Columbine Report Pgs 001-100

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JC-001- 000002
CASE # 99-16215
CASETYPE: Assist to Jefferson County
DATE TYPED: 041'20199
Investigator Kevin Heaton

On 04120199 at approximately 1335 hrs., this Investigator and InvestigatorJames

Rasmussen responded to LittletonPorter Hospital, located at 1700 S. Broadway, to
interview shooting victims from Columbine HighSchool in Jefferson County.

This Investigatorand Investigator Rasmussen firstinterviewed a victim identified as:

DOB - 01119/82

DOYLE advised that after passing period for First Lunch, she was located in the library.
DOYLE heard gunshotsand bombsgoingoff. DOYLE stated she was hiding under a
desk in the library when two suspects entered

The suspectswere described as:

White males, 5'7-5'8, skinny build

Wearing black boots. pants, and trench-coats

The suspects were randomly shooting at victims and at one time told everyone to stand

One of the suspects said he was waiting to do this for a long time.

The suspect asked the second suspect, "You knowwhat else I've been waiting to do?"

The second suspect said, "Yeah, stab someone."

DOYLE said there were 30 to 40 people in the library and one victim, who she believes
was killed, was laying on top of her.

DOYLE was able to run out the back door ofthe library to safety.

DOYLE sustained injuries to her right hand, to include breaks and fractures, from gunshot

DOYLE said she saw a long gun, but could not describe anyother weapons.

Investigator Rasmussen then interviewed a second victim identified as:


Jc..o01- 000003
CASE I< 99-16215
KYLER advised that he was running through the cafeteria to escape, when the shooting
began. That there were chairsflying through the air and something struck him in the back
and neck. That he believed he could escape, by hiding in a dark room near the computer
room. KYLER stayed in the dark room until he was ableto leave the building. KYLER
saw one suspect wearing a trench coat, but could not identify the suspect further, nor what
weapons he carried

Investigator Rasmussen was advised by Hospital Staff that KYLER had brunt trauma,
injury to Lite back and spinal area. There was no additional information at this time.

Investigator Rasmussen then interviewed a third victim identified as:


JANKOWSKI a teacher at the school provided the following information. JANKOWSKI

that she was in the teachers' lounge, adjacent to the student cafeteria, having lunch Two
fellow teacherswere looking out he lounge window to the west

They stated, "What's going on."

JANKOWSKI lookedout the window and saw two bloodied students' bodies, lying on
the grass. JANKOWSKI then began to hear, what she described as, loud explosions and
gunshotsalong with screaming to the west of her location. 1ANKOWSKI thought the
gunshots and screaming was moving her way. JANKOWSKI, two fellow teachers and two
students, lockedthemselves in a bathroom They heard a very loud explosion and
gunshotsout side the bathroom.

They then decided to escapeby going through the ceiling and she subsequently fell
through the ceiling, back into the lounge This is when she injured her knees and back.

Theydecided the best way to survive, was to open the door and try to escape the building.
Theydid this and were successful. During her escape, JA."lKOW$KI never saw the

JC.Q01- 000004
MCA, D. A.

I, tn. ,p.Ie 'Ith I

Je"ifer Ooyl. OOB 1I19B2

.ho ltated t~. f.ll.,i,gl

That I~' is • j~nior at ColUlbi" High Seh.ol.

T~al she Wi! i. lh, librarl whe' thil happened a.d "d,d Il,II "dlr thl
tabh .ith three lUll! C,rl (~nk last nu.l. ~." me, EW • • ith blo'd'
hair, a,d Au,ti, Uba,i,.

T~at Corl had bm Ihot. SII >is afraid he liS dud bleam "e "'
laliR~ en to, 01 hi. a,d ,h. noticed 'bl"d luliA, out.'

nat a ki d em i' the Iibrarl .ho h.d bm shol i R lh. ,to..,h. H'
told ., Ie g,t u,d,r I,. labl ••

Th.l Ih. 'n b,l1etl bovnci,g .11 lh. wall.

Thai Ihl heard ,URlhols .,d bolbl a,d lhll kept getti,g Ieuder ,

Th.l lhe 'If 0" of lh. bOlbs lhrm oul l~. ,i,d ...

Th.t t~'1 loid lhe. t. " •• ,.t Ir.. ,nd.r th, labl ••
They lien left tha library IUd m. back.
ThIY uhd mean. if hls ,n. vas J'hn but J"n was g,",
That 'hen t'll me back Ih'l pdled the chair .. I frOI the labie.
Sh. m lbe black boots and thought ot <is th. poli<l, ~" of t'l
susp.tts then pointed bis g,n at her 'nd ssct four Hlel, She <as struck
i' th, right h,nd.

Th,t she liS sitlbg .m her k,m tuck.d " and her head <as in her
Th,t ,h. aought th,t th, cne <ho sh'l ber <as Eric ~arris, She
disn'! k.o. his ,al' ,ri,r to !hil 'ncid•• t but Si' his pi'lur. o' T.V.
Sb. s,id she us uttMng Chann.l '. and it liS a. picture on lh. right
fide cf the screen. ~, liS ..,ring blad b'otl 'nd black panls and h' m
a dirtl blonde.
That she hwd ,n, of th•• say to lh. other .n., 'On 10' In.. ,h.t
.lse I',. bm mti.g te d,! !lab s,..,ne,'

JC.001· 000005

lhal ,orl caO! up fr,. the bact 'f lb. library aftd lot ,od.r lh.
Tlal ,be ~ad b••n sitting .t tb, fr.nt tabl., lb. 'ad a blad bad,,,!
ntb : calculator in it.
That Au,ti. 'aid (aft" the ,hooting), 'v. got to g.t o,t of h,r,.'
T,n t. flfl.en of lh., lh.n ra, to the bac' go.r aft. out .f the lch'ol.
Ih.y then ',c',d b.hind a ,olic. car,
Ihat lhot: mtimd the anlir, Ht', lie said th.y heard bo.b, going
off, Th' COPI 'aid lh', .,r.
, fr,. the tilch'n ar.a,
Ihal both 5'5p.,t, ..r, ,arrying 'long gu,,',
Ihat lh. m ooh ho ,.oph doh, the lho.ting and lhr••in, lh,

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4 9-1 '11
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JC-001· 000006
Reponing Agency ~rtlngomcet C~ReportNQ
rcQOnecling Case Repon No Vi-c:um NamoOn'!tnill Report DlIl~ Thi$ RQQrt

o \UOl'l
• fint Degree Murder 01f:tlseStatla: Opal x ~qlly CIsntId a Recommcmd C.tS¢: Revrew 2
.~ , .,!lQlkm D D 0
ClemctbYA11't$l1 Ul\foundtd 1 Closure w

:-iQ I,
Ollarllil}' I Brand Name I DacriJl(i01'l
! smtl No ! ?;~= I V~ll.llt
Ree", ~
I \~I\I<;




On ;·18·99, at about 0930 hours, I interviewed JenniferDoyle at her residence. Jennifer was In the library at Columbine High
School on 4-20-99 when the shootings occurred. 1requestedthat Doyle begin with the beginning of her day and tell me her
activities and observations.

Doylestatedthat she parked her Oar in theJunior parkinglot. facing Pierce,at about 0720 hours. She went to theTrigonometry
class with Mr. Smith for first period. Second period she was in Science with Mr. Friesen. I asked her about the announcements
made during that period. She stated that she doesn't recall anything unusual from the announcements. Third period was
Language Artswith Ms. Hoffman. Fourthperiodshe wentto Gym withMr, Place, She stated that fourth periodwas out about
ten minutesearly. approximately 1100 hours. Doylestaled she has "A" lunch for fifth period.

Doylestated that no one associated with the "Trench Coat Mafia" are in any of her classes. She stated she was nor familiar \,\ irh
the group prior to the shootings. She had never seen Eric Harris before, She does remember Dylan Klebold because she wen:
to elementary school with him at Governor's Ranch Elementary Both of them were in the Chips Program, which is a special
programfor advancedstudents. Doyle statedshe had se~before, in the hallway, but did not knowhun by name
She does recall. being someone who wore a trench coat.

At 1100 hours, Doyle went down to the cafeteria,There she sat at a table which the map I showed her designed as table"E "

JC.001· 000007
R~nini AgCflC.y Rtpottitlg Officer C... Repo<tNo
JCSO OBBEMA 99-7625·8
ConnC'Ctil'<i Case ReportNo. Vicllm NameOMainai R~l't Oatlli This Rl1lQrl
.iI:all¢l'l X Fim uegree Murder OlftlUe su,lU$: Open X ~i~ll(y C1ated Cl R«.omtMtKi Cm: Revie<ll a
Reciw;fkath:m c C1cm:d by Arrest c Unlbundoci 0 Closure Q

I~:r ! Oa&Mity I Brafld Name I Description I S¢'ial !"O,

I. V;:jl"e
I Vjjli,M
Dam~ ..'«(j

Shesat there with her mend, Eric Schmidt, for about five minutes. Shestated that fellow student, Kelly Burgesser, joined them.
Burgesser has fourth period off. Doyle stated that she saw nothingout of the ordinarywhen she was in the cafeteria. She did
not observe anyone carrying anything heavy into the cafeteria, nor did she see the suspects or anyone associated with the
"Trench Coat Mafia."

She statedafter about five minutesin the cafeteria she and Burgesserwent upstairsto use the phones near the mainoffice. She
stated that Burgesserwas not feeling well and was makinga call to her parents to have them pick her up. After the phonecall
was made, Doyle went to the librnry, while Burgesserwent back down to the cafeteria. 1asked Doyle what route she took to
the library, She could not remember specifically, but thought that she went down the hallway between the Tech lab and the
language arts room, then west along the south main hall, then north to the library entrance,

When she entered the library, Doyle placed her backpackon a table. She indicated on the map that I showed her that this was
tablenumberone. At that same table wasstudentMark Kintgen. I asked Doylewhoelse she saw in the library, She stated that
sittingin a chair next to the window at the libraryentrance was Val SchmUIT. At the table designated as number 2 on the map
werestudents Lisa Kmetz, Lauren Townsend. and Jeanna Park. At the table marked number 3 on the map were two students.
Blairand Hochhalter.

When Doyle first went into the library she went towards the west end to look for a mend. Whenshe didn't see the mend she
went back to table number one. I asked Doyle Ifshe made any observations outsidethe west windows. She stated she did not
go that far and at that rime nothing hadcaught her attention. Whenshe returnedto table one, a female teacher,whose name she
did not know but identifiedas "the one who made the 9·1·1 call", entered the libraryscreaming that someone had a gun. The
teacherwas telling everyone, "Get under the rabies!" After the teacherentered,a male studententered and was hunched 0'"

Although she did not see bloodon the malestudent,she could tellthat he was hurt. Shestated thenshe took the matterseriously

Doylewas going' to get underneath tableone, but thought that it did not provide enough cover forher. She thoughtshe was 100
exposed. Doyleran 10 the back of the library on the south, She hid underneath the table designatedas number 14 on the map

JC-001 0000 08 .
'l?h~/! Unit Number S\l~iwr Im,~,f$ "I'd: Dale: AM1fgnel1 To

/;/J. .-7.
/AiV $()0] I ~r· , I
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l 1"""€ST1G",TOA VOIM SSIWlrltS I or~eK I ASAfJ. -1198 JCSOil"';~
Rt'p'JrttnB A~ a~Ollicor C,* I\cport No
ConnectingCiIM ReportNo. victim Name: Ol'iginal Report Dale Thil Repon:

05-19-99 i
catron X first Degree Murder Offiltl$t Staib:L Open x ElI«:tltW/IIlIy C1cil'td 0 Recommend Case: R.,'i)ew C

Rf(:!mln¢1lt!O!\ C1 Clam:! by Arml C1 Ull(otuli2!d 0 Closure C1

r~ 'Quuhty I Brand Name
'~t:im\ I Stria! No ~~ I Vd~
RI'CDY I V~h,l(
t: lrn:ll/I!'li I
I asked her whowas under the table with her, Shestaled Austin Eubanks, Corey Def'ooter, and DannyMauser, Shedescribed
Mauser as a malestudentwith blond hair.

Doyle then began to heargunshots and bombs goingoff. It sounded as if theywere coming from the hallway in front of the
library entrance, Shedid not see the suspectsenterthe library. Shethought the suspects were in the librarywhenshe heard a
malevoicesay, "Gel out from under the tables!" Doyle said noone moved.

Doyle had the impression that the gunmen left the library at thistime. Shestated she still heardgunshots, burthe shots did not
sound as loud. Shethoughtthe ShOlS wereperhaps coming from thehallway or downstairs. She statedthat the gunshots were

Doyle statedthat she was under table 14 for about five to ten minutes. She thought the suspects weregone, Then she heard
a window shattering, She heardthe comment from a malevoice saying something to the effectthat"the library'sgoingto %0 •
Shesaid therewas a panicsound to the male's. voice. At thispointshe thought that therewas a bomb in the library and that the
bombwas going to go off.

Doylestated there wasa male student sittingunderneath the table thatthe map had designed as number II. Shestated that the
male lookedcalm.She thoug.~t he was handling thesituation much betterthanshe was.

Doyle then heard the gunmen being very loud and laughing. She could not tell what they're words were, and she could not
distinguish how many voices: were talking. She began to see bullets bouncing off the south wall near her. She described tt as
"littleball things bouncing off the wall," She glanced up and sawa suspect, all in black,walking between the book casesJUSt
to her east. I asked her which direction the suspect was walking, She stated she could not remember.

Shethen hearda malevoice very close to her asking, "What's yourname?" The person responded, "JohnSavage," The male
responded, "Oh, we know you, gel out of here." Doyle statedat this pointshe thought perhapsthe policewerein the libraJ'\

JC-001· 000009
Otficer Sig /"'~ UtHt N-umb¢r SUp¢rilSQ'l' lnmllls lind Date AU;'gned 1"0
I'... " i
·:J~lVl~ ...t '<---,

I !1\l\(EST1G~ res

I ASAF3.;198JCSO,l6i.j.
Repottittg Agom:y Re'jXK!\ng O~ Case t\eport N¢
C"I1r.~ting Case R~port No, vicnm Name Ongina! RepQn Date This Report
(1 m"m X First Degree Murder OtienW"SIJIUl>: Opm X C4etp(iol'llll)' Cleared OJ RecomlT'Amd Case
o c
" I
R«"ll\ll1sj(<<:31101l C!etted by Aml:lt Ullhhllldfti I;) C! c I,
'oil'> I QlH.lllity I Bl"tIHIN_ I ~l"lplion I S«ri&! No I Vall;lC
I Vaillt
I Value

She thought that was why somebody was being let go. Just then, one of the suspects pulled a chair out from underneaih table
14 where she was at. She glanced up andsawtwosetsof black boots standing to the east side of her table. One w~ne"
to the table, On the east. The other One was a littlefurtheraway to the northeast. She again thoughrperhaps it was the police
because of the black boots. She glanced up to where she could see the entirebodies of the two individuals. They were white
males. Shestated shedid not recognize them. Shesaidthattheywere dressed in black.1asked her if the suspects were wearing
masks. She stated theywere not. She only glanced at them, then looked away.

Doyle stated that laterthat evening whilein thehospital, shesawa t.v, news program which identified the twoshooters as Eric
Harris and Dylan Klebold, She stated she knows that the individual standing closest to her table was Dylan Klebold because
he was tallerand bigger than the other male.

Doyle stated that the gunmen, she latercould identify as Kleboid, hada shotgun whichhe was holding with beth of his hands
, asked her if it was a single or double barrel shotgun. She stated she did net know. She stated there was another gun on
Klebold's leftside.She stated"it was not a littlegun" and that there wasa piece coming out from the bottomof the gun We
looked at a newspaper which had silhouettes of me guns used in theshooting. She pointedout that the gun she was describing
as being on Klebold's left side WIlS the Tech 9.

AfterKJebold pulled the chair out, he shot theshotgun underneath theirtable, 1asked her if it was one shot or morethan one
shot She thinks it was only one shot. Doyle had her right hand resting on Corey DePooter's right shoulderWhen theshotgun
blast occurred. She stated she began screaming. She stated shewas probably screaming for a while becauseat one pomt she
realized that she was screaming and that she needed to stop. When she stopped screaming she felt a tingling sensation.
described as "pins and needles", in herright hand. Shecould hearboth malesuspectslaughing. She put her head downon tOP
of Cory DePooter's back, Her head was facing to the westbecause shedid not want the suspects to see her. She kepther eves
open, but was trying to play dead. I asked Doyle if she Saw any weapons being held by Eric Harris. She stated she did not.

Doyle locked at her hand and saw that sire waswounded. ShetookCorey DePooter's shirt and wrappedher hand in it. Doyle

JC..()01- 000010
R~ngAll:cney RqMuting Officl:!' Ca.seReponNo
Connecting C:l!lC Repon No.- \;~«.:lim NameOriginal JL;pg11 Oa«:This Rq:Kllt
- =m, x Fitst Degree Murder OtTtr.$Oo Swus:: ~ X 6;(~iOl1tll\l ClwoO o Rtcommlrnd C.:J,H: R¢\ril:W o
Ih:<:;I.aUlltr;atiotl 0 ('U::!m;j by Arrm 0 Unlbum:l«l 0 CTQSure C

l~ TQUMI;il)' ! 9t:lnd til1M' , ~?liOli .r Seri~j No ~\i:\ J Valu.¢

I vercc

slated shecould see that there was a stream of blood flowing down alongthe left side of DePooter, She statedshe knew thar
he had been killed, She heard Def'ooterbreath his last Therewerenoconversations with Del'ooter. Doyle stated that prior
to a gunmen coming to her table, DePooter hadbeenencouraging her and Eubanks by saying that everything was going to be
all right.

The nextcomment she heard from the suspects wasone saying, "You knowwnat else I've wanted to do?" The ether suspect
replied, "Yeah, stab someone." This was when Doyle keptherface tothewestanddid not move. She thought that if shemoved
she would be stabbed by the suspects.

I asked Doyle to describe her wounds. Shedescribed shotgun pellets, Three pellets enteredher right hand(onecrushed her ring
finger. another one entered her wrist,andanotherone entered theback of her hand.) She stated thatthereweretwoexitwounds,
one coming Out in the thumb area. and onejust belowher pinky finger. Doylehas a metal plate and screws holding her ring
ringer together.

Doyle is unsure if any other shots were fired aftershe was injured. She stated that she feltas if most of the gunfirehappened
priorto her being shot. Doylestatedthat sheand Eubanks laid fora while underneath the table. When Doylefirst thought that
the suspects had left the librarybecauseit became quiet, shesaidsomething to Eubanks. Eubanks responded, "Shhh- and the
two of them did not talk for a while,

At one point Eubankstapped her and said,"We've got to get Out of here," The two of them back out tram under the table
Doyle believes they went towards the south wall and thenran north along the west wall where the windows are. then to the
northwest exit. Doyle remembers seeinga girl sittlOg down underneath the southcomputertableas she was running towards
the exit. She stated that the girl was injured. There wereabout 15 students at the exit trying to get out of the library

Doylecould not remember anyone else underneath table 14getting out and running when she and Eubanks did, She thought
lateron that the student underneathher table was Mauser, and that Mauser had been killed.
JC-001· 000011

tlnil Nttmbtt SupetVisor initi>1ls and Dale A:mgntd To P:'igc: t
/;vV'~:;; -. of !!
OIUG;S""t, I L"ivrs,lG"rO'l' VICTIM Sal\,'"ICES I ,Y]1;E!\ -I ASAF3 ...i98JCS!)ili':'-4
Reporting Agency RtpaningOfficer CeseReport No
CQm1~ng C3S4 Report No,
Vicnm Nam4' OriStnti Repon

L. 05.19·99
kz:ioll x First Degree Murder O~kS:mus:: Op=n x E:cCll!PllOrlIlH;o Cloml c Recommend C:wl1 R¢view o
Rc:o;l:us~ticatlpn 0 Clm"t'dl::lyAl'I'e$t Cl UfltOllnded o Closure C

l~ I OUilIlltY I 8ra!\o NatTlfl l~riOlt I S~al No

l '1aloo
I V~Iu.:

Doylestated that when she exited the northwest door of the library she ran behind a police car which was 20 to 30 away She
ran behind the policecar where two police officers werepositioned. She could not say whether shots were being tiredat that
time. She stated thal the male studentsbegan to takeoff their shirts to use them to helpwith the wounded. It took a while. but
policecarsbegan coming up to evacuate the students. She statedshe believes she was in the third policecar whichcame to get
students. She was taken to a neighborhood southwest of the school. Doyle could not remember anything further about the

[ advised Doyle that Mauser had been found underneath table number 9. This surprised her. I told her that the student
underneath table 14 had the last name of Ball. She looked his pictureup in the yearbook and stated that she remembers the
studentas having blond hair. which Ban had. She does not recall anything that Bait did underneath their table or when he left
the library.

Doyle stated she left a black backpack in the library which contained five black notebo?ks. The only thing of value in her
backpack was a TI82 calculator, Doylestated she did nOl know her lockernumber, hut she shares a locker with Burgesser

My interviewwith Doyle concluded at about [200 hours,


JC-001- 000012

Assigr1l:d To


8VESTIGATOR: \'I("'rlM ~UIt'IC!!S ASAf::l-lt9S JCSOI16 .....

