Administrative and Labour Law Syllabus: Industrial Organization Engineering Degree Academic Year 2012-2013

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Administrative and Labour Law Syllabus

Industrial Organization Engineering Degree Academic year 2012-2013


1. Course details
Name Course field Code Degree Course Programme Faculty Type Duration Language ECTS 4,5 Administrative and Labour Law Administrative and Labour Law 511103008 Industrial Organization Engineering Degree 2009 (Decreto 269/2009 de 31 de julio) Centro Universitario de la Defensa en la Academia General del Aire Compulsory Four-month course Spanish Hours / ECTS 25 Total workload (hours) Room Building 1 Pabelln 3 112,5 Tuesdays. 10:50-11:40 Wednesdays. 10:50-12:40 Year 2012-2013

Lectures Timetable Classes/Practicals/Seminars timetable

2. Teaching Staff contact details

Head of the course Department Area of expertise Office location Phone E-mail URL / WEB Roberto Rosino Calle Department of integrated areas Law and International Relations Office 12 CUD 968189902 [email protected] Tuesdays. 12:00-14:00 Wednesdays. 16:00-16:00 Office 12 - CUD Fax 968189970

Office hours (for supervisions) Office hours location (for supervisions)

3. Course outline
3.1. Presentation
This course is intended to introduce students to the basic concepts in order to understand the function of the administrative regulations in the Spanish legal system. The course also makes an overview of the Labour Law as backbone of the labour relations system, both the Spanish General Scheme and the special one of the Armed Forces Personnel.

3.2. Year and duration within the degree programme

Administrative and Labour Law is a 4.5 ECTS course taught in the 3rd year of the Industrial Organization Engineering Degree. It is taught along a four-month period.

3.3. Description of the course

Industrial Organization Engineering Degree is aimed at training students in material and human resources management. Administrative and Labour Law is a key piece for achieving this objective, offering an overview of both running of organizational environment and labour relations within the field of the Armed Forces Personnel.

3.4. Related courses. Prerequisites and recommendations

Administrative and Labour Law is related to remaining legal courses. This relationship is particularly clear regarding Constitutional Law, taught in the 2nd year. For this reason it is highly recommended to review these contents, specially the sources of the legal order.

4. Competences
4.1. Specific competences of the course
Knowledge of the Spanish administrative structure, its organization, procedures and regulatory scheme. Knowledge and practical skill in Spanish Labour Law and Social Security scheme.

4.2. Generic and transversal competences

INSTRUMENTAL COMPETENCES T1.1 Analytical and summary skills T1.2 Organizational and planning skills T1.3 Oral and written communication skills in their mother tongue T1.4 Oral and written comprehension skills in a foreing language T1.5 Basic computer skills T1.6 Information management ability T1.7 Problem solving skills T1.8 Decision making ability

PERSONAL COMPETENCES T2.1 Critical and self-critical ability T2.2 Teamwork T2.3 Interpersonal skills T2.4 Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team T2.5 Ability to communicate with experts in other fields T2.6 Ability to deal with diversity and multiculturalism T2.8 Ethical commitment SYSTEMIC COMPETENCES T3.1 Ability to apply theory to practice T3.2 Learning ability T3.3 Ability to adapt to new situations T3.4 Creativity T3.5 Leadership T3.6 Knowledge about other cultures and customs T3.7 Ability to work autonomously T3.8 Initiative and entrepreneurship T3.9 Quality concern T3.10 Motivation for success

4.3. General aims/ Degree specific competences

SPECIFIC COMPETENCES OF THE FIELD E1.3 Knowledge about basic matters on the material and human resources management, within a safe legal environment of industrial or public organization. PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES E2.2 Ability to use compulsory specifications and binding normtaive

4.4. Learning objectives

At the end of this course students will be able to: - Outline the sources of Spanish legal order in both Administrative and Labour fields. - Describe the Spanish administrative structure. - Explain the basic elements of the administrative procedure. - Identify the distinctive features of the labour relations. - Understand both the Spanish Social Security scheme and the special one of the Armed Forces Personnel currently in effect. - Give legal arguments. - Tackle legal problems.

5. Contents
5.1. Contents according to the Degree programme
SECTION I. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW UNIT 1.- Concept and features of public law entities and the Administrative Law UNIT 2.- Sources of administrative legal order: regulatory provisions and other sources UNIT 3.- The administrative structure UNIT 4.- The administrative procedure. The administrative act UNIT 5.- Control of administrative acts SECTION II. LABOUR LAW UNIT 6.- Specific sources of the labour legal order UNIT 7.- The employment contract UNIT 8.- The salary UNIT 9.- The public employment relationship: the legal status of the public employee UNIT 10.- The end of the employment relationship UNIT 11.- The Spanish Social Security scheme. The special scheme of the Armed Forces Personnel

5.3. Classes/Seminars/practicals/tutorials programme

Portfolio tasks will be given to the students sufficiently in advance.

