Sample Debate Outline

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(Revised from an Actual Student Team Outline) Final Outline for Team Debate Speech #3 Topic: People should

shop at mom and pop stores as opposed to box stores. Position: Affirmative

Opening OPP Affirmative speaker 1:



Attention getter: We save people money so they can live better. Walmart Mission Statement A. Ironic because box-stores have been proven to kill local economies and destroy small businesses that keep money in peoples pockets Introduce our topic and state we are on the Affirmative team Operational Definition of a box-store A. Part of a chain, high sales volumes, over 50,000 sq. ft., wide range of products Well present two problems: Loss of recirculated dollars, Loss of jobs and solutions Central Idea Present problem and solution: Box stores destroying local economies and eliminating mom and pop (local) businesses, so should shop at mom and pop stores to strengthen local economies.

Affirmative speaker 2: I. II. Rebuttal PROBLEM: Loss of the recirculated dollar (money earned locally) is spent locally/ reinvested in other local businesses. (Source: Jonathan Frieman, Marin Voice) A. Reducing local dollar circulation by half 1. Indep. Study in New Orleans, LA (Civic Economics, New Rules Project) B. Box stores will not by local: cant afford to buy local and still provide low prices 1. Smothering local competition that provides a more personal, connected service (Source: John Jantsch, The 10 Natural Marketing Advantages of Small Business- Small is the New Big)

Affirmative speaker 3: I. II. Rebuttal PROBLEM: Job Loss Due to Outsourcing

A. The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) reports the giant retailers reliance on cheap goods made in China has cost this country nearly 200,000 jobs since 2001. (Source: James Parks, International Day of Action Shares Light on Abuses by BigBox Retailers) B. Current nationwide unemployment 9.2% (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Mar 2011) C. "If people were only consumers, buying things at lower prices would be just good. But people also are workers who need to earn a decent standard of living," says economist Larry Mishel of the Economic Policy Institute. "The dynamics that create lower prices at Wal-Mart and other places are also undercutting the ability of many, many workers to earn decent wages and benefits and have a stable life." (Larry Mishel, Economic Policy Institute) Affirmative speaker 4 (conclusion) I. Rebuttal

Conclusion I. II. To sum up Box stores destroying local economies; contributing to nationwide unemployment. By patronizing local stores, can begin to improve local economies and reduce foreign dependency Box store issue relevant to each of us here; should patronize locals Study showed key to revitalizing is local small business development (Fleming & Goetz, 2011)


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