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JC·O 01 • 000014
Lib rarv Witnesses
lm.vl. . Date: Pata<:tlvIliAllency: DNI:
$"-;8-99 ....",.." /~e-

S81 Fonn: YesINo') /oJ/A

Medical Release Ye1IINo

Location when incident started: Ud~ y

1'1 C

Table'll Oiredlon facing:
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SUll...... "S· Waa""'n Descrlntlon l.ocA'lnn Seen If..- uI>lain
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Key Observations:
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r,· ellaneous

JC·001· 000016

JC-001· 000017
REPORTING AGENT: Greenwell CASE NUMBER: 99..()38856
TIM: Eubanks, Stephen "AustIn" DATE OF REPORT: 04-21-99
IJrFENSE: AOA-J.C.S.D./Homiclde


Agent M. Grsenwe!1
LPD investigations Division (303) 967·1233
assigned case investigation;

EUBANKS. Stephen "Austin' 006: 10-0H11

(303) 347-8911
shooting victim: in library with victim DePcoterwhen shot; can tD suspects;
PARENTS: Stephen & Joni Eubanks

Dr. Antuna
Adventist Littleton - Porter Hospital
attending physician


On Tuesday, 04-20·99. at approx, 1240 hrs., I responded to AdvenJisl UtJieton Hospital to interview victims and
witness to the shooting at Columbine High School. When I arrived at the hospital, I Interviewed several people.
including Stephen "Austin" EUBANKS.

I asked Austin, after being treated for his injuries, what napcened. Austin said he and his best friend, Corey
DePooter,were sitting in the librarywhen they heard noises which soundedlike someone hammeringagainstthe
wall. Austin said another students said it sounded like gun fire. Austin said it sounded as if it was comingfrom
outside, to the north and west of the library, Austin said he feit the library start Shaking and heard several
explosions. About this time. Austin said severalstudents came running into the library, o,long With a teacher, and
the teacher was yelling. to get under the tables as therewere people with guns in the buUding.. Austin said he,

pa~e 1 of 3
JC-001- 000018
REPORTING AGENT: Greenwell CASE NUM8ER: 99.038856
"ICTIM: Eubanks, Stepnen "Austin" DATE OF REPORT: 04-21-99
,FFENSE: AOA-J.C.S.D.1Homicide

Corey, a female students identified as Jennifer Doyle, and an unknown freshman student all crawled under the
same table, Autsin said they were about the second from the last table, As they hid under the table, Austin said
he heard "them' come into the room. When they came into the room, Austin said he heard a bomb go off, but it
was not near where he was, Austin said he could hear "tbem"walking around the room randomly shooting under
the tables. When "they" got to the table he was under, Austin said "Dylan" pointed his gun under the table, directly
at Corey, and pulled the trigger, Austin saic1 Dylan continued shooting under the table, but Austin had his head
covered at this time. When Austin looked up, Corey had been shot and was bleeding profusely and Austin said
he knew Corey was dead. Austin said he then heard a male subject, elsewhere in the library, ask Dylan and Eric
what they were doing, Dylan responded, "Killing people!" and told the male subject to get out and he heard
running from the room, Then, Austin said he heard one of the subjects say something about doing something he
has alwaye wanted to do and he took a knife out of a side pocket on his pant leg, Austin believed they were gOing
to go cut someone, Austin said someone said they left and they all got up and ran from the library, outside, Once
outside, Austin said, they were met by officers and told to get behind a police oar as there was someone on tne
of. Austin said he heard someone say there were three of them and he thought he heard the nam~

I asked Austin if he knew the people shooting, Austin said he knows their first names, Dylan and EriC, Austin
described Dylan as tall (6-0210 6-04), eoprcx. 160 Ibs" 17·18 years old, pale white complexion, blonde medium
length hair, unshaven, "goofY looking", wearing black cargo pants, but "",no trench coat today!" I asked Austin
what he meant by "",nc trench coat todayl" Austin said Dylan is always seen in his trench coat, along with Eric


Next, I asked Austin to describe Eric, Austin said Eric is the shorter of the two and is approx. 5-10 to 5-11, shorter
hair in length, thin build. and walks "bow-legged", Austin was not certain what Eric was wearing,

i asked Austin if he knew what. was wearing, Austin said he did not actually s e . but hear. . . .as
with them and always sees. with Dylan and Eric at school.

page 2 of 3
JC·001.0000 19
1CT1M: Eubanks, Stephen "Austin" DATE OF REPORT: 114-27-99
OFFENSE; AOA..J.C,S.O.itIornicide

I asked Austin if he saw what each of them was carrying, Austin said both had combat boots, bccv armor, shot
guns, pipe bombs.and one had a knife on his pant lsq, I asked Austin if he knew whatwas used to shootCorey,
Austin said it was a semi-automatic of some type, but was not certain if it was a rifle or handgun,

Austin was examined by Dr, Antuna and released after being examined, Austin's injuries were to his right hand
(Index finger and smallfinger), and a two inch grazing typewound on his left knee. The Injuries to Austin's index
finger required three stitches. Austin said he received the wound from eithera bulletor fragment while underthe
table, Austin's injuries were photographed by an Arapahoe County S,O, crime lab. photographer,

No additional information at tills time.

Detective's signature/number/date Sergeant's signature/number/date

page:3 of J JC.001· 000020

PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 1
Arvada Police Department 06/23/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET106 06/14/1999 OS0599/BOATRIGHT/MQ

Jefferson County Sheriff's Department 99-7625

On 04/29/99, Detect~ve Boatright (10; was assigned lead

#DN1880, requesting he contact and interview Austin Eubanks.
Within the narrative of the lead, IO was informed Austin Eubanks
was in the library when the incident occurred. IO was also
supplied information from Detective Kreut~er with the Golden Police
Department who advised Austin Eubanks had initially been
interviewed by Oetective Greenwell with the Lakewood Police
Department as he was being t~eaeed in a hospital emergency room.
On 05/04/99 at approximately 1200 hours, IO met with Austin
Eubanks and his father, Steve Eubanks, at the Arvada Police
Department. IO would note when setting up the interview, Steve
Eubanks requested the interview of his son be conducted at the
Arv~ada Police Department. Upon contact with Austin Eubanks, IO
confirmed he is 17 years of age, DOB: 10/07/81. Austin Eubanks
reSideSjt &
& AUSt4U Eubanks indica~ed he is presently a junior at
Columb4ne High School. As point of clarification, Austin Eubanks'
father, Steve Eubanks, remained for the interview.
IO subsequently requested Austin Eubanks provide an account of
his activities on 04/20/99, beginning at ~he time he arrived at
school. Austin Eubanks told IO he normally receives a ride to
school from his father as was the case this date. Austin Eubanks
stated he believed his father dropped him off at school at
approximately 0730 hours. Austin Eubanks indicated his father let
him off ~n the northeast faculty parking lot and he sUbse~~ently
utilized the ma~n east entrance to enter the school. Austin
Eubanks told IO based on his recollection of that date he
immediately went to hlS first period class. Pursuant to
questioning, Austin Eubanks stated he did not recall seeing any
unusual activity when he arrived at school.
Austin EUbanks indicated he went to his 1st period class which
he identified as '~World Lit. H Austin Eubanks stated his 1st period
class begins at approx~mately 0730 hours and concludes at
approximately 0820 hours. Austin Eubanks identified his World Lit
instructor as llMr. Webb. ,. According to Austin Eubanks, his "world
i.:..t" class is located in the 'least center section near the front. of
the school'! (referring to the upper level; .

Austin Eubanks reported he then attended his 2nd period class

which started at approximately 0825 hours and concluded at
approximately 0920 hours. Austin Eubanks identified his 2nd period
class as "World of Work I' whi ch is taught by "Ms. Inman, 11 According
to Austin Eubanks. his 2nd period class was taught by a substitute
on 04/20/99. Austin Eubanks did not recall the name of the
substitute teacher. Austir'.. Eubanks st.ated his "world of Work'i is
lcca:.ed on the main level of the school "towards the northeast."
Austin Eubanks further referenced that classroom as the I!clothing

JC..o01· 000021
Arvada Police/Court System Page 2
AXvada Police oepartment 06/23/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 620~ S PIERCE ST

DST106 06/14/1999 050599!BOATRIGHT/MO

room. H

Austin Eubanks reported he then attended his 3rd period class

which started at approximately 0925 hours and concluded at
approximately 1015 hours. Austin Eubanks identified his 3rd period
class as "Chemd a t.z-y" which is taught by "Mr. Friesen." Austin
Eubanks stated his "Chemistry" class is located on the main level
of the school in the "Science area."

In respect to his 4th period class, Austin Eubanks stated it

began at approximately 1020 hours and concluded at approximately
1110 hours. Austin Eubanks identified his 4th period class as
"wood shop" which is taught by "MJ;' , Asleson. II Austin Eubanks
indicated his wood shop class is located on the main level of the
school in the far northeast section of the building

Austin eubanks reported after his 4th period class ended, he

then met with his girlfriend, Andrea Banister, somewhere in the
north hallway, Austin Eubanks pointed out he has "A Lu."1ch, II thus
he was not being rushed in terms of getting to 5th period, Austin
Eubanks indicated it was hi$ in~antiQn to go to the library that
date adding he frequently met his friends at that location during
"A Lunch. II

According to Austin Eubanks; after speaking ~ith his

girlfriend, he then walked directly to the library by himself,
Austin Eubanks recalled arriVing at the library Ha couple of
minu' after the bell" {referring to the bell which rings at 1~15
hours signifying the start of Sth period). Pursuant to
questioning, Austin Eubanks stated at the time he arrived at the
libra~f he was in possession of a blue backpack manufactured by
"Abercrombie and Fitch." Austin Eubanks indicated he proceeded
west through the liorary and located several of his friends who
were already present. Auscin Eubanks identified those friends who
were present as Corey DePooter (!tbese friendll)l Makai Hall, and Dan
endj, Steepleton. IO verified with Austin Eubanks all the
forenamed were present when he arrived at the library, According
to Austin Eubanks, those individuals were seated in the far west
erection of t.he libra:::"! towards the "back. ,!
ro subsequently provided Austin Eubanks with two diagrams.
The first diagram depicted the main level of the school while the
second diagram depicted the !ibrarj and the position of cables
wichin that room. IO next asked Austin Eubanks to diagram the path
he traveled when walking to the librarf_ Austin Eubanks complied
wlch ro's request. IO then asked Austin Eubanks to identify the
table he was seated after he arrived at the library. Austin
Eubanks immediately pointed to what has been identified as table
~15. Austin Eubanks was then asked to identify the locacion of
each individual who was seated at that table using their initials.
Austin EubankS complied with lOis requesc. 10 would note Austin
Eubanks placed himself on the northeast corner while Corey DePooter

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Arvada Police Department 06/23/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39'32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET106 06/14/1999 QSQS99/EOATRIGHT/MO

was on the southeast corner of the table. In respect to Dan

Steepleton, Austin Eubanks placed that individual en the southwest
corner of the table while Makai Hall was placed on the northwest
corner of the table. Austin EUbanks pointed out he knew Pat
Ireland was also located at table #15, however, felt the forenamed
was net present when he ar~ived. Austin Eubaa~s stated it was his
recollection that Pat Ireland arrived in the library aroun4 the
time the incident began. Austin Eubanks stated he remembered
seeing Pat Ireland up towards the front of the library possibly at
the point patricia Nielson entered. 10 clarified with Austin
Eubanks he was relatively certain Pat Ireland was not present at
table #15 when he arrived and it was his recollection the forenamed
entered the library at sOme poinc later,

When asked what he recalled occurring next, Austin Eubanks

sta~ed everyone at his table had begun to do homework or study.
Austin Eubanks stated at approximately 1125 hours he began to hear
what he first thought was "hammering." Austin Eubanks described it
as a " t" sound, Austin Eubanks stated after first hearing
the sound he recalled Corey DePooter commenting he thought they
were "gunshots." Austin Eubanks indicated Corey Depooter
made that comment he too believed the sounds he was hearing were

Austin Eubanks stated after hearing what he now believed was

vseven« rapid gunshots there was a pause followed by "a couple
more" (referring to additional gunshots). Austin Eubanks clarified
it was during the breaks between gunshots that he recalled Corey
Depooter making reference to his certainty what they were hearing
were gunshots. Austin Eubanks indicated by the time he heard the
second series of shots he too waa relatively certain they were
Austin Eubanks stated he next observed Patricia Nielson enter
the library. Austin Eubanks stated Patricia Nielson was running
and appeared lIscared and frantic," Austin Eubanks stated he
specifically recalled looking at his watch at the time Patricia
Nielson entered the library and indicated the. time ' "1126 H

(referring to A.M.}. Austin Eubanks stated at the point Patricia

Nielson entered the library he recalled her yelling, "tihere's Ms.
Keating, where's Ms Keating,1!

Austin Eubanks indicated he did not believe patricia Nielson

was able to contact Ms. Keating but did remember the forenamed
conc~nuing to move west through the library and eventually went
behind the main counter, Austin Eubanks told IO as Patricia
Nielson went behind the m~in counter he recalled hearing the
forenamed state, I!,!,hat guy has a gun.l! A.u.stin Eubanks told IO it
was at that point he observed Brian Anderson enter the library from
the east entrance. Aus~in Eubanks told 10 it appeared as though
Erian Anderson was fallowing Patricia Nielson into the library
Austi~ Eubanks stated he did not recall Brian Anderson making any

JC-001- 000023
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Arvada Police Department 06/23/1999

Ref 11 99-12067 Reported Date Q4/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET106 06/14/1999 05059S/S0ATRIGHT/MO

statements: but remembered the: forenamed had "b.Lood on his shirt."

Austin Eubanks was uncertain as to where Br~an Anderson went after
entering tne li~rary, Austin Eubanks indicated he was distracted
at that point} thus did not make any additional observations
concerning Brian Anderson.

When asked what distracted him from Brian Anderson, Austin

Eubanks indicated it was at that point Patricia Nielson began
yelling, "Everyone get under the table, get under the table,l1
Austin Eubanks pointed out he believed Patricia Nielson was on the
phone at the time she made ene above ecacemerrc phoning 11911. It

~ustin Eubanks went onto indicate it was during that time he

noticed numerous people in the library "standing around." Austin
Eubanks indicated he could noe be specitic in terms of who he saw
s~anding around but believed the reason Patricia Nielson made ~e
above statements was becauae she had made a similar observation.
According to ~ustin EUhanks, both he along with corey Depooter
grabbed their backpacks and moved quickly to the south end of the
library, Austin Eubanks stated he along with Corey Depooter then
walked behind the book shelves (to tbe south of the library) and
then began to proceed north through the center section of ~he
library. Austin Eubanks stated after only taking 1!a few steps"
both he and Corey Depooter positioned themselves underneath table
#14. Austin EUbanks then diagramed the path taken by he and Corey
Depooter prior arriving at table #14. PUrSuane to questioning,
Austin Eubanks stated he was not certain why he and corey Depooter
moved tables but was certain there had not been much of any
discussion concerning that point. Austin Eubanks stated after
reflecting on the incident he had no explanacion for why both he
and Corey Depooter took their backpacks with them when they moved
tables. Austin Eubar~5 described Corey Depoaterls backpack as
being red in color. As the line of qJestioning continued, Austin
Eubanks was unable to prOVide any additional information concerning
Why he and Corey Depooter repositioned themselves at table #14.
When asked to describe who was present when he arrived at
table #14, Austin Eubanks stated in addition to himself and Corey
Depooter there was a blond haired male student (later identified as
Peter Ball) located to the north end of the table {facing south)
Austin Eubanks stated he also believed there was a female present
at that time identified as Jennifer Ooyle, According to Austin
Eubanks, Jennifer Doyle was located at the far south end of the
table on her knees facing in a northeasterly direction. Austin
eUbanks next indicated he and Corey Depooter were located in
between Peter Ball and Jennifer Doyle, Austin Eubanks described
himself as being in a crouched position, primarily facing a
northeasterly direction (to the north of Corey DePooter). In
resp*ct to Corey Depooter, Austin Eubanks stated the forenamed was
lying on his stomach with his legs "sticking out H (in a
southwesterly direction). IO cla~ified with Austin Eubanks Corey
Depooter's head would have been on the east side of the table ~~d

Arvada Police/Court System l'age 5
Arvada Police Department 06/23/1999

Ret # 99·12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOJ>. Status RTF
Location 5201 S PIERCE ST
DET1Q6 06/14/1999 OSOS99/BOJ>.!RIGHT/MO

he too would have been facing something of a northeasterly

direction, IO sUbsequently had Austin Eubanks diagram everyone's
position as it related to the people located under table #l4.
Austin Eubanks stated after positioning himself under the
table he began hearing "lots of gunshots and explosions,rt Austin
Eubanks further clarified he believes some of the l'gunshots" were
actually « ehotgun" rounds belng fired. Austin Eubanks stated he
believed he could tell the difference between a gunshot, shotgun
blasts and an explosion. Austin Eubanks clarified at the time he
was hearing the lIexplosions" the "floor shook." Austin Eubanks
clarified he did not believe the suspects had entered the library
when he made these initial observations. Austin Eubanks could nat
recall the number of gunshots/shotgun blasts or explosions he heard
Austin Eubanks went onto explain during the same time frame he
looked up towards the east doors {entrance} of the library at which
time he made brief eye contact with Patricia Nielson (located
behind the main counter of the library). Austin Eubanks stated
Pa.tricia Nielson then again ye i i ec . "Ge t down. H Austin Eubanks
stated he believed Patricia Nielson was speaking to him
specifically when making that statement. When asked if he hact come
out from underneath the table, Austin Eubanks responded in the
negative. Austin Subanks stated he belie~ed he had simply stuck
his head out from underneath the table at the t~ma he had made eye
contact with pacricia Nielson.
Austin Eubanks seated it was a short time later the suspects
entered the library. Pursuant to questioning, Austin Eubanks
estimated it was approximately five minutes from the time he
identified the noises he was initially hearing as gunshots to the
point the suspects entered the library. Austin Eubanks stated he
initially only saw one of the suspects enter the library, When
asked to describe that suspect, Austin Eubanks stated he knew him
by the first name of n:Dylan,;I Austin Eubanks indicated his
knowledge of that person's first name came from prior contacts at
school. Austin Eubanks clarified be did not associate with either
suspect ~ut simply knew them from seeing them at school. When
a:sked to describe the person he referred to as "Dylan," Austin
Eubanks clarified he initially saw that individual when he was
sc.anding up Ilin fronc of the counter,a IO clarified wit.h Au~:;.in
Eubanks he was referring to the main counter where he had initially
seen Patricia Nielson hiding behind. IO further clarified when he
initially saw the person referred to as "Dylan" that in.dividual was:
in becween the COw~ter and the reference ~esk towards the center
section of the library.

Austin Eubanks described <1Dylan" as a white male in his late

teens wi1:h "longer light brown hair" Austin Eubanks stated
"Dylan" was wearing a "black trench coat" with "black combat pants"
and "boo'Cs," Austin Eubanks clarified it appeared as though all of

JC.001· 000025
PIRNARR Arvada police(court System Page 6
Arvada Police Department 06/23/1999

Ref ~ 9<;-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32

Type Status RTF
Location S201 S PIERCE ST
DET10G 06(14/1999 OS0599(aOATRIGHT(MO

the clothing worn by "Dy Lan" was black in calor. When asked if the
forenamed was in possession of a weapon, Austin Eubanks responded
in the affirmative. Auscin Eubanks told TO the person he referred
to as llDylan" was carrying a I!Tec-9 in his left hand. 11 Auscin
Eubanks went onto describe that weapon as black ~n color with the
"rmazz Le perforated. II .l\ustin Eubanks pointed out other individuals
had indicated HOylan wa.s wearing a hat, however, he did not recall

seeing one worn by that suspect. Austin Eubanks went onto state
the other suspect in the company of "Oylan l1 was IIEric. it Austin
EUbanks stated he did not actually see Eric until later during this
incident but knew Dylan was with someone else when he in~tially
entered the library. IO clarified with Austin EUbanks he was
positive as to his: identification of "Dy Lan" and knew the forenamed
was not alone when he entered the library. Austin Eubanks stated
he based that belief on the fact there was conversation between
Dylan and another individual. Austin Eubanks reiteraced Lt was not
until later in the incident when he actually saw the other person
and positively identified that individual as "Eric.1! 10 told
.a.ustin Eubanks he would address issues with "Eric late.X' in this

Austin Eubanks was next asked to describe what occurred when
he first observed Dylan Klebold towards the cenCer of the library
between the main counter and the reference desk. Austin Eubanks
indicated Dylan Klebold was moving in a westerly direction and at
the point he initially observed him the forenamed was telling
evez-yone to "stand up. Austin Eubanks specifically recalled

hearins Dylan KleDold yelling, llGet up.lI Austin Eubanks stated

Dylan Klebold may have made the above re~~ests several times as he
moved in a westerly direction through the library.

Austin Eubanks stated he then heard gunshots and shotgun

blasts coming from the west side of the library. Austin Eubanks
also heard one of the: suspects make the statement, "We're genna
blow up the library. Austin Eubanks tben recalled the fire alarm

being activated in the library. Austin Eubanks subsequently

described the room becoming -smokey" and the fact. it:. was difficult
eo hear because of the gunfire and fire alarm. Austin Eubanks
painted out he believed there had also been some pipe bomb
explosions occurring on the west side of the library. Austin
Eubanks was unable to be more specific concerning what occurred on
the west aide of the library but believed the suspects had been
over a.n that area for Il a few minutes."

Austin EUbanks stated he next began to hear gunshots coming

from what he believed was either table #1, #2 or #3 on ~he east
s~de of ~he library. Austin Eubanks stated there were numerous
gunshots coming from that location. Austin Eupanks went onto
indicate he heard what he thought was rapid gunfire and then a
pause and possibly a single shot at different times when the
suspects were on ~he east side of the library.

