American Woodworker - 120 (March 2006)

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ln r\-' &Answer Ouestion
Sharpening router bits, mounting aface vise, testing a cordless battery and more.

WorkshopTips 1A t\-t

Eliminate pipe-clamp stains, make knobs from buttons, measure bevel angles with two protractors and more.

Shop Well-Equipped 94 tadjustment,

Router with above-table double-duty flush-trim bit, Woodshop Calculator software, Powermatic cabinet saw and more.

Cabinetmaker Modern 30 Perfect ButtJoints in Laminate

Make perfect seams in plastic laminate using an underscribe attachment.

Skills 37 BuildYour

Door Slot & SplinePaneled

A slot-cutting bit makes the work easy.

Make folding sawhorses, dispense finish from a wine box and store lumber on a ladder.

OA Ooos! r'tLt

Disaster looms when a car shares a workshop.

ServiceDept.,PO.Box81t8, Subscriber Woodworker American -fl rA, (800) @rd'com I A\AMservice e-mai m&3111, RedOalclA 51 591 Article Index onlineat indexis available A complete Gopiesof PastArticles for $3 eadr.Writeor call:American areavailable Photocopies Stillwater,MN PO.Box 83695, WoodworkerReprintCenter, 8 5 p.m. CSI Mon.through 55083-0695, 17151246-43M, accepted. Discover and AmericanExpress Fri.Visa,MasterCard, Backlssues Centdr at the for $6 each. Orderfrom the Reprint Someareavailable address above. & Suggestions Comments Dr.,Suite700, 2915Commers Woodworker, Writeto us at American (651)454-9200, fax (651) 994-2250, Eagan, MN'55121, e-mailaweditor@

American Woodworker

MARCH 2ooo

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American Woodworker

MARCH 2006

S n n n P E N T NB Gr r s
Can I sharpenmy own carbide router bits?
The short answer is no. It takes the specialized equipment of a professional sharpening service to properly sharpen carbide bits, especially if they have any nicks in the edge. Howeveq it is possible to hone the edge of a bit that'sjust starting to get dull. You'll need a 1,2OGgrit diamond stone or fine diamond paddle to cut the hard carbide. Lay the bit so the cutter's face lies flat on the stone or paddle. Thke a half dozen strokes or so on each cutter face. Count your strokes. Lubricate the stone or paddle with water or a lighnveight oil, such as 3-In-One. It's important to take an equal amount offeach cutter. Check for sharpness by visually inspecting the edge. You should see no spots where light reflects back off the cutting edge.

Besr Wav To MouruTA FncE Vlsr

I The backjaw of my face vise sticksout an inch the edge of my workbench.l've noticed {rfrom havethe backjaw set flush with the tradiiiSnal benches to this? edge of the there any advantage t
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This vise question comes up all the time. The reason the backjawwas setflush on traditional benches is that it provides better support for a long board clamped on edge. Boards were held in this position so the edge could be jointed with a hand plane. The flush vise jaw allows the opposite end of the board to be clamped to the bench. The board is then supported against the edge of the workbench. This allows you to work on the edge without wobble. Few of us still joint boards by hand anymore, but there are still times continuously when we modern woodworkers need to tightly clamp a long board to the bench.

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10 American Woodworker MARcH 2006

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The batteryon my cordless drill runs down quickly,

alt hough I h a v e n ' t h a d th i s to o l fo r

very long. How can I tell for sure whether my batteryis shot?
Run a simple test. First, make sure your battery is fully charged. Then set an electronic multimeter to a

Z4rvolt range and touch the tr,vo battery terminals with the probes. A good battery should test 1 to 2 volts over the voltage listed on the battery. A 14.4volt battery for example, should read 14.4 to 16.4 volts. If it doesn't, you need a new battery. The biggest cause of premature battery failure is running it down too far before it's recharged. Unlike a cell-phone battery a power-tool battery should be charged as soon as it begins to slow. When you detect a loss of power, let the battery cool to room temperature and then put it in a charger.


I recently moved to a new state and l'm looking for a
local woodworking club. ls there a referenceavailablefor us itineratewoodworkers to find fellow enthusiasts?

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ffiffi rLlltd.Id
This Web site offers an extensive list of woodworking clubs and guilds : www.betterwoodworking. com. Click on "Clubs and Organizations." Then select your state and you'll find a comprehensive listing of woodworking, carving and woodturning organizations in your area. This site also has many other useful links for the woodworker, including schools. Click on "Woodworking Directory" then "Schools and Academies."


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W*onrulooOrortml wat hra b hahtou t|d h.woodnotthohtont|0on iru il|(, tpa. tooh,$op sororh., .hop fJppLl woodwoddng frkl rtd Inloaboutpo{rar hos.b rrtc|a,$lod,hrdvraJt.|nlhlilC rDpll.f prolctplrtl.' rMm00h fiott,8.awt 5 !od.m]l{ l'brfutt]a nbn$a,.rfideooatioo(hoilloe byoul ta rlo vllthr llldlbel-UGrttdlgrltu.l.'r youllltrd .[tythhe t,|.,t tir.ut soodtrolthg td.rd. oi.|}{,|ry lr|rfilf$rb Dontlllrtbdtnupbront|.EoilIlllrlit|bqnsocwlng taaonklr woorlort?rrd pEb,bolGddo' fid r|b|.rlplloi o[n,
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Find out about some clubs near YOU. This is an extensivelist of clubs nationwideindexedby state.Join one and you'll leam how quicklyexperienced woodworkerswill share their secrets.
Cbb. I Oronlr$or bl S|l. tttal od OOut|flir dula nItYOU, l!t|| | ]t Wods*lne .|9.thnod r*raf| trl otd$r illonwuo hdrr.d bt lrla. Joh ona|'ld ]oul bm hooqulddy rl[ $rr halr|.lrL woodwuLat| t prLtr., hl r p.dt llf lL. Uted[tlu.Qltrohll-Fhdrltthertd.vxyhhgn.n ltfr'lwf loo.rltofir0f Fo(DorIobolrmd rrp9lhl


American Woodworker

MARcH 2006


My router table is jinxed. W h e n I c u t a ra b b e t a l l th e way alound a b o a rd , i t' s n e v e r e v e n .

W h a ts h o u l dI d o ?
First check that your insert plate is even with the router tabletop. If that's OK, either your board or your router table isn't flat. Either way, here's a simple fix to your problem. Clamp a featherboard on your fence directly over the bit. The featherboard holds the workpiece tight to the table to ensure a consistent depth of cut. It's almost impossible to apply even downward pressure on a workpiece by hand. Slight variations in the pressure you apply invariably result in uneven routing along an edge. If you find your router table has a sag in it, add a brace or two under the top for support.
If you have a question you'd like answered, send it to us at Question & Answer, American Woodr,vorker, 2915 Cornmers Drive, Suite 700, Eagan, MN 55121 or ernail to qanda@rcadersdigest-com. Sorry but the volume of mail prevents us from answering each question individually.


American Woodworker

MARCH 2006

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CircleNo. 165

editedby TimJohnson

EliminatePipe Stains
I learned the hard way that pipe clamps leave ugly black stains during glue-ups wherever they contact wet wood. Those stains are hard to sand out! Fortunately, I've discovered an inexpensive solution that keeps all my glue-ups pristine. For a couple dollars at the home center, I bought a shower-curtain rod cover, which is a 5-ft.Jong flexible its length. along that's slotted plastic tube

Coincidentally,it's the perfect diameter to slip over my l-in. pipe clamps.I cut the tube into 3-in.Jong sections and outfitted all of my clamps. Now before I tighten the clamps, I simply slide the tube sections into po.sition over squeezed-outglue or any other damp spot. Duclos Serge

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American Woodworker

MARcH 2ooo

Burroru KNoas BenurrFUL

As a kid, I used to plav rvitl-r rn,v graudurother s buttcln box everry time rve r,isited. I loved all thosc bright, shinv colorsl Non, that I'r,e inheritecl her treasure cabinet I hoard, I found a way to displal' these beatrtifirl antiqtres on a servir-rg made for my rvife. Old buttons rnake fascir-ratingknobs. I tttm or bttv belorr,) a set of n'oodert knobs (see Sotrrcer, zrnd then drill otrt the centers of the knobs rvith a Forstner bit. I finish the knob zurd epoxv the btrtton into the recess. Of course, ner'r, bttttotrs $'ork fine, too, altd are easier to bur in urcomplete set. VernJoltnson


S o u r c e : H o r t o n B r a s s e sI n c , , ( 8 0 0 17 5 4 - 9 1 2 7 , www. nraple knobs in Flat-grained
^ .,^.;^.., ^{ ^L^^^^ -^! varety o a ' s n a p e sa nu srzes,

about$1 each.

P n o r n A C T o RA w G L EG n u c r
\Arhen I was in high school, tny math teacher shon'ed tts alt easy way to indicate ausles. She sirnpl)' faster-redtwo seethrough plastic protractors olt top of onc zrnother. I'r'e used this simple devise to drarv and cl'reck anp;les in my workshop ever since. Start with a pair of iclentical protractors frorn au office supply store (about $l each). Careftrlll' drill out the center holes to exactly fit a 6-32 x 3/B-in. flathead machine screw. Next, drill a countersink fbr the screw head in the bottorl protractol, so the protractor sits flat for dran ing angles. h-rstall the screrv and nut, rnakir-rg slrre the pr-otractors are preciselt' aliened. During use, the top protrzlctor's zero line indicates the angle on tl-re bottorn protractor's scale. The angle matches the openine. becatrse the bottom eclgersof tl'rc protractors are parallel to tlte zero lines Alice Garrett

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MARCH 2006


Rrse ns
Trying to keep the wrenches that came with

my router in position for

tightening or loosening the collet trsed to drive me crazy. The nuts are so widely spaced that the slim wrenches would often slip out of place. Fortttnatell', I discovered a solution at my local hardware store: basin rnack gaskets, which are stepped rubber rvashers trsed while installing sinks. Fasten a gasket on each side of one wrench with spray adhesive or contact cement. Then Llse a utility knife to sculpt tl-reopenine. During Llse, the gasketcovered wrench goes on the shaft nut. One gasket holds this wrench away from the motor housing. The other gasket acts as a platform for the wrench that goes on the collet nut. If the gaskets are too thick to properly align the rvrenches,just slice them thinner. One side of this wrench works for tightening; flip it over fcrr loosening. C.Jnlfrq Goldberg


290S o u r c e A c e H a r d w a r e(,8 6 6 ) 5 3 3 4 ,w w w . a c e h a r d w a r e . c o m B b a s i nm a c kg a s k e t , D a n c o# 3 6 5 6 1 #4025029, $8 for a packof five.


A r r r t ' r ' i c l t r t\ A o o t l l ' o t ' k e l

MARCH 2006

BlapE lrurxpENSrvE FoR SusPEcr LuvBER

I'm alwayson the lookout for orphaned boards. I've
reclaimed lots of useful material from old paltrees, lets, downed remodeling job sites

and salvageyards; I've even rescued weathered siding from old barns. I trv to remove all the nails, dirt and grit before sawing my salvagedtreasures. But to make sure I don't damage one of my expensive blades, I cut these boards with an inexpensive 7-l/4-lin. circular saw blade purchased at a home center. These blades can cut boards as thick as l-l/2 in. and they're designed for tough use, with teeth made from a softer but less brittle grade of carbide' Daaid, okon

(800) Depot, 553-3199, Source Home sawblade, combination industrial carbide 7-114-in.16-tooth Oldham #87254216. $4.50.
American Woodworker MARCH 2006 21


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DouBLEScnoLLsAWBlnoe Llrr
When my scrollsaw blade gets dull, it's really only dull on the bottom half, because the wood I cut is usually less than 1/2 in. thick. To get more life out of my blade, I made an auxiliary table that raises the workpiece, so I can cut with the top half of the blade when the bottom half gets dull. I made the table by screwing together pieces of 3/ melamine ply,vood and edge-banding all four sides. I drilled a 7-1Gin. andl/2-in slot in from the hole in the center for the blade and cut a \/l!in back so I can slip the table on and off without removing the blade. I filed slight chamfers on the top of the hole and slot, so they won't catch on the workpiece. I also widened the slot at the back, so it easily slips around the blade. Cleats glued on the bottom hold the table securely in place on the saw (see photo, below). I've discovered that it takes less time to install the table than it takes to change a blade, so in addition to saving a few bucks in scrollsaw blades, mv table saves time, too. Jay McCkllan


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American Wbodworker

MARcH 2006


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American Woodworker

MARcH 2006

SorrwARE FoR Eesv CalcuLATtoNS

Want to see smoke come out of a woodworker's ears? Have the person calculate the part sizes for frame-and-panel doors or figure out the total board feet required for a project. If you don't do these calculations every day, it's easy to get confused. The Woodshop Calculator, easy-to-use $35 softu,are makes it easy to calculate door and board-foot requirements. It also provides layout dimensions for making your own archedpanel door templates or can be used with a set of commercially made cathedral-door patterns. This is powerful software at a great price. To calculate board feet, you enter your part sizes-just as you would ir-r a cutting list-including each part's quantity, thickness, width, length and description. Thickness must be entered as the material's rough thickness; for instance, 3/*in. material is entered as 1-in. The software produces a prir-rted report that contains all the part sizes and the total board feet. The frame-and-panel door function provides a parts list report that lists all the dimensions and total board feet needed for yotrr doors. If you are making lots of doors, you can even print labels to attach to each part as you make it, so you can keep track of what goes where. The arched-panel template set, which sells separately for $60, includes an instructional DVD. (651) 450-0644, Source SPC, Woodshop calculator, template set,$60. $35.Cathedral-door
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the blade or use fivo nn-enches to crack your blade loose. And when it cornes to rolling, the folks at Powermatic have reall,vcome up with a great idea. Retractable casters are built in to the cabinet. The


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hand wheel that typically controls the blade angle has nvo positions on the PM2000. In the second position, it operztes the caster mechanism, pushing the casters down toward the floor and lifting the cast-iron base. The PM2000 is available with a 30-in. fence for $2,100 or a 5G in. fence for $2,200. The price tag on this saw puts it toward the top of its category but the list of new-to-the-category features helps set it apart. (800) Source Powermatic, 274-6848, 10-incabinet with 30-in. fence, saw,#PM2000, S 2 . 1 0 0w . i t h 5 0 - i nf.e n c e , $2,200.

