of the Commission. (2) Upon such application the provision of subsections (2) to (4) of section 680 of this Act, shall apply to this section as they apply to the change of name or object. (3) If the Commission assents to the application it shall signify its assent in writing to the corporation and the appointment shall become valid as from the date of the resolution appointing the trustees. 683. Any change or alterations purported to be made in contravention of section 680, 681 or 682 of this Part of this Acts shall be void.


The association may appoint a council, or governing body which shall including the trustees and may, subject to the provisions of this Part of this Act, assign to it such administrative and management functions as it deemed expedient.

685. shall

The powers vested in the trustees by or under this Act be exercised subject to the directions of the association, or of the council or governing body appointed under section 684 of this Part of this Act, as the case may be.



The income and property of a body or association

whose trustees or trustees are incorporated under this Part of this Act shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the body as set forth in its constitution and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, bonus, or otherwise by way or profit to any of the members of association: (2) Nothing in subsection (1) of this section shall prevent the payment, in good faith, of reasonable and proper remuneration to an officer of servant of the body in return for any service actually rendered to the body or association: Provided that (a) With the exception of ex-officio members of the governing council, no member of a council of

management or governing body shall be appointed to any salaried office of the body, or any officer of the body paid by fees; and (b) no remuneration or other benefit in money or money's worth shall be given by the body to any member of such council or governing body except repayment of out-of-pocket expenses demised, or let to the body or reasonable fee for services rendered. (3) If any person knowingly acts or joins in acting in contravention of this section, he shall be liable to refund such income or property so misapplied to the association. 687. The common seal of the body corporate shall have such device as may be approved by the Commission; and any instrument to which the common seal of the corporate body has been affixed in apparent compliance with the regulations for the use of the common seal shall be binding on the corporate body, notwithstanding any defect or circumstance affecting the execution of such instrument. 688. Subject to the provisions of this Part of this Act and of the constitution of the association, the corporate body may contract in the same form and manner as an individual. 689. (2) (1) The Commission shall preserve all documents Any person may on application to the Commission be permitted to inspect the documents kept under subsection (1) of this section on payment of a prescribed delivered to it under this Part of this Act.

fee and may require a copy or extract of any such document to be certified by the Commission on payment of a prescribed fee. 690. (1) The trustees of the corporation shall not earlier than 30th June or later than 31st December each year (other than the year in which it is incorporated), submit to the Commission a return showing, among other things, the name of the corporation, the names, addresses and occupations of the trustees, and members of the council or governing body, particulars of any land held by the corporate body during the year, and of any changes which have taken place in the constitution of the association during the preceding year. (2) If the trustees fail to comply with subsection (1) of this section they shall be liable to a fine of 5 for each day during which the default continues. 691. (1) A body corporate formed under this Part of this Act may be dissolved by the court on a petition brought for that purpose by (a) the governing body or council; or (b) one or more trustees; or (c) members of the association constituting not less than fifty per cent of the total membership; or (d) the Commission. (2) The grounds on which the body corporate may be dissolved are -



that the aims and objects for which it was established have been fully realised and no useful purpose would be served by keeping the corporation alive;


that the body corporate is formed to exist for a specified period and that period has expired and it is not necessary for it to continue to exist;

(c) that all the aims and objects of the association have become illegal or otherwise contract to public policy; and (d) that it is just and equitable in all the circumstances that the body corporate be dissolved. (3) At the hearing of the petition, all persons whose interest or rights may, in the opinion of the court, be affected by the dissolution shall be put on notice. (4) If in the event of a winding-up or dissolution of the corporate body there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, and property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the association, but shall be given or transferred to some other institutions having objects similar to the objects of the body, such institutions to be determined by the members of the association at or before the time of dissolution. (5) If effect cannot be given to the provisions of subsection (4) of this section, the remaining property shall be transferred to some charitable object.



The Minister may, with the approval of the National Council of Minister, make regulations generally for the purpose of this Part of this Act and, in particular, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, make regulations (a) prescribing the forms and returns and other information required under this Part of this Act; (b) prescribing the procedure for obtaining any information required under this Part of this Act. (c) requiring returns to be made within the period specified therein by any body corporate to which this PART of this Act applies.

693. In this Part of this Act, unless the context otherwise requires "Commission" means the Corporate Affairs Commission established under section 1 of this Act; "court" means the Federal High Court; "Federal Gazette" means the Federal Government Official Federal Gazette; and "Minister" means the Minister charged with responsibility for matters relating to trade. 694. The Land (Perpetual Succession) Act, is hereby repealed. 695. All trustees duly registered as bodies corporate under the Land (Perpetual Succession) Act shall, as from the date of coming into operation of this Act, be deemed to be registered under and in accordance with this Part of this Act


and the provisions of this Part of this Act shall apply in respect of such trustees accordingly.

REFERENCE Olakanmi O and others (2000) Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990 LawLords Publications, Lagos


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