JC-001· 000026
PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 7
Arvada Police Depa~tment OS/2Z/1999

Ref if 99-12057 Reported Date o4/20/19~9 Time 12:39:32

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET106 06/14/1999 OS0599/BOATRIGHT/MO

Pursuant to questioning} Austin Eubanks stated he was not

exactly certain how the suspects went from the west section to the
east section of the library. Austin Eub~~ks did indicate there was
one poin~ he believed one of the suspects had passed through a Set
of bookshelves from the far west section entering the Center
section and then continuing onto the far east section of the
library. Austin Eubanks diagramed what he ~elieved was possibly a
path of travel for one of the suspects. Austin Eubanks stated he
believed the ocher suspect had walked to the east aeeeion of the
library from the far north. Austin Eubanks then diagramed that
movement. IO confirmed with Austin Eubanks he did not actually see
either of the suspects moving in the manner indicated but based his
belief on the fact he could hear movement which he thought would
have been consistent with what he had previously described. Austin
Eubanks was unable to be more specific concerning that pOknt

Austin Eubanks estimated the suspects were on the east side of

the library for approximately "a minute or two H before he saw Dylan
Klebold walk between the book shelves near tables #3 and #5.
Austin Eubanks clarified Dylan Klebold was walking from the east
into the center section of the library. According to Austin
Eubanks, Eric Harris appeared from Chat same location moments
later 10 confirmed with Austin Eubanks he had seen both Dylan
Klebold and Eric Harris walk into che center section of che library
from a separation between book shelves which he believed were near
tables #3 and #5. Austin EubL~k6 clarified ~his was the first tkme
he had actually seen Eric Harris.
IQ again confirmed with Austin Eubanks the first time he had
seen Eric Harris was when the forenamed entered the center section
of the library, Austin Eubanks was then aSked to describe eric
Harris. Austin Eubanks stated actually the only thing he noticed
regarding Eric Harris was ene forenamed's 11 face and weapon. 'f
Austin Eubanks stated he did not see Eric Harris as well as he had
seen Dylan Klebold. When asked to describe what he had seen,
Austin Eubanks s:tated Eric Harris is a white male with Hbrown hair
cut ahort. ll Austin Eubanks stated the one thing he specifically
nociced regarding Eric Harris was the forenamed had l1blood around
his face. II When asked to be more specific. Austin Eubanks stated
Eric HarX"ia had what appeared to be "quite a bit of blood around
his mouth, under his nose. 'I Austin Eubanks then stated he had seen
Eric Harris holding what he described as a black or dark colored
Hrifle'!. Austin Eubanks stated he was cert.ain the weapon he had
seen Eric Harris holding was not a shot.gun, Austin Eubanks was
unable to be more specific concerning Eric Harris' description.
Austin Eubanks did clarify he was posit~ve as to his identification
of Eric Harris based on seeing that individual in school prior to
this dace.

According to Austin Eubanks, at the point Dylan Klebold

encered the center section of the library, he recalled the
fore~amed standing between tables 11 and 13. Eubanks went

JC-001· 000027
PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System ?ase a
Arvada Police Department 06/23/1999

Ref # 99-l2067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time l2,39,32

Type AS5TOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE 8T

DETI06 06/14/1999 050S99/BOATRIGHT/MO

on to indicate at the point Eric Harris ente~ed the center section

of the libra~t, he remembered hearing Oylan Klebold comment to the
forenamed, liI'm out of ammo," or ":t'rn out, i! referring to the fact
he needed to reload his weapon. Austin Eubanks stated he was not
certain whether Dylan Klebold Or Eric Harris reloaded weapons at
that time. Austin Eubanks stated he did know at one point Dylan
Klebold moved further west between tables ~1 and 13. Austin
Eubanks stated it was at that time he obserJed Eric Harris standing
up towards the north end of tabla ll, Austin Eubanks explained it
was also during that same time frame he heard a male student whom
he believed was possibly under table 11 ask Dylan Klebold, "What.
are you doing7 n Austin EUbanks stated Dylan Klebold responded,
"Killing people.!> Austin Eubanks stated he could not be positive
as to the location of that student.

~ Austin Eubanks stated he next heard Dylan Klebold tell

"ecmeone" to leave the library, Austin Eubanks s t aced he was not
certain if anyone accually left the library at that time. IO
confirmed with Austin Eubanks he did not actually see anyone
leaving the library at that point.

Austin Eubanks hl$ next recollection occurred when

Dylan Klebold pointed the r'Tec-9'! under his table,According to
Austin gubanks, Dylan Klebald would have been standing northeast
from his table. Austin Eubanks then placed a un on the diagram

indicating the location where Dylan Klebcld was last seen as he

poin~ed the Tec-9 under tne table. Austin Eubanks stated he then
turned his head away just prior to the shots being fired. Austin
Eubanks confirmed it was at tr~t point Dylan Klebold fired numerous
rapid rounds underneath cable 14. Austin Eubanks estimated there
were approximately seven rapid shots fired underneath table 14 at
that point. When asked as to the whereabouts of Eric Harris when
those shots were fired, Austin Eubanks stated he believed the
forenamed was located between tables 11 and 9, Austin Eubanks
clarified the location where he believed Eric Harris was located
was the last place he had seen the forenamed prior to Dylan Klebold
shooting under table 14,
When asked what happened after Dylan ~lebcld shot underneath
table 14, Austin Eubanks stated he remembered being shot in his
right hand injurins his index and little finger. along with his
left knee. AUstin Eubanks stated ~t was not until after Dylan
Klebold had stopped firing his weapon did he realite he was
actually injured, Acco~ding to Austin Eubanks, all of the above
referenced knjuries were a result of gunfire.
Austin Eubanks stated after realizing he had been sqot, within
"seconds'l he observed blood on the left arm of "JennyU (referring
to ~ennifer Doyle}. Austin Eubanks then recalled looking in the
direction of Cory DePooter's head and observed the forenamed had
his eyes shut and there was "a let of blood on his back.'! Austin
E:ubanks stated Cory bePooter was also "moaning~ at t.hat time.

JC-001- 000028
P!R.NARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 9
Arvada Police Department 06/23/1999

Ref n 99-UOS7 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12'39'32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DETiOS 06/14/1999 050599!BOATRIGHT!MO

Austin Eubanks told IO after Dylan Klebold had finished firing

under his cable, he then "played dead.~ According to Austin
Eubanks, he was not looking around and simply kept his head down
resting it on Cory DePooter's backpack. Austin Eubanks stated he
knew other individuals underneath table 14 had either been injured
Qr killed, Austin Eubanks did not recall anyone moving under table
14 after Dylan Klebold finished firing his weapon.

Austin Eubanks stated after Dylan Klebold had fired his weapon
in the manner inaicated, he had a difficult time uhearing. 1l
Eubanks stated he did remembe~ a short time later hearing Dylan
Klabold state, "something about a knife and something he always
wanted to do,·j Austin Eubanks stated it was his vi.mpr ee a he
(referring to Dylan Kleboldl was talking about cutting or stabbing
someone," Austin Eubanks pointed out at nO time during this
incident did he see Dylan Klebold in possession of a knife. Austin
Eubanks speculated Dylan Klebold must have made that statement
somewhere near table 14, otherwise he would not have been able to
hear the comment. Austin Eubanks again clarified he was having
diffiCUlty hearing after Dylan Klebold had fired his weapon under
table l~.

Austin Eubanks stated it was his impreision after Dylan

Klebold had fired underneath his table boeh suspects proceeded
north through the library and eventually exited. Austin Eubanks
stated he did not recall hearing any additional gunshots in the
center section of the library prior to the time he believed they
had left. Austin Eubanks did ~ndicate there were additional
gunshots heard but he believed that occurred after the suspects had
left the library. IO verified with Austin Eubanks based on his
recollection: he d~d not believe additional rounds were fired in
the center section of the library after the shooting occurred at
table 14. IO further clarified any additional gunshots heard after
that point would noe have been in the center section. IO further
verified with Austin Eubanks that at some paint later, he believed
he was hearing gunshots outside the library.
Austin Bubanks estimated app~oximately three minute$ after
Dylan Klebold had fired under his table, he began to hear a lot of
movement in the library. Austin Eubanks stated it was at that time
he began seeing fellow studencs standing up and moving north
through the library. Austin Eubanks was unable to be more specific
concerning that point. Austin Eubanks did state upon mak1ng that
observation. he was conv~nced the suspects had left the l~brary and
decided to flee the area. Austin Eubanks stated prior to moving
from under the library. he did check. Cory OePooter'S "pulse" (wrist
area) and was unable to detect any signs of life, Austin Eubanks
seated he then walked back around to the south of the library
(behind the bookshelves) and approached table 15. Austin Eubanks
stated it was at thac point he grabbed Dan Stapleton by his arm and
helped the forenamed up as both proceeded towards the north exit of

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Arvada Police Department 06/23/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reportftd Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE 5T

DET106 06/14/1999 D50S99/BOATRIGHT/MQ

the library, Austin Eubanks recalled when exiting the library, he

along with numerous other people were moving in a "group." Austin
Eubanks stated at the point he reached the north library exit, he
observed a police vehicle parked in a northwesterly direction from
that door Austin Eubanks then pointed Qut he remembered seeing a
"clip" which appeared t.o have been dropped near the librarz·t a north
exit door. Austin Eubanks stated he assumed it belonged to the
suspects and was unable to provide any additional information
concerning that point. Austin Eubanks indicated he along with
fellow students leaving the library then proceeded towards the
police vehicle and ultimately positioned themselves behind that
unit. Austin Eubanks stated it was at that point numerous
individuals began receiving first aid. Austin Eubanks explained he
subsequently provided his shirt to be used as a bandage for one of
the injured students.
Austin gubanks estimated he was located behind the marked
police unit for approximately 15 minutes, after which three to four
pol~ce vehicles arrived and began to move the most seriously
injured students to safety. Austin EubankS explained he was
eventually evacuated and taken to a triage area.

PurSuant to questioning, ~ustin Eubanks estimated the suspects

were in the library for a total of approximately II seven minutes. r'
Austin Eubanks then told IO he did not recall any additional
information related to this incident.

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Arvada Pel ice Depa~tment 0./23/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39:32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DBTl06 06/14/199~ nSOS99/BOATRIGHT/MO

waS unable to supply any

additional information related to this investigation. 10
subsequently concluded his interview with Austin Eubanks. See the
diagram prepared by Austin Eubanks fer complete details.

Jc-001- 000031

\ X~:J
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JC..o01·000 034
On April 20,1999, at approximately l2:35p.m" the reporting officer was contacted by
Captain Jim Collier and directedto reportto the command post located at South Pierce
Street and West Bowles, Lakewood, Colorado. The reporting officer then responded to
the command post. At the command post, the reporting officerwas directed to
accompany one ofthe ambulance crewswhenthey begantransporting victims to the
hospital. The reporting officer was assigned to a LittletonFire Departmentambulance.
The crew consisted ofLt Monte Fleming, John Alyard,Ryan Knautson, and Charlie
Martinez. They are all members of the Littleton Fire Department.

At approximately 2:46p.m.,the ambulance crew and the reporting officer moved into
position and picked up a male victim. He was identified as Patrick John Ireland. His
date-of-birthis June 12, 1981. His home address is
_ He was suffering from a gunshot wound to the le orebea, a guns ot wound
o e n t foot, and a lacerationof the rightinnerelbow. At the time he was placed in
the ambulance,he was wearing a graytee-shirt, a whiteundershirt, blue jeans, socks and
a gold colored necklace with a water-ski pendant. He was not wearing shoes. His socks,
pants, shirt, and head were covered with blood. Insidethe ambulance he was attendedto
by Firemen Fleming and Knautson, Theycut off all of his clothes except his undershorts.
These clothes were turned over to the reporting officerwho took control of them. He was
transported to St. Anthony's Hospital.

Inside the ambulance,the reporting officerasked Mr. Ireland to describe what bad
occurred. He stated that he was shotby a manwho was wearing black clothes and a
mask. The man was carrying a long gun. He could not describethe size of the man nor
did be recognize the man. He statedthere was also a secondman who was shooting.
This man also wore a mask. He could provide no otherdescriptionof the second
gunman. Mr. Ireland stated that he was in the "emergency room" when he was shot. He
could not rememberwho he was talking to or what he was doing at the time of the
shooting. He stated that the shooting surprised him and he did not remember any other
gunshots. He stated that he saw neitherhand grenades nor bombs. He had no idea who
wouid want to shoot him. He could provide no other details.

At St, Anthony's Hospital,Mr. Ireland was originally treated by Dr. Pi and Dr.. Darcy
Fisher. Dr. Fisher confirmedthat the wound to the forehead and the wound to the foot
were both gunshot wounds. She removed one small fragment from the foreheadwound.
The reporting officer took possession of this fragment. Dr. Fisher stated that surgery
would be required to remove the remainder of the bullet. Dr. Fisher removed his
underwearand gave these the reporting officerwho assumed control of them. Dr. Prall
performedthe surgery. Duringthe course of the surgery, Ms. Diane Greenburg, a nurse,
left the operating room and gave the reporting officer the bullet that had been removed
from Mr. Ireland's head. Ms. Greenburg statedthat Dr. Prall bad removed the bulla and

JC-001- 000035
given it to her to giveto the reporting officer. The reporting officer also tookcontrol of
the bullet.

Due to the circumstances, the reporting officer hadno SBIforms with him at thetime he
wasat the hospital. The neurosurgeon, Dr. Prall, stared thatthere was a substantial
chance that Mr. Ireland would suffer a permanent loss of physical abilities.

The reporting officer placed all of the evidence in the Denver Police Department
property bureau. Theproperty bureau number is 559697. Theevidence consists of one
metal fragment, one bulletfragment, onewatch, one pair of bloody pantswitha belt, two
bloody socks,one bloody gray shirt, one pairof underwear, and onebloodywhite
undershirt. His walletwithassorted papers and sixdollars, his necklace andhis keys
were placed into personal property underthe same invoice number.

(AJ K ~~
I t30i1
~. Joel R. H 73017
II1telligence Section
Denver Police Department

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Arvada Police Department 07/20/1999

Ref ~ 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type A£STOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
DET123 07/15/1999 071499/BO~TRIGHT/MO

Jefferson County Sheriff's Department 99-7~2S

On 05/11/99 Detective Boatright (roJ was assigned DN#4674
requesting he contact and in~erview Patrick Ireland. Within the
narrative of the lead, IO was informed property belon9ing to
Patrick Ireland was found in the library sUbsequent to the incident
occurring on 04/20/99. In addition, it was known patrick !reland
was the student who escaped the librar/ with the assistance of
emergency personnel via one of the west library windows. It was
determined IO would contact and interview Patrick Ireland to
confirm his whereabout a during the incident and any information he
had relevant to the investigation,
On 05/13/99 at approximately 0840 hours! IO responded to craig
Hospital located at 3425 So. Clarkson Street, Englewood, Colorado
for the purpose of contacting Patrick Ireland. Upon arrival at
that location! 10 initially mec with the forenamed's father
identified as John Ireland. At that point Ie turned over to John
Ireland his son's wallet and contents which IO had previously been
removed from evidence at the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department.
IO would note John Ireland had specifically requested the return
of his son's wallet in addition to othe~ items. The other items
requested could not be returned at the present time due to the
ongoing nature of the investigation.

After meeting John Ireland, IO then followed him to a room

where the interview was to OCCU~. Upon arrival at that location,
IO was in~roduced to Dr. James C. Schraa (Doctor of Psychology with
the Colorado Neurological Instituter. IO was informed Dr. Schraa
had been assigned follow-up treatment with Patrick Ireland. Dr.
Schraa lists his business office as 701 E. Hampden Avenue Suite
330/ Englewood, CO 80110-2776, Ph. 303-789-8393. It wa5 determined
Dr. Schraa along with both Patrick !reland's parents would be
present for the interview.
On the date inQicated at approximately 0900 hours, IO met with
patrick Ireland. Upon contact with Patrick Ireland, IO confirmed
his full name is pacrick John Ireland, age 17, dob: 06/12/61.
Patrick Ireland indicated he is also known by the first name of
"Pat.!! Patrick Ireland then verified to IO he still resides at
Ireland indicaced he is presently a junior at

IO subsequently requested Pat Ireland provide an account of

his activities on 04/20/99 beginning at the time he arrived at
school. Pat Ireland stated on the date indicaced he drove himself
to school and recalled arriving at approximately 0715 hours. Pat
Ireland stated he normally arrives at school around that time due
tc the fact he needs to So to his locker before responding to his
1st hour class, Pursuant to queseioning, Pat Ireland $tated his
assigned parking space is #360 which is located in the south junior

JC.001- 000031
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Arvada Police Department 07/20/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:33:32

Type ASSTOA Status RTIt
Location 620l S PIERCE ST

DET12J 07/15/1999 071499/BOATRIGHT/MO

parking lot.
IO further confirmed with Pat Ireland the lrjunior
lotH is located on the south side of Columbine High School. Pat
Ireland went onto clarify that he used the southwest lower entrance
when entering the school on the date in question. Pat Ireland
related he did not recall any unusual activity when he arrived at
schaol. Pat Ireland reiterated he initially went to his locker
prior to responding to hi$ 1st period class.

According to Pat Ireland, he then attended his let hour class

which began at approximately 0730 hours and concludes at
approximately 0820 hours. Pat Ireland identified his 1st pe~iod
class as "'Statistics" which is taught by IIMr. Blatchford. ll Pat
Ireland told IO his IlStatistice H is located in the 11!4ath Hall" in
room "MA8. -IO would note classroom MAS is located in the

southeast area of the school.

Pat Ireland explained after leaving his 1st period class he

then stopped at his locker to retrieve materials he would need fer
his 2nd period class. According to Pat Ireland, going to his
locker in between 1st and 2nd period was a normal routine.
Pat Ireland explained he then attended his 2nd period class
which began at approximately 0625 hours and concluded at
approximately 0920 hours. Pat Ireland pointed out he knew the
2nd period class was longer ehan any of the other classes scheduled
during the day due to the fact students receive the morning
announcements at that time. Pat Ireland went onto state his
2nd period class Le "History" which is taught by lIMr. s Ieanex . Il
Pat: Ireland told 10 his "History" classroom is identified as: llSS3 11
which is located off the "madn hall" (north hall) on the east side
of the building. Pat Ireland indicated after his 2nd period class
ended he again stopped at his locker and retrieved materials he
needed for his 3rd period class, Again, Pat Ireland indicated the
above activity was his normal routine.
Pat Ireland explained he then attended his ~rd period class
which began at approximately 0925 hours and concluded at
approximately 1015 hours, Pat Ireland identified his 3rd period
class as HTrigonometry" taught by "Mr. 'tank, II According to Pat
Ireland, his lITrigonomer:.:ry" class is located in the I'Mach hall II in
room IlMA2,"

Pat Ireland next indicated his 4th period class is "free ll

adding that. he also has "A lunch." Pat Ireland at;;ted it was a
common occurrence for he along with others to take their lunch
break during 4th period. Pat Ireland stated 4th period begins at
approximately 1020 hours and concludes at approximately 1110 hours.
on the date in question, Pat Ireland stated he did go to lunch
early that day {during 4th period) and recalled going to either
'\New York Bagels" or che IIHall.'~ 1\ccording to Pat Ireland, he went
to lunch that date with Beth Klepper, Emily Jacobsen, Kyle
Mickelson and Christy Mohrbacher. Pursuant eo questioning, Pat

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Arvada Police Department 07/20/1999

Ref ~ 99-UQ67 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET123 07/15/1999 071499!BOATRIGHT!MO

Ireland stated Beth Klepper drove the forenamed to lunch. Pat
Ireland clarified Seth Klepper parks in the junior parking lot
{south side of the school, un~~own parking space number) and
returned to that same location after coming back from lunch.

Pat Ireland estimated he along with forenamed returned to the

school property from lunch sometime prior to l~lO hours. Pat
Ireland stated he based that estimation on the fact that he had not
heard the bell prior to going to his locker. Pat Ireland was
subsequently asked if he recalled any unusual activity during the
early morning hours of Q4/20/99 to include the time frame when he
returned to school from lunch. Pat Ireland responded in the
negative indicating as far as he knew the day had been very
Pat Ireland reiterated he returned to Columbine High School
from lunch at approximately 1110 hours. Pac Ireland seated he re~
entered the school via the southwest lower entrance. Pat Ireland
stated he th~n went to his locker in order to retrieve his
Statistics book with the intention of going to the library. Pat
Ireland stated his intention was to complete a homework assignment
for his class, Pat ;tr~land pc.isit.ed out during "p' lunch fl
he normally went to the library and met with a regular group of
friends where they would remain through A lunch. Pat Ireland
clarified he would utilize his A lunch time period to either begin
or complete homework assignments,
IO clarified with Pat Ireland, when he returned back to
Columbine H~9h School from lunch he separaced from the above named
friends and subsequently responded to his locker and then to the
library. IO further clarified with Pat Ireland he was alone after
returning from lunch up and to the point he arrived at the library.

Pat Ireland stated when he entered the library he walked to

the far west section and found a table where some of his friends
were located. IO subsequently supplied Pat Ireland with a diagram
of the library and requested he identify the table where he and his
friends sat. Pat Ireland immediately pointed to table #15 and
placed an X at the southeast corner of that tahle indicating where
he sat, When asked who was present when he arrived, Pat Ireland
s~ated he believed corey DePooter and Austin Eubanks were the first
individuals seated at the table (north side) followed by himself,
Makai Hall, and Dan Steepleton, A. previously noted, Pat Ireland
indicated Corey OePooter and Austin Eubanks were located on the
north s~de of the table, however, he could not be more specific
concerning their positioning. In respect to the individuals seated
on the south side of the table, Pat Ireland stated he knew he was
on the southeast corner and immediately to his left was Makai Hall.
Pat Ireland went onto state Dan Steepleton would have then been
located on the far west end of table #15 on the south aide. Pat
Ireland then placed first initials ("D, M & P", near the XS where
he knew Dan Steepleton, Makai Hall and him~elf were located. IO

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Arvada Pol~ce Department 07/20/1599

Ref 1I 99-2.2067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S P!ERCE ST

DET123 07/15/1999 O?1499/BOATRIGHT/MO

sUbsequently confirmed shortly after he arrived in the library

{prior to lllS hours) he knew Corey DePoote~, Austin Eubanks, Dan
Steepleton and Makai aall were all present at table #15. See the
aforementioned diagram for details.