The nerv 3-hp, 240-r,olt, Powermatic PM2000 1O-in. cabinet saw has a retro look, btrt a load of innovative features. Of all the blade guards I'\'e seen, the PM2000's is one of the easiestto use. It is easv to take off and, more importantlr,, easv to put back on. It also has a rivir-rgkr-rife, a feature not seen on rnost U.S. sarvs.The rivir-re knife, positioned behind the blade, acts as 2r spacer in the san' kerf to prevent the blade from being pinched cltrring sawing. It's a valuable safety device that reduces the risk of kickbacks. The riving knife has a quick release,so it's easy to take on and off. The blade is shrouded, so dust collection happens right at the blacle, instead of down in the cabinet, the way it occtrrs in most cabinet saws.The shroud really improves dust collection. The PM2000 has an arbor lock, so you don't need to bite a board ir-rto




MARCH 2006

RourER Basr wlrH a Twtsr UxTvERSAL

Got a router that you can't get a way of attaching fixtures to your set of guide bushings for? Or do you router. Components simply lock just want to simpli$' attaching your and unlock with a twist of your wrist. baseplate has a The Turnlock router to such accessories as an offnearly infinite combination of holes set base, circle cutter, or fence? base plate from that will align with many different The Turnlock Milescraft, $20, is part of a system routers. A list on the Milescraft Web that will turn you on to a whole new site will tell you which routers the base does and doesn't fit. A centering pin comes with the baseplate to center it on your router collet. One 3 / guide bushing is included with the baseplate but a set of eight can be added for $15. They're made of glass-filled ABS plastic. I was skeptical of the material mounting well. When you've got the Thrnl-ock baseplate on your router, you can easily twist your router in and out of other accessories, such as the 1205 offset base, $20, and 1203 cirt




system, but both work



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cleledge guide, $30. Milescraft products are available at Lowe's. (815) 874-2400, Source Milescraft, TurnLock baseplate, set,#1202, bushing #1200, $20.TurnLock guide, #1203, $30. Circle/edge $15. #1205, base, TurnLock offset $20.




M U L T T P L E - P n o F I LD Eo o n S e r
The Insert-Pro raised-panel bits According to Infinity, these cutters from Infinity Tools, $140, are a will last about twice as long as those prime example of what can be done made of brazed carbide. The Insert-Pro bit, with one prowith insert cutters in router bits. One raised-panel router-bit body file included, is at the high end of accepts cutters with three different profiles. And because it's not brazed into the bit, carbide used for insert tooling is different than the carbide that's brazed into conventional bits. price the raised-panel cutters' First, you the deal: range. But here's have If want to you get convenience. access to more than one raisedpanel profile, you only have to buy

the cutters, not the bit. The cutters sell for $30 apiece and, of course,you need two.
Second, Infinity asserts that the finer-grain carbide used in these cutters results in a keener edge, which means a smoother profile, which means less sanding. Sweet! Third, the longer-lasting carbide savesyou sharpening costs. When the cutters need to be honed, /ou can remove them from the body, lay them flat on a diamond stone and easily touch them up.

The Insert-Pro panelraising bits are not available with a back cutter. Infinity bits can be purchased directly from the manufacturer.
Tools,(877)872-2487, Source Infinity www.inf Insert-Pro, cutters,$30 each, $140. Replacement two reouired.


American Woodworker

MARCH 2006

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American Woodworker

MARcH 2ooo





I fne first step to making a perfect plastic-laminate I Outtjoint is to rout a straight edge on one piece of laminate.Use a straight board as a guide and a flushtrim bit to make the cut.

l. Start by making a couple of small (approximately l2-in. x 12-in.) test countertops from scraps of the same laminate you will use in your finished project. Using the same kind of laminate is important, because even a small difference in laminate thickness will affect the accuracy and fit of the final joint. Use the test countertops and Steps2 through 9, to set up the underscribe attachment. Rout an inch or two on one of the test tops, check the fit The and adjust the underscribe base as necessary. base has built-in micro-adjusters, so fine-tuning is simple. When you have the perfect fit, run one more test cut using the entire joint on one of the test counteftops. You will only get one shot at your project, so now is the time to fine-tune the attachment to perfection. 2. Rout a straight edge on one piece of laminate (Photo 1). You'll end up with a small burr on the bottom edge of the laminate. Remove the burr with a file, so the laminate will glue down completely flat. Mark a straight pencil line along this straight edge. The lip on the underscibe attachment rides on this edge and guides the router through the cut. As a result, this first piece of laminate is called the guide piece. Mark the adjoining edge on the second piece of laminate with awavy line to show ttrat it has a rough edge (Photo 2).

9 Apply both pieces of laminate to the substrate.The fr piece with the straight edge goes down first; the second piece overlaps it by a small amount. Spacer sticks prevent the laminate from stickingto the substrate, making it easy to align the parts.

joint. Keep the underscribeattachment's Q Rout the ul lip in constant contact with the bottom piece's straight edge while routing and keep the attachment 'firmly aga.inst the laminate surface.

Frcune A UruornscRrBEArrncnmeNT DETATL The underscribeattachmenthas a lip that rides on the straight edge of the bottom piece of laminate and lifts the edge of the top piece while a 1/8-in.router bit does the cutting.


American Woodworker

MARCH 2ooo

Shave the burr off the bottom edge of the overlap piece with a utility knife.

( eress the overlap piece into place using a block of vf wood.The pieceshould fit snugly and snap into place.

ft niOe any trace of the seam by applying permanent Lf marker or an oil stain of similar color to the laminate. Wipe off the excess with solvent and a rag. Source BetterleyIndustriesInc., (800) 871-7516, Completekit includingtrim router,base. plate,underscribe attachmentand vacuum hookup,#DU310,$279. Kit includingtrim routel baseplate and underscribe attachment, #U310,$219. Underscribe attachment and vacuumhookup, #DU8310.$159.Underscribe attachment only,#UB310,$100. Vacuumhookuponly,#D100,$79.

3. Position the guide piece on the substrate without adhesive and make a pencil line on the substrate along the laminate's straight edge. Next, lay down the second piece, overlapping the guide piece by l/a in. to 3/4 ir^. Use pieces of masking tape to mark this overlap. 4. Remove the laminate pieces from the sub strate and apply adhesive to all parts. 5. Reapply the guide piece of laminate, making sure it lines up with the pencil mark you traced onto the substrate in Step 3. Use spacer sticks to prevent it from sticking until you have the laminate aligned. Pull out one stick at a time, starting with the edge closestto the pencil line. Use a laminate roller to make sure the laminate is thoroughly pressed down. 6. Apply the overlap piece using the same method. Line it up with the tape on the guide piece, remove the spacer sticks, and roll it down. Roll as close to the seam as you can. This helps prevent chips from getting under the laminate when you rout the seam. Also, a vacuum attachment is available for the underscribe attachment. It removes almost all the debris as you rout the seam so is well worth the money (see Source, below). 7. Clean the laminate surface and your router base, because a small piece of debris between the router base and the laminate could cause a nasty scratch. A little paraffrn wax on the router base helps it to slide easily. You're now ready to rout the joint (Photo 3). With the router turned off, position the lip of the underscribe attachment firmly against the straight edge on the guide piece (Fig. A). Turn the router on only afteryou're sure it's positioned properly. Maintain contact benueen the lip and the guide piece throughout the cut. 8. Use a utility knife to remove the burr from the bottom edge of the newly trimmed piece (Photo 4). Flick the waste awayfrom the bottom of the joint as you go. Also peek under this piece for any stray chips and remove them. It's paramount that you leave no chips under this piece of laminate or it will not push down level with the first piece 9. Snap the trimmed piece into place using a wood block with a rounded edge (Photo 5). Use a laminate roller to press the seam down thoroughly. 10. Hide the seamwith permanent marker or an oil stain in a color similar to the laminate (Photo 6). Wipe the seamwith asolvent, such asdenanrred alcohol or lacquer thinner, to remove any excess marker or stain on the surface of the laminate.


American Woodworker

MARcH 20tl6


Hands down, the easiestway to make aframe-and-panel door
too. The splines and panel fit into the same size slots in the stiles and rails. All you need to make the door is a router table and a l/&-in. slotting cutter (see photo, right). Plywood is usually undersized, so al/4-,in. cutter would be too big. Instead, you'll make two slightly overlapping passes using the l/8-in. cutter. That way,you can adjust the slot's width to perfectly fityour plywood, whatever its actual thickness.
A 1/8-in.slotting cutter is the only bit you need to make this door.

good-looking frame-and-panel door is really quite easy to L Imake, if you keep it simple.Just use a ply,vood panel and a slot-andspline joint (see photo, below). This door is held together by splines made from 1/Lini plyr,vood. The panel is l/ plywood, A A
o ul


@ ul






1 M a r kt h e I door's parts using the cabinetmaker'striangle. lt identifies the top and bottom rails,and the left and right stiles.

Tools t\ND ManeRtnls

You'll need a tablesaw, small handsaw router table and 1/8-in. slot cutter with a bearing that makes a 3/$-in.-deep slot, though al/2-in.-deep slot is OK too. Slot cutters and bearings are widely available. I used a setfrom Amana tools,aL/*in. three*irg slotting cutter assembly (#5340G1, $30) with bearings for 3,/&in. and l/4-'in. deep slots (#47729, $20). If you're making lots of doors, I recommend using an adjustable cutter. You'll only have to make one passper slot, rather shown in Photo 6. Most than the two passes adjustable cutters use shims, but I found one that can be dialed to various widths, the Amana E-Z Dial slot cutter (#55500, $104). It makes 1/8- to l/4-,in.-wide slots that are l/2-in. deep. I made my door from 3/Lin.-thick solid wood and l/4-,in. MDFcore plywood, but you can use this technique with any type of plywood or material of any thickness.

^4rjoints for this door are cut on the router table. Set up a 118in. slot cutter so its bearing is flush with the fence.

Q ntttne

\-tthick slots the full length of each stile and rail. Refer to your marks to be sure each face side is down and the inside edge is againstthe fence.

Mrl l - TH E S rtLE s A N D R atl s Rip and crosscut the stiles and rails so they have square sidesand ends. Note that the rails butt up to the stiles. Make an extra stile or rail for testing the router setup. Q nout 1/8-in.- Mark the stiles and rails (Photo 1).

Rour Stors, Ftnsr Pnss

Install the slot cutter in the router table. To approximately center the slots on 3/4in. material, raise the cutter L/ above the table. Exactly centering the slots isn't important. Align the fence so it's flush with the bearing (Photo 2). If your router table is equipped with sliding subfences, push them within l/16 in. of the cutter. This makes routing end grain safer and more accurate. Rout 3/8-in.-deep slots in each stile and rail, face sides down (Photo 3). Rout slots in the end of each rail, face side down (Photo 4). Push the rails with an 8-in.square backer board.