6. Teaching methodology
6.1. Learning activities
Activity Classes Lecturer role
Explanation of the subject. Clearing up doubts about it.

Student role
Attendance: attendance to classes and participation Non-attendance: exam preparation Attendance: explanation of the tasks Non-attendance: solving of portfolio tasks Attendance: attendance to supervisions Attendance: Exam taking

ECTS 1,64 1,76 0,06 0,54 0,4 0,1 6

Practicals Supervisions Individual written exam TOTAL

Planning of practicals programme. Supervision of students work Students individual supervisions on request Final examination

7. Assessment
7.1. Assessment system
Methods Individual written exam Criteria
Exam will consist of short-answering theory questions. It assesses students learning and written communication skills in their mother tongue. Compulsory presentation of portfolio tasks on time. Taking an active part in practicals class discussions.


Generic competences
T1.1., T1.3, T1.6, T1.8, T2.5, T2.6, T2.8, T3.2, E1.3c, E2.2

80 %


It assesses students analytical and summary skills and their ability to apply theory to practice.

20 %

T1.1, T1.3, T1.6, T1.7, T1.8, T2.1, T2.3, T2.4, T2.8, T3.1, T3.5, E1.3c, E2.2 T1.1, T1.3, T1.6, T1.7, T1.8, T2.1, T2.3, T2.4, T2.5, T2.6, T2.8, T3.1, T3.2, T3.5, E1.3c, E2.2


In order to pass the course, a minimum combined practicals and final exam mark of 50% will have to be attained. It is also required to pass the individual written exam.

7.2. Learning process monitoring

Individual written exam: Exam consists in short-answering questions arranged in two parts: Administrative and Labour Law. In order to pass the exam, a mark of 5 points will have to be achieved. In addition, a minimum mark of 2.5 points must be attained in each of the aforementioned parts. Practicals and supervisions: Classroom participation will be assessed. Particular attention will be paid to participations in practicals. Portfolio tasks: Portofolio must be presented before the deadline in order to pass the course in the June exam. In order to pass the course, is required to pass both Administrative and Labour Law parts. Under no circumstance shall the mark obtained in any of them be considered for the August exam. Practical marks shall be added to the August exam. Students retaking the course will have to rewrite this part. Copying any of the proposed task will be punished with the failing of the June exam.

8. Results, learning activities and assessment

8.1. Learning objectives/learning activities/results assessment
Portfolio tasks Supervisions Exam preparation

Outline the sources of Spanish legal order in both Administrative and Labour fields Describe the Spanish administrative structure Identify the distinctive features of the labour relations Understand both the Spanish Social Security scheme and the special one of the Armed Forces Personnel currently in effect Give legal arguments Tackle legal problems



Learning objectives (4.4)

ATTENDANCE ACTIVITIES Conventional Nonconventional Supervicions NONATTENDANCE ACTIVITIES Exam preparation Portfolio tasks TOTAL HOURS

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

U1,U2 U2 U2 U3 U3 U3,U4 U4 U4 U5 U6 U7 U7,U8 U8,U9 U9 U10 U11 U11,U12

2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 1,7 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 1,7 2,5 0,8 0.8

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1,25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,25

4,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,75 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,75 4,5 4,5 P2 P1







Exams Others Total hours 40,9 1,6 10 10

2,5 2,5

10 44 13,5

2,5 112,5

U= Unit


10.1 Basic references Gamero Casado. E y Fernndez Ramos, S. Derecho administrativo para estudios no jurdicos (adaptado al EEES). Tecnos, 2011. Velasco Portero, T. y otros. Derecho del trabajo y de la Seguridad Social para titulaciones no jurdicas. Tecnos, 2011. Blasco Lahoz, J.F. y otros. Regmenes especiales de la Seguridad Social. Tirant lo Blanch, 2011.

10.2 Other references Santamara Pastor, J.A. Principios de Derecho Administrativo. Centro de Estudios Ramn Areces. Parada Vzquez, J.R. Derecho Administrativo. Volumen 1: Parte General. Marcial Pons. Entrena Cuesta, R. Curso de Derecho Administrativo. Volmenes 1 y 2. Tecnos. Montoya Melgar, E. Derecho del Trabajo. Tecnos. Alonso Olea, M. y Casas Baamonde, M.E. Derecho del Trabajo. Civitas. Mercader Uguina, J. Lecciones de Derecho del trabajo. Tirant lo Blanch.

10.3 Webs and other sources Unin Europea: Ministerio de Defensa: Secretara de Estado de Administraciones Pblicas: Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social: Instituto Nacional de Administracin Pblica: Seguridad Social: Tribunal Constitucional: Consejo de Estado: Comunidad Autnoma de la Regin de Murcia: Boletn Oficial del Estado: Boletn Oficial de la Regin de Murcia:

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