Pat Ireland stated a short time later (within 5 to 10 minutes}

he hea:r:d a "t.eacher" enter the library adding it sounded as though
she was rs cz-earrdnq.» Pat. Ireland stated he did not know the
teacher's name but believed he was late~ told she waa a
llsubstitute." Pat Ireland further pointed out based on his
location in the library he did not actually have a clear view of
the teacher when she entered the library.

Pat Ireland stated once the individual he identified as the

teacher" entered the library he heard h;er indicate in a loud voice

that "t wc kids" had "guns" and "ever-ybody get down." Pat. Ireland
stated it was apparent to him the teacher .sounded "frightened" and
she later repeace4 the above command when she began shouting, "Stay
down. Pat Ireland stated he assumed the teacher remained up

towards the north end of the library due to the fact the voice
seemed to be coming from the same location. Pat Ireland again
clarified he did not actually see the teacher based on his location
in the library.

When asked what occurred after he began to hear the teacher

shouting. Pat Ireland st.ated it was obvious people were Hcontused. H
Pat Ireland stated for a moment he thought the situation was
possibly a v j oke." however, added as the teacher continued shouting
with what he described as a frightened voice he then realized she
was serious. Pat Ireland stated it wag also arouna that same time
frame he recalled hearing possible «expj.os Lcns« and llgutlshots,"
Pat Ireland stated at that point he then positioned himself
underneath table #15. Pat Ireland explained when positioning
himself under the table he was located near the southeast corner
facing north. In respect to everyone elseis positioning, Pat
Ireland stated he knew O~~ Steepleton and Makai Hall had also moved
under the table and remained basically in their same positions
(facing north), however, he was uncertain as to the whereabouts of
Corey DePooter ~~d Austin Eubanks. Pat Ireland stated he was
certain the two forenamed friends had left table #15, however, he
did nQt know where they went,

Pat Ireland stated his next recollection occurred as he began

to hear what he thought were gunshots di~ectly outside the library.
Pat Ireland stated it was obvious the "gunshots we%,e llcoming

closer. 'I Pat Ireland clarified he was not referring to the

gunshots comins from inside the library at this point.
Pat Ireland explained soon thereafter he realized the gunshots
(possibly two to three) were then comlng from inside the library
north of his location. Pat Ireland stated at that point he then
put his head down and closed his eyes. Pat Ireland stated he next

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Arvada Police Department 07/20/1999

Ref # 99-120.7 ReporteQ Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
DET123 07/15/1999 071499/BOATRIGHT/MO

heard one of the suspect a yell, "Anybody with a whit .. hat stand
up. II Pat Ireland went onto state it was possible the suspect had
added to tha.t statement, lfA.nybody with a white hat or at jock was
supposed to stand up." According to Pat I~eland, he was not aware
of anyone who complied with that suspect's request. Pat Ireland
did point out he was wearing a ball cap that date, but could not
describe the hat. Pat Ireland was also unable to recall if he
removed the hat after hearing the suspects,
Pat Ireland stated he next heard one of the suspects state,
!!This is for all the shit you put us through," Pat Ireland stated
he then recalled hearing different voices whiCh he believed were
coming from the suspects. Pat Ireland clarified he did not
actually remember seeing either of the suspects but ~~ew he had
heard two distinct voices, however, concluded there were at least
two suspects who had entered the libra~i. Pursuanc to questioning,
Pat Ireland seated the above described statements appeared to be
corning from the northwesc section ot the library. When asked if he
could prOVide any addieional information regarding the distinct
voices he heard, Pat Ireland responded in the negative. Pat
Ireland stated he simply recalled thinking there were at least two
suspects in the library based on hearing differenc voices ~at
Ireland was unable to elaborate on that poine.
Pat Ireland stated after hearing the above statements, he then
began to hea~ additional gunshots. According to Pat Ireland, those
gunshots were coming from the northwest section of the library.
Pat Ireland stated it was at that point he then realized Makai Hall
had been shot. to confirmed with Pat Ireland up to that po~nt he
had basically held his head down with his eyes closed, thus he was
not able to visually observe the suspects. When asked how he
became aware of Makai Hall being shot, Pat IrelanQ stated h.. h..ard
"Makai's groans," When hearing the groans Pat Ireland stated it
caused him to open his eyes and look towards where Makai Hall was
located. According to Pat Ireland, at the time he looked a~ Makai
Hall, he could sea the forenamed had been shot and the~e was blood
flowing from his right knee. Pat Ireland stated it was around that
Same time frame he also observed blood on Dan Steepleton's foot but
was not clear as to whether or not Dan Steepleton had been shot.
Pat Ireland next reported either prior to realizing Makai Hall
had been shot or soon thereafter, he began ~playing dead. ff Pat
Ireland seated while 'lplaying dead» he remembered !!holding my
breath." Pat Ireland cla.rified he could not specifically recall
when he attempted to play dead during the incident but knew
obViously it was prio~ to when he waa shot,
Pat Ireland went onto state at some point during this incioent
he remembered moving to the west towards Makai Hall for the purpose
of providing that individual with first aid. Pat !4eland seated he
remembered moving over cowards Makai Hall on his hands and knees
and eventually positioned himself somewhat behind Makai Hall and

JC·001· 000041
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A~Tada Police Department 07/20/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
DET123 07/15/1999 071499/BOATRIGHT/MO

Dan Steepleton. Pat Ireland stated he belie,~d

he engaged in the
above activity fo~ the purpose of putting direct pressure on Makai
Hall's knee in order to control the bleeding. Pat Ireland stated
he remembered reaching out with his left hand towards Makai Hall's
knee just at t.he f\\oment he "blacked out," Pat Ireland speculated
he had been shot in the head at the time he J blacked out. rl Pat
Ireland told IO he had no recollection of being shot in the foot
prier to losing consciousness. When asked if he had any additional~
recollections prior to the time he lost consciousness, Pat Ireland
thought for a moment and then recalled he had heard the school fire
alarm activate, Pat Ireland stated he believed that occurred prior
to the time he lost consciousness but went onto state he believed
the fire alarm was still going off when he later awakened. Pat
Ireland then made reference CO the "strobe" light which is
associated with the fire alarm.
When asked to relate his next recollection, Pat Ireland stated
when he awakened he remembered his ears were "ringing" and he
remembered hearing what he thought was a lIcoughing" sound. Pat
Ireland stated he believed the coughing was coming f~om a male due
to the fact the "voice sounded deeper. 1J Pat Ireland stated he was
confident the coughing he heard was coming from the east aide of
the library. Pat Ireland pointed out at some poine later the
coughing stopped and he did not hear it again. At the time Pat
Ireland was unable to expound furcher on that point.
Pursuant to questioning! Pat !reland stated he had no
knowledge as to how long he had been unconscious bue did remember
when he awakened he did not see any movement in the librar/, When
asked if he remembered where he was located when he awakened, Pat
Ireland responded in the affirmative and then drew an X and circled
it on the diagram. 10 would note the aforementioned designation is
located just to the north of table ~15 (east of table ~16). Pat
Ireland seated he recalled lookin9 towards the west at the point he
awakened, Pat Ireland stated he had no recollection of moving from
his original position (when shet} to the point he was at when he
recalled awakening. IO clarified with Pat Ireland it was his
recolleQtian he would have been south of table ~l5 when he was

Pat lreland pointed out at the time he awakened he believed he

was "going in and out '1 referring to his level of consciousness.
Pat Ireland did state he remembered hearing approximately four to
five bells ringing after he awakened and had begun to try and leave
the llbrary.
IO again asked Pat Ireland if he remembered how long the
"coughing" had gone on prior to its stopping_ Pat Ireland stated
he was uncertain. Pat Ireland reported he actually had no real
sense of time from the point he awakened to when he escaped through
the west library window Pat Ireland reiterated he believed he was
going Ilin and out" of consciousness as he attempted to flee the

JC.o01- 000042
Arvada Police/Court System Page ,
Arvada Police Oepartment 07/20/1999

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 5201 S PIERCE ST
DET123 07/15/1999 071~99/BOATRIGHT/MO

library. It was at that point IO verified with Pat Ireland when he
awakened he made a conscious decision to leave the library. When
asked to elaborate on that point, Pat Ireland stated he remembered
seeing the "wi.ndows " and thinking that was limy way out. II Pat
Ireland then made reference to "escaping out the window."
Pat Ireland stated at aome point after awakening and
determining he was going to move towards the west windows he1

started crawling across the floor. Pat Ireland stated at that

point he was aware of the fact he could only use his left arm and
left leg when engaging in that acci~ity. Pat Ireland reported as
he started to move in a northwesterly direction towards the windows
he believed he had llblacked out tt several times before he reached
his destination. Pat Ireland stated as he was crawling he did
remember having to "mcve chairs. n Pat. Ireland then described
sl~ding chairs out of his way as he attempted to crawl in a
northwesterly direction towards the windows. Pat Ireland was
unable to be mOre specific concerning that point.
Pat Ireland was then asked to describe the path he believed he
had taken when exiting the library. Pat Ireland subsequently drew
a line beginning on the north side of table #15 in a northwesterly
direction Which ~~ded at the area where the west windows were
located. Pat Ireland pointed out he had absolutely no idea how
long it cook him to crawl from his original position to the window
where he eventually escaped the library. Pat Ireland did state
when he arrived at the windows he realized he had lost his right
shoe hut again had no real explanation for how that occurred.
At this point in the interview IO stopped Pat Ireland for the
purpose of asking additional questions specific to the point when
he originally awakened. IO confirmed with Pat Ireland that when he
awakened he believed he was facing a westerly direction. When
asked if he ever recalled looking south in the library/
specifically in the direction of table #15, Pat Ireland stated he
was uncertain. When asked if he recalled seeing anyone as he
crawled towards the west windows} Pat Ireland again responded in
the negative. Pat Ireland then stated he did remember seeing one
person who was locatea under the far south computer table towards
the west and. Pat Ireland des~ri~ed that individual as a male
student with light colored halr. Pat Ireland pointed out he did
not see that individual until about the time he reached the west
windows to the library. Pat Ireland $tated based on what he knows
now he feels that person was deceased, Pat Ireland was unable to
provide any additional information related to that observation.
For purposes of clarification, Pat Ireland did not recall seeing
any ocher individuals in the library from the point he awakened
until he reached the west windows.
When asked to describe what occurred when he arrived at t.he
windows, Pat Ireland stated he remembered seein9 a llblue" chair
which was facing east (pushed up against the west wall) , Pat

JC.Q01· 000043
PIRNARR A.-vada Pol~ce/Court System Page a
Arvada Pol~ce Department 07(20(1999

Ref II 99-12067 Reported Date 04(20(1999 T,me 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status R'I'F
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
DET123 07(15(1999 071499(BOATRIGHT!MO

Ireland stated he used the south side of that chair to pull himself
up onto the window ledge. Pat Ireland described using the left
side of hi. body to pull himself up onto the window ledge. IO
clarified with Pat Ireland he would have been facing an easterly
direction (baok to the west wall) at the time he engaged in that
Pat Ireland reported once he was able to pUll himself up onto
the window ledge he then II swept glass away"" in an effort to clear
a path to crawl over. Pat Ireland told IO he did not recall
feeling any pain in his head or foot from the time he awakened~

Pat Ireland stated his next recollection occurred as he had

started to position himself on the window ledge, Pat Ireland
stated it was at that; he began to hear II screaming, " Pat
Ireland stated he did not initially understand what was being
yelled but later heard someone ceIling him to "stay.1I Pat Ireland
zepoxced to IO he was very l'confused ll at that point adding "l can't
see who's yelling at me. n

Pat Ireland stated moments later he then heard a voice yell up

to him it was llokay to jump.n Pat Ireland explained he next
111eaned out the window." Pat Ireland told IO he did not recall
being caught or placed down onto the roof of the truck. According
to Pat Ireland, he had no recollection of dropping out of the
window of the library. Pat Ireland explained after leaning out the
window of the library his next recollection was when he was being
spoken to by emergency care personnel. Pat Ireland related he
remembered he was trying to tell emergency workers his name
pOinting out he believed he was responding to questions regarding
contact information as it pertained to his father, Pat Ireland
stated he believed that activity was ocourring while inside an
ambulance, Pat Ireland was unable to expound on that point.
Pat Ireland was next asked if he could recall any additional
details ~elated to this incident, either prior to or after he had
been shot. Pat Ireland thought for a moment and then recalled
hearing the suspects !lla.ughing l l prior to the time he was shot.
Pat Ireland indicaeed he was unable to recall any additional
information at this time, IO would note it was pointed out by Dr,
Sch~aa due to the nature of Pat Ireland's injury it was possible as
time went on he could recall additional details. Pat Ireland did
agree to contact IO in the future if he had additional

In respect to Pat Ireland's injuries, IO was informed the

forenamed had two gunshot wounds to the head and one to the right
foot. IO would note one of tbe projectiles lodged in Pat Ireland's
head was removed during surgery and turned over to law enforcement
as evidence. As of the date of this interview, IO has not seen any
medical repor~s associated with Pat Ireland. See the dia.grams
utilized by Pat Ireland for complete detail •.

JC-001- 000044

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JC-001· 000045
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JC-001· 000046


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JC-001· 000048
PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 1
Arvada Police Departmen~ 07/14/1999

Ref #. .99-12057 Reported Date 04/20/1S9~ Time 12:39:32

Type Status RTF
Location 6201 S PI$RCE ST
DET121 07/06/1999 070699/BOATRIGHt/MO

Connected to Jefferson County Sheriff's Department case #99-7625

On 05/11/99, Detective Boatright 110) was assigned ON #4873

requesting he contact and interliew Mark Kintgen. Within the
narrative of the lead i 10 was informed Mark Kintgen was in the
library when the incident occurred and was one of the students

On 05/12/99 at approximately 0800 hours, IO responded to . . . . . .

L •. $ , and met
with Mark Alan K~ntgen, age 17, dob: 05/30/81. IO verified with
Mark Kintgen he is presently a j~~ior at Columbine High School,
Also present for ~he interview with Mark Kintgents parents
identified as Dale and F~y Kintgen.

During the interview IO initially requested Mark Kintgen to


provide an account of his activities on 04/20/99 beginning at the

time he arrived at school. Mark Kintgen initially told IO he
normally arrives at school at approximately 07lS hours as was the
case this date. Mark Kintgen clarified he is driven to school by
his t'",in brother I'Mike. 'I Mark Kintgen stated Michael Kincgen' s
parking space is identified as #402 and lS located south of the
commons area. Pursuant to questioning. Mark Kintgen stated he did
not observe any unusual activity when ne ar~ived at school on

According to Mark Kintgen, after arriving at school he then

attended his first hour class which begins at approximately 0730
nours and concludes at approximately 0810 hours. Mark Kintgen
identified his lst:. period class as "Choir" wh.ich is taught:. by "Mr.
Andres Sr," Mark Kincgen told IO his choir class is ta~ght in the
"Choir Room" located directly across from the lIScience area, II

Mark Kintgen explained he then attended his 2nd period class

which hegan at approximately 0815 hour$ and concluded at
approximately 0920 hours. Mark Kintgen stated the 2nd period class
held at Columbine Hi9h School is five minutes longer than usual due
to the fact the students receive the daily a~~ounceroent$ during
that class period. Mark Kintgsn went onto lndicace the
announcements are delivered via a television broadcast which is sst
up from the Rebel News Necwork Room located in the library. When
asked if he recalled anything specif~c about the announcements that
day, Mark Kintgen resp~nded in the negative but stated he did
remember a scrolling message which is shown throughout the school
at various locations, Mark Kintgen identified that message as
~''Ioday is not a good day to be here, Mark Kintgen stated he had

no explanation as to the specific meaning of the messaSe nor did he

know who authored the message.

Continuing with Mark Kintgen's explanation of the day, IO

confirmed after concluding his 1st period class he then went to 2nd
petiod which he ldentified as llWorld HistoryU taught by "MrS.

JC.o01· 000049
PIRNARR Arvada Police/court SyStem Page 2
Arvada Police Department 07/14/1999

Ref '* 99-12067

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39:32
Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
PZT121 07/06/1999 Q70699/S0ATRIGHT/MO

Herring. II Mark Kintgen stated his -wcr-Ld Hi.ator-y'' class is taught

in Room ssa located in the northeast section of the school.
After completing the second period class, Mark Kintgen stated
he then went to 1I3rd period. tl Mark Kint:gen stated his 3rd period
elass begins at approximately 0925 hours and concludes at
approximately 1015 hours. MarK Kintgen identified his 3rd period
class as "Leal;ning Lab '• which was basically a. supervised HStudy
hall. It Mark Kintgen stated his "Learning Lab" is supervised by
HMr, Ortiz. II Mark Kintgen indicated the !'Learning Lab" is located
in Room l'SESll which is on the Lcwez- level of ehe school just east.
of the com.mons area" Mark Kintgen pointed out the II Learning Lab I'
is near the "Foreign Language rcoes.:

In respect to his 4th period claas Mark Kintgen stated it


besan at approximately 1020 hours and concluded at approximately

1110 hours Mark Kintgen identified his 4th period class as
/iAlgebra I" which is 1:.aught by "Mr. Higgins," Mark Kintgen. stated
his Algebra! class is located in room /iMA4 1l in the "Math area, It
IO would note the math area is located in the southeast section of
the school.
Mark Kintgen explained his 5th period class is a Hfree period II
adding during that time he usually went to the library. Mark
Kintgen clarified he almost always went to the library in ordar ~o
study during 5th period. Mark Kin~gen further Clarified he had
been assigned liB Lunch,"
Mark Kintgen told IO after his Algebra I class ended, he then
went to the libraxy, Mark Kintgen was subsequently handed a
diagram and re~~ested to draw his path of travel to the l~brary,
As Mark Kintgen began that process, he recalled after leaving
"Math l " he went to the " restroOm. II 10 would note the restroom
identified by Mark Kintgen is locateQ in ehe south hall towards the
east end of the building. Mark Kintgen continued by stating after
using the restroom he then continued down the south hall stopping
at:. his locker which was located near the llChoir Room. II Mark
K~ntgen indicated after leaving his locker he walked directly to
the library. Mark Kintgen estimated he arrived in the library
shortly after the 1~15 bell rang. Ma~k Kin~gen clarified he
believed he arrived at the library at approximately 1120 hours.
Pursuan~ to questioning. Mark Kintgen stated when arriving in the
library he was in possession of a "Red Janus Sport backpack which

had a "Lee tbe c" support pouch.

Mark Kintgsn was then handed a diagram of the library and

asked to describe his activities after entering that location.
Mark Kintgen stated upon enterin9 the library he retrieved a
magazine from the magazine rack (located to the north of the
library) and then found a place to sit. Mark Kintgen identified
the table where he sat as taple #1. Mark Kintgen indicated he sat
On the southwest corner of that table (facing north). Pursuan~ to

JC-001· 000050
PIRNAAR Arvada Police/court System Pase 3
Arvada Police Department 07/14/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:~9'~2

Type Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
DET121 07/06/1999 07~699/BOATRIGHT/MO

questioning , Mark Kintgen stated no one elsa was at table #1 when

he arrived, however! a short time later he remembered a female
student who sat at the northeast corner of the table. Mark Kintgen
fu~ther explained he believed the unidentified female was
associated with a table of girls who were seated at table #2. Mark
Kintgen indicated he could not identify the girls who were seated
at table #2. As the discussion continued, Ma4k Kintgen stated the
girl whom he was unable to identify who had sat hia table
subsequently left and he eQuId not recall where ehe went. Mark
K~ntgen described ~he unidentified female as having lighter colored
hair {average size) with a tan shirt and blue jeans. Mark Kintgen
did clarify after leaving the library he saw that same female
located behind one of the patrol cars. Mark Kintgen stated he was
certain she had survived the incident in the librar/, As Mark
Kintgen continued to discuss that point, he then recalled it wag
possible One of the girls located at table #2 was "Diwata Pe:r;ez. 1l

Mark Kintsen clarified he did not know Diwata Perez but heard she
was one of the girls located at table #2.

When asked what occurred next, Mark Kintsen stated he recalled

reading his magazine but did take note of the fact l<Mrs, Keating"
(Libt:arian) wae: not at her Husual cesk. 1I Ma:rk Kintgen stated he
did not recall eeeins Mrs, Keating in the library before, during or
after this incident. Mark Kintgen did relate he remembered Mrs.
Weld and Mrs. Kean being present in the library prior to the
incident, Mark Kintgen stated the forenamed individuals were seen
somewhere to the north in the library, however/ he could not be
more specific. Ma~k Kintgen did clarify Ms. Weld and Ms. Kean were
librarian assistants.
Mark Kintgen next stated he knew there was a student assistant
assigned to the librarf for 5th period, however, he did not recall
seeing that individual bein9 present. when asked to identify the
student assistant/ Mark Kincgen stated he knew her first name was
"Amber,!! however, he did. not recall her last name. IO would note
<\Arnber'\ was later identified as Amber Huntington. 10 further
verified with Mark Kinegen Amber Huntington was a student assistant
he roucinely saw in the library during 5th period.
10 asked Mark Kinegen to describe what occurred after he began
reading his magaZine. Ma~k Kintgen stated he remembered looking
through the magazine for approximately five minutes during which
time he began hearing IIbanging noises like hammers. tt Mark Kintgen
stated du~in9 that five minute perioa he believed he heard at lease
three separate banging noises, again referring to the sound as
Hhammering,l! Ma.rk Kintgen told 10 the a.forementioned noises did
not cause him any concern nor did he perceive anyone else in the
library was concerned zegarding those same noises.
Mark Kincgen related at approximately 1125 hours he then
recalled "Ms . Nielsen entering the library via the east ent.z-ance .