,{ Rout slots Tin the rails' ends. Push each rail with a backer board.This steadiesthe rail and prevents tear-out on its back side.

Rour Stors, Secorvo Pass

Figure out exactly how much wider the slots must be to fit the plywood. Hold a small piece of plywood next to a test piece's slot and mark the plywood's thickness (Photo 5).


American Woodworker

MARCH 2006

i I

Place the test piece on the router table, face side down. Raise the cutter to just below the pencil line. Turn on the router and make a short second pass (Photo 6). Test the plywood's fit in the slot. If you have to use force to push in the plywood, the slot is too narrow. If you can fit two pieces of paper between the spline and the slot's wall, the slot is too wide. When you've got the right fit, make a second pass on all the rails and stiles.

f,Mark the r-,lplywood's thicknesson the end of a test piece.Raisethe slot cutter to just below the pencil mark.

Cur rHE Spr-true

Rip a long, narrow strip from the plywood. Cut the strip 1/32 in. narrower than the combined depth of tr,voslots. Measure the rails to determine the spline's length. The splines nrn from the outside edge of a rail to the bottom of the slot. Cut the splines to length. The safest way to cut these small pieces is with a bandsaw or with a backsaw and miter box. Put the splines in the rails' ends, without glue, and assemblethe door.
A tvtakea secLlond pass on the test piece to widen the slot. Adjust the slot's width by raising or lowering the cufier until the plywood fits perfectly.Then make a second pass on all the stiles and rails.

Cur Tne Parurl

Measurethe panel opening. Add 11116in. to the opening's length and width and cut the panel to this size.

/ splinesinto the rails'ends. Apply a bead of glue to the panel slots, too, but only on the slot's back edge, so glue won't leak out the front.

Grue rHE Doon

Sand the panel and the inside edges of the stiles and rails. Glue the splines into the rail's ends (Photo 7). Put glue on both sides of the splines' slots and on the rails' end grain. Position the splines so they extend l/32 in. beyond each rail's outside edge. Apply glue to both sides of the splines protruding from the rails. To make the door as strong as possible, glue the panel, too. You can't do this with a solid-wood panel, becauseit must be free to expand and contract, but ply,rroodwon't move. Run a bead of glue on the back side of the long slots in the stiles and rails. To assemble the dooq insert one rail into a stile. Slide in the panel, then the second rail. Make sure the rails align with the stile's ends. Push the second stile into place and clamp (Photo 8). Sand flush the protruding spline after the glue has dried. photo from The sideboard onpage 37comes oherry
Thos. Moser: Artistry in Wood by Thomas. F. Moser with Brad Lemley,2002. Used with permissionof Chronicle Books LLC, San Francisco, www.chroniclebooks,com.

Clampthe door.There's no messy squeeze-out aroundthe panel's front, just in the back. Gluingthe panel isn't required, but it makesthe door extremely strong.

American Woodworker

MARCH 2006



Make your router a \Norkshop \ruorkhorse

fu Tirnjohnson

bv leaps jig, r'our router can do the your rvoodrvorking czrpabilities \f ith tl-ris f't'ott onlt,use vouf router to rout for one for job one dacloing, and bounds: dovetailir-rg as an expensive decorative edges,\'ou're rnissitrg same pin for rnaking shelf rnortising and one machine. tl-reboat. Your- router can be the have been Nthougl-r these lnaltlr holes. make Fortunatelr', cal-I \'ou lnost versatile tool irt \,our shop. The .jigs around since the darvt-t of rottters, s e c r e t t o u n l o c k i n g y o u r r o u t e r ' s usefirl router jigs in your shop without potential is to use it rvith specialized jigs. A dovetailjig is a perfect example: spending an arm ancl a leg. I'll show you three simple jigs that will expand they're indispensable adclitions to any woodworking shop.
Amelican rvtbodworker MARCH 2ooo 41


(Fig. A, below) takes the guesswork fnir;ig out of routing dadoes, becausesetting the I exact width is virtually foolproof. Being able to tailor the dadoes' width to precisely match the thickness of shelvesis a real blessing when you're building cabines with hardwood plywood, which is alwaysundersize in thickness. This jig accommodates wood up to 24 rn. wide. Its double T:square design guarantees dadoes that are square to the edges on ''\l'',, both left and right cabinet sides.Positioning the jig couldn't be easier*df just line up rhe fixed fence with the top of each dado. Thisjig must be used with a pattern bit (see photo, left, and Sources, page 43). This combination is perfect for use with nomi nal 3/ lin.-thick plyr,vood.It allows routing dadoes from 5/8 to I-1/8 in. wide and up to I/2 in. deep'


M rr rHr Jtc
1. Glue and screw the fixed fence (A) to the rails (B). Make sure the joints are perfectly square. 2. Rout the slos in the adjustable fence (C) on a router table, using the router table's fence and a 5/76 in. straight bit. 3. Use the adjustable fence's slots to locate the rails' carriage bolt holes. Luy the fence on the jig, snug against the fixed fence and flush with the rails. Using a pencil, transfer the slot locations to the rails. 4. Drill and counterbore the holes. 5. Install the carriage bolts.

CurrtNc Ltsr
Number Dimensions Part Name * 1 314'x 5" x 29-718' fence A Fixed x" 2 - 1 1 2x " 18" 11116 2 Rail B * 314'x 6 x 29-718' fence 1 Adjustable C * Lengthallowscuttingboth fencesfrom one 60-ln. lengthof Balticbirchplywood
I (J m cc I CE V

jNs\' A patternbit is a flush-trim bit with the bearing mounted on the shaft.


E E F a l J J




E I o_ E F



z cc

2 tr

.-___.-_......--i \_ \*\.-=-*--.--.
42 American Wbodworker MARCH 2ooo


o cc

Usp tnr .ltc

the fixed 1 Position I f " n . " o n a l i n ei n d i c a t i n g t h e t o p o f e a c hd a d o . A l w a y s o r i e n tt h e j i g w i t h t h e f i x e d f e n c ea t t h e t o p . ake of the workoieceM s u r et h e j i g ' sr a i l i s f i r m l y s e a t e da g a i n s t h e e d g e . T h e nc l a m pb o t h p i e c e s to yourbench. B o t h r a i l sa r e s o u a r e t o t h e f i x e d f e n c e ,s o i t d o e s n ' tm a t t e rw h i c h r a i l registers the jig. Out of h a b i t ,t h o u g h ,I a l w a y s register the jig against the front edgeof the workpiece.




Q S"t the adjustable fence using offcuts I f r o m y o u r s h e l v e sa s s p a c e r sT . hismethod g u a r a n t e ets h a tt h e d a d o e sw i l l b e e x a c t l y t h e r i g h tw i d t h .


nort the dado in two Q t f p a s s e s .D u r i n g t h e cut, the pattern bit's shaftmounted bearing rides against the jig's fences, so the dado it cuts is exactly the same width as the o p e n i n g . B e a r a g a i n s tt h e fixed fence during one p a s s a n d a g a i n s tt h e a d j u s t a b l ef e n c e d u r i n g the other.

(800) Sources Amana Tool. 445-007 7 www.amanatool. com 5 / 8 - i n . - d ix a1 .l2-,^ . flusn-trim (p plunge-routin ga t t e r n b)i t , (, 800) # 4 5 4 6 9$ , 2 ' 1. . Rockler 279-4441 www. rockler. com 5-star knob, # 2 3 8 0 4$ . 1 ea.

,\rnct'icittt \\bodn,or-ker

MARCH 2006


J "



f you have a plunge router with an edge guide, you can mach i ne professional-qualitymortises wi thout buyi n g an expensive benchtop mortiser. All you need is a pltrngerouting bit (see photo, left, and Sotrrces,page 45) and

thisjig (Fig. B, belorv). This jig accepts rvorkpieces of any length. They can be positioned against one end of the jig or extend beyond both ends. Although it accepts stock up to 3 in. wide and +t/Z in. thick, this jig is invaluable for routing mortises in narrow pieces,such as door stilesor delicate legs, on which a large, top-healy plunge router would be tough to balance. By fully supporting the router's base, this jig makes mortising a breeze. the hole. A doweling jig rnakes it easy to accurately drill the holes. 5. Make the end stop (D). To make the adjustable stop (E), drill start holes at the ends. Then rout the slots in several passes, using a 5/16-rn. straight bit, your router table ancl a fence. Raise the bit in 1/4-lin. increments. 6. Cut stop blocks (F) as necessaryfor each routingjob.

An up-cut spiral bit routs a better mortise thana regular s t r a i g h tb i t c a n . I t c u t s l i k ea drill bit,lifting c h i p su p a n d out as it spins, i n s t e a do f j a m mingthem i n s i d et h e h o l e . Chatter-free o p e r a t i o na n d smooth-walled mortisesare the result,


& lVlarcr rHF .lrc

1. Glue two oversize blanks together. From the glued-up blank, cut the bottom piece (A) to final size. 2. Glue on the sides (B), making sure they're square to the bottom and level at the top. 3. Fasten the clamp rail (C). 4. Drill \/Lin. holes and install the hanger bolts. Spin a nut all the way onto the bolt. Then use a wrench to thread the bolt into

. OB-\ 1 "D l AKN W

slor (TYP.)

5 / 1 6 "x 5 "

Dimensions Part Name 1-112 x"3 - 1 1 4x "24" A Bottom 314"x6"x24" B Side 1"x1-112 x" 30" C C l a m pr a i l * x 4-314' 314" x 1-314" D E n ds t o p 314"x4-314"xx6" E Adjustable stop x"2 - 1 1 2 ' 3 1 4x " 1-112 F Stopblock * Cut to fit actual jig:plywood is nominal. thickness



/"' 5/g"
:J 1/ ' , -v

Plurr,qc* . rout*morfises q-,4:EE ease!

44 American \4bodrr'orker MARCH 2006

7/8" 3-STAR } KNog z


C t a m pt h e w o r k p i e c ei n I p o s i t i o n .F i r s t ,u s e s h i m st o r a i s ei t f l u s h w i t h o r s l i g h t l y b e l o wt h e t o p o f t h e r a i l s . l n s t a l la s t o p b l o c kw h e n y o u r o u t m u l t i p l ep i e c e sw i t h m o r t i s e s n e a rt h e e n d s ,s u c h a s t h i s t a b l e l e g . T h ew i d t h o f t h e s t o P t h e l o c a t i o no f b l o c kd e t e r m i n e s To the top of the mortise. accommodatewide stock,cut notches f o r t h e c l a m p h e a d si n t h e b a c ko f t h e j i g , -l

Q C e n t e rt h e b i t o n t h e l a y o u t the Z r l i n e sb y a d j u s t i n g r o u t e r ' se d g e g u i d e .W i t h t h e u s et h e r o u t e ru n p l u g g e d , p l u n g em e c h a n i s m t o l o c kt h e b i t i n p o s i t i o nj u s t a b o v et h e surface.Beforeyou workpiece's a d j u s tt h e e d g e g u i d e ,o r i e n t the bit's cuttingflutes to sPan the mortise.