Mark Kintgen seated Ms. Nielsen was in the company of a male

JC..()01.000 051
Axe,ada Police/Court system Page 4
Arvada Police Department 07/14/1999

Ref 11 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 'rime 12:39:32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PItRCE ST

DET121 07/06/1999 070Q99/~OATRIGHT/MO

student whom he later identified as Brian Anderson. According to

Mark Kintgen, Brian Anderson was wearing a blue shirt when he
entered the lib~ary. Mark Kinegen could noe specifically recall
what Ms. Nielsen ~a$ wearing but believed it was a light colored
"shirt or sweater. It When asked where those individuals went
entering the library/ Mark Kintgen stated Ms. Nielsen immediately
"went behind the counter and was yelling where's Mrs. Keating. II
Mark Kintgen told IO at that point he lost track of where Brian
Anderson went. According to Mark Kinegen, he did not see Brian
Anderson after the forenamed entered the library.

Mark Kintgen seated when he initially began to observe Ms,

Nielsen it seemed as though she was I1panicked." When asked to
elaborate, Mark Kintgsn described Ms. Nielsen rapidly entering tha
library and frantically askins , "Where'g Mrs. Keating. II Mark
Kinegen stated he could tell from the tone of Ms. Nielsen's voice
"acme t.hd nq was wrong." Mark Kintgen went: onto state when Ms.
Nielsen was unable to locate Mrs. Keating she pegan ~asking where
the phone waa. U Ma:rk Kintgen reiterated at that point it. was
obvious t.o him Ms. Nielsen was Hpanicked."

Mark Kintgen next recalled Ms. Nielsen announcing there had

been "kids shot. 'I Mark Kintgen again pointed out Ms. Nielsen
appeared to be "ver-y upset . " Mark Kintgen e t.azed he knew something
serious had happened. however, he was noC clear on the details.

Mark Kintgen stated he next saw Ms. Nielsen using the

telephone which was located behi~d the main counter. Mark Kintgen
zecalled as Ms. Nielsen beg~~ to use the phone she then yelled aut,
IlKids get under the tables." Mark Kintgen stated he remembered Ms.
Nielsen repeating that command several times. According to Mark
Kintgen, he complied wieh Ms, Nielsen'. request almost immediately.

Mark Kintgen stated he subsequently pasi~icned himself

underneath table #1. Mark Kintgen clarified he was the only person
under table #1 during the ineident, In respect to his positioning,
Mark Kintgen stated he was seated under the southwest CQ~pe~ of the
table facing east. Mark Kintgen related from that position he was
able to see the librarj entrance pointing out the items located in
the display case had been removed, thus there were no major
obstacles in his way.
Mark Kint.gen told IO after I1hiding11 under table #~ for a II

couple of minutes, he remetnbet'ed hearing Itshots or exp Loe Lcna" in


the hallway out.side the library. Mark Kintgen s~ated he

could not recall the exact number of shots or explosi¢ns he heard
but beLa.eved that activity was going on y for Ira minute
or two'l before the suspects ent e . Mark Kintger.. point.ed cut. he
believed the suspects had entered the library around the time he
began to hear the 11 fire alarm. II

In respect to the suspec~s, Mark Kincgen stated he obser~ed

JC.()01. 000052
Arvada Police/Court System Page 5
Arvada Police Department 07/14/1999

Reported Date 04/20/1559 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Locaticn 6201 S PIERCE ST
DET121 07/06/1999 07069S/aOATRIGHT/MO

two individuals enter the library via the east entrance. When
asked to describe the suspects, Mark Kintgen stated based on his
positioning he did not recall seeing ~he su~pects from the waist
up. Mark Kintgen stated he remembered both suspects were wearing
"black boots" and both had "blaek pants. n Ma.rk Kintgen related he
had hea.rd reports the suapect e were wearing "t.rench CQats, II

however, he could not confirm t.hat point, to eonflrmed with Mark

Kincgen he saw two sets of legs enter the library around the time
he began to hear the Hfire alarm ll and both those individuals were
wearing black pants and black boots. Mark Kintgen stated it
appeared aa though the blaek boots were of a military style.
When asked if he remembered seeing anything else associated
with the suspects, Mark Kintgen responded in the affirmative. Mark
Kincgen stated he did remember one of the suspects was car~/ing a
weapon which he described as a " a utomat.ic wit.h a Ions .:::lip." MaJ:k
Kintsen stated the aforementioned weapon appeared shorter than a
rifle and was dark in color. Mark Kintgen related the reason he
assumed the weapon was "automatic" was due to the fact it had a
c l i p . " Mark Kintgen was unable to supply any information to

distinguish which suspect was L~ possession of that weapon. When

asked how he was able to see that weapon! Mark Kintgen speculated
it was possihly ca~~ied low or he simply focused on it, thus
failing to recognize any additional clothing items worn by the
Mark Kintgen reported as the suspects ente~ed the librarJT he
could see that they proceeded west. Mark Kintgen stated as the
suspects were walking in between the main counter and the reference
desk he heard one of t.hem words to the effect. UEveryone stand
up. ~l M.ark Kintgen then related it waa at that point: he began to
hear "gunshots. u Mark Kintgen could not recall the nul.lll:ier of
gunshots b~t knew it was more than one. Mark Kintgen stated very
soon after the gunshots initially stepped he heard one of the
suspects s cace , l~oh look at his brains. H Mark Kintgen then
.recalled hearing the suspect.s; "laugh. ll Maxk Kintgen pointed out
the suspectB continuously laughed throughout the incident at
various times.
Mark Kincgen went onto state at about the s~me time he heard
the first gunshct.s in the library he remembered "seeing Sfficke. p

Mark Kintgen did describe the smoke as Ilwhite or gray" Ln color.

Ma.rk Kincgen was unable to be more specific concerning the smoke in
terms of whether Qr not ic originated in the li~rary or had drifted
in from the hall. Mark Kintgen seated he was certaLn at that point
the fire alarm was activated.
Mark Kintgen went onto state while the suspects remained on
the west side of the library he heard additional gunshots. Mark
Kintgen was unable co estimate the number of gunshots but knew chey
were numerous, Mark Kintgen stated he also believed he could
"yells or screams,u however, he could not be certain if the- voices

Arvada Police!coure syseem Page 6
Arvada Police Department 07/14/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date Q4/20/1999 Time l2,39,32

'type ASSTOA Status RTF
Locaeion 620l S PIERCE ST
DET121 07/06/1999 070699/~OATRIGHT/MO

he Was hearing were students or the suspects. Mark Kintgen did

indicate he was certain the "laughing" he heard was coming from the
Mark Kintgen stated almost as soon as the gunshots ended on
"he west .ide of the lib~ary he began to hear them an the east side
of the library. Mark Kintgen stated he was certain ne had not
heard any gunshots which he believed were coming from the center
section of the library up to chis point. 10 subsequently clarified
with Mark Kintgen when the suspects entered the library they
proceeded to the far west section where gunshots were hea~~
following by gunshots erupting in the far east section where he was
locatea. Mark Kintgen reiterated up to this point he had not heard
any gunshots in the middle section of the lib~ary.
Mark Kintgen was ~hen asked to describe what occurred as he
began to hear gunshots on the east $ide of the library. Mark
Kintgen began his explanation by stating he only actually saw one
suspect on the east side of the library. Mark Kintgen explained
the suspect he observed at that point was on the norch side of the
glass ease near the entrance to the library. Mark Kintgen stated
he WaS certain the suspect then fired at least one shot into the
glass case causing the glass eo break. Mark Kinegen explained it
was right aftar the suspect shot out the glass case that he (Mark
Kintgen) waS shot. Mark Kintgen initially atatad it wag possible
~he suspecc had sho~ at him through the glass case t howeve~t he was
not certain. Mark Kintgen went onto explain that there were
mirrors located in the glass case which possibly diato~ted his view
of what was actually occurring. Mark Kintsen related he was
certain the person who had fired into the glass case was the same
person who shot him adding it was possible the suspect had Stepped
back around the glass case prior to fi=inS under his table.
When asked to describe the weapon beins used by the suspect
who sho~ into the glass case and later shot under his table Mark
Kintgen stated it was the tl.automa:tic ll previously described in this
report. When asked if that was the same gun which was used to
shoot under his ~abl$1 Mark ~ntgen stated he assumed that was the
case, however. was not certain. 10 clarified with Mark Kintgen, he
was able to observe the weapon used by the suspect when tiring into
the glass case, however, he CQuld not be certain as to the weapon
used when fired under his table. Mark Kintgen did state he was
certain the person who fired into the glass case was the same
person who shot at him under the table, As Mark Kintgen continued
to relate his recollection of that incident he believed the

suspect had stepped around from the glass case prior to shooting
under his table. Mark Kintgen was unable to ~e mora specific
concerning that point. IO did confirm with Mark Kintgen the only
description he could give of the suspect whom he saw zhoot into the
glass case and later under his table waS consistent with that
person wearing black boots and black pants.
When asked what occurred at the point he was shot! Mark

JC-001- 000054
Arvada Police/Court System Page 7
Arvada Polic$ Department 0 7/1.4/1999

Ref # 99·12067 Reported Date O~/20/1999 Time 12:.9,32

Type 1>$S1'OA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
DE1121 07/06/1999 070699/S0ATRIGHT/MO

Kintgen stated he believed the suspect had actually fired through

the chair causing the uwood to splinter." Mark Kintgen told IO he
was uncertain as to how many shots were fired under the table but
stated, "!t seemed like it was. all at once .11 In respect cc his
injuries, Mark Kintgen stated he was shot towards ehe left back
portion of his head causing the bullet to travel forward. Mark
Kintgen went onto state he was also shot towards the left center
portion of his neck which exited on the right aide of his neck and
then entered his right shoulder. Mark Kintgen told IO the bullet
entering his head was removed during surgery, however, the bullet
en~ering his shoulde~ was net removed. IO clarified with Mark
Kintgen his surgery occurred at Denver Health Medical. Mark
Kintgen identified his doct.or as "Pr. Witt." to confirmed with
Mark Kinesen h~ 4eceived twe gunshot injuries during ~his incident.

When aSked why he believed the .u.pect had fired into the
taBle, Mark Kintgen stated when he "wcke up" there- were: »wood
splinters all around,TI Mark Kintgen was unable to be specific in
terms of whether or noe he believed the suspect fired through a
chair or the table dur~ng the incident.

When asked to recall what occurred after he was shot, Mark

kintgen explained he next recalled hearing a male voice state, '100
you believe in God?" Mark Kintge.n was. unable to provide any
additional informa~ion conc~rnin9 that point othe~ than to state he
knew the male voice was standing near his location, 10 confirmed
wieh Mark Kintsen he was indicating the male vaiee he heard was
coming somewhe~e from the east side of the library.
When asked to describe what occurred next, Mark Kintgen stated
he remembered laying on the floor with his haad pointing in a
northwescerly direction, Mark Kintgen stated at that point he was
/lIafraid he was goin.9 to "die. Jl Mark Kint.gen told IO he did. not

recall hearing any additional shots fired in the library after he

had been shot. Mark Kintgen $tated after realizing he was lying en
the floor he then remembered seeing one of the girls whom he later
identified as Upatti Blair" get up from underneath table #3. Mark
Kinegen related ha .~sequ~ntly told Patti Slair he needed help,
however, she did not respond to his requesc. Mark Kintgen stated
he recalled seeing patti Blair walk between the book shelves which
separated the different sections of the librarz. Mark Kintgen
stated at that point he crawled out from under taole #l and walked
between the book shelve$ and proceeded west through the library
attempting to follow Patti Slair.
Pursuant to qUestioning, IO confirmed with Mark Kintgen after
he was shot his next recollection was hearing the male voice making
reference to Goa after which he realized he was lying on the floor
underneath table #1. When asked if he remembered anything else
prior to seeing patti Blair set up from underneath table #3, Mark
Kincgen responded in the negative, Ma~k Kintgen told Ie he assumed
after the .uspect. had .hot him they had left ehe library.

JC-001· 000055
Arvada Police/Court system Page 8
Arvada Police Department 07/1411999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type Stat.u.s R.TF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
DET121 07/06/1999 0706Ss/BOATRIGHT/Me

IQ next asked Mark Kintgen to describe what occurred after he

began to follow Patti Blair west through the library, Mark Kintgen
stated he could not recall the specific path of travel he took but
did remember seeing someone lying under the table marked #9. Mark
Kintgen stated based on that observation he was certain he $om~~ow
walked through t.he center section of the library prier to
proceeding north towards the exit. Mark Kintgen next stated as he
began to proceed nortn through the library (near the computer
tables) he remembered seeing another individual on the floor at
that location. Mark K~ntgen was unable to be anymore specific
concerning either of the individuals he referenced as he left the

Mark Kintgen did state as he was leaving the libra!)' he

believed he began to see other people also moving through the
library towards the north exit. Mark Kinegen stated he eventually
made his way to the north exit at which poine he observed a marked
patrol unit parked northwest of that location. Mark Kintgen
reported he then proceeded towards the marked patrol unit. Ma~k
Kintgen told IO when he arrived at that location he believed there
were approximately 20 to 30 other students present. When aSked if
he could identify any of those students r Mark Kintgen again made
reference to the unidentified female who had originally sat down at
his table and then moved. Mark Kintgen clarified he had seen that
same female hiding behind the marked patrol unit at the time he
arrived at that location. Mark Kintgen added he also saw another
student whom he identified as uJosh Lapp." Mark Kint.gen stated he
did not believe he could recall the names of any additional
students at that location.
Mark Kintgen estimated he remained behind the marked patrol
unit for approximat.ely 10 to 1.5 minutes p:rior to being "evaeuened ."
Mark Kintgen briefly described being placed in the trunk of a
patrol unit and driven to a nearby neighborhood. Mark Kintgen
st.ated at; that point he was transported by uhelicoptli!u:;dl to Denver
Health Medical. Mark Kinegen tOld IO he did not believe he could
recall any additional information at this time.
IO subsequently obtained a written authorization for release
of medical records pertaining to Mark Alan Kintgen. The document
indicaces the medical records were be~ng maintained at Denver
Health Medical, ro would note Mark Kintgenls father, Dale Kintgen,
signed the ferm authorizing the release of the me~ical records. IO
eUb5equen~ly concluded his interview with Mark Kintgen, 10 would
note also oresent at, the residence was Michael Kintgen {twin
brother to-Mark Kintgen). It was determined 10 would conduce an
interview with Michael Kintgen in Qrder to expedite the
investigative process. IO would point out Michael Kintgen was not
present during the interview ot Mark Kinegen. See the interview of
Michael Kintgen for details.

JC-001- 000056
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JC-001- 000057
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JC·001· 000059
:rfl-J02 (Rev. 10~6,95)

- I -


Date of transcription 5/12/99

Lisa Michelle Kreutz, date of birth January 14, 1981,

, was interviewed at her home in the
presence of her parents, Ken and sheryl Kreutz. After being
advised of the identity of the interviewing Agent and Diane
Obbema, Investigator, Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, Kreutz
furnished the following information:
Kreutz is a Senior at Columbine High School. Her first
class of the day is Trigonometry with Mr. Tank. This class is
during second period which runs from 8:25 a.m. to 9:20 a.m. This
class period is extended an extra five minutes for school
announcements to be made. The Rebel News Network is broadcast
over televisions within the classrooms. Her class really didn't
pay attention to the announcements on a regular basis. On
April 20, 1999, Kreutz wasn't really paying attention to the
announcements and does not recall anything that seemed unusual.
Period three runs from 9:25 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. During this
period, Kreutz has Accounting with Mr. Stoeklen. Her fourth
period class is Psychology with T.J., last name unknown. Kreutz
couldn't recall the teacher's last name as they all refer to him
as T.J. This class runs fram 10:20 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. Fifth
period, or A lunch, begins at 11:15 a.m. This is Kreutz's lunch
period and she usually goes to the Library or cut to lunch with
Jessica Holliday and Bethany Koch. Prior to going to lunch or
the Library, she would typically go to her locker and exchange
school books.
On April 20, 1999, after fourth period, Kreutz did not
go to her locker to exchange school books. Instead she went to
the Post Graduate Center and picked up an application for the
University of Colorado at Denver. She then walked down the hall
to the Library. In the Library, Kreutz would usually sit with
Holliday, Jenna Park and Dewata Perez on the east side of the
Library. She entered the Library at approximately 11,15 a.m.
Holliday was already in the Library at table U2. Kreutz met
Perez and Park in the Library or possibly at or near her locker.
Kreutz was in the middle of Park and Holliday on the east side of
the table #2, facing west. On the west side of the table was
Lauren Townsend and Perez. There may have been another girl in
the middle of the west side of the table. At that time, the

Investigation on 5/5/99 Control liDN2109

File II Dare dictated "'S"'/c.1""'lLI.?,9"'9'- _

by SA John r1. Elvig/ms JC.o01.000060

Th1S docurnem <:'11Dtaltl-S neither reccmmelldilliCi/lS 11(1.f l':(lntlusl0nS ct uic FEt. 11 is [lie prcpeny ofHIC FBlllrtG is. loaned in jl'ur agem.:y:
it aud its conrems Me l1(~t 1.(\ be eiaributcd outside your agency

Ccntinueticn Df FD-302 o-f Lisa Kreutz ,Page 2 _

Library was pretty full but Kreutz could not remember seeing
anybody else she knew. There are two reading chairs with a small
table between them, next to table #2 and against the east wall.
There may have been someone seated at one of the reading chairs.
A couple of minutes after sitting down, Holliday left
their table and went over to the computer area on the west side
of the Library. At about that time, Kreutz heard popping sounds
coming from outside the west part of the Library. The sounds
were like a hammer striking a wall. Within a minute, a blonde
haired student came into the Library and stated, 'Where's Miss
Keating"? and "He has a gun." Kreutz believed this to be a
student as she appeared too young to be an adult. The student
then went behind the librarian's counter. Kreutz did not know if
she should believe what the student said or not and thought
may have been another senior prank. A week prior, in a senior
prank the Seniors closed off the Junior Parking Lot.
A couple minutes later, and no more than five minutes
later, a lady came into the Library and said to get under the
tables. The students all hesitated and she yelled again to get
under the tables. Right behind this lady was Mr. Place, who came
into the Library doors and said something to somebody that "we
have to qet these kids out of here." Place then left the
Library.- Attachment A is a diagram of the Columbine High School
Library. Kreutz indicated on the diagram the sitting positions
of the students at table #2. Kreutz, Perez, Townsend and Park
all hide underneath their table. Kreutz was sitting unde~ the
table with her knees pulled up to her chest and she was facing
north. From her position, she could see out a window near her
table into the hallway outside the Library and the area between
the trophy case toward the reference table. The window was in
the upper portion of the wall. At that point, Kreutz began
hearing screaming coming from the area she believed to be the
Commons. Through the window to the hall outside the Library, she
saw a white male coming toward the Library. He was moving from
south to north like he had come from down by the Commons. He was
headed toward the Library and had a determined look on his face.
Her view of this person was only from about the shoulders up and
she described him with blonde hair and dressed in dark colors.
Kreutz indicated au the Library diagram the approximate location
of the individual in the hallway.

JC-001- 000061
FD·J02a (Rev 10-6-95)

]. HA-DN-57419

Continuation of fD·302 of Lisa Kreutz ,Page 3 _

The door to the Library is always propped open and she

could hear two people coming into the Library. She remembers
hearing one of the gunmen say to the other one, "Are you still
with me?" and ilwe're still ganna do this, right?!! After entering
the Library the gunmen started yelling and moved to the west side
of the Library. She heard one of the ~unrnen say they were going
to "blow up the Library". This statement was followed by an
explosion in the Library. Kreutz began hearing windows breaking,
gunfire and lots of screaming. She could not recall specifically
how much gunfire she heard on the west side of the Library. She
did hear a statement from one of the gunmen that they hated
school and that school had messed them up. The fire alarm went
off during the shooting on the west side of the Library. Park's
sister, a Freshman, was sitting by the computer tables. Park
kept saying that she had to get her sister. Perez had to hold
down Park to keep her from leaving the table. Perez told Park
that Holliday was at the computer table and would take care of
her sister. Kreutz thought the gunmen then moved to the middle
section of the Library as the sounds of gunshots and screams were
getting closer to her. She could not recall any specifics of the
gunmen's movement or comments in the middle section.
After what she believes is gunshots in the middle
section, she can hear a gunman moving up around from behind her,
back near table #4 and the wall. Townsend and one of the girls
were praying underneath the table. Somebody under the table said
"ch my God their coming". At the same time, she can see a gunman
in her view between the trophy case and the reference table. She
sees this gunman only from the chest down but can see a shotgun
with possibly two barrels in his left hand. He was holding the
gun down. He was wearing dark clothing and had something over
his shirt or jacket. It was different in color than his shirt
and appeared to cross over his chest and then ever his shoulder.
The girls had pulled the chairs in around the table and her view
was being blocked. Kreutz then hears a gunshot and was grazed in
her right wrist by a bullet. Kreutz remembers thinking at that
point that it didn't really hurt to be shot. She believes it was
the gunman that she saw between the refence table and trophy case
that shot ac her table.
TO her right she saw Val Schnuur falling to the ground.
Schnuur may have been running or crawling away from the gunman
that was moving up behind their cable. Schnuur had gotten shot

JC-001- 000062

Conlinuation of FD-J02 of Lisa Kreutz 4

and Kreutz could see her holding her side. Schnuur was screaming
and then Kreutz heard a gunman from behind her ask Schnuur if she
believed in God. The gunman asked it again and she recalls
Schnuur answering back "no." At that point, Schnuur was laying
on the ground next to table #2 on the east side. The gunman may
have shot Schnuur again. In the course of this questioning of
Schnuur or just at the completion of it, Kreutz got shot several
times. Kreutz does not know if the shooting carne from the gunman
behind her or the gunman she saw by the trophy case. Kreutz got
shot in the left shoulder, right wrist, right ankle and a shot
through the buttock which also goes somehow through her inner
thigh. Kreutz cannot recall if Townsend was shot at the same
time she was or was shot just prior to her. After the ~Jnshots,
she could see Townsend laying down on the floor 'gasping" with
one of the other girls holding her. The two guns that had been
shot at her table sounded different. Kreutz did not think the
gunmen were really aiming their guns. She thought they were just
shooting without aiming at anyone.
After being Shot, Kreutz does not remember if there was
more gunfire and explosions within the Library. She does
remember Schnuur moving from her spot, as Kreutz could no longer
see her. After a period of no longer than ten minutes, the
Library got really quiet. Kreutz did not see the gunmen leave
the Library. Kreutz heard something, possibly gunshots, that
gave her the impression that the gunmen were gone from the
Library. The gunmen had been gone a long enough period of time
that the students felt that they were not coming back to the
Library. Park and Perez got up and tried to get Kreutz to leave
with them. Kreutz was unable to leave with them. Kreutz
believes Park and Perez went through the booKcases by table #1
and exited out that side of the Library. Kreutz saw a number of
students get up and leave. After the students had left the
Library, Kreutz was laying down under her table and heard the
school bell ring. This was the 11:45 bell, which meant her lunch
period was over. The fire alarm was still going off at that
Kreutz remembers another girl crawling up and laying
her head down by her. The girl had blonde hair. Kreutz did not
know the girl. Kreutz continued to lay under her table and heard
the 11:50 a.m. bell and then the 12:10 and 12:15 p.m. bells.
These bells meant that the ".'\'''a dn "B" lunches were over. Kreutz

JC.o01.000 063
FD-302a (Rev lQ-l'i-95j


Continuation of FD·102 of Lisa Kreutz , Page _-=-__

continued to listen to the various bells for the class periods go
off. The bells were how she kept track of time.
Kreutz heard a helicopter flying around outside the
school and ~~ew the police were outside the school. Kreutz
remembers hearing two to three explosions in the Library while
the gunmen were inside the Library. She heard another explosion
in the Library or outside the Library after all the students had
gotten up and left the Library. She also remembers hearing glass
breaking again and someone say something to the effect of "hey
you in the Library." She doesn't remember when, but she heard
police officers yelling from an area she thought was outside the
south windows of the Library.
Kreutz believes she was conscious the whole time she
was laying under the table in the Library. She wasn't really
paying attention and was mostly looking at the top of the table.
She knew her wrist was broken and she couldn't move either of her
arms. She remembers hearing the 2:30 p.m. bell ring as it just
kept on ringing. A couple of times she did try to get up and
leave the Library. She tried once before the 2:30 bell to get up
and leave, but got "light headed". After trying to get up, she
got back down underneath her table. She believes she tried again
after the 2:30 bell and ended up laying down then between tables
#1 and #2.
Kreutz remembers later hearing the gunmen talking in
the Library or outside the Library. The voices sounded further
away but she laid very still, pretending to be dead. She didn't
want the shooting to start allover again. She does recall
somebody coming back into the Library while she was lying down
but does not recall any details.
After trying to get up and leave follOWing the 2:30
bell, she remembers hearing the police yelling. The yelling was
in the hallway from outside the Library and the sounds sounded
like they were in a hurry. She heard them come in and she called
for help. One of the SWAT officers came over to her. This
officer told her she was the only one alive in the Library. They
did not take her immediately out of the Library and one SWAT
officer stayed with her. The next thing she remembers is a
paramedic coming in and talking to her about whether she was
hurt. ~~e paramedic rolled her onto her shoulder to look at her

JC·001- 000064

Continuation of FD,3Q-2 of Lisa Kreutz 6

,Page ~==~_

back and she remembers excruciating pain, She was put on a board
and reme~bers hearing the officer saying they had to get her out
of there in a hurry.
Kreutz does remember the glass bookcase/trophy case
shattering. She does not remember when this occurred. It may
have been caused by the SWAT team.
Kreutz has a navy blue Eddie Bauer backpack which she
left on top of the table. Inside the backpack are a graphing
calculator, her wallet, two sets of car keys and school papers,
including folders. She would like to get one set of the car keys
back as those are the only two sets of keys for her car. Her
grandfather had to pay a locksmith to help them get the car out
of ,the school parking lot. Kreutz had been transferring
information from her application to University of Colorado at
Denver to a new application. She was recopying it to make it
more legible. There was a $40 check for admission fees with the
Kreutz' locker is in the Math hall area and is locker
#480, #180 or something in the eighties. She had nothing
valuable in her locker except books and papers. Attachment B is
a diagram of Columbine High School. Kreutz indicated on the
diagram the location of her locker,
Kreutz remembers a paramedic taking off her Eyore watch
and throwing it into her shoes. She was also wearing jewelry,
inoluding her class ring and a birthstone ring. Kreutz would
like to get back her watch and two rings.

JC-001- 000065
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JC-001· 000068

JC-001· 000069
f>-EPORTING AGENT: Greenwell CASE NUMBER: 99·038856
VICTIM: Nielson, patricia DATE OF REPORT: 04-27.99


Agent M. Greenwell
LPD Investigations Division (303) 987·7233
assigned victim/witness interviews;

NIELSON, Patricia K. 008: 12·06·63

victim of shooting;

ln Tuesday, 04·20·99, at approx. 1240 hrs., I was sent to Adventist PorterHospital· Littleton, to interview victims
and witnesses of the shooting at Columbine High SchooL While at the hospltai, 1interviewed a victim from the
shooting, Patricia K. NIELSON.

Ms. Nielson told me she was standing in the north corridor hall, doing her assigned "hall duty", at approx. 1120
hrs., when she saw a male student, on the west end of the hall, carrying what she thought was a gun into the
school. Ms. Nielson said she was taken by surprise and asked another male studentwalking past her what was
going on. Ms. Nielson said the studenttold her the studentwas probably"..shooting a movie", and that the gun
was probablya cap gun used as a propin themovie. Ms. Nielson said the unknown malestudent shewas talking
with said the student she sawwith the gunwas with the videoproductions class. Ms. Nielson saidshedidn't think
it was right. cap gun or not, that he haveit at school, so she went to confrontthe student. Ms. Nielson said as she
walked through a set of double doors where the student was, the student began firing the gun. Ms. Nielson said
the student tl1en turned and saw her, looked right her, and shot at her and the male student she was with. Ms
Nielson said the bullet traveled past her and hil the glass in the door behind her and some of the glass, or a
fragment from the bullet, hit her In the back of the shoulder. Ms. Nielson said she yelled "Dear God! Dear God!
Dear Gdd!" and turned with the malestudentshe was with, when she heardthe male student say,"Uhhhhh!" Ms.

Pa,.. 1 01 3
JC.Q01· 000070
REFlORT1NG AGENT: Greenwell CASE NUMBER: 99-038856
VICTIM: Nielson, Patricia DATE OF REPORT: 04-27-99
OFFENSE: AOA..J.C.S.D.lHomlclde

Nielson said she saw the student had been shot in the back and they continued \0 run Ihe opposite way and ran
into the library. As she ran into the library, Ms. Nielson said she began screaming for help tor the student and
ran 10the phone and dialed "9911" (she had to dial9 first 10dial911 to get an outside line). Ms. Nieison said Ms.
Keeting, the librarian, and Mr. lawn (unk. spelling), came in and told everyone to get out of the library. As she
was on the phone, Ms. Nieison said she could hear the gunman getting closer, so she told the students to get
under the tables, while she stayed on the phone with the 911 dispatcher. Ms. Nielson said the dispatcher asked
her if she could get to the doors to lock them and Ms. Nielson told Ihe dispatcher she couldn'l. At this time, Ms.
Nielson said something made her aware there were more tnan two gunmen, but didn't know what it was. Ms.
Nielson heard a great deal of gunshots and "hooting rt up" from the suspect, so she continued to tell the students
to stay under the tables. As Ms. Nielson was able to determine the gunmen were coming into the library, she did
not want the gunmen to know she was on the phone with 911, so she left the phone on the floor and crawled up
as far under the librarian's desk as she COUld. Me Nielson said she saw the gunmen walk past where she was
and they stopped and she saw they both had on black milllery type pants, Ms, Nieison said she heard someone
crying and say, "Oh Godl" and one of the gunmen asked her, "Do you believe in God?" and began calling her
"...awful and hateful names!" Ms. Nielson said she then heard a lot more gunfire and they walked around by her
desk again. While standing in front of the desk she was under, Ms, Nielson said one of them stopped and said,
"Wait a minute! One more thing!" and she heard a chair being smashed on top of the desk she was under, After
the noises stopped, Ms. Nielson said she looked around the end of the desk and saw a student wearing a pair of
tennis shoes and wondered if the student was alive or dead. Ms Nielson said she crawled into the library's
workroom and saw two women, one wearing a purple dress, hiding in another room off the workroom, Ms. Nielson
said she then crawled Inside a cupboard and shut the doors, Ms, Nielson added, she stayed in the cupboard for
approx, three hours, and recalls II was approx. 1145 When she crawled inside the cupboard. While in the
cupboard, Ms. Nielson said she heard a lot of gunfire coming from the library area again and heard the beeping
of What she thought 10 be bombs, Ms. Nielson said she stayed in the cupboard and remembered seeing the lady
in the purple dress came in the workroom and checked on Ms. Nielson. Ms. Nielson added, she also remembers
laking her sweater off, while in the cupboard, because she was so hot. Ms Nielson said she heard Ihe suspect's
saying they were going 10 blow the library up, but she could not get out for fear of being shot, After being in the
cupboard for approx three hours, Ms. Nielson said she heard the temale in the purple dress Whispering, "Pattyl
Patty! Come on!", and she saw another subject, Kent Freizen (spelling unknown) came tram the other side of the

Page- 2 of 3
JC-001- 000071
VICTiM: Nielson, Patricia DATE OF REPORT: 04.27.99
.lFFENSE, AOA-J.C.S.D./Homicide

room. Ms. Nielson said she and others from the iibrary were escorted outside by police personnel, ran out to So.
Pierce St., where she was treated fur the injury to her shoulder. Ms. Nielson added, she recatls carrying her
sweater out of the library, but dropped it on the steps ieading out of the library, so her sweater should stili be on
the steps.

Ms. Nielson was treated by Dr. E. Eby and her injuries were photographed by an Arapahoe County Crime Lab.
Technician. Ms. Nielson was treated for an injury to the back of her right shoulder area, an abrasion on her right
forearm, and a bruise/contusion to her left knee. Ms. Nielson was released from the hospital the same day. Ms.
Nielson was joined at the hospital by her husband, Shane Nielson, at me hospital and a Douglas County S.O.
Victim Advocate.

On Thursday, 04-22-99, I contacted Ms. Nielson, by telephone, at home. Ms. Nielson was improving and asked
a lot of questions about what happened in me library. I did nat know the answers to any of the questions she had,
nd referred her to J. C.S.D.. Ms. Nielson had no additional information to offer from the original interview at the

No additional information at this time.

~~?, o>drh
Detective's signature/number/date Sergeant's signature/number/date

Page30t 3:
JC-001· 000072
PROGRESS REPORT Control Number: 1706
CASE NUMBER: 99-16215

On 04-30-99 at about 1125 00., this Investigator responded to 2168 S. Field Way and

DOB: 12·06-63

Present during the interview was Nielson's sister, Christie Sanders, who is a Public
Defender in JeffersonCounty. Also present was:


Licensed Clinical SocialWorker
777 S. Wadsworth
(303) 969-9192

Hollingsworth was presenton behalfofNielson.

Nielson related class was out at 1110 hrs, She took some books with her and went to the
library. The exact time she arrived is unknown, but it was possiblyaround 1120 to 1130
hrs. She had hall duty near the Library.

Nielson was watching the north corridor. Some kids said they heard gunfire. There was
another kid in the hallway, identi:fied as Brian Anderson. Nielson looked down the hall
and saw a subject with his backto them.

Nielson thought they were probably making a video production. Suspect number one was
shooting and she saw some smoke. Nielson related she decided to go out and stop this.
She did not think it was a real gun.

The suspect then turns towards Nielson and points the gun at them. He smiles. The
suspect shoots and the glass in the door goes out. Initially Nielson thought that it was
possibly a BB gun until she looked at the door and saw the size of the hole, Nielson
thought, "Oh dear God," Nielson turned around to get out of the area and then there was
a second shot. She saw Anderson lurch and she felt a burningsensationin her shoulder.

Nielson went to the door across the hall. She subsequently ran into the library along with
Anderson. Nielson was yelling whenshe went into the library. She yelled, "Help, there is
a kid with a gun. We have been shot."

When she went in the library, there were kids all around. She yelled fur someone to call
91L Nielsondid not see another adult inside. She thought to herself, where is Ms

JC-001- 000073
PROGRESS REPORT Control Number: 1706
CASE NUMBER: 99-16215

Keating? Rich Long then came out and told everyone to get out of the library. He then
ran into the balIway.

Nielsoncould hear gun fire out in the ball. She went to the phone at the servicedesk She
yelled to the kids to get down beforecalling 91L They got under the tables. She told 911
that a kid had been shot.

Peggy Dodd, a library assistant came running out. She grabbed three kids and crawled
into tbe magazine room. Nielson had the phone down on the desk. When Nielson first
called 911, she was standing. The dispatcher asked Nielson to close the doors.

Nielsoncould not see any shooters outside, however, she heard gunfire. Nielson thought
she was far to vulnerable if she attempted to close the doors. Besides she thought she did
not have keys to the library.

A kid came and went under the table near her. However she remembers there was
something under the table and he was a large kid. Nielson decided she would hid
underneath. The large kid was wearing a jacket or shirt that had red or maroon on it.

Nielson got down when the really loud gun fire goes off. When she was down, she still
yelled at the kids even though she could not see them. The suspects came into the library,
however, she could not see them. She took the phone cord and pulled it underneath.
Nielson thought that if they see her on the phone, they would shoot her, so she dropped
the phone.

At about 1205 hrs., a. person arrived at the Nielson home and entered. After a brief
discussion with Nielson and Hollingsworth, Nielson decided to stop the interview. The
person Who entered the home is identified as:

Work Phone: 982-5967
Home Phone: 432-4262

Prior to stopping the interview, the discussion between Juarez, Hollingsworth and Nielson
was in regards to having an attorney present for Nielson before she continued. They also
discussed the up coming tour a.t Chatfield High School. Nielson and Hollingsworth
indicated it would be best if they stopped so she could attend the tour. Therefore, the
interview was terminated.

On the evening of 04-30-99, this Investigator telephoned Hollingsworth. He related that

Nielson wanted to continue the interview. It was determined we would meet on Monday,
05-03-99 at 1100 brs. to conclude the interview.

JC-001- 000074
PROGRESS REPORT Control Number: 1706
CASENUMBER: 99·16215

On 05-03-99 at about 1100 brs., this Investigator returned to the Nielson residence to
conclude the interview. Present for this interview wereSanders and Hollingsworth.

Nielson related while in the library, the phonewas underneath her. She also relatedthat it
was Eric Harris who shot her. In regards to the suspects, when theycame in, Nielson saw
theirfeet. She heard them talk to each other and to other people. When askedhow many
sets offeet she saw, she said two.

Nielson believes that one kid stood up to them in the library. The person said, "That's
enough" in a confrontational voice. Thepersonreplied, "Oh, what do we havehere." She
heard the word Nigger used andthen sheheard them shoot someone.

Nielson heard someoneyeD, "Oh God, Oh God" and the person replied, "Do you believe
in God? The student replied, "Yes." Nielson indicated she could not see the shooters, she
co~ just hear them.

When it was all over, Nielson thought there was more killed in there. She statedthere was
so many bullets. The boy next to her was unknown to Nielson. She was told later by
Dean Kris Mikesell that it was possibly Evan underthe desk.

This Investigator asked Nielson if she ever heard the statement by the shooters that a
person could leave, she stated she does not remember hearing that statement. The
suspects did relate they were going to blow this b"brary up. They were yelling at the

When Nielson finally left, she couldn't see if anyone remained. This Investigator asked
Nielson if she knew an ex-student by the name o~ she said no. She also
relatedwhenshe was standing up, she did not see ~the hallway in front of the
library. She relatedthere was a tot ofnoise in the room.

At one point, the shooters called someone "Fat boy." They yelled at him. She heard one
person say, "Do what ever you want with that one." At another point, the suspects
walked right past Nielson, She was sitting under the counter on her rear end with her legs
crouched up.

When they walked past her, they both bad black pants on which were tucked in their
boots. As they walked past her, one said, "Wait, there is one more thing." He stood in
front of where she was. He picked up a chair and he slammed it on top of the counter
above her head.

JC.001- 000075
PROGRESS REPORT ControlNumber: 1706
CASE NUMBER: 99·16215

Nielson related when he stepped back, she saw his black pants and they were tucked in his
boots. After slamming the chair, the person said, "Let's get down to the commons:' She
remembers a live bullet was on the carpet in front of her.

After they left, Nielson peaked up over the counter and she saw a pair of white tennis
shoes under one of the tables. When she looked up there was DO movement. Nielson
does not remember seeing the kid next to her whenshe left.

Nielson crawled straight into the room in back of her. She crawled iaro a cupboard and
stayedthere for the next three hours. She looked at her watch and it was 1145 hrs, when
she went in.

After she was in the cupboard fur a long time, she heard someone in the room. As they
walked by, she saw a purple dress. She opened the door and saw two women who she
identified as Lois and Carol. She asked them if they knew if the suspects had been caught.
They did not know. At around 1300 hrs., Lois and Carol leave the roam. Nielson stayed
in the room in the cupboard.

Within minutes of Lois and Carol leaving, there "'115 some more gunfire, The gunfire was
very close. She described it as being a small short burst. Nielson believed the shooters
had found Lois and Carol and shot them. Later after it was all over, Lois and Carol told
Nielson they thought just the opposite. Theybelieved the shootersfound Nielson and shot

About two hours after this burst of gunfire, Lois and Carol came back out. At some
point, Nielson heard the sound of glass breaking out. She realizes now that it was
probably Patrick Ireland getting out the window. When she heard the sound of breaking
glass, there were no sounds of gunfire.

Nielson remembers bearing a continuos beeping sound. She learned later that if the fire
alarm remainson for a certain length of time, it begins to beep. She believes the beeping
sound went on for about an hour.

Nielson remained in the cupboard. She heard people in the area again. Suddenly the
cupboard opened and it was Lois. She said, "Patty are you still in there?" They yelled at
her to corne on. They all went out the front door and she did not look around.

When Nielson left the library, she left through the counter door. SWAT was in the
hallway. They were told that the suspects had not been apprehended yet and the building
was full of bombs. KentFriesen, a science teacher was with them at that point and he was
veryupset. He related Dave Sanders was hurt bad.

JC-001· 000076
PROGRESS REPORT ControlNumber: 1706
CASE NUMBER: 99·16215

They all went downstairs, where they waited on the platform. \Vhen it was clear, they
went out the back door of the cafeteria. Prior to going out, they waited fur another
teacher, AI Cram. They were told not to touch the backpack by the door. Once outside,
they wereput in the back of a police car.

It was 1500 to 1545 hrs., when they got out. She was inside for about fuur hours.
Nielson indicates it was Eric Harris who shot her and BrianAnderson. Nielson related she
saw his lace. Then from the laces on television, Harris seemsto fit the person shooting at

Nielson also related that Brian Anderson ID Harris dJrect1y. This Investigator asked
Nielson how she knew that. She indicated Anderson told Peggy Dodd, "Eric Harris
fucking shot me Peggy."

Nielson described the suspect in the hallway which shot her and Anderson as follows:

Black pants, tucked in the boots. He was wearing a black

trenchcoat. Underneath the coat, possibly wearing
something white, the coat was open. He was wearing either
a beret or stalking hat. He was definitely not wearing a
mask. She is positive of that. His left band was extended
and his right band was back.

This Investigator asked Nielson if she could have seen a baseball hat that was on
backwards. She related she has in her head that it was a black beret he was wearing.

This Investigator asked Nielson while she was in the library, did she ever smell smoke.
She said yes. lnitill.lly she thought it was the police throwing in tear gas. When she was in
the cupboard, a long time went by, then she heard what she thought was a single bomb.
Per Nielson, that was it. There was no further gunfire or bombs after that.

Nielson did complete two drawing, one of the library and one oftheir escape route.

JC-oO 1- 000078


-- .- -.

JC-001· 000079
?IRl'lARR ~vada Police/Court System Page 1
Arvada Police Department 08/12/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1939 Time 12,39,32

Type /l.SS'rOA Status RTF
LOcation 620~ S PIERCE ST

DST126 07/29/1939 080299/BOATRIGHT/KK


On OS/21/99 Detective Soacright (!Ol was assigned DN #4950

re~~esting he contact and interview Patricia Nielson. Within the
narrative of the lead 10 was informed Patricia Nielson had been

injured by gunfire in the north hallway, after whicn she entered

the library and sUbsequently placed a 911 call to the Jefferson
County SheriffJs Office. Patricia Nielson reportedly remained in
the library until she was evacuated by members of the SWAT team.
10 was requested to interview Patricia Nielson for the purpose of
gathe~ins additional information related to this investigation.

On OS/25/99 at approximately 0840 hours IO met with Patricia

NielsQn at the Jefferson County Hall of Justice. At the time 10
met with the aforenamed, she was in the company of her husband,
Shane Nielson, her sister Christy Sanders and her therapist
identified as David M. Hollingsworth, MSW. All of the aforenamed
individuals were present for the purpose of supporting Patricia
Nielson during the interview. For purposes of clarification,
Christy sanders is employed through the State of Colorado Public
Defenders Office, IO confirmed wiCh Christy Sanders she was simply
acting as a support system for her sister and was not there on any
official capacity,
Upon contact with Patricia Nielson {AKA Patty Nielson), IO
verified her date of birth as l2/06/63 and she resides at ......
further verified with Patty Nielson she is employed at Columbine
High School as an art teacher.