F o rt h e t top blocks. Q tnstats r,-f table leg shown here,the the toP of end stop determines t h e m o n i s ea n d t h e a d j u s t a b l e stop determinesthe bottom. T o r o u t m o r t i s e si n t h e m i d , u c ha s d l e o f a l o n g w o r k p i e c es a bedpost,remove both stops. stop I n s t a l la s e c o n da d j u s t a b l e t h e f i r s t , u s i n gt h e and relocate h a n g e r - b o lh t o l e s( F i g . alternate B). Centerthe mortise between t h e s t o p sw h e n y o u c l a m p t h e w o r k p i e c ei n t h e j i g . l f y o u o n l y have a couple moftisesto rout, don't bother with the stops. J u s t r o u t t o t h e l a y o u tl i n e s .


elunge-routthe mortise in 7l T s e v e r a ls h a l l o wp a s s e s . A f t e r r o u t i n g ,s q u a r et h e m o r t i s e sw i t h a c h i s e li f y o u r t e n o n s aresquare-shouldered, (800) 334Tools, Sources Freud 1/4-in.-dia. 41 07, 5/16-in,bit,#75-102, $21. up-cut spiral bit,#75-104, dia. up-cut spiral $45. bit,#75-'106, up-cut spiral 3/8-in.-dia. spiral bit, up-cut $42.112-in,-dia. . Rockler, (800) 279#75-109, $74. x 3-in. 1/4-in. 4441 , #24463, hanger bolts, $2 perpackage knobs, #34095, round $1 1-in. of eight, #68064, knobs, $1 ea. ea.7lB-in.3-star
American \A/oodlvorker MARcH 2006 45


|-.1] I orget about tedious drill press setups or using pegboard as a not-so-accuratetemplate: This jig (FiS. C, below) eliminates the onerous task of drilling adjustableshelf holes. And becauseyou plunge-rout the holes, you won't have any of the unsightly tear-out that drill bits frequently cause. To use the jig, you need a plunge router equipped with a I/L\n. bit and a template guide (see photo, left, and Sources, page 47). Your router's plunge mechanism must slide smoothly; side-to-side play will result in oversizeholes. Operate at a slow (9,000-to 12,000rpm) speed and use a steady plunge rate. It's easyto modi$ thisjig. For example, the holes can be spaced differently from the edgesor clustered in groups. You may need a shorter version to fit inside a cabinet.


l\/la r<r rH tr - lrc

ROTATION A s o i r a ld o w n - c u t bit eliminates around tear-out t h e e d g eo f t h e h o l e ,t h a n k st o the bit's downward shearing a c t i o nT , hisbit w'orksespecially well with plyveneered wood,which t e a r so u t e a s i l y . 1. Before you make the jig, test-fit your template in a hole drilled with your Forstner bit. The guide should fit snugly without binding. 2. Lay out the holes. 3. Drill the holes on your drill press, using a fence and a I/2-in. Forstner bit. Before you drill, set the depth stop so only the center point of the bit goes all the way through the jig. 4. Flip the jig over to finish drilling the holes. This two-stepdrilling method ensuresclean holes on both faces of thejig. 5. Make the alignment pin: r Joint one side of a 2x4 and clamp it to your drill press,jointed side down. . Using a Forstner bit, drill a l/2-in. hole all the way through the 2x4. . Seata1-3/8-tn.length of I/2-in. dowel in the hole so it sits below the 2x4's surface. . Without starting the drill press,lower the bit to mark the dowel's center, using the walls of the I/2-in hole to guide the bit. . Install a 1/{in. bit and drill a l/2-in.-deep hole in the dowel, using the center mark you've just made to guide the bit. . Glue a 7/4.rn. dowel in the centered hole. Then trim it to final length.

Rout,pertect ^holesfor


/a I 16rr

/ ' + '


adiustable shblves:

\ \

{s s



UsE rue Jlc

Position the jig I flush with the top and the front edge of the cabinetside. clamp the jig and Securely you're good to go,To rout the backrow of holes,flip the jig over and align it flush with the top and the backedge. You can also use this jig insidea completedcabinet. Just registerit againstthe cabinet'stop or bottom. lf you need to allow room for an insetdoor or Euro-style hinges,use a pair of setback g u i d e s( F i g .C ) t o m o v e t h e holes farther backfrom the front edge. -l

C) The template guide prefrcisely fits each hole, locking the router in position,so every hole you rout is perThe guide's fectly located. collar must extend lessthan it doesn't protrude jig. beyond the 1/2-in.-thick The guide must exactlyfit t h e h o l e si n t h e j i g , b u t t h e size of its outside diameter use a 112-in. isn't critical.To t e m p l a t eg u i d e l i k e t h e o n e shown here, drill 1|2-in.-dia. holes;to use a 5/, h.o l e s . drill5/8-in.-dia

pin makes Q fne alignment r-l it easy to reposition the jig on long cabinet sides. Installingthe pin aligns the jig's top hole with the last hole you've routed. With the pin installed,clamp the jig flush with the front edge and you're ready to rout additional holes.


(888) Sources Porter-Cable, 175, www.porter-cable. com 848-5 112-in.-o.d, templategulde(most Porterroutersaccommodate #42033, Cabletemplateguides), $7. o MLCS,(800)533-9298, www. mlcswoodworkin rbide spiraI 1I 4-in.-dia. solid-ca down-cut b i t ,# 5 1 7 7 ,$ 1 4 .
American Woodworker MARCH 2006 47

Materials: 40 bd. ft. of 4/4 cherry 10 bd. ft. of 5/4 cherry Four turned cherry table legs One pair of table extension slides One sheet of 7/Z-in. MDF for templates Two quarts of varnish

Tools: Tablesaw,tenoning jig, jointer, 13-in. planer, mortising machine, biscuitjointer, router, router table, l-in.-dia. flushtrim pattern bit, 3/S-in.-dia. straight bit, I / Lrn.-dra. edge-beading bit, finish sander, bar and pipe clamps

Hardware: Rare earth magnets Continuous hinges Table alignment pins Tabletop fasteners Table locks Gost: $500 for average hardwood lumber





1-112"#g F.H.SCREW

1-112"#g F.H.SCREW



American \4/oodworker

MARCH 2006


Folding trafAprons
Ourfamilyrarely when our tableis fully usesa tablecloth opened, so I added Leafaprons aprons to the leaves. make the tablelookuniform. lf you routinely usea tablecloth, howyou don'tneedthem. ever, I hinge d th e a p ro n s s o th e l e a v e s w o u l dfi t underthe table's top.Two pairs of rareearthmagnets holdeachapron (see photo,right)holdsthe in place.One set of magnets apronflat for storage. Another set, behind the hinge, holds p e rp e n d i c u w l ah r e ni n u s e . t he apr on
Both leaves store u n d e rt h e t o p .T h e i r aprons fold flat, whichenables them to sit on a s h e l ft h a t h a s b e e n attachedto the extensionslides,

I I used wide, roughsawn boardsfor my tabletop and flatI tenedthem with my planer.Placeeachboard on a MDF or melaminecarrierand stickshims underthe board'shigh spots. This preventsthe board from rockingor bending as it's planed.

Q fne table'stop is made in two pieces;the grain runs the short of three or more boards.Use biscuits lway.Each piececonsists and glue one joint at a time to makethe joints as even as possible. Keepthe top flat with cauls.Make the tops slightly oversize.

Mar<r Tops AND Lravrs

l. The tops may be made from pieces of any width. I selected wide matched boards (A, Fig. A, page 50) (see also "Honey, I Bought a Log!" page 56.) The top's thickness is only 3/4 in., but I played it safe and used 5/4 (7-7/a in. thick) lumber to allow for cup or tr,rdst in 12-in.-wide pieces. If you use 4 to Gin.-wide top boards, 4/4lumber is fine. I don't have a monster 12-in.jointer, so I used my planer and a carrier board to flatten the top's boards (Photo 1). The carrier board has a stop screwed to one end to prevent the ' planed wood from slipping backward. Every gap under the planed board has to be shimmed. I used tape to hold the shims in place. \4rhen the top surface became flat, I flipped the board over, removed the carrier and continued planing. I used narrower boards for the leaves (B) to lessen the chance that they may cup. The tops are restrained from cupping by the aprons screwed underneath, but the leaves' aprons aren't fastened the same way. 2. Glue the tops and leaves l/4 in. wider and l/4 in. longer than final size (Photo 2). Use biscuits or splines for alignment. Sand the tops and leavesto make thejoints flush (Photo 3). 3. Trim the tops and leaves to size (Photo 4). I made trvo
American Woodworker MARCH 2006 51


I ,f

Q S a n O t h e t o p ' s g l u e j o i n t s u n t i l t h e p i e c e sa r e f l u s h . M y r.,lfavorite tool for this job is a 6-in. removes materialmuch faster and more evenly than a stand a r d 5 - i n .m a c h i n ec a n .

,: f trim both tops to final sizewith a large *ftemplate and a patternbit (seeinset photo).Thisensuresthat the tops are exactly the same width and length.I left my routertable's to the routerto help steadyit. insertplate attached

1/2"-DtA.CUP 1/2"-DlA.HOLE, 1/4" DEEP


holes f o r a l i g n m e n tp i n s , T h e s e f { O r i t t h o l e si n t h e l e a v e s ...f must be spacedexactlythe same on each leaf and both tops. I used a shop-madejig and a seriesof layout sticksto positioneach hole.

router templates, one for the tops and one for the leaves. These templates ensure that the tops and leaves are exactly the same length, so their ends line up when the table is assembled. Make the templates the final size of a top and a leaf. To avoid router blowout, cut the end grain first, then the long grain. 4. Build the jig for drilling alignment-pin holes in the tops and leaves (Fig. G, page 53). Position the jig for the first hole by butting its block to the end of the workpiece. For registering subsequent holes, use a series of layout sticks (K) (Photo 5; Cutting List, page 54). Register the sticks from the same ends of the tops and leaves. Drill the holes using a brad-point drill, and tap alignment pins into the holes (see Sources,page 55).

M n r c ET H HB a s E
5. Rout shallow grooves in the legs on the router table (Photo 6, Fig. D, page 53). This starts the mortises. Finish the mortises using a mortising machine (Photo 7). 6. Mill the apron pieces (C, D, E). I used straight-grained boards for these pieces to complement the table's straight lines. Make one or two extra pieces for testing the tenoning setup. Note that the leaf aprons are L/I6 in. shorter than a leaf's width. If the leaf shrinks in width, the apron won't protrude. A protruding apron would create a gap between the Ieaf and the tops.


American Woodworker

MARcH 2006

g-inout a groovein the legsto staftthe mortises.This step is t Inot strictly necessary, but it improvesthe joint's accuracy. purposeis to guide a mortisingmachine's chisel. The groove's

r/Cutthe mortisesusing a hollow-chisel routed mortiser.The so you won't get align the chisel, f, groovesautomatically holesthat are slightlyoffsetin an irregularline.Thismethod producesdeep mortiseswith very straight,even sides.

Mail0rderTable Legs
I bought the legs for my table, rather than turn them myself. lt isn't as much fun, but it is much quicker.Here are They'reall made from solid 2-314-in. three legs I considered. stock,with no glue lines,and are sandedreadyto go. I chose the middle leg for my table. These suppliersmake many more leg stylesin variouswidths, lengthsand wood species.

Designs, Classic, #303-1,$35 each.

Osborne Wood Products,, #1020,$27 each.

Adams Wood Products, com, rrwyw.ada mswoodprodusts. #40901-28-3, $21 each.

American Woodworker

MARcH 2006


13. Screw two table locks to the tops. Fasten them together to draw the tops tight. 14. Attach the leg and apron assembliesto the tops. Make sure the apron's ends line up with the joint between the tops and with each other. Install the screws at the aprons' ends. These screws lock the aprons in place, while tabletop fasteners allow the tops to expand and contract. Install the tabletop fasteners. 15. Make the ogee blocks (F, FiS. F, page 53) and screw them in place. These blocks keep the rails aligned and square to the tops.

are many ways to do QSa* tenons on the aprons.There (Jthis, but I like to use a tenoning jig. lt cuts the tenon's cheekswith only one setup.Thespacergoes insidethe apron for the first cut, outsidefor the second. 16. Drill holes for the magnet cups and washers in the leaves and aprons (Fig. C, page 52). Mount the hinges to the aprons. 17. To install the aprons on the leaves, open the table upside down and place one leaf between the tops (Photo 9). Align the leafs aprons to the tabletop aprons. Insert shims 7. Saw the tenon's cheeks (Photo 8, Fig. E). The spacer's thickness is 1/2 in., which equals the 3/8-in. width of the tenon plus the 1/8-in. width of a saw cut. Cut the tenon's side shoulders using a miter gauge. Cut the haunch and bottom shoulder by hand or using a bandsaw. 8. Cut grooves in the rails for tabletop fasteners using a platejoiner or router (Fig. B, page 50). Drill screw holes in the end of the side aprons (D). 9. Sand the aprons. Rout a bead on the aprons' lower edges (Fig. E). Sand the beads. 10. Glue the legs and end aprons (C). Then add the side aprons (D). at both ends of each leaf apron to make up the difference between the apron's length and the leafs width. Fasten the apron's hinges to the leaf. Add the table locks to the leaf. Repeat the process on the second leaf.

FrrunlToucHES l\ND FrrxrsHrNc

18. Remove the leaves and turn the table upright. Round the tops' corners with coarse and then fine sandpaper. Slightly round the edges of the tops and leaves with sandpaper, too, as well as the aprons' bottom edges. As you sit at the table, every edge you touch should be soft and smooth. 19. Break down the table into smaller pieces for finishing. Remove the rail-and-leg assemblies and the extension slides. To equalize the absorbency of my figured wood, I applied SealCoat shellac to all the table parts (see Sources, page 55). SealCoat is essentially clear, dewaxed shellac in a 2-lb. cut. Apply two coats of varnish. To protect the finish, put a large piece of felt between the leaves when you store them, face to face, inside the table.


ll. Fasten the extension slides to the tops (Fig. B). Make sure the slides are square to the tops and parallel to each other. 12. Make the slide cleats (H) and leaf shelves(K).Fasten the cleats, centered on the slides' middle sections. Fasten the shelves to the cleats.


Dimensions (Th xWx Ll



Top Leaf End apron Sideapron Leaf apron Ogeeblock Leg Slidecleat Leaf shelf Layoutsticks

2 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 3 4

x34'x 42' 314" 314"x12"x42" 718"x3-1/2"x35" 718" x3-112' x29-112" 7 18" x 3-1 5/1 6" 12'x 11-1 718"x3"x3" 2-314'x2-314" x29" x3f4"x20" 314" x6' x 17-314' 314' 314" x 314" x 9-1 12',19',28-1 12',38'


American Woodworker

MARcH 2006


q-,& Installapronson the leavesafterthe whole table is assembled. \ f Clamp a supportboardto the table to ensurethat the leaf apron is flush ". with the table aprons.Then fastenthe apron to the leaf.
x 112 i n . ,# 3 2 5 - 1 4 9 5 , S o u r c e s E n c o ,( 8 0 0 ) 8 7 3 - 3 6 2 6w , Sleeve b e a r i n g3 , 18 x 1-114 T o o l s( ,800)334-4107 w,w w . f r e u d t o o l s . c o m Edge-beadin , 80-122,$20 $ 1 e a .r F r e u d bg i t , 1 / B - i nr.a d i u s# ( p a t t e r n ) T o p - b e a r if nl g #50-112,$27 ush-trim b i t ,1 - i n d i a . , S.t r a i g hb ti t , 3 / 8 - i n d.i a . , #12-'11$ 01 , 6 .r L e eV a l l e y , ( 8 0 0 ) 8 7 1 - 8 1 5w 8w , C m ontinuou h si n g e , 3 / 4 i n .x 8 i n . ,# 0 0 E 2 8 . 0 8 e a r t hm a g n e t s , 3 / 8 - i n . $, 7 e a .R a r e 112-in.dia # .9 , 9K32.62 d i a . ,# 9 9 K 3 2 . 0 3 . i a . ,# 9 9 K 3 2 . 5 2 $,0 . 3 2 $,0 . 3 6e a . M a g n e tc u p s ,1 / 2 - i nd $,0 . 3 6e a . M a g n e tw a s h e r s , o e r \ / a nr ) r r l z o R ' co c + n 1 s 1 s, (8 00) 787-3355 w , Table locks, #02012448 , 2 e a .T a b l e ,1 f o r 1 0 a l i g n m e np t i n s , 3 / 8i n . d i a . ,# 0 2 3 6 3 8 4 5 $ $ Tabletopfasteners,#02367325,$3forfour.rWoodworker'sHardware,(800)383-0130,www.wwha r le cg oe m 3r 6d -w i na .o.n xtensionslides,#2M3,$39 . q u a r t . f o r a s e t . Z i n s s e r\,7 3 2 1 469-8100 w , S e a l C o aU t niversa S l anding S e a l e r$ , 15a
American \4loodwor-ker MARcH 2006 55

CircleNo. 193

CircleNo. 187


For perfectly matched boards, I ordered a rruhole flitch-cut cherrY log.

I love the look of natural, unstained cherry, but I've never had much luck matching its color and figure. Every cherry board I've bought at a lumbeqprd has looked different. Some were red; others were brown. Some were curly; others were plain.Variation isn't a big problem with many projects, but when I dived into building a huge dining table (see

o z o


AJoe Gohman

z o

ual boards. Buyrng awhole log gives you more options in cutting and arranging pieces, but it's also more expensive. You'll probably get more wood than you'll need for a single project. I nrrned to the Internet to order my log (see Source, page 57). This was fun! There are many companies to choose from. On manyWeb sites, I could see Photos of every log and every

I (L E t-

I (L o

T uJ

,'Extending Dining Thble," page 48), t resolved to be choosy. I wanted showy I rlJvt bOUght boardsttratalllookedalike. . A dining table is a great opportunity to IOg mV -/display beautifirl boards. I could have ., l-O, fnrcmetthe used cherry plywood and glued on solid- OVef wood edges,but I prefer the look of wide, eVeI V bOafd solid-wood planks. Where would that -:'--;^J--li^-:-l \{A.S SnOWtf-fn matched wood come from?


photographs';l::*"x",lt*j*s;y *f*f,ffi"::T: .,*'il'J',H'l*,

have to buy the whole log or you may be able to pick individ56 American Woodworker MARcH 2ooo

board in each log. Before I ordered, oirgh, I talked to a real percon at the Itmberyardwhotoldmemoreaboutthe log, such as the presence of defects, color,figureandexpectedyield. There are as many different logs as tfere are treesin a forest. tll tell you a bit about the particular log I ordered, but you shouldn't generalizetoo much from

o -

2 tr (J
uJ (E

F CE a E, I.J,J L utu


a.lJ G .dt


buy from a sawmill or lumber company 'that keeps all the boards from one log together as a unit, called a flirch. A flitchcut log is sawn in successivelayers (see photo, above) and is dried, stickered and stacked as a unit Flitch<ui logp are sold as whole units or in parts. You may

Shipping added another $250. That eye-

poppingpricereallystretchedmybudget,butitwasworthit. The log was 12 ft. long with center boards 16 in. wide. It was all cut into l-l/4:in.-thick (5/4) boards. (Many logs are cut into boards that are l-in.-thick (a/9 or a mixture of thicknesses.) The log contained 170 bd. ft. of 5/4 wood, which

f (n
@ E

p 6


works out to be about $6 per bd. ft. That's about the same price lpay atthe lumberyard for top grade 5/4lumber, but the yield of this log was substantially less.Flitch<utwood generally includes an irregular bark edge, all the sapwood and the pith, which is the soft and unstable center of the tree. It may also contain crotches, where the fork of a branch makes the wood grain much wilder. My log had everything: bark, sapwood, pith and a crotch. The crotch was too highly figured to use in my table, but its grain is so cool that I've set it aside for another project My log was sliced into 10 boards. The two outside slices were mostly light-colored sap wood, so I set them aside for use as (expensive) utility wood in other projects. The center four slices were quartersawn and had cracks following the pith. The remaining four slices were plainsawn, wide and relatively defect-free. All in all, my yield was reduced at least 25 percent. On the plus side, I made eight 12 x 4&in. boards with the same striking figure, two more than I needed. I also cut a lot of 4in.-wide straightgrained boards (the quartersawn and riftsawn portions of the flitch), which were perfect for the table's aprons. After all that work, this table really looks fabulous. My spouse knows-all too well-that our table is a real con-

versation piece. Buying awhole logwas an expensive but convenient wEryto get matched boards. It sure makes a great afterdinner storv.

(888)81+ Source HearneHardwoods, 0007 www

prices lumber Cherry andlogs, vary.

expensive, but they make a spectacula

mering curly
American Woodworker MARcH 2006 57

A complete system of resln, hardeners, flllers and addltlves. r Choose fast or slow working times r Easilymodifiedfor gap filling r Excellent water resistance r Good adhesion to riearly everything


r Reliable pr0duch Epory solutlong

West SystemInc 866.937.8797



Calltoday for yourfreeUserManual and Product Guide

CircleNo. 113

outer-based jigs are the fastest way to cut dovetails. Dovetail joints are a strong, attractive way to join many projects, including drawers, jewelry boxes and blanket chests.We examined l1jigs that can cut both through and half-blind dovetails (see photos, below). Many jigs on the market cut only half-blind dovetails. You can see our review of half-blind dovetail jigs in AW #84, December 2000, page 66.

U s r R - F R T E N D LF Yr n r u R E S
After using thesejigs for a while, we found severalfeatures that made some more user-friendly than others. These features included cam levers for clamping, adjustable side stops, icons that tell what part of the joint is will be cut and setup indicators to accurately reset the jig to a previous successful setting. Other features that sep arated the jigs were bit-shank diameter, adjustable or fixed templates and the widths of thejoints they make. All but one of the jigs use some type of guide bushing as part of its system (see "Guide Bushing," page 60). If your router doesn't accept the guide bushing required by the jig, you may be able to get an adapter from your router's manufacturer. Or you can make a custom router baseplate that will accept the correct guide bushing (see "SeeThrough Router Base,page 75).

THnoucH Dovrraus

T h r o u g hd o v e t a i l s projectall the way t h r o u g ht h e m a t i n g p i e c e ,m a k i n gt h e p i n s a n d t a i l sv i s i b l e from both sides. They'retypically used in caseconstruction, f o r i n s t a n c ei,n a blanketchest.


can be Half-blind dovetails seen half the time: from the side,but not from the f ront.They'retypically usedfor drawers.




American Woodworker

MARCH 2006



Jrcs Covre

G u r o EB u s u r l c
All but one of these jigs r e q u i r ea g u i d e b u s h i n g on your router.Most use the Porter-Cable style, shown here.

_r' The first step in d e c i d i n gw h i c h j i g is for you is deciding how much width capacityyou need. Jigs are availablewith 12-in., 16-in, or 24-in. The 12-in.capacity width capacities. jigs will handledrawersand jewelry boxes, but not blanket chests.Jigs have larger with largercapacities price tags, but may also offer addiAll the jigs will handle tional features. wood that is 3/4 in. thick, but some will also acceptwood as thin as 1/8 in. think a jig and as thickas 1-112in.We in. to 1-114 in, that handlesa rangeof 112 is sufficientfor most shops.


a a



tq U a 1m*fr"_r**m.,e""F"t*.t.e-#h

Lnnce-SHeNreoBrrs CHerrrn Lrss

Routerbits with 112-in. shanksare less prone to chatteringthrough the cut than those with small shanks. Cuttingdovetailsin 3/4-in.-thick hardwood can reallytax the bit. With careful hand l i n g ,a n y s i z e shank can do the work, but you won't have to baby the largeshank bits as jigs in much.The this test use 1/4-in., 8-mm or 112-in.shank router bits.

Cevt Locrrruc
LrvERs AnE Eesv To UsE
Cam locksare a much easier, { \ fasterway to clamp jig.We materialin the '"#[ prefer cam locks over threaded knobs,hands down,You'lI especially noticetheir convenience and speedwhen dovetailing a big stackof pans or if your hands don't have the strength they used to.

Ao;usraBLE SIDESrops Eese CErurgnrruc Youn Wonr

Adiustableside stops are betterthan fixed stops becausean adjustable stop allows you to centerthe joint on the end of your board.With fixed stops, you must sizeyour workpiece to match the template. if you want a perfectlycenteredjoint. Jigs with adiustabletemplates FXEDTEMpLATE don't require adiustable side stops, becauseyou can move the templatefingers to any locationyou want. ADJUSTABLE SIDESTOP

AolusraBlE TEMPLATES Pnovroe DesrcruFlexrerLrrY

Here'sone of the most important jig-buying decisions: How creativewould you like to be? Some dovetailjigs use templateswith adjustable fingers that allow you to vary the sizeand spacingof the dovetaiI joi nt. Adjustabletemplatejigs are not significantlymore complicatedto use than jigs with fixed templates,which create only closelyspacedjoints.


American Woodworker

MARCH 2006

Serup lxorcanoR LrNEsStvtpLtFY

Indicatorlines simplify repeatingsetupson a dovetail jigs that cut both jig.This is important because through and half-blinddovetailsrequireyou to changethe templateswhen you switch from through to half-blindor from pins to tails. Sincetiny changes in the setup can affectthe joint's quality,the question becomes,"How easy is it to repeat the setup the next time y o u u s et h e j i g ? " T h e answer? lt's much easieron jigs that have a setup indicator lines as part of the machine.
:ii, r.!. ri:i:


ONaoano lcoNs KeEp You lruronvrEo

Onboard icons provideyou a visual clue as to which part of the joint the machineis set up to cut, whether it's half-blind,pins or tails.When you face the jig, the icon that is right-sideup shows you the joint that the jig is set to cut. lcons simplify setup and may save you a miscut board. important if you don't use the This is especially jig frequently.



:-* EE :* -i! =E!



dovetail with little or no test cutting. Adjusting the fit of a through dovetail is done using different-diameter straight bits. The jig's body provides a platform that completely supports the router, eliminating any chance of the router tipping and ruining your work. A dust collection kit is available, $30, which allows a shop vacuum to grab most of the chips pouring off the jig. It works great. Included with the jig are fingers for cutting half-blind and 7-degree through dovetails and boxjoints. The owner's manual is comprehensive and well-done. Thisjig doesn't have cam locks, but the entire clamp bar tightens from one handle position. You only have one handle to spin, and the leverage from it is good. Cutting halfblind dovetails on this jig is a slower process than on the otherjigs, because the Akeda does only one board at a time. Most of the jigs in this test rout both boards at once for halfblind joints.