IO next requested patty Nielson provide an account of her

~ctivities on 04/20/99 beginning at the time she arrived at school.
Patty Nielson explained as was normally the case, she arrived at
school at approximately 0145 hours, parking in the northeast
teachers lot off of Pierce Street. Pat~y Nielson explained her
first period class is free and she normally uses that for
"planning,« 10 verified with Patty Nielson after parking her car
in the northeast teachers lot, ihe then ente~ed the school via the
main ease entrance and subsequently responded back to the jewelry
rOom. 10 would note the aforementioned room is locacad in the
nor~heast area of the school, According to Patty Nielson, upon
arriving at school th~ough the first hour class, she did not make
any observations which she considered to be unusual.

Patty Nielson indicated her second period class began at

ap?roxima~ely 0820 hours and concluded at approximately 0915 hours.
Patty Nielson related her s~cond period class is taught in the
"jewelry room" which is the same location previously described in
thlS report. When asked if anything unusual occurred during her
second period class, Patty Nielson responded in the affirmative.
Patty Nielson recalled during second perioQ, one of her students
identified as "Brit.t.any Gillett.e" (spelling provided by Nielson)

JC-001- 000080
Arvada police/Court SyStem Page 2
Arvada Police Department 08/1.2/1999

Ref # 99-1.2067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,31,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 5201 S PIERCE ST
DET1.26 07/29/1.999 Oe0299/BOATRIGHT/KK

made the statement, "Hey Mrs. Nielson. did you know it was Adolph
Hitler's birthday?" Patty Niel.son stated she was not aware of that
fact and other than to acknowledge Brittany Gillette's comment,
there was no additional discussion concerning that peint. Patty
Nielson stated she did not know whether that comment was relevant
to the investigation but felt it should be reported.
Patty Nielson reported she then taught her third period class
which begins at approximately 0920 hours and concludes at
approximately 1015 hours. Patty Nielson stated her third period
class is taught in the lldrawing room ll which is located in the same
general area as the jewelry room. patty Nielson stated she did not
recall any unusual events during third period class.
In ~aspect to her fourth hour class, Patty Nielson stated it
began at approximately 1020 hours and concluded at approximacely
1110 hours. Pa~ty Nielson indicated her fourth period class is
taught back in the jewelry room and aha did not recall any
additional events which she considered to be unusual,
Patty Nielson explain~d on a no~al day, she would have been
llfinished for the dayH at the conclusion of he.:::: fourth period
class. Patty Nielson stated as part of her assigned duties as a
teacher at Columbine High School, she is required to perform llhall
duty,If Patty Nielson explained on this particular date, she had
made arrangements to crade her hall duty with Rudy Martin and as a
result, was scheduled to work "A lunch" in the north hall while her
as s i qnment; during uS Lunch" was to work the "south hall.
it IO
clarified with Pat~y Nielson had it not been for her hall duty
assignment chat oate she would have left columbine Hi9h School

shortly after the conclusion of her fourth period class. 10

further verified with Patty Nielson the reason she changed hall
assignments with Rudy Martin was to becter accommodate her
When asked to explain her responsibilities when performing
hall duty, Patty Nielson stated her primary responsibilities are to
keep the halls "quiet and prevent students frQm simply »wander Lnq

the halls. II Patty Nielson stated .she is also requested to monitor

euvcenc s who would pos$ibly gather in the halls or try to sneaktI

food" into various parts of the school, Patty Nielson stated she
did not recall having any serious problems when performing hall
duty in the past.
According to Patty Nielson, she began her hall ducy on that
date around the t.Lme IlA Lurrch" started {approximately 1115 hours) ,
Pa~ty Nielson ~xplained during the course of performing her hall
duty in the ~orth hall, she began walking west and recalled beins
just east of the wese entrance/exit {main level) when specific
events pertaining to this investigation began. Patty Nielson
reiterated she was standing just east of the west entrance/exit in
the north hall when she noticed Brian Anderson, a scudent,

JC-001· 000081
PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System Page :)
Arvada Police Department 08!l2/1999

Ref ~ 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASS'l'OA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET125 07/29/1999 08029./BOATRIGHT/KK

passing her location. It was at approximately that sarne time she

heard a unoise ll (unable to be more specific) which ca.used her to
look outside ehe west entrance/exit. Patty Nielson stated at ehat
point she observed a white male (possible student) standing outside
the west entrance/exit near the north library emergency exit door.
Patty Nielson explained at the time she aid not recognize the
student and initially only saw him from behind, Patty Nielson
stated during her initial observation of the student, she noted he
was wearing a j'black trench coat" with either a "bexe t. or black
stocking cap" on his head. Patty Nielson statea when making that
obeerve t.Lcn , she also noted that "smoxe" appeared to be rlrising

around the area where that individual was standing.

Patty Nielson related at the point she was making the above
observation, Brian #~derson commented that the person she just
described must be involved in some type of video production and wag
in possession of what was believed to be a "cap gun.~ Patty
Nielson stated when hearing Brian Anderson's explanation of the
event, she recalled thinkins she did not see a video crew and felt
the studen~'$ behavior was inappropriate, particularly as it
pertained to the simulation of weapons on $chool prope~ty. ~atty
Nielson pointed out it was irrelevant whether or not the student
was involved in a video project she still considered the behavior
very inappropriate.
Patty Nielson stated at that point she began walking west down
the north hall after which she passed through the first set of
doors leading outside the school. IO would note at that location
the~e are two sets of doors separated by what could be described as
a vestibule area. !O clarified with Patty Nielson she had passed
through the first set of doors and was still proceeding westbound
in an effort to contact the student. Patty Nielson further
clarified that as she proceeded in the manner indicated, Brian
Anderson accompanied her and was walking to her left {south).

Patty Nielson related just after she and Brian Anderson had
walked throu9h the first set of doors, the student she previously
described turned and looked back in her direction. According to
Patty Nielson, this student was originally facing a somewhat
southerly direction as she began to approach his location< As
Patty Nielson continued with her explanation, she noced once the
suspecc had turned and looked in her direction, she remembered he
usmiled." pacey Nielson seated at that point the suspect leveled
a long firearm in her direction and subsequently fired the weapon.
When asked to describe the individual who fired the weapon in her
direction, Patty Nielson responded she believed it was llEric
Harris.~ 10 confirmed with patty Nielson she based that
identification from photographs she had seen of Eric Harris via
news footase. Patty Nielson was again asked to describe the
individual who fired the weapon i~ her direction. Patty Nielson
clarified the individual who fired the weapon in her direction was
the person she had previously described. Patty Nielson did

JC-001- 000082
PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 4
Arvada Police Department 08/12/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,,9"2

Type ASSTOA Stat"s RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET126 07/29/1999 O~a299/BOATRIGHT/KK

indicate she made additional observations of that individual as she

moved closer to his location. When asked to provide those
additional detail$, pat~y Nielson stated in addition to how she
previously described the individual, she now knew he was wearing
~lblack pancs" which were « t ueked into black boots. n Patty Nielson
stated the weapon which she observed the individual holding
appeared to be a «rifle l' style firearm. In addieion, Patty Nielson
described the weapon as being black in color ~~d pointed out sha
did not recall seeing any type of wood stock on the weapon. Patty
Nielson related when the weapon was fired in her direction, it
appeared as though the butt of the rifle was against the suspect's
shoulder. patty Nielson indicated she could not provide additional
information related to the suspect or weapon description.
When asked if she made any other observations prior to the
suspect firing the weapon, patty Nielson responded in the
affirmative. Patty Nielson stated as she approached the suspect's
location, she saw what she believed were twO female students seated
against the north lib~ary wall area. IO clarified with Patty
Nielson she was referring to a location outside the west en~ranCe
doors which would have actually been to the south of the doors.
For purposes of clarification, when ref~rring to that location, it
would be accurate to also refer to it as the north exterlor library
wall. IO further verified with Patty Nielson the two unidentified
female students would have been located in between the west
entrance/exit and the north library emergency exit door. When
asked if it appeared as though either of those students had been
inj ur-ed , Patey Nielson ae.e e ed she wa.s uncertain. patty Nielson
pointed out the event she previously described happened very
quickly, thus her observations were limited.

Patty Nielson was next asked to describe what occurred at the

point the suspect fired in her direction. patty Nielson stated
when the suspect fired the first shot; it penetrated the south side
ex~erior door. Specifically Patty Nielson was refer~ing to the
glass window which is attached to the door. IO confirmed with
Patty Nielson ahe was describing the far left doer (window) as she
was facing west. Patty Nielson stated almose immediately upon that
first shot being fired~ both she and Brian Anderson began to turn
around in an effort to flee the area. Patty Nielsen s~ated it was
ac that point she heard the second shot fired. Patty Nielson
stated when hearing the second shot, she saw Brian And.erson Ilarch
back and throw up his handa , II after which the afe-renamed fell to
the ground. Patty Nielson $tate~ Brian k~der6on was still located
to her south at the point he appeared to have been shot. Patty
Nielson stated she could not be specific in terms of what direction
B~ian Anderson was facing when he was shot but believed both were
in the process of turning around which would have caused them to
then be facing in an easterly direction, Patty Nielson went on to
scate it: was at this same time she was '1grazed by what she

believed was a bullet. Patty Nielson stated the injury she

receiv~d from being "grazed" was to the right shoulder area.

JC-001· 000083
PIRNARR A~ada Police/Court System pase 5
Arvada Police Department 08/12/1999

Ref # 99-l206'7 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
DE!12'; 07/29(1999 OS0299(BOATRIOHT/KK

Patty Nielson stated after being "grazed I " she realized Brian
Anderson had fallen down to all fours after which she dropped down
to her knees and began crawling. Patty Nielson clarified both she
and Brian Anderson were crawling in an easterly direction towards
the second set of doors which enter directly into the school.
Patty Nielson indicated she along with Brian Anderson ware
successful in crawling to the door farthest north an~ subsequently
made entry to the school. Patty Nielson did point out neither she
or Brian ~~erson were able to COmpletely open the door when making

Patty Nielson staceQ once entry was made into the school
{north hallway area), both she and Brian Anderson got up to their
feet and r~~ to the librarf. Patty ~ielsQn stated at that point
she assumed the suspect who was firing the weapon was following
them into the school, Patty Nielson stated at the poine they
a~rived at the entrance to the library, she began to hear
additional gunshots, Patty Nielson was unable to be more spec~fic
concerning those gunshots, IO would note, Patty Nielson was
provided with diagrams to assist in her description of this
Fatty Nielson stated when she entered the librar!, she
remembered announcing, "HeIp , there' a a kid with a gun, we've been
shot." patt.y Nielson reported. at that point. she did look back
towards the hallway to see if she was being followed hy the suspect
and remembered seeing students moving in the hallway but she could
not identify chern, Patty Nielson related she again announced,
II There , 9 a kid with a gun, rl after which she asked for the location
of "Ms. Keating. Patty Nielson described as she made the above

statements, she was moving west thro~gh the library past the main
eoun~er, Patty Nielson stated it was possible at ehac point she
began telling scuctenee in the library to "get: dcwn.«
Patty Nielson stated as she passed by the main counter in the
library (going west), she remembered seeing a fellow faculty member
{Rich Long} come out from a north hallway area located in the
library. patty Nielsen was referring to an areA which had rooms
located down the hall which ultimately led to the north emergency
exit door, Patty Nielson related when she observed Rich Long, she
recalled he was yelling, IIGatt out of the li-bra:J;y, l' Patty Nielson
stated based en her recollection, she believed Rich Long proceeded
east through the library and exited out into the hallway, Patty
Nielson related she was not: certain as to specific activity
involvin9 students who remained in the library at that point.
Pursuant to questioning, Patty Nielson could not racall if anyone
else exited the library at that time.

Patty Nielson seated after going around ~he west side of the
main ccunte~, she remembered Brian .~dersan passing by her as she
wen~ to So use the phone. IO would note the aforementioned phone

JC-001· 000084
HRNAAR Arvada Police/Court System Page 6
Arvada Police Department 08/12/1999

Ref It 99-12067 Reported Da~e 04/20/1999 Time 12:39,32

Type ASSTOA Statu.. RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCg $T

DET126 07/29/1999 08Q299/BOATRIGHT/KK

is located behind the main counter in the liQrary. !O further

clarified with Patty Nielson, Brian Anderson baa also gone around
the main counter from the west side.
Patty Nielson related when she reached the phone, she
remembered dialing "9911. H patty Nielson stated the reason she
dialed the first nine was to ensure that she gee an outside line.
Patty Nielson staced as she dialed the phone, she remembered
telling herself she needed to "stay calm, It Patty Nielson indicated
the only othe~ recollection she had at that moment was standing
behind the counter (holding the phonel looking out into the
library. Patty Nielson stated she did remember seeing Peggy Dodd
coming from somewhere to the west of her location. Patty Nielson
stated she further recalled Peggy Dodd was tjs.taying low tl to the
poine where the aforanamed eventually began llcrawling," pacey
Nie~son re~ated she subsequently lost sight of peggy oodd and did
not know where she had gone. At that point IO played a 26 minute
tape of the 911 oall the forenamed plaoed On 04/20/99 at
aPP~oximately 1127 hours. Once the tape was reviewed, Patty
Nielson did indicate it appeared to be accurate in terms of her
recollection of the incident.

Patty Nielson stated moments after dialing 119911, f' she made
contact with whom she now identified as a Jefferson County
Sheriff!s Department dispatcher. pe99Y Dodd reiterated she
attempted to stay calm so she could explainehe situation which was
occurring at Columbine High School. Patty Nielson seated she
recalled providing the dispatcher with the basic information which
included the fact there was a student on the premises who was
firing a weapon. Patty Nielson sta~ed as she continued to spea~
with the dispatcher and provide information to assist the deputies
responding, she began to hear gunshots and yelling which sounded a~
though it was coming closer to the li~ra~/. patty N~elson stated
she was certain the gunshots and yelling were now coming from the
hallway Qutside the library bue poin~ed out she could not see
anyone at that point. IO confirmed with patty Nielson from the
poi~t she was at, she could see out into the hallway, however, he~
visibility was limited based on tha configuration of the doorway
and one wkndow (located to the south, which faced out into the
Patty Nielson related about that time she remembexed seeing
smoke begin to enter the library. Patty Nielson explained the
smoke rOSe up towards the ceiling as it began to enter the library
from the hall. patty Nielson xelaeed at that point. it was her
belief the hallway had become filled with smoke. When asked to
describe the smoke, patty Nielson stated it could best be described
as :'dark and cloudy. II
Patty Nielson indicated at the point she began to see smcke
ent.e.r Lnq t.he librarYt she then "got down on the floor.11' patty
N~elscn went on to scate at the point she got down on the floor,

JC-001. 000085
Arvada Police/Court System Page 7
Arvada Police Department 06/12/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,3~,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
LOCation 6201 S PIERCE $'1'

DET126 07/29/1999 080299/BOATRIGHT/KK

she was etill in contact with the Jefferson Councy Sheriff's Office
dispatcher and remembered yelling to the students present in the
library. When asked what she was yelling at that cime, Patty
Nielson stated she believed she was telling the students to stay
down. Patty Nielson indicated one of the main reasons she
continued to yell out. to the students was she wanted to Ilreassure
them somebody was doing something."

IO confirmed with PAtty Nielsen up to this point she had been

advising Jefferson County Sheriff's Office dispatchers of the
situation, specifically that she was now present in the library and
she had seen a student firing a weapon. In addition, Patty Nielson
indicated the Jefferson County Sher~ff's Office dispatch was
further advised there were injuries as a result of the shooting.
Patty Nielson went on to state as she was speaking with the
dispatcher shortly after the 911 contact was made, she clarified
she had continued eo instruct studencs to stay down under the
tables. Patty Nielson stated she also bel~eved sha had informed
the dispatcher One suspect had entered the school and was in the
hallway outside the library.
Patty Nielson went on to state approximately two minutes into
the 9~1 calli she began to hear additional gunshots or explosions
which she now knew were taking place righc cucside the library.
Patty Nielson clarified up to this poine i~ was her belief there
was only one suspect involved in the shootinS.
Patty Nielson stated a shore time later she began to think
there was possibly more than one suspect. When asked to elaborate,
Patty Nielson explained beeed on the ltyelling H and -vcdces" she was
hearing directly outside the library entrance, she began to
conclude there was more than one suspect. Patty Nielson stated she
eould not recall any specific statements made by the suspects at
that time but remembered thinking she was hearing more than one
voice and more than one person yelling II Patey Nielson explained

as she continued to hear shots and possible explOsions cut in the

hall, she continued to caution studencs in the libra~y to ~stay
down or stay on the floor." Patty Nielson further recalled during
this time frame providing the di$patcher with a 5uspeot
description. patey Nielson then told IO when she was describing
the suspect to the dispatcher she remembered she was only thinking

there was one individual involved. patty Nielson stated after she
had described the suspect to the dispatcher, it was at that point
she began to think that there were possibly two suspects involved
for the reasons seated above,
Patty Nielson next told IO there was either a loud gunshot or
explosion directly outside the library which she recalled occurred
jusc se~ands before the suspects entered the li~rary. Patty
Nielson stated at the poin~ the suspects entered the library, she
knew for a fact there were two. Wh~~ asked to elaborate, Patty
Nielson stated she CQuld hear the suspects' movements directly on

JC-001· 000086
PIRNARR Arvada police/Court System Page 6
Arvada ~olice Department 08/12/1933

Ref # 39-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASsTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S pr~RC~ ST
DET126 07/29/1999 080299/BOATRIGHT/KK

the other side of the main counter she wee hiding behina. Petty
Nielson stated based on the movements she heard (walking type
noises), she determined there were two suspects. Patty Nielson
stated once the suspects had entered the library, she remembered
she started whispering when speaking to the dispatcher. Patty
Nielson stated she initially began whispering the "Lord's PrayeJ;"
at which time she also moved further underneath the deek to provide
better concealment. Patty Nielson stated at that point she was
angling in a southerly direction and was still in contact with the
Jefferson County Sheriff's Department dispatcher.
patty Nielsen stated she continued reCiting the Lord's prayer
until she heard the dispatcher ask her her name. Patty Nielson
staced she did respond to the dispatcher by indicating her name was
"Patty Nielson. It Patty Nielson stated after prOViding the
dispatcher with her name she then indicated, "They're in here,l!
Patty Nielson stated she wanted the dispatcher to understand the
suspects had now entered the library. Patty Nielson stated it was
also at that same time she began to hear at least one of the
suspects demanding that everyone "get up." Patt.y Nielson stated
she believed the suspect repeated that demand several times.
Pursuant co questioning, Patty Nielson stated when the suspects
initially entered the library she knew based on their movement they
were going in a westerly direction. Paeey Nielson stated the
suspects were in fact moving in a westerly directiqu when she heard
them demand that students in the library Ugee up. 11 Patty Nielson
told IO to the best of her knowledge she did not believa any of the
students complied with the suspect1s demands. Patty Nielson told
IO it was at that t~me she began to hear gunshots on the west side
of the library. pat~y Nielson was unable to recall the nurrber of
gunshots she hea:d but ie was her belief that the suspects were
"going around and shooting every student who was hiding underneath
the ubles." Patty Nielson told IO shortly after she begen to hear
the initial gunshots she then dropped the phone, n !O clarified

with Patty Nielson she was still concealed under the main counter
facing what she believed was a southerly direction. Patty Nielson
did point out once she hed let go of the phone she movea further
back in~o the open space in an effort to provide better concealment
from the suspects.
Patty Nielson stated once she knew shooting was going on
inside the library she :began to hear "hoocing and hollering. n
patty Nielson stated ~t was very clear in her mind the $uspects
were Henjoying themselves. f' Patty Nielson reiterated it was her
belief che suspects were methodically going to each table and
shooting the students who were hiding underneath those tables.
Patty Nielson alec stated she heard the suspects taunting various
students. When asked specifically what she heard, Patty Nielson
stated she remembered one of the suspects stating to scmeone , 1tyou
chink those glasses look cccl or 11 You think those glassEt$ are
Patty" Nielson staced it was clear in. her mind the suspects
were atcemptins to humiliate the v~ctim5 prior to shooting them.