ArcrDA DC16

You can buy the complete kit, with all the bits, a dust collection kit and three sets of guide fingers. Or you can buy the jig only and add bits and accessoriesas you need them. Thejig comes with template fingers for half-blind, 7-degree TEMPLATE FTNGERS through dovetails and boxjoints. Four other sets of through dovetail fingers are available for cutting 9-, 11-, 14 and Z0degree through dovetails. The corresponding bits are also sold separately. (877) Jigs, 3816544, Source Akeda

The Akeda DC16 uses a unique template system made up of separate phenolic fingers that can snap in and out of the jig. The system works well and is easy to use. The finger system is engineered to provide a perfectly fitting through

lcons Setplndieats Lwers MushbleSide Stops 0nhard Cam AdjusbbfeTenplahs BitStnnkDiameter Capactty/'fndans Cofcityl1tVidf' No No tN/A No Yes 1/4to 1in. l6 in. U4in.
American Woodworker MARcH 2006 61

Leigh mak, . nvo jigs: the D1600 with t&in. capacity and the D4R with 24tn. capacity. They are very similar, but the D4R has a couple of advantages.The individual fingers on the D4R can also be split, allowing you to change the size of your pins for both through and halFblind dovetails. In fact, the D4R is the only jig in this test that allows you to vary the size of the pins in both through and halfblind dovetails.Additionally, the D4R will handle thicker material. Both jigs have easy-toread icons indicatirrg which mode the jig is in. The indicator lines on their tem-

LncH D1600

plates, used for repeating setups, are also easyto read. There's a spot in the owner's manual to record these setting for your next use. Using Leigh's &mm-shank router bits requiresaL/2-in. to &mm adaptor ($6, not included with the D4R), but they'll chatter less than l/{in. shank cutters. The owner's manual is comprehensive and well done. HalFblindjoints on both jigs are cut one board at a time, a slower process than with jigs that cut both boards at once. Adjustable box-joint templates are available for both jigs, $229 for the D4R and $197 for the D1600.
Source 2 ,w w . l e i g h j i g s . c o m L e i g hJ i g s ,( 8 0 0 ) 6 6 3 - 8 9 3 w

16 in.


LrrcH D4R


lcwrs Settip lrdlcatsrs Stops 0nboryd CapacrtylwiOtr Camcrty/lhickess BitShank Diameter AdjustableTernplates hm Levers Adjusuble Side

1/8to 1in.
1/8to l-12 in.

l/4in. and 8mm

1/4 in.and I mm

Yes Yes










721 6

The 7216 is a heavyjig with a builtlike-a-tank feel and a well-written owner's manual. Its through dovetail template provides variable spacing; its half-blind blind template does not. Halfdovetails are cut with both boards in the jig, a bonus in a production operation. Two additional router bits are required for through dovetails. For through dovetails, the jig will accept a l/Z-in.-shank dove-


tail bit, which reduces chatter. The 7216 allows you to change the size of the pins in through dovetails only. (888) Source Porter-Cable, 848-5175,

CarytVMdtt CaPacitY/Thiclces BitShank DiameterAdjustable Templateshm Levers Mjusbble Side Stop Onhard lcons SehlB,lrdi@rs 1/2to 1in.
U4in.,1l2-in.* * Yes Yes Yes No Yes
* 1/4 in. fm half-blind, l/2 in. auailablzfor through
American Woodworker MARcH 2006

** Fm through doaetaik only, not fm half-blind


$2+o .



TnrrunCDJ 3OO

These rwo jigs are nearly identical. On the CM! the mounting bracket used ro hold the template on thejig must be swapped between templates. On the Trend, the mounting brackets are attached to each template, which means fewer parts ro adjust and misplace. The guide bushings included with the jigs require the purchase of a universal router base,$40. Otherwise you'll need to provide your own

15.8-mm guide bushing. Box-joint templates are available for bothjigs: $90 for the CMT templares, $70 for Trend rernplares. Bits for half-blind joints are included in both. (888) Sources CMT, 268-2481 , . Trend, (2701 872-4674., www.trend-usa.con

CapacltyMOtrCapacity/Thickress Bit shank Diameter Adjustable Templates cam Levers Adjushble side stops 0nboard lcons Setup Indicators 12in. U2tolin. U4in. No No No Yes Yes

CnnrrsMAN 25,4Ss



-* d5?;*' t

*: **"\*:*

This Craftsman jig has has a a sreater greater capacitv capacity than than


grip. This machine has a built-in depth-of-cutindicator which greatly simplifies setting the cutting depth of your router bit. The templates are more flexible than we like, so you need to be careful that you don't flex the template out of alignment when you position marerial. Add $25 for the craftsman router bit set for cutting through dovetails. (800) Source Sears, 349-43b9,


* -

*nn.\ ,'o @ s. *,,..1' r t



BitShank Diameter QapacityMdfr Capacity/Thickness Adjustable Templates Cam LeuersAdjustable Side Stops 6nboard lcons Setup 16in. VBto 1in. U4in. No yes No No No
American Woodworker MARcH 2006 63

templates remind you which one to use. The etching on these icons could be deeper, to make them easier to see,but it's still pretty easy to glance at the jig and know what to do, even if you haven't used it in a while. A number of depth-ofcut gauges are also built right into the jig to simpli$ getting bis setjust right. Withl/2-in. shank cutters used for all the cuts, there's very little risk of chatter. Indicator lines are also etched into the templates to help you.with repeating setups, although these lines could be a little finer for greater accuracy. Template changes are dirt simple-just a matter of loosening a knob and sliding the template on or off. The templates included with thejig also allow cutting box joints and sliding dovetails.To cut boxjoints, you'll also need a7/2-in. straight bit. (888) 848-5175, Source Porter-Cable,


421 2

This Porter-Cable model is one well-conceived jig and a great value. A great amount of how-to'use-it information is printed right on the body of the jig. Icons etched into the

0nboardlctns Setuplndicators hmLevers AdjustableSideStops AdjusubleTemplates BitShankDiameter CapacrtyMOtr Capacity/Thicknes 12in. l/4to 1-18 in. lflin. No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Frsrool VS6OO

The VS 600 is more than a dovetailjig; it's a joinery system. If you purchase additional templates, besides making dovetails, the jig can be used for adjustable shelf holes, box joints and dowel joinery. It has the largest width capacity of all the jigs in our test. The template is on a nge-like mount that allows you to easily flip it out of the way to check your work. The VS 600 works best with Festool routers because the jig requires a guide bushing made specifically for Festool routers. The bushings are metric and have a built-in retainer ring that engages with the template fingers. (888) 337-8600, Source Festool,

lrdicators lcons Setup DiameterAdjustable Templates&m Levers Adjustable Side Stops Onboard CapmityAilidtt Capacity/lhichessBitShank 2SU4in.

l/4to 1in.
MARcH 2006







American Woodworker

DovrrArl Jrc
CoMBo 23882



This Rocklerjig has indicator lines etched into. the top of the jig, which is very helpful in repositioning the template. Icons on the through template help with setup, but there are none on the half-blind template. Changing templates is more cumbersome than on other jigs. On this jig, it requires removing and reinstalling the bolts that hold the template on. (80C) 279-4441, Source Rockler.

Indicatots lcons Setup Side Stops 0nboard TemplatesCam Levers Adjustable DiameterAdjustable BitShank CapacityMdthCapacity/lhickness 12in. U2to1-U4in. U4in. No Yes Yes Yes Yes


The Woodhaven 7500K's cam style handles can move close to the work to provide better locking pressure on the material. This is the onlyjig that uses a pattern-cutting dovetail bit instead of a guide bushing, which is an advantage if you have a router that doesn't accept guide bushings. The 7500K also provides a front platform to fully support the router base. A boxjoint template is available for $63. Changing the 7500K's templates is more cumbersome than on other jigs, since it requires removing and reinstalling the bolts that hold the template on. (800) 344-6657, Source Woodhaven,

Indicators lcons Setup Levers Adjustable Side Stops Onboard TemplatesCam BitShank DiameterAdjustable CapacityMdtr Capacity/Ihicknes 12in. VSto1in. U4in. No Yes Yes No No
MARCH 2006 65

American Wbodworker

Squeeze more space from your cabinets with customized roll-outs. ,,,rir"H*T*

t may seem like a paradox, but even kitchens that are overflowing have underutilized space. Many base cabinets are only half used, .because the back is inaccessible, stuffed with long-forgotten items you can't see unless you get down on your knees with a flashlight. Here's a set of pull-outs that bring everything within reach.

To make the trays shown here, you'll need a half sheet hardwood plywood, Z-ft. x 2-ft. of l/2-in. plywood, 17 lineal ft. of l-in. x 4in. maple, 2 lineal ft. of of 3/4lin l-in. x 6-in. maple, four pairs of 20-in. full-extension ball-bearing slides, a box of l-5/8-in. screws, wood glue and construction adhesive.

'Under-Sink Storage

Borrov Pur-r--Ours
Measure the frame opening and cut the base (A) 1/4in. narrower (Fig. A, page 67).

,.i To begin, measure the areas of open space around the ri$lumbing. You may only be able to put a single pull-out on rcne side, may have to shorten them or build them 'bround pipes coming up through the base.
66 American Woodworker MARcH 2006

Make the drawers 1 in. narrower than the opening betrueen the partitions. Cutand assemble the base assembly (A, B) and drawer parts (C, D, E). Sand and apply two coats of finish to the base and drawers. Set the drawer slides on 3/4in spacers flush with the front edge of the partition (B). Screw them to the partitions; then pull out the drawer members. Set the drawer members on the same 3/{in. spacers to create the proper bottom clearance for the tray, and screw them to the sides of the trays flush to the fronts. Screw the base assembly to the bottom of the cabinet (Photo l). Slide in the drawers.

I Build and installa base assemblyfor the bottom pullI outs. Centerthe base assemblyin the cabinetjust behind the hinges.Align the front edge with the face frame and screw it to the bottom of the cabinet.

S r p r - M o U N T E DP u l l - O u r s
Make the side support cleats (K) so they sit flush or slightly proud of the face frame. Check for hinges that might get in the way of the pull-out tray. Assemble the trays with glue and screws.Apply finish. Attach the slides and mount them in the cabinet (Photos 2 and 3). Scuff the cabinet side with sandpaper adhesive and screws to hold the cleats. Cabinet sides are often finished. so screws alone may not hold well. and use construction




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ypper.trav H. . F-ly"w-qeC -sld-e-__-?"-.*-_314'l_x_9_xl9ll?__ _-* + _3_/_+_l J__ _ _U_pp_e_LIr9J_tQnLba_qK x 5:"712*' x" "5:1.12K.._....Sids*cj.egl, double lavgJ 20". -.-.*4...1L2*I,Q-1/2'1..x.
Q the slideson the side pull-outtrays.Centera 3-112-in. .f template on the cleat and the tall side of eachtray and trace the edges.Centerthe mounting holes of the slides on these lines.

2 up-pgrlrqyjde 2 -_ Plywood

,12'x5-112" x 18-112" 18-1/2" __ - 3-l{'{__5"_x

Attach the support cleats to the side of the cabinet using screws and constructionadhesive.Use a temporary plywood spacerto hold each cleat in position.
American Woodworker MARcH 2006 67

These pull-outs bring boxes, jars and cans within easy reach. To build this mini-pantry, you'll need two sheets of 3/Lin. hardwood plyruood (I used Baltic birch for its attractive edge) and two pairs of 20-in. full-extension ball-bearing slides. Start by building a box to fit inside the cabinet. Measure the frame opening and subtract 1/4 in. to get the box's outside dimensions. I made this pantry for a 24in. base cabinet, so change the cutting list to fit your base. Also keep in mind that most 3/Lin. plyrvood actually measures23/32 in. Cut the box parts (A, B, C) and assemble them with glue and screws (Fig. B, below right). Find the drawers' width by subtracting 1 in. from the openings in the box. Cut all the pieces for the drawers (D, E, 4 G). Soften the edges of the drawer sides (D) and drawer face (G) using a 7/{in. roundover bit. Assemble the drawer parts (D, E, F) with screwsand glue. Position the center shelf (F) at the height you prefer. Attach the sides (D) with finish nails and glue. Set the drawer slideson the bottom of the box. Align the slides with the front edge and attach. Remove the drawer member and screwit to the drawer side l/4 in. above the bottom. Install the box (see photo, below). Install the drawers. Center the drawer faces (G) on the drawers and screw them from the inside. Dnl|'7-I/2-in.-dia. holes for finger pulls or attach shallow pulls. Apply two coats of finish. Part-"865e'5nd Name Dimensions(ThxWxL) *o-J"Y."" ' A too 2 -- jl+' i.)o-1tz'; * 2[3i['"" --^ B Sidesand center x20-112" 314" x 18-13116" C - - Back - -1; 3l+" x 20,3,1"41| .x 20-1 f4'l ^ -- S ; ,n -e, r o e u tt 314'x1314'x201114| E Drawerfront and back 4 314'| x I8.-1 ---;'--4 6 7 18" f/" F Drawertop, bottom,shelf 314]x6-718" x 18:314 Drawerface G , s"!!." J_9"?,1+"", 4.1 Q314. _ _

Build a box for the drawersto fit insidethe base cabinet. Removethe cabinetdoors and slide the box into the cabinet. Screwthe box securelyto the bottom of the cabinet.
68 American Woodrvorker MARCH 2006

binet Under-Ca Drawer


Unused space often sits in plain view under the upper cabinets. This pull-out is perfect for storing knives or coupons. You'll need 8 lineal ft. of 3/4-in. x l-3/4lin. hardwood that matches your cabinet, 2 lineal ft. of l-l,/&in. x l-l/&in. hardwood, 1 ft. x 2 ft. of l/Lin. hardwood plywood and one pair of 12-in. full-extension drawer slides. Measure the space under the cabinet. Cut the supports (G) to fit this space and protrude about 1/16 in. below the cabinet. Size the drawer by subtracnng 2-7/2 in.two fixed 1 in. for the slides and l-7/2 in. for the sides (D). The front-to-back required for a

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dimension is the minimum 12-in. drawer slide.

Cut the drawer parts (A, B, C, E). Assemble the drawer using pocket screws or glue and finish nails. Rout the bottom of the drawer frame with a 3/8-in. rabbeting bit set l/4 in. deep. Square the corners with a chisel. Then nail in the plywood bottom wtth 3/Lin. brad nails. Draw a centerline 3/4 in. up from the bottom edge on the fixed sides (D) and the drawer sides (B). Screw on the drawer slides, flush to the front. Glue and screw the undercabinet supports to the fixed sides. Install the drawer assembly (see photo, below). Glue the drawer pull (F) in the center behind the drawer front. Then finish the drawer to match the cabinet.


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Drawer bottom G

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314" x 1-314" x 11-718" 114' x 16-1/8" x11-314"


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Support x 1-118"x10-3/4" .,,,-.,,,-,..,.,,. ?.---_,-1-3/16"




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Installthe completeddrawer assembly.Clamp it to the cabint and fasten it with screws from above.

American Woodworker

MARcH 2006


Three custom profiles rruith infinite possibilities

router table is the perfect tool for making an \Zour I almost limitless variety of picture frames. The problem is that with so many router bits and possible combinations of bis, where do you start? The three picture-frame profiles in this article are a good beginning. With the exception of the final profile, all use common router bits. Each frame illustrates a basic technique; use them as springboards for your own unique creations. h Eric Smith

uter-M 'ttl.,
L single 3/8-in. rabbeting bit, a single fence setting and a single depth-of-cut setting. There's no fussing around. Repeating a router-bit cut on both sides of a piece of wood or changing the depth of the cut is an easyway to create unique profiles. Tryusing different router-bit profiles for other custom frames. I his mahogany picture frame is no tr,vo-bit design. The complete profile is made with a



One8it FramesAre Fastand Eaqy

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American Woodworker

MARcH 2006


InlaysAdd Interest and D.pth

this frame profile using three standard router bits: a l/4|in. l\/f*e IVlround-over bit, a classic ogee bit and a 3/4-lin. straight bit. Rout all the pieces, glue the inlay and then cut the miters. I like to use contrasting woods, in this case, riftsawn white oak with a purpleheart inlay.

1 Round all four edges on an extra-wideblank of inlay wide so you I stock.Make the blank at least 1-112in. can safely rip two 3/8-in.-deepinlays from each blank.

Q nout the roundoveron the outside edge of the frame stock. l

Make Large Frames in TWoParts

rr-t I wo-part (or even three- or four-part) frames are a I great way to create deep, eye-catching picture frames bee$ enough for a big landscape painting but capable of holding even a small family photo. I built this frame with cherry on the outside and quartersawn sycamore in the inside. Make the inner frame first, cutting the usual 3/8-in. rabbet (Photo 1) and then routing the profile on the face (Photo 2). Then machine the outside frame (Photos 3 through 6). Miter and glue the inner frame; then cut the outer frame to fit. Tack the frames together with a few brad nails.




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+ f f
72 American


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g r o o v en e x t t o t h e r o u n d e de d g e . Q etowthe inlay J

ogee bit. 7l Cutthe insideedge profileusing a classic 'f Cut the backedge profileby droppingthe bit to half height. Move the fenceforward to cut half the bit's depth.

O n t h e i n n e r f r a m e ,c u t t h e r a b b e t I t o h o u s et h e m a t t e b o a r d ,g l a s sa n d artwork.


Q nOOa distinctiveprofileto the face 1 o f t h e i n n e rf r a m e u s i n g a s p e c i a l e o l d i n gb i t . i z e dp i c t u r e - f r a m m


outer frame gets an ogee proI used a specialized bit that creroundover. ates an extra-large

7l Completethe rounded edge by flipl f p i n g t h e b o a r da n d r o u t i n ga roundoveron the ogee'soppositeside.

5ff:; t h e i n n e rf r a m e .


straight bit to cut a rabbetto

ftCframter the backedge to lift the \-fframe off the wall and make the f r a m e a p p e a rl e s sm a s s i v e .

Sources 88 ( A ) A m a n aT o o l s . h a n k ,# 4 9 3 0 0 $ , 2 6 ; w i t h 1 / 2 - i ns . hank, 699-3939 w , ww, 3 / 8 - i nr .abbeting b i t w i t h 1 / 4 - i ns f r o m T o o l s T o d a y . c o(m , 8) . hank, . hank, 533-9298 w , w w . m l c s w o o d w o r k i n g . c o3 m / 4 - i ns . t r a i g hb t i t ,# 5 4 5 51 / 4 - i ns #49302$ , 2 7 . ( B ) M L C S ,( 8 0 0 ) $ 1 3 ; # 7 7 5 51 / 2 - i ns $14. (C) FreudToolsfrom SevenCornersHardware, (6511224-4859, round-over shank,#34-110, www.Tcorners.com1/4-in. bit with 1/4-in. $28; with 1/2-in. (,8 0 0 ] 1 2 7 9 - 4 4 4 , . hank# , 32. # 3 4 - 1 2 0$ , 3 0 .( D ) R o c k l e r w1 w . hank, #91666$ , 3 2 ;w i t h 1 / 2 - i ns , 91673$ shank, Classic o g e eb i t w i t h 1 / 4 - i ns (E) MLCS,(800)533-9298, Picture-frame ogee bit with 1/2-in. shankonly,#8622,$39. (F)AmanaToolsfrom, (888) , 2 6 . ( G ) M L C S ,( 8 0 0 ) 533-9298, w m b i t w i t h 1 / 4 - i ns . hank, # 4 9 4 0 0$ , 2 5 ; w i t h 1 / 2 - i ns . hank# , 49402$ 699-3939 , w w . t o o l s t o d a y . c oC hamfer . hank,#6321 . hank# m l c s w o o d w o r k i n g . c oP mi c t u r e - f r a m m eo l d i n g b i t w i t h 1 / 4 - i ns , 3 0 ; w i t h 1 / 2 - i ns , 8621, $ $30.
American Woodworker MARcH 2006 73

American Woodrvorker

MABcH 2006


r..ii1i 1 :*; i

a rough-cut c l e a rp l a s t i cb l a n ko n t h e r o u t e rt a b l e I Strape t h e o r i g i n a lb a s et o t h e I u s i n g a f l u s h - t r i mb i t . S e c u r e b l a n ku s i n g d o u b l e - s t i ctk ape.

u s i n ga s e l f - c e n t e r i n g Q V t a r k t h e m o u n t i n gs c r e w l o c a t i o n s . l l y o u n e e di s a s l i g h td i m l b i t m o u n t e di n a d r i l l p r e s sA p l e o n t h e s u r f a c eD . o n ' td r i l l a l l t h e w a y t h r o u g ht h e b l a n k , because the centering bit is not the finaldiameter,




Q O r i t t t h e m o u n t i n gs c r e wh o l e su s i n gt h e d i m p l em a r k s . - f t o c e n t e rt h e b i t . C e n t e rt h e d i m p l e d h o l e u n d e rt h e b i t with the poweroff.Secure t h e b l a n kf i r m l y w i t h y o u r h a n d , raise t h e b i t ,t u r n o n t h e d r i l l p r e s sa n d d r i l lt h e h o l e .

Countersink t h e m o u n t i n gs c r e w h o l e s .C e n t e rt h e b i t b y l o w e r i n gi t i n t o t h e h o l e w i t h t h e p o w e r o f f , a s i n P h o t o4 . S e t t h e d e p t h o f c u t s o t h e s c r e w h e a d sw i l l b e s u n k s l i g h t l y below the base'ssurface.




Make your basefron 7/ *in.-thick acrylic or pol,vcarbonate Use the manufacturer-supplied base as a template for plastic.Acrllic is availableat most hardrvarestol-es and home your clear base. Secure the original base to the plastic centers.Polvcarbonateis more shatterresistant,although it's blank rvith double-sticktape. Cut and shape the blank on lessstiff, harder to find and rnore expensive. Either plastic your bandsawand router table (Photo 1). Keep the blank can be machined like an1,l-rardivoodnsing standard rvoodworking equipment. Leave the protective fihn on to protect the plastic from scratchesduring macl-rining. To make ,vour clear base, yotr'll need these iterns: a drill press, router table, banclsarvor jigsan, flush-trirn bit, l-I /Lrn. and 1-3/8-in.Forstnerbits, a countersinkbit, a centering bit for vollr l-outer (see Source, page 78) and doublemoving at about the speed of a clock's second hand to prevent the plasticfrom melting. On the drill press,mark the centers for the mounting screws(Photo 2). Gently pr,v the original base off the blank using a putty knife. Selecta twist bitjust large enough to let the mounting screw shank easily pass through the hole. Drill the rxounting holes all the rvay through the base (Photo 3).

stick tape. You may neecl lonser scre\vs to fhsten this ner,r' Friction from a spinning drill bit car-r easilymelt plastic. thicker base to vollr rollter. \{hen drilling plastic, Llsea quick, repetitive in-and-out action. Pausefor a second benveenstrokesto allow the bit and plastic to cool.


Anrelicirn \'\irochvorker- MARcH 2006

(to..t" the base'scenter by putting a centering bit in your r.,lrouter, lowering the baseplateonto it and tapping the plasticwith a hammer. The resulting mark will be dead center.

f,,Oritl out the center hole. Center the plate on the bit and Llclamp it down. Use an in-out feed action to keep the bit cool and the plasticfrom melting.Youshould get wispy curls of plastic, not molten mounds.

plate and drill the larger counterbore hole. nnipthe / Centerthe plate using the smalterbit and clamp. Changeto the larger bit and drill.

just the right touch. lt turns the hazy, QR ttame finish adds L)machined edges crystal clear.Just wave the flame from a blowtorch back and forth until you see the haze disappear. Be careful not to overheat the plastic or it will bubble. through the base (Photo 6). Flip the base so the countersinks face up (Photo 7). Center the base on the table using the same Forstner bit that drilled the hole and clamp the base down to the drill press table. Change to a larger l-3/&in. Forsfirer bit. Now, before you get too excited about drilling from a smaller hole to a larger one, let me explain: Typically, you would drill a large counterbore first, followed by the smaller through hole. In this case, the mark from the centering bit is on the wrong side of the base for the large counterbore hole. I use Forstner bits because they are rimguided. Th.y can cut a larger hole over a smaller one without trouble. After all the machining is done, remove the protective film and use sandpaper to lightly round-over the bottom edge. You can clean up machine marks and scratches by carefully using a blowtorch (Photo 8). The result is a crptal-clear finish that's not really necessary,but it sure looks good. (800), 533-9298, Source MLCS, pin,#9054, alignment Universal centering $6.

Drill countersinks for flat-head screws (Photo 4). I use flathead screws to mount a base, because the tapered heads auto' matically draw the base into the exact location each time it's fastened. A countersink bit has the same profile as a flat-head bit to drill the countersinks; the screw. Don't use a large tr,rrist profiles don't match.

Holrs Dnru CErurEn

After the base has been shaped and the mounting screw holes completed, fasten the base to your router. Chuck a centering bit or a Vgroove bit with a sharp pciint into your router. With the new base in place, gendy lower it onto the router until itbarely touches the plastic surface. Lock the router base assembly tightly to the router. Thke a small hammer and lightly t p tlie plastic over the centering bit (Photo 5). Use the resulting mark to center the base under al-7/4'in. Forstner bit. Clamp the base to the drill press table. Check to make sure the bit is still in line with the mark. Drill the center hole
78 American Woodworker MARCH 2006



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Stop router disasters before they start.