JC.{}01· 000087
PIRNMlR Arvada Police/Court System Page 9'
Arvada Police Department 08/12/1999

Ref 11 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Location 6201 S PIERCE £1'
D81'126 07/29/1999 OS0299/eOATRIGH1'/KK

IO asked Patty Nielson if what she had previously described had all
oc~urred on the west side of the library, Patty Nielson responded
in the negative. Patty Nielson reiterated the incident she began
on the west side of the library, however, she knew at one point she
could then hear gunshots on the east side of tne library. Patty
Nielson stated the "hooting and hollering was balilically continuous

throughout the incident but she could not be more specific

concerning the points when she heard the suspects trying to
humiliate the victims.
When asked if she could recall any other statements made by
the suspects, Patty Nielson responded in the affirmative. Patty
Nielson stated at one point she remembered hearing a suspect yell
to a victim, flWho do you think you are-" and at some other point she
heard one of the suspects yell/ "Kill all the jocks. lI Patty
Nielson again clarified she could not recall in a specific sequence
what was said when but remembered hearing the above comments.
As Patty Nielson continued to reflect on the incident in the
library she hegan to recall additional de~ails, patty Nielson
specifically began to recall other comments she had heard made by
the suspects and possible victims. When a~ked to elaborate/ patty
Nielson stated at one point during the incident ahe remembered
hearing I1a boy being confrontational with them. II When asked to
elaborate/ patty Nielson stated the confrontation waS strictly
verbal but remembered heaxing the unidentified male st~dent state
words to the effect of s t he t ' s: ena'.l!;h, he's dead. 1\ Patty Nielson
told IO up to this point she could not be specific in terms of
where the individuals were located when they were making various
comments but believed the above described co~ment occurred further
south in the library towards either the center or far east
patty Nielson then reealled hearing one of the suspects
comment, 'lWhat do we have here, a nigger.l~ Patty Nielson explained
after hearing that comment she then heard gunshots and assumed
anocher student had been shot. Patty Nielson was unaQle to
identify the loeaeion where that comment originated. Patty Nielson
did clarify after hearing each gunshot she assumed another student
was being shot.
As Patty Nielson continued to recall comments made by the
suspects and victims she remembe=ed hearing a female voice near
table #1 or #2 on the east side of the library. When asked what
she heard coming from that location, Patty Nielson stated she heard
the female voice st.ated. IIOh God, ch God. oh God. II Patty Nielson
rela~ed in response to the above statemen~S by the female student t
she then heard one of the suspects ask, 'I¥OU believe in God?1<
Patty Nielson related she believed the suspect repeated the
quest.ion and again asked the female, You believe in God?l1 Pacey

Nielson stated in response to the suspect's question she then heard

the female student: reply, ltYes ' f but reported t.hat voice was very

JC..Q01- 000088
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Arvada Police Department 08/12/1999

Ref # .99-12007 Reported Date 04/<0/199.9 Time 1<,39,32

Type Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
OET1<6 07/<9/1999 OaO<99/BOATRIGHT/KK

II soft and quiet." Patty Nielson added she believed the victim was
II crying l ' during the above verbal excha.nge with the euspeca . Patty
Nielson went onto state when she heard the female's voice she
remetllbered thinking that the female was possibly II moving 'I as she
was speaking. Patty Nielson was unable to be more specific in
terms of that incident other chan to reiterate ahe knew chose
comments were coming from a location near table #1 or #2.

When asked what else she could remember related to this

incident, Patty Nielson stated there seemed to be continuous
gunfire during the course of the incident intermingled with the
above descr~bed suspect and vic~irn s~atements. Patty Nielson
stated she also remembered at one point hearing glass b~eakins and
a$$umed it was coming from the West windows; however, she could not
be certain, At that point in the interview, Patty Nielson again
told IO in respec~ co the comments she was unable co recall the
sequence and with only a few exceptions was unable to recall where
any of the comments originated. IO confirmed with patty Nielson in
respect to the comments, if she was able to identify a general area
or location from which they originated that information was
reported and to the best of her knowledge accuraee.
when asked what she next recalled, Patty Nielson stated ae one
pOlnt just prior to the s~spects leaving the library, she knew they
had come up and walked behind the main counter, Pacey Nielson
staced when she ~~ew the 6USP~Cts were behind the counter she
remembered hearing a student state, HI don't want to s.-ec in
trouble, I don't want to get. in trouble. Il Patty Nielson then heard
one of the suspects respond to the student by stating. IIYou don't
know- what trouble is-. lI Pa.tty Nielson believed the suspect then
referred to the: student as: Ilpathetic.1! Patty Nielson related
earlier in this i~cident she had also heard one of the suspects
refer to another student as "pat net Lc . JI

Continuing with Patty Nielson's explanation of the incident,

the forenamed stated she then heard che second suspect confxont
that same student (referred to above). Patty Nielson heard the
suspect e c at;e to the student; HWhatta we got here, a fat boy? I'
Pacty Nielson next heard one of the suspects tell the other suspect
he could "de whatever you want with that one, ! don't care. ,t Patty
Nielson concluded the suspect was again referring to that same
student, At that point 10 clarified with pacty Nielson both the
$U30ects were located behind the main counter and it was he: belief
the~ student they were in contact with was also located somewhere
behind the counter. Patty Nielson clarified she could not see that
scudent nor did she ever see ~hat student during the course of this
Patty Nielson related after hearing ehe above verbal exchange
she did noe specifically hear what either of the suspects intended
to do with the student they had been threatening. Patty Nielson
reported the next comment she did hear from one of the suspects had

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Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:)9:32

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Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET126 07/29/1999 Oe0299/aOATRIGHT/KK

"something to do with guns.n Patty Nielson was unable to be more

specific concerning that point. Patty Nielson stated after she
heard the reference to the guns she could then hear movement behind
the main counter and believed one of the suspects had possibly set
something down as he walked past her location. Patty Nielson was
referring co the counter area where the suspect may have placed an
item. Patty Nielson told to i: was at that point she thou9ht she
was going to "be shot.\! Patty Nielson did relate as t.he suspect
had walked pase her location she was able to glance over to the
side and observed that individual wearing "b l ack pants and black

Within moments of making that observation, Patty Nielson then

heard one of the suspects state; "r;iaic there's one more thing. ~l
According to Patty Nielson, one of the suspects then picked up a
chair located behind the main counter and threw it down on top of
the desk. Patty Nielsen stated the chair struck the desk directly
above where she was concealed. Patty Nielson told 10 at this point
she was uncertain as to whether or not the suspects knew she was
Patty Nielson related after the chair had been thrown on top
of the desk she then heard one of the suspects et.ace , IILet' $ get
down to the Commons, \1 Patty Nielson indicated that comment
indicated to her that the suspects were preparing to leave. Patty
Nielson stated she did not actually see the suspects leave but soon
thereafter did not recall hearing any additional movement he hind
the ma~n counter, patty Nielson further clarified she did not hear
any additional shots or explosions occurring in the library after
hearing that comment.

pacey Nielson stated approximately five minutes after she

believed the suspects had left the library she came out from behind
the counter and looked out into the libra,y. Patty Nielson stated
she did not recall specifically seeing anyone but remembered seeing
"tierm i.a shcee v around the area what e been identified as tables #9

and #10. Patty Nielson was unable to be more specific concerning

that point. pa~ty Nielson was askeo if she recalled seeing anyone
when she looked out in~o the library, Patty Nielson responded in
the negative and chen added, "I assumed everyone was dead. II Pa.tty
N~elson stated at that point she crawled on her hands and knees
back into a "ki~chenR type area located directly north behind the
main counter, Patty Nielson explained she then crawled into a
cupboard (located directly off the floor) where she closed the
doors and concealed herself. Patty Nielson stated it was at that
point she looked at her watch and recalled the time being
approximately 1145 hours. Pursuant to questioning, Patty Nielson
repor~ed she did not actually hear anyone (suspect or victim) leave
the library prior to or after she moved into the kitchen area.
Patty Nielson went onto state she assumed she was the only one left
alive in the library. Patty Nielson related it was not uncil later
that she realized others were present.

JC.001· 000090
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Arvada Police Depa~tment 06/12/1999

Ref 11 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 5 PIERCE 5T
DET126 07/29/1999 080299/BOATRIGHT/KK

IO subsequently asked Patty Nielson to explain what occurred

after she concealed herself in the cupboard in the kitchen area.
Patty Nielson explained she could still hear what she believed were
gunshots and explosions from inside the school. Patty Nielson
cla~ified the aforementioned noises were not coming from the
library but some place else within the school. Patty Nielson
related there were also times wbere there was silence after which
it would again erupt in either what she believed were guns hoes or
explosions. patty Nielson was unable to be more specific
concerning the number of gunshots or explosions she heard. Patty
Nielson then related it was also during this same time frame she
could still hear the suspects llyellin911 somewhere inside the
school. Again, Patty Nielson indicated the aforementioned yelling
was not coming from inside the library
When asked if she could put a time frame to the aforementioned
observations! Patty Nielson stated she knew she had made the ahove
observations prior to hearing "helicopters. Patty Nielson stated

at one point while hidden in the cupboard she definitely heard

helicopters but pointed out she was still hearing what she believed
were gunshots coming from somewhere in the school. Pacey Nielson
stated as time passed she could feel her left foot beginning to
cramp and she was also having pain in her shoulder from the gunshot
injury. Patty Nielson then attempted to describe to 10 the
position she was in while concealed in the cupboard, In brief,
patty Nielson ~escribed a very cramped area which did not allow her
to move any of her extremities, thus causing joint pain along with
cramping. patty Nielson specifically mentioned pain she
experienced in her shoulders/neck ar~a due to the fact her head had
to be bent forward in order to fit in the cupboard. Pacty Nielson
also recalled trying to suppress coughs while being concealed.

10 confirmed with Patty Nielson upon entering the cupboard she

was still hearing gunshots and what she thought were explosions.
She also heard yelling which she attributed to the suspects. 10
further verified all those noises were coming from outside the
librarj. When asked if she eould recall anything else up to that
point, Patty Nielsen paused and then responded ~n the affirmative,
Pacty Nielson stated she believed she could hear a phone ringing in
the library somewhere. Patty Nielson was unable to be more
specific concerning that point.
Patty Nielsen did indicate there was one point where an event
took place thac she could reference back to an approx~mata time due
to the fact she looked at her watch. When asked co elaborate,
Patty Nielson indicated she remembered hearing mOvement in the
kicchen area, Patey Nielson stated she then looked out into the
kitchen area through a small opening created by the cupboard door
not closing completely. Patty Nielson stated at that po~nt she saw
a female in a dress and moments later recognized that person as
L01S Keen. a library assistant. Patty Nielson stated at that point

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Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1PPP Time 12,39:32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 5 PIERCE 5T
DET126 07/29/19P9 080299/BOATRIGHT/¥~

she made contact with Lois Keen who was new standing in the kitchen
area near where she was hiding. IO confirmed with Patty Nielson
she did not get out from the cupboard when speaking with Lois Keen.
When asked what occurred during ehat conversation, Patty Nielson
stated she remembered Lois Keen asking, npatty, do you know what's
going on, have they caught them." Patty Nielson statea she
responded to Lois Keen in the negative and then related to !O this
was the first time she reali2ed there were others present in the
library who were still alive. Patty Nielson stated her
conversation with Lois Keen was very brief and was conducted in
whispers" Patty Nielson staced based on her conversation with Lois
Keen neither were able to determine whether or not the suspects had
been apprehended or where they were presently located. pat~y
Nielson did indicate when speaking with Lois Keen, the forenamed
reported she along with Carol Weld were hiding in the llRNN room, Ii
Patty Nielson pointed out it was later she learned the forenamed
assistants were hiding in the s oundpr Qo f booth.l! Patty Nielson

stated her conversation with Leis Keen was very brief after which
both Lois Keen and Carol weld walked back towards what Patty
Nielson believed was the &~ reom. Patty Nielson stated it was her
impression both the forenamed were going to continue hiding in that
location. Patty Nielson then commented there was no discussion
between herself and Lois Keen in terms of all three of them hiding
together or any plan of action related to their situation.
Patty Nielson stated within a couple of minutes after the
above described situation occurred she again heard llgunfire. II
Patty Nielson reported the gunfire was very close and it wa5 her
fear that Carol Weld and Lois Keen had been caught by ~he suspects
ana killed. When asked how ~~y shots were fired, Patty Nielson
stated, 'IEnough to kill those two ladies." 10 verified with Patty
Nielson she was certain there were at least two shots fired at that
point, Patty Nielson stated it was possible there were more than
two shots but simply remembered thinking that the number of shots
she heard were certainly enough to kill Lois Keen and Carol Weld.
Patty Nielson stated she remembered thinking that Lois Keen and
Carol Weld had not made it back to their original hiding place
prior to being caught by the suspects.
Pursuant to questioning, Patty Nielson reported the above
describ~d gunshOts (which occ~r=ed shortly after 1300 hours)
seemed very close and it was her belief those gunshots came from
inslde the library. Patty Nielson pointed out since the time the
suspects left the library originally she had not heard gunshots
that seemed to be as close as the ones she just described. Patty
Nielson was unable to be specific in terms of where the gunshots
may have originated in reference to a specific area in the library,
Patey Nielson again commented it was simply her impression the
susoects had cauqht Lois Keen and Carol Weld as they were returning
to their hiding place in the RNN reom. When asked if she believed
that was where those qu~shots came from, Patty Nielson stated she
could not be certain ind could only indicate that they seemed

JC..o01.00oo 92
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Arvada Police Department oe!l2!1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 01/20/1999 Time 12:39,32

Location 5201 S PIERCE sT

PET12S 07/29/1999 Oa0299!BOATRIGHT!KK

close. Patty Nielson repeated after the above described gunfire,

she did not hea~ any additional gunfire which seemed to be that
when aSked what other observations she made after that point.
Patty Nielson stated she remembered sporadic gunfire (from a
distance) along with the "bells." IO confirmed with Patty Nielson
she was referring to the school bells which rang at the beginning
and the end of every class. Patty Nielson stated she also recalled
hearing llglass breaking" which she stated last.ed f'for awhile. II
Patty Nielson could not be specific in terms of where the noise
originated but knew it had to be somewhat close due to the fact she
could hear it. Patty Nielson was asked if she could eseimace the
time frame when she heard the glass breaking. ?atcy Nielson stated
she believed it would have been sometime between 1330 and 1400
hours but definitely after the loud gunshots she reported above.
Patty Nielson then pOlnced out i~ was around 1400 hours she
recalled hea.t'ing a "beeping nc" which she xemembe red thinking
was possibly a "bomb." Patty Nielson stated the "beeping noise H
was close to her location, however, she could not specifically
identify ica origin. IO did confirm with Patty Nielson that she
heard the glass breaking prior to hearing ehe beeping noise which
she believed began at approximately 1400 hours,

Patty Nielson stated after approximately 1400 hours she did

not recall hearing much additional gunfire. patty Nielson stated
there were periods where everything was very quiet and she would
hea= what she thought was possibly an explosion noise or gunfire.
Patty Nielson stated she wasnft specifically tim~ng any events but
recalled thinking there was apout a 20 minute delay in between
periods when it was very quiet and when she would hear either a
gunfire or explosion noise.

Patty Nielaon stated somecime between 1500 and 1515 hours she
again heard someone in the library. Patty Nielson stated she could
hear walking and assumed one or both of the suspeces had returned.
Patty Nielson then identified che noises as coming from inside the
kitchen area and became very concerned. Patty Nielsen $~ated she
thought it was possible the suspects were continuing to look for
people who had hidden during chis course of this incident. Patty
Nielson stated while thinking the above thoughts the cupboard door
opened quickly at which time she saw Leis Keen bent over locking
into the cupboard. Patty Nielson recalled Lois Keen immediately
stating to her "You re still in there. If According to patty
f f

~ielson( Lois Keen went onto state she assumed the suspects had
found her (referring to Patty Nielson) shortly after their last
contact. Patey Nielson specifically recalled Lois :Keen t HI
thought. they shot. you. Patty Nielson then pointed out it was

apparent Lois Keen and Carol Weld had also heard the same gunshots
shortly after their previous meeting and had come to the same
conclusion. patty Nielson stated she too told Lois Keen it was her
belief they had been shot shortly after their last meeeing.

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Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32

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Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET126 07/29/1999 Oa0299/BOATRIGHT/KK

Patty Nielson related the above contact was again brief in

nature and was conducted in low voices or whispers. Patty Nielson
stated a~ the end of that conversation either she nor Lois Keen
then closed the cupboard door. IO clarified with Patty Nielson abe
remained in the cupboard concealed as Lois Keen appeared to be
walking back out into the library.

patey Nielson stated moments later either Carol Weld or Lois

Keen yelled back in her direction, "patty, come on,' patty, oome
on. H
Patty Nielson stated based on the volume of the voice she
heard she realized there was no effort being made to conceal
anyone's whereabouts, Patty Nielson stated she subsequently opened
the cupboard door and could see out through the doorway into the
area located behind the main library counter, Patty Nielson
explained she was able to observe both Lois Keen and Carol Weld,
Patty tr LeLacn reported the II ladies" were then directing her to come
out from her place of hiding and somehow indicated that II SWATH
officer. were out in the hall. patty Niel.on .ubge~ently crawled
out from the cupboard and made her way into the library stopping
behind the main counter, patty Nielson indicated from that point
she could see SWAT officers out in the hall direotly outside the
library, Patty Nielson stated the SWAT officers then direceed her
out into the hall and began her evacuation. Patty Nielson did
point out the SWAT o~ficer~ were taking precautions for their
welfare as well as hers as she was being directed down the stairs
into the Commons. patey Nielson reported they were s~se~Jently
directed co exit the school via a west door in the Commons area.
Patty Nielson stated from that point she ran up the stairs to a
grass area which is located d~rectly outside the wese entrance
where she had originally been shot. Patty Nielson stated from that
point she was contacted by the police and then taken to 5afet~.

Pursuant to questioning/ Patty Nielson explained during this

incident she was U~4ware Pat Ireland had escaped from the libra~1
via a west window and the suspects had actually returned to che
library where they were later found dead of gunshot wounds to the
head. At that point Patty Nielson reiterated observations sne had
made which eould possibly be ccnsistenc with those events,
Specifically, Patty Nielson made reference to hearing the gunshots
which occur~ed shortly after 1300 hours which she knew were very
close in proximity to her location. Patty Nielson" reiterated
throughout the course of this incident, she did not hear any
additional gunshots Which she felt could have been any closer.
Patty Nielson did clarify she was noe seating the aforementioned
gunshots were the ones that in fact killed the suspects,

Patty Nielson also made reference to the point sometime

between approximately 1330 and 1400 hours when she heard glass
breaking. Again Patty Nielson was not indicating she could confirm
thac was the noise caused when Pat Ireland escaped the lihrary via
one of the west windows.

Jc.o01- 000094
PIRNARR Arvada Polioe/Court System Page 1$
Arvada. Police Department OB/l2!l999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/l999 Time l2,39:32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Looation 620l S PIERCE ST
DETl26 07/29/1999 oa0299/BOATRIGHT/KK

Patty Nielson indicated to IO in the event she had additional

recollections, she would contact him with that information. IO
subsequently concluded his contact with Patty Nielson. See the
diagrams and 911 tape for complete details.

JC-001- 000095
902-4400 • MAIN OFFICE
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Q;; g
~ ~
flIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 1
Arvada Police Department 08/30(1999

Reported Date 04/20/~9S~ Time 12:39:32

Type ASS'l'OA Statu.s RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET135 08(27(1999 OS2699/BOATRIGHT!MO

Connecting case Jefferaon County Sheriff's Department 99-7625

On 03/23/99, Detective Boatright {IO} was contacted by
Detective Kate Batten of the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department.
Kate Batten subsequently requested to recontact Patti Nielson and
interview her regarding a statement appearing in an August 24, 1999
~ocky Mountain News article. In brief, the statement reads, "Art
teacher Patti Nielson; hiding in a cabinet/ heard voices in unison
count, 'one! two! three!' then she heard a loud boom. Refer to

the aforementioned Rocky Mountain News article for complete


IO along with Detective Batten then discussed the previous

interview conducted with Patti Nielson occurring on OS/25/99. IO
would note he was the detective conducting that interview and at no
time did Patti Nielson ever provide information as was documented
in the Rocky Mountain News article dated August 22, 1999
Additionally, at no time did Patti Nielson ever offer specific
information related to the point where Eric Harris and Dylan
Klebold were fatally shot. It was determined IO would recontact
Patti Nielson and clarify the above issue. The above lead has not
been assigned a DN # and Detective Batten is aware of that fact.
Detective Batten indicated she would assign a DN ~ and complete the
appropriace paperwork when this repor~ is reviewed.

On 08/24/99 at approximately 0845 hours IO contacted Patti

Nielson via telephone, IO subsequently confirmed with Patti
N~elson she waS aware of the fact she had been quoted in the Rocky
Mountain News article as documented above, When asked if that was
an accurate account of the incident occu~~in9 on 04/20/99, Patti
Nielson resocnded in the neqaeive, Patti Nielson told 10 she at no
time has ever spoken with either Lynn Bartells or Carla Crowder
(News staff writers responsible for the article} patti Nielsen

went on to state to her knowledge she has never been interviewed by

a Rocky Mountain News writer. Patti Nielson explained she did
recall giving an interview to the Denver Pest apprOXimately 2 1/2
to 3 months ago but again denied making the statement which was
quoted in the Rocky MoUntain News article.
Patti Nielson told IO she was unclear as to who the source for
that quote was but speculated someone she had possibly spoken with
relayed that infcrmat~on to the Reeky Mountain News writers. When
asked for further clarification on,that point, Patti Nielson stated
over the course of time she has had numerous conversations with
friends, students and associates where she has speculated on how
Eric Harris and Oylan Klebold died, Patti Nlelson stated she could
have envisioned a "scenario" where the two suspects did something
like a countdown and then shot themselves simultaneously, patti
Nielson quickly pointed out what she described was pure speculation
and she made no observations concerning that poine,

When asked if she had any additional information she felt was

JC-oO 1· 000098
PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 2
Arvada Police Department Q8/30/1999

l\ef ii 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type .~SSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET135 08/27/1999 082699/BOATRIGHT/MO

relevant to this investigation, Patti Nielson responded in the

affirmative. Patti Nielson went on to explain even though sha made
no specific observations concerning the point where Eric Harris and
Dylan Kl.ebc Ld died, she said did have 11 "feeling.;' Patti Nielson
explained she was again simply "speculating ll but felt that Eric
Harris and Dylan Klebold had shot themselves I1simultaneously.'1
Patti Nielson went on to state approximately one half hour to 45
minutes prior to being evacuated by SWAT members she did recall
hearing a "boom" noise which she believed came from the southwest
corner of the library. Patti Nielson reit84ated she made no
additional observations and was simply 'lspeculating ll t.hat noise
could have been associated with simultaneous gunshots resulting the
death of Eric Harris and ~ilan Klebold. Patti Nielson stated she
had no additional information related to this investigation. IO
would note during his previous interview with the forenamed on
OS/25/99 Patti Nielson did not disclose hearing a Hboom t1 noise
emanating from the southwest corner of the library occurring
approximately one half hour to 45 minutes prior to being evacuated.
IO would note Patti Nielson indicated she was evacuated from the
library sometime between 1500 and 1515 hours on 04/20/99. IO
concluded his contact with Patti Nielson.

JC.OD1- 000099
JC-001- 0001 00

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