DyEric Smith Snap, crackle, crunch! No, it's not your breakfast cereal. That's the sound of router tear-out. Aaargh! And that's the sound of a woodworker facing a do-over or repair. Tear-out can happen cutting across or against the grain, cutting too deeply, using a dull bit or just running into a hidden flaw. One thing's for sure: It'll always happen at the worst possible time. Although it can't completely be avoided, you can definitely minimize the chances of tear-out by following some simple techniques and precautions-without adding a lot of time or expense to your projects.

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PayAttention to Grain Direction

Visualize a feather cut by a router. It would be a mess, of course, but the point is that when you rout against the grain (see photo, left), the wood reactsjust like a feather. The grain is running right into the bit rotation. The wood's fibers are likely to catch and break apart ahead of the cut, producing tear-out. But when you run the router with the grain (see photo, right), you get a smooth cut.


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your stockso the grain direction Feeding crasheshead on into the bit rotationis like r u n n i n gy o u r f i n g e rt h e w r o n g w a y o n a feather.Nastytear-outis almost a sure thing.
worker MARCH 2006

Flip a board end for end to changethe direction from which the grain meetsthe cutter. Now the grain flows in the same direction resultwill be a as the bit rotation.The smooth cut with little or no tear-outworries.



\ LrcHr sEcoNDPASS



Make a Very Light Final Pass

'll'rirrg't() tear-out h o g o u t ? t c l e u r n e r l g e i r r o l l c l ) : r s si s a s k i r r g { i l tr'<tuble. Instead cll' s'anrblinu u-ith :ru erlrensire Bec:ruse the frn:rl llrss is-just a shaving cut, the bit is a lot lcss likerlr to catch anrl te:u- the rr'oclrl Iibers. \'ou'll .qet ir snrocltlr srrrf:rce, t--r,r'n if the qrain is qoing the lr,r'ong rr':r\'. piece of $'clocl, take the time to nrzrke at least t$'o l)irsses:olle heavv pzrssancl a verv linht final pass.

t-Isea Zerffileanance Fence

.\ zt'ro-r'lt':lllrrrc l tt''r r c t 'l l r c l . s r r l t l l r t ' r r . o o r t l r si t ' s 1 i ' r Ii r r t < r t l r t ' r ' o r r t t ' r ' l r irt r. r l l . i r r g it rlilli< r r l l f i r r t l r c r r o o r l t o <l r i l i . I i r r r n l i t ' l z t ' r ' o -l< t ' l ul u t ( ' ( 'I t ' rr t t ' . s ( ' t t l l ( ' l ' ( ) r r t ( .l tr'i t l r t t l r c l r t ' i g ' l t lt t r r t l r l r ' l r t l r\ ( ) r r \ \ ' r u r t . If rorr llrrt'r't'trrorlrlrlt'srrlrl i ' t t t t ' s .t t t t ' t t l t t ' l ' ( ) u l ( ' o l r r l r r t r ls l o r r l rs l i t l c t l r t ' i r r l t ' t ' < sli r l t ' ol lltc li'rrct'irrto t l r t ' l r i t . I l r o r r r I t ' r i t t ' l l r sl r l i r t , r ll l r r t ' . t l ; t t t i l lt ( ' l l r l ) o lrr r s r r l t l i ' l t ( ' \ o r r l r o t l r s i r l t ' s \ .\ i t l r t l r c r ' ( ) u l ( ' l ' ROTATION l r u t r t i r t g l.o o s t ' r r t l r t ' rl t r n r ; t o s r r t l r t ' i u l c c r l I t ' r r t ' t ' r r o r r g l tro s l o t r l i s l i t l t 'l l r c s u l r l t ' t rt< ' s i r r t o t l r c s 1 ; i r r r r i r lrrg it.


LIsea Dortnfirrting Spir:al Bitfor Fhrsi lr unrnins '- ^ ^^^ ^il

l ) o r v t t - r ' r t t t i r tsgl l i r , r l l ; 1 i r 1 ) r r s l rt l r ) \ \ n ( ) l r l l r t ' u o o ( l ' s s u t I l t tt ' . I l r t ' t ' r ' s r r l t i s r r t l t ' l r n . 1 ( ' i u o r r l - lr c r ' : l r t ' l r r i n g ( l l l . s l i i t l r l l t i t ' r r o r l . r ' : 1 t t ' r ' i l r l lrrr t ' l l l o r l t i r r r r r r i n g l)<ltlrt-t'ttttitru ( ) l ' (u t t i r r g t l r l o r r g l rr l t ' l i < l r t t ' \ ( ' n ( ' ( ' r ' \r.r r t . l l r r r i r r tl' l.r r r r i r u r l t ' t ltttrl lr iglr lr lls'ru crl rroorls.

Make $ome

Plung Cuts
Routing against the grain may be unavoidable. On some edges, the grain reverses direction, so you can't win. If you're getting tear-out along an edge-or even if it looks a series of like you might-make inch or rwo. This every cuts plunge off to break splinters will cause the can ruin they before at the cutout

.'::Rip and StartOver

Sometimes you have no choice but to cut your loss and make a netryr,piece.Other times, you can afford to trim the piece and start orreplrrst rip a bit off the damaged edge and then rout it again. ,$ffh.r I'm working with wood that looks likely to tear out, I try to $ive myself some wiggle room by cutting a wider piece than I need, then ripping it to size after I've successfully routed the edge.

your profile. The best way to make plunge cuts is to hold one end of the board tightly against the outfeed fence and the other end away from the bit. Push the board against the fence, then pull it out. Move the board forward an inch or spinning two and repeat.


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Stop EndCrain Blowoum with aBackerBoard

Rout the end grain first and use a backer board. That's the best way to reduce your chances of blowing out a corner. The backer board suPPorts the cut so the corner has no chance to tear away.Make sure the backer piece is at least as thick as the piece you're routing. Clamp the pieces together for rock-solid support.


American Woodworker

MARCH 2006









Make Shatlo\,v Climb Cuts

Reversing the normal direction of the router feed is called climb-cutting. Climb-cuming can involve either moving clockwisewith a handheld router or pushing wood from left to right on a rourer table. Climb-cutting almost always eliminates tear-out, but it also makes the router more difficult to control. That's because the stock is fed in the same direction as the bit is spinning, so the bit wants to grab the wood and pull. This makes climb-cuting potentially dangerous. It's not recommended for most rolrting. If you follow a few rules, though, climb-cutting is a great way to get yourself over those pesky areas where tear-out is almost a sure thing.

Play it safe: r Always make very shallow, light passes,especially when using a big bit. r Secure the wood and/or router very firmly. r Make sure the bit is sharp. A dull bit grabs and pulls, but a sharp bit cuts with lesseffort. r On a router table, use featherboards whenever possible to hold the board and keep it from running away. r \Arhen using a handheld router, firmly clamp down the stock. If the workpiece is narrow, add support so the router won't tip. r Never climb-cut small or narrow pieces on the router table. It's better to cut the profile on a large piece and trim it to the size you want later.

Make a


on Dovet"iut5
Face grain can splinter when you run a bit in and out of a board in a dovetail jig. Instead of having wood filler at the ready, start by making a light scoring pass along the entire edge of the board. Gently move the router in and out of the template fingers. Make the cuts about a 1/8 in. deep. Then go back and finish.


Arn-ericanWoodralortdf MARcH 2006

\D-BASED Supponr
ffii'thtb-"ttable,double-armed platforms that can be used indiassembly consists of nvo identical frames and rwo identical gates fi{ia,:it-i'Each 'made from 3/*in. fir plyr,vood using half-lap joinery. Four continuous hinges hold the parts together and facilitate opening and closing. Hookand-eye screw latches lock the assembly in the open position. Randy Johnson f rame assembly x 37"x 37"*foronehinged 31-7 Dimensions: Overall 18"
Part Dimension 3 1 4 "x 3 1 - 7 / B ' x 3 7 " * 3 / 4 "x 3 - 1 1 2 ' x 3 1 - 7 1 8 " 3 / 4 " x 3 - 1 1 2 "x 3 7 " 1-112" x 30" 314"x16"x20" 3/4"x3"x20' 3 / 4 "x 3 x 1 6 x 18" 1-112" 2 " h o o k - a n d - e y es c r e w

d, ffi.ff }iinF. "_1 I'u*.' il' l"_i* :y1: ::::Jl: :t ?g :i

for an assembly Tit *,0"g plywoodor bases

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x 37" when closed " 2" x31-7 18" ** 2-in. toe kick below bottom rail

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American \Alooclrvorker- MARCH 2006

toN Tap FrrvrsH

I buy varnish by the gallon because it's more economical, but after a few uses, the rim fills with gunk and the finish begins to skin over inside the can. As a result, I usually have to throw the can away before it's empry. I solved this problem by recycling a Sliter wine box into an airtightvarnish dispenser. Choose a box with a twist-open spout. After



enjoyrng the wine (and a good night's sleep!), remove the empty bag and carefrrlly pry the spout out of its fit-

ting. Rinse the bag and let it dry. Filling the bag with varnish is a two'person job: One person holds a funnel and the bag while the other

person pours. Stir the varnish thoroughly before pouring it. After pouring, remove arry air that remains inside the bag by carecompressing it on a table, fitting side up. open the spout and press the bag is compressed,
k into the fitting. Make sure the sPout is oriented to operate correctly when the bag is back inside the box. Because the bag is air-free, once it's reinstalled, you'll be able to stir the

varnish by simply shaking the box. A classylabel ensures that no one mistakes your polyurethane for pinot noir. Jay McCIcIlan
94 American Woodworker MARcH 2006

Convert your table sawinto a molder with the Mtgt. Molden

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CircleNo. 136

L a ? D E RL u w B E RR a c r
I organized all my short boards by turning an inexpensive Gft. stepladder (about $30 at a home center) into a lumber rack. Now every board is easy to see and reach. My ladder didn't have treads on the back legs, so I screwed on wooden cleats that align with the treads on the front. I connected the cleas and treads by screwingl/ plywood shelves on top. The shelves make boards slide easily. I can store boards as long as 7 ft. on the bottom shelf. Fully loaded, my ladder lumber rack holds about 20 bd. ft. of lumber. Dan Kelts

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If you have an original Small Shop Tip, send it to us with a sketch or photo. If we print it, you'll get 9100! Send it to Small Shop Tips, American Woodworker, 2915 Commers Driven Suite ?00, Eagan, MN 55121 or email to smallshoptips@readersdigesgcom. Submissions can't be returned and become our property upon acceptance and payment. We may edit submissions and rxe them in all print and electronic media.

American Woodworker

MARcH 2006






lited byTimJohnson

Dnrssrn Swnru-Dtvltvc
In my garage, my workbench sits against the front wall, leaving just enough room to squeeze in my car. Recently, I was building a solid-oak chest of drawers for my mother-in-law. At the end of each day, I stored the chest on my workbench so my car would fit in the garage. The workbench is narrow, so the chest barely fit on it. While parking the car one night, I bumped into the workbench, jarring the chest. It teetered and slowly fell toward the hood of my car. Helpless, I watched each drawer. slide out and whack the hood. The blunt edge of the top followed, delivering the final blow. Then, the hulking thing screeched off the hood and onto the floor, its drawer handles lgaving a nasty trail of scratches. lt's too bad my car isn't made of oak-the


chest survived the fall with barely a mark! Jeff Wittrock


If you have a blunwoodworking der that you're willing to share, send it to us. You'll receive $100 for each one we print. Send it to AW Oops!, American Woodworker, 2915 Commers Drive, Suite 700, Eagan, MN 55121, or email to [email protected]. Submissions can't be returned and become our property upon acceptance and payment. We may edit submissions and use them in all print and electronic media.

Snw SrntNER
Last week, while building a pergola for my back yard,I set a treated 2x6 on my brand-new tablesaw, which had been a much-apPreciated gift from my wife. I set the fence to rip the 2x6 to size, but then I was called ^way. I had fully intended to come right back to make the cut. Unfortunately, life got in the way, and I did not return to my shop until the next morning. When .I picked up the 2x6,I was horrified. Where the board had been, the cast-iron table had rusted. I guess damp treated wood and cast iron don't mix. Fortunately, I was able to remove the stain with steel wool and elbow grease, but now the table has an uneven sheen. And, no, my wife doesn't know what happened to her gift-yet. Bob Huddl,eston

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American Woodworker

MARcH 2006

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